WFord KC February Newsletter

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Weatherford High School REGION 6, DIVISON 17, VOLUME 1, ISSUE 11

Febuary 2020














Editor's challenge

Answer the riddle: What would we get if we threw all the books into the ocean?


Upcoming Events

Board Meeting 3rd at 4 pm In the Library

Scrapbook Meeting 10th at 5:30 pm In the Library

Spring Break 13th-22nd


Girl's Night Out 4:30-8 pm on 6th

Hawaiian Day Set up 11th at 5 pm in the library

Paint the Park 27th at 5 pm Radar Park

Food and Resource Center 9th 4-7 pm

Hawaiian Day! 12th at 1st-7th hour In the Food Lab

SPUD/ Board Meeting 30th at 4 In the library

Important Anouncements r e c i f f o n a t e g o t e r u s e n k a e Ma b o t t n a w u o y f i n o i t a c i l p p a o ffic e r !


Officer Information

President/ : Hannah Strickler 580-816-0243

Historian: Lakin Green 580-890-7322

Memeber Rep: Elly Adkinson 405-885-1720


Secretary/ Vice President: Ginna Galindo 580-235-6537

Treasure: Kaymon Doshier 580-302-2231

Ltg: Kaitlyn Roehr 405-465-2480

Regional Advisor: Rafael Santos 580-512-5941

Editor: Katie Cornelsen 580-330-0207

Webmaster: Brett Bozarth 972-971-7139

Faculty Advisor: Mrs. Roehr 214-587-2937

District Officer Information el t a P a n h s A or T O G overn om c . b u l c y e k to govern or@

V iv ia n T h a i or t i d E t c i r t s i D O T m o .c b lu c y e k o t @ r e d it o

m a h s i r G n o i l l i D io n s a i L n o i t n e m C on v o c . b u l yc e k o t @ cl

K a reen a P a tel T O D is t r ic t S e c r e t a ry sec reta ry@ t o k e y c lu b .c o m

K a t h e r in e C h a o T O D is t r ic t T r e a s u re T rea su re@ tok e y c lu b .c o m

L a c ey T h om as T ec h P rod u c er t e c h a s s is t a n t @ t o k ey c lu

b .c o m


THE WONDERFULNESS BY KAYMON DOSHIER What a wonderful thing Key Club is! Not only has it offered so many amazing opportunities to help out the community that is around us, but it has taught us how to be more appreciative. With the work ethic that we are gaining right now in our young adolescent years, it is benefiting us for the future that is ahead. It may seem like it is far away, but in the blink of an eye, we will be adults living this life we have learned to work for. Being in Key Club is like having a second family, full of your best friends. Not only are we acquiring and improving academic achievement, but we are developing crucial life skills that will be needed in the future. Being able to experience working hard and knowing how to build our future in a positive way, prepares us for useful citizenships we are gaining. The more people that get involved, the bigger change and impact we are able to make, for not only ourselves, but for the people that surround us. Caring is our way of life. It is incredible that Key Club is a very hands-on club. We have been taught that we learn through action. Learning the core values of what, not only what Key Club is about, but for what the future consists of, is pivotal. In today's society, everything that has care about it, is materialistic. Being able to show that life has so much more to offer than something you are able to buy, is critical.. Giving spirituality to values in life, is something everyone needs to learn, and this club is all about that. Enduring friendships is an amazing thing in life. What we are taught through our journey in Key Club, is to render unselfish deeds and services to better the life that is around us. Creating a peaceful space, where everyone can come together and be themselves while being able to help people that are in need, i think it’s something that everyone should have. It doesn’t matter what your background intakes. We are all beautiful and different. It’s a good thing to be different, because why would you want to spend so much time trying to be someone else? It is a magnificent thing of what Key Club has created and continues to do. Righteousness, good will, and justice should be brought into the future that is held. Key Club, what a wonderful thing it is. Continuing to learn and grow to become a better human being is all that we can ask for. I’m excited to see what the future has in store.


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THE NEXT MONTH BY KATIE CORNELSEN This next month is going to be wild. We have so much planned. We have so much to do before LEDCON, but I am ready for it all. I’m getting really sad about all of these events being my last time to ever do them. Senior year is a year full of lasts and it’s really sad. I will forever miss Key Club and I hope to get some help out next year. This small town club in Weatherford has been one of the best clubs I have ever been in. We have Girl’s Night Out. It is just a fun filled night of dressing up little girls. We do hair, makeup, nails, and even help them find “prom” dresses. They are so excited and so are we. I did hair last year. It was so much fun even though I burnt my hands a couple of times. I know next time if I want to use a wand I will need to bring my own. The night is full of making the girls feel special, pretty, and confident. Next we have Hawaiian day! This day is full of selling ice cream. We make so many great memories while doing everything. Last year was so much fun and I’m so sad that this will be my last year to help with Hawaiian day because I am graduating this year. I love helping out with Hawaiian Day and I love the ice cream. We sell sundaes, floats, and just plain ice cream. My favorite thing to do is decorate everything. We have to decorate the room and we make it look like Hawaii. We put covers on the lights to give it the blue light effect so it looks like we are in the ocean. The next thing we are doing is new. It is called Painting the Park. We are going to paint rocks and put a little message on it. We are hoping it will spread kindness to others and make someone’s day when they pick it up. It is a great way to spread the word about the key club too. All in all it will be a great month. It will be a great last month before LEDCON. I’m just ready for this month to be over so we can go to LEDCON! I’m ready to get to Dallas! Plus I am ready to get to make so many new memories with all the great people in Key Club.


Service Partners The Children's Miracle Network raise s a w a re ne ss a n d fu n d s for children's h ospitals

T he M a rc h

o f D im e s w o rks to h e lp im p r o v e t h e h e a lt h o f b a b ie s

Eliminate is wo rking to eradicate neo n a ta l te ta n u


s ' r o n r e v o G Project is This years project er h t e g o T ! g in r a C 4 Culture fo r e r u lt u c a e t a e r c e v e ry o n e ca n , d n ie r f , t n e d u t s e caring for on e. im t a t a y it n u m school, or com e an W e w a n t to cre a t e is n o y r e v e e r e h w t environmen welcome.

District Project

t this c je o r p t ic r t is d e h T rs . year is Key Reade

Divisional Project

T h is  y e a rs p ro je ct is K a rin g fo r K id s ! T o g e the r w e ca n a l l ca re fo r a k id in need. O ur g o a l is to he lp k id s in o u r co m m u n itie s


Major Emphasis Project

The Thirst Pro ject aims to end the globa l water crisis through fund raising and increase awa reness 10

Month in Review

t a n u f h c u m o s d a h e W o t e l b a e r e w e W ! y a D e k a c n a P s i n u f f o Kiwan t o l a e t a e r c d n a t s a f k a e r b serve ! r e h t e g o t memories










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