Worthing Pavilion Bowling Club February Newsletter

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Inside this Edition Playing Matters: Touring Club:


his retirement. He was born in Sompting and became an engineer, having started his career at the Lancing carriage works, subsequently working for local engineering companies before joining GSK.

Maureen and her family express their gratitude for the support of those members of Pavilion who were able to attend the service. It would have meant much to Alan.

Richard Berrett

Juniors Club Shirts News from Australia Book Club

Jean Garwood

Crime Prevention Honours Boards Social Scene


Notices th


Alan Stoner 1942 – 2019 The Kingswood Chapel at Worthing Crematorium was at full capacity on the th 12 December, with some two hundred of Alan’s family and friends attending a Celebration and Thanksgiving for his life. The service was also transmitted by webcam to Noosa, Australia where his brother in law lived with his family. Ironically, Alan and his wife Maureen were due to fly out earlier that week to visit them for Christmas. Alan died at Kings College Hospital, th London on 25 November only two days after being taken ill and diagnosed with untreatable acute myeloid leukaemia. Alan was a popular member of Pavilion Bowling Club, which he joined following


Alan Stoner

Ever a keen sportsman, Alan excelled at football and had played County League football for Lancing, and Arundel as well as Worthing league teams. He enjoyed watching and following most sports, but remained a staunch follower of Chelsea FC, hence many of those at the service wore blue with a few displaying their Chelsea shirts, scarves and ties. Alan was a devoted family man. He and his wife Maureen were married in 1966 and together they lived their life in Worthing. They had a son and daughter and in turn three grandchildren, all of whom joined in a moving tribute to their granddad at the service.I have spoken to a number of Alan’s friends within the club; all were shocked at his sudden death but talked warmly of his friendly personality and of course the dry wit for which he was renowned. Only today, as I write this, one described him as “a lovely man” – what better epitaph.

Newsletter of Worthing Pavilion BC

Monday 13 January 2020 saw the funeral of past member Jean Garwood at Worthing Crematorium. Jean had th died at home on 6 December 2019 after a relatively short illness. Jean was born and grew up in Wembley, After finishing school she was employed in various secretarial positions where she met husband Ken. They married in 1974 and moved to Berkhamstead, Ken introduced Jean to bowls at the Potten Bowling Club, where they are still fondly remembered. On Ken’s retirement they moved to Lancing and Ken joined Pavilion, Jean had to go on a waiting,list for a time as there were only one hundred ladies allowed to play at that time! Ken’s health deteriorated and Jean ended up caring for him at home until 2011 when he had to go into a nursing home. Jean enjoyed bowling indoors and out, and played regularly in rollups and matches, particularly enjoying the away matches where a coach trip made a pleasant break. She was a popular skip, as she did not criticise, but tried to offer help to newer bowlers.


PAVILION POST Over the past few years her health began to suffer, and she regretfully had to stop bowling but retained a keen interest in all that was happening at the club.

Jean Garwood

Last year started with a long spell in hospital for Jean after which she seldom left home, Ken’s death in May was a big blow to her and marked a visible decline in her health She succumbed to a previously undiagnosed heart problem, which lead th to her death at home on 6 December.

Tue 25 Preston (L)

Other Matches

I would like to thank them for their THE support and help, as well as keeping me NEWSLETTER OF going when I have had moments of WORTHING PAVILION despair on a Sunday morning. The current group of juniors have BOWLING CLUB

Sat 01 Falaise # Wed 19 Maltravers # Sat 22 Horsham # Wed 26 Adur Indoor # .

represented the club in various league matches, under twenty-five games and other county competitions. The league games would not have been possible FEBUARY 2020 without the foresight / encouragement of John Frew and latterly Mark Strong. * Indicates Away Matches As we go into the New Year the squad will be again practicing the four skills # Indicates Mixed Matches required for the England Bowls Youth Development held at Horsham during February where again we will be hoping Touring Club for success from them all, which will project them on to the regional finals later in the year. Many members at Pavilion ask why I do The annual meeting of the Pavilion it? Some Sundays I think the same. Tourist Club will take place at Pavilion th The reason being that I will watch them on Wednesday 5 February 2020 at on their first lesson and think we have 7pm to go over the final arrangements something here, but it will take time and for the forthcoming tour to Warner at suddenly they get it and think that old Bembridge IOW for their annual Bowls fool does know what he is on about. Bonanza. I like watching and helping them All members are requested to attend develop, not only as bowlers but as the meeting where the car ferry young adults and enjoy their company documents will be handed out to the and humour on a Sunday morning, drivers and any outstanding issues hopefully the future of the club. addressed. Finally I cannot forget the parents and An update on the forthcoming summer grandparents who give up their time to tour to Western-Super-Mare in bring them on a Sunday or to make sure Somerset, will also be discussed, so they are where they should be, either at please make an effort to attend the a league game or an under twenty-fives meeting. match. Thank you all for a great eleven years.

Timothy Baldwin Touring Club Secretary


Doreen Merrett Playing Matters

Excerpt from February 2020 Fixture Card NB: Check website for any changes

Men’s Matches Sun 02 Sat 08 Wed 12 Sat 16 Sun 23

Preston (L) * Grattons SCB (Outdoors) Eastbourne (L) * Worthing IBC *

Ladies’ Matches Tue 04 Grattons (L) * Tue 11 Horsham (L)


Junior Section The year 2020 marks eleven years of a Juniors Section at Pavilion. It all started in 2009 with Barry Torode and myself assuming the roles of coaches for the juniors.. The first junior we coached was Kate Urben, the daughter of fellow member Terry Urben. Kate was joined later that year by Lauren and James Brennan. Due to the efforts of Malcolm Gilbey and Eric Henshaw, we saw the section grow to fifteen members, that included some of the junior bowlers who are still at the club, albeit not so junior now. During the time of the Junior Section various coaches have helped in the development of their skills etc., namely Terry Urben, Clyde Fordyce, Colin Davey, not forgetting Richard Calvert, Gordon Kibbles, and my current helper Peter Tomley.

Newsletter of Worthing Pavilion BC

Trevor Parker Juniors’ Coach

Club Shirts

I have received requests for Club shirts but they are of a size that I do not have in stock. If you are in need of a new shirt please let me know your requirements. There are a variety of styles available in sizes, small to triple XL (Men) and 8 – 20+ (Ladies), they can be supplied short sleeves, long sleeves and with pocket if required. The price will be £25 for short sleeve, with long sleeves £28 (+£1 for the largest sizes) and add £1.50 if you require a pocket. Also in stock there are some mesh lined jackets. Please see me for details.

GrahamFrench Hon Secretary


PAVILION POST News from Oz Attached is a copy of an email message recently received by Malcolm Gilbey from past member Carol Artley. Hi Malcolm Thankfully we are not affected by the fires which are raging. To put it in perspective we are 5 hours flying time from Sydney. That is not to say that we don’t get fires in Western Australia, there have been a few, but they have been easily dealt with unlike the ones in NSW , Victoria and South Australia. We are not so densely forested where we are living but you can never tell how far the burning embers will fly.We just have to stay vigilant and cross our Fingers. This is our new house, which we

and hopefully introduce you to books that might not otherwise be your immediate choice. If you would be interested, please see the notice in the club lounge and if there is a positive response, this could start up soon!!!

Peter Woods

Book Club

WHAT GOES ONLINE STAYS ONLINE Every time you use social media, buy or sell something online, visit any kind of website, send or receive an email, find your way using a mapping app or save a photo to the cloud, you add to your digital footprint. The same goes for downloading music, making Skype calls and using a voice assistant. Every time you post a photo of your children or your friends, you add to their digital footprint too. What happens when you have a digital footprint? Your digital footprint is part of your online history and can potentially be seen by other people, or tracked and held in a database … or many databases. This is the case even if you are careful with your privacy settings. Here are just a few examples of what could, and does, happen as a result of your online history:

• •

It has been suggested that there might be some interest in forming a Book Club within the club. The club would be open to bowlers, wives, husbands, partners and could meet monthly (say Wednesday 10:30 ) to enable participants to share their enjoyment of reading. It would be a very social format with a chance to meet, have a coffee


Crime Prevention

• moved in to at the beginning of November. It’s fantastic! Hope you and everyone at WPBC are well and haven’t drowned in the rainstorms! Best wishes Carol

• •

Companies can target you with specific marketing content on social media and other websites. You could also receive emails, letters or phone calls from these companies. Advertisers can track your movement from site to site to gauge your areas of interest. Entertainment providers (such as music or films) could target you with unwanted recommendations for content. Prospective employers can look into your and family members’ background. Your child’s application for schools, colleges, universities, scholarships, clubs or even sports teams could be rejected. You, family members or friends could become the victim of fraud or identity theft. Your children could be at risk of criminal activity threatening their online or physical safety.

Newsletter of Worthing Pavilion BC

Records of your online activity could fall into the wrong hands, including perpetrators of organised crime. Tech companies such as browser and search engine providers can track and record what you’ve searched and viewed. This, in turn, could be shared with other parties including law enforcement agencies. You could be refused life, medical, property or vehicle insurance based on information you have shared online.

How to minimise your digital footprint, or make sure it’s a good one: •

Don’t overshare information about yourself, family members or friends that would be better kept private. That’s on social media, websites and apps requesting details and in response to texts and messages. Think before you post. Even if your social media privacy settings are set up correctly, there’s no guarantee that your posts or photos won’t be shared. Be aware that every time you visit a website, it’s visible to tech companies like website owners, browsers and search engines. Read terms and conditions and data privacy policies on websites and apps before providing any personal data or making transactions. What can the providers do with your data, and why would you agree to it? If you’re not comfortable with the information being requested, don’t provide it. Check geolocation settings on mobile devices, apps and cameras. If you don’t want anybody to know where you are, or where you have been, disable them. Never stop enjoying the many excellent benefits of using the internet, but always bear in mind what digital trail you’re leaving, who may be able to access it and how they may be able to use it. GET SAFE ONLINE

Get Safe Online is the UK’s leading source of information and advice on online safety and security, for the public and small businesses. It is a not-forprofit, public/private sector partnership backed by a number of government departments, law enforcement agencies and leading organisations in internet security, banking and retail. For more information and expert, easy-to-follow, impartial advice on safeguarding yourself, your family, finances, devices and workplace, visit:


PAVILION POST www.getsafeonline.org. If you think you have been a victim of fraud, report it to Action Fraud at actionfraud.police.uk or by calling 0300 123 2040. If you are in Scotland, contact Police Scotland on 101. Neighbourhood Watch Bulletin

Malcolm Gilbey Webmaster

Honours Boards The working group, set up following the discussions at the AGM, has recently met to consider proposals from the sign writing specialists regarding the restoration of the previous boards to fit in with the new décor of the club lounge. It is hoped to be able to put up pictures very soon to give members a better opportunity of the proposals in mock-up form. The main proposal from the designers is for a background feature to be painted behind the boards so that they can be more prominent than previously. The background colour will be the same colour as used in the lounge for the Welcome to Worthing Pavilion sign. (Oxford Blue) Mounting the boards directly on to the wall with the plain grey background will, it is felt, detract from the aesthetic effect of the restoration.


The location of the boards will be very similar to the pictures that have been on display in the club lounge. It is hoped that, if the proposal is accepted by the membership, the work could be completed around Easter time. In order to achieve this time frame, we would ask you to look at the display in the lounge, and complete the form (one is attached below and others will be available in the club lounge) and return it to the labelled box in the lounge by the end of January The cost of the project, including repair, cleaning supplying new fixings, rehanging and the painting of the feature wall backgrounds will be £2388. I am delighted to say that we have already had the promise of a very generous contribution of £1000 towards this cost and several members have already expressed their willingness to contribute towards the return of the boards. (For your information, the sum of £30 would cover the cost of one of the boards) Your offers of donations should be identified in the special envelopes provided in the lounge by the display. We would appreciate this notification by th February 9 . This will, (assuming the membership is in agreement) then enable the group to take the proposals to the next Board Meeting, which is due th to be held on Monday February 17 . Action YOU need to take now!!! 

Look at the photo mock-ups in the lounge and read the information

Newsletter of Worthing Pavilion BC

  

Complete the return slip, giving your views Yes or No and any other comments. Return the slip to the box in the lounge by the end of January Consider if you are able and prepared to offer a contribution towards the cost of the restoration of the former Honours Boards and indicate this by completing one of the donation envelopes in the lounge. No money or cheques at this stage. We are merely seeking information. Put the completed envelope in the appropriate box in the lounge.

On behalf of the working group I would like to thank you for reading the above and I look forward to receiving the feedback that endorses our proposals to ensure that the original Honours Boards are returned and will blend in comfortably with the excellent new lounge décor.

To date I have received pledges of £1,200 towards the restoration of the honours boards





200 Club

Winners of the January Draw

01903 418499


1 Prize £55



Prize £35


3 Prize £25

Fred Taylor-Bennett

Richard Krupa

Please remember that if you know of a club member who has been hospitalised, or otherwise unwell, even not seen at Pavilion for a while, to notify the Club Welfare Officer:

David Hilton

Graham French Hon Secretary

Mrs Carol Tillett on the above Telephone Number or alternatively the Hon Secretary


NAME …………………………………. Are you happy to accept the proposals of the working group regarding the restoration of the Honours Boards? YES / NO Any additional Comments:


Newsletter of Worthing Pavilion BC




Wednesday 19 February 2020 715pm for 7.30pm


Wednesday 11 March 2020

Valentine Dinner & Dance

Shuffleboard + Refreshments

Cribbage Evening £1.50pp. Cash Prizes Sign off on notice board.

Info Alan Cheeseman 07598 319217 email a_m_cheeseman@hotmail.com

£12 pp Watch notice board for further information


Wednesday 11 March 2020 715pm for 7.30pm



Friday 14 February 2020

See overleaf for further information th

Wednesday 15 April 2020 715pm for 7.30pm

Cribbage Evening

Cribbage Evening

£1.50pp. Cash Prizes Sign off on notice board.

£1.50pp. Cash Prizes Sign off on notice board.

Info Alan Cheeseman 07598 319217 email a_m_cheeseman@hotmail.com

Info Alan Cheeseman 07598 319217 email a_m_cheeseman@hotmail.com

Newsletter of Worthing Pavilion BC




Newsletter of Worthing Pavilion BC



Acknowledgements and thanks to Richard Berrett, Doreen Merret, Tim Baldwin, Trevor Parker,Graham French, Malcolm Gilbey and Peter Woods for their contributions. Contributions should reach the editor by 20th on the month preferably by email. Edited by Anthony Powell email editor@wpavilionbc.org


Newsletter of Worthing Pavilion BC


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