WPBC APRIL Newsletter

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post ‘Good Morning Bembridge’

Inside this Edition Playing Matters: Excerpt of Fixtures League & National Front Etiquette: Care of Greens Matinee Triples Spring Club Pairs Question of Law Internet Technology Membership Renewals Touring Club: Bembridge Update on Tours Social Scene

Rita left school aged fifteen and worked in various occupations including shop work, catering, optician's receptionist, but the most rewarding was as a clerical officer for two childrens' care homes in Wandsworth. But Rita's true ambition was to have become a school teacher, but the state of the family finances meant that was not achievable. Rita and Ken married in September 1955 and they had two sons Tom and David. The family lived in a flat in Streatham, South London, overlooking Streatham Park Bowling Club of which both Rita and Ken became members. Rita and Ken moved to Findon in 1992 whereupon, already accomplished bowlers they both joined Worthing Pavilion. Rita and Ken remained members of Pavilion since moving to the area.


Rita Hewitt 1933-2016


Editor A Word from the Bridge ‘Reflections from an outgoing Captain’


Despite the horrendous weather on Monday 8th February 2016 family and friends gathered at Worthing Crematorium for the funeral of Rita Hewitt, who passed away at Worthing Hospital on 28th January 2016 after a prolonged distressing illness. Rita was born in south London in 1933 and was one of eight children. With the onset of WW2 Rita and some of her siblings found themselves being evacuated to Broadhempston, a small village near Newton Abbot. Rita and her sister Olive were billeted with an extremely caring family for the duration of the war. Luckily some of their brothers were also billeted close by. At the end of the war Rita then aged twelve and her siblings were repatriated with their parents in South London.

Worthing Pavilion and the wider bowling community over the years, so it was appropriate that Rita's life and achievements were celebrated back at the club after the service. Rita was a popular member of the club and along with Ken was a regular visitor to the club to enjoy midday lunches with friends. She will be sadly missed and our thoughts are with Ken and her wider family at this extremely difficult time.

Rita and Ken Hewitt

Looking at the honours boards at Pavilion you will see that Rita shared no less than five ladies' pairs championships beween 1996 and 2006 as well as a singles title. Rita was also especially proud of her representative games for Sussex County and she wore the Martlets badge on her blazer with pride. Rita and Ken greatly enjoyed the number of friendships that they made at Newsletter of Worthing Pavilion BC

As this Indoor season draws to a close and the outdoor season beckons we can all look back on another enjoyable year. In 2011 Pat and I joined Worthing Pavilion as total novices. Graham Farley and Dennis Allen became our coaches and introduced us to the world of lawn bowls. In 2012 whilst playing my first SCIBA match at Egerton Park I was approached by Terry Urben and Bryan Bodicoat who suggested that I should consider the position of men’s vice-captain. After some consideration I decided to accept the honour. Then followed about a year of understudying Paul Wilson, the then current captain and in 2013 I took over the role of captain for the year October 2013 to October 2014. This is where something went wrong, for here in 2016 I am still captain. I have enjoyed the role with its many challenges, frustrations and thank my wife Pat for supporting me all the way. I think that three years is enough for the moment and I am handing the baton back to Paul Wilson at the start of this 2016 outdoor season. Good luck Paul. There have been many successes

PAVILION POST thanks to the members. We have had very good results in the friendly matches, losing only eight matches all season. 2014 saw us win the PC Cup against Tarring Priory and three teams were entered into the then Littlehampton Gazette League. There have also been many Individual triumphs, for which I claim no part and the Pavilion Ladies’ Section has grown in strength and stature. The Men’s last match versus the Ladies was a very close fought match with the men winning by a very small margin.

all members will join in thanking Ted and Pat for the manner that they helped keep the ship on an even keel over the past few years.

Editor Ladies’ Captain The ladies played a county league match against Preston with a close result losing 71-82 however we picked up two more points. The ladies played SCWIBA and won 120-113 with three winning rinks and one drawn rink. Congratulations to our county unbadged triples team of Julie Woods, Marina Crayston and Esme Clough won their semi-final against Adur 18-13 so are through to the final. The Ladies’ county finals will be held on Monday 18th April at Grattons. This is the second successive year that we have had a team in the county unbadged triples final. Well done to the following ladies who have won their top rink badges - Carol Artley, Jacqui Girvin, Jill Lay and Ann Marshall.

Sharon Pratt

beating Wealden 136 - 91 on Sunday claiming ten points and are heading for their best ever finish in the league. Pavilion went down to the county league champions, Adur, in the latest away th league fixture on Sunday 20 March. Adur proved to be too strong running out 118 - 88 winners. Pavilion's last fixture is on Sunday 3rd April at home to Falaise who are already relegated, but Pavilion are already assured of their best ever league finish.

John Frew Etiquette Care of the Greens With the onset of the outdoor season looming fast on the horizon, perhaps now might be as good a time as any to remind members and visitors alike, not to lob, toss or bounce bowls onto the greens. Doing so can cause serious damage that will have an adverse effect on the playing conditions for everyone throughout the season. It is appreciated that some may find it physically difficult or painful to stoop too low in order to deliver their bowl close and parallel to the ground.

Ladies’ Captain Captain Edward Cripps

My thanks to all who assisted me over the past three years whether it be by playing, standing in at short notice or standing in as captain for a few games. I cannot vacate my captaincy without giving a special message of thanks to our outstanding greenkeeper Vince, for providing us with the best bowling greens in the area. I would also like to extend my thanks to our President Bennie Bennett, Malcolm Gilbey, our coaches, Pavilion Post Editor Tony Powell for correcting my match reports etc., Temptations for providing the catering and all of the ‘Swans' who do so much work in the background. We all belong to a fabulous club whether as full bowling or social members and need to support it in as many ways as possible. With your continued help Worthing Pavilion will be the envy of all the other local clubs for years to come.

Edward J Cripps Men’s Captain

NB: Taking on such an onerous job so soon after becoming a member of the club was no mean task. I am sure that

Playing Matters Excerpt from April Fixture Card NB: Check website for any changes Mens’ Friendlies (and Mixed Matches) Sat Wed Sat Sun Wed

02 06 09 10 13

Sutton British Wheelchair Assoc. # Club Finals W/E Ditto President v Captain

Mens’ League Sun




Indicates Away Match


Indicates Mixed Match

League & National Front Worthing Pavilion's Triple of Mark Strong, Alex Paine and Ray Leggett won the Area Final of the National Triples 15 - 14 at Horsham on Saturday to qualify for the National Finals in Melton Mowbray on the 13th-14th April. The county league team remain unbeaten in six league games in 2016

Newsletter of Worthing Pavilion BC

When Everything Else Fails?

Should you find yourself in this situation all is not lost, as your technique may be improved with some delivery clinic sessions with one of the club coaches. A few members have also invested in mechanical bowling arms costing around £160 that have helped them immensely with their deliveries.

Editor 2

PAVILION POST Winter Matinee Triples This indoor season's Matinee Triples proved to be more popular than ever with over sixty entrants. This necessitated eight teams to keep them to manageable levels and thus we required eight team leaders. Our thanks are due to Ray Bivand, Geoff Pratt, Les Fryer, Keith Cooper, Ian Smith and Phil Carter for putting themselves in the frame. Both Ray Brown and I have enjoyed the company and support from everybody and it was good to see that walkovers were few and far between. Personally I thank Ray for keeping me on the straight and narrow when I got the results incorrect and between us they reflected the right results, which was that Team seven under Phil Carter won the league with Ray Bivand's team a close second. It is worth noting that there were only eight points between second and eighth teams which justifies the selections that were made. I wish everybody that takes part the best of luck in the outdoor season. th The indoor season ended on 14 March th and on Thursday 17 we held a mini competition, when for a modest fee each team played two sessions of ten ends. Team six under Ray Brown walked away with the top prize of £48, team eight came second and team three third.

Maurice Gooch NB: A big thank you to organisers Ray Brown, Maurice Gooch and the various team leaders for their combined efforts to make the Matinee Triples a success.

Editor Pairs Tournament for Club Members You will probably be aware from the past two newsletters that we have planned an Outdoor Pairs Tournament, to be held over the Spring Bank Holiday th nd weekend 30 April – 2 May 2016 open solely to club members (Summer and Winter) (Men, Ladies or Mixed)) At the time of writing we disappointingly only have entries from nine teams on the list, when realistically we need a minimum of sixteen teams. The entry fee will be £20.00 per team; that will include a kitchen voucher for £2.50 per person. Please make

cheques for the entry fee payable to me and left in my pigeon hole; or cash can be deposited with the secretary, but make sure your name is posted somewhere. The prize money is obviously dependent on the number of teams entering. We had originally hoped to see somewhere in the region of thirty teams entering. It would be greatly appreciated if more members were to support this spring tournament. If you are single players then we may be able to organise you into pairs, so if you are having a problem in making up a pair leave a note in my pigeon hole and I will do my best to help you.

Warwick Davis A Question of Law Bowl displaced by Neutral Object During a recent practice roll-up whilst at Warners Bembridge one of our bowls had come to rest in the very shallow side ditch and was not immediately removed from the ditch. The subsequent delivered bowl then ricocheted off the side of the dead bowl in the ditch and returned back onto the rink of play. If it hadn’t been for the presence of the dead bowl in the ditch the second bowl would have gone out of play. In such circumstances the un-removed dead bowl in the ditch had become a neutral object and the displaced bowl should be re-played. This scenario is covered by WIBC Law 32D (i) a)


If a bowl in its original course is displaced within the boundaries of the rink of play by a neutral object or a neutral person, without having disturbed the head it shall be replayed. These provisions shall also apply to a bowl in its original course displaced outside the boundaries of the rink of play, provided such bowl was running on a bias which would have enabled it to reenter the rink.


Internet Technology Club Website For the information of those members interested in the club website, the following data shows the activity on the website for this past February: The site had 68,310 direct hits from visitors, 12,666 from robots and 2,036 from unique visitors. The main percentage of hits last month came from: UK @ 80.32% USA @ 6.69% Brazil @ 2.19% Referring Search Engines percentage wise were as follows: Google @ 75.10% Bing @ 18.36% Yahoo @ 3.89% Baidu @ 1.67% It is quite extraordinary for a bowling club website to receive so many hits.

Scan your IPad or Android device over this Quick Response code or enter www.wpavilionbc.com into your search engine to access the club website. Don’t forget, if you’re using a tablet you’ll also need to accept cookies to access the sub menu’s.

Malcolm Gilbey Webmaster

Annual Subscriptions By now members should have received their annual subscription renewal pack either by email attachment, or collecting same from the lounge at the club. It would be appreciated if members would complete and return same to me as soon as possible. Spare forms are also available from the club lounge if need be. To make the process more convenient members can pay using a debit or credit card, bearing in mind there is a small handling charge if paying with a credit card. Thank you for your co-operation.

Peter Woods Hon Secretary

Newsletter of Worthing Pavilion BC



Touring Club 2016 Spring Tour to Warners Bembridge On Monday 29th February 2016 a contingent of pavilion tourists travelled to Warners, Bembridge for the early spring annual bowls bonanza. The weather was pleasant with calm seas for the outward ferry journey. During in the week however we saw some periods of rain, hail and windy conditions prevailing. As normal we received a warm welcome from Warners. The accommodation was extremely comfortable and the food very good and plentiful. Overall there were one hundred and twenty-eight bowlers attending the tournament making for thirty-two teams, of which nine came from Worthing Pavilion.

losing out to a team from Bromley by 18-38 shots. Gerry Shallis' team of Zoe Wright, guest player Ann Latta and Barry Whitmore, were drawn against Warwick Davis' team of John Eldridge, Rick Baumann and Barry Ledger in the quarter final, losing out by 18-3 shots.

Gerry and Warwick battle in the Quarter Final

Warwick's team progressed into the semi-final pitted against the Bromley team who had beaten Frank earlier in the day. Albeit a slow start Warwick's team made steady progress to win by 15-7 shots, that put them into the final against the favourites; three of whom had already won the tournament on a number of previous occasions. Their semi-final performance was quite a mediocre affair that they only narrowly won. In contrast the final proved to be quite a competitive match, producing some sublime bowling from both finalist teams.

championship standards for clearly it wasn't, especially on the ditch side of rink four. The carpet might as well have been installed by Camelot, for virtually every delivery proved to be a bit of a lottery, springing some nasty surprises the likes of bowls running against their bias. However the same conditions were faced by all players doomed to play on that rink. The carpet is apparently lifted once or twice a year to make way for a dancefloor and this where the issue seemingly emanated from. Greengauge have since re-laid the carpet twice, including fitting a new underlay, but the problem has not been cured. As for the 2017 tournament, Tim and Tricia have negotiated a good deal of £215 for a four day stay, excluding the ferry fare and tournament entry fee. They also reserved accommodation for fifty-two projected tourists. The cost represents extremely good value for money so if you think that you would like to go to Warners next spring do keep an eye on the tourists' notice board for further information. I am sure all the tourists would join in thanking Tim, Tricia and Don for all their efforts in bringing this tour about. On a closing note please note that Tim has thirty rooms reserved at the Langstone Cliff Hotel at Dawlish Warren for our late summer tour.

The tournament gets underway

Warners managed the event very smoothly, with twenty-four matches being played on the Tuesday and another twenty-four matches on Wednesday, each of ninety minutes duration and consisting of eleven ends. With the increase in team numbers most teams had to play twice in a day. The quarter finals; that included three Pavilion teams, were held on the

Runners up Barry, Warwick, John and Rick being presented with £500 cheque

Quarter Finalist Norman, Frank, Ken and George

Thursday morning, with the semi-finals and final on Thursday afternoon. As it stood, Frank Rainer’s rink of George Beer, Ken Nuttall, and Norman Franklyn were eliminated from the tournament at the quarter final stage,

With two ends to go Warwick's team had a narrow lead, but then fell short losing out by 8-12 shots to pick up the £500 runners’ up prize. It was also refreshing to see Tricia Baldwin and Penny Franklyn playing competitive bowls again, both of whom delivered strong performances. Well done to both ladies. Incidentally, on one note you would be quite entitled to question Warners' claim that their facility was up to Newsletter of Worthing Pavilion BC

We used the same hotel as a base for our late summer tour two years ago and it has excellent facilities, comfortable rooms and good food. At the time of writing there are still two rooms available, so if you are interested in joining the party let Tim know at the earliest opportunity. Don’t forget non bowlers are more than welcome.

Editor 4


Social Scene Goodwood Races July 2016

Social Calendar

Worthing Musical Comedy Society

Cribbage th

We require forty-nine names to justify having a coach to the Goodwood Races th on Wednesday 27 July 2016 and at present we only have twenty-eight on the list which is on the social notice board. If you are thinking of going, or would like a day out on the Sussex Downs and enjoy good horse racing, and maybe have a picnic then please give us your support. The cost is £43 per person which includes entry to the popular Gordon Enclosure, coach, and drivers tip. The Gordon Enclosure also gives you access to the Parade Ring. Your family and friends are most welcome to join us. I need names without delay as I need to preserve the reduced price we have been offered. We will leave the club on the day at 11am and return about 6.30pm.

Connaught Theatre List now on notice board

Tour of Amex Stadium



Friday 6 May 2016


7 April 2016 10am


Travel by car to the stadium Tour cost: £5 Please tick your name on list if you are still coming

Wednesday 15 June 2016


Goodwood Races

Fish ‘n’ Chips



Wednesday 27 July 2016 Wednesday 4th May 2016

Brian Cooper

List now up

Social Committee

Cribbage Evening Organiser John and Diana Murray are thanked for organising the cribbage evenings for a considerable number of years. They feel that perhaps now is the time for them to relinquish this role. Cribbage evenings have proved quite popular with members and is the sole surviving card school in the social scene. It would be sad to see it fold. If you feel that you are able and willing to take over the organising role please speak to John or Diana.



Wednesday 13 April 2016 7pm for 7-30pm. Entrance £2.00 includes coffee and prizes. Further Info from John Murray by email: diana.m@talktalk.net

List on notice board Hurry Only 49 places


The following pointers emanated rd from the directors’ meeting on 23 March 2016. 

Members are reminded that they should not remove or deface notices placed on the club notice boards. We are hoping that the new club shirts will arrive very shortly. Details regarding their purchase will be posted as soon as they arrive. The club was pleased to welcome the Worthing Rotary Club for a very successful social evening during the week. The new season starts in May. Please make sure that you enrol as a member of the 200 Club and get the chance to win one of the three monthly cash prizes.

 01903 239122 If you know of a club member who has been hospitalised or otherwise unwell or even not seen at Pavilion for a while, please notify the club welfare officer: Mrs Carol Tillett on the above Telephone Number or alternatively inform: Hon Sec Peter Woods

Peter Woods Hon Secretary

Acknowledgement and thanks to Edward Cripps, Sharon Pratt, John Frew, Maurice Gooch, Warwick Davis, Malcolm Gilbey and Peter Woods for their contributions, not forgetting Ron Atkinson AKO Cartoons for permission to publish his cartoons. Contributions for the next newsletter should reach the editor by 20th April preferably via email

Newsletter of Worthing Pavilion BC

Edited by Anthony Powell e-mail editor@wpavilionbc.org


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