WHS Key Club July Newsletter

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Weatberford High School


TABLE OF CONTENTS 01 Editor's challenge 02 Upcoming events 03 Important announcements 04 Officer Information 05 District officer information 06 Articles 07 Articles Continued 08 Service Partners 09 Governors, District, and Divisional 10 Projects Major Emphasis 11 Projects Month in Review

Editor's challenge

h s i f f o r e b m u n e h C ount t e h t k c a b e m d n e s and ! t n u o m m a


Upcoming Events

Board meeting August 7, 2019 1 pm in the library to discuss this next year's first member meeting and promotion

Enrollment promotion August 8, 2019 8 am- 3 pm in the cafeteria. We are just promoting Key Club First day of school August 13, 2019


Important Anouncements

m a 8 m o r f t n e m l l o r n e e h t t a e b !! l s l r e b m e W e wi m w e n r o f g n i t o m o r p g o n t i m o c -3p m s i r ea y s i h t g n i t e e m t s r i f r Ou so o n !

Hannah Stri ckler is our new Preside nt! She is ready for a fun, full pa cked year!


Officer Information

President/ Vice President: Hannah Strickler Hannah.stricklerschool@gmail .com 580-816-0243

Secretary/Treasurer: Ginna Galindo ginnajustin@gmail.com 580-235-6537

Editor: Katie Cornelsen katiecornelsen1@gmail. com 580-330-0207

Historian: Lakin Green greengirlpgo4@gmail.com 580-890-7322 Webmaster: Brett Bozarth brettjon1807@gmail.com 972-971-7139

Faculty Advisor: Mrs. Roehr stephroehr@gmail.com 214-587-2937

Ltg: Kaitlyn Roehr kaitdroehr@gmail.com 405-465-2480

Regional Advisor: Rafael Santos rafsantos68@gmail.com 580-512-5941


District Officer Information el Ashn a Pat or n r e v o G O T b .c o m u l c y e k o t govern or@

V iv ia n T h a i or T O D is t r ic t E d it b.com editor@tokeyclu

ham s i r G D illio n io n s a i L t io n n e v n Co om c . b u l c ey c l@ t o k

K a reen a P a tel T O D is t r ic t S e c r e t a ry sec reta ry@ t o k e y c lu b .c o m

K a t h e r in e C h a o T O D is t r ic t T r e a s u re T rea su re@ tok e y c lu b .c o m

L a c ey T h om as T ec h P rod u c er t e c h a s s is t a n t @ t o k ey c lu


b .c o m


My Beginning in Key Club I started out with saying I would join Key Club my freshman year. My mom made me talk to the Key Club officers during our enrollment. I told them I would join, but I did not ever end up doing. My mom during my sophomore year did make sure I did join Key Club. She really wanted me to join and I am so glad that she did in the long run. I have made some of my best friends through this club. I have also seen how many lives have changed because of Key Club. Key Club has made me find my better self. I am not so focused on my life, but helping others when they need help. When I joined Key Club I thought it would be a lot of weird kids and I did not know what all was entailed to joining the club. I joined and I realized that it was a club built around service. I got very involved with everything that the club was doing. They were having socials, going to the Food and Resource center, and volunteering when asked to.

During the year the Historian was removed. I signed up to be apart of the board without realizing how much work went into it. There were three of us that signed up. I did not get the position, so since I did not get it I was scared to sign up to run for a position later on. Later on, I got so many hours that I was invited to go to DCON. I was not going to go to DCON at first until my mom and I realized that it would give me a weekend away from our house and me some time to make some new friends. I went to DCON and it was a lot of fun. While I was there I decided to become the Webmaster. I went to the forums for it and we did not have a webmaster that year. I signed up and got it since I was the only one. It took a lot of work to be apart of the board, but I had the summer to get everything in line. The advisor for our club was running our website, so I took over after DCON. Taking this position has led me to where I am today in this club. I have loved everyone that is in it and learned so much.


Articles Continued

Key Club Promotion


Weatherford High School has all the clubs set up a table promoting their club each year at enrollment before school begins. Last year our club promoted ourselves by making a poster board following our theme of that year and brought cookies. We then had people fill out little slips that asked them some questions about themselves like their grade, why they might want to join Key Club, and their name. We then had a drawing with those slips. The officer board got into pairs and made a basket themselves and one big basket. In order for people to be entered into the drawing and win they had to come to the first meeting of the year. We drew names and then gave out the prizes. We then for the next meeting served breakfast. We had to get them in a pattern of coming early. This year the officers are planning to make a board with our theme. We are going to bring brownies, cookies, and fruit. Our theme this year is “Just Keep Serving� and we plan to make everything we do for the enrollment based around the sea. We all joked about getting a little pool and putting water in it. We then joked about getting a pool and putting sand in it. We thought it would be a great idea to have drinks at our table this year. We thought about getting a little cooler with water and some soda. Everyone gets hot during enrollment, so this will give them a way to cool down and think about joining Key Club.

We also plan to promote our club by hanging posters in our school hallways. We hung up posters last year in our hallways and we promoted the club and our breakfast meeting. Our plan this year is to promote the meeting, and then make little gifts. We want to have more gifts and baskets this year, so we can give away more. We want everything to be based around our the sea aspect. I am planning my gift and I have thought about getting a cheap bag of shells at Walmart and get school supplies that have a sea theme or are blue. I also thought about getting a small jar and putting in a small amount of sand and making pens and pencils stand up in the sand with a small umbrella that has a toothpick on it.

Service Partners Eliminate is wo rking to eradicate neo n a ta l te ta n u

es m i D f o rc h a M e h T lp e h o t s w o rk of h t l a e h th e e v o r p im b a b ie s

The Children's

Miracle Network raise s a w a re ne ss a n d fu n d s for children's h ospitals


s ' r o n r e v o G Project or f e r u lt u C is t c je o This years pr n e ca n o y r e v e r e h t e g o T Caring! o r o ne f g in r a c r o f e r u lt cre a te a cu r o l, o o h c s , d n ie r f s tu d ent, e im t a t a y it n u m m co

District Project

h is t t c e j o r p t c i r t T h e d is d n a , s r e d a e R y y e a r is K e re o m g n i n r a e l w e w ill b e so o n!


Divisional Project

T h is  y e a rs p ro je ct is K a rin g fo r K id s! T o g ether w e c a n a l l ca r e fo r a k id in n e ed.

Major Emphasis Project

The Thirst Proje ct aims to end the global w ater crisis through fundrais ing and increase aware ness 10

Month in Review y b h t n o m t a e r g a s i h t d We had n a e m e h t w e n r u o g decidin ! t r i h s s ' r yea


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We are Weatherford High School Key Club!

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