Newsletter December 2013

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Wishing all at Pavilion Merry Christmas and a Healthy Prosperous 2014

Inside this Edition Ladies’ Captain Charity. Playing Matters Coaching Update New Members

The caterers will be closed after lunch th on Tuesday 24 December 2013 and shall re-open as normal on Thursday nd 2 January 2014.

Editor Word from the Bridge

Question of Law Volunteers’ Sought Touring Club Social Scene Notices

Xmas at Pavilion This year Pavilion will be closed over the Christmas period from 2.30pm on th Tuesday 24 December 2013 and th re-opening as normal on Friday 27 December. The club will also be closed from st 2.30pm on Tuesday 31 December, rend opening as normal on Thursday 2 January 2014.

30/11/2013 (2nd Edition)

Captain’s Thoughts Well, one month gone in this new indoor season. We have used fortytwo players so far; excluding the opening drive. A loss against Croydon; wins against Pavilion Ladies and Old Coulsdon. Congratulations to the mens’ team who only narrowly beat the ladies, despite the men having a hot shot team comprising: Bob Perry, Ron Saunders, Rick Baumann and Bryan Bodicoat. I was on holiday for this match and was grateful to Paul Wilson who captained the match. Well Done ladies, maybe next year! I am disappointed at the lack of names on some matches, particularly away games.

Newsletter of Worthing Pavilion BC

Many men playing at Pavilion do not enter any matches. Why? To say ‘I’m not good enough’ is total rubbish. Most matches are friendlies and the result is irrelevant. You may like the camaraderie, make new friends and also importantly enjoy yourself. Putting a slant on the words of John F Kennedy, I would say:‘Think not of what Pavilion can do for you. Think what you can do for Pavilion’ Give me a selection headache, put your name down and support your club! Good luck to all who have entered competitions. Happy Christmas

Edward Cripps Mens’ Captain

Gordon Kibbles When Gordon phoned me to tell me that he wished to stand down as Coach Coordinator it was a great shock. After a long discussion with him I understood fully his reasons. Like Gordon he had given great thought to whom to approach as his successor I fully endorsed his selection and then waited with bated breath to see if his

PAVILION POST nominated successor would accept the role of coach coordinator. Gordon has done a magnificently professional job over the last four and half years in promoting the club handling, everything I arranged -School visits to the club and visits to schools, teachers evening, birthday evenings and of course the open weekends and the resulting coaching of potential new members. This entailed organising the coaching sessions for pupils with individual coaches and days for the schools to keep the youngsters’ interest. All of this is only the tip of the function and results in vast recording keeping to comply with the Bowls Coaching manuals reporting and records. Like an iceberg what is seen is th only 1/8 of the work involved. Gordon has been recognised in Sussex coaching circles has taken Worthing Pavilion Bowling Club to a high level and some of the methods used at WPBC are now being copied by several other clubs. County are very impressed with the work Gordon has done for Coaching at WPBC and West Sussex; they would have liked him as County Coach. We are pleased to say that Richard Calvert has agreed to take over from Gordon who will support Richard and continue to coach. Personally I can say it has been a great pleasure working with Gordon who took on board and developed programmes for whatever I threw at him, be it Schools. Birthday Party, teacher’s evenings, Chamber of Commerce evenings, corporate evenings, etc. I knew he would design programmes that let me promote the club without any concerns. The Board wish to thank Gordon for all his excellent work as Coach Coordinator especially in the development of the coaching structure that will take the club forward into the future.

Malcolm Gilbey Chairman

Press Release On Thursday of this week at Worthing Pavilion Bowling Club Ltd the Ladies Captain of the Summer Season Carol Artley presented to Rosemary Dabbs of Breast Cancer UK a Cheque for £650.00 the Ladies Captain charity. The monies were raised On Ladies th Charity day on the 12 of September

Carol Artley presenting the cheque to Rosemary Dabbs of Breast Cancer UK

supported by men of WPBC as well a day of fun bowling the more serious business of raising money for the Ladies Captain’s charity took place. There was a raffle with a top prize kindly donated by the Black Horse of Findon who offered as a prize a meal for two or Skittles evening for 10 persons this prize this we are sure increased the sales of ticket increasing the amount raised for the Charity.

Malcolm Gilbey Chairman

Playing Matters December Fixture Card excerpt NB: Check website for any changes Mens’ Friendlies (and Mixed Matches) 08 11 15 22

Sussex Masonic # Worthing Outdoor Wealden * Adur #

Mens’ League 01 04 14 21

Denton Island Preston Horsham Arun

Ladies Friendlies 03 17

Aldingbourne Mince Pie Drive

* Indicates Pavilion Away Match #

Indicates Mixed Match

Newsletter of Worthing Pavilion BC

MATCH REPORTS Pavilion v Denton Island (Away) th

On Saturday 26 October 2013 Pavilion played Denton Island (Away) with the following result:Brown Murphy Rebera Frew Strong Clarke

19-19 23-13 26-17 17-18 34-11 19-21

Geering Towner Willey Flood Dennis Angel




Pavilion 8.5pts

2.5pts Denton

Another very satisfying result keeping our winning away form intact. Collie Brown's rink was five – sixteen down after eleven ends and so a draw was an excellent result (unlucky not to win) Ron Rebera's rink was six - twelve down after eight ends, after which they won seven of the last ten ends, picking up seventeen shots. ‘Vic’ Frew played two brilliant shots with his last two woods and was very unlucky to lose by the one shot. Nobby Strong was ably assisted by Niblet, Wobbler and Odd Job, to win by twenty-three shots and despite a strong fight back; winning the last five ends; Clunky Clarke and his lads came second by a mere two shots. We last played at Denton in the County League two years ago when took a hammering losing ten - one!

Pavilion v Horsham IBC Pavilion played Horsham IBC at home rd Sunday 3 November 2013 with the following results:-


PAVILION POST Strong Clarke Dray Frew Rebera

43-9 24-15 27-17 27-16 18-14

James Ives M Hamilton Ives G Hazel




Pavilion 11pts



After an uncustomary somewhat slow and tentative start we were only ten shots in front after ten ends. Then the Pavilion spirit kicked in, plus thirtyseven after fifteen ends, plus forty-three after eighteen ends and a win by seventy-eight shots . The rinks of Doc Dray and Vic Frew were both trailing all the way to the fifteenth end when they were level on fifteen and fourteen shots respectively. An excellent finish by both rinks, between them they won eight of the last ten ends, resulting in wins of ten and eleven shots. Well done Worthing Pavilion - thus far four played and four won.

Pavilion v Langney Sports th

On Saturday 9 November 2013 Pavilion hosted Langley Sports IBC at home with the following results:Rebera Clarke Frew Murphy Vidler

21-18 25-11 22-13 26-10 28-13



Pavilion 11pts

Burgess Roberts Holland Rowden Smith Langney Sports

0pts Langney Sports

Another tentative start saw us a mere nine shots the better after five ends; plus seventeen after ten ends; at which time the team kicked on to plus fortyfour after fifteen ends; plus sixty shots after eighteen ends and at the completion of the match. Another solid all round team performance with team spirit at its now customary high. Five played and five won!

Denny Cup Pavilion v Arun Pavilion played Arun IBC in the Denny nd Cup on Saturday 2 November 2013 with results as follows:Clarke Frew

24-17 19-16

Sayers Bonnar

Strong Dray

18-16 26-14

Butler Hannam



Arun IBC

Peter Pullen and Dennis Dixon 26-21 and:-

This was a most satisfying all round performance with all rinks winning against sound opposition. After ten ends we were seven shots up across the four rinks, fifteen ends a mere five shots in front, eighteen up nineteen shots going on to win by twenty-four shots. Vic Frew's rink was five shots off the pace after eighteen ends, Nobby Strong's rink was four down after sixteen ends, but both rinks dug deep managing to turn the deficits around. In the next round we have another local Derby when we play Worthing.

Brian Lee FRIENDLIES Pavilion v Victory (Away) On Saturday 9th November 2013 Pavilion travelled to Victory Indoor Bowling Club, Portsmouth for a friendly match which they lost by eight shots 126 - 118. Pavilion won on only two rinks and lost on the other four rinks. It was a close match on a very fast green which the home side were able to use to their advantage. Unfortunately, with both national competitions and league matches being played on the same day we were short of some of our experienced bowlers. The pavilion top rink comprised:Alan Page Nick Mosdale Dennis Allen and John Murray 28-15.

Pavilion v Worthing IBC (Away) On Sunday 10th November 2013 a Pavilion mens’ team played away at Field Place facing a strong Worthing Indoor Bowls Club team. Pavilion won the match by a very small margin of just four shots i.e 96-100 winning three rinks, drawing one rink and losing on one rink. Pavilion had two top rinks, where the difference was five shots and the number of ends won were also equal. The top rinks comprised:Alan Page Ron Jeannerett

Newsletter of Worthing Pavilion BC

John Eldridge John Wright Jim Braiden and Paul Wilson 25-20

Pavilion v Worthing Outdoor Worthing Outdoor Bowls Club visited Pavilion on Saturday 16th November 2013 for a very friendly match. Pavilion won by 132 points to 62 points, winning on all five rinks. Top rink for Pavilion comprised:Alan Page Dennis Allen Chris Scott and Paul Wilson as Skip.

Pavilion v Eastbourne On Sunday 17th November 2013 Pavilion entertained Eastbourne for a friendly match. Eastbourne arrived with only five rinks instead of six which meant that WPBC had to ask four players to stand down. Pavilion then proceeded to win the match by 114 points to 77 winning on four of the five rinks. The losing Pavilion team lost by only two points, Pavilion top rink comprised:Linda Manning Nick Mosedale Jim Braiden with John Murray as Skip. The match was played in good humour and all players appeared to enjoy themselves.

Edward Cripps Mens’ Captain

Coaching Update Changes to the Coaching Team This month heralds some changes to the coaching team, Gordon Kibbles has decided to take a bit of a back seat and has relinquished the post of Coaching Co-ordinator. We would like to pay tribute to Gordon for all the hard work he has undertaken


PAVILION POST on the club’s behalf in organising the coaches. We took on the role of coaches when the club was in a desperate state, and had no coaches to train newcomers to the club. An appeal was made at the AGM, five years ago, for help to try to solve this problem, ten club members took up the challenge, we realised that we were not the best bowlers in the club but we were well aware that we were trying to help the club to maintain the membership. All ten came through with flying colours and passed their examinations to become Level 2 coaches. It was a difficult time as we had no paperwork to tell us what to do or how to run the coaching scheme for the club. This is where Gordon came to the fore, with his organisational ability he set up systems to enable us to keep control and to make sure all the coaches were singing from the same hymn sheet. Not many people would have been able to effectively ‘start from scratch’ on a project like this but he managed to set us all on the right path. Our success rate as coaches is surely a tribute to the way in which he laid the foundations to enable the squad of coaches we have at our club to train new members. He has also set up a coaching scheme to train new coaches and this has proved very successful and is now being copied by other clubs in the area. The success of this is that we now have three coaches whom we have trained and who are now taking a very active and successful part in the coaching team. We are all pleased that Gordon will not be giving up coaching and he will still take an active part in the coaching and we will still be able to call on him for advice and guidance. We currently have eleven coaches, all working hard for the benefit of the club and this is mainly due to the amazing amount of effort that Gordon has put in to make the coaching such a success. It is very rewarding when we see club members, ladies and men, we have coached coming to the fore and playing for the club in friendly matches, league matches and in county matches with considerable success. Many of these are now competing in club competitions, county competitions and giving some of the more established players a real run for their money. Gordon must take a lot of the credit for this magnificent achievement. I am sure the coaches would join me in thanking him for the tireless work he puts in organising us and keeping us in line. He has also been the catalyst in

organising the equipment store and providing many of the bowls we now have to train new bowlers and this has ensured we have the best equipped bowls store in Sussex. He will be a very hard act to follow, but we all hope he will remain our mentor for many years to come.

Richard Calvert, Senior Coach On behalf of the whole Coaching Team

New Members

mutually agreed by the three’s that is it, there is apparently no going back!! The three conceding the shots cannot change his mind, so as to reduce the count; equally his opponent cannot add a bowl he might have missed, to the count. There are players who will try to assert pressure upon their opponents that a bowl is in contention. Laziness often ensues and a measure is not carried out. Three’s need to be careful what they say and when. If there is any doubt in your mind measure it!! After all, that is why you carry a measure,

Editor A warm welcome is extended to new playing members Janet and Brian Sutton, Linda and Graham Farley aka Charlie; to avoid confusion with our other Graham Farley. Here’s hoping you all will enjoy many years bowling at Pavilion and make new friends along the way.

A Question of Law Quite recently I was playing as a second in a match that was nearing conclusion. After an end played, both three’s agreed and declared that there were three shot bowls in the head. We started to kick the bowls back, when the three conceding the shots decided he wasn’t sure about the third bowl in the count and decided to measure. Were his actions correct? According to the laws of the sport, apparently not! The law on this issue is covered in Section 9 of the WIBC Laws of the Sport of Indoor Bowls, specifically:Law 44 THE SHOT (v)

As the shots are agreed the bowls may be removed from the head and placed in a group in a position where they will not interfere with the process of measuring. (vi) The number of bowls placed in the group shall be agreed by the opponents and the shots scored in that end indicated to both the skips and the seconds. So once the number of shots has been

Newsletter of Worthing Pavilion BC


Volunteers Sought

Worthing Rotary Club will be holding the annual Hobbies and Leisure Exhibition at the Assembly Rooms on Saturday nd 22 February 2014. As in the past few years Pavilion has booked a stand at this exhibition. Volunteers will be to man the stand and and; just as important, to deliver mail-shots starting January 1st th through to 15 February 2014 to highlight the event. Following on from the above event, Pavilion will be opening its doors to the public for an ‘Open Weekend’ on th th Saturday 12 and Sunday 13 April 2014. Again volunteers will be needed over the week-end, also to deliver mailshots publicising this event. Ambitiously, it is hoped to distribute ten thousand mail-shots in the two periods in Worthing and surrounding area.


PAVILION POST Your support will be welcomed, as these events provide the biggest opportunity to promote Pavilion with the aim of attracting new members. Volunteers are asked to furnish me with their names and postcodes as soon as possible for the January/ February mailshot drops.

Malcolm Gilbey Marketing and Recruitment Director

Social Scene

 01903 521908

Bridge We play Rubber Bridge (cut in) every Tuesday night 6.30pm. Contact John Combleer 01903 230833 th st Excluding 24 & 31 December

Please remember that if you know of a club member who has been hospitalised, or otherwise unwell, or even not seen at Pavilion for a while, to notify the Club Welfare Officer: Peter Woods

Ladies’ Section Results of the Ladies’ competitions can now be viewed in the result pages of the members’ section on the club

Touring Club 2014 Summer Tour It is hoped the club will be able to tour Devon between Monday the 8th September 2014 and Friday the 12th September 2014. I have been able to secure rooms at a highly recommended hotel called Langstone Cliff hotel at Dawlish Warren and the club has been granted permission to play games over the period in Devon. I am in the process of obtaining games and we hopefully will en route play at Bridport B.C., and then at Dawlish B.C. The Lawns, Dawlish, at Teignmouth on the sea front and finish of at the other bowls club in Dawlish. As can be seen, some of these fixtures are still in discussion, but we will have the required games well before our visit. At this stage I am not able to confirm individual costs, but it is expected to be in the region of £360 each. This is more than last years fees, but the standard of hotel is far higher (as requested). A list will be placed on the notice board soon and I hope we can get the take up to attend what appears to be lovely venues? There will be limited numbers of thirty-eight, so first come, first served.

Cribbage th

Wednesday 15 January 2014 th Wednesday 12 February 2014 7pm for 7-30pm. Entrance £2.00 includes coffee and prizes. Further Info from John Murray by email:

on the above Telephone Number or alternatively inform Hon Sec Bryan Bodicoat

Whist Drive Last Friday of each month starting at 2pm. Contact Ron Colbourne. 01903 204503 th Excluding 27 December

Xmas Functions th

Saturday 7 December 2013

Xmas Dinner Dance th

Thursday 12 December 2013

Xmas Lunch th

Thursday 19 December 2013

Xmas Party The Xmas Raffle will be drawn prior to the party commencing The lists for these functions* will be put on the notice board 10am Saturday 9th November th

Friday 20 December 2013

Spoondrivers’ Lunch NB: There will not be a New Year’s Eve function

Timothy Baldwin Acknowledgement and thanks to Malcolm Gilbey, Edward Cripps, Brian Lee, Richard Calvert and Timothy Baldwin, Dennis Dixon and Warwick Davis for their contributions and the other contributors over the past few years, not forgetting Ron Atkinson AKO Cartoons for his permission to reproduce his cartoons.

Newsletter of Worthing Pavilion BC Editor Tony Powell




Touring Club Extra BEMBRIDGE

All progressing well, although two people have dropped out so if anybody is still considering this tour there are spaces available for what is an outstanding deal of £170.00 basic price for four nights half board, with the usual Warners’ entertainment. You don’t have to be a bowler to come, so if anybody who is coming wishes to bring additional friends then let me or Don Elliot know. I have started to allocate the rooms and will comply with your requests where possible. When allocating the rooms Warners need to know your dates of birth, so could you all leave this information for me in my pigeon hole at the Club to save me ringing you. Your help on this would be appreciated.

Warwick Davis

Planet Bowls Many of the existing tourists know that I am relinquishing my role as Tour Organiser as I am taking on a different role in organising an event at the club involving Planet Bowls. If you are not aware of Planet Bowls then please take an opportunity to look at their website which will give you a good idea of what is involved. It has been agreed by the board that on the first May Bank Holiday Weekend I will be hiring both greens for the whole weekend and arranging Planet Bowls’ first outdoor tournament. The indoor rinks will be available to members for roll-ups. There is a friendly arranged for the Sunday afternoon and there are two away games that weekend so members can still have access to games if they so wish. This will be a great opportunity for club members to bowl against some of the best bowlers in the UK, as I am hoping that the prize money on offer will attract bowlers of the highest calibre. The tournament is open to all- comers both men and women and

Newsletter of Worthing Pavilion BC

should you have the misfortune to be knocked out in the first round then there will also be a plate competition, so you are assured of at least two games over the weekend for the one entry fee. I am hoping to attract one hundred and twenty-eight entries, so sixtyfour will go through to the second round and sixty-four will go into the plate. This comes at a price of course as I will be looking for a lot of markers for the individual games, two umpires Bennie is already geared; up Ian please note. I also require people to meet and greet and there will be various other roles to fulfil so would appreciate all members to consider volunteering. Steve Roberts from Planet Bowls nd will be at the club on Monday 2 December to meet with Malcolm and myself to consider and finalise the arrangements, so I will be updating you in the next newsletter This will be a great opportunity for our club to show off its fine facilities and provide much needed income to the kitchen and the bar so I hope that everybody will come on board to support this new venture.

Warwick Davis



Christmas Raffle On behalf of the Social Committee I would like to thank all those who have generously donated prizes for the Christmas Raffle. Thanks also to all who of you that have purchased squares to date and a request to those who have yet to do so, to purchase some squares. So far six hundred squares have been purchased i.e. 75% of our target of eight hundred. We could also really do with a ‘star prize’ and it would be greatly appreciated if someone would be generous to either donate a ‘star prize’ or make a donation for the committee to purchase one. The raffle will be drawn prior to the Christmas Party on Thursday 19th December 2014. The proceeds from the raffle will be used to purchase badly needed replacement bowls collectors ready for the forthcoming outdoor season. Thank you all for your support.

Dennis Dixon Social Director

Newsletter of Worthing Pavilion BC


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