Worthing Pavilion Bowling Club Ltd Monthly newsletter

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Inside this Edition

Playing Matters:

Tue Sat Sat

26 30 30

Over 60’s Double Rink H/A Arun (L) * West Sussex Tourist

Ladies’ Matches


Sat Tue Tue Sat

Fun Night Matinee Triples

02 05 12 16

Yetton Trophy/ Plate H/A Capt v Vice Capt Arun * Yetton Trophy/ Plate

Social Scene

Other Matches Notices




Wed Sun Sun

13 17 24


Egham Trophy 2 Round H/A # Shoreham # Top Club # rd Egham Trophy 3 Round H/A #

National Mixed Top Club On Sunday Pavilion played Adur and progressed to the next round of the National Mixed Top Club with a ten to six points win. Simon Davey won the Men's two wood singles Twenty-one to eleven. The Triples of Sharon Pratt, Alex Paine and Mark Strong won twenty to nineteen shots. The fours of Leah Taylor, Pat Edmonds, Bill Murphy and John Frew won fifteen to thirteen shots. Pavilion lost the Ladies two Wood Singles and the Pairs. Pavilion play Swale in the next round on Sunday 17th November.

Sharon Pratt National Yetton Trophy

Playing Matters

Excerpt from November 2019 Fixture Card NB: Check website for any changes Men’s Matches Sat Sat Tue

02 02 05

Sat Sat Sat Tue Wed Sat Sun

09 16 16 19 20 23 24



Denny Plate 1 Round nd Denny Plate 2 Round Over 60s Double Rink st 1 Round Adur (L) * Denny Cup H/A Denny Plate H/A Over 60’s H/A Pavilion v SCIBA Preston (L) Grattons *

On Saturday Pavilion ladies played the National Yetton Trophy (two rinks home and two away) against Denton Island. At twentieth end Pavilion were four shots down. It was a nail biting twenty-first end as the rink skipped by Marina Crayston was still playing when Esme Clough, Sue Gubbins and Sharon Pratt's rinks had finished. Denton had won the extra end so Pavilion needed the shots. Lin Chant, Julie Woods, Ann Button and Marina Crayston's team scored five shots on their last end so Pavilion won overall eighty-four to eighty-one Congratulations to all the ladies who played as Pavilion have progressed to the next round of the Yetton Trophy. This was a fantastic achievement as this has not been done for many years. Pavilion will next play Preston on Saturday 2 November.

Sharon Pratt Team Manager

Newsletter of Worthing Pavilion BC

Mixed Skill and Fun Games Evening th

On the 9 October well over forty people attended and took part in a Skill and Fun Games evening at the Club, this was run by Richard Krupa and organised by Gordon Kibbles assisted by Richard Calvert. The object was to have a fun night, but with real skills tests for the participants, there were six tests and teams of four took part. For each skill test the players had two bowls and they played two ends on each skill to score points. On rink one there was an off centred jack one metre from the side, in a half moon hoop, the object was to land in the hoop and contact the jack. This is a skill that really has to be practiced and there were teams that were particularly skilled at this and scored points. Rink two was a drawing test to land on three targets flat on the carpet at each end of the rink. This was one in which quite a few of the participants had some success and scored points. Really good


PAVILION POST practice for drawing with the skill getting your weight and line exactly right, as when the bowl ran onto the plastic target it seemed to run on. Rink three had a target at each end of the rink, but in front of each target were four bowls that were placed one metre in front of the target, the obvious skill was to draw round the front bowls and sit on the target. This proved to be more of a test and the scores were fairly low. Rink four was a drawing exercise with five bowls at each end of the rink, only twenty inches from the ditch, participants had to draw to the bowls and rest on them to score points. If any of the bowls went into the end ditch there was no score. Rink five was a drawing exercise with a running weight to draw onto a single bottle placed on the tee at each end of the rink if you could knock the bottle over you scored five points, a toucher scored one point. In the middle of the rink was a block of wood, eighteen inches wide so the players had to go around the obstacle. Again there was no firing allowed if your bowl went into the end ditch there was no score. A very hard exercise, but many were able to achieve the five point score, and even more scored the one point. Rink six another drawing exercise using one yard of weight to keep to its line to a target, there were five bottles spaced eight inches apart level with the tee, with a block of wood two feet wide placed in the middle of the rink to make all players play around it. The scoring was five points to knock down the bottle and one point for a toucher, quite a few good scores were made on this exercise. But the overriding rule, no firing just a precise drawing exercise, any bowl ending in the ditch ruled out the score. There was no doubt all who came to the evening went away knowing they had really been tested and even bowlers who play regularly in the league teams found the exercises challenging. This sort of practice really makes the bowler think and try to achieve all that we strive for in a competitive match. The bowling was followed by a buffet prepared by Donna and her team, as usual an excellent end to a very successful evening. The winning team and the runners up received prizes and the lowest score received a booby prize. Well done to all players who attended and we hope you enjoyed your evening of skills bowling.

Richard Calvert Gordon Kibbles

Matinee Triples Summary

As summer gave way to autumn so the outdoor Matinee Triples league competition came to an end. There were six teams with about seven players in each, although Keith Cooper struggled to field a team of three on occasions. That was mainly due to players unfortunately withdrawing through illness. Clyde Fordyce’s team one were the early leaders disputing it with John McCormick’s team five on occasions. Maurice Gooch’s team six took over the lead towards the end of June but in early July, Clyde’s team were back on top. Maurice and his team took over the top spot in mid-August and held on to it until th the end of the season on 19 September. Maurice’s team won eighteen of their thirty matches, drawing one, to end up with a total of thirty-seven points and an impressive shot difference of one hundred and six. Very well done to all the players in team six namely Roger Humphrey, Ian Smith, John Eldridge, Bill Muir, Simon Warr and Malcolm DaCosta and, of course, Maurice Gooch, the team leader. Clyde Fordyce’s team were runners up with seventeen wins and a draw amassing thirty-five points. John McCormick’s team five came third also with thirty-five points but with fewer shots to their credit. Well done to all those teams and indeed thank you to everyone who took part in the competition with especial thanks to the team leaders. The indoor autumn / winter season is now underway as we enjoy some more competitive bowling. Please keep an eye on the club noticeboard for all the latest results.

Raymond Bivand Honours Boards Update At the recent AGM, the members voted unanimously for the return of the previous Honours Boards. A group, consisting of Peter Woods, Esme Clough, John Holliman, Keith Wadhams, Dennis Dixon and George Howard was formed to progress the issue. Please see their proposals for the replacement of the boards.

Senior Coaches


These proposals were based on the following priorities:  

To comply with the wishes of the membership. To ensure that the boards are accurate, updated and grouped in a logical order. To ensure that all boards are accessible and visible to members of the club and visitors. To place the boards sympathetically within the newly refurbished lounge and immediate areas, in order to emphasise the identity of the venue as Worthing Pavilion Bowling Club.

We are currently awaiting further advice regarding the fixing and installation of the boards from a specialist signage company. The group wishes to record its thanks to Graham Morrey for his assistance with the mock-up photos. We will keep you informed as the scheme develops. If you wish to make any comments on these proposals, please write them down and hand to one of the named members of the working group.

Peter Woods PS Please see the photos and proposals that are on view on the club room wall by the stereo.

Shuffleboard th

On Thursday 28 October twenty-eight members attended the club for an evening of ‘shuffleboard.’ For the benefit of those with no knowledge of the game, this is like a great shove halfpenny played with wooden discs sliding along the board to pass through numbered gaps on the board. Teams of three participated and the highest score of the evening win. Cash prizes are paid out and the winners this time with Maurice and Chris Gooch and Pat Cripps. It would appear that everyone thoroughly enjoyed the evening which was inset with a supper of Chicken Kiev or Sausages and Chips. It is hoped that members look to support social functions which benefit the whole club.

Maurice Gooch Newsletter of Worthing Pavilion BC




Newsletter of Worthing Pavilion BC



Friday 22



November 2019

Saturday 14 December 2019

Quiz Evening

Christmas Dinner Dance


200 Club Winners October 2019 Draw st

1 Prize £55



Prize £35


3 Prize £25

Mike Lawton

REMINDER Winter subscriptions were due on st 1 October 2019

John McCall

01903 418499 Please remember that if you know of a club member who has been hospitalised, or otherwise unwell, even not seen at Pavilion for a while, to notify the Club Welfare Officer:

Judith Webster

Mrs Carol Tillett

Graham French

on the above Telephone Number

Hon Secretary


Are you up to date?

alternatively the Hon Secretary

Acknowledgement and thanks to Graham French, Malcolm Gilbey, Sharon Pratt, Richard Calver, Pat Cripps and Ray Bevan for their contributions. Please note that I cannot guarantee to publish a newsletter to end the year next month.

Edited by Anthony Powell email editor@wpavilionbc.org


Newsletter of Worthing Pavilion BC


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