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Keynotes & Webinars
from WMHI Program Guide
by WorkLife
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Building Personal Resilience
This fun and interactive session provides participants with a range of simple and practical, yet highly effective tools and activities they can apply to look after their own mental health and wellbeing, and build personal resilience and emotional fitness to face the challenges, changes and uncertainties of work and life.
The New Human 3.0
Traditional approaches to managing workplace mental health are failing us - a paradigm shift is needed. This presentation provides Leaders with greater insight into what is happening now, and what is needed to move forward into the future of work.
Emotional Intelligence
This interactive session introduces participants to the work of Daniel Goleman, and the benefits of actively building emotional intelligence skills. It includes a self assessment on each of the 5 areas of Emotional Intelligence: Self Awareness, Empathy, Self Regulation, Motivation, and Social Skills, and strategies to develop each of these.
The Hero’s Journey
Based on the work of Joseph Campbell, this fun and unique presentation explores how we find meaning and purpose in our work and lives.
Managing Office Combat Stress - Managing Covert Conflict in the Workplace
How to survive and thrive cubicle wars. In this session we look at covert conflict in the workplace, its impact on office combat stress, and how to handle yourself successfully through it.
Overcoming the Stress Spiral
Fear, change, uncertainty, trauma, grief, conflict and drama can all lead to extreme levels of stress and distress. This entertaining presentation helps participants understand how we can get caught up in a cycle of stress and drama, and more importantly, we identify practical strategies to get out of the stress spiral and master our emotions to become the peaceful centre, in the `eye of the storm´.
The Role of Risk & Managing Return to Work Anxiety
As we move towards new ways of working, including hybrid models of work from home and in person on site, Managers must navigate the fears, anxieties and stressors of their team members, who have diverse degrees of risk aversion and risk tolerance. But managers are faced with the dilemma: what’s my duty of care? This keynote explores the battle between duty of care and dignity of risk from a psychological perspective.