W&D Magazine - Summer 2023

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Disaster Relief

Turkey Earthquake

Costa Rica

Using Relationships to Spread the Gospel


Knowing God in Remote Areas


OPC Uganda Mission

Summer 2023



Culture-Saturated Religion

If you were asked to write the constitution for a new country with complete latitude, what would you write? Would the country you design be a democracy, an oligarchy, a theocracy or…? Would there be freedom of religion (pluralistic) and freedom of speech? Do you agree that “power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely” and, if so, would this be reflected in what you would write? Freedom. I think most would agree that freedom has been won at a great price over the centuries and millennia, but freedom to do what? Moses cried out to Pharaoh that God demanded that he “let My people go” so they might serve Him in the way He required (Exodus 9:1). In 2023, it seems that freedom to do just that is being lost in the West. Today, I read in the newspaper of a doctor, given his commitment to obey God first, lost his job because he refused to refer to a large muscular man as a woman. Several provincial governments in Canada have told their teachers that they must actively take part in pride month activities in June, no exceptions, even though it was just a few years ago that the first pride flag was flown at a public school. I’m sure you are aware of many more examples.

The “rest” of the world, especially believers there, are watching us. Are we willing, as Paul Borthwick writes in “Western Christians in Global Missions, What’s the Role of the North American Church?”, to stand up for what we believe in? Are we, as I heard in a sermon recently, “willing to be reckless for Christ”? Or are we more committed to our comfortable lifestyles? Surely God doesn’t intend for us to lose all that we have worked for so hard all our lives, does He? Paul Borthwick carried out a survey of believers in the “rest”

and shared some of their questions for us:

1) Does the church in North America have a prophetic role in its own society or does it simply mimic the culture and entertain its members? “When the NA church stands up for Christ in the face of a growing and infiltrating secularism and compromise, we in the global arena have somebody to emulate and also wave before our dissenters as to the credibility and potency of the Gospel”.

2) Does the North American church have the humility to learn from us?

3) Does the North American church have the magnanimous spirit to work alongside us in a genuine partnership that is based on mutual respect and shared resources, or do they simply see us as their “partners” to fulfill their plans in our countries?

May God help us faithfully reflect His image in answer to question 1, even when it hurts, give us the teachable spirit referred to in question 2, and even as Word & Deed strives to live out question 3, help us and our supporters do even better.

When the NA church stands up for Christ in the face of a growing and infiltrating secularism and compromise, we in the global arena have somebody to emulate and also wave before our dissenters as to the credibility and potency of the Gospel

In this issue, you will read about our partners in Costa Rica, India, Nicaragua, Turkey, and Uganda and how they are striving to reflect the image of Christ into often very difficult circumstances. They are strong examples for us and they are also praying for us. In his meditation, Pastor Eric Ngala Mutumbi reminds us that God has given us His Word to correct, enliven, and fill us with hope. To Him be all the glory! W&D

Rick Postma is the Director of Public Relations for Word & Deed Ministries.



Editor Rick Postma

Assistant Editor Scott Koopman

Graphic Design

Knor Graphic Design Solutions

Copy Editors

Shelly Crites, Hanna

Korvemaker, Kara Luiting, Bethany Post, Susan Trentacosti

Word & Deed North America is an evangelical and Reformed humanitarian relief and development organization. Our aim is to help meet the physical and spiritual needs of people in the developing world in accordance with biblical principles for the glory of God. With cooperating offices in St. Thomas, Ontario, and Hudsonville, Michigan, Word & Deed partners with Christian agencies in Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, Guatemala, Kenya, Myanmar, Haiti, India, Indonesia, Nicaragua, Malawi, South Africa, South Sudan, and Tanzania..

Director of Projects

John Otten

Director of Public Relations

Rick Postma

Director Heidi Pronk

Support Staff

Scott Dekorte, Scott Koopman, John Kottelenberg, Kara

Luiting, Dave Vander Meer, Laurenne Wattel

Canadian Board of Directors

Chairman – Corney Les

Vice-Chairman –

John Vangameren

Secretary – Dave Wielinga

Treasurer – Henry de Waal

Wilf Bout, John Jagersma, Bert Mulder, James Neven, Paul Wagenaar, Lyle Ypma

USA Board of Directors

President – Paul Beezhold

Vice President - Jay Van Voorst

Secretary – Harry Kooistra

Treasurer – Karen Vander Sloot

Eric Brandt, Pastor Adrian

Dieleman, Eric Greendyk, Paul Laman, Pete Vander Stel

Advisory Committee

Mr. Jim Beeke –

International Educational Consultant

Dr. Gerald M. Bilkes – Professor of Old & New Testament, Puritan Reformed

Theological Seminary

Pastor Richard Bout –

URCNA Missions Coordinator

Dr Arjan de Visser – Professor of Ministry and Mission, Canadian

Reformed Theological Seminary

Pastor Danny Hyde – Pastor, Oceanside United Reformed Church

Pastor Mark Vander Hart –

Associate Professor of Old Testament Studies, Mid-America

Reformed Seminary Pastor Frank Van Dalen

THE Christian’s Response TO God’s Word

“Therefore, laying aside all malice, all deceit, hypocrisy, envy, and all evil speaking, as newborn babes, desire the pure milk of the word, that you may grow thereby, if indeed you have tasted that the Lord is gracious.”

How should a Christian respond to God’s Word? Peter answers this question by comparing the world and what it has to offer with the Word of God and what it promises. One is temporary and fading, the other is enduring. Peter reminds us that the Word of God is good news for His beleaguered people. How then should we respond to the Word of God? In these verses, Peter gives the following advice to us as Christians:

1. We must deliberately lay aside specific sins (verse 1).

Christians can’t grow unless sins are renounced. We must rid ourselves of certain things in our lives that do not give God glory (Heb. 12:1, Col. 3:8). Therefore, we are to get rid of all malice, all deceit, hypocrisy, envy, and all evil speaking. We can do this through prayer and confession of particular sins that may entangle us.

2. We must cultivate a spiritual appetite (verse 2).

Spiritual growth is always marked by a craving for and a delight in God`s Word with the intensity with which a baby craves its mother`s milk.

Similarly, as Christians, we ought to develop a desire for the truth of God’s Word (Is. 55:10, John 15:3). When we open scripture, we must have the clear aim to learn and obey the Word because that is what will glorify our God, which is the chief end of man.

3. We must approach the Word of God with confidence (verse 3).

Our approach to the teaching of scripture is to hold the conviction that the Word of God is the very thing that we need and is suitable for every situation we face in life. We have to trust in what God has provided for us in His Word. Peter reminds us that we have already tasted and seen that the Lord is good. He has done us good before when by His Word we came to faith and salvation. We have already tasted God`s grace and mercy; therefore, we have every reason to hunger for more. In our times of need, His Word gives us hope and He uses us and others to bless those who have confidence in His Word. W&D

Pastor Eric Ngala Mutumbi serves as the principal of the Reformed Theological Seminary in Bumala, Kenya.

Official Publication of Word & Deed An International Reformed Relief and Development Agency Free for sponsors and friends
Former Executive Director
Board of the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church Canada Office PO Box 20100 St. Thomas, ON N5P 4H4 Toll free 877.375.9673 office@wordanddeed.org United States Office PO Box 157, Hudsonville, MI 49426 Toll free 866.391.5728 usoffice@wordanddeed.org Registered Charity Number (Canada) 89 120 0941 RR0001 EIN Non-profit Number (USA) 37-1429283 Bible quotations are from the NKJV unless otherwise noted.
Foreign Missions
Word & Deed visitors with Pastor Eric in Kenya.

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Turkey Earthquake

Crumbled buildings. Unrecognizable landmarks. Piles of rubble. Traumatized people. This is the reality that the two partner organizations we are working with in Turkey are facing. The 7.8 magnitude earthquake that hit Turkey on February 6 has been hailed the disaster of the century for Turkey and it is obvious to all on the ground that this is not an exaggeration. Not only have entire cities been destroyed, but centuries-old biblical history has also been lost. Over two million people have been forced to leave their hometowns and over 60,000 people were killed as a result of the earthquake.

As Word & Deed contemplated how we could best become involved in the relief efforts in this hurting country, we knew that basic necessities were the priority. The $155,000 USD that we have sent so far to our partners


has been used to provide food, water, blankets, clothing, and temporary shelters. We are grateful to all of you, the many churches and individuals in North America, who were quick to respond to this need. These supplies, along with encouragement from the Word of God by way of 500 Turkish Bibles, were distributed by volunteers from local churches in Turkey. It has been our experience that when disaster strikes, people’s hearts are open to hearing the message of salvation and this disaster has proven no different! In fact, the church is being recognized by many in Turkey for their love and hospitality. Even the government has noticed the orderly and efficient way in which the church is reaching out to people in their communities. On one such occasion, a container of relief supplies that was meant for the government was mistakenly delivered to one of the churches. The church distributed the supplies without realizing they didn’t belong to them. When they realized the error and notified the government, the government was quick to thank the church for its work and for distributing the container for them. It has also been noted, even by local media, that the Christians are doing very meaningful relief work in the country while help from groups of other religions is hard to find.

Our partners have also been hailed by communities in non-Christian areas where children’s programs are being organized. While other NGOs have dropped off supplies and moved on to other areas, church members from our partners are sticking around and developing meaningful relationships with the traumatized children and their families. In one of these areas, our partners are hoping to start a church plant due to the receptive attitudes toward the Gospel and invitations from the locals to stay. Praise the Lord! There is no doubt that the Lord is

Word & Deed continues to be in constant contact with our partners on the ground. We recently heard of an NGO who sent a supply of water filters to earthquake victims. However, the people who received them did not have the necessary equipment to make use of them. It’s instances like this that reiterate for us the importance of developing relationships and talking directly to people on the ground to determine the local needs and priorities. Our partners appreciate the encouragement coming from you, our donors, through your generous monetary donations and through the prayers that you continue to offer up on their behalf.

At this point in time, many NGOs are starting to pull out of Turkey because immediate needs have been met. Going forward, Word & Deed plans to stay involved through various means such as the rebuilding of homes and helping the local churches to reach out to these communities in the long term. Our prayer is that as this country begins to rebuild, and “as the earth brings forth its bud, as the garden causes things that are sown in it to spring forth, so the Lord God will cause righteousness and praise to spring forth before all (Isaiah 61:11). W&D

Kara Luiting is the Administrator in Word & Deed’s Canadian office in St Thomas, ON.

LEFT: A local pastor showcasing some Turkish Bibles that were distributed to victims.

Using Relationships TO Spread THE Gospel

Education Plus (EP), an organization located in San Jose, Costa Rica, brings the Gospel to three main communities through the building of relationships. The staff at EP use those relationships as the foundation for sharing the Gospel and bringing children hope for their futures. EP’s main focus is on the children and bringing them opportunities they may not otherwise have access to. They support these children in different ways: through the distribution of backpacks filled with necessary school supplies, tutoring, vocational programs, Bible clubs, and many other initiatives.

Juan Carlos Ramirez, an elder at a local Reformed church, manages the office and programs at EP. He works closely with the staff to plan the material taught in the Bible clubs, leads a weekly staff Bible Study, and continues going into the communities to nurture the relationships that he has with dozens of people. He is a mentor and a role model to the children and staff.

There are three additional staff members that I want to introduce you to: David, Mariela, and Richard. They work in the three shantytowns visited by EP. They grew up in the shantytowns and are great examples of what EP desires to achieve. The three communities they visit are Alejualita, Los Guillos, and Pavas. In each of these communities, a staff member leads three Bible clubs a week for different age groups. They also constantly develop and nurture their relationships with the children and their families. A focus on the education of the children is big because it plays a major role in their future. With a completed high school education, the job market is bigger and college is possible. Weekly tutoring is offered in each community to help the children with any subject they may be struggling in. EP also has a tutor on staff who goes into each community to offer extra help to the students.

Education Plus also hosts a Bible Camp for the kids every

> CoST
Emily (second from the left) with EP staff and beneficiaries. A street in the shantytowns.


This project works in marginal urban areas in San Jose, Costa Rica with children and young people at high social risk to prevent drop out from school. 500 children and their families are helped by God’s grace to build a different story than the typical life of drop out, crime, and

drugs all too common in these communities. Education Plus provides school supplies, weekly Bible classes, family visits, and summer camps. Budget for 2023: $58,600 CAD / $44,000 USD.

year in January. This is a student favorite! There are two weeks of camp, one week for boys and one week for girls. There is room for 66 children to go each week. EP has some requirements for a child to receive an invitation—they must be active in EP’s programs and they must thrive academically and behaviorally. Bible Camp is popular among the students because of the new and exciting things they get to experience, such as ziplining, swimming in the pool, camping, sitting around bonfires, enjoying the fresh mountain air, participating in friendly competitions, and accepting awards.

Education Plus is a growing organization and with the growth comes opportunities. They are currently located in an office where they can offer a few classes. Juan Carlos desires to remodel and add an addition to the office to better support their future plans. Those plans include strengthening the vocational programs they currently offer, adding

more program options, finding teachers and volunteers to teach those programs, expanding the kitchen for the cooking classes and staff use, and expanding the shed for the woodshop class and needed storage space. They would also enjoy having the extra space to better accommodate the students who hang out there.

Throughout my time with Education Plus, I was impressed with the importance of relationships in their ministry. It was encouraging to see the people of the community run up to the staff to say hello and hear the shouts of greetings as they walked through the shantytowns. EP has made quite the impact in these places and they continue to nurture these relationships even after children age out of the programs. Their use of relationships to bring the Gospel offers a solid foundation in the growth of the children’s faith. These children are able to see role models of the faith through the staff at Education Plus. W&D

Emily Wallinga is a member of Cornerstone United Reformed Church in Hudsonville, MI, and recently visited Education Plus in Costa Rica with her family.

A family being ministered to in a shantytown.

Knowing God IN Remote Areas

Reflection from Wilf Bout, Word & Deed board member: A short while ago I had the privilege of traveling to the Caribbean coast of Nicaragua as a Word & Deed board member. Visiting this coastal area was a first for me and, as always, this new place offered so many things to enjoy. The natural beauty is truly amazing—winding rivers, ocean breezes, pine forests, noisy chachalaca birds, and even monkeys in the treetops! This coastal area also enjoys a very rich culture—a diverse yet blended people group with roots of English, Mayan, Hispanic, and African influence, but all speaking the common language of Miskito! There is delicious food and interesting building styles, but for me the most exciting part of the trip was meeting the exceptional team of our partner, Palabra y Hecho Nicaragua. Under the capable leadership of their director, Carlos Coffin, this team has put together a highcaliber educational program that I would love to see

taught and implemented across the developing world! Since all these men and ladies have grown up in this part of the country, they have a unique understanding of the nuances of their culture. Combining this understanding with the things God has taught them through life experience, formal education, and most of all the wisdom that God gives through His Word, they have carefully developed a curriculum that clearly teaches our need for Christ and how His presence and authority transform our daily lives in our families, businesses, farms, and churches. It was encouraging to speak with men and women who are eagerly receiving this training and to hear their stories of how God has used this training to restore relationships with Him within their families and their communities. May God continue to bless His servants in Nicaragua!

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A typical home.

After having recently traveled to our partner Palabra y Hecho in Nicaragua, along with Word & Deed board member Wilf Bout and his son Bradley, this quote from J. I. Packer was reinforced in my mind: “Once you become aware that the main business that you are here for is to know God, most of life’s problems fall into place of their own accord.” Our partner has realized this fundamental truth and has shaped their three programs accordingly. In each program, there are many stories to share of the change God has caused in the lives of these people.

Agriculture Training

The agriculture program begins by teaching the farmers courses that are focused on the fundamentals of who God is, His plan of salvation, and our sinful rebellion. After that, the agronomist teaches what the Bible says about family, work, stewardship, and finances. Finally, the three agronomists walk beside the farmers, showing techniques for growing coffee, cocoa, rice, and beans.

Walter Dixon is a coffee farmer who showed us his farm. When Walter joined the program, he had recently left his wife and four children to live with a younger woman. Through the counsel of the agronomist, Walter saw his sin before God. He repented and returned to his family. Praise God for revealing Himself to Walter and for allowing this family to experience God’s goodness.

Business Education and Microloans

Like the agriculture program, the business program begins with teaching small business owners a Christian worldview. They then learn the basics of biblical business practices. After three months, the business owners have the opportunity to propose a business plan and receive a loan if needed.

Yacarelis is a businesswoman who has operated a small food stand from the front of her rented house for three years. She shares that the program has taught her how to market her products better and to have long-term goals. Our prayer is that she would come to know God more and learn to trust Him with her future.

Theological Training for Leaders of Remote River Communities

This program is focused on teaching a beginner’s level of understanding the truths of God and His Word. The goal of this training is to strengthen Gospel understanding to five largely unreached and underserved communities of Nicaragua.

We heard from 15 of the attendees how the teaching had impacted their understanding of God. One pastor shared that he is thankful for the program because he is learning things of God and His Word that he never knew before.

He is now teaching these things to his congregation which is more involved and more committed to serving in the church than ever before.

We are encouraged by the faithful labor of Palabra y Hecho to make God known in Nicaragua. The current political situation in this country is threatening the existence of Palabra y Hecho, but we trust that God will continue to seek out worshippers in this place, “for the Father is seeking such to worship Him” (John 4:23). W&D Scott Dekorte works for Word & Deed in Project Management and Public Relations. He and his family live in Welland, Ontario.

Walter Dixon and his family. Wilf & Scott with Palabra y Hecho staff.






It is indeed a great privilege to be serving Word & Deed Ministries. I have seen firsthand the impact of the work of W&D this spring in trips to Uganda, Kenya, and India. It was very encouraging to see how programs are improving the lives of the recipients in each country and providing relief from perilous living conditions. However, it was so much more encouraging to see how our focus on sharing the Gospel was impacting the people. Churches are being established and growing in numbers and in the knowledge of the truth. Praise the Lord for His wonderful work among those who hear and heed His Word.

ible blessings on the work and how He has transformed lives.

Laurenne W

As the Canadian Board Chair, I would like to welcome the newest member of our staff. Laurenne Wattel is our new Administrative Assistant and works in the office in Ontario. I also want to express our deep appreciation for two board members who have retired following many years of service on the board.

1 Thessalonians 2:4 says in part, “we were allowed of God to be put in trust with the gospel, even so we speak; not as pleasing men, but God.” The question comes to each one of us: Are we speaking to our friends and acquaintances about the Gospel? It has been said that life’s two greatest privileges are to speak to God on behalf of others and to speak to others on behalf of God. Remaining silent is the least loving thing one can do. At Word & Deed, this is the main focus of our work—to spread the Gospel message wherever we work in the majority world so that people will come to know the Lord Jesus. We have witnessed God’s incred-

Dr. Arjan de Visser has served us for many years and due to his many other responsibilities is no longer able to serve on the board. Mr. Harold Leyenhorst has also served on the Board for numerous years, including several as the Chairman. Both Dr. de Visser and Mr. Leyenhorst provided wise counsel and insights and they will be sorely missed. It is my prayer that the Lord will bless and provide abun dantly for them. W&D

Corney Les is the Board Chairman of Word & Deed Canada. He lives in Chilliwack, BC.

Board and Staff Retreat

On May 11–13, the Board and staff of Word & Deed gathered in Grand Bend, ON, for a sweet time of fellowship, informative meetings, and Zoom presentations from some of our partners. Altogether, our group represented five

NAPARC church denominations: Canadian Reformed, Free Reformed, Heritage Reformed, Orthodox Presbyterian, and United Reformed. It was a blessing to gather together and was an encouraging reminder to all of us of the blessing that the Lord continues to place over the work of Word & Deed.

Arjan de V
Harold Leyenh

Word & Deed recently was involved with two construction projects run by the Orthodox Presbyterian Church Uganda Mission. The first project was staff housing for medical personnel of the Akisyon a Yesu Presbyterian Clinic (AYPC) in Karamoja. There are 12 housing units that are 400 sq. ft. each, along

with a well and a latrine. Dave Vander Meer and Corney Les of Word & Deed visited these projects earlier this year. While there, they were able to meet with the North American staff, including the Folkerts. Word & Deed also helped the Knox School of Theology in Mbale with the construction of a ten-room dormitory and dining hall. Word & Deed provided $193,300 CAD / $145,400 USD to these two projects. We were blessed in assisting the OPC in their efforts in Uganda.


James & Corrie Neven, Scott Dekorte, Kara Luiting, Dave & Julie Vander Meer, Bert & Marietta Mulder, John Jagersma, Jay & Stacia VanVoorst, Paul & Patricia

Beezhold, Clarence Jonker, Laurenne Wattel, Wilf & Sharon Bout, Harry Kooistra, John

VanGameren, John & Connie Otten, Rick & Diane Postma, Pastor Adrian & Ruth

Dieleman, Lyle & Carol Ypma, Pete & Lois

Vanderstel, Dave & Christine Wielinga, Scott Koopman, Paul Wagenaar, Karen

VanderSloot, Heidi Pronk.

Not pictured: Jen Koopman, John & Toni


Board Members Not Present: Eric Brandt, Paul Laman, Corney Les, and Eric Greendyk.

Left right:
> UGanDa
Dave Vander Meer and the Folkerts. New dormitory at Knox School of Theology.



Pray that God will continue to use the staff at Education Plus to be a positive light in the shantytowns and that God would protect and build the relationships being built through this program.


Pray that God will continue to use Palabra y Hecho to change the hearts and minds of the individuals participating in the programs. Pray that God will give wisdom and insight to the leaders of these programs as they seek to share God’s Word. Praise God for the change that is happening in the hearts of the people in Nicaragua through the programs Word & Deed is involved with! Praise God that He has faithful men and women guiding the programs!


Please pray for Word & Deed to have guidance and wisdom on how to best serve and bring the Gospel to those still affected by the earthquake. Pray that God may direct the hearts of the newly elected officials to continue to thank the churches’ efforts.


Thank the Lord with us for our dedicated and faithful Board of Directors! Praise God for their wisdom and leadership.







Visit wordanddeed.org/events for more information on these events.



• How should a Christian respond to God’s Word?

• What is the chief end of man? What does it look like practically to live to this end?

Costa Rica

• What are the different ways that the relationships being built are positively impacting the communities around Education Plus?

• How does the Bible Camp, which takes place in January, encourage students academically and behaviorally?


• How does J. I. Packer’s quote apply to the project in Nicaragua and even to us here in North America?

• What are some examples in which we can see the Gospel working in the hearts of the individuals participating in these programs?


• How has the disaster and aftermath of the earthquake brought about opportunities to share the Gospel?

• How has God used the church to be a witness, even to the government officials?

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