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Keynotes & Webinars
from WMHI Program Guide
by WorkLife
Latest Presentations
Vicarious Trauma
The world has been through extreme challenges in recent years: pandemics, war, economic challenges, grief, loss, change, and uncertainty. In our professional and personal lives, we often find ourselves dealing with people who have experienced trauma or are in distress, which can be confronting for staff in our roles at work. How do we look after ourselves and our teams, when dealing with others, to protect ourselves from trauma, secondary traumatic stress and compassion fatigue.
Beating Burnout
What is burnout? What causes it? How can you spot the early warning signs before it creeps up on you? And most importantly - what are the practical things you can do to prevent burnout from occurring, and manage it when it does show up.
Trauma Informed Practice
Many people experience trauma of one form or another, and this can have an impact on how they operate at work and in life. Often times, when people who have experienced trauma come into contact with services, they risk facing triggers of their trauma, or being re-traumatised. To better support people who may have experienced trauma, service providers need to have an understanding of trauma informed care, so they can communicate effectively and avoid the risks of creating further harm.
Dealing with Distressed ofrAggressive Customers
People are more stressed than ever before, with economic concerns and financial worries, health challenges, and political upheaval, we are seeing more and more people who are on edge, irritable, impatient, and ready to lash out at those around them. Unfortunately, people in customer facing roles, too often take the brunt of someone else´s frustration. This session looks at how to effectively manage aggressive customers, to de escalate the situation, come to a manageable solution, and look after their own wellbeing so as not to take it on personally.
Psychosocial Safety in the Workplace
In this informative presentation, participants will learn what psychosocial safety is, to proactively identify and manage psychosocial hazards, and foster a supportive work environment, to promote employee wellbeing, enhance productivity and ensure legal compliance.
The Psychology of Focus
In high-risk or high-detail workplaces, knowing how to focus attention, including over extended periods, is a must have skill. In this presentation we show you the micro skills used by elite soldiers, for maintaining focus and attention in the brain, body and mind.