Worthing Pavilion Bowling Club Autumn Newsletter

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post AUTUMN 2015


Inside this Edition

Playing Matters: Fixtures League Teams Junior Section Open Singles Circuit Coaching Update Touring Club Question of Law New website Etiquette Broadband Volunteers Social Scene: Report Functions Notices Welfare

Club AGM The Annual General Meeting of Worthing Pavilion Bowling Club Ltd nd will take place on Thursday 22 October 2015 at 7-30pm in the club lounge. The required formal notice calling the meeting is available to be viewed at the club or on-line on the club website, http://www.wpavilionbc.com Historically these meetings have not been at all well attended over the past few years, so please make an extra effort to attend this important meeting, The club accounts are now available from the Secretary and also on line. Directors’ reports will be available no later than three weeks before the AGM so please pick up your copies before the AGM and have any questions ready before the night of the meeting. 21/09/2015

A Word from the Bridge Club Finals Week-End It became obvious to me and others over the above week-end that some markers were not adhering to the correct procedures for marking a match. It is not the duty of the marker to decide which player has won the end or by how many shots, or proceed to put up the score on the scoreboard before the players have reached the head and agreed the result themselves. C.M. Law 42.2.13 ‘The Marker must not move, or cause to be moved, either the jack or any bowls until the players have agreed the number of shots scored’ The marker should then proceed to the other end of the rink to confirm the mat position and receive the jack as quickly as possible before attempting to complete the score card, which should be done as the first bowler delivers his first bowl. Our club coaches frequently hold marking and measuring courses and it matters not how good we think we are there is always room for improvement, so don’t be too shy to ask for a ‘Refresher’.

Edward Cripps Captain

outdoor competition - another great achievement! I am also proud of the way the ladies worked so hard with the Spring Sale & Raffle in March and raised enough money to buy comfortable, and importantly, robust outdoor cushions for the benefit of all members. (I would also like to thank the Spooners particularly for their support with the sale.) However, the year has had some low points as well. We have all been frustrated with the poor weather in the latter part of the outdoor season! It has resulted in cancelled matches and, together with two clubs leaving the C&M League, meant we have only been able to play 50% of our league games. Indoors we also had to contend with several members suffering sickness and ill-health after Christmas and this also stretched us when playing in the league. Despite these setbacks, week after week I have had support from so many members and I am proud to report we have always been able to field teams to fulfil our fixtures. It has been an honour to be captain and whilst it would be stretching the truth to say I've enjoyed every moment, I wouldn't have missed it!

Julie Woods Ladies’ Captain

Reflections From the Ladies’ Captain There have been many highlights in this past year but I can only mention a few. Firstly the pride felt by myself and all members when Pat Edmonds, Sue Gubbins and Sharon Pratt earned their county indoor badges by winning the Unbadged Triples competition in April. It's fantastic to have county players in our teams again. Sue and Sharon then went on to represent Sussex at Leamington in the Mixed Fours Newsletter of Worthing Pavilion BC

Playing Matters

Excerpt from the October Fixture Card NB: Check website for any changes Men’s Friendly (and Mixed Matches) O3 04 11 18 24

Preston * Croydon * Langney Sports Victory # Denton Island #

PAVILION POST Men’s League Matches etc 10 17 25 31

Egham Trophy # Denny Cup Egham Trophy # Denny Cup


Ladies’ Friendly Matches 20

Australian Pairs P.Bunce R.Leggett


W.Davis N.Kerkhove

Warwick Davis Plate T.Baldwin



Championship Pairs Ladies


Ladies’ League Matches etc 06 10 13 24

Arun* Yetton Trophy Horsham * Yetton Trophy


M.Stemp J.Pearson


Handicap Singles J.Westlake

* Indicates Away Matches # Indicates Mixed Matches H/A Indicates home and away rinks

CLUB FINALS Silver Jack S.McCowan



Championship Pairs R,Baumann J.Brennan


W.Davis N.Kerkhove

Championship Singles Ladies J.Pearson



Two Wood Pairs M.Hillton A.White


R.Leggett M.Hoskin

Champonship Singles J.Frew



M.Crayston J.Woods



*The presentation evening will be held on the 15th October 2015.

‘A’ Team Review The ‘A’ team finished the season in a very respectable third place in Division 1 winning ten of their fixtures with two drawn games and six losses. Given the restrictions placed on clubs with more than one team in the league in respect of who we could select, this was a very credible performance. We selected twenty-seven players throughout the campaign who were all needed especially since for most of June and July we had up to ten players who were unavailable due to holidays etc. In addition to the West Sussex League, Pavilion performed very well in the National Top Club, reaching the last four in the region. The indoor season kicks off with the first round of the Denny Cup against th Arun on the 17 October and the st first County League fixture on the 1 November against Adur, so it promises to be a tough start to the season.

‘C’ Team Review It is with great pleasure that I am able to report that the ‘C’ team has retained its position in the first division of the West Sussex Bowls League…this has been a great achievement considering the excellent standard of bowling in this league. It has taken us nearly four years to get into the first division, rising up from division one. I was very keen to consolidate ourselves in this very strong league. After a fairly shaky start it wasn’t long before I was able to keep some rinks with regular players who blended together. Some players however had to be moved from their usual playing positions and much to my approval they were all willing to do so. Perhaps on reflection we probably needed to tighten our game a little and I well remember that two or three games where we should have won dropping a four or five just at the wrong moment. We all do it!! However I feel that I have done my bit and will now hand over the captaincy to another person. I do not normally mention any one player, as this is a team game but feel that my thanks go to Tim Baldwin for standing in for me when I was crooked for a couple of weeks. A special thank you to Bennie for ‘dressing’ the greens, putting the scoreboards out etc., and Terry Urben for getting the scorecards off to the league secretary after each game, this helped me enormously. Finally a few statistics. Thirty-six players put their names down to play in the ‘C’ team and of these twenty-six played. Alan Vidler was top with most winning rinks. Tim Baldwin and myself were a close second. Barry Ledger skipped once and won … Dennis Dixon won on three rinks.

Two Wood Singles A.Vidler



John Frew

Peter Pullan

Team Manager

Team Captain/ Selector

Mixed Pairs M.Hilton P.Cripps


W.Davis M.Hancock

Junior Section

Drawn Handicap Pairs R.Baumann J.Brennan


K.Chapman J.Eldridge

Well done James Brennan, who after playing in two gruelling finals at Pavilion on the preceding Saturday then played in the under eighteen’s finals held at Peacehaven. on Sunday th 6 September 2015. James was runner up in the final, losing by 15 to 21.

Sunday Morning Pairs A.Vidler A.White


M.Strong R.Taylor

Young at Heart D.Thomas



Don’t Admit Anything

Newsletter of Worthing Pavilion BC


PAVILION POST Open Singles Circuit

The problems emanating from the demise of Planetbowls have been well documented. However out of the ashes a new name has appeared and it is now called the Open Singles Circuit. It is the same format as Planetbowls and is supported by the E.I.B.A. Most clubs have taken this on board and all the events can be viewed on the Open Singles Circuit. We are running our usual tournament on the 28th/29th November 2015 with a maximum entry of sixty-four. This date does not clash with any League, Egham or Denny fixtures, so there are no excuses for members not to enter and play against some of the best bowlers in the UK. I have already received five entries so I would ask members to respond quickly. Entry forms are on our website and a supply is in the Yellow Rink Book so there is no excuse. The Entrance Fee is a compulsory £22.50 and the first prize will be £1,000. I will be asking Ian Harte to sponsor the last member standing for a minimum of £50.00.

JACK OF CLUBS OPEN PAIRS TOURNAMENT I have to say there was a disappointing entry of only nineteen pairs for what proved to be a successful and enjoyable weekend tournament, with R.Leggett and T.Honnor coming out overall winners. R.Rebera, A.White were runners up. A.Muzzell and M.Gardiner claimed third place with B.Ledger, A.Vidler coming fourth. It is my intention to run another similar event indoors around January or February when there are no matches fixed, so it could run over two weekends but I would like a maximum entry of at least thirty-two teams thus increasing the prize money and the takings in the bar and kitchen. With the demise of Planetbowls and the fact that the Open Singles Circuit is indoors only, the outdoor event at the beginning of May will now probably be another Jack of Clubs Open Pairs for members only, but held over two days and not three. I have yet to speak to the fixture secretary about this as he is away, so watch this space. I will confirm the dates later, because if another club wishes to have a match on these dates then we should accommodate them.

Warwick Davis

Coaching Update New Beginners Training Course All the coaches have been working very hard on a new beginners training course which we are delighted that we have finally got it up and running. To make the changes necessary was a lot of hard work, but we think it will make a big difference to the way we coach. We will be devoting most of our time to instructing pupils how to bowl who have made a commitment to our Club. We now offer 2 x 2-hour lessons for £25 and then they have to make a commitment to the Club by joining. If they join they will get up to three more lessons free of charge. Once they are members they are then enrolled on our coaching scheme. This includes a marking & measuring course, skills Improvement Course and Video coaching if it is required. (If they join the £25 is taken off their subscriptions.) The reason for the change was that we have found that people had been coming to us for coaching as we have a good reputation locally, and on completion of the course they then join another local club. We also found that one or two of the trainees found out very early on that bowls just wasn’t for them, but we were committed to giving ten hours of coaching. As a coach this is a very frustrating situation to be in, when you know you could be more gainfully employed working with someone who really appreciates your time and effort. We have tried the new system out on five new bowlers and all the ones we coached have joined the club. However, we will not be complacent and will revise the programme if we feel that we are not getting the results we all want; that is to increase club membership.

Finalists We were delighted to see that Sean McCowan and Mary Stemp who are in their first year outdoors after finishing their training, reached the finals in the outdoor competitions. Sean won the Silver Jack competition and Mary was runner-up in the Ladies Championship Pairs Final. This is a great achievement for any new bowler and we congratulate them both. Sean has already played two games for the B Team in the league and played very well indeed. The future looks bright for both of them. Also it is a big feather in the cap for the coaching team to have two new bowlers in finals.

Newsletter of Worthing Pavilion BC

New Coaches

We have three club members who have expressed an interest in coaching and we are at the early stages in their training. They are currently attending courses and lessons to get the experience needed. It is always very important to continue to build the coaching team and we hope the new trainees will become members of the coaching team.

Bowls Chute

For the last three years we have been trying to get a bowls chute to accurately demonstrate the lines that bowls take on the green. Nobody seems to sell them and none of the bowls carpet manufacturers were very helpful, in fact we sent seven e-mails and they were all ignored. We managed to get some pictures of chutes made by other clubs and then we went over to Adur Indoor Bowling Club and took some photographs of their chute. With the very kind help and skill of Roger Bashford; who gave his time free, we now have our own chute. We will use it for coaching and it will be available for club members who are considering changing their bowls, also see how their own bowls line runs very accurately and may not need to change. Just let one of the coaches know if you would like to make use of this new equipment.

Marking & Measuring Course The latest marking & measuring th course was held on Thursday 10 September, six new bowlers attended they were: Alice and Stephen Wilson, Mary Stemp, John Bergin, Jeremy Simpson and Peter Maccini, they all seemed to enjoy the evening and they were presented with their certificates after successfully completing the course. We were ably assisted by Terry Urben, Trevor Parker and Keith Merrett. Another course will be held shortly as a number of the new bowlers were unavailable; if you think you could benefit from the skills taught on this course please have a word with any of the coaches.

Richard Calvert & Gordon Kibbles Senior Coaches


PAVILION POST Touring Club Over the weekend leading up to the summer tour the weather forecast looked a little ominous with two Met Office severe weather alerts skirting the Isle of Wight and the South-East for the Bank Holiday Monday with the promise of heavy rain. However fifty-one Tourists, made up from both players and non-players braved the very wet and soggy outward journey arriving at Warners Bembridge Coast Hotel without any major hiccups. The Tourists received a very warm welcome from Warners Bowling Club for their first match on Monday afternoon at the guest’s home ground, situated within the curtilage of Warners Bembridge Coast Hotel, also the Tourists' base for the five day break.

Warner’s BC Pavilion

Considering the recent heavy rain, the green at Bembridge was in remarkable good condition, albeit still suffering a little from the earlier downpours that initially made for heavy going on the day. The weather however, cleared during the match and amazingly the green showed signs of drying by the tea break with good fortune staying with the Tourist who won their opening match five rinks to Warners one rink, with an overall score of Pavilion Tourists 133 to Warners 96. Pavilion top rink of the day went to Sue Fordyce, Brian Cooper, Bernie Homer and skip Don Elliot. (+17 shots) On Tuesday 1st September the tourists made their way to the idyllically located Cowes Medina BC situated in the midst of Northwood Park on the north side of the island, where we were once again well received by our hosts. The weather at least was in our favour with wall to wall sunshine for most of the match. Again despite being in good repair, a fairly heavy green made the going difficult for some of the tourists and unfortunately the good fortune experienced the previous day deserted us, Pavilion winning just two rinks to Cowes Medina's four rinks.

The overall score was Pavilion Tourists 91 Cowes Medina 147 helped some way by one of our rinks that suffered a 51-2 defeat oophs!!

Cowes Medina BC

Top Pavilion rink of the day went to Malcolm Gardiner, Norman Franklyn, Pat Cripps and skip Tim Baldwin. (+12 shots. Wednesday 2nd September saw the Tourists; a tad bruised from the previous day, travelling to Newport to play their third match of the short break against Newport Bowling Club. However before embarking for Newport one of their number faced a major dilemma, inasmuch that he discovered he had left his own bowls bag at Cowes Medina B.C. the previous day and had taken somebody else's bag. After making several panic phone calls, Peter and Barry scurried away to Cowes Medina B.C clubhouse where by luck Peter managed to swap the bags over and reach Newport in time for the start of the afternoon match. How he managed to make the mistake in the first place is baffling, as the bag he took was apparently a different colour to his own bag and bore the initials BK when his are PM? As always we received a friendly reception from our hosts at Newport. Prior to the start of the match there was a spider, where all or most of the players bowled a bowl at a target in the centre of the green. On this occasion the first spoils of the afternoon went to Dennis Dixon whose bowl settled closest to the target, after being knocked on a few times winning Dennis the bottle of whisky. The match was played in brilliant sunshine, albeit interrupted briefly when an unexpected rain shower sent players scurrying to get their waterproofs.

Deep in thought at Newport BC

Newsletter of Worthing Pavilion BC

The green was in fairly good condition albeit slightly heavy going on the longer jack, making for a tight match with Pavilion Tourists coming out victors with a score of 123-112 and winning four rinks to Newport's two rinks. Top rink of the day consisted of John Eldridge, Graham Farley snr, Gerry Shallis and skip Tim Baldwin. (+15 shots) On Thursday Pavilion Tourists were guests of Ryde Marina Bowling Club, situated on the Esplanade in Ryde and overlooking the Solent. The weather was not too good, cloudy and overcast, with a strong cool northern wind blowing. The clouds did break for a while and let the sunshine through, but soon gathered again producing a short shower.

Ryde Marina BC

Like most of the greens we visited during the week, Ryde's green was fairly heavy going and consequently some of the Tourists found the longer jack difficult to reach. Ryde Marina won the match 118 shots to Pavilion Tourists' 93 shots as well as winning five rinks to Pavilion's one rink. Pavilion's top rink went to Malcolm Gardiner, Ken Nuttall, Pat Cripps and Peter Moore (+10 shots)

Extreme Measures by a Ryde Lady

After the evening meal on the last evening of the tour the Tourists gathered in the restaurant at the hotel for a final address from Tim and Don. On more sombre note Don recollected the sudden death of a past Touring member from Pavilion, namely Arthur Boyens who died a short while before the Dawlish tour last year. Don explained that the money paid by Arthur and his wife Lillian for the tour had been refunded to Lillian and that she declined the refund suggesting that


PAVILION POST the money should be put towards drinks for the Tourists to toast the memory of Arthur. After the toast, Tim Baldwin; ever the showman, took over from Don and began awarding fines for alleged indiscretions/ misdemeanours by Tourists during the week, with the money being put towards the Kent, Surrey & Sussex Air Ambulance, Captain Ted's charity. This part of the proceedings was as usual met with great hilarity by those assembled.

Tim Judge and Jury

Poor Peter Moore probably suffered the worse from Tim for taking the wrong bowls bag after the match at Cowes Medina. This was judged to be a misdemeanour for which Peter was fined £1. Then Barry came into the firing line for allegedly aiding and abetting Peter, by letting him keep the said bag in the boot of his car overnight, for which he was fined £1. Then it was the turn of their wives, Barry’s Anita was fined £1 for continuing to laugh about the incident the next day and Peter’s wife Jean was even fined £1 for allegedly soliciting Tim to clobber Peter for anything he could during the tour. Clyde and Sue Fordyce were fined £1 for getting lost in Portsmouth and circumnavigating a single roundabout several times. There were similar accounts settled during the evening and even Rick got fined £1 for gluttony, inasmuch that he allegedly consumed three desserts during one evening meal. Incidentally Ted managed to raise £140 during the tour for the charity and would like to thank all those who contributed one way or other. Pat Cripps was top lady bowler of the tour and Tim Baldwin was the top man of the tour. On a final note Clyde Fordyce thanked Tim, Tim's wife Tricia and Don Elliot for all their hard work in organising the tour. Despite not having wall to wall sunshine throughout our stay the tour was thoroughly enjoyable and the cost of the hotel represented exceptionally good value for money.

Anthony Powell .

The Tourist Club will be attending The Bembridge Bowls Tournament at Warners on the IOW from Monday 29th February 2016 through to Friday 4th March 2016 where a cash prize will be on offer to the best four. As in previous years we will be staying at Warners. The agreed cost for the five day period covering bed and breakfast plus full evening meal will be £205 per person, plus £25 per person who wishes to enter the bowls competition. We currently have forty-eight people booked to go and I have successfully placed all into rooms at the hotel. Should any other members wish to go please add your name to the sheet on the ‘tourist’ information board in the lounge. We will also be touring Devon over the late summer of 2016 and I have been able to book thirty rooms at the Langstone Cliff Hotel, Dawlish Warren, Devon. We hope to arrange a match en-route to this venue and then three other matches within the surrounding area to the hotel. The likely date will be the Monday after club finals in early September 2016. We will travel from and return to Pavilion by coach, probably arranged from the Dawlish area (as arranged two years ago) As yet I am to harden up on costs, but expect it to be in the region of around £380 to £400 each person. These costs cover all expenses including the coach and near full board at the Hotel. More on this as and when. A list for this tour will be on the notice board shortly after all arrangements for the spring tour to the Isle of Wight have been finalised.

Tim Baldwin A Question of Law Foot Faulting During the Friendly match against West Sussex Tourists at Pavilion on 17 July 2015 like other Pavilion players on my rink I couldn’t believe my eyes and ears. The opposite lead placed the mat, then stood some eighteen or so inches behind the trailing edge of the mat before commencing his delivery of the jack. The delivery was executed in a continuous movement so that he had a foot on the mat at the moment he released the jack. The breaching of the laws of foot faulting were pointed out before he delivered the jack, but he and another member of his team were adamant that he was within the laws and ignored us. Newsletter of Worthing Pavilion BC

Their lack of knowledge was surprising, considering they professed being league players and again shows how players of their standing ignore the laws of the game carte blanche. The position on the mat outdoors is covered by Law 7 of Crystal Mark 3.

Position on the mat 7.1 Before delivery a player must be standing on the mat with all or part of at least one foot on the mat. At the moment they deliver the jack or a bowl, the player must have all or part of one foot on or above the mat. 7.2 Before delivery a player using an approved wheelchair must have one wheel on the mat and, at the moment they deliver the jack or a bowl, the player must have all or part of one wheel on or above the mat. 7.3 Any player not meeting the terms of this law is committing a footfault, and law 8 will apply.

Anthony Powell Etiquette Malcolm Gilbey has recently re-written a new program for the club website; of which he is the sponsor. Malcolm has included new pages, one of which concentrates on some of the common rules of etiquette, courtesy of World Bowls. What is etiquette? Well it is not quite an honour amongst gentlemen, but more of an unwritten and customary code of polite behavior and showing respect to one’s opponents. The list of etiquettes can be exhaustive and may vary marginally between clubs, albeit they tend to follow the same pattern. This subject has been covered many times in past newsletters and is included once again, mainly for the benefit of newer playing members and to raise awareness of the new page on the revised website. Some of the more common etiquettes for the sport of bowls include:     

Wear appropriate footwear (flat soled shoes) Avoid dumping bowls or dropping bowls on the green. Avoid leaving the rink for long periods of time. Avoid resting feet on or in the ditch. Avoid being offensive or using offensive language to your team or opposition.


PAVILION POST        

Avoid straying onto neighbouring rinks. Hand bowls to one another when convenient. Avoid distracting players on neighbouring rinks. Share the task of kicking bowls after the completion of an end. Avoid distracting players whilst a player is on the mat preparing for delivery. Refrain from interfering with the head until the result of an end has been agreed upon. Shake hands at the start and end of the game. Collect all mats and jacks and return to the usual distribution point.

Bowls Environment Green care A key role of the coach is to educate players on the importance of green care. 

All clubs rely heavily on the quality of their greens and it is the responsibility of all players to ensure the work of the greenkeeper is not detrimentally affected by any player’s actions during practice or play.

Team Spirit Support Each Other. 

  

Show open and full support for your playing partners. Engage in positive encouragement and appreciation. Shaking hands, a slap on the back and a word of encouragement such as “you can get this” can be great motivators. Avoid Criticism. Never openly criticize your team mates. Never turn your back on any of their deliveries as a mark of disgust, and do not provide unnecessary or gratuitous information, such as “you’re narrow” “you are not up” or ” you are heavy again”.

A good four/triple/pair know each other’s strengths and weaknesses and play the appropriate tactical game to suit. If the situation allows it let the player play the shot he fancies.


Always communicate instructions and information clearly and concisely. Support your vocal advice with hand signals to indicate distances. Courtesy of World Bowls

Broadband Upgrade Should you not already be aware, the club’s broadband connection has been significantly upgraded and now includes a Wi-Fi connection for convenience of club members. The code to access the Wi-Fi can be seen both on the blackboard and screen in the lounge. For security reasons the code will be changed monthly. The new club website was launched on th Monday 24 August 2015 and is still a job ongoing, but it can still be accessed using: http://www.wpavilionbc.com. If your PC still comes up with the old websites front page press the F5 key to be diverted to the new website. The new website can also be accessed on smart phones or tablets by scanning the following QR code:

Central Borders

HANGING BASKETS At the same time Brian Cooper should be thanked for his hard work creating and caring for the splendid display of colour from the hanging baskets and troughs on the balcony. Brian can be seen on an almost daily basis dead heading flowers and watering the baskets.

One of the Many Baskets

NEW SHELTERS An extra thank you to Men’s Captain Edward Cripps, Dave Thomas, Dennis Allen and Pat Cripps for their part in building three new shelters south of ‘B’ green to replace the old dilapidated and storm damaged wooden ones. Not forgetting help from, Paul Wilson and George Lucking. The new substantial shelters should last for many years to come.

Thank you to Volunteers

These are the biggest turn-offs in the game. Hide Your Feelings. 

Never allow the opposition to see that you are worried or rattled. Be careful your body language does not give you away. Miserable faces and frustrated gestures can inspire opponents. The game as they say “is never over until the fat lady sings” Quite often she may be clearing her throat, also quite often she can be prevented from singing by a spirited fightback. Work as a Team.

FLOWER BEDS Acknowledgement and thanks must again go to Alan Hopper and Tony Fuller for their voluntary year round care of the flower borders. Not an easy task, but their sterling efforts resulted in a colourful annual display of flowers for all to enjoy. At the time of writing Tony was recovering from a serious injury after an accident at home. We wish him a speedy recovery.

Newsletter of Worthing Pavilion BC

The new Shelters Nearing Completion

Also a big thank you to all those other volunteers who give up their time for the benefit of the members of the club, particularly the directors, officers of the club and members of the social committee.



Please note that the kitchen will th re-open as normal on Tuesday 6 October 2015.


On Friday 7 August we had a ‘skittles’ evening where fifty-two members took part and had an enjoyable evening. This was the first time that we had ‘skittles’ and will be repeated, perhaps next year. The cine race night that was due on th Friday 4 September was postponed until January. th Next up will be shuffle board’ on 14 October (The list is on the social Board) followed by a quiz in November. Also watch out for the Xmas Dinner and Dance and the Xmas Lunch lists that will be on the social board at 10am on th Saturday 24 October 2015.

XMAS RAFFLE The list for the Xmas Raffle will be on st display by the bar from 1 October @ £1 per square. Proceeds from the raffle will be used for the benefit of the club. Any donations for prizes should be deposited at the secretary’s office, or to any social committee member (listed below.) Dennis Dixon Bryan Cooper Pat Cripps Zoe Wright Sandy Gates Keith Leather Maurice Gooch To avoid embarrassment please make sure that items donated are in good condition and if perishable, in date at st 31 December 2015.

Shuffleboard & Fish ‘n’ Chips th

 01903 521908 Please remember that if you know of a club member who has been hospitalised, or otherwise unwell, or even not seen at Pavilion for a while, to notify the Club Welfare Officer: Peter Woods

Wednesday 14 October 2015 on the above Telephone Number or alternatively inform

Connaught Theatre Trip

Hon Sec Bryan Bodicoat

Sister Act + Meal @ CasaCiro th

Friday 6 November 2015

Oh No!! Broken Zip? Quiz & Buffet th

Wednesday 18 November 2015

How many times have you found that the zip on your waterproof has stuck half way leaving the top half and bottom half of your coat wide open and exposing you to the elements? Well if you have managed to return the slider to the bottom of the zip and disengage it without damaging any teeth on the zip you may well be able to salvage something.

Winchester Xmas Market th

Monday 30 November 2015

Dennis Dixon CRIBBAGE EVENINGS Due to dwindling numbers of players during the spring, John and Diana Murray will not be organising any cribbage evenings for the time being. On the brighter side however, they will be looking at re-starting the cribbage evenings again in the New Year if there is sufficient support.

Whist Drive Last Friday of each month starting at 2pm.

Xmas Dinner Dance th

Saturday 5 December 2015

Gently does it!!

Xmas Lunch th

Thursday 10 December 2015

Contact Ron Colbourne. 01903 204503

YouTube provided a simple solution to this issue by applying light pressure to the slider using a pair of pliers so as to slightly close the gap on the slider. I tried this solution myself and it worked for me.

Anthony Powell Newsletter of Worthing Pavilion BC



At 'The Way Forward' meeting on 27 May 2015 a proposal was made to introduce a voucher scheme for purchases from Temptations and/or the Bar in order to improve revenues. Subsequently a questionnaire was produced for members to indicate a 'Yes' or 'No' to the scheme. It was well publicised and 127 replies were received, which was good considering that the last questionnaire on catering elicited a single figure response. From this survey 64 were 'Yes' 59 'No', and 4 were ineligible. Out of the 64, 32 preferred ÂŁ50 and 27 ÂŁ30. There were a number of questions concerning the cost of implementing such a scheme. In view of the closeness of the vote, together with the unknown cost associated with its introduction and the perceived possibility of losing some of the 'No' voters, the Board decided not to proceed with the scheme at this time.

Bryan Bodicoat Hon Secretary

Acknowledgement and thanks to Ted and Pat Cripps, Julie Woods, John Frew, Peter Pullan, Warwick Davis, Richard Calvert, Gordon Kibbles, Tim Baldwin, Dennis Dixon and Malcolm Gilbey for theirNewsletter contribution,ofnot forgettingPavilion Ron Atkinson Worthing BC AKO Cartoons for permission to use his cartoons. Edited by Anthony Powell - email editor@wpavilionbc.org


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