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Self Paced E-Learning

See our range of popular courses:

Trauma Informed Practice


Gain an understanding of trauma and its impacts, and learn how to work with people who have experienced trauma following the 6 principles of Trauma Informed Practice, to manage triggers, minimise the risk of re-traumatisation, and create a safe environment for recovery and wellbeing.

Preventing & Managing Burnout

Now considered the new epidemic, Burnout is having huge impact non individuals and workplaces. Learn about the causes and contributors to burnout, stages of burnout, identifying early signs, and what to do to prevent and manage burnout should it arise.

Suicide Prevention Skills (Standard & Advanced courses)

Suicide Prevention Skills for everyone - learn to identify warning signs and know how to respond to keep the person safe and assist them to access further help.

Advanced SPS - designed for people working with vulnerable populations, this course provides in depth skills building to identify, and respond in the short, medium and long term, to people at risk of suicide.

Managing Family & Domestic Violence

Managers now have responsibilities to ensure they effectively manage situations involving family and domestic violence (FDV), which may arise in the workplace setting. This course provides an awareness and understanding of FDV and how to respond appropriately, should it arise in the workplace.

Psychological Self Defence

This program teaches you 12 strategies used by master manipulators, so you can spot them early and protect yourself from bullies, narcissists and psychopaths.

Managing Stress & Anxiety

Anxiety is the most common mental health problem globally. This course teaches specific strategies to minimise stress and anxiety, for more peaceful and productive work and life.

“Very interesting and useful. I normally find this sort of workplace online training boring and lacking in new information, but this was not the case here…

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