Hamptons Relocate & Renovate Guide-Sunningdale

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hamptons@adamson.co.uk www.adamsonresidential.co.uk

Premiere Klasse 01256 639500

Interview with ‘Alexander James Interiors’

info@pk-showrooms.com www.premiereklasse.co.uk

remodel or even just a single room depends on the property you are working exciting journey and experience for

What services do Alexander James Interiors provide?

Dependon Group 0800 014 8643

style for a client’s property who is it a collaborative effort?

to developing a style for a client’s vary depending on the designer’s client’s preferences, and the specific requirements. However, in most cases, the a collaborative effort between the and the client.

Alexander James is one of the leading Interior Design houses in the UK, recognised in the World’s Top 100. We serve private clients, property developers, and commercial partners who value a different approach for carefully considered creative design that is seamlessly seen through to an exacting standard. For all private residential projects, whether they are classical superprime properties or modern apartments, we will provide a dedicated designer who delivers a level of service and attention to detail that is second to none from the start to the finish of the project.

info@Dependon-Group.com www.dependon-group.com

dress to sell for all our vendors out there –(a sure-fire wire to set yourself apart from the rest of the market) or indeed a build from scratch. AJI has a tailored team to help ensure that your project is completed to the highest of levels.

In developing a style for a client’s property who takes the lead or is it a collaborative effort?

Sequoia Gardens 01344 627416

designer and the client bring unique and insights to the table, which can successful and satisfying outcome. we provide professional guidance We use our knowledge and skills project in the right direction, offering comprehensive design solution and proposing when needed. approach creates spaces that are aesthetically pleasing but also meet the requirements and resonates with


What types of projects do Alexander James Interiors work on?

From complete turnkey projects to one or two rooms, AJI is happy to offer Hamptons buyers a free face-to-face consultation before or after completion to explore our bespoke services in more depth. Unlike many of our competitors, we do not charge a design fee. Designed with not just aesthetics in mind but equally practicality and longevity, our experienced team of over 30 Interior Architecture and Interior Designers based in our Head Office in Twyford has all the expertise and facilities to help you create your dream home.

Interview w ith ' Mimosa Interiors'

you and why?

architecture and design is so inspiring has afforded us the luxury of never ‘signature style,’ something that is the design world. of the Californian and Hamptons alongside the Australian coastal enough to have travelled in Europe, I inspiration from European design. comes not just from other design projects environments, construction, colours around us.

One Ro o m Makeover: Furnishings and styling t o revi talise a s in gl e room.

Wi nd o w D r essings and Sof t F u r nishings: T h oug htfully designed, crafted, a nd fi tted to e n h anc e your space.

d esi gners

b ri n g a w ealth o f k n o wle d g e and experi en c e to y our p roject. T h e y a re t ra i n e d t o un derstand t h e i n tricacies of des i gn, fr om spat ia l p l anni n g to colour t h e o ry , and t he y s tay upda t ed on t h e la t e st trends and ma te rials.

T im e and Stre ss M an ag em ent: M ana gi ng a d e sig n p roject c an be ti me-consuming and s t res sf u l I n t e ri or d e s ig ners handle al l as pects o f t h e p roject, inc lu ding planni n g, so ur cing ma t e ri als, c oordin ati n g with co nt ra c tors, and ma n ag i n g ti mel i n e s Thi s allo ws yo u t o f ocus on yo u r daily l i f e w h i l e t he designer ta kes care o f the d etails.

As expected, every project and client we get the honour of working with is different and their motivation to engage with AJI varying. Some clients are time poor, or live overseas, others need help with commercial decisions or are investors. Others love interiors but just struggle to make a decision. We take a comprehensive brief at the start of each project and work collaboratively with our clients to work out their design narrative. We welcome them to our showroom, take them to suppliers’ factories as well as of course do many on site visits to ensure our clients feel fully informed of their choice options at all times.

Desi gn er for a Day: Personalised d esi gn co n su ltation for focu s e d p rojects

What are the benefits of using an interior designer?

Having worked on thousands of houses, we are able to guide our clients through the process seamlessly, exploring quality, budget, and practical living solutions for their new home. Whether it is a new build shell that needs some homely touches, a complete modernising renovation job, a

A cc es s to R es o u r ce s a nd Contacts: I n t e rior designers h av e acc e s s to a v as t ne two rk of su p p l iers, artisans, and contractors.

T h e i r established re la t ionship s ca n lead to b e t t er deals and h i gher qualit y wo rk, which mi ght b e diffic u l t t o ac hiev e on you r o wn.

Cos t E f ficiency: W h i le h i ri n g a n in te rior

top tips when designing rooms in a spatial planning, which comes from how you use or function in a space are looking to achieve that is unique

d e sig n e r involv e s an u p front c o s t , their e xper t ise can ac t u al l y s ave yo u mon ey in the

l o n g r u n. They hel p yo u avoid costly mis takes, ma k e the mo st of yo u r b ud get, and i ncr ease th e v al ue of your prop e rty with w e ll- pl anned ,

design. W

Working across not only the UK but globally has allowed AJI to be a part of many award winning private and commercial properties. It would be impossible to pick just one. However, we are currently working on some amazing turn keys properties in the local area for private clients that understand quality and luxury but equally want to create a timeless, practical welcoming home. Combining all talents within the design studio always results in some of our favourite and critically acclaimed projects. www.aji.co.uk Adamson

natural light, consider furniture

Mimosa I nterio r s

and loose to maximise the flow integrate unique pieces you already

team of

What has been some of most successful projects to date?

C o lo u r Consultancy: Ex p e rt adv ice to help you c h oose t he perfect colour p alette.

I nte r io r Styling: Fi n i sh ing touches an d d ecor to b ri n g y our vision to life.

W e ar e committed to delivering excep tional re s ul t s and creati n g s p aces th at ref lect your style and pe rsonality. Our s h o wroom in Su nn in ghil l is b ri mm i n g with beautifu l fabric and wallpaper

sa mpl e s , o ffering a wid e range of optio ns to suit

e v e ry taste and bu d get. We de s ig n and create t i mel e ss, beauti ful i n t e riors i n v arious styles.

I n de v eloping a style for a clie nt’ s property

wh o t ak es the lead or is it a collaborative

e f f o r t ?

Thr o ughout this c o l l aborative pro c ess , effective c om mu n i cation, m utua l respect , an d a s hared v i sion a re key to ach i e ving a successf ul outcome.

T h e d e s igner acts as a guide, off e ring c reative

s o l u t i o n s and expert ad v i ce, while ulti ma tely ensuri n g that t h e fi n al design refl ect s the client's u n i q u e s tyle and enhanc es th e ir living e n v i ro n ment.

Wh at in spires y o u ?

Na t u re is an endless so u rc e of inspira tion : the col o ur s , textures, a n d unique p at t erns. Art and Ar chi t ecture expose s u s to a wide range of styles, t e c h n i ques and h i stori

AND SO THE ADVENTURE BEGINS. You are free-spirited. You don’t play by the rules. Your life is an adventure… why should your wedding be any different?


A very warm welcome to Sunningdale and the surrounding areas from all of us at Hamptons.

You will be moving into one of the most highly regarded areas in Berkshire. Desirable homes, tree lined avenues, diverse shops and restaurants and an eclectic, vibrant population.

Hamptons has been matching people with property, locally, nationally and internationally, since 1869.

We were pioneers, setting standards that few of our rivals could match and this hasn’t changed since.

Today, over 150 years since we first set up home in Pall Mall, with 15 decades of finding property and looking after people under our belt, our clients now consider us to be their, ‘home experts’.

Yours sincerely,

Martin Burrow - Associate Director (Prime)

Matthew Gwyer - Head of Lettings


Hamptons offers you a warm welcome to Sunningdale

Congratulations, if you are house hunting in Sunningdale, you have already won. A home in this great area with all it offers, automatically makes you the envy of many. Now in order to make your transition as smooth and hassle free as possible Hamptons have put together this great guide which will help you choose the best schools, learn a little about planning

and building control, read tips on where to shop, eat and lot’s more, all packed into one little guide with clickable links.

Perhaps most importantly we have researched some of the leading local professionals and experts who can help you add value and personalise your soon to be new home.

A little bit of history
“A big WELCOME and enjoy”

Historically, Sunningdale and Ascot areas consisted of dangerous heathland, with very few trees, frequented by highwayman and lawless individuals.

The villages relied on the local transportation routes for prosperity, one of these was the magnificent Roman Road, the remains of which run parallel to the current A30.

King George 111 set up the first Royal Stand at Ascot, which became known as ‘The Royal Enclosures’ and subsequently Ascot racecourse.

Agatha Christie lived in Sunningdale at ‘Styles’, named after her first mystery novel and it was from here that she mysteriously disappeared for eleven days. The famous Sunningdale golf course featured in one of her short stories called ’The Sunningdale Mystery’.

Why move to Sunningdale?

The Sunningdale/Ascot areas provide wonderful amenities for both village and rural living, which therefore caters for professional couples, families and retirement, all complemented by the excellent access we have to the national motorway network, London and Heathrow.

The area is renowned

for the famous Ascot racecourse and for some world class golf courses at Sunningdale and Wentworth.

Sunningdale/Ascot is only 27 miles from the centre of London and therefore caters well to the family market with a varied range of property both in size and price, so providing a whole

market environment, allowing you to move up the housing ladder within the same area. With its Michelin star restaurants and wonderful Spa’s, we believe the Sunningdale/ Ascot area provides a great place to start your family, grow your family and later retire to. A place providing a modern approach born from traditional values.

Ideal living

If you’re in need of open space, there are some great parks on offer including Windsor Great Park, Savill Gardens, the lake at Virginia Water and 1,700 acres at Chobham Common, ideal for walking and riding pursuits.

The restaurant/pub scene in Sunningdale/Ascot is popular, including Fego brasserie, Piccolino, The Belvedere Arms, The Fours Horseshoes, Eastern Oriental and many more, catering for different food types.

From Sunningdale, theatre and cinema can be accessed at The Ambassadors Cinema, Woking, New Victoria theatre, Woking and Theatre Royal, Windsor and with Central London only 27 miles away.

Sunningdale/Ascot has a good mix of shops, cafes and restaurants both independent and national chains. From essentials such as opticians, pharmacists (Lloyds/ Boots), post office, butcher and supermarkets (Sainsburys, Waitrose and M&S) to more

specialist shops for residents with a good selection of clothing and gift shops.

Sunningdale has some of the best golf courses in the world at Wentworth and Sunningdale and polo at The Guards Polo Club at Smiths Lawn, Windsor Great Park and at the Royal County of Berkshire Polo Club.


Famous Residents

Sunningdale and the surrounding area has been a home to rockstars, celebrities, athletes, academics, artists and common or garden members of the upper-crust for generations.

Here are a few notable names...

Brian Blessed

Agatha Christie

Darren Clarke

Junior Campbell

Emma Forbes

Anna Friel

Philip Hanson

Chesney Hawkes

Gary Lineker

Paul McGinley

Billy Ocean

Cliff Richard

Five Star

David Thewlis



Professional Golfer

Songwriter, Musician

Radio and Television Presenter


Racing Car Driver

Pop singer

Footballer, Presenter

Professional Golfer

Musician, Singer

Musician, Singer

Pop Band

Actor, Filmmaker, Author

Richard Beckinsale, Actor
Diana Dors, Actress, Singer

Pubs & Live Music

T Belvedere Arms

he Belvedere Arms is a premium pub, bar, and restaurant with its very own courtyard, centrally located in the heart of the picturesque town of Sunninghill. Nestled on the edge of Virginia Water and Great Windsor Park, The Belvedere Arms offers the perfect countryside setting to escape the hustle and bustle of everyday life. The ideal destination for a lazy Sunday lunch, a delicious three-course meal, or a thirst-quenching pint in the sunshine, The Belvedere Arms really does have it all.

London Rd, Sunninghill, Ascot SL5 7SB. 01344 870931


The Duke Sunninghill

Inspired by fire and smoke to treat you to flavour like no other… Andras and the team look forward to welcoming you to the new look Duke – Sunninghill. Bringing the simple principles of traditional hospitality and fabulous food to Sunninghill. A relaxed and enjoyable pub for you to meet, socialise and dine in. Whether a mid-week tipple, formal business lunch, family gathering, or a lavish Sunday roast we are here for you. All offered with friendly good humour, a little cheekiness and of course food served with passion and gusto, from people who really care about taste, fabulous ingredients and celebrating the food we serve.

2 Upper Village Rd, Sunninghill, Ascot SL5 7AG. 01344 623919


Broomhall Hutt

The Broomhall Hutt is a traditional pub and restaurant situated in the heart of Sunningdale. Customers can enjoy our newly refurbished pub, especially the rear patio garden. The kitchen is open every day for lunch and dinner — serving classic British favourites all freshly cooked roasts on Sunday a speciality.

London Rd, Sunningdale, Ascot, SL5 0DQ. 01344 876887


The Sun Inn

The Sun is a traditional village pub situated right in the centre of the village, with a garden and play area for the children. We offer traditional real ales and beers and serve a variety of wines & spirits. As a traditional local pub, we also have darts and pool teams, and new players are always welcome. On Monday nights its poker night and again new players are always welcome. We have a traditional bar area and a dedicated dining area which can also be booked for private functions with doors leading out onto the paved patio & beer garden.

1 Chertsey Rd, Windlesham GU20 6EN. 01276 472234


Dog and Partridge

The Dog and Partridge pub in Sunninghill, a short distance from Ascot, offers a comfortable space for socialising and meeting friends over a drink or two or having a meal in our wellestablished restaurant. Part of our success is the warm welcome you get from the owners Grace and Tomasz and the rest of our staff. Our team of chefs are fanatical about producing fresh food that taste great and that means sourcing ingredients locally and cooking it fresh every day. We have a diverse range of products that are healthy and delicious and some that are a little naughty but still delicious.

92 Upper Village Rd, Sunninghill, Ascot SL5 7AQ. 01344 623204


“Wet your whistle”

Should you wish to wet your whistle in Sunningdale you could hardly have a wider choice. ‘Old school’ inns and taverns, cocktail bars, live music venues, gastropubs, they all abide aplenty in Sunningdale. Here are a few suggestions but the best way to find your ‘local’ is surely to take the air and simply explore.

The Nags Head

A family run traditional pub offering live music at weekends in our welcoming hub with tasteful décor. We serve food with tasty menu choices. We also have a beer garden and pool table, something for everyone. We look forward to meeting you.

28 High St, Sunningdale, Ascot SL5 0NG. 01344 622725


Windmill Windlesham

18th-century traditional inn with exquisite contemporary interiors, boasting an open fire in colder months, we also serve modern british cooking from an extensive traditional menu. Occasional live music to create a lovely ambience. We look forward to greeting and serving you.

London Rd, Windlesham GU20 6PJ. 01276 451330


Stag Pub

Welcome to The Stag in Ascot, Berkshire! Our pub is brilliantly presented and close to Ascot Racecourse & Royal Ascot Golf Club. We’re also near Ascot United Football Club, Legoland Windsor Resort, and the Look Out Discovery Centre. We’re family-friendly and wheelchair accessible, plus we have free WiFi and an amazing menu of food & drinks. Enjoy a proper pub experience with us! Sunday roasts, cask ales, premium lagers, fine wines & champagnes - there’s something for everyone! Book your visit today.

63 High St, Ascot SL5 7HP. 01344 621622

www.greeneking-pubs.co.uk/pubs/berkshire/ stag/

Local Hotspots

Enjoy an artisan coffee, while exploring great fashion boutiques right in the picturesque heart of Sunningdale!

Asante Coffee

Coffee isn’t just a drink that wakes you up in the morning, it’s an experience. When you brew a pot of our coffee, we made sure that you will experience only the best. We only roast carefully selected beans which was grown by women farmers in Kenya. Feel good with a flavour full cup of coffee in the morning and feel better knowing that Asante coffee beans positively impact the women farming them.

London Rd, Sunningdale, Ascot SL5 0EL. 07736 047472


Costa Coffee Sunningdale

We’ve 50 years’ experience of crafting the finest quality coffee. From revolutionary methods and commitment to quality to unforgettable successes that have made Costa Coffee the Nation’s Favourite coffee shop, our story is as unique as our coffee. Visit us today to view our seasonal menu and sample our signature blends. 57-59 Chobham Rd, Sunningdale, Ascot SL5 0DT. 01344 959285


Fieldhouse Coffee Sunningdale

Fieldhouse Coffee Sunningdale is an independent coffee shop located in the quaint chalet at Broomhall Park Recreation Ground. We cater to the recreation ground, park, and tennis club users as well as the local community. Proudly serving a selection of takeaway locally sourced cakes, speciality locally roasted coffee, organic teas as well as a large selection of cold drinks, Jude’s Ice cream and snacks. We also serve a selection of Vegan and Gluten Free options. Park Recreation Ground, Broomhall Ln, Sunningdale, Ascot SL5 0QS. 0333 011 6755


Eliane of Sunningdale

A cafe with a difference! Open for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, serving freshly made organic food and artisan coffees with a large selection of drinks and of course, service with a smile! We believe that everyone should be able to eat out knowing that they are able to choose food that is right for them and is delicious and nutritious, no matter what diet they are committed to at the time. Using only the best ingredients from local sources wherever possible, Eliane creates delicious and nutritious dishes and drinks in a relaxed and welcoming setting. In short, Eliane is a place everyone has the choice to eat nutritious yet truly delicious food in a happy, friendly space.

3 London Rd, Sunningdale, Ascot SL5 0EP. 01344 621215


Samsara Boutique

Family run fashion boutique for ladies who like something a bit gorgeous a bit different a bit you. Shop the latest ladies fashion accessories and gifts all at affordable prices. Visit our website today too to sample our collections. New Boundary House, London Rd, Sunningdale, Ascot SL5 0DJ. 01276 476015


Mewes of Sunningdale

In our Mens Clothing Store, We want your experience with us to be simple and easy. Fantastic customer service and quality clothing. Discover a range of luxury menswear fashion such as Gant, Eton, Paul & Shark, Carl Gross, Hackett, Robert Charles, Meyer, Giordano, Barker, Stemar, Sebago. Sizes from S-5xL. London Rd, Sunningdale, Ascot SL5 0EP. 01344 621333



Located in Sunningdale, Greens offers a selection of high-quality apparel for the modern gentleman. Sourcing products from premium brands including Neil Barrett, Nudie Jeans and John Varvatos, the team expertly curate a collection of the latest designs and trends. They are passionate about finding the right product for each customer and have become a go-to destination for the style-savvy man. Broomhall lane, Chobham Rd, Sunningdale, Ascot SL5 0DU. 01344 621045


Bird Sunningdale

Bird is an established independent shopping destination, set in the heart of Sunningdale, Berkshire. A family business at the core, founded in 2007 by Sheila McGaughey, Bird has recently changed hands to her daughter, Karen. Bird offers beautiful gifts, jewellery and home wares, sourcing special pieces from sought-after luxury and independent brands. With a loyal clientele, Bird has become a regular destination for locals, whether they are looking for inspiration, something for themselves, or a just friendly face.

35 Chobham Rd, Sunningdale, Ascot SL5 0DS. 01344 622312


Sunningdale Arts

Why not enjoy a night at one of the great theatres spotted around Sunningdale!

Camberley Theatre

A thriving arts, entertainment, and conferencing venue in the heart of Surrey Heath. We host plenty of entertainment, including, Live drama, music and comedy performances, and of course great pantomines, plus youth drama classes are available too, visit our webpage to discover our upcoming events and performances. Knoll Rd, Camberley GU15 3SY. 01276 707600


Novello Theatre

Our goal is to offer audiences and artists an unparalleled theatrical experience and, through the refurbishment and conservation of our theatres, to provide an outstanding legacy for generations of theatregoers to come. Visit our website for theatre information and details of upcoming performances. 2 High St, Sunninghill, Ascot SL5 9NE. 01344 620881


Luna Drive in Cinema

As the day turns to night and the stars come out to play, sit back, relax, and let The Luna Cinema do the rest. Everything at The Luna Cinema is perfectly scripted to make this a summer to remember. From the latest Oscar winning blockbusters to the feel-good classics, we have something for date night, a night out with friends or a childfree night all playing under the stars at the most scenic locations around the UK. Dance, sing, form a conga line if you want to. Or just sit back and enjoy the summer scene.

Windsor Rd, Ascot SL5 7JX www.ascot.com/luna-cinema-

South Hill Park Arts Centre

South Hill Park Arts Centre, Bracknell, is Berkshire’s centre for the Arts, Business and community, housing two theatres, a dance studio, creative spaces, and a cinema within the grounds of an 18th century mansion house in Bracknell. Thousands of people pass through the doors of the arts centre each year to take part in one of the many activities offered. South Hill Park offers visitors over 300 shows, events, and films each year, alongside a busy programme of over 250 courses and workshops. Visitors can expect an eclectic mix of entertainment; from big-name comedians on their warm up tours to nationally renowned ballet companies, and from quality in-house drama to an annual pantomime.

South Hill Park, Ringmead, Bracknell, RG12 7PA www.southhillpark.org.uk/

Alan Kluckow Fine Art

Established in 1999. Alan Kluckow Fine Art is organised and run to provide experienced guidance and easy access to the world of fine art. We try to satisfy personal tastes and values by showing a wide range of contemporary art in our custom designed gallery. The gallery promotes contemporary British and International painters, sculptors and photographers. Shows a wide range of

styles from representational to abstract and new media. Aside from regular exhibitions featuring gallery artists, it also runs collaborative exhibitions with other national and international galleries and arts organisations.

65 Chobham Rd, Sunningdale, Ascot SL5 0DT. 01344 875296


The Circle Gallery

The Circle Gallery is a contemporary art gallery in Sunninghill, Berkshire. The gallery showcases an eclectic mix of artwork from both established and emerging artists from across the UK and beyond. The gallery offers an art consultation service, helping clients to source artwork for their homes or business. Original artwork by Nigel Cooke, Emma Gibbons, Hamish Herd and Limited Editions by Danielle Akiyama O’Connor, Paul Oz, Richard Blunt and Fabian Perez. Our art has been delighting customers and our excellent levels of customer service are well known throughout the local area. We also offer a picture framing service, which has been serving the local community for over 30 years.

5-7 High St, Sunninghill, Ascot SL5 9NQ. 01344 874478


Interview with Sequoia Gardens

So you’ve collected the keys from Hamptons and moved into a new house with a generous size garden but no character or features. What’s the first step?

Devise a plan and think about what you want from your outdoor space before doing any radical work. Spend some time gathering inspiration, assessing your garden and deciding what your budget is. Success is in the detail. Make a note of which areas face north or south, where the sunniest spots are and the most often observed vista from inside the house. If you’re considering a major redesign, it may also be worth seeking assistance from a reputable garden designer.

What if a client is selling a house and needs to add some kerb appeal, they may not want to invest as much a buyer, what would you suggest?

Look at the front façade in detail and take care of any small repairs. Consider whether windows and doors need refreshing with a repaint. Clean hard standing areas with a pressure washer or steam cleaner and make sure gutters are clear. Cut back or remove

overgrown plants to allow light. Create symmetry and add some fresh greenery and flowers to accentuate and frame key visual points.

I guess people are influenced by things they see are gardening shows. What sort of things are on trend at the moment?

A response to climate change has seen a rise in sustainable garden practices. Drought tolerant and reliable plants are being used to successfully cope with temperature fluctuations. Pollinating insects and wildlife is often considered important with planting plans. Geometrical and vertical gardening has evolved and more commonly used to highlight elevations. Outdoor living is experiencing an increase in a warmer, neutral palette of browns and taupes. Vegetable gardens remain a popular trend since we were in lockdown, with a growing concern for the planet and current financial issues.

Do your clients have specific ideas about what they want or do they more often give you a blank canvas to work with?

The majority of our clients are looking for inspiration. We ask questions to find out what they want from their garden and design accordingly. We have a minority of clients who are keen gardeners and know exactly what they want to achieve.

Does it matter what time in the year people contact you?

We are contactable any time of year but there has always been a surge in enquiries during spring. If you are planning a full redesign, there can be a significant amount of planning and preparation involved before works commence. Therefore, making contact during autumn is sensible to avoid disappointment for a fully installed, summer garden. www.s-g.ltd

Family days out

Sunningdale is a great destination for a family trip offering entertainment for kids of all ages. We’ve picked some of the most popular family-friendly things to do and sorted them into a handy list.

Ascot Racecourse

A world-famous racetrack that hosts many horse races with additional events for al the family. Find information on upcoming race days, events, Royal Ascot, and venue availability at Ascot Racecourse. Book your tickets online and enjoy a day out.

High St, Ascot SL5 7JX www.ascot.com/

The Look Out Discovery Centre

At The Look Out Discovery Centre, we love hands-on science. We have over 90 activities which children of all ages can enjoy and learn from. Explore, investigate, and have fun with science at The Look Out. Book online today for a fun filled experience.

Nine Mile Ride, Bracknell RG12 7QW. 01344 354400


LEGOLAND® Windsor Resort

For an awesome family day out this year, visit the LEGOLAND® Windsor Resort and experience the ultimate LEGO® adventure! With live shows and attractions set over 150 acres of parkland plus two fully LEGO themed hotels on site, the LEGOLAND Windsor Resort is a family destination that is not to be missed!

Winkfield Rd, Windsor SL4 4AY. 01753 626416


Black Park Country Park

Black Park covers over 500 acres of woodland, heathland and open space in South Buckinghamshire. With family friendly attractions, such as the adventure playground and Go Ape, miles of beautiful woodland tracks and trails, and opportunities for wildlife spotting, the park offers something for everyone to enjoy.

Black Park Rd, Slough SL3 6DS. 01753 511060


Windsor Great Park

The Crown Estate Windsor Great Park SL4 2HT. 01753 860222

With over 4,800 acres for you to explore at Windsor Great Park you will discover a Royal history spanning over 1,000 years, including - historical monuments, ancient forests, and stunning horticultural displays, as well as rare wildlife, plants, and fungi. The Park opens to pedestrians at dawn and closes at dusk. Visitor information with SAT NAV postcodes can be found on our website. We recommend that you park at The Savill Garden or at Virginia Water Pavilion.


Coral Reef Waterworld

Nine Mile Ride, Bracknell RG12 7JQ. 01344 862525

With a huge range of different ways to enjoy the water, as well as a host of other activities, Coral Reef Water world is the perfect place to stay active and, most importantly, have fun. With thrilling waterslides, an erupting volcano, a pirate ship and a variety of other features, there’s something for everyone in the pool area. Meanwhile, the adults-only Coral Spa area is the ideal place to relax and get away from it all.

Nine Mile Ride, Bracknell RG12 7JQ. 01344 862525


Go Ape Bracknell

Located in the heart of Swinley Forest, close to Bracknell and Reading, you can find us in 2,600 acres of Crown Estate. Our Berkshire adventure is just off the B340 AKA Nine Mile Ride. It hosts five action-packed adventures. Explore the forest on two wheels with our all-terrain Segways. Alternatively, test your nerve amongst the trees on one of three high ropes courses. Go Ape Bracknell also boasts Axe Throwing - a gripping new experience. From 4 to 104, we have adventure covered. Go Ape Bracknell is a great day out if you’re looking for unique things to do in the royal county.

Nine Mile Ride, Bracknell RG12 7QW. 01603 895500


Interview with ‘Alexander James Interiors’

What services do Alexander James Interiors provide?

Alexander James is one of the leading Interior Design houses in the UK, recognised in the World’s Top 100. We serve private clients, property developers, and commercial partners who value a different approach for carefully considered creative design that is seamlessly seen through to an exacting standard. For all private residential projects, whether they are classical superprime properties or modern apartments, we will provide a dedicated designer who delivers a level of service and attention to detail that is second to none from the start to the finish of the project.

What types of projects do Alexander James Interiors work on?

From complete turnkey projects to one or two rooms, AJI is happy to offer Hamptons buyers a free face-to-face consultation before or after completion to explore our bespoke services in more depth. Unlike many of our competitors, we do not charge a design fee. Designed with not just aesthetics in mind but equally practicality and longevity, our experienced team of over 30 Interior Architecture and Interior Designers based in our Head Office in Twyford has all the expertise and facilities to help you create your dream home.

What are the benefits of using an interior designer?

Having worked on thousands of houses, we are able to guide our clients through the process seamlessly, exploring quality, budget, and practical living solutions for their new home. Whether it is a new build shell that needs some homely touches, a complete modernising renovation job, a

dress to sell for all our vendors out there –(a sure-fire wire to set yourself apart from the rest of the market) or indeed a build from scratch. AJI has a tailored team to help ensure that your project is completed to the highest of levels.

In developing a style for a client’s property who takes the lead or is it a collaborative effort?

As expected, every project and client we get the honour of working with is different and their motivation to engage with AJI varying. Some clients are time poor, or live overseas, others need help with commercial decisions or are investors. Others love interiors but just struggle to make a decision. We take a comprehensive brief at the start of each project and work collaboratively with our clients to work out their design narrative. We welcome them to our showroom, take them to suppliers’ factories as well as of course do many on site visits to ensure our clients feel fully informed of their choice options at all times.

What has been some of most successful projects to date?

Working across not only the UK but globally has allowed AJI to be a part of many award winning private and commercial properties. It would be impossible to pick just one. However, we are currently working on some amazing turn keys properties in the local area for private clients that understand quality and luxury but equally want to create a timeless, practical welcoming home. Combining all talents within the design studio always results in some of our favourite and critically acclaimed projects.

Local Schools

Where our children spend most of their week and how they are being educated is a decision which should take some serious consideration. We have put together this list of suggestions to make your life a little bit easier. Many local schools and nurseries offer free tours so please go and visit your choice options before making that final important decision.

Eton College

Eton College is a charity for the advancement of education. At its heart sits an independent boys’ boarding school which leads a dynamic range of educational activities and an expanding network of educational partnerships. The charity’s primary purpose, determined from its Christian foundation in 1440, is to draw out the best of young people’s talents and to enable them to flourish and make a positive impact on others through the course of a healthy, happy and fulfilling life. Windsor, Berkshire, SL4 6DW. 01753 370 100


Charters School

We are a school that fosters positive relationships across the whole community and are committed to ensuring that our students have outstanding learning opportunities across a broad curriculum. These experiences will help develop their curiosity so they can approach the future with confidence and optimism, knowing that they can help shape the communities in which they live and work.

Charters Rd, Sunningdale, Ascot SL5 9QY. 01344 624826


Lambrook School

We have maintained our excellent Common Entrance results and we regularly receive a healthy number of academic, sport and music scholarships to a large spread of the most highly sought after senior schools in the country. In addition to this, Lambrookians achieve so much more outside the classroom; we have a strong reputation on the sporting circuit as well as in music and performing arts and we run an award winning extra-curricular programme. Most of all, we encourage our pupils to be kind to one another and to be concerned about the world in which they live. Our pupils are happy, and our priority is that they enjoy being at school each day.

Winkfield Row, Bracknell RG42 6LU. 01344 882717

www.lambrookschool.co.uk/about-us/ headmasters-welcome/

St. Mary’s School

St Mary’s is a warm and caring community where we are passionate about bringing out the full potential of each of our 380 pupils. As a full boarding school, with only a few places for day pupils who live nearby, we offer a wealth of co-curricular opportunities, meaning that life at St Mary’s is vibrant, exciting and always good fun. We are proud of the strength of our academic achievements and work tirelessly to build on our tradition of excellence both in and out of the classroom. We would be very pleased to welcome you to St Mary’s at one of our Open Days, to show you our school and to introduce you to some of our pupils.

St Mary’s Road Ascot, Ascot SL5 9JF. 01344 296600


Coworth Flexlands Prep School and Nursery

Coworth Flexlands is a co-educational Independent Prep School & Nursery for children aged from 2½ to 11 years. The school is ideally located in 13 acres of beautiful grounds on the Surrey/Berkshire borders. Nestled in between the villages of Sunningdale, Windlesham and Chobham, you discover a happy, high achieving school where children are inspired and nurtured. Chertsey Rd, Chobham, Woking GU24 8TE. 01276 855707


Heathfield School

Welcome to Heathfield School. A leading independent weekly, full boarding and day school for girls aged 11 – 18. First founded in London in 1882, Heathfield today continues to thrive in the beautiful environs of Ascot, just 50 minutes from London. An enriching combination of contemporary education and tradition, the Heathfield values of authenticity, commitment to the community and personal application enable all girls to recognise and celebrate their individuality and social responsibility. When young people feel valued and happy, are appropriately challenged, and supported, and when they are enjoying school, they will flourish. With the newly completed Cadogan Sixth Form Centre, we feel privileged to lead a school where commitment to continuous improvement and innovation is so strong, both in and out of the classroom. London Rd, Ascot SL5 8BQ. 01344 898343 www.heathfieldschool.net/

St George’s School

St George’s is a place where girls flourish academically, creatively, physically, and morally, a place where risks can be taken, lessons are learnt, and challenges are welcomed. There is no such thing as a typical St George’s girl as each of our pupils arrive with their own set of talents and interests. It is our privilege to encourage and challenge each one of them to develop a genuine understanding of who she is and support them to achieve the future of their choice.

Wells Ln, Ascot SL5 7DZ. 01344 629900 www.stgeorges-ascot.org.uk/


We welcome you to gain a flavour of what makes Papplewick so special as a prep school for around 200 boys aged 6 to 13. We know that boys of this age have a natural spark and individuality about them, and we believe these are qualities that should be celebrated throughout their time at prep school. We also know that boys thrive on high expectations and challenge, whether in the classroom, on the sports field, or in the Arts. By setting the bar high, Papplewick boys gain entry to the top UK senior schools including Eton, Harrow, Winchester, Wellington, Charterhouse, Bradfield, and Stowe.

Windsor Rd, Ascot SL5 7LH. 01344 621488 www.papplewick.org.uk/

Interview with ‘Melanie Tomlinson’

Why should people appoint an interior designer instead of managing their own project?

While managing your own interior design project is certainly possible, hiring a professional interior designer brings a level of expertise, creativity and efficiency that ensures the process runs smoothly, resulting in a space that exceeds your expectations. Interior designers draw on their experience and vision to transform a space into something functional and visually appealing, considering your preferences and lifestyle.

Hiring a designer allows you to delegate the entire process, everything from concept development, architectural design, sourcing materials and project management, saving you valuable time and monitoring budget. With access to a wide network of suppliers and consultants, you can be assured you receive the best value for your investment without compromising on quality.

A well-designed space can also significantly increase the value of your property, potentially leading to higher resale or rental value.

What type of projects get you most excited?

Of course, as a studio we love to work on full refurbishments where we can bring our expertise of both interior architecture, design and a passion for external landscaping to a project. There is something very fulfilling about taking a property back to its core and effectively creating a whole new living experience, giving a structure new life. That said, the same feeling can be achieved from

a multi-room remodel or even just a single room makeover, it depends on the property you are working on - it can be an exciting journey and experience for your client.

In developing a style for a client’s property who takes the lead or is it a collaborative effort?

The approach to developing a style for a client’s property can vary depending on the designer’s experience, the client’s preferences, and the specific project requirements. However, in most cases, the process is ideally a collaborative effort between the interior designer and the client.

Both the designer and the client bring unique perspectives and insights to the table, which can lead to a more successful and satisfying outcome. As a designer we provide professional guidance and expertise. We use our knowledge and skills to steer the project in the right direction, offering a comprehensive design solution and proposing alternatives when needed.

A collaborative approach creates spaces that are not only aesthetically pleasing but also meet the client’s practical requirements and resonates with their lifestyle.

What inspires you and why?

Variation in architecture and design is so inspiring and we believe it has afforded us the luxury of never really having a ‘signature style,’ something that is often found in the design world.

I adore much of the Californian and Hamptons design influence alongside the Australian coastal vibe. Lucky enough to have travelled in Europe, I also like to seek inspiration from European design. Inspiration comes not just from other design projects but the natural environments, construction, colours and textures around us.

What are your top tips when designing rooms in a property?

It must start with spatial planning, which comes from an awareness of how you use or function in a space and what you are looking to achieve that is unique to you.

Seek plenty of natural light, consider furniture layout; both fixed and loose to maximise the flow of a space and integrate unique pieces you already own, this can truly personalise a space. Keep in mind that often a space will evolve over time and so some items may have more longevity than others.

R e s i d e n t i a l I n t e r i o r D e s i g n

B o u t i q u e H o s p i t a l i t y &

C o m m e r c i a l D e s i g n

I n t e r i o r D e s i g n S e r v i c e s

A r c h i t e c t u r a l D e t a i l i n g

P r o j e c t M a n a g e m e n t

L a n d s c a p e D e s i g n

+ 4 4 ( 0 ) 7 9 0 9 7 9 5 6 6 9

s t u d i o @ m e l a n i e t o m l i n s o n d e s i g n . c o m

w w w . m e l a n i e t o m l i n s o n d e s i g n . c o m

Fitness & Health

Leading a hectic life? Need somewhere to tone your body, recharge your muscles or simply stretch? We have put together the best locations for you to do just that. Whether you fancy going for a swim or need regular fitness classes, we know that our recommended providers will do their best to keep you in shape.

Audley Club at Sunningdale Park

Audley Club at Sunningdale Park is a luxury health club in Ascot, designed exclusively for senior adults. All our club members have access to the gym, an indoor swimming pool, spa, hair salon, plus benefit from 10% off in any Audley restaurant. Join the Audley Club and benefit from the gym, swimming pool, fitness classes and wellbeing therapies. Silwood Rd, Sunningdale, Ascot SL5 0QD. 01344 968974

www.audleyvillages.co.uk/audley-club/ sunningdale-park?ut

House of Kundalini

Welcome to House of Kundalini...

I’m Charlene, a Kundalini Yoga Teacher, Sound Healing Therapist, and the founder of House of Kundalini. I have been teaching in Windlesham, Surrey, for the past 7 years. My aim is to provide a place for people to come together, a place for people to heal, to connect with each other and rediscover themselves, their joy and purpose here. 8 Newark Rd, Windlesham GU20 6NE. 07787 425866



EMS Fitness Training Strengthen your muscles, activating your entire body in only 20 min twice a week. A personalised training session using an award-winning technology. It’s Effective, Efficient, Safe and Fun! Our Technology is Fully Mobile, allowing for training Indoors and Outdoors. Train at our studio, your place, garden or in a nice park. Kingswick House, Kingswick Dr, Sunninghill, Ascot SL5 7BH. 07947 988236


Fitness Space

Fitness Space promises members they will Never Train Alone. We provide a supportive, service-orientated environment to achieve your fitness goals. Our members benefit from a dedicated Fitness Coach, who understands your competencies, health history, DNA and the goals you want to achieve. With monthly personal training, and a customised programme, accessible via the Fitness Space app, members can track their progress and see the results. With state-of-the-art Technogym equipment, over 30 group classes, Hot Yoga, Fit Camp, personal training, DNA testing and nutritional programming, Fitness Space provides everything you need to make purposeful progress. Members also benefit from Cowshed products and a complimentary towel service.

Unit 1A, The Hermitage, High St, Ascot SL5 7HD. 01344 875527


Cube fitness

Our trainers take your fitness goals seriously! Cube fitness trainers excel in getting you to your goals. Whether you are looking for weight loss, gaining muscle, an increase in strength, more stamina or just keeping fit. Cube fitness trainers will train you to overcome hurdles and reach your goals. We analyse your body type, BMI, and metabolism, to create your individualized fitness plan. Station Rd, Sunningdale, Ascot SL5 0EP www.cubept.com/

Charters Leisure Centre

This excellent sporting facility has been serving the local community for over 20 years. A very well used facility where the local community residents and clubs come together. Members come from across the area, including Ascot, Sunninghill and Sunningdale as well as Windlesham, Lightwater and Bagshot. Whenever you chose to visit Charters, a warm welcome awaits. We would love you to choose Charters to help you achieve your fitness and lifestyle goals.

Charters Comprehensive School, Charters Rd, Sunningdale, Ascot SL5 9QY. 01344 628686

www.leisurefocus.org.uk/our-centres/ charters-leisure-centre/


Rebecca gained mat work and class teaching certification with the Australian Physiotherapy and Pilates Institute (APPI) in London in 2003-4, having previously done training with Body Control Pilates. She set up local Pilates classes in September 2004 and her classes have gone from strength to strength. Using her in-depth musculoskeletal knowledge of how the body functions during movement and daily activities she can modify and progress the exercises for individuals to enable them to get the most out of their Pilates sessions.

Sunningdale Village Hall, Ascot SL5 0NJ. 07748 603145


Local Restaurants

Fego Café & Restaurant

Feel Good Feasting. With friends, family, work colleagues, solo diners, or neighbours…it’s the café for everyone! Breakfast, brunch, or lunch, what’s your favourite Fego? Support local, spread the love & if you fancy a feast you can order for delivery or curbside collection.

9, Broomhall Buildings, Chobham Rd, Sunningdale, Ascot SL5 0DU. 01344 876464


Kempton’s at Sunningdale Park

A stylish, contemporary bar and restaurant in Ascot Kempton’s at Sunningdale Park is a stylish venue, set in a beautiful, listed building. You should see our bar. We first opened our doors to guests on Saturday 1st October, inviting diners to enjoy our modern British menu, freshly prepared and beautifully presented. Larch Ave, Sunningdale, Ascot SL5 0QD. 01344 968962


La’De Kitchen Sunningdale

La’De Kitchen is a family owned, innovative and contemporary Mediterranean restaurant with dishes served in an authentic set-up in Sunningdale. Using fresh, local, seasonal ingredients, and taking great pride and inspiration from our Anatolian roots and ancient cooking techniques, our aim is to cherish Mediterranean flavours and provide a true taste of our delicious food. 45 Chobham Rd, Sunningdale, Ascot SL5 0DS. 01344 859030


The Barn at Coworth Park

For a more relaxed and rustic restaurant experience, muddy boots are most welcome at The Barn, which offers a delicious brasserie-style menu of comfort food in an informal setting. Blacknest Rd, Sunningdale, Ascot SL5 7SE. 01344 876600

www.dorchestercollection.com/en/ascot/ coworth-park/restaurants-bars/thebarn/

Bluebells Restaurant

Bluebells Restaurant offers a relaxed yet formal approach to dining. Dining options include a lunch, and dinner service, with our mouth-watering Sunday lunches and kids’ menu. We also offer fine dining in an elegant setting to enhance your evening. London Rd, Sunninghill, Ascot SL5 0PU. 01344 622722


Pizza Express

We’re easy to find, in the heart of Sunningdale, on the London Road. Our venue is a spacious, vibrant restaurant spread across 3 stylish floors. Bringing a dining table to life with great food, great music and great company. Lifting glasses and spirits. Getting smiles on faces and sauce on t-shirts. That’s what we’re all about.

16 London Rd, Sunningdale, Ascot SL5 0DH. 01344 628277


Woven by Adam Smith

Woven by Adam Smith is the hotel’s newest restaurant, bringing contemporary dining to its Georgian manor house setting. A truly elevated dining experience, chef Adam Smith’s menu brings you a tapestry of familiar flavours re imagined in unexpected ways, combining British classics with innovative modern touches. Each dish on the seasonally changing menus tells a story and all these stories come together to create an extraordinary dining experience. Coworth Park, Blacknest Rd, Sunningdale, Ascot SL5 7SE. 01344 756090



We are an Italian Restaurant located in the heart of Sunninghill offering authentic home cooked Italian Food made by our speciality Italian chefs. Using the finest ingredients and set in ambient stylish surroundings we are sure your dining experience with us will be memorable.

London Rd, Sunninghill, Ascot SL5 0PN. 01344 622038


Interview with danetti

Tell us a little about the background of your business?

I founded Danetti back in 2006 with the vision of providing aspirational yet attainable contemporary furniture. I travelled to Europe and Asia with my designs to source the best factories, materials and finishes that could help us create our first furniture collections. From there, we have grown from strength to strength expanding into multiple categories helping our customers turn their houses into homes. We have opened our first showroom in Bracknell Berkshire with our HQ above. The whole design process from end to end is created in our offices and having the showroom below where we can showcase our ranges and get customer feedback is invaluable.

What does Danetti pride itself on?

We believe we stand out. Our offer, our values, and our customer experience. Customers are at the heart of everything we do. Seeing our customer’s homes come to life with Danetti furniture, designed with quality, durability and longevity in mind for family living, is what makes the teams excited to develop the next ranges.

Looking back, what are you most proud of?

Creating a brand and designing our own ranges of furniture which are stylish, contemporary and built to last. We now employ over forty people, have our first showroom and have a strong online presence which continues to grow.

What can customers find when browsing Danetti?

We have an extensive range of dining, upholstery, bedroom, living, lighting and garden furniture as well as rugs and mirrors to complement. Regularly we launch new collections and add in new colours throughout the year. The showroom is home to a wide selection of products and the sales team are excellent at helping customers find the right products for them through the website. We also offer free fabric swatches and follow up with every customer to help the decision be that little bit easier.

Are you happy to give appraisals to Hamptons clients before they exchange?

We have several ways Hamptons clients can connect with us. Firstly in person or virtually with our showroom team or by calling our experienced sales team that know all our products to the finest detail. We can also guide our customers through room designs via consultations and mood board ideas, pulling from all our ranges and providing customers with the ultimate Danetti experience and a home they can be truly proud of.

What are the current trends?

Pairing with a neutral palette, we are designing into warm and earthy tones which enhance colour schemes, offering a sense of stability and grounding in home decor, which is very relatable to the current climate. We have some great new materials coming through such as marble and mango wood as well as new ceramics that are scratch-proof and heat resistant perfect for family life.

Daniel Smith, Founder and CEO
‘Virtually’ all you need

Some suggested local social media groups to help you connect, learn, buy, sell and have fun.

The Sunningdale (UK) Community Group www.facebook.com/groups/1864414310479581

AGG - Ascot Gossip Group www.facebook.com/groups/953445578010079

Windsor & Berkshire Events - What’s On Near You? www.facebook.com/groups/Berkshireeventswhatson

The Ascot Group


Ascot Media Group, Inc. www.twitter.com/AscotMediaGroup

Sunningdale 1 Residents Association www.twitter.com/1_residents?lang=en

Sunningdale Parish C www.twitter.com/sunningdalepc?lang=en-GB

Interview w ith ' Mimosa Interiors'

Why should peo pl e ap erior d esigne r instead of m an a g ing their own p roje ct?

A p p o i n t ing an int e ri or designer offers num e ro us advantag e s over ma n ag in g your own p ro j e c t. Here ar e so me compelling reas ons why y ou s h o u ld c o n s i d e r hi ri n g a p rofes sion al :

E x pe r t ise an d Ex peri en ce: Inter io r d esi gners b ri n g a w ealth o f k n o wle d g e and experi en c e to y our p roject. T h e y a re t ra i n e d t o un derstand t h e i n tricacies of des i gn, fr om spat ia l p l anni n g to colour t h e o ry , and t he y s tay upda t ed on t h e la t e st trends and ma te rials.

T im e and Stre ss M an ag em ent: M ana gi ng a d e sig n p roject c an be ti me-consuming and s t res sf u l . I n t e ri or d e s ig ners handle al l as pects o f t h e p roject, inc lu ding planni n g, so ur cing ma t e ri als, c oordin ati n g with co nt ra c tors, and ma n ag i n g ti mel i n e s . Thi s allo ws yo u t o f ocus on yo u r daily l i f e w h i l e t he designer ta kes care o f the d etails.

A cc es s to R es o u r ce s a nd Contacts:

I n t e rior designers h av e acc e s s to a v as t ne two rk of su p p l iers, artisans, and contractors.

T h e i r established re la t ionship s ca n lead to b e t t er deals and h i gher qualit y wo rk, which mi ght b e diffic u l t t o ac hiev e on you r o wn.

Cos t E f ficiency: W h i le h i ri n g a n in te rior d e sig n e r involv e s an u p front c o s t , their e xper t ise can ac t u al l y s ave yo u mon ey in the l o n g r u n. They hel p yo u avoid costly mis takes, ma k e the mo st of yo u r b ud get, and i ncr ease th e v al ue of your prop e rty with w e ll- pl anned , p ro fes s io n al design.

W h at S er vices D o es Mimosa I nterio r s Prov id e?

M im o s a I n teriors i s a friendly team of d edicated p ro fes s io n als off e ring a va riety o f s ervi c es ta i l o red to mee t o ur client s ' u n i q ue needs. Our s e rvi c e s incl u d e :

F u ll I nterior D es ig n S er vice f o r n ew build or r en o vation incl udin g pr o ject m anagement: F ro m co nception t o com p l etion , w e han d le every a s p e c t o f your interior design projec t.

Co mpr e h ensive renov at io n s ervi c e s and

me t i c ulou s p rojec t management fo r a seamless t ra n s formation.

One Ro o m Makeover: Furnishings and styling t o revi talise a s in gl e room.

Wi nd o w D r essings and Sof t F u r nishings: T h oug htfully designed, crafted, a nd fi tted to e n h anc e your space.

Desi gn er for a Day: Personalised d esi gn co n su ltation for focu s e d p rojects .

C o lo u r Consultancy: Ex p e rt adv ice to help you c h oose t he perfect colour p alette.

I nte r io r Styling: Fi n i sh ing touches an d d ecor to b ri n g y our vision to life.

W e ar e committed to delivering excep tional re s ul t s and creati n g s p aces th at ref lect your style and pe rsonality. Our s h o wroom in Su nn in ghil l is b ri mm i n g with beautifu l fabric and wallpaper sa mpl e s , o ffering a wid e range of optio ns to suit e v e ry taste and bu d get. We de s ig n and create t i mel e ss, beauti ful i n t e riors i n v arious styles.

I n de v eloping a style for a clie nt’ s property wh o t ak es the lead or is it a collaborative e f f o r t ?

Thr o ughout this c o l l aborative pro c ess , effective c om mu n i cation, m utua l respect , an d a s hared v i sion a re key to ach i e ving a successf ul outcome. T h e d e s igner acts as a guide, off e ring c reative s o l u t i o n s and expert ad v i ce, while ulti ma tely ensuri n g that t h e fi n al design refl ect s the client's u n i q u e s tyle and enhanc es th e ir living e n v i ro n ment.

Wh at in spires y o u ?

Na t u re is an endless so u rc e of inspira tion : the col o ur s , textures, a n d unique p at t erns. Art and Ar chi t ecture expose s u s to a wide range of styles, t e c h n i ques and h i stori c al influ e n c es thr ough v i sit i n g art galleri e s, museums, and architectural la n d ma rks. Travellin g and exploring new c ities h e l p s u s to learn abou t c ultures an d en v i ro n ments. Clien t sto ries insp i re us an d help us t o u nd erstand a c l i e n t's b ackground, lifestyle, an d pre ferences . We d ra w close in sp irati on from ou r cli ents' pe rs ona l s to ries and aspira t ions to c rea t e spaces t h at t ruly refl ect their identity and e n h anc e their quali t y of life.

W h e t h e r you're p l anni ng a maj o r re novation or a sm al l u p d ate for your home, we would love to h e ar from you and he l p b ring your vision t o life.


Help and support from your local Council

You should inform your Local Authority of where you are moving from and where you are moving to around a month before you move. You can do this here. https://system8.rbwm.gov.uk/ publicaccesslive/selfservice/services/ changeofaddress/coastart.htm

You’ll need to include the forwarding addresses for every adult in the property that pays council tax.

Search for information and services from your council. Information for residents about East Hampshire District Council including council tax, bins and recycling, schools, leisure, streets and parking, this and lot’s more at the below link. www.rbwm.gov.uk

Planning & Building Control

Unsure which services you need?

If you are thinking of making changes to your property, you may need to apply for planning permission and / or Building Regulations approval. If you’re not sure which applications to make, please use the guidance below to help you to decide what you need to do.

Please note that many developments will require both.

What is planning?

Planning is the process of deciding whether a proposed development should go ahead or not. It uses national and local policies to consider the development in its context and may look at the impact of the work on neighbours and the wider community, existing architecture, the land, the layout, and existing or proposed infrastructure (such as drains, transport and schools).

You will probably need planning permission if your proposed development will do any of the following:

• create a new building, or change the use or appearance of an existing building

• affect the sunlight, privacy or outlook for neighbouring properties

• affect the nearby area with noise disturbance, smell or fumes

• work on or around listed buildings or any conservation areas

• affect traffic volumes, road safety or access

• change the density of development in an area

• use significantly different materials or finishes from nearby properties

• have an effect on existing trees

What is building control?

Building control applies national statutory regulations to ensure the structural quality of any building work, in areas such as safety, public health, accessibility, and the materials used. Most substantial building projects (such as an extension, knocking down walls or converting a garage or loft) will need Building Regulations approval.


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