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Workplace Mental Health Masterclass for Leaders
from WMHI Program Guide
by WorkLife
Advanced 1 day course (condensed half day course also available)
Specifically designed for Managers and Supervisors, this course provides the knowledge skills and confidence to:
• identifying and respond effectively to mental ill health in the workplace
• address performance problems where mental problems may also exist
• manage flexible arrangements, privacy and safety,
• build a psychologically safe team culture to minimise risk
Managing Psychosocial Safety
Full day course (condensed half day course also available)
This course is designed to equip Managers with a comprehensive understanding of psychosocial safety in the workplace, and the skills to ensure you are meeting your legal and ethical obligations.
In this training, we will learn how to identify psychosocial risks and hazards in the workplace, and implement evidence-based strategies to manage these risks, promote employee well-being, and create an environment that is not only psychologically safe but conducive to growth and innovation.
Wellbeing Strategy Masterclass
Full day course (condensed half day course also available)
Develop your Workplace Wellbeing Strategy and take your team to new heights of performance through your people.
This Masterclass is designed for the teams who are responsible for mental health and wellbeing of the team, department or entire organisation.
It provides participants with a thorough insight into the particular dynamics of workplace mental health, and dives deep into the 7 Pillars of a Mentally Healthy Workplace, including guiding participants through a self assessment of their organisation against the 7 Pillars.
“I’ve found the Leaders Masterclass really exceptional ... it provided practical skills that I know I can take back to my workplace and apply straight away in real life situations.”
Elite Edge: Advanced Resilience for Managers
Advanced 1 day course
Resilience for mental toughness in Leadership, Business and Life.
An experience like no other. Designed specifically for Leaders and ‘Leaders in the Making’, this 1 Day program will put you through a series of exercises and scenarios, to equip you with the tools, skills and mindset to face the rigours and challenges of Leadership from a place of balance and confidence.
Not for the faint hearted! Yes, it will stretch your comfort zone - but you’ll be able to accomplish so much more professionally, and personally, when you are able to stay cool, calm and collected in the face of adversity and the unexpected.
Building Resilient Teams
Advanced 1 day course
How to build emotional fitness in your team members, and a strong team that can handle and even thrive under pressure.
If it’s your job to lead your team to success, then you need to know how to strengthen each member of your team, to mitigate risks to their wellbeing, and protect them by fortifying them.
With the current pace of change, increasing workloads, and high demands being a reality of today’s workplaces, they need emotional fitness to get the job done, and perform despite less than ideal circumstances.
Managing Family & Domestic Violence at Work
Half day course
Ensure you are managing Family and Domestic Violence requirements
Workplaces are required to meet certain obligations when it comes to how they manage issues of family and domestic violence in the workplace.
This half day course teaches managers need to know to ensure they take appropriate steps to protect the privacy and safety of their workforce.
“As a HR generalist who has been in and around all aspects HR for many years I have to admit I found the idea of dealing with mental health issues in the workplace daunting and I was quite cautious. The training de-mystified a lot of things for me and debunked a number of myths.
Now I have done the training and, while I’m certainly not an expert, I feel confident I have the skills to have a conversation with someone in need.
- Belinda Deacon, IP Australia