[From your Biggest Fan] P a u l
C o l l i n s
“From Fan to Slippers” Dear Slippers, my love for you is deep, everything you touch immediately feels warm and cozy. I know that we’ve never touched, but every time I see you, you make me feel like I’m not just a random piece of plastic, wires, and screws. I’m literally your biggest Fan. Slippers, you’ve touched many things, except me. Do you remember that time when Paul took you off right before he got in bed and he was too cold to have me blowing so he put me down right next to you. Was it just me or did you feel the chemistry between us? I sure did. But anyways I feel that if we touch there will be a burning passion that will start an ongoing flame, a flame will never extinguish. Trust me, even though I generate wind I won’t blow this flame out. Unlike last time, when I was in a relationship with an eye mask, this will not be a bad idea. What I’m trying to get at here is that I LOVE YOU! “From Slippers to Fan” Dear Fan, you’re a wonderful object, you have a great sense of humor, and your looks blow me away. But, I am in love with Robe. In fact, I’m dating Robe. He’s warm like me, he’s soft like me, and Paul wears him a lot with me. We’ve grown really close actually, I remember the day he came in. Paul walked into the room wearing him, and I remember feeling an 122