Worthing Pavilion Bowling Club April Newletter

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post EXTRA ordina

Inside this Edition

Meals on Whieels

Crime Preventon

Cleaning Smart Phones


Touring Club


I have been approached to try to put together a newsletter for the membership. Unfortunately there is little or no bowling content available. Worthing and Adur Council will not apparently be maintaining the public bowling greens throughout the borough this year. Seemingly the Worthing and Adur have agreed with Marine Gardens Bowling Club’s proposal to employ a private contractor to upkeep their greens. As you will read below the low life are out to defraud vulnerable people.


15/ 04/ 2020


APRIL 2020

Chairman’s Update Coronavirus is affecting us all and your club is no different. Indeed your board started to think about matters before the lockdown started. Santisers have been ordered and will be in place when we return. The probability is that we shall have to use them upon entering the club for many months after we start playing again. Since the lockdown, in order to make decisions, the board is making greater use of the internet and it is expected that this month’s board meeting will be a virtual conferencing using Zoom. We are fortunate in having excellent greens which continue to be cared for by Vince our greenkeeper. Initially there was a suggestion that we might use the outdoor greens early if being indoors became a problem with the virus. This was not supported by the joint playing committee as it was thought it might cause damage, which could affect playing later in the season. However events have overtaken us. Both the board and the JPC have started to consider how we can best use the limited time when play resumes. Consideration is also being given as to how we might assist our neighbouring clubs that may not have had their greens maintained during the lockdown. This will need to be balanced against our members desire to play. New hand rail/steps for the outdoor rinks have been obtained and would have been fitted except for the closure. The board suggested to Donna that she might like to consider providing a meals on wheels service during

Newsletter of Worthing Pavilion BC

the club closure and in fact she was already thinking along the same lines. There was suggestion which could have increased sales by leafletting the roads surrounding the club but the restrictions came into force before that could be put into effect. However Donna has started her Meals on Wheels and it is hoped that members will support her so that she is able to keep going during the lockdown and be ready to feed us when the club reopens. Thanks must go to several members who volunteered to help with deliveries. The stock in the bar such as crisps nuts and chocolate may well be out of date when we return, so the decision has been made to donate it to the hospital or the local food bank. If you know of a member who lives alone please just give them a ring. Unfortunately it is not permissible to publish how our members are coping with Covid 19 when they fall ill unless we have their permission. That does not mean you cannot drop them a line, send a text or email. Just before the club had to close we had good news concerning our bowlers. Sharon Pratt has been selected to play in the Atherley Trophy final at Nottingham but that has had to be postponed. She has also been awarded her Atherley Flash. Bill Murphy is through to the National finals in Nottingham for the Men’s Over 60 singles. That competition too has been postponed. Mark Strong, Simon Davey, Sharon Pratt and Linda Farley have won the LSCBA mixed fours competition. James Brennan, Alex Payne and Mark Strong have won the Sussex County Triples and


PAVILION POST James was runner up in the under 25 singles. Whilst Mark Strong and Oliver McGregor were runners up in the Sussex County Pairs. Congratulations to all of them. In September at the annual general meeting there was a demonstration of how an electronic booking system might work. This has been trialed since September and Bill Murphy has proposed that it should be further developed. This has the support of the JPC and the board considered it in at their March meeting, but decided to postpone any decision until the autumn when hopefully the club will be running at full steam. st On 1 May you will receive the club renewal forms asking for your subs. The club still have outgoings and the government is not going to assist with everything. The board will however be looking at what steps if any it can take, to take into account the current inability to play. The extraordinary general meeting th which was to be held on the 26 March to consider and hopefully put to bed the question of the honours boards, has had to be postponed and will be rescheduled in the autumn when members can meet and make a decision.

Ian Lay Chairman of the board of directors

PS Each year the club has to pay a subscription to bowls England and Sussex bowls for each member. The club has been informed that Bowls England will return 100% of that subscription and the county will return 50% of the county subscription. Easter traditionally marks the start of the outdoor bowls season – sadly that will not be the case this year. However, I wanted to update you on our work over the past two weeks. Lorraine Kuhler was selected to represent Bowls England at her maiden World Bowls Championships in Australia next month.

15/ 04/ 2020

Crime Prevention Right now, safeguarding ourselves, our loved ones, friends and colleagues from COVID-19 (Coronavirus) is uppermost in people's minds in the UK and around the world. After all, this is an unprecedented situation which warrants unprecedented precautions. Also of great importance, however, is making sure we also remain safe in the virtual world during restrictions on travel, socialising, office life and other things we normally take for granted. Why is online safety even more important than usual? Invariably, a crisis affecting large numbers of people triggers a huge volume of fraudulent activity. With Coronavirus, expect fake ads for anything from vaccines to face masks, links to sensational news and video, bogus charity appeals, and phishing emails claiming to be from travel, compensation and insurance companies or event/tournament organisers. Fraudsters know that at times like these, we may be too concerned or preoccupied to spot that something isn't right. Business owners with employees not accustomed to working from home also need to take simple precautions additional to those we normally exercise in regular workplaces. And if we're using the extra time on our hands to relax, there's also more chance that we could be letting our online guard down, whether we're social networking, gaming, dating, downloading or the many other things we take for granted. However Coronavirus is affecting your online life, please read our top tips to help you protect yourself, your family, finances, devices and organisation. As always, make sure you check out our advice including passwords, payments, safe buying and updating your software and apps. Find comprehensive information from keeping yourself protected online at www.getsafeonline.org Coronavirus-related scams. Reported Coronavirus scams cost Newsletter of Worthing Pavilion BC

victims in the UK over £800,000 in a single month, according to Action Fraud. Here's how to help avoid them:  Be wary of approaches from supposed travel agents, tour operators, airlines, cruise companies, insurance companies or compensation firms promising to arrange travel, accommodation or event entry refunds: they may well be fraudulent. If in doubt, call the company you have been dealing with, on the phone number you know to be correct. These approaches can take the form of emails, texts, social media posts, direct messages, online advertisements and phone calls.  Be wary of ads for products such as face masks, hand sanitiser, vaccines, cures and hard-to-get goods, as they could be for nonexistent products. Never pay by bank transfer, and where possible pay by credit card as doing so provides additional protection.  As always, don't click on unknown links in emails, texts or posts, or email attachments. They could link to websites that capture your passwords and other confidential details or cause a malware infection, both of which can result in financial or identity fraud. They could also link to adult, hate, extremist or other content. Courtesy of NHW

Cleaning Smart Phone hands clean, it’s time to clean those phones too. As much of the world is heading into uncharted waters, many of us are thinking about how to further protect ourselves from germs. As well as following guidelines on regular handwashing, Apple had previously advised that you can safely clean your iPhone using 70% isopropyl alcohol wipes, which you can buy from computer shops or online. However, if you’re selfisolating, locked down or are having


PAVILION POST trouble buying anything with antimicrobial properties (and of course, loo roll), here is a guide on how to clean your phone using household soap and a damp, lintfree cloth. 

Unplug your phone, turn it off and remove the case. Note: to clean your case just follow the same steps below). Avoid using any chemicals, hand gels and abrasive wipes as these can damage your screen’s protective coating.  Dampen a microfibre cloth with water and simple household soap. (It’s important to only use a lint-free cloth as anything else may scratch away your screen’s oleophobic coating). Gently rub the surfaces of your phone with the damp cloth.  Take care not to get moisture into any of the ports or controls – even water-resistant phones can lose their protection over time. Finally, dry your phone with a clean microfibre cloth. Even using just soap and water can effectively remove bacteria and viruses from your phone. If you want to see how, here’s a video showing the microbial activity measurements before and after a phone clean. Courtesy of Greenwich Design

Meals on Wheels Since the news that Worthing Pavilion bowling club was to close as of 17th March 2020 due to the Coronavirus outbreak Donna of Highdowns Tea Room has had several requests to provide a home delivery service. Donna states that the safety of customers and her staff will always remain top priority, so they will be ensuring that they follow the government’s advice as and when it is released or updated. Donna informed me that there has been a steady flow of requests for 15/ 04/ 2020

meals from members and latterly their friends. Full details, including menus cost and conditions can be seen on the catering section on the club website or by phoning/texting Donna on 07951231158 alternatively send an email addressed to: info@highdowntearooms.co.uk. There is also a service from Brighton that supplies meat, if you use them don’t forget to enter the coded reference shown on the website.

The Magic of Typos Those wonderful Church Bulletins! Thank God for the churchy ladies with typewriters. These sentences actually appeared in church bulletins or were announced at church services: The Fasting & Prayer Conference includes meals. ————————————— Scouts are saving aluminium cans, bottles and other items to be recycled. Proceeds will be used to cripple children. ————————————— The sermon this morning: 'Jesus Walks on the Water’ The sermon tonight: Searching for Jesus’ ————————————— Ladies, don't forget the rummage sale. It's a chance to get rid of those things not worth keeping around the house. Bring your husbands. ————————————— Don't let worry kill you off - let the Church help. ————————————— Miss Charlene Mason sang 'I will not pass this way again,' giving obvious pleasure to the congregation. ————————————— For those of you who have children and don't know it, we have a nursery downstairs. ————————————— Next Thursday there will be try-outs for the choir. They need all the help they can get. ————————————— Irving Benson and Jessie Carter were married on October 24 in the church. So ends a friendship that began in their school days. Newsletter of Worthing Pavilion BC

————————————— A bean supper will be held on Tuesday evening in the church hall. Music will follow. ————————————— At the evening service tonight, the sermon topic will be 'What Is Hell?Come early and listen to our choir practice. ————————————— Eight new choir robes are currently needed due to the addition of several new members and to the deterioration of some older ones. ————————————— This one is gem: Please place your donation in the envelope along with the deceased person you want remembered. ————————————— The church will host an evening of fine dining, super entertainment and gracious hostility. ————————————— Pot-luck supper Sunday at 5:00 PM - prayer and medication to follow. ————————————— The ladies of the Church have cast off clothing of every kind They may be seen in the basement on Friday afternoon. ————————————— This evening at 7 PM there will be a hymn singing in the park across from the Church Bring a blanket and come prepared to sin. ————————————— The pastor would appreciate it if the ladies of the Congregation would lend him their electric girdles for the pancake breakfast next Sunday ————————————— And this Freudian slip Low Self Esteem Support Group will meet Thursday at 7 PM. Please use the back door ————————————— The eighth-graders will be presenting Shakespeare's Hamlet in the Church basement Friday at 7 PM. The congregation is invited to attend this tragedy I am sure that parents will be delighted. ————————————— Weight Watchers will meet at 7 PM at the First Presbyterian Church Please use large double door at the side entrance. ————————————— And this one just about sums them all up ? …


PAVILION POST The Associate Minister unveiled the church's new campaign slogan last Sunday 'I Upped My Pledge - Up Yours!'

George Rhodes I have now been home for a week, after my very unpleasant Covid19 experience. I want to thank everyone for all the phone calls, cards, and messages, you couldn’t have been more thoughtful. I doubt if there is another club where members are as caring and supportive. Pavilion is the best!!! I hope that it isn’t too long before we are together again. Take care, stay safe and healthy.

Anonymous Touring Club

Coronavirus Pandemic Summer Tour At the time of writing, the 2020 summer tour to Weston-SuperMare this September, is still going ahead, subject to the restrictions imposed as part of the Governments’ current lock-down being lifted.

Best wishes


Barry Ledger

Acknowledgment and thanks to Ian Lay, Malcolm Gilbey, Barry Ledger and George Rhodes for their contributions, not forgetting Ron Atkinson AKO Cartoons for his permission to publish his cartoons.

Edited by Anthony Powell

Email editor@wpavilionbc.org

15/ 04/ 2020

Newsletter of Worthing Pavilion BC


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