February Newsletter

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Spoon-drivers’ Cock-a-Hoop after Momentous Win Ladies’ League etc., Inside this Edition Playing Matters: Capt v Spoon-drivers Men’s Playing Committee Internet Technology: Chrome Software Changes Internet Traffic Stats Touring Club: AGM + Update Volunteers to deliver Flyers Secretary’s Notes Breach of Bye-Laws: Unreported damage to cars in club car park Social Scene Welfare

Tue 07 Tue 14 Tue 28

Grattons * Horsham Preston


Indicates Away Matches


Indicates Mixed Matches

Spoon-driver of the Year 2016 Congratulations to Nigel Marchant who won the Don Moore trophy for spoondriver of the year 2016.

Peter Bunce Shows Club Colours in US Open Congratulations to Pavilion’s Peter Bunce who took third place in the singles at the US Open Lawn Bowls tournament in Florida during November 2016. The week-long event, with players coming from around the world was played in non-stop sunshine at a number of clubs around Florida, with the finals being held on the three excellent grass greens at Sarasota bowls club which is situated on the bay and has been in existence since 1927.

Nigel presented with the Don Moore Trophy

The award is calculated from the total of the accumulated scores of teams with whom individual spoon-drivers play throughout the year.

Graham Farley

Playing Matters

Recruitment Director

Excerpt from the February Fixture Card

Spoon-drivers v Captain

NB: Check website for any changes Men’s Friendlies (Mixed Matches) Wed 01 Sun 05 Wed 08 Sun 12 Wed 15 Wed 22 Sat 25 Mon 27

Banks London Tpt cancelled Marine Gdns # Melton & Dist IBC # SCB (Outdoor) Aldinbourne # King Alfred # * Bembridge Tour begins.

Men’s League etc., Sat 11 Sun 19

Grattons Eastbourne *


Peter Bunce in Florida

Despite being 13 to 5 down in the playoff for third place Peter battled back to beat his opponent 18 to 16 in a hard fought game played in the hot Florida sunshine. Prizes were presented by Andy Thomson, currently ranked world bowls number eight.

Editor Newsletter of Worthing Pavilion BC

The captain and spoon-drivers’ sides met for their annual indoor match on th Wednesday 18 January 2017 in which the spooners’ side captained by Rick Baumann, ended their losing drought by winning 136-103 taking four rinks and drawing two. Top spooners’ rink went to Ian Smith, Eric Statton, Nigel Marchant and Phil Upton 38-21. It had been quite a close fought match across the board, but the spooners’ kept up the momentum in the final stages of the match to come out victors. The furore continued into the Friday morning spoon-drive session where the result was the centre of celebration.

PAVILION POST Frank Howard the spoon-drive coordinator and spokesman said “This is unprecedented. The spooners’ have not won the match since 2008 and we have never come away without losing at least one rink” It just goes to show that there are quality players in the ranks of the spooners’ as elsewhere in the club.


Dennis Wheatley The Club wishes to extend its warmest congratulations to Dennis Wheatley who, in January 2017 celebrated fifty years as a member of Pavilion. Dennis has enjoyed a remarkably successful bowling career and, despite his ninety-six years of age, still enjoys his regular twelve o’clock roll-ups, playing in the Friday Open Fours as a member of Frens-o-Fred and also with the Mavericks.

Playing Director The 2016 / 2017 Indoor season has, so far, been hugely successful and raised a few eyebrows within Sussex it has to be said. The performance of the squad in the ‘Denny Cup’ has been exceptional reaching the last sixteen and only going down to a very strong Folkestone side in the last couple of ends. Our progress was monitored with interest by other clubs in the county and everywhere we have played it has been commented on including the entry by the county secretary on the SCIBA website the day after our game against Folkestone shown below: "Sunday 8th January, 2017....... Worthing Pavilion took favourites Folkestone down to the wire in their ‘Denny Cup’ match yesterday only losing by fourteen shots in a hard fought contest. Final score Folkestone 69 Worthing Pavilion 55. Pavilion players can hold their heads up because there is no shame in only going down by fourteen shots to one of the top teams in the country. We know you're hurting Pavilion boys but one hell of a good showing getting through five rounds of a very competitive national competition. We will be cheering you on again if you reach the dizzy heights of the final stages next year. To all the Pavilion players a big well done....fantastic showing!" In the county league, after a very slow start where we lost the first three games we have won the last three, all away fixtures, picking up twenty-nine and a half points out of a possible thirtythree points and as of the date of this report lie second place in the table.

John Frew

Men’s Playing Director

change may confuse your site visitors or surprise you if you are not expecting it. Starting with the release of Chrome 56 this month, any website that is not running HTTPS will have a message appear in the location bar that says “Not Secure”`. Our site is HTTP and may show up as being insecure but you should not be worried as it is not an interactive site and does not accept any payments. This new system has been introduced to stop passwords and bank/ credit card details being stolen through sites that may be considered insecure. I am unaware at present of any other browsers such as Bing or Internet Explorer adopting the same security controls.

Web Traffic Statistics From the statistical data, Interest in the club website shows no sign of slowing down during the month of November 2016. i.e. Dennis Wheatley

During his time at Pavilion Dennis has won countless internal competitions, numerous local tournaments, national qualifiers and has the proud distinction of being one of only twenty-four Sussex players ever to win a Liberty Cup winners’ badge. He also represented the county in the Middleton Cup on several occasions. On behalf of all the members we wish him many more years of happy bowling and warmly congratulate him on this landmark achievement.

Peter Woods Hon Secretary

Hits: Visitors: Robots: Unique Visitors

68,616 13,731 1,957

Percentage by countries for hits: UK 81.20% USA 4.42% Canada 2.30% Russia 2.05%Referring search engines: Google Microsoft Bing Yahoo

88.62% 7.27% 0.86%

Malcolm Gilbey Webmaster

Internet Technology Touring Club Web-Site Owing to changes being made by Google you should be aware of the following: Version 56 of the Chrome web browser will be released by January 2017. There is a significant change in the way it displays websites that are not using HTTPS, also known as SSL. This

Newsletter of Worthing Pavilion BC

AGM A gentle reminder that the Touring Club AGM will be held in the lounge at th Pavilion on Wednesday 15 February 2017 at 7pm where I shall also be distributing the ferry passes and dealing with any outstanding administrative issues.


PAVILION POST We will also have a brainstorming session to pinpoint any likely venues that may be of interest for future tours.

Timothy Baldwin Touring Club Secretary

Crime Prevention

Volunteers Sought

Breach of Byelaws

I have some club publicity flyers that I would like volunteers to distribute the in the locality. If you are able and willing to help, please see me.

Unreported Damage to Vehicles In Club Car Parks

Graham Farley Recruitment Director

Yet another twist to scammers trying to defraud us. Action Fraud has received several reports from victims who have been sent convincing looking emails claiming to be from Amazon. The spoof emails purportedly from service@amazon.co.uk claim recipients have made an order online and mimic an automatic customer email notification. The scam email claims recipients have ordered an expensive vintage chandelier. Other reported examples include: Bose stereos, iPhone’s and luxury watches. The emails cleverly state that if recipients haven’t authorised the transaction they can click on the help centre link to receive a full refund. The link leads to an authentic-looking website, which asks victims to confirm their name, address, and bank card information. Amazon says that suspicious e-mails will often contain:

 Links to websites that look like, but aren't Amazon.co.uk.

Hon Secretary Notes Members are reminded that irrespective of the time of day, they must register their name in the book by the front door of the club. Apart from anything else the book also doubles as a safety measure in case of a fire, in order that everyone on the premises can be accounted for in the event of such an emergency.

Members are also reminded that should they ‘pencil in’ dates for proposed matches, they must ensure that once the match date has been finally agreed, the dates that are not being used are cancelled. Recently, on a number of occasions members have been unable to play because of an apparent booking which has been scheduled, only to find out that the scheduled match has, in fact, been played. This is not fair on regular playing members.

 Attachments or prompts to install software on your computer.

 Typos or grammatical errors.  Forged (or spoofed) e-mail addresses to make it look like the e-mail is coming from Amazon.co.uk. Amazon will never ask for personal information to be supplied by e-mail. You can read more about identifying suspicious emails claiming to be from Amazon by visiting https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/help/custo mer/display.html?nodeId=201489210 To report a fraud or cyber crime, call us on 0300 123 2040.

Malcolm Gilbey Courtesy of Action Fraud

I was also disappointed to hear that the Social Director was recently taken to task over the fact that there are social events being organised within the club and that ‘we are a club for bowls – not for social activities’. Whilst it is absolutely clear that our prime purpose is for bowling I would hope that all members would appreciate the benefit afforded to all club members from the varied and excellent opportunities organised by the social committee, to meet socially and enjoy different forms of entertainment within the club. I will not even go into the question of the significant amount of finance that these activities generate and allow us, as a club, to survive.

There have been a spate of incidents of late where members’ motorcars have been damaged whilst parked and unattended in the club car parks where the culprit(s) failed to report the damage to the secretary’s office. The most recent incident occurred on the afternoon of the Captain v Spoondrivers’ match when a member’s car parked in the front car park was damaged by a car door being opened carelessly, thereby leaving the owner of the damaged car with a hefty repair bill. Club Byelaw 13 states: Car parking spaces designated for use by individual officers are for their sole use unless specifically allocated to another member during the absence of the designated officer. Parking spaces designated for use by club officials are for the sole use of members of the board and elected club officers. All Pavilion Bowling Club members have a duty of care when driving in the car park(s) of the club and if they cause damage to another vehicle or club property the incident must be reported to the secretary’s office who will then inform the person whose car has been damaged. Failure to observe this Bye-Law would be considered `Gross Misconduct`. Those who wilfully disregard others’ property will be caught out in time!


Peter Woods Hon Secretary

Incognito Newsletter of Worthing Pavilion BC



John Hawking from the BRIDGETOWN BC Western Australia told me this story. Towards the end of a mixed triples the skip and another player went to get the flag down. However, they encountered a Dugite (highly venomous snake) that reared up at the base of the flag pole. The skip being a quick thinker grabbed it by the tail and started yelling instructions. Eventually, after a few misses it was dispatched with the help of a Redline SR size 3 lawn bowl.

Social Director

Jack of Clubs

During our recent Jazz evening, the following remark was made by a bowler using ‘A’ green i.e. “This is a bowls club not a social club” or words to that effect, but still strongly put. Let me point out a few facts:  Revenue from the bar takings helps to minimise subscription increases.  Purchasing food in-house helps the kitchen exist.  Profits from social events over the years have assisted in the purchase of outdoor mats, new bowls pushers, new cushions for seats on the veranda, a new club flag, as well as the new bird scarers etc.

The week-end of 28 January 2017 saw Pavilion hosting the Open Singles Circuit for a two day singles tournament that attracted competitors from as far afield as Devon. Considering the numbers involved, the event went fairly smoothly. Special thanks to Gerry Shallis and Benny Bennett for all their assistance and staying throughout the tournament. Thanks also to markers Arthur White, Captain Paul and Pat Cripps and all the other helpers who assisted. A special mention to Graham Farley for stepping in to the tournament at the very last minute and then having the audacity to actually win his match. Unfortunately he lost in the next round. The final was held at 7-00pm on Sunday between Richard Moses and Paul Sharman with Moses winning 6-3 10-5. Glad to see a gathering of members spectating and it was interesting to note that the lounge TV was showing the World Championship and many were heard to say that the standard of bowling was better on our rinks 1, 2 ,3, than on the TV.

So please don’t complain about us, come and join us.

Keith Leather Social Director

Ron Atkinson


Warwick Davis

AKO Cartoons

Newsletter of Worthing Pavilion BC



Valentines Dinner/ Dance

Quiz Night

Saturday 11th February 2017

Wednesday 15 March 2017 6-30pm

Visit to Houses of Parliament th

Monday 20 February 2017


Race Night th

Wednesday 19 April 2017

Jazz Night DrJazz Wednesday 22


March 2017

Shuffleboard th

Wednesday 10 May 2017

6-30pm – 7pm start Jacket Potato Supper

Worthing Musical Comedy Society

200 Club

Connaught Theatre Trip The January winners were:


01903 239122


Friday 28 April 2017 7-30pm


Please remember that if you know of a club member who has been hospitalised, or otherwise unwell, or even not seen at Pavilion for a while, to notify the Club Welfare Officer:

April 2017

Mrs Carol Tillett

1. Barry Ledger £55 2. Gerry Shallis £35 3. Peter Bunce


Date to be fixed

on the above Telephone Number or alternatively inform Hon Sec Peter Woods

Peter Woods Hon Secretary

Acknowledgement and thanks to Graham Farley, John Frew, Malcolm Gilbey , Peter Woods, Keith Leather and Warwick Davis for their contributions, not forgetting Ron Atkinson AKO Cartoons for his kind permission to publish his cartoons. Contributions for the March edition should reach the editor by 20th February preferably by email Newsletter of Worthing Pavilion BC Edited by Anthony Powell - email editor@wpavilionbc.org


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