Wisconsin District neWs November/December 2010
In Every Thing
Wisconsin District News WDN EDITOR Craig Lundt PO Box 332 Waupaca, WI 54981 editor@wisconsindistrictnews.org WDN SECTIONAL REPS Section 1: Loretta Lundt Section 2: Carole Keller Section 3: Simon Chappell Section 4: Frank Ritchie Section 5: Kathy Fry WDN Proofreader: Dede Sharp DISTRICT OFFICERS Superintendent: Rev. J.E. Putnam Secretary-Treasurer: Rev. E.A. Kaske Honorary Board Member: Rev. J. Grant PRESBYTERS Section 1: Rev. C. Welch Section 2: Rev. A. Tamel Section 3: Rev. E. Herman Section 4: Rev. J. Sindler Section 5: Rev. P. Bennett DEPARTMENTS Foreign Missions: Rev. M.W. Rogers Home Missions: Rev. R. Keilley Media Missions: Rev. S. Jacobs Ladies Ministries: Sis. J. Schumacher Youth Ministries: Rev. Tim Vik Revival Commission: Rev. M. Hook Sunday School: Rev. W. Rehbein Prayer Force: Rev. D. Meyer Men’s Ministry: Rev. S. Rogers Music Ministry: Sis. Darlene Boyte Purpose Institute: Rev. Brian Michael Deaf Ministry: Renee Thomas FUNDAMENTAL DOCTRINE The basic and fundamental doctrine of this organization shall be the Bible standard of full salvation, which is repentance, baptism in water by immersion in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and the baptism of the Holy Ghost with the initial sign of speaking with other tongues as the Spirit gives utterance. We shall endeavor to keep the unity of the Spirit until we all come into the unity of the faith, at the same time admonishing all brethren that they shall not contend for their different views to the disunity of the body.
November/December 2010
By John E. Putnam
Him? How gracious and kind, merciful and loving, He has been to each of us! I ThessaloI can’t imagine anyone not returning nians 5:18 “In every thing give “thanksgiving” for His abundant blessthanks: for this is ings in their life. the will of God in Certainly, here in the Wisconsin Christ Jesus conDistrict, the Lord has done marvelous cerning you.” things this year! Sure we are in a downThe Lord turn economy, sure there have been disJesus had just appointments, tests, and trials to work cleansed ten lepers, men who had been outcasts from society because of their through, but, all in all, I believe each of dreaded and feared disease. Collective- us can raise our hearts and hands unto ly, they cried out to the Lord for mer- God and say without any controversy, cy, and Jesus in His grace and mercy “Thank You, JESUS!” cleansed everyone of them. The Lord Personally, I’m so thankful for each instructed them to go show themselves and every pastor and minister of this to the priest that they might be pro- district, their labor for the Kingdom, claimed as clean. I assume that they, in and the growth of their individual mintheir shock and joy, began to make their istries. I’m thankful for each member journey to the temple, but the scripture of our District Board. I’m thankful for points out that only one of the ten turned back and gave “thanks” for what all of our department heads and their had just happened to him. He recog- committees. I’m thankful for the unity nized, by being a Samaritan, that he did of the brethren in the bond of peace. not have the right to go to the temple, I’m thankful for every new preaching thus he turned to the High Priest of all point, daughter work, Home Missions of humanity that had made him every church, and established churches of whit whole and gave “thanks.” this state. THANK YOU, LORD! Mary, the sister of Lazarus, returned I’m thankful that as we end 2010, her “thanks” for raising her brother the appointed time for the termination from the dead by pouring an expenof our “Mission 100” initiative which sive ointment upon the Lord’s feet and then drying them with her hair, only to started back in 2002, believing the Lord be ridiculed by Judas, who thought that for 100 churches, daughter works, and her act of gratefulness was only a waste. preaching points, that at our last DisGiving is never a waste! Giving thanks trict Board meeting, we have, by God’s grace, reached our goal and have 101. is always in divine order. There is something truly outstand- THANK YOU, JESUS! ing about a thankful person who genuAs we end this year, let’s all think of inely shows gratitude for what he or the “every things” that we can be truly she has received. Their bountiful provi- thankful for, and let’s make our thanksion may not necessarily be in material fulness known through our witness, and gain, but in kind gestures and acts, yet through our voice. Let’s give JESUS they always respond with an immediate “thank-you” for whatever they have just all the thanks and all the praise! Have a wonderful and thankful Thanksgiving benefited from. I believe the Lord would have and Christmas season! Remember, in all of us to be a very “THANKFUL” every thing give thanks, for it is God’s people! Where would we be without will. November/December 2010
Seed 2 H
Bro. Frank Ritchie Pentecostal Assembly of Eau Claire hosted the Section 5 SOAR rally on the 9th of October, a beautiful fall day. This was the first year for the Seed 2 Harvest Seminar, hosted by Pastor Paul Bennett and a great support staff, who made the seminar a tremendous success. The purpose of the seminar was to equip pastors, ministers, and ministryminded saints; to refresh and remind us of the importance of evangelism and outreach. Pastor Gregg Welke opened up with a devotion and spoke of the decline of Methodist churches in his area through the years. “They had Spirit and holiness, but when they gave up on holiness, they began to die.” One of the five keys to successful Christian living that he teaches to his new converts is reaching out
to the lost. The first general session speaker was Bro. Chad Williams, who spoke on “Evangelism - the First Blueprint.” Bro. Williams took a look at what Jesus displayed and told His disciples. Two things Jesus did in regard to evangelism: 1) He went Himself, and 2) He commanded others to go as well. Bro. Williams detailed four areas for evangelism: prison ministry, serving
November/December 2010
people, speaking Jesus into people’s lives, and taking the church into our communities. Bro. Jim Booker was the second general session speaker. He magnificently gave the charge for us to continue “Preaching the Word,” using Ezekiel and the valley of dry bones as reference: “Can these bones live?” and “Lord thou knowest.” No situation is impossible to God, and only God knows who will be saved. Our commission is to preach about the cross, the blood, and the love of God. Preaching brings life, courage, healing, salvation, and unity. Photosynthesis is the process by which plants convert carbon dioxide to give us oxygen. Bro. Todd Trapani spoke on “Making the Gospel Relevant.” Paul said that he must be willing to change, not the Gospel, but our methods and ourselves. Not getting people to see Jesus from our point of view, but getting people to see Jesus from their point of view. The church is not for church
people. The church is for lost people. What can we do to make ourselves relevant to people who are lost, so we can help them find Jesus? Doctrine is fundamental. The whole purpose of a Bible study is to impart doctrine. Bro. Ed Herman gave a very practical insight into the often frightening world of “Teaching Home Bible Studies.” We must be willing to build relationships with people, to become that link between them and God. People need to know that we care. Get past the old mentality that this is a one-way street of teacher
Harvest and student. It needs to be an interactive meeting. A Bible study is not a spectator sport. There are plenty of things that we should do, and plenty of things that we should not do when we teach, and Bro. Herman did a great job explaining many of them. Bro. Herman has over 20 years of Home Bible Study teaching experience. The altar call begins in
the parking lot before a visitor ever walks in the door. Sis. Kirstie Heidenreich gave a very insightful view into what needs to be done at our altars to assist people when they are seeking the Holy Ghost. Sis. Kirstie is very experienced in helping people pray at the al-
tar. She gave good solid advice on do’s and don’ts when praying with people, what hindrances we may encounter, and how to overcome them. She also gave a plan of attack for altar workers, to ensure that no one is lost in the shuffle at an altar call. Sis. Hiedenriech conducted a very practical breakout session. Pastor Bennett moderated a question and answer
session, and numerous issues were discussed. One question, in particular, concerned the time of repentance, when a lost person is at the altar. How do we know if they are really repentant? We should never judge a person’s experience or level of repentance, to
which Bro. Bennett replied, “Sometimes, all that is needed is for someone to tell Jesus that they are sorry, and never underestimate the power of a prayer.” What about witnessing? No Bible school scholarship is required. All we have is our testimony, and that goes far beyond apologetics, theology, and church dogma. Seed 2 Harvest was an excellent example of sectional churches working together to better equip and lead, saints and ministers alike, in reaching out to our world. Recordings from the S2H conference can be purchased. There are six CDs available - one from each of
the two general sessions, one from each of the three breakout sessions, and one from the Q & A panel. The cost is $3/ each or $12 for the entire set of six. Anyone interested in purchasing CDs can send an email to pentecostalassemblychurch@gmail.com.
November/December 2010
Larry and Elizabeth Decker
September 2010 Greetings in the Name of Jesus;
I pray all is well that receive this correspondence today. We are so glad to be in the will of God. As most of you know, we have been before the FMB this past Sunday, the 26th of September, 2010. We had a great meeting with them and everything seemed to be going well. Although when we heard the vote, we found that the vote was not in our favor to appoint us as Intermediate Missionaries to Costa Rica. That was a real disappointment to us, as we had invested our hearts, minds, souls, and prayers into this endeavor, and we believe that we had the mind of God. But God knows best and we still believe we are in His perfect will, and all will work unto His glory! I am reminded of the verse in Isa. 55:9, “For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.” Or the verse used so many times, Prov. 3:5-6, “Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy
November/December 2010
paths.” We trust God that He is in perfect control of our lives, and He will keep us when we are faithful to Him. My heart and desire is to work while there is time and let God sort out all the rest in our lives. This is not easy to write, because the flesh and the spirit war within me, and pride stands to be defeated in the name of Jesus. We beg for your prayers and support as we continue on the AIM program and in the work that God has put before us. We will occupy until He calls us home or comes for His Church. Now, let me tell of the other blessings that happened this month here in Costa Rica. I preached to the youth of the Southern Region on the 5th of the month with a message entitled, “Will You Pick Up the Phone?” God is calling each of us who are willing to go to the field and work while there is still light in this world. We then spent three days in Saino to finish laying the tile in that church, thanks to the offerings received by Pentecostal Assembly Church of Eau Claire, with Pastor Bennett. May God richly bless the Eau Claire, WI church. They are a real blessing to us and the work here in Costa Rica. The following week we were in
Heredia and were all blessed in that service. Finally, we spoke to the church of Guadalupe about marriage, and we believe that they all heard something they could take and apply in their own marriages. Of course, this was all besides our work in preparing for the Bible School session the week of the 20th-25th. God is good! We desire to continue in what He has called us to do. Please pray for us that God opens the doors that He wants us to walk through. October 2010 October is a month we have waited a long time for - the Schwarz’ return to Costa Rica! We are so thankful to have them home after many months of deputation. Their leadership and experience is, without a doubt, some of the best I have encountered in my life, and I am so thankful to be a part of the team with them here in Costa Rica. We have been busy preparing for their return, and then helping with material to get ready for the General Assembly that just occurred on the 30th of the month. We had a good time of fellowship and the meetings went well with a very good spirit of unity. One great thing was to see the statistics of the growth that has occurred
in the last year among the many churches and “Campo Blanco.” God is doing a great work here and His church is growing, with many baptized and receiving the Holy Ghost in the past year. Praise God! We also have found an apartment closer to the areas we have been working in, and pray that being closer will help us be more effective in the works that we have been a part of. Our apartment is in Coronado, in the middle of the three areas we have been working in, and we are excited to be here. At least two were baptized this month by Bro. Julio from
o u r “Campo Blanco,” even though we have not been able to be a part of them this month. We are looking ahead and expecting great things from our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ! God Bless, and keep us in your prayers.
November/December 2010
Singers and musicians from around the area came together to sing and give thanks to God. Calvary Apostolic in Clintonville hosted the event on Saturday, November 13. CA’s own Soto and Narlock families as well as other soloists, duets, ensembles, adult choir and children’s choir were joined by Mario Mouser and the Meadowbrook Trio for a night of worship with fellowship and refreshments afterwards.
November/December 2010
Prophecy Conference
Calvary Apostolic in Clintonville hosted a two-day prophecy conference in September. Guest speakers included: Bro. Chuck Welch, Bro. Dale Welch, Bro. Jeremiah Johnson and host pastor, Bro. Narlock. They enlightened those attending on endtime events in our world today and encouraged everyone to be ready and prepared for the coming of the Lord.
November/December 2010
Suits on a Misson Bro. Frank Ritchie A couple of months ago, some men from church rode from Wausau to Green Bay on the Mountain Bay Trail. It was the 2nd year that Lighthouse raised monies for Sheaves for Christ; this year, $1700 was raised in pledges and donations. Sheaves for Christ is a means by which youth groups across the country raise money for missionaries and ministries overseas, as well as ministries right here in the good old U.S. of A. The concept of Suits on a Mission came up as sort of a dare between two guys in church. Dan had deter-
mined that he was going to ride the trail for SFC, and another brother dared Dan to ride the trail in a suit and in less than 8 hours for $500. The Mountain Bay Trail is about 85 miles long and nicely kept, but that
meant a speed of at least 10mph for the entire trip, which really is much harder than it might seem, because you need to take a break. So Suits on a Mission was birthed out of a challenge. Dan did ride the trail last year with a few minutes to spare, but this year it took a little longer; about three hours longer.
Seth came in the “whole armor of God� including a sword, as his suit. Seth wore his sword and rode his own bike until they all got to Hatley, at which point he was stripped of both; he also deserved a gold medal for riding two of the worst bikes on the trail and still making it the whole trip.
November/December 2010
He just would not give up. Dan and Ben dressed a little more traditionally, wearing honest to goodness suits. Nick and Dave are pro bike riders. They set the pace and left the others in the dust...by hours. Tim and Ben have been riding all summer, were up for the challenge, and did great. Tim did ask his dad if he would like to ride, and Tim Sr. accepted the challenge, making the trip look possible for other 50+ year old guys like me
Community Connection Bro. Frank Ritchie
On the 16th of October, Riverside Apostolic Church hosted the Community Connection, Section 4 S.O.A.R rally, in the city of Marshfield. Pastor and Sister Peckham brainstormed with Section 4 youth reps, Avery and Leah Ritchie, and came up with an outreach that would attempt to meet some of the needs of the city of Marshfield. The church advertised and hosted a number of activities held at Breem Park. There was free food, cooked on sight, and winter coats were donated and given to visitors who needed coats. The puppet team from Thorpe set up a large puppet stage and puppet shows entertained old and young alike. There were games and prizes for the kids, and tables were set up to help kids make crafts. Two groups, one from Riverside Apostolic in Marshfield, and another from Wausau, provided worship music. More important, Riverside Apostolic was able to show Marshfield that they are a church that cares. The Community Connection was a success.
children’s carnival
November/December 2010
sis. Loretta lundt To go and grow and learn and apply… the Sunday School Seminar is a blessing each year, and this year was no exception. Apostolic Truth Church of Appleton hosted the Friday children’s rally and the Saturday seminar. After refreshments Saturday morning we convened in the sanctuary for each session, with the added blessing of Spanish interpretation. Each instructor brought great insight and a different focus for Sunday school. Sis. Kaske started us off with a focus on the Word. “Bring your Bible when you teach.” You want to show the children that what you are teaching comes from the Word and teach them that the word of God is true! Scripture memorization is so important, and not just one scripture, but also passage memorization. She taught us to spend four to five weeks on a passage. Week One: Provide Bible, look up and read the passage, and send printed
version home to study. Week Two: Print out selection with just the first letters. For example: “The Lord is my shepherd I shall not want” would look like this “T L i m s I s n w.” Week Three: Read again from paper or Bible. Week Four-Five: Continue to practice until most are able to quote the verse without looking. Some suggested passages are: Matthew 6:9-13 (The Lord’s Prayer), Galatians 5 (Fruits of the Spirit), Ephesians 6 (Armor of God), Acts 2:1-4, 38-39, Matthew 5:312 (Beatitudes), and some suggested Psalms 1, 8, 23, 27, 37, 51, 91, 119, 121. She also taught us to teach questions, and give the answers with scripture. Have the question on one side of construction paper
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and the answer on the other side. Here are some examples (adjust the length and add phonics as needed): Q: Is the Word true? A: “…thy word is truth.” John 17:17 Q: How much of the Bible is true? A: “All scripture is given by inspiration of God” II Tim. 3:16 Q: Who wrote the Bible? A: “For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost” II Peter 1:21 Bro. Owens reminded us that teaching starts in our homes and that time, culture, or society will not change God’s mandate to teach. God has called us and given us the mandate, so His grace, mercy, and power will sustain us even in the midst of challenges. “We WILL face challenges: busyness, family paradigm shifts, attitudes, value changes, entertainment industry, feelings of self-sufficiency, and social networking instead of real
relationships, but we need to be victorious over them.” In Isaiah 29:13, the LORD says, “These people come near to me with their mouth and honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. Their worship of me is based on merely human rules they have been taught.” He taught that teachers must have a burden from the heart and a love for souls. We need to see the eternal value of what we are doing and value children. Ask yourself, “Am I reaching these children?” As Bro. Owens pointed out, “Busy doesn’t mean effective…” Also, you don’t need to know all the games, but you do need to know how to love them. Instead of a handout, Bro. Rehbein gave us a “heartout.” The number one thing a teacher can do is to care and love. Bro. Rehbein challenged us to “know the number of your students and know each name.” He also
said, “Keep it simple and do your best…” Don’t just put your hand to it, but put your heart into it! If the children know who we are, know that we care about them, and we treat them right, there will be minimal need for corrective discipline. Bro. Rehbein concluded with, “You will never affect anyone until you allow them to affect you.” The sessions concluded with a message, “To Know,” from Bro. Turner. He opened with Matthew 28:19, pointing out that “The Great Commission is a calling and a sending forth of all believers to teach.” He told
us that a calling is 50% seeing the need and 50% being willing. There are five things that we must know. First, we must know God. We need to know Him personally. He reminded us, “Children can and should receive the Holy Ghost in our classrooms.” Second, we must know the importance of Children’s Ministries. “Salvation and prayer; the keeping power of Jesus must be learned at the earliest age possible.” Third, we must know ourselves. We need to be F.A.T. teachers: Faithful, (flexible) Attitude, and Teachable. “As teachers, we need to know the way, go
the way, and show the way.” We need to know the Word and lastly, we need to know who we are teaching. Different age groups learn dif-
ferently. Use all the senses, and lighten the mood with humor or visuals. “Sunday School is the greatest ministry of the church.”
November/December 2010
November/December 2010