Weatherford High School
table of contents 01
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Editor's challenge
Answer the riddle: What was the pirates favorite letter?
Upcoming Events
LEDCON Meeting 6th at 4 pm In the Library
DCM 21st at 5:30 pm In the Library
Pancake Day 22nd at 7 am at luciilee's
OU Children's 10:30 am on 8th
Diaper Drive 10th-21st
SPUD Meeting 23rd at 3 pm In the Library
Scrapbook Meeting 18th 5:30 pm In the Library
Valintine's Social 21st at 6 pm In the Library
Breakfast Meeting 27th at 8 am In the Library
Important Anouncements N O C D E L g n i d n e t t a e r a u e n o If yo t s a e l t a k r o w o t e r u s ! y a m ake D e k a c n a P g n i r u d t f i sh
Officer Information
President/ : Hannah Strickler wfordkcpresd17@gmail.com 580-816-0243
Historian: Lakin Green wfordkchistd17@gmail.com 580-890-7322
Memeber Rep: Elly Adkinson wfordkmemrepd17@gmail.com 405-885-1720
Secretary/ Vice President: Ginna Galindo wfordkcsecd17@gmail.com 580-235-6537
Treasure: Kaymon Doshier wfordkctresd17@gmail.com 580-302-2231
Ltg: Kaitlyn Roehr kaitdroehr@gmail.com 405-465-2480
Regional Advisor: Rafael Santos rafsantos68@gmail.com 580-512-5941
Editor: Katie Cornelsen wfordkceditord17@gmail.com 580-330-0207
Webmaster: Brett Bozarth wfordkcwebd17@gmail.com 972-971-7139
Faculty Advisor: Mrs. Roehr stephroehr@gmail.com 214-587-2937
District Officer Information el t a P a n h s A or T O G overn om c . b u l c y e k to govern or@
V iv ia n T h a i or t i d E t c i r t s i D O T m o .c b lu c y e k o t @ r e d it o
m a h s i r G n o i l l i D io n s a i L n o i t n e m C on v o c . b u l yc e k o t @ cl
K a reen a P a tel T O D is t r ic t S e c r e t a ry sec reta ry@ t o k e y c lu b .c o m
K a t h e r in e C h a o T O D is t r ic t T r e a s u re T rea su re@ tok e y c lu b .c o m
L a c ey T h om as T ec h P rod u c er t e c h a s s is t a n t @ t o k ey c lu
b .c o m
A LOT TO LOOK FORWARD TO BY KATIE CORNELSEN This year is the last semester that I will be in Key Club. I am looking forward to graduating, but not to no longer being a part of this amazing club! I have made so many great friends while being in Key Club. We have so much planned for the rest of the year that I am so ready for. One of my favorite events is about to come up and that is Kiwanis Pancake Day. Pancake Day is a day full of serving breakfast at Lucille's to raise money for Kiwanis. We try to help out Kiwanis as much as we can because they help us. While working pancake day, we get a glimpse in the life of a waiter or waitress. We also get to serve food, clean dishes, and take out trash. Another one of my favorite events is coming up as well and that is Hawiian Day. Hawiian Day is the day that we have our big fundraiser for LEDCON. We sell ice cream all school day on the last day before spring break because the teachers aren’t doing anything during class. We decorate the room that we do everything in with a sea theme. We have sundaes, floats, plain ice cream, and syrup to go on top with candy. Most of the officers get checked out of all their classes to work all day long. If we run out of ice cream we go on an ice cream run and those are some of the best experiences. Then the next event I love is LEDCON. I have gone to DCON the last two years, and it has been one of the best experiences I have ever had. We leave a day early, so on Thursday before check in we can have some fun. We went to a zoo my first year and the next year we went to an aquarium. It gives us all some time to bond before LEDCON begins. But before check in starts we all get ready and dressed up following the theme.
PREPARING FOR LEDCON BY KATIE CORNELSEN In order to be ready for LEDCON we have to have the money to pay. My club likes to pay during early bird, so we get our funds early. We ask for a little help from our Kiwanis and the members that we take have to pay part of it. Plus we have to have some fundraisers to raise money for the hotel, food, and for anything we would like to do for fun. Plus all of the things we take to LEDCON for contest. We like to help our Kiwanis throughout the year, so we will help with Pancake Day, one of their big fundraisers. While working during pancake day we will help serve food, wait tables, clean dishes, cook, and take out trash. We also help with their concession stand by helping during baseball season. While working at the concession stand we will make food, give out candy, give out drinks, help the people running it, and restock anything needed for the next day. Then during the summer all of the officers go to the Kiwanis meetings at least once a month. We also fundraise at our school during Hawiian Day. Hawiian Day is the last day before spring break. We sell ice cream all day long. We have all kinds of sundaes and floats, plus all kinds of toppings to put on the ice cream. It is a fun packed day of making memories, messes, and all kinds of deserts. It is one of my favorite things we do. We have the room it is in all decorated to look like someone is in Hawaii, so then everyone is taking pictures in there. With everyone taking pictures it promotes the event so then more people come. We also have to get our scrapbook ready. We help our historian by helping her come up with some ideas. Plus we help her with making some decorations to go with our theme. Since I was historian last year, I have given her all of my tips and tricks from my year of being historian. My scrapbook got first place last year, so that is a plus. Last year, the historian we have now helped me design our cover because she is so great at art and design.
Service Partners The Children's Miracle Network raise s a w a re ne ss a n d fu n d s for children's h ospitals
T he M a rc h
o f D im e s w o rks to h e lp im p r o v e t h e h e a lt h o f b a b ie s
Eliminate is wo rking to eradicate neo n a ta l te ta n u
s ' r o n r e v o G Project is This years project er h t e g o T ! g in r a C 4 Culture fo r e r u lt u c a e t a e r c e v e ry o n e ca n , d n ie r f , t n e d u t s e caring for on e. im t a t a y it n u m school, or com e an W e w a n t to cre a t e is n o y r e v e e r e h w t environmen welcome.
District Project
t this c je o r p t ic r t is d e h T rs . year is Key Reade
Divisional Project
T h is  y e a rs p ro je ct is K a rin g fo r K id s ! T o g e the r w e ca n a l l ca re fo r a k id in need. O ur g o a l is to he lp k id s in o u r co m m u n itie s
Major Emphasis Project
The Thirst Pro ject aims to end the globa l water crisis through fund raising and increase awa reness 10
Month in Review
o t t i s i v r u o ith w n u f h c u m o s d f a o h e e m W o s , r e t n e C e c r u o s e R d n a d , o s n o i t i the Fo s o p r i e h t g n i t n e s e r p s r e c i f f ! d i d e our o w s r e k a e r b e c i un f e h t f o l l a and 11
WEBSITE wforddkeyclub.wixsite.com/eagles