A AAcollection collection collectionofofof6060 60fabulous fabulous fabulousshops shops shopsonon onLong Long LongIsland’s Island’s Island’sNorth North NorthShore, Shore, Shore, Americana Americana AmericanaManhasset Manhasset Manhassetis isisa luxury aa luxury luxury shopping shopping shoppingdestination destination destinationforfor forpeople people peoplefrom from fromaround around aroundthethe theworld. world. world.Peter Peter PeterMarino, Marino, Marino,renowned renowned renownedarchitect architect architectforfor for Chanel, Chanel, Chanel,Louis Louis Louis Vuitton Vuitton Vuittonand and andFendi, Fendi, Fendi,is isisalso also alsoAmericana Americana AmericanaManhasset’s Manhasset’s Manhasset’sarchitect. architect. architect.His His Hisvision, vision, vision,combined combined combined with with withthethe thelandscape landscape landscapedesign design designofofofOehme Oehme Oehmevan van vanSweden, Sweden, Sweden,has has hashelped helped helpedtototomake make makeAmericana Americana AmericanaManhasset Manhasset Manhasseta aa beautiful beautiful beautifuland and andserene serene sereneoasis, oasis, oasis,a aplace a place placewhere where whereone one onecan can canspend spend spenda arelaxed a relaxed relaxedyetyet yetinspiring inspiring inspiring day day dayshopping shopping shopping I1 thethe thebest best bestbrands brands brandsinininthethe theworld world worldand and anddining dining diningatatatone one oneofofofAmericana’s Americana’s Americana’stwo two twofabulous fabulous fabulousrestaurants. restaurants. restaurants. Americana Americana AmericanaManhasset Manhasset Manhassetis isisknown known knownforfor foritsits itspersonalized personalized personalizedservice, service, service,where where whereshoppers shoppers shoppersareare arewelcomed welcomed welcomedbyby by 專案規劃:酈家驤 knowledgable knowledgable knowledgableand and andexperienced experienced experiencedsales sales salesstaff. staff. staff.Understanding Understanding Understandingthethe thecraftsmanship craftsmanship craftsmanship and and andheritage heritage heritageofofof 林家豪 企劃統籌:to 2013年9月14日 星期六 SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 2013 luxury luxury luxuryproducts products products is isisofofofthe the theutmost utmost utmostimportance, importance, importance, and and and conveying conveying conveyingthat that thatinformation information information totothethe theclient client clientis isisanan an important important importantaspect aspect aspectofofofthethe theexperience experience experienceatatatAmericana. Americana. Americana.Americana’s Americana’s Americana’sConcierge Concierge Conciergeand and andmany many manyAmericana Americana Americana stores stores storeshave have haveChinese Chinese Chinesespeaking speaking speakingsales sales salesassociates associates associatestototomake make makeyour your yourvisit visit visitmore more morecomfortable. comfortable. comfortable.
Americana Manhasset AMANHASSET collection of 60 fabulous FALL FALL ISIS FABULOUS FABULOUSATATAMERICANA AMERICANA MANHASSET shopping destination for p Chanel, Louis Vuitton and F with the landscape design and MENSWEAR MENSWEAR MENSWEARINSPIRED INSPIRED INSPIREDCOATS COATS COATS beautiful BELTED BELTED BELTEDWAISTS WAISTS WAISTS BLACK BLACK BLACKAND AND AND WHITE WHITE WHITE serene oasis, There There Thereareare aremultiple multiple multiplecuts cuts cutsand and andproportions proportions proportionstototochoose choose choose Designers Designers Designersturned turned turnedtototomenswear menswear menswearforfor forinspiration inspiration inspiration According According AccordingtototoDanielle, Danielle, Danielle,“Winter “Winter “Winterwhite white whitemakes makes makesa astrong a strong strong from from fromthis this thisseason, season, season,butbut but“the “the “thecinched cinched cinchedwaist waist waistis isisdefi defi defi nitely nitely nitely this this thisseason, season, season,especially especially especiallywhen when whenit ititcomes comes comestothe totocoats. coats. coats. best appearance appearance appearancebrands this this thisseason, season, season,often often oftenpaired paired paired with with with black black blackforfor for in the worl making making makinga adramatic a dramatic dramaticshowing,” showing,” showing,”according according accordingtototoDanielle. Danielle. Danielle. “But “But “Butthese these theseareare arenotnot notyour your yourfather’s father’s father’sovercoats!” overcoats!” overcoats!”insists insists insists maximum maximum maximumimpact.“ impact.“ impact.“ The The TheBurberry Burberry BurberryProrsum Prorsum Prorsumcollection collection collection 驚喜秋冬時尚 盡在 FALL IS FABULOUS ATareareareincredibly AMERICANA MANHASSET Designers Designers Designers embraced embraced embraced thethe the belted belted beltedstyle style styleininina avariety a variety varietyofofof Danielle. Danielle. Danielle. “They “They “They incredibly incrediblyluxe luxe luxeand and andbeautifully beautifully beautifully reveals reveals revealsthis this thistrend trend trendespecially especially especiallywell, well, well,with with withfunfun funyetyet yet Americana Manhasset is kn ways, ways, ways,from from fromfilm-noir fifidesigner lm-noir lm-noirmoodiness moodiness moodiness tototomid-century mid-century mid-century chic. chic. chic. detailed. detailed. detailed. Their Theirshape shape shape oror orfabric fabric fabricmay may mayhave have havea masculine aano masculine masculine sophisticated sophisticated animal animal prints prints printsinthan inincontrasting contrasting contrasting black black blackand and and Manh The 2013 Fall collections have arrived inTheir full force and there’s better sophisticated place to fianimal nd them at Americana “Prada’s “Prada’s “Prada’sbelted belted belted coat coat coatdresses dresses dresses with with withflared flflared aredbottoms bottoms bottomsare are are Long sensibility, sensibility, sensibility, butbut butthere’s there’s there’s often often often a alovely a lovely lovelyfeminine feminine feminineall twist,” twist,” twist,” white white white and and and high-tech high-tech high-techmaterials. materials. materials. a collection of over 60 fabulous stores on Island’s North Shore. With of the best brands, from Louis Vuitton,experie Prada and D knowledgable and absolute absolute absoluteshow-stoppers show-stoppers show-stoppersthis this thisseason, season, season,says says saysDanielle, Danielle, Danielle, asas asinininLouis Louis Louis Vuitton’s Vuitton’s Vuitton’splaid plaid plaidcoat coat coatwith with withsequin sequin sequindetailing, detailing, detailing, OfOf Ofcourse course courseKarl Karl KarlLagerfeld Lagerfeld Lagerfeld forfor forChanel Chanel Chanelis isisthethe the Salvatore Ferragamo, Burberry, Tory Burch and more, Americana will have you falling in love with Fall! Americana Manhasset’s Per “and “and “and Bottega Bottega Bottega Veneta’s Veneta’s Veneta’s skinny skinny skinny belted belted belted dresses dresses dresses beautifully beautifully beautifully one one oneofofofDanielle’s Danielle’s Danielle’sfavorites. favorites. favorites. master master masterofofofblack black blackand and andwhite, white, white,and and andhehe hetootoo toohashas hasa alively a lively lively Shopper andoldold Stylist, Danielle Merollo, isgot onGucci’s the top trendscoat forluxury the According tothe Danielle, there are a few imp 皮帶展現女性腰線 英挺風流行大衣 突兀黑白配 reference reference reference old Hollywood Hollywood Hollywood glamour.” glamour.” glamour.”Michael Michael MichaelKors Kors Korsgot gotthe authority Similarly, Similarly, Similarly, Gucci’s Gucci’s cashmere cashmere cashmere coat coat with with withaseason. aa and and and youthful youthful youthful take take take onon on the the pairing pairing pairing this this this season, season, season, with with with busy busy busy products is of the ut themes that through many of the Fall collections. into into into thethe theactrun act acttoo, too, too, with with withpowerful, powerful, powerful, flattering flflattering attering silhouettes silhouettes silhouettes strong strong strongblack black blackfurfur furcollar collar collarmakes makes makesa abold a bold boldstatement statement statementthat that that prints, prints, prints,short short shortflouncy flflouncy ouncyskirts skirts skirtsand and andover-the-knee over-the-knee over-the-kneerockerrockerrockercinched cinched cinchedatatatthethe themiddle. middle. middle. is isissoftened softened softenedbyby byitsits itsbaby baby babyblue blue bluecoloring. coloring. coloring.“And “And “Andyou you youcan’t can’t can’t chic chic chicboots. boots. boots.ForFor Foranan anelegant elegant elegantand and andclean clean cleanevening evening eveninglook look lookininin important aspect of the exp speak speak speak ofofofFall Fall Fallouterwear outerwear outerwear without without withoutmentioning mentioning mentioning Max Max black black blackand and andwhite, white, white,“Dior “Dior “Dior will will willtake take take your your yourbreathe breathe breatheaway,” away,” away,” MENSWEAR INSPIRED COATSMax BELTED WAISTS BLACK AND WHITE Mara,” Mara,” says says saysDanielle. Danielle. Danielle. Their Their collection collectionofofofroomy, roomy, roomy, says says saysDanielle. Danielle. Danielle. There are multiple cuts and proportions to choose Mara,” Designers turned Their to collection menswear for inspiration According to Danielle, “Winter white makes a stores Chinese comfortable comfortable coats coats coatsespecially inininrich rich richcamels camels camels and and andgrey grey tones tones tonesis isto is coats.have from this season, but “the cinched waist is definitely comfortable this season, when itgrey comes appearance this season, oftenspeaki paired with bl
Americana Manhasset A collection of 60 fabulous shops on Long Island’s North Shore, Americana Manhasset is a 位於紐約長島北岸,聚集超過60多家美輪美奐各式流行精品時尚集散地,為 shopping destination for 全球流行時尚精品的購物聖地。其國際知名建築風格設計師Peter people from around the world. Peter Marino, Marino不僅 renowned archit Vuitton、Fendi的專屬設計師多年,更為其 Chanel, Louis Vuitton and身為精品頂級品牌Chanel、Louis Fendi, is also Americana Manhasset’s architect. His vision, com 操刀打造店面建築風格,讓人有蒞臨法國香榭大道的浪漫感。他的獨特景觀設 with the landscape ofplace Oehme has helped to make Americana Manh 計美感,結合新美式花園景觀Oehme van The The The2013 2013 2013Fall Fall Falldesigner designer designercollections collections collectionshave have havearrived arrived arrivedinininfull full full force force force and and and there’s there’s there’snodesign no nobetter better better place placetototofivan nd fifind ndSweden, them them themthan than than atSweden風格,讓人可以舒適自在地花 atat Americana Americana Americana Manhasset, Manhasset, Manhasset, 上一天時間輕鬆寫意的找尋自己想要最好的精品,或停下腳步享受高級義大利 beautiful and serene oasis, a place where one can spend a relaxed yet inspiring day sho 餐點與亞洲複合式創意料理;因此Americana Manhasset儼然已成為長島上唯 a aacollection collection collectionofofofover over over6060 60fabulous fabulous fabulousstores stores storesonon onLong Long LongIsland’s Island’s Island’s North North North Shore. Shore. Shore. With With With all all all of of of the the the best best bestbrands, brands, brands,from from fromLouis Louis Louis Vuitton, Vuitton, Vuitton, Prada Prada Pradaand and andDior Dior Diortototo the best brands in the world and dining at one ofManhasset最受消費者樂道的是其專業親切的 Americana’s two fabulous restaurants. 一的高雅華麗綠洲。Americana Salvatore Salvatore SalvatoreFerragamo, Ferragamo, Ferragamo,Burberry, Burberry, Burberry,Tory Tory ToryBurch Burch Burchand and andmore, more, more,Americana Americana Americana will will willManhasset have have haveyou you youfalling falling falling inininlove love lovewith with Fall! Fall! Fall!Americana Americana Americana Manhasset’s Manhasset’s Manhasset’s Personal Personal Personal 待客服務,所有服務人員皆受過品牌專業知識訓練,親切的解答消費者對其購 Americana is known for itswith personalized service, where shoppers are welcom 買物品的疑問。Americana Manhasset對服務人員是否對自家品牌產品製作與 knowledgable and experienced sales staff.toto the Shopper Shopper Shopperand and andStylist, Stylist, Stylist,Danielle Danielle DanielleMerollo, Merollo, Merollo,isisisthe the theauthority authority authorityon on onthe the thetop top toptrends trends trends forfor for the the theseason. season. season.According According According toUnderstanding Danielle, Danielle, Danielle,there there thereare are areacraftsmanship afew a few fewimportant important importantand herit 設計師專業風格的深入認知視為首要條件,服務人員是否能為消費者清楚傳達 utmost importance, and conveying that information to the clien themes themes themesthat that thatrun run runthrough through throughmany many manyofofofthe the theFall Fall Fallcollections. collections. collections. luxury products is of the 或解說其產品特性則為消費者在此購物的滿意指標之一,Americana對消費者 的購物經驗相當重視。另外,Americana Manhasset的購物服務中心與各家精 important aspect of the experience at Americana. Americana’s Concierge and many Ame 品店皆有中文服務人員,確保語言溝通無誤,讓滿意與快樂消費和僑胞能無縫 接軌。 sales associates to make your visit more comfortable. stores have Chinese speaking
2013年最新秋冬時尚設計師精品已全面上架,身為長島北岸聚集超過60多家流行精品時尚專區集散地,沒有任何地方比得上Americana Manhasset能讓你一次買到你所有想要的東西。 Americana Manhasset將讓妳愛上秋冬時尚,讓妳跟Louis Vuitton, Prada, Dior, Salvatore Ferragamo, Burberry和Tory Burch等全球頂級時尚國際知名品牌談一場時尚熱戀,再次享受流行所帶 來的囑目浪漫新鮮感。另外,Americana Manhasset的個人購物助理與時尚設計創意造型師Danielle Merollo搖身一變為最佳當季時尚諮詢良師,Danielle表示今年秋冬收藏品將有多種指標性主 題潮流。
Danielle指出今年秋季有多款樣式與材質的皮帶可供選 擇,將以”緊身美麗腰線”為主軸來呈現,襯托女性勻稱的 腰圍。設計師用多種方法來突顯女用腰帶,其中由灰黑冷酷 色系到中世紀高雅別緻瀟灑剪裁都具備,如Prada的喇叭形 展開寬下擺皮帶大衣絕對為當季令人屏息矚目的焦點,又如 Bottega Veneta的細長高雅腰帶,再次亮麗的展現出如好萊 塢般的巨星風采,而Michael Kors也加入戰場,強調以討人 a喜愛的立體黑皮革帶突顯出女性勻稱的中間線條。 dramatic showing,” according to Danielle.
making Designers embraced the belted style in a variety of ways, from film-noir moodiness to mid-century chic. “Prada’s belted coat dresses with flared bottoms are absolute show-stoppers this season, says Danielle, “and Bottega Veneta’s skinny belted dresses beautifully reference old Hollywood glamour.” Michael Kors got into the act too, with powerful, flattering silhouettes cinched at the middle.
Danielle表示,今年設計師們在大衣設計方面出乎意料地 以色調來說,Danielle指出今年冬季雪白色比其它色系更為 由男裝剪裁得到靈感,另人驚喜的是,其新品絕不像男人 突出,如搭上黑色則更加醒目。Burberry Prorsum 將此對比色 所穿起來的感覺,反而更加美豔高貴動人。雖然新大衣在 調展現地淋漓盡致,以有趣複雜的動物腳紋來呈現出突兀黑白 外表上可能有男士英挺風的感覺,但內部卻蘊藏了女性的 對比。而首屈一指將對比色調發揮的無懈可擊的便只有Chanel 溫和柔美感,如Louis Vuitton蘇格蘭風的彩格披肩造型加 的首席設計師Karl Lagerfeld了;他將今年當季新品以栩栩如 裙襬上帶有圓形小金屬片大衣,便是Danielle今年最愛的設 生的手法展現出對比色的青春活力,用荷葉邊裙加上印花圖 計之一。另外,Gucci的喀什米爾羊絨大衣襯上大片毛皮衣 案,再搭配長過膝蓋的長靴來完美地呈現對比色調。但就高貴 領再配上海洋淺藍色衣襬,再次透露出女性在堅強的外表 典雅潔淨的晚宴造型,Dior的秋季新品則會讓妳摒息以待、目 “Butand these are at not your father’s maximum impact.“ The Burberry Prorsum col sporty sporty sporty and and luxurious luxurious luxurious atatthethe the same same same time. time. time. overcoats!” insists 下富有的溫暖柔情。最後,提及秋季流行大衣便不能不參 不轉睛。 Danielle. “They are incredibly luxe and beautifully reveals this trend especially well, with f 考Max Mara的當季新款,如其寬鬆舒適以駱駝灰色系為主 detailed. Their shape or fabric may have a masculine sophisticated animal prints in contrasting bla 題的毛絨大衣,兼具實用輕便與高貴典雅的特性。
sensibility, but there’s often a lovely feminine twist,” as in Louis Vuitton’s plaid coat with sequin detailing, one of Danielle’s favorites. Similarly, Gucci’s cashmere coat with a strong black fur collar makes a bold statement that is softened by its baby blue coloring. “And you can’t speak of Fall outerwear without mentioning Max Mara,” says Danielle. Their collection of roomy, comfortable coats in rich camels and grey tones is sporty and luxurious at the same time.
white and high-tech materials. Of course Karl Lagerfeld for Chanel master of black and white, and he too has a and youthful take on the pairing this season, wi prints, short flouncy skirts and over-the-knee chic boots. For an elegant and clean evening black and white, “Dior will take your breathe says Danielle.
ner collections have arrived in full force and there’s no 60 fabulous stores on Long Island’s North Shore. With , Burberry, Tory Burch and more, Americana will have you Americana’s Americana’s Americana’sPersonal Personal Personal Shoppers Shoppers Shoppersare are areavailable available availableto totohelp help help you you youfind fifind nd the the thetrends trends trendsthat that thatwork work workforfor foryou! you! you!And And Andthe with with withsoso somany many manyincredible incredible incredible stores stores storesand and and for Danielle Merollo, is the authority on top trends designer designer designercollections collections collectionstototochoose choose choosefrom from fromatatatAmericana, Americana, Americana,you you youare are aresure sure suretototofind fifind ndmany many manyfabulous fabulous fabulouslooks looks lookstototosuit suit suityour your yourown own ownpersonal personal personalstyle. style. style.Visit Visit Visit americanamanhasset.com americanamanhasset.com to totoview view viewmore more more from from fromthe the theFall Fall Fallseason season seasonoror ortototocontact contact contactanan anAmericana Americana AmericanaPersonal Personal PersonalShopper. Shopper. Shopper.And And Andwhy why whynot not notplan plan plana avisit a visit visittototo ughamericanamanhasset.com many of the Fall collections. Americana Americana AmericanaManhasset Manhasset Manhassetand and andsee see seeforfor foryourself yourself yourselfwhat’s what’s what’sinininstore store storeforfor foryou! you! you! MICHAEL MICHAEL MICHAEL MICHAEL MICHAEL KORS KORS KORS KORS KORS
Americana的個人購物助理可以幫消費者找到適合其獨一無二的專屬當季流行。擁有60多家精品店與設計師收藏,Americana Manhasset可創造出多樣專屬自己的流行品味,請上網 americanamanhasset.com瀏灠其秋季新品與預約免費個人購物助理服務。心動不如馬上行動,現在就看看有什麼是最適合妳的吧 !
World World World World World Journal Journal Journal Journal Journal Fall FallFall Fall Fall Final.indd Final.indd Final.indd Final.indd Final.indd 11 111
and proportions to choose e cinched waist is definitely ing,” according to Danielle. belted style in a variety of odiness to mid-century chic. sses with flared bottoms are this season, says Danielle, nny belted dresses beautifully
MENSWEAR INSPIRED COA 8/23/13 8/23/13 8/23/13 8/23/13 8/23/13 11:41 11:41 11:41 11:41 11:41 AM AMAM AM AM
Designers turned to menswear this season, especially when it co “But these are not your father’s ov Danielle. “They are incredibly luxe detailed. Their shape or fabric may ha sensibility, but there’s often a lovely as in Louis Vuitton’s plaid coat with s 請上網瀏灠我們2013最新的秋冬時尚特輯 one of Danielle’s favorites.
Americana’s Personal Shoppers are available to help you find the trends that work for you! And with so many incredible store designer collections to choose from at Americana, you are sure to find many fabulous looks to suit your own personal style americanamanhasset.com to view more from the Fall season or to contact an Americana Personal Shopper. And why not plan a v Americana Manhasset and see for yourself what’s in store for you! World Journal Fall Final.indd 1
World Journal Fall Final.indd 2
長島北岸擁有超過60多家美輪美奐的各式名貴流行精品店 長島快速道路36號出口 americanamanhasset.com 1 800.818.6767
8/23/13 10:43 AM
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8/26/13 3:43 PM
Fashion 2013 秋季時尚
2013年9月14日 星期六 SATURDAY,SEPTEMBER 14,2013
奇幻 對比風
Fall’s best accessories are full of surprises! According to Danielle Merollo, Americana Manhasset’s Personal Shopper, contrasting colors and patterning is a trend you’ll want to incorporate into your wardrobe this season. Many designers turn to color-blocking to make their秋季最夯的飾品與配件總讓人充滿驚奇! high-contrast mark. Prada and Louis Vuitton offer Americana Manhasset的個人購物助理與時尚設計創意造型 stunning options featuring blocks of primary colors (blue 師Danielle Merollo表示,今年當季流行的對比色調與花樣 and red respectively) juxtaposed with black for a sleek, 圖案絕對會讓喜愛時尚潮流的妳把它們收進衣櫥裡,令妳愛 sophisticated effect. Dior, Giorgio Armani and Michael 不釋手。 Kors chose the bold combination of black and white, “a designer favorite,” says Danielle. Danielle說,許多設計師傾向以色塊方式來展現高度對比的 氣氛,如Prada與Louis Vuitton便推出令人目瞪口呆的驚豔 Contrasting stripes are a popular theme as well 原色色塊(分別以藍色與紅色呈現),搭配黑色色塊來展現精緻 this Fall. Opt for clean architectural lines from Lacoste, 時髦感。Dior、Giorgio Kors則大膽的選 Ermenegildo Zegna or Armani和Michael Brooks Brothers, whose red, 用黑白衝突色來呈現,而這兩個大膽顏色的組合,也是當季 white and blue stripes are incorporated into a plaid 設計師的最愛組合之一。 motif. “If you prefer looser zebra-like stripes, you’ll find beautiful choices at Burberry and Max Mara, “says 對比色條也是今年秋季另一個主題重點,如Lacoste、 Danielle. Fendi literally surprises us with an animal Ermenegildo Zegna和Brooks Brother皆以紅、白與藍色等工 整直排色條表現其彩格圖案的主題思想。如果妳偏愛較隨性 stripe lining on only the inside of this season’s Peek-a寬鬆如斑馬線條的設計品,則Burberry和Max Mara的精美設 boo bag. According to Danielle, “Salvatore Ferragamo’s 計將會是妳的最愛。更令人意想不到的是,Fendi新推出動 handbag featuring a loose, painterly white stripe down 物條紋內裡包,讓人打開時有驚奇的感覺,似乎可以從包包 a black python center is a show-stopper.” Etro applies a 裡找到任何想要的東西,如同一個”躲貓貓”包似的讓人驚 similar effect to stilettos. 豔。Danielle也指出,Salvatore Ferragamo的手提包以蟒蛇 A variety of patterned accessories make for 皮紋為包底,前後面的中間帶有如畫家般的隨性藝術白色線 條,絕對讓人成為全場矚目的焦點、無可匹敵。而Etro的細 exciting contrasts as well this season. Tory Burch has 根高根鞋則採用相似的效果來驚豔全場。 lovely floral options while Alice + Olivia offers spots, both in black and white. “Jimmy Choo’s silver and 各式各樣不同花樣的飾品配件也將成為今年秋冬流行的主 black clutch in an abstract, graphic pattern is as sleek, 角之一:Tory Burch新推的黑白花樣手提包,透著高雅風情; contemporary evening choice,” says Danielle. Alice + Olivia則有黑白斑點手拿包,流露青春可愛俏皮感; too use contrast to create drama this Jimmy Jewelers Choo的銀黑晚宴長夾包,以抽象座標圖案象徵女性柔 season. Tiffany & Co. offers stunning art deco inspired 滑的韌性,為現代晚宴的首選。 pieces in contrasting black with diamonds, a color 珠寶也加入流行對比風的一員來營造氣氛。Tiffany & combination also favored by David Yurman. Cartier Co.用鑽石本身的亮白色排出精美圖樣鑲嵌在黑色手環上; surprises with the addition of blue in the form of lapis David Yurman也採用類似的手法打造銀黑色手鐲,美不勝收。 lazuli, and Irene Neuwirth at Hirshleifers similarly 知名珠寶Cartier更突發其想的加入藍色的青金石讓人驚喜, uses contrasting stones to beautiful effect. Irene Neuwirth atcolored Hirshleifers也用如出一徹的手法採用對 “If 比色寶石營造出流行美感。Danielle表示,有些人傾向較為” you prefer a more subtle contrast,” suggests Danielle, 和諧”的對比感,則不仿參考London Jewelers的懸掛耳環, “choose hanging earrings from London Jewelers that 其色調自上往下和緩的由淺入深,讓人較易接受。 slowly change in tone from top to bottom.” Whether your style is elegant and understated or 不論妳的風格是高貴保守優雅或大膽開朗炫麗,都可以在 bold and bright, you can find just the right high-contrast 此找到剛好適合妳的手提包、鞋子或手鐲收進妳的衣櫃,永 bag, shoe or bracelet to work into your wardrobe! 遠走在時尚的最前端!
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Fashion 2013 秋季時尚
2013年9月14日 星期六 SATURDAY,SEPTEMBER 14,2013
Americana Manhasset is a collection of 60 fabulous shops, one after the other in a beautiful Americana is a collection 60 fabulous oneand after the other inof a beautiful outdoorManhasset setting. Here is a map toofhelp you find shops, your way a description some outdoor setting.of Here is a map to help you fi nd your way and a description of some the glorious brands that you’ll find at Americana. of the glorious brands that you’ll find at Americana.
Americana Manhasset is a collection of 60 fabulous shops, one after the other in a beautiful outdoor setting. Here is a map to help you find your way and a description of some of the glorious brands that you’ll find at Americana.
for the brand best known for its crocodile embroidered apparel. ounding mixDONNA of baubles and timepieces, including YORK LOUISVUITTON VUITTON DONNA KARAN KARAN NEW NEW YORK LOUIS Leading the the avant-garde avant-garde of of fashion fashion without without compromising compromisingthe the ve editions of the famed J12 Collection and Premiere Collections The Donna Karan is aa modern modern system of of dressing dressing Leading The Donna Karan Collection is system 流行時尚 界 的 先 鋒 領of 導luxury 品牌加 先進皮 製 技術,Lou is traditional craftsmanship of luxury leather goods, Louis Vuitton’s LONDON JEWELERS Donna Karen 的精品服飾展現了個人專屬魅力,頂級尊貴 traditional craftsmanship leather goods, Louis Vuitton’s that embodies the ultimate in luxury, sensuality, comfort l as iconic fithat ne embodies jewelry such as Camelia, Ultrasensuality, and the ultimate in luxury, comfort globalpremier store carries the entirety entirety offerings formen menand andfamily women Vuitton 的全球門市提供全系列男女仕皮製品、服飾、搭配 global store carries the for women Long Island’s jeweler and ofofaofferings 4th generation and always utilizing utilizing the the fifinest nest quality quality and creative creative expression, expression, always Collections.感官享受和摩登創造力,一直以來致力於最佳品質、最高 in leathergoods, leathergoods, ready-to-wear, ready-to-wear, accessories, accessories, watches watches and and in 飾品、手錶、珠寶與精美鞋款。 技術與頂尖創新科技。 fabrics, technological innovation. innovation. owned boutique with a worldwide reputation for exclusivity, jewelry, and and shoes. fabrics, workmanship workmanship and and technological jewelry, shoes. quality and unparalleled service. H MAX MARA MARA ERMENEGILDO MAX ERMENEGILDO ZEGNA ZEGNA A modern, modern, clean clean boutique boutique featuring featuring the the famous famousItalian Italianfashion fashion ered a classic part of the landscape of american A Ermenegildo Zegna is the leading Italian luxury menswear Ermenegildo Zegna is the leading Italian luxury menswear house’s ready-to-wear and accessoriesfor forwomen. women. 現代時尚精品,主打女性義式風格服飾與搭配飾品。 house’s ready-to-wear and accessories LONDON JEWELERS WATCH SALON brand, with a reputation for quality and service that is and style, Coach features a variety of handbags, and Ermenegildo Zegna為義大利知名頂級男裝品牌,在品質 brand, with a reputation for quality and service that is unparalleled around the world. Collections include: readyreadyThe London Jewelers Watch Boutique and Gift Gallery dedicates 與服務面享譽國際。旗下精品包括: 時尚男裝、量身剪裁訂 unparalleled aroundrange the world. Collections include: ories encompassing a wide of materials and MENS MARKET AT HIRSHLEIFERS HIRSHLEIFERS MENS MARKET AT to-wear, made-to-measure, casual wear, accessories, Hirshleifers is excited to launch their their newest concept concept store to-wear, made-to-measure, casual wear, accessories, the main Hirshleifers floor to prestigious timepiece collections including 做服飾、休閒服飾、香水、飾品與眼鏡。 is excited to launch newest store s including business and travel collections. Hirshleifer的新設男士專區,主打富有啟發性的時尚流 featuring a well-edited well-edited changing changing assortment assortmentof offashion, fashion,art artand and fragrance featuring a fragrance and and eyewear. eyewear. Rolex, Cartier Patek Philippe, while the sophisticated vintageand pieces that will will educateand and inspire. 行、藝術、與葡萄酒系列。 vintage pieces that educate inspire. upstairs gallery displays stunning home and giftware from Jay YURMAN FENDI FENDI MICHAEL KORS KORS MICHAEL William Steuben and others. a’s leading Exemplifying fine jewelrythe andluxury timepiece design and and sensuality of Fendi, Fendi,Strongwater, the the Michael KorsYeoward, theleading leading American fashion designerfor forluxury luxury Michael Kors isisthe American fashion designer 富有高度頂級感高享受的知名品牌Fendi,其美式精品風 Michael Kors 為美國頂尖流行時尚設計師,以其精品配 Americana boutique travertine stone. stone. accessories and sportswear. The company’s heritageisisrooted rootedinin acturing company features theirhassignature traditionalcollections roman travertine accessories and sportswear. The company’s heritage producing polished, polished, sleek, sleek, sophisticated sophisticated American American sportswear sportswear The luxurious Italian fashion accessory, 專區擁有羅馬多孔碳酸鈣寶石系列,和義式頂級流行時尚 件和休閒運動服飾聞名。其品牌風格擅於設計富有光澤, producing house features LORO PIANA ’s and women’s couture, bijoux, fine timepieces and accessory, leather goods, handbag and shoe collections. with aa jet-set jet-set attitude. attitude. with 專區提供精緻飾品、皮製品、手提包與精美收藏鞋品。 柔滑與幹練美式休聞運動貴族風。 n’s collection, Cable Kids. Recognized for understated elegance and style, Loro Piana provides cashmere and fine worsted fabrics to the world’s most sophisticated consumers. Visit us for the full lifestyle collections, World Fall Final.indd World Journal Journal er the French luxury goods5of Dior, featuring women’s including women’s, men’s, children’s, accessories, home and
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ALICE + OLIVIA GIORGIO ARMANI ALICE + OLIVIA GIORGIO ARMANI boutique offers the complete Giorgio Armani Designer Stacey Bendet’s quest to create a flattering pair The new Americana 設計師Stacey Bender對於女裝用褲美感的高度追求,打 新美式精品風格的Giorgio Armani 創造全面生活男女 Designer Bendet’s create a fl attering pair The new Americana boutique offerswomen, the complete Giorgio Armani of pants Stacey has grown into quest a fullto women’s ready-to-wear lifestyle collection for men and including formal and 造出全系列完美女裝,包括外衣、連身裙與最受歡迎的女 時尚品味,包括專業正式與休閒服裝、皮革飾品、高雅眼 of pants has grown outerwear, into a full dresses, women’sand ready-to-wear lifestyle collection men and eyewear, women, fragrances including and formal and collection, including the perfect casual wear, leatherfor accessories, jewelry. 裝用褲。 鏡、香水和珠寶收藏。 collection, including casual wear, leather accessories, eyewear, fragrances and jewelry. pants that started it all. outerwear, dresses, and the perfect pants that started it all. GUCCI ANNE FONTAINE GUCCI Gucci’s values of exclusivity, quality, Italian craftsmanship and ANNE FONTAINE Gucci的獨特風格,義式精工品質技術和流行地位首屈— Designer Anne Fontaine’s sleek and intimate boutique carries Gucci’s values of exclusivity, quality, craftsmanship fashion authority. set it apart from Italian its competitors. Visitand the 設計師Anne Fontaine雅緻怡人的精品涵蓋了各色各樣的 Anne Fontaine’s sleek and intimate boutique carries aDesigner wide assortment of luxurious blouses, shirts, corsets and 指,在流行時尚界無可匹敵。Americana內的精品專區,提 fashion authority. set it apart from itswomen’s competitors. Visit the Americana boutique for men’s and ready-to-wear, 服飾品,如短衫、襯衫、束腹、上衣與一系列皮革和飾品 a wide assortment of luxurious blouses, shirts, corsets and tops as well as her leather and accessories collections. Americana men’s and goods, women’s ready-to-wear, 供男女仕服飾,精品包,旅行箱,皮革小製品,絲綢品, bags, shoes,boutique luggage, for small leather silks, fine jewelry, + OLIVIA 收藏。 ARMANI tops as well as her leather and accessories collections. GIORGIObags, shoes, luggage, small leather goods, silks, fine jewelry, 精緻珠寶,禮品,鑽錶與眼鏡。 gifts, watches and eyewear. er Stacey Bendet’s quest to create a flattering pair BEAUTY BAR The new Americana boutique offers the complete Giorgio Armani gifts, watches and eyewear. BEAUTY BAR Beauty Bar of the world’s luxury beauty brands. ts has grown into aoffers fullmany women’s ready-to-wear lifestyle collection HERMÈS for men and women, including formal and Beauty Bar提供了多款國際知名美容化妝保養品牌,有獨 Beauty Baron-site offers perks many include of the world’s luxury beauty brands. Exclusive treatment the HERMÈS ion, including outerwear, dresses, andthethe perfectroom and Theleather epitome of French luxury, featuring clothingand and jewelry. accessories 家上門購物禮遇服務如肌膚煥新服務貴賓房和nuBest Blow casual accessories, eyewear, fragrances 法國頂級精品的表率,專精於男女士服飾,珠寶與家用 Exclusive on-site perks include the treatment room and the wear, nuBest Blow Dry Bar. The epitome of French luxury, featuring clothing and accessories for men and women, jewelry and home collections. hat started itDry all.Bar貴婦沙龍服務。 nuBest Blow Dry Bar. 收藏品。 for men and women, jewelry and home collections. GUCCI BOTTEGA VENETA HIRSHLEIFERS BOTTEGA VENETA FONTAINE Outstanding craftsmanship, innovative design, contemporary Gucci’s values of exclusivity, quality, craftsmanship HIRSHLEIFERS Hirshleifers is a 為獨—無二,四代相傳的精品百貨,聚集 one-of-a kind,Italian 4th generation luxury and store, Bottega Veneta的精美雕工與創新設計,富有實用功能和 Hirshleifers Outstanding innovative design, contemporary functionality and the highest quality materials, Bottega er Anne Fontaine’s sleekcraftsmanship, and intimate boutique carries Hirshleifers is a one-of-a kind, 4th generation luxury fashion authority. set it apart from its competitors. Visit store, thefor featuring over 100 incredible brands. Visit hirshleifers.com 最佳品質,儼然已使其成為皮革精品界的第一品牌,產品 functionality and the highest quality materials, Bottega 100多家高級精品名牌。請瀏灠hirshleifers.com參閱全部品 is the new standard of luxury forand leather goods, over 100 brands. Visit hirshleifers.com for assortment Veneta of luxurious blouses, shirts, corsetsfor a complete list! Americanafeaturing boutique for incredible men’s and women’s ready-to-wear, Venetahandbags, is the new standard of luxury goods, 有男女仕專用的皮鞋、手提包、珠寶、皮製行李箱等。 shoes, jewelry and luggage for menleather and women. a牌。 complete list! well as her shoes, leatherhandbags, and accessories collections. jewelry and luggage for men and women. bags, shoes, luggage, small leather goods, silks, fine jewelry, HIRSHLEIFERS ETC gifts, watches and eyewear. BROOKS BROTHERS HIRSHLEIFERS ETC Hirshleifers ETC offers an ever-changing assortment of personal BROOKS BROTHERS Y BAR Hirshleifer 提供最新的個人專屬用品與家用精品。 For generations of men, women, and children, Brooks Hirshleifers ETCETC offers an ever-changing of personal and home luxury items. ETC is meant assortment to be explored and its Brooks Brother過去一直以來提供一代代男士、女仕、小 For generations of men, women, and children, Brooks Brothers has been – and continues to be – a destination for Bar offers many of the world’s luxury beauty brands. 來ETC 絕對會讓你找到想要的收藏精品。富有視覺新鮮 and home luxury items. ETC is meant to be explored and its HERMÈS collections discovered. Visual, sensual, whimsical, fun! Brothers has been – and continues to be – a destination for 孩的美式經典風格衣物,也將持續成為美式經典衣物的代 classicinclude American Exclusive include 感,感官刺激感,驚奇創造力與歡喜樂趣! ve on-site perks theclothing. treatment room store and services the collections discovered. Visual, sensual, whimsical, fun! The epitome of French luxury, featuring clothing and accessories classic American clothing. Exclusive store servicesengraving include 名詞。提供獨家店家服務如衣服修改、特色組合圖案、量 alterations, monogramming, made-to-measure, Blow Dry Bar. alterations, monogramming, made-to-measure, engraving HUGO BOSSjewelry and home collections. for men and women, and digital tailoring. 身訂做、精緻雕刻與電腦化數位裁縫修改。 HUGO and digital tailoring. Visit theBOSS Hugo Boss boutique at Americana featuring Boss Black, 來Americana參觀Hugo Boss精品專區,男士專屬的Boss Visit Hugo Boss at Americana featuring Black, GA VENETABRUNELLO CUCINELLI Bossthe Selection and boutique Boss Green for men and Boss Boss Black, Boss Black、Boss Selection和Boss Green精品特區,女士專屬 HIRSHLEIFERS Boss Selection and Collections Boss Green for for men andThe Boss Black, Boss BRUNELLO CUCINELLI Orange and Hugo women. collections are nding craftsmanship, innovative design, contemporary Brunello Cucinelli’s gorgeous new space at Hirshleifers offers 的Boss Black、Boss Orange和Hugo Collection系列精品。 Orange and Hugo Collections for women. Theluxury collections are Hirshleifers is a one-of-a kind, 4th generation store, Brunello Cucinelli’s gorgeous new space at Hirshleifers offers Brunello Cucinelli在Hirshleifer店內華麗的新門市新增了 enhanced by exquisite fabric covered walls with contrasting much expanded menswear collection as well as an even nality and athe highest quality materials, Bottega 精品專區皆精心設計以精美的織布對比原色和粽黃色調牆 enhanced by exquisite fabricstone covered walls with contrasting a much expanded menswear collection as well ashandbag, an featuring even over incredible brands. Visit hirshleifers.com for beige 100 and dark brown accents, flooring and concept lighting. richer selection from the women’s ready-to-wear, is the new更多樣化的男裝飾品收藏,而女仕用品的收藏也更加豐富 standard of luxury for leather goods, 圍繞四周與石製地板和柔和燈光來展現其獨特精品。 beige and dark brown accents, stone fl ooring and concept lighting. richer selection from the women’s ready-to-wear, handbag, 如新款服飾、手提包、女仕用鞋與多樣飾品收藏。 a complete list! shoe and accessory collections. handbags, jewelry and luggage for men and women. shoe and accessory collections. ILORI ILORI Ilori has emerged as the leader in sunglasses of distinction and BURBERRY HIRSHLEIFERS ETC Ilori has emerged as the leader in designs sunglasses distinction and BURBERRY Ilori 身為太陽眼鏡的領導品牌,以獨特造型兼具傳統 KS BROTHERS prescription eyewear showcasing by of fashion luminaries Burberry, the original British luxury brand, carries a wide Burberry,來自英國的上流貴族品牌,擁有許多男士、女 Hirshleifers ETC offers an ever-changing assortment of personal prescription eyewear showcasing designs by fashion luminaries Burberry, the original British luxury brand, carries a wide 風格深受流行時尚業界人士青睞,主打獨一無二的設計外 range of offerings for men, women and children. featuring exclusive styles, limited edition frames, and the highest nerations of仕與孩童的最愛。 men, women, and children, Brooks range of offerings for men, women and children. styles,islimited andluxury the highest and homefeaturing luxuryofexclusive items. ETC meant beframes, and its to 觀,限量鏡框和卓越的加工技術聞名全球。其州設藝術精 quality craftsmanship. We useedition ato state ofexplored the art lab rs has been – and continues to be – a destination for quality of craftsmanship. We use a state of the art luxury lab to CARTIER collections discovered. Visual, sensual, whimsical, fun! make digital lenses and can do tints, polarization, progressives 品實驗室來打造數位鏡片,可調鏡片色調濃淡、光線折 American clothing. store services include CARTIER Exclusive make digitalchromatic. lenses and can do tints, polarization, progressives Experience the luxury of Cartier’s new boutique which and photo 射、創新科技與鏡光亮度。 Experience the luxury of Cartier’s new boutique which ons, monogramming, made-to-measure, engraving and photo chromatic. 來店體驗頂級珠寶Cartier的新設精品門市,獨一無二的 houses one-of-a-kind designs as well as signature jewelry HUGO BOSS houses one-of-a-kind designs wellbridal as signature gital tailoring. 新門市設計提供精緻典藏的珍貴珠寶、訂婚戒指和新娘珠 collections, engagement ringsasand jewelry,jewelry home INTERMIX collections, engagement rings and bridal jewelry, home Boss boutique at Americana featuring Boss Black, INTERMIX collection, iconic Cartier timepieces and accessories forVisit men the Hugo 寶飾品、居家珠寶收藏、Cartier典藏珠寶手錶及男、女仕 Intermix is regarded for its philosophy of mixing fashionable collection, iconic Cartier timepieces and accessories forBoss men Selection Intermix is regarded for its mixing fashionable and Boss Green forphilosophy men andofBoss Boss Intermix 一直以創新流行的理念設計聞名,且聘請流行 and women. ELLO CUCINELLI 多樣搭配飾品。 pieces in unexpected ways and offering theBlack, most coveted and women. pieces in unexpected ways and offering the most coveted 業界聞名的設計師來打造最棒的品牌。 Orange and Hugo Collections for women. The collections are designers and sought-after styles from the industry’s best brands. o Cucinelli’s gorgeous new space at Hirshleifers offers designers and sought-after styles from the industry’s best brands. CH CAROLINA HERRERA enhanced by exquisite fabric covered walls with contrasting h expanded The menswear collection CH CAROLINA HERRERAas well as an even CH Carolina Herrera store is evocative and welcoming; J. MENDEL AT HIRSHLEIFERS The CH Carolina Herrera store is evocative and welcoming; brownAT accents, stone flooring and concept lighting. selection from the women’s ready-to-wear, handbag, J. MENDEL HIRSHLEIFERS it’sCHa Caroline completeHerrera門市絕對引人矚目與備感舒適;符 universe; a blend of traditionalbeige and and dark A stunning boutique within Hirshleifers featuring J. Mendel’s it’s a complete universe; a blend of traditional and — 個 讓 人 驚 喜 位 於 H i r s hHirshleifers leifer的精 品專區, 主打J. A stunning boutique within featuring J. Mendel’s nd accessory合世界潮流;融合傳統與現代感,提供男女與小孩服飾和 collections. of well thought garments and accessories for contemporary, remarkable furs, ready-to-wear and accessories. contemporary, of well thought garments and accessories for Mendal的皮草、服飾和飾品。 remarkable furs, ready-to-wear and accessories. men, women and children. 精美飾品。 ILORI men, women and children. Ilori has emerged as theATleader in sunglasses of distinction and RRY JIMMY CHOO HIRSHLEIFERS JIMMY CHOO AT HIRSHLEIFERS CHANEL A 位於Hirshleifer門市內,新設的舒適環境提供知各Jimmy newly expanded and delightful within Hirshleifers, prescription eyewear showcasing designsboutique by fashion luminaries ry, the original British luxury brand, carries a wide CHANEL A newly expanded and delightful boutique within Hirshleifers, Chanel’s extensive ready-to-wear, accessories, handbag Chanel的頂級新款服飾、搭配飾品、手提包與精緻女鞋 featuring Jimmy Choo’s fabulous shoes and handbags. Chanel’s extensiveand ready-to-wear, accessories, handbag of offerings for men, women children. featuring exclusive styles, limited edition frames, and the Choo的超優鞋款與包包。 featuring Jimmy Choo’s fabulous shoes and handbags.highest and shoe collections are featured in a luxurious, customand shoe collections are featured in a luxurious, custom完美地呈現在高貴設計與為顧客打造的Hirshleifers內的門 quality of craftsmanship. We use a state of the art luxury lab to designed setting within Hirshleifers. designed setting within Hirshleifers. LACOSTE 市中心。 LACOSTE ER make digital lenses and can do tints, polarization, progressives Fresh and unexpected, Lacoste’s Americana Manhasset shop CHANEL FINE JEWELRY Fresh and unexpected, Lacoste’s Americana Manhasset shop ence the luxury of Cartier’s new boutique which and photo chromatic. 讓人意外又新奇,位於Americana裡的Locoste融合幹練 CHANEL FINE JEWELRY strikes a bold balance between sophistication and innovation The London Jewelers Chanel Fine Jewelry boutique offers strikes a bold balance between sophistication and innovation one-of-a-kind designs as well as signature jewelry The London Jewelers Chanel Fine Jewelry boutique offers 與創新,以鱷魚標誌服飾聞名世界。 for the brand best known for its crocodile embroidered apparel. 藏身於London Jewelers (倫敦珠寶)精品門市中,Chanel an astounding mix of baubles and timepieces, including for the brand best known for its crocodile embroidered apparel. an astounding mix ofbridal baubles and timepieces, including ions, engagement rings and jewelry, home INTERMIX Fine Jewelry 羅列令人驚奇的小玩意與名貴珍錶,包括著 exclusive editions of the famed J12 and Premiere Collections exclusive editions ofand the famed J12 andfor Premiere LONDON JEWELERS ion, iconic Cartier accessories men Collections 名的獨家限量J12新款和許多頂級收藏珍寶如Camelia、 isLONDON regarded for its philosophy of mixing fashionable as welltimepieces as iconic fine jewelry such as Camelia, UltraIntermix and JEWELERS as well as iconic fine jewelry such as Camelia, Ultra and Long Island’s premier jeweler and a 4th generation family omen. Ruban Collections. Ultra和Ruban新款。 Long Island’s premier jeweler and a 4th family pieces in unexpected ways and offering the generation most coveted Ruban Collections. 長島區高級珠寶品牌,四代經營的珠寶商以獨特設計, owned boutique with aa worldwide worldwide reputation reputation for for exclusivity, exclusivity, boutique with designers owned and sought-after styles from the industry’s best brands. quality and and unparalleled unparalleled service. service. 高品質與卓越客戶服務享譽國際。 COACH quality ROLINA HERRERA COACH Considered aa classic part of the the landscape landscape of of american american Considered part of H Carolina Herrera store isclassic evocative and awelcoming; LONDON JEWELERSWATCH WATCHSALON SALON 身為美國經典著名品牌之一,Coach擁有多款花樣手提包 J. and MENDEL AT HIRSHLEIFERS design and style, Coach features variety of handbags, LONDON JEWELERS design and style, Coach features a variety of handbags, and complete 和飾品,包括各種實用材質與設計供商業專業人士與旅行 universe; a blend of a traditional and The London Jewelers Watch Boutique andGift GiftGallery Gallery dedicates accessories encompassing wide range of materials and stunning withinWatch Hirshleifers J. Mendel’s Theboutique London Jewelers Boutique featuring and dedicates accessories encompassing a wide range of materialsAand the main fl oor to prestigious timepiece collections including 倫敦珠寶的鑽錶專區和禮品區座落於一樓,有Rolex、 mporary, of well thought garments and accessories for designs including business and travel collections. 人士使用。 thefurs, mainready-to-wear floor to prestigious timepiece collections including remarkable and accessories. designs including business and travel collections. Rolex, Cartier and Patek Philippe, while the sophisticated C a r t i e r 和 P a t e k P h i l i p e 等 品 牌 鑽 錶 , 二 樓 則 有Jay women and children. Rolex, Cartier and Patek Philippe, while the sophisticated upstairs gallery displays stunning home and giftware from Jay Jay DAVID YURMAN Strongwater、William Yeoward、Steuben等其他品牌的家 upstairs gallery displays stunning home and giftware from DAVID YURMAN JIMMY CHOO AT HIRSHLEIFERS Strongwater, William Yeoward, Steuben and others. America’s leading fi ne jewelry and timepiece design and 用禮品。 Strongwater, William Yeoward, Steuben and others. America’s leading fine jewelry and timepiece design and EL A newly expanded and delightful boutique within Hirshleifers, manufacturing company features their their signature signature collections collections 美國頂級珠寶與鑽錶設計品牌,擁有男、女仕時裝、精 manufacturing company features ’s extensiveof ready-to-wear, accessories, handbag LORO PIANA PIANA men’s and women’s couture, bijoux, fi ne timepieces and featuring Jimmy Choo’s fabulous shoes and handbags. 緻珠寶、高級鑽錶與其孩童專屬收藏名牌Cable Kids。 LORO of men’s and women’s couture, bijoux, fine timepieces and oe collections are featured inCable a luxurious, customchildren’s collection, Kids. Recognized for understated understated elegance elegance and and style, style, Loro Loro Piana Piana children’s collection, Cable Kids. Recognized for 以柔和高貴的品牌形象著名,Loro Piana提供喀什米爾羊 ed setting within Hirshleifers. provides cashmere and fi ne worsted fabrics to the world’s most cashmere and fine worsted fabrics to the world’s most LACOSTE provides 毛和最精良的織品給全球最頂尖的消費者。請參閱其一系 DIOR sophisticated consumers. Visit us for the full lifestyle collections, DIOR consumers. Visit us for the full lifestyle collections, Fresh andsophisticated unexpected, Lacoste’s Americana Manhasset shop 列生活精品,包括男女仕與孩童服飾、飾品、家用品與訂 Discover the goods of of Dior, Dior, featuring featuring women’s women’s including women’s, men’s, children’s, children’s, accessories, accessories, home and Discover the French French luxury luxury goods EL FINE JEWELRY including women’s, men’s, home and 親自體驗Dior的法國頂級精品,享受女性專屬服飾、香水 ready-to-wear, fragrance, and accessories. 做精品。 strikes a bold balance between sophistication and innovation made-to-order products. ready-to-wear, fragrance, and accessories. made-to-order products. 與最新飾品。 ndon Jewelers Chanel Fine Jewelry boutique offers
Tr C at ip to o ria lli & ni B Pr C Co ar on ip ac to ol h Ca lin ffe i St .J oh n Br oo ks Br ot he rs
M a Ba In ra te rm Ca nan ix sta a R gn ep a u Re bli al c ty An Co ne . Fo nt ai M ne or ge L ac nt ha os te lF re de H r ug ics o Bo ss
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Americana Manhasset擁有60多家美輪美奐的各式名貴流行精品店,一家家以美麗整齊的庭外設計並排於戶外香榭大道上。以下為其平面地圖索引和部 份品牌商家介紹,讓購物者能更有效率與計劃來規劃自己的驚喜路線。
MORGENTHAL FREDERICS MORGENTHAL FREDERICS Morgenthal Frederics specializes in creating the most luxurious Morgenthal Frederics擅於製造手工精緻光學鏡框,使用水 Morgenthal Frederics specializes creating the most luxurious handcrafted optical frames in theinworld. Utilizing buffalo horn, 牛角、醋酸纖維、鈦合金等,這些鏡框結合舒適度與美學標 handcrafted optical frames in the world. Utilizing buffalo horn, acetate and titanium, these frames bring together comfort and 準,進而達到世界一流的絕佳品質。 acetate andtotitanium, framesoptical bring together comfort and aesthetics producethese a first-class experience. aesthetics to produce a first-class optical experience.
OSCAR DE LA RENTA OSCAR DE LA RENTA The boutique, featuring women’s ready-to-wear, shoes and 主打女性服飾、鞋款、配件,其精品美妙地融合Oscar de The boutique,beautifully featuring incorporates women’s ready-to-wear, shoes andde accessories, elements of the Oscar la Renta的中心思想,精品門市更清楚地表現出線條感、而室 accessories, beautifully incorporates of the de la Renta motif, including clean lines,elements coral stone andOscar signature MORGENTHAL FREDERICS 內以珊瑚礁石裝飾品和棕櫚樹來襯托,加以富有經典建築美 laarchitectural Renta motif,palm including cleana lines, coralbronze stone and signature trees with glass and facade. Morgenthal Frederics specializes in creating the most luxurious 感風格的玻璃與青銅色門面。 architectural palm trees with a glass and bronze facade.
handcrafted optical frames in the world. Utilizing buffalo horn, PRADA acetate and titanium, these frames bring together comfort and PRADA Italian ready-to-wear, accessories, handbags, leather goods and aesthetics to produce a first-class optical experience. Italian ready-to-wear, accessories, handbags, leather goods and 義大利品牌男女服飾、配件、手提包、皮製品和精美鞋 shoes for men and women housed in a beautifully designed shoes for men store. and women housed in a beautifully designed 款,藏身於現代時尚設計的門面中。 contemporary contemporary store. OSCAR DE LA RENTA
RALPH LAUREN featuring women’s ready-to-wear, shoes and The boutique, RALPH LAUREN Redefining American style and offering the world of Ralph accessories, beautifully incorporates elements of Ralph the Oscar de Redefi ning American style and offering the world of 創造出新美式Ralph Lauren風格,產品包括男、女、孩童 Lauren, including clothing for men, women and children and la Renta motif, including clean coral and Lauren, including clothing for men,lines, women and stone children andsignature 服飾與家用精品。 home collections. home collections. architectural palm trees with a glass and bronze facade. SALVATORE FERRAGAMO SALVATORE FERRAGAMO Salvatore Ferragamo, the leading Italian luxury fashion house, PRADA Salvatore Ferragamo, the women’s leading Italian luxury fashion showcases it’sFerragamo義大利精品流行時尚品牌,主打男女 men’s and ready-to-wear lines ashouse, well as Salvatore Italian ready-to-wear, accessories, handbags, leather goods and showcases it’s men’s and women’s ready-to-wear lines as well as the complete collection of men’s and women’s shoes, silk and 服飾、精美鞋款、絲織物品和皮製配件。 shoes for men and women in a shoes, beautifully the complete collection of men’shoused and women’s silk anddesigned leather accessories. leather accessories. contemporary store. ST. JOHN ST. JOHN An美 American classic with simple sophistication, RALPH LAUREN 式經 典 與classic 簡潔幹 練 風simple 格 的 結sophistication, 合 , 位 於 A mSt. eSt. r iJohn’s cJohn’s ana An American with Americana Manhasset location features collection, day, sport, Redefi ning American style and offering the world Manhasset的St. John門市主打收藏品、運動用品、女裝、泳 Americana Manhasset location features collection, day, sport,of Ralph evening, couture, swimwear and jewelry. 裝與珠寶等。 Lauren, including clothing men, women and children and evening, couture, swimwear andfor jewelry.
home collections. THEORY
THEORY Theory makes a statement at Americana with a sleek retail shop Theory makes a statement at Americana with a sleek retail shop housing men’s and women’s ready-to-wear and accessories SALVATORE FERRAGAMO Theory在Americana以時髦的男女服飾和配件收藏著稱, housing men’s and women’s ready-to-wear and accessories collections. Modern and intelligent, these are the must-have 具摩登時尚和聰穎風格,衣櫃中一定不能沒有它。 Salvatore Ferragamo, leading these Italian fashion house, collections. Modern andthe intelligent, areluxury the must-have pieces for the must-have wardrobe. showcases it’smust-have men’s and women’s ready-to-wear lines as well as pieces for the wardrobe.
the complete collection of men’s and women’s shoes, silk and TIFFANY & CO. TIFFANYaccessories. & CO. leather Since 1837 Tiffany & Co. has been the world’s premier jeweler and
Since 1837 Tiffany & Co. has been the premier jeweler and 自西元1837年以來,Tiffany & world’s Co.一直以頂級美式風格珠 America’s house of design. The timeless beauty of Tiffany jewelry America’s house of design. The timeless beauty of Tiffany jewelry 寶享譽國際,永不退色的美麗一直讓人著迷,由傳統經典設 and gifts is always sure to captivate. From archival designs to ST. andJOHN gifts is always sure to captivate. From archival designs to 計到創新精品,Tiffany將永遠成為傳說。 innovative creations by renowned artists, tiffany style is legendary. An American classic with artists, simple sophistication, St. John’s innovative creations by renowned tiffany style is legendary.
Americana Manhasset location features collection, day, sport, TOM FORD TOM FORD evening, couture, swimwear and jewelry. The Tom Ford boutique at Hirshleifers has the inviting yet The Tom Ford boutique at Hirshleifers has the inviting yet understated atmosphere Ford精品門市散發著迷人卻低調的高 of an elegant, private home and offers 在Hirshleifer的Tom understated atmosphere of an elegant, private home and offers clothing, sportswear, handbags, accessories, sunglasses and THEORY 貴氣氛,提供服飾、運動服裝、手提包、配件、太陽眼鏡和 clothing, sportswear, handbags, accessories, sunglasses and jewelry, as well as Tom Ford beauty cosmetics and signature 一系列珠寶,更有女性美容化妝品與香水。 Theory makes Americana with a sleek retail shop jewelry, as wellaasstatement Tom Ford at beauty cosmetics and signature fragrances for women. fragrancesmen’s for women. housing and women’s ready-to-wear and accessories
collections. Modern and intelligent, these are the must-have TORY BURCH TORY BURCH pieces for the Tory Burch is must-have the luxury wardrobe. lifestyle brand defined by classic Tory Burch是一個以美式經典休閒服飾生活品牌,擁有令 Tory Burch is the luxury lifestyle brand defined by classic American sportswear with an eclectic sensibility! 人無法抵擋的魅力。 American sportswear with an eclectic sensibility!
TIFFANY & CO. TWO BY LONDON TWO 1837 BY LONDON Since Tiffany & Co. has been the world’s premier jeweler and Two by London, the engagement shop at London Jewelers is a Two by London, the shop at London Jewelers is a jewelry Two By London為倫敦珠寶商旗下的訂婚戒指專區,主 America’s house of engagement design. The timeless beauty of quest Tiffany visionarynew newconcept conceptstore storedesigned designedtotoinspire inspireyour yourquest for visionary for 打年青人市場,可依顧客喜愛量身設計專屬你們倆的訂婚鑽 and gifts isengagement always sure tothat’s captivate. Fromin archival designs to a diamond ring exactly right every way. a戒。 diamond engagement ring that’s exactly right in every way. innovative creations by renowned artists, tiffany style is legendary. VANCLEEF CLEEF&&ARPELS ARPELS VAN The boutique’s newexpanded expandedspace spaceshowcases showcasesa avast vastarray array TOM FORD new The boutique’s 門市中新設空間展示了一系列的Van Cleef & Arpels珠 of Van Cleef & Arpels jewelry including the iconic Alhambra of Van Cleef & Arpels jewelryatincluding the iconic The Tom Ford boutique Hirshleifers has Alhambra the inviting yet 寶,包括具象徵意義Alhambra與Perlee的收藏品,除了戒 andPerlée Perléecollections, collections,Between Betweenthe theFinger Fingerrings ringsand andBirds Birdsofof and understated atmosphere of an elegant, private home and offers 指與天堂鳥設計之外,還有多款令人驚喜的鑽錶如新款經典 Paradise designs, and an impressive range of timepieces from Paradise designs, and an impressive range of timepieces from Talisman和Charms系列到招牌Poetic Complications系列皆 clothing, sportswear, handbags, accessories, sunglasses and thenewly newlyclassic classicTalisman Talisman andCharms Charms watches the House’s the and watches totothe House’s 廣受歡迎。 signature Poetic Complications. jewelry, well as Tom Ford beauty cosmetics and signature signature as Poetic Complications.
fragrances for women.
VILEBREQUIN VILEBREQUIN Vilebrequin’s crisp, crisp, fresh freshaesthetic aestheticspeaks speakstotosummer summerand andallallitsits Vilebrequin’s Vilebrequin擅長迎接夏日的到來,其生氣勃勃清新的夏 TORY BURCH necessitiesincluding includingswim swimtrunks, trunks,towels, towels,boxer boxershorts, shorts,linen linencargo cargo necessities 日產品包括泳衣、毛巾、泳褲、亞麻短褲、汗衫、編織運動 Tory issweaters the luxury lifestyle brand defi ned by classic shorts,Burch shirts,knit knit sweaters andsarongs sarongs -allallininluxurious luxurious fabrics. shorts, shirts, and fabrics. 衫、紗籠圍裙皆以高級布料製作。
American sportswear with an eclectic sensibility!
VINCE VINCE Vince:BY unique conceptininfashion, fashion,offering offeringa acomplete completeline lineofof Vince: aaunique concept TWO LONDON Vince 其獨特流行美學,流露出奢華紡織纖維的風格,主 luxe staples for men and women with clean lines, rich fabrics luxe staples for men and women with shop clean at lines, rich fabrics 打男女服飾,以線條感、富含紡織材質、複雜精細作工聞 Two by London, the engagement London Jewelers is a and intricate intricate details. details.Vince Vince isis aa lifestyle lifestylebrand brandthat thatevokes evokes and 名。Vince的流行時尚是一種可喚起自信、高雅與古典尊貴品 visionary new concept store to inspire your quest for confidence, dence, elegance andclassic classicdesigned taste. confi elegance and taste. 味的生活品牌。
a diamond engagement ring that’s exactly right in every way.
VINCECAMUTO CAMUTO VINCE Vince Camuto’s shimmering,backlit backlitstorefront storefrontinvites invitesyou youinin VinceCLEEF Camuto’s shimmering, VAN & ARPELS to view the lifestyle brand which offers a range of innovative, Vince Camuto的耀眼門面讓人想蹴足進入參觀,其創新設 to view the lifestyle brand which offers a range of innovative, The boutique’s new expanded space showcases a vast array stylish, trend-driven trend-drivenproducts productsincluding includingfootwear, footwear,sportswear, sportswear, 計與引領風格的精品包括鞋款、休閒服飾等讓人愛不釋手。 stylish, ofdresses Van Cleef & Arpels jewelry including the iconic Alhambra andmuch muchmore! more! dresses and
and Perlée collections, Between the Finger rings and Birds of WOLFORD Paradise designs, and an impressive range of timepieces from WOLFORD Wolford theultimate ultimate international labelinwatches inluxury luxuryhosiery, hosiery, Wolford則以高級針織襪子與女用貼身內衣褲聞名國際,其 Wolford isisclassic the international label the newly Talisman and Charms to the House’s lingerie and ready-to-wear collections, developed for women lingerie and ready-to-wear collections, developed for women 一系列女性用品代表其時髦高尚的生活風格。 signature Poetic Complications. whopossess possessaasharp sharpsense senseofofstyle. style. who
VILEBREQUIN Vilebrequin’s crisp, fresh aesthetic speaks to summer and all its 45703 8/28/1310:04 10:04 AM 8/28/13 AM
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8/26/13 3:44 PM
AT AMERICANA MANHASSET s displayed are floating on thin air. LS Americana continues to evolve, with new and expanded stores showcasing the finest fashion, gems and more!
elry House Van Cleef & Arpels recently unveiled it newly ana Manhasset. The boutique now covers 1,200 square feet RPELS lnterior unveildesign its newly boutique at color Americana GIORGIO ARMANI 2013年9月14日 星期六 conceptrenovated which features a warm pallet, Manhasset, nearly worldjournal.com 秋季時尚 2013 SATURDAY,SEPTEMBER 14,2013 The new Americana boutique offers the complete Giorgio Armani lifestyle for men and women, including Fashion Jewelry House Van Cleef & recently unveiled it newly alvatore Ferragamo’s latest design concept from Italy infuses luxurycollection in every hed stainless floral façade toArpels create a uniquely luxurious, formal andshowcase casual wear,a leather mericana Manhasset. The boutique now covers square feetoak fl Americana continues to evolve, with newEuropean and expanded stores pandeddesign space will vaster array of1,200 VCA jewelry porary with sophisticated finishes like oors,showcasing walnut the finest fashion, gems and more! accessories, eyewear, fragrances and jewelry. atest interior design concept which features a warm color pallet, precisely Americana continues to evolve, with new and expanded stores showcasing the fifor nest gems and more! eam-colored leather panels. Adorned with stone textured Materials used throughout the store include silk panels, georgette-style greige coloured stone thefashion, floors, and custom Americana continues to evolve, with new and expanded stores showcasing the fi nest fashion, gems and more! polished stainless fl oral façade to create a uniquely luxurious, Americana continues evolve, with new and expanded stores showcasing thethe fi nest fashion, gems andand more! Americana continues towalls evolve, with new and expanded stores showcasing the nest fashion, gems and more! Americana Americana continues totoevolve, to evolve, with with new new and and expanded expanded stores stores showcasing showcasing fiblack nest fifinest fashion, fashion, gems and more! more! colored silvercontinues metallic painted and ceilings. The tables areluxurious in dark painted teak the with glass topsgems and there GIORGIO ARMANI d’s signature “bugnato” glass, the façade will echo the feeling he expanded space will showcase a vaster array of VCA jewelry The new Americana boutique offers thesteel complete Giorgio lifestyle for men and women, including are bamboo details in mirror effect that has beenArmani finished with collection a satin texture to suggest the ribbing of natural GIORGIO ARMANI Americana continues toarea evolve, with new new and andentrance expanded storesshowcasing showcasing thefifinest nest fashion, gemsand and more! s. formal and casual wear, leather GIORGIO ARMANI Americana continues to evolve, with expanded stores the fashion, gems bamboo. The accessories that dominates the is characterized by transparent shelves that create the more! The new Americana boutique offers the complete Giorgio Armani lifestyle collection for men and women, including
NEW & HAPPENING AT AMERICANA MANHASSET AT WHAT’S AMERICANA MANHASSET MANHASSET AT AMERICANA MANHASSET WHAT’S NEW & runway HAPPENING GIORGIO ARMANI Americana continues to evolve, with new and expanded GIORGIO ARMANI GIORGIO GIORGIO ARMANI ARMANI AT AMERICANA GAMO ss will be a video wall displaying theMANHASSET brand’s shows in Milanstores and showcasing the finest fashion, gems and mo
Americana continues tooffers evolve, with new and expanded showcasing finest fashion, gems and more! The newand Americana boutique the jewelry. complete Giorgio Armani lifestylestores collection for men and the women, including accessories, eyewear, fragrances and impression that the goods displayed are floating onArmani thin air. formal casual wear, leather Thenew new Americana boutique offers thecomplete complete Giorgio Armani lifestyle collection formen men andwomen, women, including The new Americana boutique offers the complete Giorgio Armani lifestyle collection formen men andwomen, women, including The The new Americana Americana boutique boutique offers offers the the complete Giorgio Giorgio Armani lifestyle lifestyle collection collection for for and and including including formal and casual wear, leather Materials used throughout the store include silk georgette-style greige coloured stone for the fl oors, and custom gamo will unveil its newly renovated boutique atand Americana Manhasset, nearly accessories, eyewear, fragrances and jewelry. Americana continues to evolve, with new expanded stores showcasing the fi nest fashion, gems and more! GIORGIO ARMANI reative Director, Massimiliano Giornetti, allowing customers to shop to his formal and casual wear, leather formal and casual wear, leather formal formal and casual and casual wear, wear, leather leather GIORGIO ARMANI accessories, eyewear, fragrances and jewelry. colored silver metallic painted walls and ceilings. The tables are in dark painted teak with black glass tops and there Materials used throughout the store include silk georgette-style greige coloured stone for the fl oors, and custom The new Americana boutique offers the complete Giorgio Armani lifestyle collection for men and women, including accessories, eyewear, fragrances and jewelry. accessories, eyewear, fragrances and jewelry. are feet. Salvatore Ferragamo’s latest design concept from Italy infuses luxury inand every accessories, accessories, eyewear, eyewear, fragrances fragrances and jewelry. and jewelry. GIORGIO ARMANI The new Americana boutique offers the complete Giorgio Armani lifestyle collection for men women, including Materials used throughout the store include silk georgette-style greige coloured stone for the flthe oors, and custom Americana continues to evolve, with new and expanded stores showcasing fi nest fashion, colored silver metallic painted walls and ceilings. The tables are in dark painted teak with black glass tops and there are bamboo details in mirror effect steel that has been fi nished with a satin texture to suggest the ribbing of natural Americana一直致力於發展更多新創與現有精品名牌,打造最夯的流行時尚與珍品! formal and casual wear, leather Materials used throughout thestore store include silk georgette-style greige coloured stone for the floors, oors, and custom Materials used throughout thestore store include silk georgette-style greige coloured stone for the fl oors, and customgems and more! Materials Materials used used throughout throughout the the include include silk georgette-style silk georgette-style greige greige coloured coloured stone stone for the for flwomen, the fl oors, and custom and custom VAN CLEEF & ARPELS The new Americana boutique offers the complete Giorgio Armani lifestyle collection for men and including formal and casual wear, leather sndles, contemporary design with sophisticated fi nishes like European oak fl oors, walnut colored silver metallic painted walls and ceilings. The tables are in dark painted teak with black glass tops and there are bamboo details innewly mirror effect steel that has been fiThe nished with ainsatin texture suggest the ribbing of natural GIORGIO ARMANI bamboo. The accessories area that dominates the entrance isare characterized byto transparent shelves that create the accessories, eyewear, fragrances and jewelry. inspired bycasual an original shoe design, and journey into the refi ned colored silver metallic painted walls and ceilings. The tables are inare dark painted teak with black glass topstops and there colored silver metallic painted walls and ceilings. tables dark painted teak with black glass tops and there colored colored silver silver metallic metallic painted painted walls walls and ceilings. and ceilings. The tables The tables are in dark in dark painted painted teak teak with with black black glass glass tops and there and there Ferragamo will unveil its renovated boutique at Americana Manhasset, nearly World renowned French Jewelry House Van Cleef & Arpels recently unveiled it newly formal and wear, leather accessories, eyewear, fragrances and jewelry. The Americana boutique offers the complete Giorgio lifestyle collection for men and women, including are bamboo details in mirror effect steel that has been finished with aArmani satin texture to suggest the ribbing of natural bamboo. The accessories area that dominates the entrance is characterized by transparent shelves that create the llssquare and new cream-colored leather panels. Adorned with stone panels, precisely textured The new Americana boutique offers the complete Giorgio Armani lifestyle collection for men and women, including impression that the goods displayed are fl oating on thin air. Materials used throughout the store include silk georgette-style greige coloured stone for the fl oors, and custom arebamboo bamboo details mirror effect steel thathas has been finished nished with asatin satin texture tosuggest suggest the ribbing natural arebamboo bamboo details mirror effect steel that has nished asatin satin texture suggest the ribbing natural are are details details ininmirror inin mirror effect effect steel steel that that been has been fibeen fifi nished with with awith acoloured texture texture to toto suggest the ribbing the ribbing ofof natural ofofthe natural Materials used throughout the store include silk georgette-style greige stone for the fl oors, and custom accessories, eyewear, fragrances and jewelry. feet. Salvatore Ferragamo’s latest design concept from Italy infuses luxury in every expanded boutique at Americana Manhasset. The boutique now covers 1,200 square feet bamboo. The accessories area that dominates the entrance is characterized by transparent shelves that create GIORGIO ARMANI ade handbags, shoes, leather goods and men’s and women’s ready-to-wear, impression that the goods displayed are flceilings. oating on thin air. and casual wear, leather formal and casual wear, leather colored silver metallic painted walls and The tables are in dark painted teak with black glass tops and there bamboo. The accessories areaarea that dominates the entrance ischaracterized characterized by transparent shelves that create the the bamboo. The accessories area thatcomplete dominates the entrance is characterized transparent shelves that create the bamboo. bamboo. The accessories The accessories area that dominates that dominates the entrance the entrance is islifestyle characterized by transparent byby transparent shelves shelves that create that create the theformal brand’s signature “bugnato” glass, the façade will echo the luxurious feeling colored silver metallic painted walls and ceilings. The tables are in dark painted teak with black glass tops and there Materials used throughout the store include silk georgette-style greige coloured stone for the flwomen, oors, and custom impression that the goods displayed are fl oating on thin air. The new Americana boutique offers the Giorgio Armani collection for men and including and boasts the House’s latest interior design concept which features a warm color pallet, mixes contemporary design with sophisticated fi nishes like European oak fl oors, walnut 新美式精品風格展現全系列Giorgio Armani男女生活時尚,包括正式專業與休閒服飾、皮製配件、眼鏡、香水與珠寶等。 accessories, eyewear, fragrances and jewelry. are bamboo details in mirror effect steel that has been fi nished with a satin texture to suggest the ribbing of natural eted runway collections. impression that the goods displayed areflthat fl oating on thin air. impression that the goods displayed are fl oating on thin air. impression impression that the that goods the goods displayed displayed are are oating fl oating on thin on air. thin air. accessories, eyewear, fragrances and jewelry. are bamboo details in mirror effect steel has been fi nished with a satin texture to suggest the ribbing of natural colored silver metallic painted walls and ceilings. The tables are in dark painted teak with black glass tops and there formal and casual wear, leather crystal chandelier, and polished stainless flsilk oralgeorgette-style façade to create aby uniquely luxurious, 其精品門市裝潢以絲織米色系原石地板和獨特金屬混銀色調的邊牆與天花板來營造時尚感。產品陳列桌以時尚黑色柚木為底加桌面鋪以 bamboo. Thedetails accessories area that dominates thebeen entrance characterized transparent shelves that create the er walls and cream-colored leather panels. Adorned with precisely textured Materials used throughout the store include greigetexture coloured stone for floors, and custom VAN CLEEF & ARPELS bamboo. The accessories area that dominates the entrance isisstone characterized by transparent shelves that create the are bamboo in mirror effect steel that has fi& nished with apanels, satin to suggest the the ribbing of natural accessories, eyewear, fragrances and jewelry. mo in their temporary location next to Tiffany Co. Materials used throughout the store include silk georgette-style greige coloured stone for the floors, and custom VAN CLEEF & ARPELS 黑色玻璃片,旁邊則有鋼製的中國竹鏡面造型稠緞支架來支撐天然竹木。一進門則看見配件專區上的配件皆以透明展示櫃陳列,讓購物者 uniqueness will be a video wall displaying the brand’s runway shows in Milan and intimate environment. The expanded space will showcase a vaster array of VCA jewelry impression that the goods displayed are fl oating on thin air. colored silver metallic painted walls and ceilings. The tables are in dark painted teak with black glass tops and there renowned French Jewelry House Van Cleef & Arpels recently unveiled it newly impression that the goods displayed are fl oating on thin air. and the World brand’s signature “bugnato” glass, the façade will echo the luxurious feeling bamboo. The accessories area that dominates the entrance is characterized by transparent shelves that create the VAN CLEEF & ARPELS Materials used throughout the store include silk georgette-style greige coloured stone for the fl oors, and custom World renowned Jewelry House Van & Arpels recently unveiled itdark newly 頓時以為產品配件都漂浮於空中。 colored silver metallic painted walls ceilings. tables in teak with and timepiece collections. VAN CLEEF &goods ARPELS VAN CLEEF &ARPELS ARPELS VAN VAN CLEEF CLEEF &French ARPELS &painted are bamboo details in mirror effect steel thatCleef has been fiThe nished with a are satin texture topainted suggest the ribbing of black natural glass tops and there ated by Creative Director, Massimiliano Giornetti, allowing customers shop toglass his expanded boutique at Americana Manhasset. The boutique now covers 1,200 square feet impression that the displayed are fland oating on thin air. World renowned French Jewelry House Van Cleef & Arpels recently unveiled itto newly colored silver metallic walls and ceilings. The tables are in dark painted teak with black tops and there expanded boutique at Americana Manhasset. The boutique now covers 1,200 square feet World renowned French Jewelry House VanVan Cleef &Arpels Arpels recently unveiled itcolor newly World renowned French Jewelry House Van Cleef &Arpels Arpels recently unveiled itsatin newlythe World World renowned renowned French French Jewelry Jewelry House House Van Cleef Cleef & &been recently recently unveiled unveiled itby newly newly bamboo. The accessories area that dominates the entrance iswith characterized transparent shelves that create the and boasts the House’s latest interior design concept which features a warm pallet, areuniqueness bamboo details in effect steel that has firunway nished with aitfeet texture to suggest the ribbing of natural expanded boutique atmirror Americana Manhasset. The boutique now covers 1,200 square are bamboo details in mirror effect steel that has been fibrand’s nished aasatin texture to suggest ribbing of natural and boasts the House’s latest interior design concept which features warm color pallet, que’s will be a video wall displaying the shows in Milan and VAN CLEEF & ARPELS expanded boutique at Americana Manhasset. The boutique now covers 1,200 square feet expanded boutique at Americana Manhasset. The boutique now covers 1,200 square feet expanded expanded boutique boutique at Americana at Americana Manhasset. Manhasset. The boutique The boutique now now covers covers 1,200 1,200 square square feet feet impression that the goods displayed are fl oating on thin air. VAN CLEEF & ARPELS crystal chandelier, and polished stainless fl oral façade to create a uniquely luxurious, and boasts the House’s latest interior design concept which features a warm color pallet, bamboo. The accessories area that dominates the entrance is characterized by transparent shelves that create the bamboo. accessories area that dominates the entrance is characterized byhis transparent shelves that create the crystal chandelier, and polished stainless flconcept oral façade to create aauniquely luxurious, handles, inspired by an original shoe design, and journey into the refined World renowned French Jewelry House Van Cleef Arpels recently unveiled newly andThe boasts theDirector, House’s latest interior design concept which features aunveiled warm color pallet, and boasts the House’s latest interior design concept which features warm color pallet, and boasts and boasts the the House’s latest latest interior interior design design concept which features warm a awarm color color pallet, pallet, lydoor curated by Creative Massimiliano Giornetti, allowing customers tojewelry shop to World renowned French Jewelry House Cleef &&which Arpels recently itit newly VAN CLEEF & ARPELS crystal chandelier, and polished stainless flwill oral façade to create aarray uniquely intimate environment. The expanded space will showcase a features vaster array ofluxurious, VCA impression thatHouse’s the goods displayed are flVan oating on thin air. intimate environment. The expanded space showcase a vaster of VCA jewelry SALVATORE FERRAGAMO expanded boutique at Americana Manhasset. The boutique now covers 1,200 square feet crystal chandelier, and polished stainless oral façade create awomen’s uniquely luxurious, crystal chandelier, and polished stainless fl oral façade tocovers create uniquely luxurious, crystal crystal chandelier, chandelier, and and polished polished stainless stainless flfloral fl oral façade façade totonow to create aair. uniquely a aof uniquely luxurious, luxurious, impression that the goods displayed are flCleef oating on thin expanded boutique at Americana Manhasset. The boutique 1,200 square feet Italian-made handbags, shoes, leather goods and and World renowned French Jewelry House Van &men’s Arpels recently unveiled itready-to-wear, newly intimate environment. The expanded space will showcase acreate vaster array VCA jewelry and timepiece collections. 世界知名的法國精品珠寶品牌Van Cleef & Arpels近期剛發表了其在Americana Manhasset新擴建的精品專 and timepiece collections. and boasts the House’s latest interior design concept which features a warm color pallet, This October Salvatore Ferragamo will unveil its newly renovated boutique at Americana Manhasset, intimate environment. The expanded space will showcase a vaster array of VCA jewelry intimate environment. The expanded space will showcase a vaster array of VCA jewelry intimate intimate environment. environment. The expanded The expanded space space will showcase will showcase a vaster a vaster array array of VCA of VCA jewelry jewelry Americana continues to evolve, with new and expanded stores showcasing the finest fashion, gems and more!nearly beautiful new Cartier boutique at Americana Manhasset. It opened earlier and boasts the House’s latest interior design concept which features a warm color pallet, expanded boutique at Americana Manhasset. The boutique now covers 1,200 square feet CLEEF &collections. ARPELS and timepiece collections. 區,擴建後的門市有1,200平方英呎且自豪地採用最新室內尊榮設計概念打造,展現溫和色調的展示櫃、水晶 etti’s coveted runway collections. ustom doorVAN handles, inspired by square an stainless original shoe design, and journey into the from refined crystal chandelier, and polished stainless floral oral façade to create create a latest uniquely luxurious, and timepiece collections. and timepiece collections. and timepiece and timepiece collections. doubling in size at 3,000 feet. Salvatore Ferragamo’s design concept Italy infuses luxury in every crystal chandelier, and polished fl façade to a uniquely luxurious, and boasts the House’s latest interior design concept which features a warm color pallet, World renowned French Jewelry House Van Cleef & Arpels recently unveiled it newly VAN CLEEF & ARPELS s inside! 吊燈與潔亮無痕的花卉門面,打造出無可比擬的豪華舒適環境。新擴建的精品專區將展現VCA全系列珠寶與 intimate environment. The expanded space will showcase awith vaster array ofVCA VCA jewelry re Ferragamo in their temporary location next to Tiffany & Co. amo: Italian-made handbags, shoes, leather goods and men’s and women’s ready-to-wear, intimate environment. The expanded space will showcase a vaster array of jewelry crystal chandelier, and polished stainless fl oral façade to create a uniquely luxurious, detail. The elegant space mixes contemporary design sophisticated fi nishes like European oak floors, walnut World renowned French Jewelry House Van Cleef & Arpels now recently unveiled newly feet expanded boutique at Americana Manhasset. The boutique covers 1,200itsquare GIORGIO ARMANI 各式收藏精品鑽錶等。 and timepiece collections. SALVATORE FERRAGAMO SALVATORE FERRAGAMO and timepiece collections. intimate environment. The expanded space will showcase a vaster array of VCA jewelry The new Americana boutique offersinterior the Manhasset. complete Giorgio Armaniwhich lifestyle collection men and women, cabinetry, Venetian plaster walls and cream-colored leather panels. Adorned withincluding stone panels, precisely textured Giornetti’s and coveted runway expanded boutique atcollections. Americana The boutique now covers 1,200 square feet boasts the House’s latest design concept features a for warm color pallet, SALVATORE FERRAGAMO This October Salvatore Ferragamo will unveil its its newly renovated boutique at Americana Manhasset, nearly nearly This October Salvatore Ferragamo will unveil newly renovated boutique at Americana Manhasset, and timepiece collections. formal and casual wear, leather SALVATORE FERRAGAMO SALVATORE FERRAGAMO SALVATORE SALVATORE FERRAGAMO FERRAGAMO and boasts the House’s latest interior design concept which features a warm color pallet, and imported from Italy, and the brand’s signature “bugnato” glass, the façade will echo the luxurious feeling crystal chandelier, and polished stainless fl oral façade to create a uniquely luxurious, World renowned French Jewelry House Van Cleef & Arpels recently unveiled it newly lvatore Ferragamo in their temporary location to Tiffany & Co. This October Salvatore Ferragamo will unveilnext its newly renovated boutique atfrom Americana Manhasset, nearly doubling in size at 3,000 square feet. Salvatore Ferragamo’s latest design concept Italy infuses luxury in every accessories, eyewear, fragrances and jewelry. doubling in size at 3,000 square feet. Salvatore Ferragamo’s latest design concept from Italy infuses luxury in every This October Salvatore Ferragamo will unveil its newly renovated boutique at Americana Manhasset, nearly This October Salvatore Ferragamo will unveil its newly renovated boutique at Americana Manhasset, nearly This This October October Salvatore Salvatore Ferragamo Ferragamo will will unveil unveil its newly its newly renovated renovated boutique boutique at Americana at Americana Manhasset, Manhasset, nearly nearly crystal chandelier, and polished stainless fl oral façade to create a uniquely luxurious, intimate environment. The expanded space will showcase a vaster array offor VCA jewelry throughout. doubling inelegant size at 3,000 square feet. Salvatore Ferragamo’s latest design concept from Italy infuses luxury inwalnut every expanded boutique at Americana Manhasset. The boutique now covers 1,200 square feet Materials used throughout the store include silk georgette-style greige coloured stone the fl oors, and custom detail. The space mixes contemporary design with sophisticated fi nishes like European oak fl oors, FERRAGAMO detail. The elegant space mixes contemporary design with sophisticated nishes like European oak flin oors, walnut doubling size at 3,000 square feet.feet. Salvatore Ferragamo’s latest design concept from Italy infuses luxury every doubling inat size 3,000 square feet. Salvatore Ferragamo’s latest design concept from Italy infuses luxury every doubling doubling inin size incollections. size 3,000 atat 3,000 square square feet. Salvatore Salvatore Ferragamo’s Ferragamo’s latest design design concept from from Italy Italy infuses infuses luxury luxury in every ininevery intimate environment. The expanded space willtables showcase alatest vaster array of fi VCA jewelry SALVATORE FERRAGAMO and timepiece detail. The elegant space mixes with ficoncept nishes like European fl oors, walnut Adding to the boutique’s uniqueness will be video wall displaying the brand’s runway shows in Milan and colored silver metallic painted wallscontemporary and ceilings. Thedesign are inasophisticated dark painted teak withwith black glass tops andoak there cabinetry, Venetian plaster walls and cream-colored leather panels. Adorned stone panels, precisely textured This October Salvatore Ferragamo will unveil its newly renovated boutique at Americana Manhasset, nearly detail. The elegant space mixes contemporary design with sophisticated fi nishes like European oak fl oors, walnut detail. The elegant space mixes contemporary design with sophisticated fi nishes like European oak fl oors, walnut detail. detail. The elegant The elegant space space mixes mixes contemporary contemporary design design with with sophisticated sophisticated fi nishes fi nishes like European like European oak fl oak oors, fl oors, walnut walnut and boasts the House’s latest interior design concept which features a warm color pallet, cabinetry, Venetian plaster walls and cream-colored leather panels. Adorned with stone panels, precisely textured and timepiece collections. This October Salvatore Ferragamo will unveil its newly renovated boutique at Americana Manhasset, nearly SALVATORE FERRAGAMO今年十月也將於Americana Manhasset推出全新裝潢精品門市,將約有3,000 SALVATORE FERRAGAMO are bamboo details in mirror effect steel that has been fi nished with a satin texture to suggest the ribbing of natural cabinetry, Venetian plaster walls and cream-colored leather panels. Adorned with stone panels, precisely textured the music will be carefully curated by Creative Director, Massimiliano Giornetti, allowing customers to shop to his op theand beautiful new Cartier boutique at Americana Manhasset. Itfaçade opened earlier ur by Italian trattoria’s renowned brick oven pizza, savory salads and inspired entrées in an and imported from Italy, and the brand’s signature “bugnato” glass, the façade will echo the luxurious feeling in size at 3,000 3,000 square feet. Salvatore Ferragamo’s latest design concept from Italy infuses luxury every cabinetry, Venetian plaster walls and cream-colored leather panels. Adorned with stone panels, precisely textured cabinetry, Venetian plaster walls and cream-colored leather panels. Adorned with stone panels, precisely textured cabinetry, cabinetry, Venetian Venetian plaster plaster walls walls and cream-colored and cream-colored leather leather panels. panels. Adorned Adorned with with stone stone panels, panels, precisely precisely textured textured imported from Italy, and the brand’s signature “bugnato” glass, the will echo the luxurious feeling doubling in size at square feet. Salvatore Ferragamo’s latest design concept from Italy infuses luxury inin every 平方英呎的空間。此次全新打造的室內裝潢融合了來自義大利時尚精品風格,有著現代感時尚設計兼具精緻 This October Salvatore Ferragamo will unveil itsfloral newly renovated boutique at Americana Manhasset, nearly bamboo. The accessories area that dominates the entrance is characterized by transparent shelves that create the crystal chandelier, and polished stainless façade to create a uniquely luxurious, and imported from Italy, and the brand’s signature “bugnato” glass, the façade will echo the luxurious feeling throughout. favorite playlists. elegant space mixes contemporary design with sophisticated nishes like European oak floors, oors, walnut the jewels inside! and imported from Italy, andand the signature “bugnato” glass, the façade will echo the luxurious feeling and imported from Italy, and the brand’s signature “bugnato” glass, thefaçade façade will echo the luxurious feeling and imported imported from from Italy, Italy, and the brand’s the brand’s signature signature “bugnato” “bugnato” glass, glass, the façade the will will echo echo the luxurious the luxurious feeling feeling detail. The elegant space mixes contemporary design sophisticated fifinishes like European oak flBon walnut unch during aand day of shopping, or relax over dinner with friends and family. appétit! impression that the goods displayed are flbrand’s oating on thin air. with throughout. doubling in size at 3,000 square feet. Salvatore Ferragamo’s latest design concept from Italy infuses luxury in every 加工潤飾,如歐洲橡木地板、胡桃木精工傢俱、威尼斯風味的灰漿建牆和乳色皮革壁板等。其精品專區門面 throughout. Adding to the boutique’s uniqueness will be aAmericana video wall displaying the brand’s runway shows injourney Milan and environment. The expanded space will showcase a vaster array of VCA jewelry SALVATORE FERRAGAMO Take hold of the custom door handles, inspired by an original shoe design, and into the refined Venetian plaster walls and cream-colored leather panels. Adorned with stone panels, precisely textured throughout. throughout. throughout. throughout. cabinetry, Venetian plaster walls and cream-colored leather panels. Adorned with stone panels, precisely textured e tointimate stop by有義大利進口石塊壁板、和“bugnato”名牌精緻玻璃窗,讓人體驗無限奢華感。 the beautiful new Cartier boutique at Manhasset. It opened earlier Adding to thecarefully boutique’s uniqueness will be awith video displaying theallowing brand’s runway in Milan and detail. The will elegant space mixes contemporary design sophisticated finishes like European oak shows flto oors, walnut Adding tobe the boutique’s uniqueness will be a video wallwall displaying the brand’s runway shows in Milan and SALVATORE FERRAGAMO the music curated by Creative Director, Massimiliano Giornetti, customers shop to his This October Ferragamo will unveil its newly renovated atallowing Americana Manhasset, nearly imported from Italy, and the brand’s signature “bugnato” glass, theboutique façade will echo the luxurious feeling Adding the boutique’s uniqueness will be abe video wall displaying the brand’s runway shows Milan and Adding to the boutique’s uniqueness will be video wall displaying the brand’s runway shows in Milan and Adding Adding totoSalvatore the tocarefully boutique’s the boutique’s uniqueness uniqueness will be will ahandbags, video a avideo wall wall displaying displaying the brand’s the brand’s runway runway shows shows in Milan in Milan and and world of Salvatore Ferragamo: Italian-made shoes, leather goods and men’s and women’s and imported from Italy, and the brand’s signature “bugnato” glass, the façade will echo the luxurious feeling and collections. cabinetry, Venetian plaster walls and cream-colored leather panels. Adorned with stone panels, precisely textured the music will be carefully curated by Creative Director, Massimiliano Giornetti, customers to shop to his 另一個特別的地方是門市內有一獨特影音牆,撥放著義大利米蘭的時裝秀,搭配由其創意總監Massimiliano the music will curated by Creative Director, Massimiliano Giornetti, allowing customers toinshop to his ready-to-wear, This October Salvatore Ferragamo will unveil its newly renovated boutique at Americana Manhasset, nearly ng as thetimepiece jewels inside! favorite playlists. VAN CLEEF & ARPELS throughout. doubling in size at 3,000 square feet. Salvatore Ferragamo’s latest design concept from Italy infuses luxury in every the music will be carefully curated by Creative Director, Massimiliano Giornetti, allowing customers to shop to his the music will be carefully curated by Creative Director, Massimiliano Giornetti, allowing customers to shop to his the music the music will be will carefully be carefully curated curated by Creative by Creative Director, Director, Massimiliano Massimiliano Giornetti, Giornetti, allowing allowing customers customers to shop to shop to his to his throughout. including Massimiliano Giornetti’s coveted runway collections. and imported from Italy, and the brand’s signature “bugnato” glass, the façade will echo the luxurious feeling Giornetti所精選的音樂,讓購物者能於消費時同時享受其影音目錄。 favorite playlists. favorite playlists. doubling in size at 3,000 square feet. Salvatore Ferragamo’s latest design concept from Italy infuses luxury in every World renowned French Jewelry House Van Cleef Arpels recently unveiled it newly Take hold of the custom door handles, inspired bywall ansophisticated original shoe and journey into the refiand ned Adding toplaylists. the boutique’s uniqueness will& be a video video wall displaying the brand’s runway shows inMilan Milan and favorite playlists. favorite favorite favorite playlists. playlists. detail. The elegant space mixes contemporary design with fidesign, nishes like oak floors, walnut Adding to the boutique’s uniqueness will be ain displaying brand’s runway shows in throughout. Curently you can visit Salvatore Ferragamo their temporary location next to European Tiffany & Co. 嘗試體驗由精品鞋款品牌所打造的奢華風,Salvatore Ferragamo將帶您踏上精品世界的旅途,包括義大利 Take hold ofatFerragamo: the custom door handles, inspired bycovers an leather original shoe design, and journey into the refi ned detail. The elegant space mixes contemporary design with sophisticated fithe nishes like European oak fl oors, walnut Take hold the custom door handles, inspired by an original shoe design, and journey into the refined expanded boutique Americana Manhasset. The handbags, boutique now 1,200 square feet world of Salvatore Italian-made shoes, goods and men’s and women’s ready-to-wear, will be carefully curated by Creative Director, Massimiliano Giornetti, allowing customers to shop to his Take hold of the custom door handles, inspired by an original shoe design, and journey into the refi ned Take hold of the custom door handles, inspired by an original shoe design, and journey into the refi ned Take Take hold hold of the of custom the custom door door handles, handles, inspired inspired by an by original an original shoe shoe design, design, and and journey journey into into the refi the ned refi ned the music will be carefully curated by Creative Director, Massimiliano Giornetti, allowing customers to shop to his cabinetry, Venetian plaster walls and cream-colored leather panels. Adorned with stone panels, precisely textured Adding to the boutique’s uniqueness will be a video wall displaying the brand’s runway shows in Milan and and boasts the House’s latest interior design concept which features a warm color pallet, world of Salvatore Ferragamo: Italian-made handbags, shoes, leather goods and men’s and women’s ready-to-wear, 製手提包、鞋款、皮製品和男女服飾等,更有Massimiliano Giornetti讓人夢寐以求的米蘭時裝秀收藏品。 cabinetry, Venetian plaster walls and cream-colored leather panels. Adorned with stone panels, precisely textured world of Salvatore Ferragamo: Italian-made handbags, shoes, leather goods and men’s and women’s ready-to-wear, including Massimiliano Giornetti’s coveted runway collections. l, enjoy our Italian trattoria’s renowned brick oven pizza, savory salads and inspired entrées in an playlists. world of Salvatore Ferragamo: Italian-made handbags, shoes, leather goods and men’s and women’s ready-to-wear, world of Salvatore Ferragamo: Italian-made handbags, shoes, leather goods and men’s and women’s ready-to-wear, world world of Salvatore of Salvatore Ferragamo: Ferragamo: Italian-made Italian-made handbags, handbags, shoes, shoes, leather leather goods goods and men’s and men’s and women’s and women’s ready-to-wear, ready-to-wear, favorite playlists. and imported from Italy, and the brand’s signature “bugnato” glass, the façade will echo the luxurious feeling the music willcan be carefully curated bycoveted Creative Director, Massimiliano Giornetti, allowing customers to shopfeeling to his crystal chandelier, and polished stainless fl oral signature façade tocollections. create a uniquely including Massimiliano Giornetti’s coveted runway and imported from Italy, and the brand’s “bugnato” glass,luxurious, the will&echo the luxurious 歡迎蒞臨在新裝潢精品門市開幕前現暫於Tiffany & Co專區旁的隔壁門市。 including Massimiliano Giornetti’s runway collections. Curently you visit Salvatore Ferragamo in their temporary location next to Tiffany Co. hold ofday the custom door handles, inspired by an original shoe design, and journey into therefi refi nedbegin st offoralunch fabulous Americana is pleased tofaçade announce thatinto Dior will including Massimiliano Giornetti’s coveted runway including Massimiliano Giornetti’s coveted runway collections. including including Massimiliano Massimiliano Giornetti’s Giornetti’s coveted coveted runway runway collections. collections. Take hold of the door handles, inspired by an original shoe design, and journey the ned intimate environment. Thecustom expanded space will showcase acollections. vaster array of VCA jewelry ome during a of shopping, or relax over dinner with friends and family. Bon appétit! throughout. favorite playlists. Curently you can visit Salvatore Ferragamo in their temporary location next to Tiffany & Co. throughout. Curently you can visit Salvatore Ferragamo in their temporary location next totoTiffany Tiffany & Co. Salvatore Ferragamo: Italian-made handbags, shoes, leather goods and men’s and women’s ready-to-wear, Curently you can visit Salvatore Ferragamo in their temporary location next to Tiffany & Co. Curently you can visit Salvatore Ferragamo in their temporary location next Tiffany & Co. Curently Curently you can you visit can visit Salvatore Salvatore Ferragamo Ferragamo in their in their temporary temporary location location next next to Tiffany to & Co. & Co. and timepiece collections. world of Salvatore Ferragamo: Italian-made handbags, shoes, leather goods and men’s and women’s ready-to-wear, his fall, enjoy our Italian trattoria’s renowned brick oven pizza, savory salads and inspired entrées an Manhasset, nearly CARTIER This October Salvatore Ferragamo will unveil newly renovated boutique at Americana Take hold of the custom door handles, inspired byits an original shoe and journey into nedinand Adding to the boutique’s uniqueness will bea video a video wall displaying the brand’s runway shows inrefi Milan Adding to the boutique’s uniqueness will be wall displaying thedesign, brand’s runway shows inthe Milan and may visit Burberry renovating their boutique later this Fall, unveiling Massimiliano Giornetti’s coveted runway collections. including Massimiliano Giornetti’s coveted runway collections. of Salvatore Ferragamo: handbags, shoes, leather goods andfriends men’s andand women’s ready-to-wear, the music will carefully curated byby Creative Director, Massimiliano Giornetti, to shop to his ng. Come for lunch during aSalvatore day of shopping, or relax over dinner with family. Bon appétit! Ifworld you haven’t yet, be sure toItalian-made stop beautiful new Cartier boutique at allowing Americana Manhasset. It opened earlier the music be carefully curated by Creative Director, Massimiliano Giornetti, allowing customers to from shop his in size at square feet. Salvatore Ferragamo’s latest design infuses luxury in every you can3,000 visit Salvatore Ferragamo in their temporary temporary location next toTiffany Tiffany Co.concept ondoubling at Americana athe beautiful new look in Spring ofcustomers 2014. AstoItaly of midCurently you can visit Ferragamo in their location next to &&Co. CARTIER including Massimiliano Giornetti’s coveted runway collections. favorite playlists. favorite playlists. this year and is as stunning as the jewels inside! CARTIER SALVATORE FERRAGAMO The elegant space mixes contemporary design with sophisticated finishes like European If you haven’t yet, be to stop by the beautiful new Cartier boutique atDior Americana Manhasset. Itinto opened earlier Curently you can visit Salvatore Ferragamo in inspired their temporary location next to Tiffany & Co. CARTIER CARTIER 如果妳還未參觀過的話,別忘了趕緊來看看Cartier在Americana Manhasset的最新精品專區,此門市比原先預期的更早開幕,而且專區 CARTIER CARTIER Take hold thesure custom door handles, inspired an original shoe design, and journey into the refined oak floors, walnut . detail. CARTIER October, please visit inManhasset, their temporary location, Take of the custom door handles, byby an original shoe design, and journey the refi ned This October Salvatore Ferragamo will unveil its newly renovated boutique at nearly If you haven’t yet, be sure toasstop by the beautiful new Cartier boutique atAmericana Americana Manhasset. It opened earlier this year and is as stunning the jewels inside! Ifyou you haven’t yet, be stop by the beautiful new Cartier boutique atpanels. Americana Manhasset. opened earlier If you haven’t yet, besure sure tostop stop by the beautiful new Cartier boutique atAmericana Americana Manhasset. opened earlier Ifworld you If haven’t you haven’t yet, be yet, sure be toto stop to by the by beautiful the beautiful new new Cartier Cartier boutique boutique atfrom Americana Manhasset. Manhasset. ItItopened ItItstone opened earlier earlier cabinetry, Venetian plaster walls and cream-colored leather Adorned with panels, If haven’t yet, be sure to stop by the beautiful new Cartier boutique at Americana Manhasset. It opened earlier precisely textured 的裝潢設計就像它裡面的珠寶一樣令人驚喜! of Salvatore Ferragamo: Italian-made handbags, shoes, leather goods and men’s and women’s ready-to-wear, world of Salvatore Ferragamo: Italian-made handbags, shoes, leather goods and men’s and women’s ready-to-wear, doubling in size atas3,000 square feet. Salvatore Ferragamo’s latest design concept Italy infuses luxury inside every this year and is stunning as the jewels inside! near the east walkway on the south of Americana. theand midst of a fabulous Americana is pleased to announce that Dior will begin this year and is as stunning as the jewels inside! this year and is as stunning as the jewels inside! this year this year and is and as is stunning as stunning as the as jewels the jewels inside! inside! CARTIER including Massimiliano Giornetti’s coveted runway collections. this year and is as stunning as the jewels inside! including Massimiliano Giornetti’s coveted runway collections. detail. The elegant space mixes contemporary design withsignature sophisticated “bugnato” finishes like European oak the floors,façade walnut imported from Italy, and the brand’s glass, will echo the luxurious feeling CIPOLLINI TRATTORIA & BAR haven’t yet, be sure to stop by the beautiful new Cartier boutique at Americana Manhasset. It opened earlier If you haven’t yet, be sure to stop by the beautiful new Cartier boutique at Americana Manhasset. It opened earlier Curently you can visit Salvatore Ferragamo in their temporary location next to Tiffany & Co. cabinetry, Venetian plaster walls and cream-colored leather panels. Adorned with stone panels, precisely textured Curently you visit Salvatore Ferragamo in their temporary their locationboutique next to Tiffany & Co.this Fall, unveiling CARTIER ently you may visit Burberry renovating later
s inthroughout. the Cipollini midst of ayet, fabulous Americana is pleased to announce that Dior willand begin and imported from Italy, andto the brand’s signature glass, boutique the façade willAmericana echobrick the luxurious feeling and is asTRATTORIA stunning asstop the jewels inside! CIPOLLINI & BAR this year and is as stunning as the jewels inside! is expanding! This fall, enjoy our“bugnato” Italian trattoria’s renowned oven pizza, savory salads inspired entrées in an If you haven’t be sure by the beautiful new Cartier at Manhasset. It2014. opened earlier ary location at Americana a beautiful new look in Spring of As of midCIPOLLINI TRATTORIA & BAR throughout. Cipollini is expanding! This fall, enjoy our Italian trattoria’s renowned brick oven pizza, savory salads and inspired entrées in an inBon Adding toand the boutique’s uniqueness will be video wallrunway displaying thesalads brand’s runway shows Milan and even more spacious setting. Come for lunch during aa day of shopping, orshows relaxinover dinner friends and family. appétit! Currently you may visit Burberry renovating their boutique later this with Fall, unveiling this year is as stunning as the jewels inside! CIPOLLINI TRATTORIA && BAR CIPOLLINI TRATTORIA & BAR CIPOLLINI CIPOLLINI TRATTORIA TRATTORIA &will BAR & CIPOLLINI TRATTORIA BAR Adding to the boutique’s be aBAR video wall displaying the brand’s Milan and and Cipollini is spacious expanding! Thisuniqueness fall, enjoy our Italian trattoria’s renowned brick oven pizza, savory inspired entrées in an even more setting. Come for lunch during a day of shopping, or relax over dinner with friends and family. Bon appétit! to Cartier. October, please visit Dior in their temporary location, Cipollini正在裝潢擴大其店面! 今年秋天,享受更寬敞的環境與您最愛的道地磚爐火烤比薩、美味可口的沙拉與富有創意的主題料理。 Cipollini is expanding! This fall, enjoy our Italian trattoria’s renowned brick oven pizza, savory salads and inspired entrées in an Cipollini is expanding! This fall, enjoy our Italian trattoria’s renowned brick oven pizza, savory salads and inspired entrées in an Cipollini Cipollini is expanding! is expanding! This This fall, enjoy fall, enjoy our Italian our Italian trattoria’s trattoria’s renowned renowned brick brick oven oven pizza, pizza, savory savory salads salads and inspired and inspired entrées entrées in an in an CARTIER mporary location at aday beautiful new look in Spring of 2014. Asinspired of the music will beAmericana carefully curated by Creative Director, Massimiliano Giornetti, allowing customers to shop tofriends his salads the music will be carefully byour Creative Director, Massimiliano Giornetti, allowing customers to his Cipollini is expanding! Thiscurated fall, enjoy Italian renowned brick oven pizza, savory entréestoinshop an even more spacious setting. Come for lunch during atrattoria’s of shopping, or relax over dinner with and and family. Bonmidappétit! CARTIER 就連您在購物時也可以來吃午餐小憩,或與朋友家人一同享受輕鬆美妙的晚餐 –or 祝您用餐愉快 (Bon appetit)! TRATTORIA & BAR CIPOLLINI TRATTORIA & BAR even more spacious setting. Come for lunch during day of shopping, or relax over dinner withwith friends andAmericana. family. BonBon appétit! even more spacious setting. Come forlunch lunch during day ofshopping, shopping, relax over dinner with friends andfamily. family. Bonappétit! appétit! even even more more spacious spacious setting. setting. Come Come for lunch for during during aaday a aof day shopping, of relax ororrelax over over dinner dinner with friends friends and family. and Bon appétit! near the east walkway on the south side of favorite playlists. If you haven’t yet, be sure to stop by the beautiful new Cartier boutique at Americana Manhasset. It opened earlier even more spacious setting. Come for lunch during a day of shopping, or relax over dinner with friends and family. Bon appétit! next to Cartier. October, please visit Dior in their temporary location, youTake haven’t yet, becustom sure stop by the beautiful new Cartier boutique at Americana Manhasset. It opened favoriteIfCipollini playlists. expanding! Thisto fall, enjoy our Italianby trattoria’s renowned brickand oven pizza, savory salads and inspiredearlier entréesininan an is expanding! This fall, enjoy Italian trattoria’s renowned brick oven pizza, savory salads inspired entrées hold of as the door handles, inspired an original shoe design, journey into the refi ned and this year year and and is stunning as the jewels inside! DIOR CIPOLLINI TRATTORIA &our BAR this is as stunning as the jewels inside! near the east walkway on the south side of Americana. world of Salvatore Ferragamo: Italian-made handbags, shoes, leather goods and men’s and women’s ready-to-wear, BURBERRY DIOR spacious setting. Come for lunch during a day of shopping, or relax over dinner with friends and family. Bon appétit! even more spacious setting. Come for lunch during a day of shopping, or relax over dinner with friends and family. Bon appétit! Take hold of the custom door handles, inspired by an original shoe design, and journey into the refined BURBERRY DIOR Cipollini is expanding! This fall, enjoy our Italian trattoria’s renowned brick oven pizza, savory salads and inspired entrées in an including Massimiliano Giornetti’s coveted runway collections. BURBERRY DIOR Burberry is in the midst of a fabulous Americana is pleased to announce that Dior will begin Burberry is inCome the midst of during a fabulous Americana is pleased to men’s announce that women’s Diorappétit! will begin more setting. for lunch a day of shopping, or relax over dinner with friends and family. Bon world ofeven Salvatore Ferragamo: Italian-made handbags, leather goods and and ready-to-wear, BURBERRY DIOR BURBERRY DIOR BURBERRY BURBERRY DIOR DIOR Curently youspacious can visit Salvatore Ferragamo in their temporary location nextshoes, to Tiffany & Co. Burberry is in the midst of a fabulous Americana is pleased to announce that Dior will begin renovation! you may Burberry renovating their boutique thisbegin Fall, unveiling renovation! you may Burberry renovating their boutique later this Fall, unveiling BURBERRY DIOR CIPOLLINI TRATTORIA && BAR Burberry the midst aof fabulous Americana pleased announce thatDior Dior will begin Burberry isthe in the the midst a在全 fabulous Americana pleased announce thatlater Dior will begin Burberry Burberry isisCurrently inin isCurrently in midst midst ofofvisit aof fabulous avisit fabulous Americana Americana isis pleased isispleased totoannounce totoannounce that that Dior will begin will Burberry也正在裝潢一個全新的精品門市! Americana愉悅地宣布Dior將於今年晚秋時 including Massimiliano Giornetti’s coveted runway collections. renovation! Currently you may visit Burberry renovating their boutique later this Fall, unveiling CIPOLLINI TRATTORIA BAR in their temporary location at Americana a beautiful new look in Spring of 2014. As of midBurberry is in the midst of a fabulous Americana is pleased to announce that Dior will begin in their temporary location at Americana a beautiful new look in Spring of 2014. As of midCipollini is expanding! This fall, enjoy our Italian trattoria’s renowned brick oven pizza, savory salads and inspired entrées in an BURBERRY DIOR BURBERRY DIOR renovation! Currently you may visit Burberry renovating their boutique later this Fall, unveiling renovation! Currently you may visit Burberry renovating their boutique later this Fall, unveiling renovation! renovation! Currently Currently you may you at may visit Burberry visit Burberry renovating renovating their their boutique boutique later later this2014. this Fall, As Fall, unveiling 新的店面打造好之前,請先蒞臨位於Cartier門市 重新裝潢,於明年2014春季換新門市面貌。若 in their temporary location Americana aOctober, beautiful newsavory look in Spring of of unveiling midCipollini is expanding! This fall, enjoy our Italian trattoria’s renowned brick oven pizza, salads and inspired entrées in an Curently you can visit Salvatore Ferragamo in their temporary location next to Tiffany & Co. Manhasset, next to Cartier. please visit Dior in their temporary location, renovation! Currently you may visit Burberry renovating their boutique later this Fall, unveiling DIOR even more spacious setting. Come for lunch during a day of shopping, or relax over dinner with friends and family. Bon appétit! Burberry is in the midst of a fabulous Americana is pleased to announce that Dior will begin Burberry is in the midst of a fabulous Americana is pleased to announce that Dior will begin Manhasset, next to Cartier. October, please visit Dior in their temporary location, in their temporary location at Americana a beautiful new look in Spring of 2014. As of midin their temporary location at Americana a beautiful new look in Spring of 2014. As of midtheir in their temporary temporary location location at Americana at Americana aDIOR beautiful a您在十月中蒞臨時,請先至Americana的南端 beautiful new new look look in Spring in Spring of 2014. of 2014. As ofAsmidof midCARTIER in 旁的專區。 BURBERRY
Manhasset, nextCome to Cartier. October, please visit Dior in their temporary location, even setting. for lunch during aboutique day of at shopping, relax over dinner with friends and family. Bon appétit! near the east walkway on the south side of Americana. renovation! Currently you may visit Burberry renovating their boutique later this Fall, unveiling in their temporary location at Americana a東面走廊參觀其精品專區。 beautiful new look in Spring of 2014. As of ofmidrenovation! Currently you maynew visit Burberry renovating boutique later this Fall, unveiling If youmore haven’tspacious yet, be sure to stop beautiful Cartier AmericanaorManhasset. Itplease opened earlier Manhasset, next tothe Cartier. October, visit Dior in their temporary location, Manhasset, next to Cartier. October, please visit Dior their temporary location, Manhasset, Manhasset, next to Cartier. to Cartier. October, October, please please visit visit Dior Dior in their inin their temporary temporary location, location, near the east walkway on the south side Americana. Burberry isnext in by the midst Americana istheir pleased to announce that Dior will begin DIOR of a fabulous near the east walkway on the south side of Americana. this year and isin as stunning as the jewels inside! their temporary location at Americana a beautiful new look in Spring of 2014. As of midin their temporary location at Americana a beautiful new look in Spring of 2014. As of midnear the east walkway on the south side of Americana. near the east walkway on the south side Americana. near near the east thetheir walkway east walkway on the on south thein south side side oftemporary Americana. of Americana. Manhasset, next to Cartier. October, please visit Dior their location, renovation! Currently you may visit Burberry renovating boutique later this Fall, unveiling Manhasset, next October, visit Dior temporary Manhasset, next to to Cartier. Cartier. please visit Dior intheir their temporary location, nearplease thenew east walkway on the south Americana. in their temporary location at Americana aOctober, beautiful look in in Spring of 2014. side Aslocation, ofof midBURBERRY DIOR
near nearthe theeast eastwalkway walkwayon onthe thesouth southside sideofofAmericana. Americana.
Manhasset, October, please visit Dior in their that temporary location, BURBERRY DIOR Burberry is next in to the midst of a fabulous Americana is pleased to announce Dior will begin CIPOLLINI TRATTORIA &Cartier. BAR Shop during Champions for Charity®, Americana’s 9th Annual Americana Manhasset near the east walkway on the south side of Americana. BURBERRY DIORoven pizza,renovating renovation! Currently you maytrattoria’s visitaBurberry boutique this Fall, unveiling Burberry in theour midst of fabulous Americana pleased tolater announce that Dior will begin Cipollini is expanding! This is fall, enjoy Italian renowned brick savory saladstheir andisinspired entrées in an
If you haven’t Cartier boutique at Americana Manhasset. It opened earlier PRORSUM BURBERRY yet, be sure to stop by the beautiful new DIOR BURBERRY in their temporary location atavisit Americana a beautiful new look inBon Spring of 2014. AsFall, of midDIOR even more spacious setting. Come for lunch during day of shopping, or relax over dinner with friends and family. appétit! annual holiday benefit. Simply register renovation! Currently you may Burberry renovating their boutique later thisshopping unveiling cours d’Elegance will be held on BURBERRY BURBERRY BURBERRY BURBERRY DIOR DIOR DIOR DIOR PRORSUM PRORSUM this year and is asin stunning astothe jewelsatinside! PRORSUM PRORSUM PRORSUM PRORSUM Manhasset, next Cartier. October, please new visit Dior inintheir temporary location, their temporary location Americana a beautiful look Spring of 2014. As of midfor ona the complimentary CHAMPION CARD and 25% BURBERRY20. Wayne Carini, host day, October DIOR BURBERRY nearOctober, the east walkway side temporary of Americana. DIOR BURBERRY DIOR Manhasset, next to Cartier. please visit Diorsouth in their location, PRORSUM PRORSUM PRORSUM Americana’s during Champions for will Charity TheClassic 9th Annual Americana Manhasset ofShop your pre-tax purchases be®®,donated to the BURBERRY DIOR hasing near the east walkway on the south side of Americana. BURBERRYCars, is this year’s Master DIOR , Americana’s Shop during Champions for Charity 2013 CHAMPION CARD Burberry is in the midst of a fabulous Americana is pleased to announce that Dior will begin The 9th Annual Americana Manhasset PRORSUM annual holiday shopping benefi t. Simply register Concours will you bemayheld on participating Ceremonies! Thed’Elegance event renovation! will Currentlyfeature visit Burberry renovating their boutique later this Fall, unveiling organization(s) of your choice. This annual holiday shopping benefi t.CARD Simply register Concours d’Elegance will be held on CIPOLLINI TRATTORIA & BAR atoAs complimentary CHAMPION and 25% Sunday, October 20. Wayne Carini, host in their temporary location Americana a beautiful new look in Springyear, offor 2014. of mid, Americana’s Shop during Champions for Charity Theat 9th Annual Americana Manhasset accommodate early shopping, Champions 200 privately owned cars by Aston , Americana’s Shop during Champions for Charity for a location, complimentary CHAMPION and The 9thour Annual Americana Manhasset BURBERRY Manhasset, next Cartier. October, in their temporary Sunday, October 20. Wayne Carini, host Cipollini is expanding! This fall, enjoy Italian trattoria’s renowned brick oven pizza, savory salads and inspired entrées in25% an annual holiday shopping benefi t.CARD Simply register Concours d’Elegance will DIOR be held onplease visit Dior of your pre-tax purchases will be donated to the ® of Chasing Classic Cars, is tothis year’s Master Americana’s Shop during Champions for Charity Americana’s ® Shop during Champions for Charity , ,Americana’s , ,Americana’s Shop Shop during during Champions Champions for Charity for Charity TheThe 9th Annual Annual Americana Manhasset The 9th Annual Americana Manhasset The 9th 9th Annual Americana Americana Manhasset Manhasset PRORSUM near the east walkwayCARD on the south side ofyour Americana. annual holiday shopping benefi t. Simply register will take place on an additional day,, Amer for Charity Concours d’Elegance will be held on tin,even Audi, Bentley, Ferrari, Jaguar, 2013 CHAMPION for a complimentary CHAMPION CARD and 25% Sunday, October 20. Wayne Carini, host Shop during Champions for Charity of pre-tax purchases will be donated to the The 9th Annual Americana Manhasset of Chasing Classic Cars, is this year’s Master BURBERRY annual holiday shopping benefi t. Simply register annual holiday shopping benefi t. Simply register annual annual holiday holiday shopping shopping benefi benefi t. Simply t. Simply register register more spacious setting. Come for lunch during a day of shopping, or relax over dinner with friends and family. Bon appétit! Concours d’Elegance will be held on Concours d’Elegance will be held on Concours Concours d’Elegance d’Elegance will will be held be held on on DIOR participating organization(s) of your choice. This of Ceremonies! The event will feature for a complimentary CHAMPION CARD and 25% Sunday, October 20. Wayne Carini, host CHAMPION CARD ® 2013 ® the of will donated PRORSUM of Chasing Classic Cars, is this year’s Master , ,Americana’s Shop Champions for Charity The 9th Annual Americana Manhasset 第九屆Concours (Chasing d’Elegance Acomplimentary m e24. r annual i purchases c a n aChampions 每 年 都 會 舉be 辦 「 CCharity h CARD afor mand p ito o25% nbenefi sAmericana’s f 25% o rt. Simply r ,and Shop during for holiday shopping Americana’s Shop during Champions for Charity Sunday November Champions Charity The 9th Annual Americana Manhasset Concours d’Elegance will be host held foryour aduring complimentary CHAMPION CARD 25% The 9th Annual Americana Manhasset for acomplimentary CHAMPION for afor complimentary apre-tax CHAMPION CHAMPION CARD CARD and and 25% borghini, Lotus, Maserati, Sunday, October 20. Wayne Carini, host Sunday, October 20. Wayne Carini, host on 2013 CHAMPION Sunday, October October 20. Wayne 20. Wayne Carini, Carini, host participating organization(s) of your choice. This Ceremonies! The McLaren, event will feature CARD of your pre-tax purchases will be donated to the of Chasing Classic Cars, is this year’s Master year, to accommodate early shopping, Champions over of 200 privately owned carsSunday, by Aston participating organization(s) of your choice. This of Ceremonies! The event will feature annual holiday shopping benefi t. Simply register Concours d’Elegance will held on Classic Cars)經典車展將於10月20日星期 Charity」假日慈善義賣活動。只要購物者上網或現 annual holiday shopping benefi t. donated Simply ofyour your pre-tax purchases will be donated toThis the Concours d’Elegance will be held on your pre-tax purchases will donated the annual holiday shopping benefi t.register Simply register of ofof your pre-tax pre-tax purchases will will be be donated to the totothe of Chasing Classic Cars, isthis this year’s Master of Chasing Classic Cars, isthis this year’s Master Concours d’Elegance will be held on host 2013 CHAMPION CARD of Chasing of Chasing Classic Classic Cars, Cars, is isbe year’s year’s Master Master for apurchases complimentary CHAMPION CARD an Sunday, October 20. Wayne Carini, ,be Americana’s Shop during Champions for Charity The 9th Annual Americana Manhasset year, to accommodate early shopping, Champions participating organization(s) of your choice. continues on 5 through December 7. overAudi, 200 and privately owned cars by Aston ® aDecember of Ceremonies! The event will feature che, Martin, Rolls-Royce more! 2013CHAMPION CHAMPION CARD 2013 CHAMPION CARD 2013 2013 CHAMPION CARD CARD year, to accommodate early shopping, Champions over privately owned cars by Aston for complimentary CHAMPION CARD and 25% Sunday, October 20. Wayne Carini, host will take place on an additional day, for Charity for aparticipating complimentary CHAMPION CARD and 25% Bentley, Ferrari, Jaguar, Carini也是此屆車 日舉行。主辦人Wayne 場登記取得免費的「Champion Card」,則於活動 participating organization(s) of your choice. This Sunday, October 20. Wayne Carini, host participating organization(s) of your choice. This 25% participating organization(s) of your of your choice. choice. This This of Ceremonies! The event will feature ofCeremonies! Ceremonies! The event will feature of Ceremonies! of200 The The event event will will feature feature for a organization(s) complimentary CHAMPION CARD and Sunday, October 20. Wayne Carini, host
of Chasing Classic Cars, this year’s Concours d’Elegance be is held on Master BURBERRY DIOR will over 200 privately owned cars by Aston Martin, Audi, Bentley, Ferrari, Jaguar, Martin, Audi, Bentley, Ferrari, Jaguar, of Chasing Classic Cars, isisowned this year’s Master of Chasing Classic Cars, this year’s Master 展的主持人。Aston Martin, Audi, Bentley, PRORSUM over 200 privately owned cars by Aston over 200 privately owned cars by Aston over over 200 200 privately privately owned cars cars by Aston by Aston of Chasing Classic Cars, is this year’s Master Sunday, October 20. Wayne Carini, host Lamborghini, Lotus, Maserati, McLaren, of Ceremonies! The event will feature Martin, Audi,Lotus, Bentley, Ferrari, Jaguar, Lamborghini, Maserati, McLaren, of Ceremonies! The event will feature BURBERRY of Ceremonies! The event will feature Ferrari, Jaguar, Lamborghini, Lotus, Martin, Audi, Bentley, Ferrari, Jaguar, Martin, Audi, Bentley, Ferrari, Jaguar, Martin, Martin, Audi, Audi, Bentley, Bentley, Ferrari, Ferrari, Jaguar, Jaguar, Lamborghini, Lotus, Maserati, McLaren, of Ceremonies! The event will feature of Chasing Classic Cars, is this year’s Master Lamborghini, Lotus, Maserati, McLaren, The 200 9th Rolls-Royce Annual Americana Manhasset over 200 privately owned cars by Aston Porsche, Rolls-Royce and more! Porsche, andMaserati, more! over privately owned cars by Aston over 200 privately owned cars byfeature Aston Lamborghini, Lotus, Maserati, McLaren, Lamborghini, Lotus, Maserati, McLaren, Maserati, McLaren, Porsche和Rolls-Royce Lamborghini, Lamborghini, Lotus, Lotus, Maserati, McLaren, McLaren, of Ceremonies! The event will Burberry is in midst of a fabulous over 200 privately owned cars by Aston Porsche, Rolls-Royce andthe more! Porsche, Rolls-Royce and more! Concours d’Elegance will be held on Martin, Audi, Bentley, Ferrari, Jaguar, Martin, Audi, Bentley, Ferrari, Jaguar, Martin, Audi, Bentley, Ferrari, Jaguar, Porsche, Rolls-Royce and more! Porsche, Rolls-Royce and more! Porsche, Porsche, Rolls-Royce Rolls-Royce and more! and more! 等等大廠將於車展中秀出兩百多輛的經典跑 over 200 privately owned cars by Aston The 9th Annual Americana Manhasset Martin, Audi, Bentley, Ferrari, Jaguar, Sunday, October 20. Wayne Carini, host renovation! Currently you may visit Burberry Lamborghini, Lotus, Maserati, McLaren, Lamborghini, Lotus, Maserati, McLaren, Lamborghini, Lotus, Maserati, McLaren, 車。 Martin, Audi, Bentley, Ferrari, Concours d’Elegance willyear’s be Jaguar, held on Lamborghini, Lotus, McLaren, of Chasing Classic Cars, isMaserati, this Master Porsche, Rolls-Royce and more! Porsche, Rolls-Royce and more! Porsche, Rolls-Royce and more! in their temporary location at Americana Lamborghini, Lotus, Maserati, McLaren, Wayne Carini, ofSunday, Ceremonies! The20. event featurehost The 9th AnnualOctober Americana Manhasset Porsche, Rolls-Royce andwill more! Porsche, Rolls-Royce and more! Concours d’Elegance will be held on Manhasset, next to over Cartier. 200 privately by Aston of Chasing Classicowned Cars, iscars this year’s Master
® ® ®®
of your pre-tax will be donated annual shopping benefi t. purchases Simply register ® to holiday ® year, accommodate early shopping, Champions will take place on an additional day, for Charity will place on an additional day, for2013 Charity of your pre-tax purchases will be donated toChampions ® CHAMPION CARD of your pre-tax purchases will be donated tothe the year, to accommodate early shopping, Champions 期間購物,Americana將捐贈消費金額稅前的百分之 year, toaccommodate accommodate early shopping, year, year, to accommodate totake early early shopping, shopping, Champions Champions the Sunday November 24. Champions for Charity participating organization(s) of your choice DIOR Sunday November 24. Champions for Charity ® ® of your participating organization(s) choice. This of your pre-tax purchases will be donated to the Sunday November 24. Champions for Charity , Americana’s Shop during Champions for Charity year, toearly accommodate early shopping, Cham continues on December 524. through December 7. continues onNovember December 524. through December 7. ®® ®® year, to accommodate early shopping, Champions 2013 CHAMPION CARD year, to accommodate shopping, Champions Sunday November 24. Champions for Charity Sunday November 24. Champions for Charity Sunday Sunday November Champions for for Charity 免擁擠的購物人潮,「Champions forCharity Charity」的 participating organization(s) your choice. This year, to accommodate early shopping, Champions ®of Americana is pleased to announce that Dior will begin continues on December 5place through 7. continues December 5Champions through December 7. annual holiday shopping benefi t.December Simply register ®on ®will will take place on an addition for Charity take on an additional day, for Charity will place on an December additional day, for Charity continues on December through December 7. 7.7. day, continues ontake through December continues on December on December 55take through 55through December 7. ®December 活動將會多增加一天(11月24日星期日)。而今年的 year, to accommodate early shopping, Champions Americana’s Shop during Champions for Charity will place on an®,unveiling additional for Charity for acontinues complimentary CHAMPION CARD and 25% ®® renovating Sunday their boutique later this Fall, November 24. Champions for Charity Sunday November 24. Champions for C Sunday November 24. Champions for Charity ® 活動期間也將如往年由12月5日至12月7日舉行。 will take place on anbenefi additional day, for your Charity annual holiday shopping t. Simply register Sunday November 24. Champions for Charity® of pre-tax purchases will be donated to the continues on December 5 through December 7. continues on 5 through Decemb continues December 5Champions through December 7.of® mid2013 CHAMPION CARD a Shop beautiful new look in ofDecember 2014. As Sunday November 24. for CARD Charity for aon complimentary CHAMPION and 25% participating organization(s) of your choice. This ,Spring Americana’s during Champions for Charity continues on December 5 through December 7. continues onDior December 5 through December 7. annual holiday shopping benefi t. Simply register year, to accommodate early shopping, Champions October, please visit in purchases their temporary location, of your pre-tax will be donated to the 2013for CHAMPION CARD ® a complimentary CHAMPION CARD and 25% will take place on an additional day, for Charity participating organization(s) of of your choice. This near thepre-tax eastSunday walkway ondonated the south Americana. of your purchases will be the side for November 24. to Champions Charity®
® of your pre-tax purchases will be donated a complimentary CHAMPION and 25% 2013 CARD will place onyour anCARD additional day,® ® to for Charity 2013CHAMPION CHAMPION CARD CARD Sunday November Champions foradditional Charity ®®organization(s) ® ® take participating of choice. This 2013 CHAMPION participating organization(s) of your choice. This will take place onan an additional day,day, forCharity Charity will24. take place on an additional day, forCharity Charity will will take take place place on on additional an day, for for 二十五到您所指定的合作慈善機構。今年起為了避
Sunday, 20. Wayne hostwill Martin, Audi, Bentley, Ferrari, Jaguar, ofOctober Ceremonies! TheCarini, event feature of Chasing Classic Cars, is this year’s Master Lamborghini, Lotus, Maserati, McLaren, year, to over 200 privately owned cars by Aston2013 CHAMPION CARD participating organization(s) of accommodate your choice. Thisearly shopping, Champions of Ceremonies! The event will feature ® continues on December 5 through 7. Porsche, Rolls-Royce and more! will take place December on an additional day, for Charity Martin, Audi, Bentley, Ferrari, Jaguar, year, to accommodate early shopping, Champions over 200 privately owned cars by Aston ® ® Sunday November 24. Champions for Charity will take place on an additional day, for Charity Lamborghini, Lotus, Maserati, McLaren, Martin, Audi, Bentley, Ferrari, Jaguar, One of the most unique aspects of Americana Manhasset is its commitment to exceptional service. With that® in Sunday November 24. Charity Lamborghini, Lotus, Maserati, McLaren, One ofthe theAmericana most unique aspects ofmore! Americana Manhasset is its commitment to exceptional service. With that in continues on for December 5 through December 7. Rolls-Royce and mind, has developed aofcomplimentary Personal Shopping service, aChampions dedicated suite housed One ofPorsche, the most unique aspects Americana Manhasset commitment exceptional service. With that One themost most unique aspects Americana Manhasset is commitment toexceptional exceptional service. With thatinin One One of the ofofmost the unique unique aspects aspects ofof Americana of Americana Manhasset Manhasset isisitsitsiscommitment itsits commitment toto exceptional towith service. service. With With that inin continues on December through December 7. that Porsche, more! mind, theRolls-Royce Americanaand has developed a complimentary Personal Shopping service, with a5 dedicated suite housed
COMPLIMENTARY PERSONAL SHOPPING SERVICE COMPLIMENTARY PERSONAL SHOPPING SERVICE COMPLIMENTARY PERSONAL SHOPPING SERVICE COMPLIMENTARY PERSONAL SHOPPING SERVICE COMPLIMENTARY COMPLIMENTARY PERSONAL PERSONAL SHOPPING SHOPPING SERVICE SERVICE e most unique aspects of Americana Manhasset is its commitment to exceptional service. With that in COMPLIMENTARY PERSONAL SHOPPING SERVICE COMPLIMENTARY PERSONAL SHOPPING SERVICE COMPLIMENTARY PERSONAL SHOPPING within Americana’s storefront Concierge. The Personal Shopping Suite features aservice, luxuriously appointed lounge and COMPLIMENTARY PERSONAL SERVICE mind, theAmericana Americana hasdeveloped developed complimentary Personal Shopping service, withwith adedicated dedicated suite housed mind, theAmericana Americana has developed aSHOPPING complimentary Personal Shopping service, dedicated suite housed mind, mind, the the has has developed aacomplimentary aSERVICE complimentary Personal Personal Shopping Shopping service, with awith a adedicated suite suite housed housed within Americana’s storefront Concierge. The Personal Shopping Suite features a luxuriously appointed lounge and One of the most unique aspects of Americana Manhasset is its commitment to exceptional service. With that inin Americana has developed a complimentary Personal Shopping service, with a dedicated suite housed three spacious and inviting private rooms. Danielle Merollo, Director of Personal Shopping Services atWith Americana, One of theAmericana most unique aspects of Americana Manhasset isShopping its commitment to exceptional service. that OneBURBERRY of theofmost unique aspects ofCOMPLIMENTARY Americana Manhasset is its commitment toSuite exceptional With that in COMPLIMENTARY PERSONAL SHOPPING SERVICE PERSONAL SHOPPING SERVICE DIOR within Americana’s storefront Concierge. The Personal Shopping Suite features luxuriously appointed lounge andand within Americana’s storefront Concierge. The Personal Suite features aluxuriously luxuriously appointed lounge and within within Americana’s Americana’s storefront storefront Concierge. Concierge. The Personal The Personal Shopping Shopping Suite features features aaluxuriously aservice. appointed appointed lounge lounge and COMPLIMENTARY PERSONAL SHOPPING SERVICE One the most unique aspects of Manhasset is its commitment to exceptional service. With that in three spacious and inviting private rooms. Danielle“Many Merollo, Director of Personal Shopping Services atsuite Americana, mind, the Americana has developed aa complimentary Personal Shopping service, with aexceptional dedicated suite housed PRORSUM encourages customers to make an appointment. people are intimidated by the idea of using a Personal mind, the Americana has developed complimentary Personal Shopping service, with a dedicated housed One of the most unique aspects of Americana Manhasset is its commitment to service. With in that in three spacious and inviting private rooms. Danielle Merollo, Director ofis Personal Shopping Services Americana, three spacious andinviting inviting private rooms. Danielle Merollo, Director ofPersonal Personal Shopping Services Americana, three three spacious and inviting and private private rooms. Danielle Danielle Merollo, Merollo, Director Director of Personal of Shopping Shopping Services Services atat Americana, atatAmericana, One of most unique aspects ofrooms. Americana Manhasset isa itsluxuriously commitment toadedicated exceptional service. With that in thatWith One of the most unique aspects of Americana Manhasset its to exceptional service. ericana’s storefront Concierge. The Personal Suite features appointed lounge and mind, the Americana has developed athespacious complimentary Personal Shopping service, with aacommitment suite 免費個人購物助理服務 mind, the Americana has developed acustomers complimentary Personal Shopping service, with dedicated housed encourages toShopping make anyou appointment. “Many people are your intimidated by the not idea ofsuite usinghoused a you Personal within Americana’s storefront Concierge. The Personal Shopping Suite features luxuriously appointed lounge and Shopper, but we’re here to help make the right decisions for life and style, to pressure into within Americana’s storefront Concierge. The Personal Shopping Suite features a luxuriously appointed lounge and encourages customers make an appointment. “Many people areintimidated intimidated by the idea ofausing using Personal encourages customers make appointment. “Many people areintimidated intimidated byaidea the idea ofsuite using asuite Personal mind, theAmericana Americana developed a complimentary Personal Shopping service, with dedicated housed encourages encourages customers customers totohas make toto make an appointment. an appointment. “Many “Many people people are are by the by the idea of ofwith using aaPersonal adedicated Personal mind, the has developed aancomplimentary Personal Shopping service, with dedicated housed mind, the Americana has developed aSuite complimentary Shopping service, aand suite housed Shopper, but we’re here toprivate help you make the right decisions for your life and style, not to lounge pressure you into within Americana’s storefront Concierge. The Personal Shopping Suite features aworks luxuriously appointed three spacious and inviting rooms. Danielle Merollo, Director ofof Personal Shopping Services atatAmericana, iouswithin and inviting private rooms. Danielle Merollo, Director of Personal Shopping Services at Americana, Americana’s storefront Concierge. The Personal Shopping features aPersonal luxuriously appointed lounge and 在Americana Manhasset購物讓消費者覺得最與眾不同的就是服務人員對顧客服務最高滿意度的承諾。秉持著此種精 buying things you don’t need and won’t wear.” Tiffany Hsieh with Danielle and speaks Chinese, making three spacious and inviting private rooms. Danielle Merollo, Director Personal Shopping Services Americana, COMPLIMENTARY PERSONAL SHOPPING SERVICE Shopper, but we’re here to help you make the right decisions for your life and style, not to pressure you into Shopper, but we’re here to help you make the right decisions for your life and style, not to pressure you into Shopper, Shopper, but we’re but we’re here here to help to help you you make make the right the right decisions decisions for your for your life and life and style, style, not to not pressure to pressure you you into into within Americana’s storefront Concierge. The Personal Shopping Suite features a luxuriously appointed lounge and within Americana’s storefront Concierge. The Personal Shopping Suite features a luxuriously appointed lounge and within Americana’s storefront Concierge. The Personal Shopping Suite features a luxuriously appointed lounge and buying things you don’t need and won’t wear.” speaking Tiffany Hsieh works withteam Danielle and speaks Chinese, making encourages customers to make an appointment. “Many people are intimidated by the idea of using aaPersonal 神,Americana除了提供免費個人購物助理服務,更在客服中心內打造了舒適的購物休憩室供消費者休憩或享受購物助理 the experience easy and comfortable for Chinese customers. The is also available via email through encourages customers to make an appointment. “Many people are intimidated by the idea of using Personal hree spacious and inviting private rooms. Danielle Merollo, Director of Personal Shopping Services at Americana, three spacious and inviting private rooms. Danielle Merollo, Director of Personal Shopping Services at Americana, One of the most unique aspects ofand Americana Manhasset is Director its commitment to exceptional service. With that in buying things you don’t need and won’t wear.” Tiffany Hsieh works with Danielle and speaks Chinese, making buying things you don’t need and won’t wear.” Tiffany Hsieh works with Danielle and speaks Chinese, making buying buying things things you you don’t don’t need need and won’t won’t wear.” wear.” Tiffany Tiffany Hsieh Hsieh works works with with Danielle Danielle and and speaks speaks Chinese, making making three spacious and inviting private rooms. Danielle Merollo, of Personal Shopping Services atChinese, Americana, s customers to make an appointment. “Many people are intimidated by the idea of using a Personal three spacious and inviting private rooms. Danielle Merollo, Director of Personal Shopping Services at Americana, three spacious andcomfortable inviting private rooms. Danielle Merollo, Director of Personal Shopping Services at Americana, the experience easy here and for Chinese speaking customers. Thewhere team is style, also available via email through Shopper, but we’re to help you make the right decisions for your life and not totopressure you into 的貼心服務。中心的休憩室具有奢華擺設的大眾空間與三間寬敞誘人的私人房供消費者使用。Americana的個人購物助理 TIFFANY HSIEH & DANIELLE MEROLLOCOMPLIMENTARY americanamanhasset.com and phone at 800.818.6767 so that no matter you may be located, they can help Americana Concierge PERSONAL SHOPPING SERVICE Shopper, but we’re here to help you make the right decisions for your life and style, not pressure you into mind, the Americana has developed a complimentary Personal Shopping service, with a dedicated suite housed the experience easyeasy and comfortable for Chinese speaking customers. The team isby also available via email through the experience easy and comfortable forChinese Chinese speaking customers. The team isalso also available via email through the experience the experience easy and comfortable and comfortable for Chinese for speaking speaking customers. customers. The team The team is also isof available available email via through through encourages customers to“Many make anpeople appointment. “Many people are intimidated the idea ofvia using aemail Personal Americana Concierge & toMEROLLO encourages customers to make an appointment. “Many people are intimidated by the idea of using a Personal ncourages customers make an appointment. are intimidated by the idea using a Personal encourages customers to make an appointment. “Many people are intimidated by the idea of using a Personal TIFFANY HSIEH & DANIELLE americanamanhasset.com and phone at 800.818.6767 so that no matter where you may be located, they can help Americana Concierge COMPLIMENTARY PERSONAL SHOPPING SERVICE buying things you don’t need and won’t wear.” Tiffany Hsieh works with Danielle and speaks Chinese, making 服務總監,Danielle Merollo鼓勵消費者預約休憩室使用時間來享受獨一無二且完全免費的服務。Danielle表示,「許多 but we’reTIFFANY here to help you make the right decisions for your life and style, not to pressure you into encourages to make an appointment. “Many people intimidated bythey the idea ofhelp using aConcierge Personal Oneamericanamanhasset.com of the most unique aspects of Americana Manhasset isright its commitment to exceptional service. With that inlocated, you find what you’re looking for. buying things youcustomers don’t need and won’t wear.” Tiffany works with Danielle and speaks Chinese, making TIFFANY HSIEH DANIELLE MEROLLO TIFFANY HSIEH DANIELLE MEROLLO TIFFANY HSIEH HSIEH && DANIELLE DANIELLE MEROLLO MEROLLO Personal Shopping Services Americana Concierge && & within Americana’s storefront Concierge. The Personal Shopping Suite features aare luxuriously appointed lounge and americanamanhasset.com and phone at 800.818.6767 that no matter where you may be located, they can help Americana Concierge americanamanhasset.com and phone at800.818.6767 800.818.6767 so that no matter where you may located, they can help Americana Concierge americanamanhasset.com and phone and phone at 800.818.6767 at sosoHsieh that so no that matter no matter where where you may you may be located, be they can help can Shopper, but we’re here to help you make the decisions for your life and style, not tobe pressure you into Americana Americana Concierge Shopper, but we’re here to help you make the right decisions for your life and style, not to pressure you into Americana Concierge & Americana Concierge & Americana Americana Concierge Concierge & & you find what you’re looking for. the experience easy and comfortable for Chinese speaking customers. The team is also available via email through 購物者害怕或不習慣利用免費的個人助理服務,但購物助理只是提供適合您個人品味的意見,絕不會對您造成購物上的壓 Personal Shopping Services mind, the Americana has developed a decisions complimentary Personal Shopping service, with ateam dedicated suite housed One of the most unique aspects of Americana Manhasset is its commitment to exceptional service. With that in Shopper, but we’re here to help you make the right decisions for your life and style, not to pressure you into hopper, but we’re here to help you make the right for your life and style, not to pressure you into Shopper, but we’re here to help you make the right decisions for your life and style, not to pressure you into the experience easy and comfortable for Chinese speaking customers. The is also available via email through americanamanhasset.com three spacious and inviting private rooms. Danielle Merollo, Director of Personal Shopping Services at Americana, you find what you’re looking for. you find what you’re looking for. you find you what find what you’re you’re looking looking for. for. buying things you don’t need and won’t wear.” Tiffany Hsieh works with Danielle and speaks Chinese, making Personal Shopping Services Personal Shopping Services Personal Shopping Shopping Services Services ngs you Personal don’t need and won’t wear.” Tiffany Hsieh works with Danielle and speaks Chinese, making TIFFANY HSIEH & DANIELLE MEROLLOwithin buying things you don’t need and won’t wear.” Tiffany Hsieh works with Danielle and speaks Chinese, making Americana’s storefront Concierge. The Personal Shopping Suite features a luxuriously appointed lounge and 力,或讓您購買根本不需要的東西。」Danielle的中文助理蒂芬妮(Tiffany Hsieh),讓說中文的消費者能得到更完善體貼 americanamanhasset.com and phone at 800.818.6767 so that no matter where you may be located, they can help Americana Concierge TIFFANY HSIEH & DANIELLE MEROLLO mind, the Americana has developed a complimentary Personal Shopping service, with a dedicated suite housed americanamanhasset.com americanamanhasset.com and phone atand 800.818.6767 so that no matter where you may be they help Chinese, Americana Concierge buying things you don’t need won’t wear.” Tiffany Hsieh works with Danielle and Chinese, making buying things you don’t need won’t wear.” Tiffany Hsieh works with Danielle and speaks making Americana Concierge & Americana Manhasset’s website isand a fabulous resouce for all things “Americana” including an interactive map and store list, alocated, calendar encourages to make an appointment. “Many people are intimidated by idea of via using a can Personal buying things you don’t need and won’t wear.” Tiffany Hsieh works with Danielle and speaks Chinese, making the experience easy and comfortable for Chinese speaking customers. The team isspeaks also available email through americanamanhasset.com americanamanhasset.com americanamanhasset.com americanamanhasset.com Americana Concierge & three spacious andcustomers inviting private rooms. Danielle Merollo, Director of Personal Shopping Services atthe Americana, 的服務。您也可以上<americanamanhasset.com>網站或打客服專線800.818.6767預約免費個人購物助理服務。如此一來, the experience easy and comfortable for Chinese speaking customers. The team is also available via email through you find what you’re looking for. Personal Shopping Services encethe easy and comfortable for Chinese speaking customers. The team is also available via email through Americana website is a fabulous resouce for all things “Americana” including an interactive map and store list, a calendar within Americana’s storefront Concierge. The Personal Shopping Suite features a luxuriously appointed lounge and Shop during Champions The 9th Annual Americana Manhasset you find what you’re looking for. TIFFANY HSIEH &Manhasset’s DANIELLE Personal Shopping Services MEROLLO of fabulous upcoming events, the season’s current lookbook and corresponding videos, plus much more. Find Danielle’s Picks, a handShopper, but we’re here to help you make the right decisions for your life and style, not to pressure you into americanamanhasset.com and phone atcustomers. 800.818.6767 sointimidated that no matter where you may be located, they can help via Americana Concierge experience easy and comfortable for Chinese speaking customers. The team is also available email through Americana Manhasset’s website fabulous resouce for all things “Americana” including an interactive map and store list, aemail calendar Americana Manhasset’s website is fabulous resouce for allthings things “Americana” including an interactive map and store list, acalendar calendar Americana Americana Manhasset’s website website isisthe aafabulous is a afabulous resouce resouce for for things all “Americana” “Americana” including including an interactive an interactive map map and store and store alist, calendar abe encourages customers to make anall appointment. “Many people are by the idea of using alist, Personal experience easy and comfortable for Chinese speaking The team is also available via email through TIFFANY HSIEH &Manhasset’s DANIELLE MEROLLO he experience easy and comfortable for Chinese speaking customers. The team is also available via through 不論您身在何處,購物助理團隊都能幫您找到您想要的任何東西。 Americana Concierge & americanamanhasset.com and phone at 800.818.6767 so that no matter where you may located, they can help Americana Concierge americanamanhasset.com of fabulous upcoming events, the season’s current lookbook and corresponding videos, plus much more. Find Danielle’s Picks, a handthree spacious and inviting private rooms. Danielle Merollo, Director of Personal Shopping Services at Americana, picked selection of amazing items from Americana’s stores, personally by Americana Manhasset’s Direct ofDanielle’s Personal Shopping. americanamanhasset.com buying you don’t need andcorresponding won’t wear.” Tiffany Hsieh works with Danielle and speaks Chinese, making TIFFANY & DANIELLE MEROLLO Americana Concierge & upcoming annual you find what you’re looking for. Shopper, but we’re here to help youcurated make the right decisions for your life and style, not to pressure you into Personal Services Concours d’Elegance will be held on amanhasset.com and phone at so that no matter where you may be located, they help Americana Concierge offabulous fabulous upcoming events, the800.818.6767 season’s current lookbook and corresponding videos, plus much more. Find Danielle’s Picks, ahandhandofHSIEH fabulous upcoming events, thethings season’s current lookbook and corresponding videos, plus much more. Find Danielle’s Picks, acan handof ofShopping fabulous upcoming events, events, the season’s the season’s current current lookbook lookbook and and corresponding videos, videos, plus plus much much more. more. Find Find Danielle’s Picks, Picks, athey a may handamericanamanhasset.com and phone at 800.818.6767 so that no matter where you be located, they holiday can help shopping Americana Co O americanamanhasset.com and phone at 800.818.6767 so that no matter where you may be located, can help Americana Concierge you find what you’re looking for. Americana客服中心 Americana Manhasset’s website isisthings aafrom fabulous resouce for all things “Americana” including an interactive map and store list, athe calendar Personal Shopping Services picked selection amazing items Americana’s stores, curated personally by Americana Manhasset’s Direct of Personal Shopping. Americana Concierge &of mericanamanhasset.com and phone at 800.818.6767 so that no matter where you may be located, they can help Americana Concierge encourages customers to make an appointment. “Many people are intimidated by idea of using a Personal buying you don’t need and won’t wear.” Tiffany Hsieh works with Danielle and speaks Chinese, making Americana客服中心 & Plus enjoy How We Wear It, on-trend, in-season outfits impeccably styled by Americana’s Personal Shopping team. And of course, Americana Manhasset’s website fabulous resouce for all things “Americana” including an interactive map and store list, a calendar the experience easy and comfortable for Chinese speaking customers. The team is also available via email through picked selection amazing items fromfind Americana’s stores, curated personally by Americana Manhasset’s Direct Personal Shopping. picked selection amazing items from Americana’s stores, curated personally Americana Manhasset’s Direct Personal Shopping. picked picked selection selection ofofamazing ofofamazing items items from from Americana’s Americana’s stores, stores, curated curated personally personally by Americana bybyAmericana Manhasset’s Manhasset’s Direct Direct ofofPersonal ofofPersonal Shopping. Shopping. americanamanhasset.com for into a complimentary CHA you what you’re looking for. Sunday, October 20. Wayne Carini, host Personal Shopping Services what you’re looking for. of fabulous upcoming events, the season’s current lookbook and corresponding videos, plus much more. Find Danielle’s Picks, aanot handPlus enjoy How We Wear It,experience on-trend, in-season outfits impeccably styled bycorporate Americana’s Personal Shopping team. And of course, TIFFANY HSIEH &you’re DANIELLE MEROLLO the easy and comfortable Chinese speaking customers. The team ismore. also available via email through you find what looking for. americanamanhasset.com Shopper, but we’re here tofor help you make the right decisions for your life and style, tocourse, pressure you Americana 免費個人購物助理服務 don’t forget the ultimate gift... the Americana GiftCard, perfect for personal and gift-giving. Purchase itand online at any time! Just of fabulous upcoming events, season’s current lookbook and corresponding videos, plus much Find Danielle’s Picks, handamericanamanhasset.com and phone atstyled 800.818.6767 so that no matter where you may be located, they can help Concierge ou find what you’re looking for. Plus enjoy How We Wear It, on-trend, in-season outfits impeccably styled by Americana’s Personal Shopping team. And of course, Plus enjoy How We Wear It, on-trend, in-season outfits impeccably styled by Americana’s Personal Shopping team. And of Plus Plus enjoy enjoy How How We Wear We Wear It, on-trend, It, on-trend, in-season in-season outfits outfits impeccably impeccably styled by Americana’s by Americana’s Personal Personal Shopping Shopping team. team. And And of course, of course, Americana Manhasset’s website is a fabulous resouce for all things “Americana” including an interactive map store list, a calendar Americana Concierge & ultimate of your pre-tax purchase picked selection of amazing items from Americana’s stores, curated personally by Americana Manhasset’s Direct of Personal Shopping. of Chasing Classic Cars, is this year’s Master don’t forget the gift... the Americana GiftCard, perfect for personal and corporate gift-giving. Purchase it online at any time! Just americanamanhasset.com americanamanhasset.com and phone at 800.818.6767 so that no matter where you may be located, they can help Americana Manhasset’s website is a fabulous resouce for all things “Americana” including an interactive map and store list, a calendar buying things you don’t need and won’t wear.” Tiffany Hsieh works with Danielle and speaks Chinese, making recently Americana added Chinese language pages to their website, featuring the most pertinent information for Chinese viewers. This is picked selection of amazing items from Americana’s stores, curated personally by Americana Manhasset’s Direct of Personal Shopping. you find what you’re looking for. Personal Shopping Services don’t forget theultimate ultimate gift... theAmericana Americana GiftCard, perfect forcorresponding personal and corporate gift-giving. Purchase itonline online any time! Just CARD don’t forget theultimate ultimate gift... theAmericana Americana GiftCard, perfect for personal andcorporate corporate gift-giving. Purchase online any time! Just don’t don’t forget forget the the gift... gift... the the GiftCard, GiftCard, perfect perfect for personal for personal and corporate and gift-giving. gift-giving. Purchase Purchase itDanielle’s itit2013 online atatany atattime! any time! Just Just of fabulous upcoming events, the season’s current lookbook and videos, plus much more. Find Picks, a handamericanamanhasset.com americanamanhasset.com CHAMPION you find what you’re looking for. Plus enjoy How We Wear It, on-trend, in-season outfits styled by Americana’s Personal Shopping team. ofof course, americanamanhasset.com recently Americana added Chinese language pages to theirimpeccably website, featuring the most pertinent information for Chinese viewers. This is avia Americana Manhasset’s website is aof fabulous resouce for all things “Americana” including an interactive map and store a calendar participating organization Ceremonies! The event will feature just another way that Americana is experience working to make everyone feel welcome and informed. Plus enjoy How We Wear It, on-trend, in-season outfits impeccably styled by Americana’s Personal Shopping team. And course, the easy and for Chinese speaking customers. The team isAnd alsoviewers. available through of fabulous upcoming events, the season’s current lookbook and corresponding videos, plus much more. Find Danielle’s Picks, handamericanamanhasset.com recently Americana added Chinese language pages to their website, featuring the most pertinent information forChinese Chinese viewers. This recently Americana added Chinese language pages their website, featuring the most pertinent information for Chinese viewers. Thislist, isemail recently recently Americana Americana added added Chinese Chinese language language pages pages to their totocomfortable their website, website, featuring featuring the most the most pertinent pertinent information information for for Chinese viewers. This This isis is picked selection of amazing items from Americana’s stores, curated personally by Americana Manhasset’s Direct of Personal Shopping. americanamanhasset.com don’t forget the ultimate gift... the Americana GiftCard, perfect for personal and corporate gift-giving. Purchase it online at any time! Just website is a fabulous resouce for all things “Americana” including an interactive map and store list, a calendar just another way that Americana is working to make everyone feel welcome and informed. ulous resouce for all things “Americana” including an interactive map and store list, a calendar TIFFANY HSIEH & DANIELLE MEROLLO of fabulous upcoming events, the season’s lookbook and videos, plus much more. Find Danielle’s Picks, handAmericana Manhasset的網站是一個絕佳的工具,能讓您找到所有"American"有的東西,如互動地圖、品牌商家名單、活動日程表、當 don’t forget the ultimate gift... the perfect for personal and gift-giving. Purchase itwhere online atAnd time! Just e is a fabulous resouce for all things including an interactive map and store list, ateam. calendar americanamanhasset.com and phone atcorresponding 800.818.6767 so that no matter you may be located, they a can helptoAmericana Concierge picked selection of amazing items from Americana’s stores, curated personally by Americana Manhasset’s Direct ofany Personal Shopping. Americana Manhasset’s website isisAmericana a“Americana” fabulous resouce for all things “Americana” including an interactive map and store list, aof calendar year, accommodate ea just another way that Americana working make everyone feel welcome and informed. just another way that Americana working toall make everyone feel welcome and informed. just another just another way way that Americana that Americana working isis working totoGiftCard, make tocurrent make everyone everyone feel welcome feel welcome and informed. and informed. Plus enjoy How We Wear It, in-season outfits impeccably styled bycorporate Americana’s Personal Shopping course, over 200 privately owned cars by Aston Americana Manhasset’s website is aon-trend, fabulous resouce for things “Americana” including an interactive map and store list, a Chinese calendar Americana Concierge & recently Americana added Chinese language pages to their website, featuring the most pertinent information for viewers. This isis 季流行服飾指南和影片與更多關於時尚的玩意。試試看由Danielle一系列精心挑選的物品,將讓您展現最佳個人魅力。另外,您也可以參 ents, the season’s current lookbook and corresponding videos, plus much more. Find Danielle’s Picks, a handrecently Americana added Chinese language pages to their website, featuring the most pertinent information for Chinese viewers. This ® you find what you’re looking for. picked selection of amazing items from Americana’s stores, curated personally by Americana Manhasset’s Direct of Personal Shopping. of fabulous upcoming events, season’s current lookbook and corresponding videos, plus much more. Find Danielle’s Picks, a handPlus enjoy How We Wear It, on-trend, in-season outfits impeccably styled by Americana’s Personal Shopping team. And of course, Personal Shopping Services don’t forget the ultimate gift... the Americana GiftCard, perfect for personal and corporate gift-giving. Purchase it online at any time! Just ’s current lookbook and corresponding videos, plus much more. Find Danielle’s Picks, a handof fabulous upcoming events, the season’s current lookbook and corresponding videos, plus much more. Find Danielle’s Picks, a handhe season’s current lookbook and corresponding videos, plus much more. Find Danielle’s Picks, a handfor Charity will take pla Martin, Audi, Bentley, Ferrari, Jaguar, CHINA UNIONPAY ACCEPTANCE just another way that Americana isis working to make everyone feel and informed. 考由Americana個人購物時尚顧問團隊所挑選的"How We to Wear It"當季流行完美服飾指南。對了,千萬別忘了最受歡迎的萬用禮物---就是 just another way that Americana working topages make everyone feelwelcome welcome and picked selection of amazing items from Americana’s stores, curated personally byinformed. Americana Manhasset’s Direct of Personal Shopping. recently Americana added Chinese language their website, featuring the most pertinent information forShopping. Chinese viewers. is picked selection ofultimate amazing items from Americana’s stores, curated personally by Americana Manhasset’s Direct ofamericanamanhasset.com Personal don’t forget the gift... the Americana GiftCard, perfect for personal and corporate gift-giving. Purchase itShopping online at This any time! Just CHINA UNIONPAY ACCEPTANCE Plus enjoy How We Wear It, on-trend, in-season outfits impeccably styled by Americana’s Personal team. And of course, ng items from Americana’s stores, curated personally by Americana Manhasset’s Direct of Personal Shopping. Americana Manhasset Concierge Services is pleased to accept the China UnionPay (CUP) card. Americana Manhasset welcomes visitors November 24. CHINA UNIONPAY ACCEPTANCE CHINA UNIONPAY ACCEPTANCE Sunday ems from Americana’s stores, curated personally by Americana Manhasset’s Direct ofPersonal Personal Shopping. CHINA CHINA UNIONPAY UNIONPAY ACCEPTANCE ACCEPTANCE Lamborghini, Lotus, McLaren, Americana’s stores, curated personally by Americana Manhasset’s Direct of Shopping. Americana禮品卡,適用於贈與個人或公司商用禮品,最方便的是您可以隨時上網購買! Americana更新增了中文網頁,讓中文消費者也能掌 Plus another enjoy How We Wear It, on-trend, in-season outfits impeccably styled byMaserati, Americana’s Personal Shopping team. And ofmap course, Plus enjoy How We Wear It,China on-trend, in-season outfits impeccably styled by Americana’s Personal Shopping team. And of course, just way that Americana is working to make everyone feel welcome and informed. Americana Manhasset Concierge Services is pleased to accept the China UnionPay (CUP) card. Americana Manhasset welcomes visitors recently Americana added Chinese language pages to their website, featuring the most pertinent information for Chinese viewers. This is Americana Manhasset’s website is a fabulous resouce for all things “Americana” including an interactive and store list, a calendar don’t forget the ultimate gift... the Americana GiftCard, perfect for personal and corporate gift-giving. Purchase it online at any time! Just from to use their CUP card to purchase Americana Manhasset GiftCards that are redeemable at all Americana shops that accept ar It, on-trend, in-season outfits impeccably styled by Americana’s Personal Shopping team. And of course, Americana Manhasset Concierge Services ispleased pleased toaccept accept the China UnionPay (CUP) card. Americana Manhasset welcomes visitors Americana Manhasset Concierge Services isPersonal pleased accept theChina China UnionPay (CUP) card. Americana Manhasset welcomes visitors Americana Americana Manhasset Manhasset Concierge Concierge Services Services isand is pleased to totoaccept the China the UnionPay UnionPay (CUP) (CUP) card. card. Americana Americana Manhasset Manhasset welcomes welcomes visitors visitors 握最新時尚資訊;展現了Americana一直以來努力提供每位消費者最親切與完善的服務。 don’t forget the ultimate gift... the Americana GiftCard, perfect for personal corporate gift-giving. Purchase it online at any time! Just continues on December Porsche, Rolls-Royce and more! on-trend, in-season outfits impeccably styled by Americana’s Shopping team. And of course, don’t forget the ultimate gift... the Americana GiftCard, perfect for personal and corporate gift-giving. Purchase it online at any time! Just CHINA UNIONPAY ACCEPTANCE from China to use their CUP card to purchase Americana Manhasset GiftCards that are redeemable at all Americana shops that accept in-season outfits impeccably styled by Americana’s Personal Shopping team. And of course, just another way that Americana is working to make everyone feel welcome and informed. of fabulous upcoming events, the season’s current lookbook and corresponding videos, plus much more. Find Danielle’s Picks, a handAmerican Express® Cards. Many Americana Manhasset stores also accept China UnionPay credit and debit cards. For a complete store CHINA UNIONPAY ACCEPTANCE recently Americana added Chinese language pages to their website, featuring the most pertinent information for Chinese viewers. This is from China to use their CUP card to purchase Americana Manhasset GiftCards that are redeemable at all Americana shops that accept from China to use their CUP card to purchase Americana Manhasset GiftCards that are redeemable at all Americana shops that accept from from China China to use to their use their CUP CUP card card to purchase to purchase Americana Americana Manhasset Manhasset GiftCards GiftCards that are that redeemable are redeemable at all at Americana all Americana shops shops that accept that accept recently Americana added Chinese language pages to their website, featuring the most pertinent information for Chinese viewers. This is ift... the Americana GiftCard, perfect for personal and corporate gift-giving. Purchase it online at any time! Just Americana Manhasset Concierge Services isgift-giving. pleased to accept the China UnionPay (CUP) card. Americana Manhasset welcomes visitors recently Americana added Chinese language pages to their website, featuring most pertinent information for Chinese viewers. This is For American Express® Cards. Many Americana Manhasset stores also accept China UnionPay credit and debit cards. a complete store he Americana GiftCard, for personal and corporate Purchase itaccept online at any time! Just picked selection ofperfect amazing items from Americana’s stores, curated personally by Americana Manhasset’s Direct of Personal Shopping. list visit http://www.americanamanhasset.com/translation/chinese/ Americana Manhasset Concierge Services isand pleased tothe accept the China UnionPay (CUP) card. Americana Manhasset welcomes visitors just another that Americana is working to make everyone feel welcome and informed. just another wayway that Americana isAmerican working toExpress® make everyone feel welcome informed. American Express® Cards. Many Americana Manhasset stores also accept China UnionPay credit and debit cards. For acomplete complete storestore Cards. Many Americana Manhasset stores also accept China UnionPay credit and debit cards. For acomplete complete store American American Express® Express® Cards. Cards. Many Many Americana Americana Manhasset Manhasset stores stores also accept also China China UnionPay UnionPay credit credit and debit and debit cards. cards. For aFor athat store CHINA UNIONPAY ACCEPTANCE cana GiftCard, perfect for personal and corporate gift-giving. Purchase it online at any time! Just from China to use their CUP card to purchase Americana Manhasset GiftCards that are redeemable at all Americana shops accept just another way that Americana is working to make everyone feel welcome and informed. d Chinese language pages to their website, featuring the most pertinent information for Chinese viewers. This is list visit http://www.americanamanhasset.com/translation/chinese/ from China to use their CUP card to impeccably purchase Americana Manhasset GiftCards that(CUP) are redeemable all Americana shops that visitors accept Plus enjoy How We Wear It, on-trend, in-season outfits styled by Americana’s Personal Shopping team.atisAnd of course,welcomes list visit http://www.americanamanhasset.com/translation/chinese/ list visit http://www.americanamanhasset.com/translation/chinese/ list visit list http://www.americanamanhasset.com/translation/chinese/ visit http://www.americanamanhasset.com/translation/chinese/ Americana Manhasset Concierge Services is pleased to accept the China UnionPay card. Americana Manhasset nese language pages to their website, featuring the most pertinent information for Chinese viewers. This CHINA UNIONPAY ACCEPTANCE American Express® Cards. Many Americana Manhasset stores also China UnionPay credit and debit cards. For store uage pages to forget their website, featuring the most pertinent information foraccept Chinese viewers. This isdebit ericana is working tothe make everyone feel welcome and informed. American Express® Cards. Many stores also accept Chinathat UnionPay credit andatat cards. Forashops acomplete complete store don’t ultimate gift... the Americana GiftCard, perfect for Manhasset personal and corporate gift-giving. Purchase it online any time! Just from China to use their CUP cardAmericana toServices purchase Americana Manhasset GiftCards are redeemable all Americana thatwelcomes accept 中國銀聯卡消費服務 CHINA UNIONPAY ACCEPTANCE list visit http://www.americanamanhasset.com/translation/chinese/ Americana Manhasset Concierge is pleased to accept the China UnionPay (CUP) card. Americana Manhasset visitors a is working to make everyone feel welcome and informed. list visit http://www.americanamanhasset.com/translation/chinese/ CHINA UNIONPAY ACCEPTANCE recently Americana added Chinese language pages toACCEPTANCE their website, featuring theUnionPay most information for Chinese viewers. ThisFor is a complete store CHINA UNIONPAY American Express® Cards. Many Americana stores also pertinent accept UnionPay credit and debit cards. Americana Manhasset Concierge Services is pleased to Manhasset accept the China (CUP)China card. Americana Manhasset welcomes visitors ng to make everyone feel welcome and informed. from China to use their CUP card to purchase Americana Manhasset GiftCards that are redeemable at all Americana shops that accept Americana Manhasset客服中心現可接受使用中國銀聯卡付費。Americana Manhasset歡迎中國旅客使用中國銀聯
SAVE THE DATES TIFFANY HSIEH & DANIELLE MEROLLO Americana Concierge & Personal Shopping Services
Americana Concierge
use their CUPto card toConcierge purchase Americana Manhasset GiftCards that are redeemable atUnionPay all card. Americana shops card. that accept Americana Concierge Services is pleased accept the UnionPay (CUP) Americana Manhasset welcomes visitors 8/28/13 just another way thatfrom Americana isManhasset working make everyone feel welcome and informed. Americana Manhasset Services istopleased to China accept the China (CUP) Americana Manhasset welcomes visitors listChina visit to http://www.americanamanhasset.com/translation/chinese/ 10:04 AM 卡購買Americana Manhasset的禮品卡,且所有禮品卡皆可於各店家使用。許多商家也可接受中國銀聯卡的信用卡或 American Express® Cards. Many Americana Manhasset stores also accept China UnionPay credit and debit cards. For a complete 8/28/13 store 10:04 AM American Express® Cards. Many Americana Manhasset stores also accept China UnionPay credit and debit cards. For a complete store from China to usetotheir CUP card to card purchase AmericanaAmericana Manhasset GiftCards thatGiftCards are redeemable at all Americana shops that accept from China use their CUP to purchase Manhasset that are redeemable at all Americana shops that accept 8/28/13 10:04 AM 8/28/13 10:04 AM 8/28/13 8/28/13 10:04 AM 10:04 AM 金融簽帳卡。歡迎瀏覽其中文網頁查詢所有品牌商家: http://www.americanamanhasset.com/translation/chinese/ list http://www.americanamanhasset.com/translation/chinese/ visit http://www.americanamanhasset.com/translation/chinese/ list visit American Express® Cards. Many Americana Manhasset stores also accept China UnionPay credit and debit cards. For a complete store
World Journal Fall Final.indd 8 World Journal Fall Final.indd 8 World Journal Fall Final.indd World Journal Fall Final.indd World Journal World Fall Journal Final.indd Fall Final.indd 88 8 8
CHINA UNIONPAY ACCEPTANCE NA UNIONPAY ACCEPTANCE American Express® Many the Americana Manhasset stores accept China UnionPay creditwelcomes and debit cards. For a complete store mericana Manhasset Concierge ServicesUNIONPAY is pleasedCards. to accept China UnionPay (CUP)also card. Americana Manhasset visitors CHINA ACCEPTANCE
NIONPAY ACCEPTANCE list visit http://www.americanamanhasset.com/translation/chinese/ anaChina Manhasset is pleased to acceptServices the China UnionPay (CUP) Americana Manhasset visitors list http://www.americanamanhasset.com/translation/chinese/ Americana Manhasset Concierge is pleased to acceptthat the China UnionPay (CUP) card. Americanawelcomes Manhasset welcomes om to useConcierge their CUP Services card tovisit purchase Americana Manhasset GiftCards arecard. redeemable at all Americana shops that acceptvisitors World Journal Fall Final.indd 8 World Journal Fall Final.indd 8
8/28/13 10:04 AM 8/28/13 10:04 AM
hasset Services isfrom pleased accept China UnionPay (CUP) card. Americana Manhasset welcomes visitors hina toConcierge use their CUP card to purchase Americana Manhasset GiftCards that are redeemable at Americana thatshops accept COMPLIMENTARY SHOPPING SERVICE China toto use their CUPthe card to purchase Americana Manhasset GiftCards thatand areall redeemable at all Americana that accept merican Express® Cards. Many Americana Manhasset stores alsoPERSONAL accept China UnionPay credit debit cards. Forshops a complete store American Express® Many Americana Manhasset stores accept China and UnionPay credit and For debitshops a complete e visit their CUPCards. card to purchase Americana Manhasset arealsoredeemable at all Americana that acceptstore Express® Many Americana Manhasset stores alsoGiftCards accept China UnionPay credit debit cards. acards. complete store 45704 One of theCards. most unique aspects ofthat Americana Manhasset is its commitment toFor exceptional service. With stan http://www.americanamanhasset.com/translation/chinese/ World Journal Fall Final.indd 8
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list visit http://www.americanamanhasset.com/translation/chinese/
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