TABLE OF CONTENTS 01 Editor's challenge 02 Upcoming events 03 Important announcements 04 Officer Information 05 District officer information 06 Articles 07 Articles Continued 08 Service Partners 09 Governors, District, and Divisional Projects 10 Major Emphasis Projects 11 Month in Review
Editor's challenge f o r e b m u n e h t p u t C oun e h t e m e g a s s e m d n crabs a ! e z i r p a r a m o u n t fo
Upcoming Events
New Member Meeting In the Library 4:30 pm
Fall Fundraiser At Pine Acre's Church 4-9:30 pm
Food and Resource At the Center 4-7 pm
Custer County Food Drive!
Important Anouncements t! r i h s t a d n a s e u d r o f y a p to Don't forget
We also have two board positions o pen Treasure and Me mber-Rep
Officer Information
President/ : Hannah Strickler 580-816-0243
Secretary/ Vice President: Ginna Galindo 580-235-6537
Editor: Katie Cornelsen 580-330-0207
Historian: Lakin Green 580-890-7322 Webmaster: Brett Bozarth 972-971-7139
Faculty Advisor: Mrs. Roehr 214-587-2937
Ltg: Kaitlyn Roehr 405-465-2480
Regional Advisor: Rafael Santos 580-512-5941
District Officer Information el Ashn a Pat or n r e v o G O T b .c o m u l c y e k o t govern or@
V iv ia n T h a i or T O D is t r ic t E d it lu c y e k o t @ r o t i d e
ham s i r G D illio n io n s a i L on i t n e v C on om c . b u l c ey k o t @ l c
K a reen a P a tel T O D is t r ic t S e c r e t a ry sec reta ry@ t o k e y c lu b .c o m
K a t h e r in e C h a o T O D is t r ic t T r e a s u re T rea su re@ tok e y c lu b .c o m
L a c ey T h om as T ec h P rod u c er t e c h a s s is t a n t @ t o k ey c lu
b .c o m
Article My Key Club Life I started out with saying I would join Key
My position going into my junior year
Club my freshman year. I did not end up
was Webmaster. I was running the
joining until my sophomore year. I then
website, the instagram, the Twitter,
joined the club because my mom forced
and sometimes Facebook for our club.
me to join. She wanted me to be around
During the year our Historian stepped
a different group of kids in school. My
down into the Member Rep position
neighbor was in Key Club when we were
and we did not have a Historian. The
freshman. My mom wanted me to join
guy that ran for Historian did not seem
because they thought it would be good
to really want that position, so I
for me. I did not want to join Key Club
traded him positions. I became
because I thought it would be a lot of
Historian and he became Webmaster.
weird kids and I did not know what all
Webmaster was more his position than
was entailed to joining the club. I joined
Historian. During DCON the scrapbook
and I realized that it was a club built
I made got first place!
around service. I got very involved with everything that the club was doing.Â
The position I ran for my senior year was Secretary. We did not have a
During my sophomore year, my first year,
Treasurer or an Editor for this year. We
the Historian was removed. I signed up
came up with a solution to our
to be apart of the board without
problem. We had every position run
realizing how much work went into it.
unopposed during our elections
There were three of us that signed up. I
except Vice President, so we asked
did not get the position, so since I did
the girl that did not win if she would
not get it I was scared to sign up to run
take Secretary and Treasure positions.
for a position later on. Later on, I got so
Since she took both I moved to Editor.
many hours that I was invited to go to DCON. While I was there I decided to become the Webmaster. I went to the forums for it and we did not have a webmaster that year. I signed up and got it since I was the only one. It took a lot of work to be apart of the board, but I had the summer to get everything in line.
Article What to Expect for WHS Key Club 2019
Hi! My name is Hannah Strickler and I am
This month we’ve already done lots of
the Key Club President at Weatherford High
exciting things! On the 8th, our school
School. I am a junior this year and this will
had our enrollment and our officers
be my third year in Key Club! I’m super
set up a table to attract new
excited for this year and the many events
members! Our theme for the year is
we have planned! My president’s project for
“Just Keep Serving,” and our table was
the year is “Klimbing the K’s.” With this
decorated to show it! We had a trifold
project, I hope to better connect our K-
displaying the theme and many
family, K-Kids, Builder’s Club, and Kiwanis.
beach-themed items up for a raffle!
To do this, I have reached out to our local
We had new members fill out
Kiwanis and will reach out to our Builder’s
information slips with their name,
club to hopefully plan a social or service
grade, email, and favorite breakfast
project at some point this year. I also am
item at the booth, and we had around
working with our Division 17 LTG, Kaitlyn
40 new slips! We put these slips in a
Roehr, to help start our first ever K-Kids in
box and drew names slips at our first
Weatherford! This year’s Governor’s project
meeting on the 22nd and 6 lucky
is “Culture for Caring,” and our club will be
members won candles, bath bombs,
participating in this by having a social at a
planners, or our big theme basket!
later time where we enjoy foods from all
Since then, we’ve volunteered at our
different cultures and map out where our
local Food and Resource Center and
families are from! We will also be looking
had a breakfast meeting, and both
into helping with Special Olympics! This
were great turnouts! This next month,
year’s divisional project is “Karing for Kids,”
we will be having a new member
and our club will be helping with this by
meeting for new members to learn all
making tie blankets to take to OU Children’s
about the joys of Key Club, helping at
hospital, and hopefully helping at a local
the Food and Resource Center,
women’s shelter! Finally, our District Project
helping with a canned food drive, and
is “Key Readers,” and our club will be
having lots of meetings! My final word
participating in this by promoting Early Bird
of advice is to “JUST KEEP SERVING”!!
Reader, which is a before-school program at our local elementary school. How it works is, each high school student is paired up with a first grader and they will have a designated day that they read to this student for 30 minutes before school! In conclusion, we’ve got lots of exciting work to look forward to this year!
Service Partners Eliminate is wo rking to eradicate neo n a ta l te ta n u
es m i D f o h c r a M e Th e lp h o t s k w or of h t l a e h e h t e v o r im p b a b ie s The Children's Miracle Network raise s a w a re ne ss a n d fu n d s for children's h ospitals
s ' r o n r e v o G Project or f e r u lt u C is t c je o This years pr n e ca n o y r e v e r e h t e g o T Caring! o r o ne f g in r a c r o f e r u lt cre a te a cu r o l, o o h c s , d n ie r f s tu d ent, e im t a t a y it n u m m co
District Project
Divisional Project
T h is  y e a rs p ro je ct is K a rin g fo r K id s! T o g ether w e c a n a l l ca r e fo r a k id in n e ed.
h is t t c e j o r p t c i r t T h e d is d n a , s r e d a e R y y e a r is K e re o m g n i n r a e l w e w ill b e so o n!
Major Emphasis Project
The Thirs t Project aims to end the g lobal wat er crisis through f undraisin g and increase awarene ss
Month in Review We had a gr eat month. We had our f irst meeting of th is year and we are r eady to get this year started.