NOVEMBER 2019 Region 6 Division 17
Volume 1
Issue 8
Weatherford High School
01 - Editors Challenge 02 - Upcoming Events 03 - Important Announcements 04 - Officer Information 05 - District Officer Information 06 - Articles 07 - Articles Continued 08 - Service Partners 09 - Governor, District, and Divisional projects 10 - Major Emphasis Projects 11 - Month in Review 12 - LEDCON Promotion
Editor's challenge
Answer the riddle: What paces back and forth on the ocean loor? 01
Upcoming Events
2nd-13th The Crazy Sock Fundraiser In the Library 9th Food and Resource Center 4-7 pm
12th Board Meeting at Braum's at 4:30
23rd-3rd Christmas Break Have a great break!
Important Anouncements
Make sure to get your service hours! We will be decided who g ets to go to LEDCON so on! 03
Officer Information
President/ : Hannah Strickler 580-816-0243
Historian: Lakin Green 580-890-7322
Memeber Rep: Elly Adkinson 405-885-1720
Secretary/ Vice President: Ginna Galindo 580-235-6537
Treasure: Kaymon Doshier 580-302-2231
Ltg: Kaitlyn Roehr 405-465-2480
Regional Advisor: Rafael Santos 580-512-5941
Editor: Katie Cornelsen 580-330-0207
Webmaster: Brett Bozarth 972-971-7139
Faculty Advisor: Mrs. Roehr 214-587-2937
District Officer Information el t a P a n h s A r o n r e v o G TO com . b u l c y e k o t govern or@
V iv ia n T h a i or T O D is t r ic t E d it om .c b lu c y e k o t @ r o t ed i
m a h s i r G D illio n io n s a i L on i t n e v m C on o c . b u l eyc k o t @ l c
K a reen a P a tel T O D is t r ic t S e c r e t a ry sec reta ry@ t o k e y c lu b .c o m
K a t h e r in e C h a o T O D is t r ic t T r e a s u re T rea su re@ tok e y c lu b .c o m
L a c ey T h om as T ec h P rod u c er t e c h a s s is t a n t @ t o k ey c lu
b .c o m
FALL RALLY BY GINNA GALINDO In October, TO District had Fall Rally and it was amazing. I was able to get closer to the board, but also I overcame my fear of roller coasters. As Weatherford traveled to Frontier City, the excitement grew and I knew I was going to have a good time. Once we checked in and entered, I became nervous, but then the district board started the meeting. They had us do some ice breakers, which allowed me to get more comfortable. Then, they introduced the board and got in detail over some changes. I became excited to finally hear the theme for LEDcon. As time passed, they finally got around to it. I waited and waited until finally they announced it. HOLLYWOOD! Who would have known? Then we got released to have a DCM. Division 17 got together and had a short DCM while being attacked by bees, it was funny but scary. Then, the time came. I had to go on roller coasters. I was not ready. We went to the Steel Lasso. It was an easy one, since I had already gone on it. It was so much fun, but a long wait. Then, we did some more and finally went on the Silver Bullet. This is the one I was dreading. Katie Cornelsen, Weatherford Editor, kept pushing me to do it, since I kept trying to quit. I got on it and had so much fun. I’m thankful she was there and pushed me to do it. Then, we went on the Brain Drain. That one was so scary, but fun. I was basically falling out of my seat. Finally, we went on the Log Ride as an easy ride. It was so much fun and by far my favorite. Then after all that, we started to head home. The whole club decided to go to Olive Garden. It was so fun. As we waited and ate the food, some of the upperclassmen taught us the game Black Magic. It was one of the most difficult games to understand. Finally after some time I understand which made Lakin Green, Weatherford Historian, and Brett Bozarth, Weatherford Webmaster, more upset. After we finished our meals and paid, we kept the game going until we all understood.
All in all, it was a great experience. Fall Rally helped me overcome my fears and also, get closer to some members. Key Club not only is a service organization, it creates friendships that last for a long time. I’m thankful for it and happy that I went to Fall Rally.
THE BABYSITTING CRAZE BY KATIE CORNELSEN Our club is asked by an organization at our school to babysit kids while their parents attend a seminar. Most of the seminars are for parents to hear what the high school students heard during the school day. We have been asked multiple times to babysit, we are usually only there for an hour to two hours. The craziness of babysitting is the kids. We can have like four kids to like fifteen. We can have more members there than we do kids at times. There are the quiet and shy kids, but there is also the loud and energetic ones as well. I have personally been to three out of the five that we have attended. The first one that the club attended was the first time the school had ever done it. No one knew what to do with the kids other than to play tag, play duck-duck-goose, and play a movie. We were not given anything to do with the kids, so we improvised. Then, the next time that I attended the people that put it on planned ahead and had snacks and games. They did not plan for the games to need batteries, so we had to get someone to bring us some. We then did not think we would need a screwdriver, but we did. So we made it work by using a bobby pin from my hair. We fixed all of the toys that needed batteries then the kids were entertained for a little while. Once they get bored we play duck-duck-goose. The craziest time was when we only had four kids. There was one shy kid and one loud kid there that night. The only way to make them happy is to play by their rules or you will have a screaming kid. You can always make the kids happy by giving them snacks and letting it go their way. I think that babysitting is a good way for high school students to get prepared for when they have kids. It will show you ever kind of kid that there is. The best part to me is that I do not have to take the kids home with me. It is a perfect way to look into the way of being a parent. The babysitting is one of the good things that Key Club has taught me. Key Club has prepared me for getting ready to be in college and in the workforce.
Service Partners The Children's Miracle Network raise s a w a re ne ss a n d fu n d s for children's h ospitals
T he M a rc h
o f D im e s w o rks to h e lp im p r o v e t h e h e a lt h o f b a b ie s
Eliminate is wo rking to eradicate neo n a ta l te ta n u
s ' r o n r e v o G Project is t c je o r p s r a e y is h T the r e g o T ! g in r a C 4 e r Cultu re f o r u lt u c a e t a e r c n a e v e ry o n e c nd, ie r f , t n e d u t s e n o caring for e. im t a t a y it n u m m school, or co n a e t a e r c o t t n a w We one is y r e v e e r e h w t n e environm welcome.
District Project
This years project is Karing for Kids! Together we can all care for a kid in need. Our goal is to help kids in our communities
Divisional Project
T h e d is trict p r o ject th y e a r is is Key R e a d e rs .
Major Emphasis Project
The Thirst Pro ject aims to end the globa l water crisis through fund raising and increase awa reness
Month in Review
g n i t t i s y b a b h t i w n u f h c u m o s d a e h c r e u o W s e R d n a d o o F e h t o t t i s i v r u o and Center! 11
e m e h T N O C D LE
Weatherford High School Key Club