Wisconsin District neWs September 2013
Wisconsin District News WDN EDITOR Craig Lundt PO Box 688 Beloit, WI 53512 wdn@wisconsinupci.org WDN SECTIONAL REPS Section 1: Loretta Lundt Section 2: Carole Keller Section 3: - Open Section 4: April Peckham Section 5: Kathy Fry WDN Proofreader: Dede Sharp DISTRICT OFFICERS Superintendent: Rev. John E. Putnam Secretary-Treasurer: Rev. E.A. Kaske Honorary Board Member: Rev. John Grant PRESBYTERS Section 1: Rev. Charles Welch Section 2: Rev. James Booker Section 3: Rev. Ed Herman Section 4: Rev. Rufus Parker Section 5: Rev. Paul Bennett DEPARTMENTS Foreign Missions: Rev. M.W. Rogers Home Missions: Rev. Rick Keilley Deaf Ministry: Renee Strand Ladies Ministries: Sis. Barb Hilderbrand Sunday School: Rev. Dale Pace Youth Ministries: Rev. Tim Vik Revival Commission: Rev. Michael Hook Multimedia Ministry: Rev. Scott Jacobs Men’s Ministry: Rev. Steve Rogers Music Ministry: Sis. Darlene Boyte Purpose Institute: Rev. J.D. Putnam Prayer Force: Rev. Don Rogers FUNDAMENTAL DOCTRINE The basic and fundamental doctrine of this organization shall be the Bible standard of full salvation, which is repentance, baptism in water by immersion in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and the baptism of the Holy Ghost with the initial sign of speaking with other tongues as the Spirit gives utterance. We shall endeavor to keep the unity of the Spirit until we all come into the unity of the faith, at the same time admonishing all brethren that they shall not contend for their different views to the disunity of the body.
September 2013
WI District Superintendent
I TIMOTHY 2:1 I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; 2 For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. 3 For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour; 4 Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth. The great apostle Paul, writing to his son in the gospel, states without qualification that the “first” order of business for Timothy is to be in a spiritual state of “prayer.” Paul makes no argument about the priority of “prayer.” Its place in a born again believer’s life is to be “numero uno”...Number 1! He wrote...“I exhort therefore, that first of all…”! Paul confirmed the standard of where prayer’s importance should be in a believer’s life and spirit. Our Lord set the standard when He rebuked the Pharisees at the temple for selling sacrifices that others would offer as their own. Jesus said in Mark 11:17, ”Is it not written, My house shall be called of all nations the house of prayer? But ye have made it a den of thieves.” Jesus decreed that His temple was to be a place of prayer. Is that not what He exampled when He rose early in the morning, when He went up into the mountain, when He fasted and prayed for 40 days? Jesus knew
that genuine one on one communication with the Almighty God was absolutely imperative for heaven’s direction and authoritative power. Why would we ever think that in 2013, that somehow our Lord would change His perspective upon that which He knows to be true and righteous? “Prayer First” is as essential right NOW as it has ever been. You and I can do nothing without Him. Jesus is the sustaining factor of our lives. He is our help in the time of need. He is our provider and ever-present help! That is why every born again believer should find a place to pray before starting the business of their day. Communion with Jesus must be a vital part of the life of a Christian! Prayer should always come FIRST! Paul told Timothy...“First”… supplications…in the Greek, it means to make “request.” He said…first of all...Prayer...Intercessions…Giving of Thanks…should be made for ALL men! Church, if God’s house was to be a “house of prayer” when He walked this earth in flesh, then what do you think it should be today? You and I are “HIS
Bro. Tim Vik, Youth Ministries
HOUSE”! HEBREWS 3:1 Wherefore, holy brethren, partakers of the heavenly calling, consider the Apostle and High Priest of our profession, Christ Jesus; 2 Who was faithful to him that appointed him, as also Moses was faithful in all his house. 3 For this man was counted worthy of more glory than Moses, inasmuch as he who hath builded the house hath more honour than the house. 4 For every house is builded by some man; but he that built all things is God. 5 And Moses verily was faithful in all his house, as a servant, for a testimony of those things which were to be spoken after; 6 But Christ as a son over his own house; WHOSE HOUSE ARE WE, if we hold fast the confidence and the rejoicing of the hope firm unto the end. The Lord’s House is always to be a House of Prayer! Next month, right here in the Wis-
WDN: Tell us about yourself and your family. BRO. VIK: I was raised, along with my brother, Andy, by an awesome single mother, Nancy Vik. She instilled in me (and exampled) the value of prayer, a servant’s heart, and hard work. I received the Holy Ghost and was baptized when I was eight years old. I was extremely involved in my youth department as soon as I was twelve years old. Attendance and participation at youth events were the highlight of my week. I loved being a part of my youth group. I married my high school sweetheart, Armendina, in 2001, and we were named youth pastors at Elim Tabernacle soon afterward. We still serve as youth pastors and love every one of our teens! It has been a blessing to see “our” teens grow up through the years and serve in ministries all over the country. I’ve been blessed with two beautiful daughters, Anabella and Sofia. They are
the highlight of my every day. They have welcomed a dog, cat, and four fish into our house. I am a work zone construction traffic engineer, 40+ hours a week, and have worked on major roadway construction projects for the last six years. I’m a youth pastor, 24/7, and a husband and dad with every breath. I am a blessed man and thankful for the things God has given me. WDN: How long have you been Director of the Wisconsin Youth Ministries? BRO. VIK: I was elected Wisconsin Youth Ministries Director in 2010, after serving as the Youth Secretary for one year, and the Section 2 Youth Representative for four years. WDN: What do you like most about being Director? BRO. VIK: I love the opportunity to serve the students and student leaders of Wisconsin. It is an amazing thing to Continued on page 7
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September 2013
BY HEATHER POLAND For months, nearly 20,000 students had been eagerly anticipating North American Youth Congress 2013 (NAYC13). Countdowns and hash-tag contests had Twitter and Facebook abuzz with excitement. Each week, it drew closer, and each week, our anticipation grew. Next thing we knew, we were on the bus. Nine hours later, we were pulling into the hotel parking lot. The long awaited NAYC13 was about to begin. NAYC13 was everything we expected: pizza, thousands of teenagers, skinny ties, layers of ruffles, high heels, lights, singing, cool promos, worship, preaching, anointing, and powerful moves of God at
September 2013
the altar. Then it was over. Two days after we came home, I found myself sitting around the table with three of the girls in our youth group. We were talking about the colleges they would be attending, when they began sharing ministries that God inspired them to serve in, enormous callings He had revealed to them, and visions of young people in their schools being baptized. All this had happened at Youth Congress. It struck me that this is what Youth Congress is all about. It’s not about the hype, the singing, or even the preaching. It’s about an army of young people discovering who they are in God, and being empowered to reach our lost world.
September 2013
district Calendar of Events October 1 – CFC Kickoff 1-5 – UPCI General Conference, St. Louis, MO 18-19 – PI— Appleton, Eau Claire & Madison 10 & 11 – Intercessory Prayer Seminar – Sponsored by Revival Commission, WI Dells 11 & 12 – WI Men’s Ministry Conference, Chula Vista, Wisconsin Dells 11 & 12 – Mosaic Conference, Wisconsin Dells 15 – Christmas for Christ Launch Date 18 – Section 3 CFC Dinner, Madison, 7 pm 21-24 – WI District Board Meeting & 2014 Planning Session, Green Bay 25 – Section 4 & 5 CFC Dinner, Eau Claire 25-26 – PI Oak Creek 28 – Section 1 CFC Dinner, Appleton 29 – Section 2 CFC Dinner, New Berlin
Prayer First
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consin District, we are promoting and encouraging all district prayer warriors to attend a “prayer conference.” Our desire is to ignite prayer all over Wisconsin! For twenty-two years, I have lived in “cheese country” where I personally watched my neighbors prepare their fields for the seed that would bring fall’s harvest. I watched them plow over and over again, the same field, until the dirt had been cultivated smooth enough to plant the seed. This observation taught me a spiritual lesson, that until we properly prepare the ground that we’re hoping to harvest, our efforts will be limited at best. If we just start throwing seed around, just hoping for a bountiful crop, we will miss the abundant harvest that
God has planned for each of us. The PRAYER CONFERENCE in October is geared to show each of us how to properly prepare God’s field in our own locales for HIS service. Make no mistake about it, church….God desires a tremendous harvest, and it will be just that in each of our individual congregations, as we work together in “plowing” the fields until they are ready and yearning for the “seed” of the Word, which will bring forth new life and excitement in seeing new souls “born again” of water and Spirit. Pray “FIRST”! Let each of us discover for ourselves how God’s plan that we witness each spring in the natural, will also in the spiritual, bring forth His fruit. I hope to see many of you in Wisconsin Dells for a time given to instruction about “PLOWING BEFORE THE PLANTING”…See you there!
November Nov 1 & 2 – The Gathering – Minister’s wives retreat.
“Then Jesus said to them, “Follow Me, and I will make you become fishers of men.” Mark 1:17
www.WNOP.org 6
September 2013
that, we must equip students and their leaders by leading with a servant’s heart, instilling the importance of God’s word, prayer, and a Him-first attitude.
Getting Acquainted Continued from page 3
meet students and young adults around Wisconsin at services, events, and at other activities, that love God and are giving Him their talents and abilities. It is equally amazing to see the adults that lead these groups. I am extremely appreciative of the sacrifices they make in serving our students and young adults. WDN: What does the Wisconsin Youth Ministries offer the Wisconsin District? BRO. VIK: Wisconsin Youth Ministries is comprised of a Youth President, Youth Secretary, five Sectional Youth Representatives, a Hyphen Leader, five Sectional Hyphen Coordinators, a Campus Ministry Coordinator, and a Senior Quizzing Coordinator. District youth events include Hyphen Conference, Youth Camp, Mosaic Youth Conference (bi-yearly), and Winter Youth Convention. Each Sectional Youth Representative organizes monthly youth rallies around their section. Each Sectional Hyphen Coordinator organizes quarterly Hyphen events in their section. Our Quizzing Department is a strong and growing force. Your church should have a Quizzing Department
and join this thriving ministry. WDN: Who are the Sectional Representatives and what is their role in the department? BRO. VIK: • Youth Secretary – Phil Demos (Madison) • Hyphen Director – Tim Peters (Oak Creek) • Bible Quizzing Director – Sis. Amoya Espelata (Appleton) • Campus Ministry Director - vacant • Section 1 (Youth/Hyphen) – Chad Williams (Appleton), Corey Boyte (Appleton) • Section 2 (Youth/Hyphen) – David Meyer (New Berlin), Joseph Campbell (Milwaukee) • Section 3 (Youth/Hyphen) – Rick Bailey (Beloit), Shane Maki (Madison) • Section 4 (Youth/Hyphen) – Avery Ritchie (Wausau), Tucker Johnson (Stevens Point) • Section 5 (Youth/Hyphen) – TJ Heidenreich (Eau Claire), Andrew Grant (New Richmond) WDN: What is your vision for the Wisconsin Youth Ministries? BRO. VIK: My vision for WYM is to see students and young adults actively ministering in their church, schools, jobs, and communities. In order to do
WDN: What can the local church do to help facilitate this vision? BRO. VIK: Have organized programs for your students and young adults. Make them relevant to the ministry needs of your church and community. Leaders do not need to be hip, cool, or even young. They need to be a godly example, with a passion to see youth grow in God. Mentor the students and young adults that are willing to lead. Then “unleash” them in ministry opportunities. Age should not hinder opportunities. Get involved in district functions – sectional youth rallies, camps, conventions, and other non-youth activities should be an important part of your Youth Department. WDN: Everyone has at least one “goto” verse to encourage them. What is your “go-to” verse? BRO. VIK: Philippians 4:13 “I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.” Interview conducted by April Peckham, WDN Representative Section 4
We are looking for a WDN Representative to report on events and take pictures in Section 3. If you are interested or have questions please contact: editor@wisconsindistrictnews.org
September 2013