WDN - November/December 2012

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Wisconsin District neWs November/December 2012

Wisconsin District News WDN EDITOR Craig Lundt PO Box 688 Beloit, WI 53512 wdn@wisconsinupci.org WDN SECTIONAL REPS Section 1: Loretta Lundt Section 2: Carole Keller Section 3: - Open Section 4: April Peckham Section 5: Kathy Fry WDN Proofreader: Dede Sharp DISTRICT OFFICERS Superintendent: Rev. John E. Putnam Secretary-Treasurer: Rev. E.A. Kaske Honorary Board Member: Rev. John Grant PRESBYTERS Section 1: Rev. Charles Welch Section 2: Rev. James Booker Section 3: Rev. Ed Herman Section 4: Rev. Rufus Parker Section 5: Rev. Paul Bennett DEPARTMENTS Foreign Missions: Rev. M.W. Rogers Home Missions: Rev. Rick Keilley Deaf Ministry: Renee Strand Ladies Ministries: Sis. Barb Hilderbrand Sunday School: Rev. Dale Pace Youth Ministries: Rev. Tim Vik Revival Commission: Rev. Michael Hook Multimedia Ministry: Rev. Scott Jacobs Men’s Ministry: Rev. Steve Rogers Music Ministry: Sis. Darlene Boyte Purpose Institute: Rev. J.D. Putnam Prayer Force: Rev. Don Rogers FUNDAMENTAL DOCTRINE The basic and fundamental doctrine of this organization shall be the Bible standard of full salvation, which is repentance, baptism in water by immersion in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and the baptism of the Holy Ghost with the initial sign of speaking with other tongues as the Spirit gives utterance. We shall endeavor to keep the unity of the Spirit until we all come into the unity of the faith, at the same time admonishing all brethren that they shall not contend for their different views to the disunity of the body.


November/December 2012

in “thanksgiving” to God for what He has bestowed upon this district in these last ten months. II CorinI have heard of wonderful reports thians 2:14 But throughout the district concerning the thanks be to corresponding answers that God has God, who always poured out across the fellowship. When leads us in trithe focus was upon “soul-winning”…. umphal procesI heard of sectional churches experision in Christ encing more people coming and reand through us ceiving the Gospel. When “unity” was spreads everystressed in prayer… reports came back where the fraof how different churches got together grance of the knowledge of him. 15 For we are to God the aroma and sought the Lord, and they rejoiced of Christ among those who are being together over God’s answered prayer. When “authority” was the prayer topsaved and those who are perishing. 16 To the one we are the smell of ic…. I heard from some ministers how death; to the other, the fragrance of life. they felt greater zeal and strength as And who is equal to such a task? they preached the Word. When a sec17 Unlike so many, we do not tion prayed for greater “anointing,” it peddle the word of God for profit. On was reported that God answered. And the contrary, in Christ we speak before when sections prayed about receiving God with sincerity, like men sent from “blessings,” the reports that followed… God. (NIV) some testified that it felt like God had It is hard to believe, 2012 is wind- drawn nearer and dear saints were being down and will soon pass through ing blessed in ways that only He could the eternal hourglass of time. During bless. “THANKS BE TO GOD!” I this year throughout the Wisconsin District there has been a focused at- think all of us should just reflect on tention given to “intercessory prayer.” all that Jesus Christ has done in each “AVAILING MUCH” has been our and every one of us during this year. rallying cry as we came together in Thanksgiving is in order! Sure we have had trials, sure we have sections for deliberate prayer focus on had some struggles and spiritual tests, the blessing that was given to Asher in the Old Testament. Every two months, but the bottom line is that we believed each section has been praying a portion our God and He has shown Himself of Asher’s blessing over their section strong on behalf of His church! Lift up your hands and your voices and localities. We have had powerful strategic prayer services in local as- all across Wisconsin and let’s make semblies, in each section of the district. December a true month of praise and There has been prayer concerning soul- thanksgiving for all that our Savior has winning…unity…Apostolic anoint- done, and what we believe He will do in ing… authority…and blessings. At 2013! Thank you, Jesus…. for blessing the end of November, the final aspect the Wisconsin District and allowing us of this initiative will have been prayed, to “AVAIL MUCH….THROUGH and then we need to lift up our voices INTERCESSORY PRAYER”! BRO. J. E. PUTNAM

WI District Superintendent

BY PASTOR RON SCHUENKE I would like to first say thank you so much to whoever is responsible for blessing our church. Also, you asked us to inform you of progress. We were only displaced for six days; one Sunday service and one Wednesday service. God very graciously gave us an unused Assembly of God church building to use until our new facility is completed. The cost of the lease is more than we could afford if it were not for Church Mutual, but there are limits to them paying, so we need to get our building up as quickly as possible. God has been very good to us. We signed with a company called Legacy Builders for a complete turnkey building and parking lot. They anticipate pouring the foundation around the 19th of November, and then the outside walls and roof should be up before December, Lord willing. We are praying we will be in our new facility, worst case, at the very beginning of spring. We will be able to seat 200 in our new sanctuary that previously sat 115. We

will also gain about 1000 square feet of finished space and a parking lot that is paved, rather than gravel. I can tell you that, with all the struggles and frustration, God is faithful to care for us. Our people - our church have not been divided, but brought together in this tragic situation and “OUT OF ASHES AND RUBBLE WILL BE GREATNESS.” The Lord spoke those words to our District Superintendent and our people have received it. I know these words to be so true. Our church, in the midst of all this, has seen an increase, not just in attendance, but also in changed lives. The Lord has mightily shown Himself

in every service since the fire. We even drove to Thorp to baptize one since the fire, and last Sunday we had one filled with the Holy Ghost, two backsliders pray through, and everyone in our sanctuary ministered to so greatly. God is doing great things in Medford. Thank you to everyone who has blessed us not only with financial help, but also with prayers that God is hearing for Medford. They have given us great strength. We love the United Pentecostal Church so much and thank God every day for this great body of brothers and sisters. “OUT OF ASHES AND RUBBLE WILL BE GREATNESS” Medford will have a Church November/December 2012


BY LORETTA LUNDT The Pentecostals of the Fox Cities have been serving “the heart of the valley with the valley at heart” for over 40 years. Their rich heritage was celebrated at a special service held on Sunday, September 23. You can’t help but wonder at all God has done through the ministry of this church. Pastor Jack Yonts Sr., the founding pastor, was the guest speaker. In his great, deep voice, he told of the how the church started and some of the crazy outreach ideas that helped draw people to it. After the service, he shared with me that of those who attended in the


first years, there were only two families with apostolic backgrounds. Most of the congregation was from the harvest of souls in the area. It was a time of great outreach and many were blessed by the outpouring of God. Pastor Mark Lemke continued the work his father-in-law had started. During his time as pastor, from 1978 to 1994, a Christian school was operated, a new addition was added to the building to create more classroom space, there was a strong bus ministry and the foundation of the Word was built upon. The late Pastor Jack Yonts II was the pastor from

November/December 2012

1994-2008. He brought an excitement and spirit of revival to the church. He had great vision for the congregation that brought about the new sanctuary in 1999. There are many great men of God who grew up under the leadership here and have continued in the ministry. Some of these men include: Bro. Ed Herman, pastor in Reedsburg and Wisconsin Dells; Bro. Chris Jansen, pastor of a daughter work in Oshkosh, now a Home Missions work. Others include Bro. Tom Morey, Bro. Bob Boettcher, Bro. Daniel Bonnin, Bro. Keith Mandley, and Bro. Ken Solberg. Also, Menasha has a

thriving Spanish work that was started by Bro. Chris Urrutic, and is now pastored by Bro. Gil Castellanos. Today the church is still going strong under the leadership of Pastor Dan Sharp and his family. There are Spanish services at 2:00 pm on Sundays and Hmong services on Saturday mornings. The Pentecostals of the Fox Cities has become a place of healing for many and the relaxed atmosphere welcomes all who visit. Thanks be to God and the great men who have made it possible and continued in the work of the Lord.

November/December 2012


BY JOHN ZIMMERMAN Section 2 Men’s Representative

In the spring of 2010, newly appointed Pastor James Lambro discovered that the roof on the Gospel Lighthouse was leaking. The roof was 25 years old with three layers of shingles on the north side, and a rapidly deteriorating single layer on the south side. Because of the shape it was in, a new roof needed to be installed soon. The location of the Milwaukee inner city church was subject to much of the “Lake Effect,” which meant that with each change of weather, it was very possible that rain could fall at any moment and make the situation worse. If something wasn’t done soon, the newly remodeled ceiling would need to be done again. The time clock was ticking. Then God came through! Through the grace of God, funds were collected by the Wisconsin District Sec-


November/December 2012

tion 2 churches to purchase a roof. In the fall of 2011, at a Home Missions dinner, I had a conversation with Pastor Jim Lambro, where I learned that the Gospel Lighthouse was still in need of a roof. What many people did not know is that the contractor that was hired to purchase the materials and install the roof had left town with the money. Needless to say, this was an embarrassing experience for Pastor Lambro. While waiting for a miracle and seeking God’s face for answers, a 60foot tarp was nailed to the roof to help keep the rain out. As I sat and listened to Pastor Lambro share this story, the words tumbled out of my mouth, “The Men’s Ministry of Section 2 will put your roof on for free.” Tears welled up in his eyes and Pastor Lambro looked at his wife and said, “Did you just hear that? The men are going to put a roof on our church for free!”

And so the Gospel Lighthouse ‘Roof in a Day’ was launched. It was the end of October already, and the Thanksgiving holiday was soon to arrive with winter fast on its heels. If we were going to pull this off, it would mean that announcements would have to go out fast and that pastors and churches would have to jump on board immediately. Smaller projects like this had taken more time to develop, but with God, anything is possible. The SOAR meetings for Section 2 were used to get the word out in conjunction with emails and phone calls. Another roof in Wisconsin District had just been finished a few months earlier in Elton, Wisconsin. Many pastors that could not participate had said, “If only the project were a little closer, so our men could drive there and not miss work.” In Section 2, amidst a total of two dozen or more churches and daughter works, the centrally located Gospel Lighthouse roof seemed to be the perfect project. Within one month, we had a small group of men, the materials, and a date. Saturday, December 3rd fell in between the holidays, and with the temperatures hovering in the 50’s, it was still warm enough to put a roof on. We had about 15 people committed to coming and most of them were skilled roofers. Ground crew was always easy to find, but it would take every skilled man we could get in order to accomplish this in one day. After much prayer and further project planning, it started to look like we might have to reschedule due to lack of participation. Could just a handful of men pull this off? One week before the scheduled date, the radar for the Milwaukee area showed lots of rain for the entire weekend. We weren’t sure if we should pull the plug or stand by in case

the rain stopped. Then, two days prior, our crew decided that we would watch the weather Friday night and make the call on Saturday morning. When we woke that Saturday morning, the weather was not relenting. The rain was strong and steady with no signs of letting up. We had no choice. Phone calls were made to the crew and then Pastor Lambro. We would have to reschedule. Later that day, I received a call from the Section 2 Home Missions Director for the Wisconsin District, Pastor Dave Meyer. He reminded me that this was still God’s project and that sometimes we plan things smaller than God does. After some discussion, it was decided that the best time to tackle the project would be in the spring. The new date, Saturday, May 5th was selected and set. Flyers were made immediately, along with a two-sided postcard that would be passed out at the upcoming Wisconsin District Mid-Winter Camp South in Oak Creek. For the next four months, emails, cards, and flyers were sent to pastors and churches in Section 2. We requested funds and skilled labor at each of the SOAR meetings leading up to the roofing event. Things were slowly falling into place, except for the money. Even

to give us favorable weather. He agreed with fervency that this was God’s will and he would pray! Each day before the project, there was no change in the weather forecast. Prep work was planned for Friday afternoon with a handful of men, so that on Saturday morning, we could begin working as soon as 7 a.m. arrived. For the record, it did not rain at all on that Friday! God was flexing His muscles and the project was moving forward! Even though the forecast for Saturday was filled with predicted thunthough financial support was trickling derstorms, we stood firm in faith that in, it looked like there might not be God would hold back the rain. As we enough to cover the project. One month awoke the next morning you could hear before the roof was to be installed, we the sound of steady rain outside. It was 5 were still short $2,400. On top of that, a.m. and there was not a sign of anything there were no more men signed up to letting up. Still refusing to give up, texts help than the last time. There were only began to be exchanged that we weren’t about 25 in all. quitting and God would stop the rain! A On April 14th at the Section 2 crew from Madison said it was dry there SOAR meeting, Presbyter James Booker and they were on their way, no matter shared what God had laid on his heart what. God would stop the rain! concerning the completion of the Roof By 6 a.m. it was still raining and in a Day. What happened next was truly there were no texts or calls asking if the amazing, as a spirit of Apostolic giving project was canceled. Upon arriving at swept over the men. $2,800 was raised the Gospel Lighthouse at 6:30 a.m., the in less than five minutes! Then more rain stopped. A small group of guys was volunteers stepped forward to help. Our already scurrying around the job site and Section 2 Ladies’ Ministry Rep., Sis. up on the roof! After a quick head count, Joanne Meyer, agreed to take on the task it looked like we would have about 20 of preparing all of the food and orga- guys to get started. We came togethnizing the ladies needed to serve. With er at 7 a.m. and prayed, and asked for three weeks to go, it seemed that noth- God’s favor for the weather and for the ing would stop us this time. Even the work. We prayed no one would be hurt, weather looked favorable. and that today would be a testimony of On Tuesday, May 1st, the weather God’s greatness. All the glory would go took a 180° turn for the worse. It looked to Him. What happened next was truly as though storms were on the way for amazing. the entire weekend; however, we were Men, ladies, skilled roofers, pastors, not about to let the weather stop us this ground crew, teenagers, and neighbors time. I called Pastor Lambro and asked Continued on page 9 him to pray this entire week for God November/December 2012


BY SIS. CAROLE KELLER WDN Section 2 Representative

On Sunday, September 16th, an unusual display of unity occurred in Section 2: eighteen churches cancelled their regular Sunday night service to come together for a unity service at Parkway Apostolic Church. In the midst of praise and worship, something was blowing in the air that night. By the response of the worshippers, you would have thought they smelled smoke, like on the day of Pentecost. To this end, God sent Evangelist Mike Easter to tell the approximately 1200 who gathered, “Keep the Fire Burning.” The churches experienced one way to keep the fires burning - through kindness, like the Apostle Paul discovered in Acts 28:1-2:


November/December 2012

“And when they were escaped, then they knew that the island was called Melita. And the barbarous people showed us no little kindness: for they kindled a fire, and received us every one, because of the present rain, and because of the cold.” Holy Ghost fire changes us; it will make us come out of our shell; we will do things we never thought possible. When the fire kindles, people lose themselves. And it was no different that Sunday night when the faithful were asked to contribute towards the replacement of an aging furnace at a new church in Milwaukee, Rehoboth Apostolic Church, pastored by Rev. Mike Brownie. Built over 100 years ago, the cost of the furnace was estimated to be $7,000, a sum that was vastly beyond the reach of the emerging congregation.

Like the Apostle Paul, they, too, would have been in the cold. But when fire is kindled by the Holy Ghost, it does something to people; it warms their hearts, and so the people gave much that night. [For those who were not in attendance, it is not too late to contribute. You can send your contribution to Pastor Brownie, c/o Rehoboth Apostolic Church, 2024 Highland Avenue, Milwaukee 53233.] Bro. Easter said Jesus is coming back for a church that is on fire. We are living in a dark world, and people are looking for light. Accordingly, when people come through the door of our sanctuary, we must make sure someone is praying, because to be a church on fire, we must always “keep the fire burning.” One thing about fire, said Bro. Eas-


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ter, it is destined to spread. Once it is started, it is hard to put out. So we must give room to the Holy Spirit to kindle a fire in us through revelation, testimonials, psalms, spiritual songs, and above all, united prayer. But know in all of this, that as soon as we make up our mind to keep the fire burning, Satan will growl. Be undeterred: keep the fire burning. We need the fire, and we need preachers who are on fire because they will not be intimidated or embarrassed. As it gets darker and darker, the fire should get brighter and brighter. In closing, Bro. Easter led the church in singing, “Fire, fire, fire fall on me. Just like the day of Pentecost, fall on me.” And so it did. Photos by George Szozda

began arriving. As fast as we could get them to sign waivers and put a pair of gloves on their hands, they immediately began working! People and food were coming in waves for the next four hours. The teamwork that was taking place made it look like these men had worked together their whole lives. The passion and respect that flowed was a sign that God’s Spirit was at work and this was His project. The Gospel Lighthouse was alive with activity inside and out! This was the church of the Book of Acts in action! True apostolic believers working together to see that God’s house was taken care of. Before the day was half over, 67 men in all had showed up to work. Thirty of them were skilled in some way or another, and of those 30 skilled men, 10 of them were contractors. Twelve ladies showed up to serve and work. Food came by the trunk load. Money was still being given to the cause at the job site. By now the neighbors were stunned, and they were coming out of their houses to get a better look. One neighbor, who was also a roofer, came out and could not believe what he was seeing. After hearing that more than a dozen churches showed up to volunteer, he made a comment to a pastor on the job site, “This is how it should always be!” A neighborhood supervisor from down the street came up to the blocked off portion of the street in front of the church, and jumped out of his vehicle (leaving the door open) and said, “What is going on here? Who are all these people?” We told him about the ‘Roof in a Day’ project that was sponsored by Section 2 of the UPCI Wisconsin District and that these people were volunteers. He was truly amazed. We told

him that our churches had raised over $4,000 to complete the project, and all of the food and labor was donated. His mouth fell open. When he heard that over 60 men were there to work for the Lord, he started shaking his head. Never had he or this neighborhood seen anything like it. Never had this county seen anything like it. While shingles were being laid, pastors were praying for people that showed up needing hope and deliverance from drug addiction. Food was being given to people of the neighborhood that were in need. A neighbor that was hosting a first communion celebration even sent food to the roofers! God’s love was at work! By the time darkness fell, men were finishing up the last of the trim work, the ridge vent, and the flashing, while wearing headlamps and using flashlights. Wheelbarrows scurried in the dark to transport equipment to the front of the church, and by 10:30 p.m. all the equipment was off the roof and being loaded onto the trucks. A very tearful and thankful Pastor James Lambro thanked and blessed everyone as they prepared to leave. While loading their trucks, God’s men took one last look at the roof and said, “To God be the glory!” In all, there were: 67 men and 12 ladies from 18 different churches, 3 layers of shingles torn off, all new plywood installed, and 25 squares of shingles laid in 15 ½ hours. For the record, there was a changed weather forecast, an astonished neighborhood, the hungry were fed, the bound were set free, there was a united body of Christ, and one new roof was installed; all for the glory of God and the furtherance of His kingdom. November/December 2012


BY LORETTA LUNDT I was just thinking of this song lyric by Casting Crowns, “If we are the body, why aren’t His hands reaching?” Well, we were able to see ‘His’ hands reaching out on Saturday, October 6. Convoy of Hope events are held all around the country. This local event was held at the Fox Valley Technical College campus grounds in Appleton, where 60 organizations and 20 churches participated


November/December 2012

to help serve the 3805 guests. Of the churches that participated, there was representation from The Pentecostals of the Fox Cities in Menasha and Apostolic Truth Church in Appleton. The sun was shining brightly in the cool morning as many gathered to hear their instructions for the day. Convoy of Hope stations were set up the day before and hundreds of volunteers gathered to find out how they could serve. As visitors arrived they were al-

lowed to travel between stations such as concessions, dental care, haircuts, family portraits, Samaritan’s Feet shoe distribution, and the kids’ zone. The final stop was through the prayer tent to get groceries on the other side. One thousand shoes were handed out, 2850 guests were prayed for and 11,250 bags of groceries were distributed. What a blessing to touch so many different lives! Only God knows the effects of the seeds planted that day.

November/December 2012


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November/December 2012

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