August Newsletter

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Inside this Edition Playing Matters: A Word from the Bridge Review Ladies’ Section Reviews Press Release Touring Club: Updates Coaching Update Social Scene Regulars Cards Functions Coach trip Theatre Visit Crime Prevention

Thomas John Bates Welfare 1937-2014


The Kingswood Chapel at Worthing Crematorium was full on Friday th afternoon 25 July 2014 for the funeral of Tommy Bates, who died suddenly on th Saturday 5 July 2014 after a relatively short period of illness.

Tom had been unwell for some time, but seemed to be in remission when he returned to play in the indoor spoon drive sessions, towards the latter stages of the indoor season. His sudden death therefore came as a shock. Tommy was both a gifted and competitive bowler, as well being a dedicated carp angler. He joined Pavilion back in 1999 after three years at Aldingbourne BC., I think it fair to say that most members were pleased if they were ever drawn to play alongside Tom; or even on the opposite side, such was his good company. Who could ever forget his trademark celebrations after pulling off that extra special shot, when he would leap into the air; in a virtual star jump, shaking his fists and shouting “Yes, Yes, Yes!!” grinning infectiously throughout the whole performance. Tom was born in Willesden north-west th London on 12 March 1937. Aged just seventeen he joined the Irish Guards reaching the rank of sergeant and saw service in Northern Ireland as well as BAOR., On leaving the army Tom trained as a plumber, working his way up to become a production director. Tom was a true family man and devoted to Ann, whom he married at Angmering in 1998. Tommy’s presence at Pavilion will be sadly missed, albeit his image can still be seen on the ‘Jack of Clubs’ adverts at the club. Our thoughts are with Ann and family at this most difficult time.

06 08 11 12 14 15 17 25 27 31

Rottingdean * Sherbourne # Storrington Petworth Sussex Masonic Sutton Common Two Wood Open Triples # Middleton *# Burgess Hill * Royal Household #

Men’s League 02 02 04 08 09 10 13 16 16 20 21 23 24 27 30 30

Worthing ‘B’ (‘C’ team) Tarring Priory ‘A’ (‘B’ team) * Witterings (‘C’ team) * Marine Gdns (‘C’ team) * Worthing ‘A’ (‘B’ team) Chichester (‘A’ team) Field Place (‘C’ team) * Worthing ‘A’ (‘A’ team) East Preston (‘C’ team) * Bognor ‘A’ (‘B’ team) * Crablands (‘C’ team) Worthing ‘A’ (‘B’ team) * Southbourne (‘A’ team) Lancing (‘B’ team) * Tarring Priory ‘A’ (‘A’ team) Witterings (’C’ team)

Ladies’ Friendlies 05 07 12 14 19 21 26 28

Charity Day Marine Gdns * Horsham Middleton The Drive, Hove * Arundel * Shoreham * Maltravers

*Indicates away matches

# Indicates mixed matches

Playing Matters

August Fixture Card excerpt NB: Check website for any changes Mens’ Friendlies (and Mixed Matches) Tommy Bates as he’ll be remembered


01 03 05

Hollingbury Park *# Horsell BC # Grasshoppers

Newsletter of Worthing Pavilion BC

A Word from the Bridge Monthly Review of Friendlies Plus With no less than six matches cancelled during the month of July, that left just two friendly fixtures to be honoured; at the cut-off date; one at home to Henfield BC that Pavilion won. The other away to

PAVILION POST Horsham BC, for the return leg of the Friendship Cup that we lost by just six shots; despite having a good lead of thirty-eight carried across from the first leg played at Pavilion. Horsham’s new green proved to be deceptively heavy going, needing a fair bit of humph to get a bowl anywhere near the length that the home-side were used to. This was a special day for Horsham as it was the first match ever played at the new club and their president thought that it was well fitting, considering the long standing connection with Pavilion and the Friendship Cup. WPBC strode manfully into the Crablands Bowls Club in Selsey on Thursday evening10th July 2014 for a PC Cup match starting time 6pm. Despite a somewhat wobbly start Pavilion players showed remarkable tenacity; as the Crablands green was difficult to both read and play; sealing the result by ninety-four to seventy-one shots.

Edward Cripps Captain

Ladies’ Section Ladies Monthly Review. The ladies are continuing to fulfil their fixtures, they have played two home league matches this month, and have won them both taking four points against Marine Gardens and six points against East Preston; avenging their earlier away defeat to East Preston. The ladies are nicely placed in the middle of the table. They have played five friendly matches winning two, drawing one and losing two. All in all a successful month. Well done ladies.

Pupils from Davison C E High School at Pavilion

The day started very wet and it was pouring with rain at 6am. I was beginning to think that it might be a wash-out, but by 8am the sky was clearing and it turned into a very reasonable day. Everyone arrived on time and play commenced at 10.30. Each Club provided ten players (and a marker) and we played a singles, pairs, triples and rinks against each other. In the end it was a resounding win for Worthing Pavilion with sixteen points. East Preston were second with fourteen points, Maltravers were third with ten points and Crouch bought up the rear with eight points. Thanks to all the ladies who took part. A special mention must go to Sharon Pratt who won every round of the singles well done Sharon for holding your nerve and also Ann Button, Sue Gubbins and Joan Barrass who won every round of the triples. Thanks must also go to Temptations who had the lunch break so well organised and for the lovely cakes that were available during the afternoon, (they were so popular that I missed out! Oh, the joys of organisation!!)

Carol Artley

Ann Button Ladies Captain

Ladies Invitation Day


Worthing Pavilion Bowling Club Ltd continues to follow its policy of introducing bowls to those who had never thought of trying bowls. Accordingly a class from Davison C. E. High School for Girls spent the day at Worthing Pavilion. The school encourages their pupils to experience as many facets of life outside of school as possible and with this in mind they brought twenty-five girls of year nine to Worthing Pavilion Bowling Club. This was the final day of three, where they experienced sports such as mountain biking, paddle boarding and windsurfing, as well as bowling. It was already a very hot day when the girls arrived in the morning. They were taken to meet the coaches on the air conditioned indoor rinks where the temperatures were an acceptable twenty degrees centigrade. The girls were given basic instructions and then they played several different games of bowls. After several variations of target bowls they then broke for a lunch. After lunch a triples competition on five rinks was held with the triple teams divided into red and green by the staff. The green teams just won. The feedback from the girls was they enjoyed their day and found that it was a game of precision and skill. They were quite surprised that Worthing had a participant in the bowls teams for the Commonwealth Games (Sian Honnor.)


On Sunday 6 July the Ladies held their annual Invitation Day. This competition is played by Pavilion against three other clubs. The invited clubs were East Preston, Maltravers and Crouch. Crouch were particularly keen to come (all the way from Seaford) as they had enjoyed the last Invitation Day so much.

Malcolm Gilbey

Newsletter of Worthing Pavilion BC



Don and I have called a pre-tour meeting on: Thursday 7th August 2014 at 7.00pm

The glorious sunshine enjoyed during the past couple of months has really helped make a spectacular display of colour.

Dawlish Warren I have now been able to confirm all our games and these are as follows: Monday 8th September 2014 Bridport BC. Tuesday 9th September 2014 Dawlish BC. at The Lawns, Dawlish.

to finalize all matters. Please can you all attend if possible, and if not able let me know via 01903 246868. Don’t forget to bring your cheque books with you so that we can all pay Don outstanding balances, to enable him to clear called money to the hotel and coach company.

Bembridge Bembridge, Isle of Wight for November and next March continues, and I am in the process of gathering information on next year’s outdoor tour for either Bournemouth area, or the I.O.W. depending on future costs and your demands. More at the meeting on the 7th August 2014. See you there. The Lawns at Dawlish

Wednesday 10th September 2014 Marina B.C. at Sandy Lane, Dawlish

Should any club member be interested in future tours mentioned above, then please attend this meeting at Pavilion as well - hopefully you will learn more about the tours and the costs.

Tim Baldwin Flower Borders

Marina BC at Dawlish

Thursday 11th September 2014 Den B.C. on Teignmouth sea front

I am sure that everyone would join in acknowledging and thanking Alan Hopper, Tony Fuller and Brian Cooper for the continuous voluntary work that they quietly perform in planting and maintaining the flower beds also the hanging basket displays on the veranda.

Den BC Teignmouth

Coaching Update

Due to the fact we were temporarily reduced to nine working coaches, we have had difficulty ensuring that we did not keep associate members who signed up at the open weekend, waiting to be coached. The coaches have been busy and now completed coaching thirty-three trainees with thirteen others who have nearly finished being coached. There are also nine more on the list; who for one reason or another; have had difficulty attending a course. We hope they will take up the course and we shall try to have them finished before the publication of the next Pavilion Post. At the moment we do not have the figures on the numbers who have joined, but some of the ladies who have joined are already playing in the ladies’ afternoons and are putting their names down for matches. Thanks to coaches George Rhodes, Clyde Fordyce, Keith Merrett, Graham Farley and Don Elliott for spending a successful day introducing bowls to pupils form Davison CE High School for Girls; part of a sports activity week the girls had undertaken. If any members come across new bowlers who have just joined the club after coaching, please make them feel welcome and help them as much as you can. Remember they have only finished ten hours of coaching and may need reminding about etiquette, the rules of the sport, as well as needing your help to integrate into the club scene. We do try to follow up new bowlers and give them as much help as we can, but you the members have a greater opportunity to cement the relationship the new bowlers have with our club.

Richard Calvert & Gordon Kibbles

The first game will be played en-route to Dawlish and I have booked the coach to be at Pavilion for 9.15am for our journey to Bridport. I have also ordered a light ‘ploughmans’ lunch prior to the game that should be starting at 1.00pm.

Senior Coaches

Newsletter of Worthing Pavilion BC



Portsmouth Harbour Day Trip th

Thursday 18 September 2014

Bridge We play Rubber Bridge (cut in) every Tuesday night 6.30pm. Contact John Combeer 01903 230833

Whist Drive Last Friday of each month starting at 2pm. Contact Ron Colbourne. 01903 204503

Dog Racing at Hove th

I have forty names on the list which has enabled me to book a forty-nine seat coach. Before I can go any further and book the harbour tickets, I need your money of £30 per person. You can pay in cash, cheque (payable to Worthing Pavilion Bowling Club) or debit card via our Secretary Brian Bodicoat. For cash and cheques please use the social box. If anybody else would like to go there are up to eight seats available. The cost of £30 per person includes the coach fare, driver tip, and the following attractions in Portsmouth Harbour:1. Mary Rose Museum 2. H.M.S.Warrior 3. H.M.S.Victory 4. Royal Navy National Museum 5. Action Stations and Harbour tour We shall leave the club at 9.30 am and return at about 6.30 pm.

Brian Cooper

Thursday 14 August 2014

Connaught Theatre ‘OLIVER’ Mixed Fun Drive & Meal th

Friday 29 August 2014 Postponed until the Indoor Season

Cine Horse Racing No Catering for this function You may bring your own food th

Wednesday 24 September 2014 630pm for first race at 7pm Changed Date

Quiz Night & Buffet th

Wednesday 29 October 2014

Zoe Wright has reserved thirty tickets for the 7-30pm evening performance of the musical ‘Oliver’ at The Connaught th Theatre on Friday 24 October 2014. The production is being staged by the Worthing Musical Comedy Society from st th Tuesday 21 – Saturday 25 October. The list was put up on the social notice board early last month, so it is quite possible that all reserved tickets for this iconic show may well have been sold by now. However, don’t despair as there may still be unsold tickets for the show available through the booking hotline or the Worthing Theatres Box Office. See advertisement on page 5.

Punctuality with Payments If members wish to see social activities continue at Pavilion, then please pay any outstanding monies for functions by the specified date and not wait to be chased up by the organisers. This particularly applies to outside functions the likes of theatre trips etc., where we have to pay them up front before the function.

Newsletter of Worthing Pavilion BC

A big thank you to all members who always pay promptly.

Dennis Dixon Crime Prevention The following alerts were received via Neighbourhood Watch.

PPI Compensation Police are urging residents not to be taken in by a new type of scam reported in the West Sussex. If you or any of your relatives or friends are (or have been) telephoned by the Ministry of Justice and told that you qualify for a refund on payment protection insurance (PPI) this will be a scam. The scammer will ask that in order for your claim to be processed, you have to pay a percentage of your pay-out up front and that this should be in the form of UKASH vouchers. They then send a courier to attend the home address of the victim to collect the vouchers or access the code for these vouchers in order to claim the money. These scammers may call you on more than one occasion and be persuasive of persistent in their calls. They may also suggest you call them back in order to prove their identification. Please do not be taken in by these tactics. To date there have been three reports of this particular MO (method operandi) in Bognor, Littlehampton and Midhurst. If you have received a call of this nature or know of anyone who has, please contact police on 101 and report it to action fraud. In an emergency always dial 999. The elderly seem to have been the main targets. Please make sure that if you know of any elderly residents who may not receive messages through community messaging, that you inform them to be vigilant of this particular type of scam.

Tarmac Driveways West Sussex County Council is urging residents to be cautious of conmen posing as highway contractors and offering to resurface their driveway on the cheap. The call came after a number of recent attempts by several men presenting themselves as West Sussex Highways


PAVILION POST workers were reported approaching residents offering to carry out cut price work. Thankfully no one has fallen for this scam yet, but it is important that residents be on their guard. If anyone is approached by workmen offering to provide building work on behalf of the County Council, they should report it as soon as possible to the Citizens Advice consumer service on 03454 040506 or contact the police as soon as possible.

Distraction Burglaries An elderly woman was recently visited by an unknown male purporting to be a builder. The lady was distracted to her back garden by the caller asking to look at ladders, whilst a male accomplice entered the address and stole jewellery from the property. Similarly an elderly woman was recently visited by a male asking if she had a contact number for a neighbour. The woman allowed the male into her house and later reported a sum of cash had been stolen. It is believed an accomplice entered the house while the woman was being distracted and stole the cash. To help reduce the risk of this happening to you, please follow this advice:  Ask to see identity  Ask for a reason  Ring the company they are from if you aren’t sure  Don’t leave them alone  Lock the door To report any suspicious people, you can call 101 or in an emergency please call 999.

Malcolm Gilbey

Acknowledgements and thanks to Edward Cripps, Ann Button, Carol Artley, Malcolm Gilbey, Tim Baldwin, Richard Calvert, Gordon Kibbles and Dennis Dixon for their contributions, not forgetting Ron Atkinson AKO Cartoons for his permission to re-publish his cartoons Closing date for material for next month’s newsletter is 20th August preferably via email Editor Anthony Powell email

Newsletter of Worthing Pavilion BC


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