Withoutourteam,noneofthis wouldbepossible!
FounderEllen Zawada; OwnerofWoolandFiberArtsLLC
Wool and Fiber Arts Show Program
Editor in Chief
Graphic Design
Ellen Zawada
Vendor Team - Heather Campbell, Lorna Violet (Mentor Program), Jean Story, Danielle Lefor Wallace, Candice Smith
Customer Team -(anything that happens publicly in WAFA) - Erika Lindgren, Heather Campbell, Molly Richter (craft-along), MAry Dillon, Katelyn Dunn, Candice Smith, Jessica Holt Pack, Amy Olshewski Bowling
Marketing Team - Raven Reynolds (social Media) Ellen Zawada, Tedi Jansen
Inclusivity Team - Liza Q Wirtz, Alaura Pittman, TeDi Jansen, Vidya Gopalakrishna Travis, Maddy McLendon
Education TeamTeDi Jansen, Alanna Wilcox
Tedi Jansen
Vendor Schedule
Pages 4-9
An Interview with Christina Locke
Page 11-12
Angora Rabbits Photo Show
Page 20-21
Palette of the Month
Pages 38
Vendor Guide
Page 39-45
Zephyr Creek FarmSchedule Friday's 24th 24th
AriBo Arts
Camas Prairie Fiber and Yarns
24th 24th
Schedule Saturday's 25th 25th
Forget me Knot Farm & Fiber
Marge Sundholm Designs
Yarn By Kate
Clear Sky Fiber Arts
Illinois Wool & Fiber Mill
Stitched By Mama Witch
Opalessence Fiber Studio
TurboFluffed Creations LLC
2 B Ewe
Hidden Pastures Luxury Fiber Farm
Leaf Livestock Wool Co
Faith Hope Love Studio
Sheepishly Made & MCS Livestock
Lair of the Llama
25th 25th
Hello from Leaf Livestock Wool Co., a lamb and wool farm, located in Northwest Illinois. We raise beautiful Natural Colored Columbia /Rambouillet sheep, Polypays, Merinos and Columbias. I would love for everyone to enjoy the finest spinning fiber and yarn that I am privileged to grow and use for creating. They physical and emotional rewards that accompany raising sustainable lovely wool go far beyond the beauty of the final product! Please join me for the March homegrown wool sale..
LIVE Saturday at 3:00 pm eastern
by TeDi JansenWastheresomeonewhoinspiredyou inyourfiberartsjourney?
Whatisyourbusiness goal/mission?
I believe that art should be functional and should serve a purpose Art doesn't just have to be something that you look at on a wall.Artcanbesomethingthatgets shown off to the world in beautiful pieces (ie a scarf, sweater, woven pieces etc) I like making art that otherpeoplecanuseandthathasa purpose.
Honestly not really I wanted to learn how to spin andtherehavebeenpeoplethatIdefinitelylookup to along the way Karen has been one of those people but there's not been any one particular person and honestly. I saw something that I might loveandIwantedtodoitsoIlearnedhowtodoit.I didn't have an example or anybody to look at that could teach me I just wanted to learn and wanted tomakethebestthatIpossiblycould
Howdidyoulearnyour craft?
Ihavelearnedfrommany differentplaces I'velearned fromsomeclasses,videos,a
I do not have fiber animals. I have two cats and two dogs but I would never want to spin their fiber. Unfortunately my body has limitations and therefore I am not able to have the sheep that I have alwaysdreamedofhaving.
lot of people in person, and just friends who wanted to help me refine my craft A lot of the stuff that I learned just by doing what I love I learnedveryquicklythatIwasanaturalatspinning and even dying to quite an extent and I've just perfected those skills over the years. I have had some formal education in dying from different various sources but ultimately it was something that came after I had already been applying my skillsonaregularbasis TheclassesandstuffthatI took just helped me with formulation to some degree but most of it I was already doing properly to begin with so it just added to my knowledge base
14+ years I got started just really small with knitting, spinning,anddyingthenmovedintoeverythingthatI've beendoingforyears
Doyouhaveafavoritebase/ blend/fiber?Whatisspecial aboutit?
IhavesomanydifferentfibersthatIlove. ForblendingIjustlovemyMerinoandmy specialtyfiberslikemysilkandbamboo.I love working with bamboo because it seemslikenotalotofpeopleworkwithit or necessarily understand it and I love educating people on the benefits of mixing and blending other fibers with their base fibers for blending There's a rhyme and a reason to why I use the things that I use in my batts and I think that's what makes them special It's also helpful to be a spinner and know what fiberswouldmakeagoodspinaswellas anicefinishedyarn.Asfarasdyinggoes
I love the super wash Merino for a number of different reasons. It takes the color brilliantly and helps give me all the bright vibrant colors that you don't typically get with Corriedale or other blends That is my go-to fiber especially because most people who are going to usemyfiberaregoingtospinitforthings like socks and other items that are probably going to be washed by whomever they're gifted to Some of my other favorite bases include Merino and silk blends because they add super fun variations with the parts that won't take dye Alsotheyspinupverynicely
I love that I have made so many amazing connections with people I love that I have an outlet to share my creativity with so many other people who are interested in the same things that I am I even love getting in conversations with people who are just learning how to do some of the things that I know how to do and I get to share my knowledge with them I love that WAFA is a communitywherewereallylovetohelpeachotherlearn andgrow.Ilovethesupportandlovethatweshareasa community. I love the fiber arts community in general because everyone in it has always been super kind to me.Itreallyseemslikepeoplearesokindandsupportive whereas in other industries there's a lot of backstabbing or backbiting and people are not willing to always share information for fear that it will ruin their business and the fiberartsreallyisn'tthatway
I am constantly learning growing and evolving I love to share what I have learned through in person classes and onlineclassesaswellasotheroutlets Ihaveanactualretail space set up and I can't wait for people to join me there as wellasonline
Hidden Pastures Luxury
Come for the fiber, stay for the fun! Join us, the Timber and Twine gals, from our little farm in northern Colorado, for little loom weaving sets, botanically dyed batts and some very special fiber tools!
Timber and Twine
English Angora
Satin Angora
French Angora
German Angora
Giant Angora
Photos (pg 20) from Southern Angora RabbitryLIVE Sunday at 2:30 pm eastern
AriBo Arts is Iowa fiber artist Erika Lindgren. She specializes in One-of-aKind batts for spinners and felters as well as unique hand dyed apparel. In addition, she makes other hand processed fiber from small US farms, spindle kits, handspun yarn, stitch markers, fiber themed jewelry, handdyed project bags, along with knitted and woven items.
Fairily Fiber Fun
Kim is proud to source rare breed wool from local Georgia farms and transforming it into gorgeous, magical rovings, batts, and needle felted landscapes and sheep
fiber, garments, and jewelry
Exquisite E Yarns
Fresh Lotus
Jubilee Farms is a small farm located south of Clinton, IL
Liongate Farm
Blue Faced Leicester Sheep
Where we create a great day everyday!
Marge Sundholm DesignsVENDOR GUIDE
Creating handmade fiber art from the fibers humanely harvested from our animals White Fireweed FarmVENDOR GUIDE
Wool-E Farm
We raise Romney sheep for the beautiful wool fiber
Raising Romeldale/ CVM and Teeswater/BFL Sheep in the Thumb.