Newsletter November 2015

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Inside this Edition

Playing Matters: Home Counties Fours Open Singles Circuit Presentation Evening Synopsis of club AGM Word from Hon Secretary Club Web-site

competitions. It was pleasing to see most of the club members complied with the request to wear the club shirt or blazer and tie when receiving their awards and sad that a few did not remember the request. Thanks go to Dennis Dixon who stood in for me at the beginning of the indoor season whilst Pat and I had a short break at the start of the season. I look forward to meeting the 'Summer Mavericks’ for the indoor season and wish you all HAPPY BOWLING.

Question of Law

Edward Cripps

Touring Club:

Men’s Captain

Social Scene Regular Card Schools Forthcoming Functions Christmas Functions


A Word from the Bridge Men’s Captain Here we go again into another Indoor Season. I thought that I had passed on this duty but I was wrong. Never mind. I would like to thank everyone who supported the club throughout the summer and hope everyone had a good time. With a less crowded programme we did not have to cancel any matches, although other clubs were struggling to fulfil fixtures. Well done to the ‘A’ and ‘C’ League teams in the West Sussex Men’s League, Unfortunately three teams’ in the first division did not help the ‘B’ team which was relegated. We must now re-charge our batteries and look forward to the challenges of Division Two. Keep up the good work Chris and Paul. Congratulations to all winners and runners-up in all the club competitions and also to all who participated in these 26/10/2015

Ladies’ Captain A new indoor season starts and the ladies have played two away league matches so far. Our first match was against Arun which we lost 41-170. Our second match was against Horsham which lost overall 72-83 but our two winning rinks skipped by June Lewis and Marlene Hancock ensured that we came away with two league points. On 15th October we played the National Mason Trophy against Arun with one home and one away rink. We drew on our home rink but lost overall 27-58. Congratulations go to Esme Clough who won her Champion of Champions match against Marion Richards from Arun by 21-16. We have also played a friendly match on 20th October against Eastbourne and won 89-78 with three winning rinks skipped by Esme Clough, Marlene Hancock and Marina Crayston. Our top rink of Sylvia Faithfull, Diane Dwyer, Sue Gubbins and Esme Clough won 23 - 11. Good luck to all those playing in the first rounds of the National Ladies Yetton Trophy against Victory and the National Mixed Egham Trophy against Worthing Indoor.

Sharon Pratt Ladies’ Captain Newsletter of Worthing Pavilion BC

Playing Matters

Excerpt from the November Fixture Card NB: Check website for any changes Mens’ Friendlies (and Mixed Matches) 01 04 11 14 15 18 21 22 25 29

Horsham *# Pavilion Ladies Norfolk # Worthing Outdoor Eastbourne Worthing IBC * West Sussex Tourists 6 trip Shoreham London Civil Service # Denton Island *#

Men’s League etc., 01 08 14

Adur (L) nd Egham Trophy 2 round 2H/2A # Denny Cup/ Plate 2H/2A

Ladies’ Friendlies 04 10 17 19

Pavilion Men Captain v Vice Captain Aldingbourne Eastbourne *

Ladies’ League etc., 07

Yetton Trophy/ Plate 2H/2A

Other Fixtures 22 28 29

Junior Academy 10am (6 rinks) Open Singles Circuit Open Singles Circuit


Indicates an away fixture


Indicates a mixed fixture

2H/2A Indicates split fixture s

PAVILION POST Home Counties Fours The Worthing Pavilion four of Mark Strong, John Frew, Peter Chiffins and Colin Meeney have progressed to the semi-finals of the Home Counties Four's indoor Championships to be played at Hertfordshire Bowls Club on the 24th October. The four from Pavilion; who won the Sussex Fours County title in April, beat the Surrey Champions Egham 23 - 21 at th Pavilion on Tuesday Evening 12 October.

Open Singles Circuit I can confirm that we are now up to thirty entries for the Open Singles th th Circuit on the weekend 28 – 29 November, but unfortunately there are only a few entries from club members. This is very disappointing really, as there will be a £50.00 prize for the last club member standing, so you could win your entry fee back and also have a bit of spending money left over. If you are interested in participating in this tournament the closing date for th enrolling is Sunday15 November 2015. Application forms can downloaded from the Open Singles Circuit website, or there may be some left in the yellow rink book. The fee is £22.50.

Warwick Davis Presentation Evening The presentation evening on 15th October 2015 was well attended and everyone who attended seemed to have a good time. Photographs of the evening can be viewed / downloaded via the club website under the ‘Members’ page.

AGM The following is a brief synopsis of the business of the club Annual General Meeting took place on Thursday 22nd October 2016 in the lounge at Pavilion, with some seventy-five members in attendance. There were forty-nine apologies for absence, The meeting was chaired by Malcolm Gilbey who opened the meeting promptly at 7.30pm and Bryan Bodicoat the Hon Secretary then read out the notice that formally called the meeting. The names of members and past members who had sadly passed away since the last meeting were read out namely:-

Rita Atkins Fred Baker Arthur Boyens Andy Burns Cyril Durham Peter Griffin Murray Hayes Ted Lovett Fred Rutt Alf Simmons John Swales David Vine John Wright Bertie Bassett Those present then stood for a minutes silence in remembrance of our past friends. The formality of agreeing the minutes of last year meeting passed and there were no matters arising. However men’s captain Ted Cripps did point out that in applauding his continuance as captain Don Elliot omitted to mention his wife Pat, who had supported him throughout and without whom he would have not been unable to do the job. Ted then presented Pat with a bouquet. The directors annual reports were subsequently accepted, albeit Tim Baldwin had queried the treasurer’s report in relation to the accounts relating to the bar and catering which Esme Clough answered to his satisfaction. Copies of the directors’ yearly reports had been made available some weeks prior to the meeting and are still available to read/ download from the club website if you so wish; for access see the following paragraph. Election of Directors* and officers. The following directors did not seek reelection namely: Bryan Bodicoat Don Elliot Malcolm Gilbey There being no challenge, the following directors* and officers were appointed:A.A. Bennett President P. Woods* Secretary E.C. Haynes Asst Secretary G.R.Farley* Treasurer J.Winkley Asst Treasurer E.Clough* D.Dixon* J.Frew* K.Wadhams* J.E. Woods* D.Thomas* continuing in office Peter Woods made a statement acknowledging the long service of the outgoing three director’s, which received applause from the floor of the meeting. The formal part of the meeting ended at 7.45pm. The informal part of the meeting commenced after a ten minute

break when there was a general discussion on various issues. This part of the meeting concluded about 8.20pm.

Anthony Powell Our Club Immediately after the AGM, YOUR directors met and the following responsibilities were allocated:Chair of Directors/ Social Director

Esme Clough

Hon Secretary

Peter Woods

Asst Secretary

Elizabeth Haynes


Graham Farley (2)

Asst Treasurer

John Winkley

Men’s Playing

Dennis Dixon

Ladies Playing

Julie Woods


David Thomas

Bar / Catering

John Frew

Marketing / Recruitment

Keith Wadhams

With the departure of so many highly experienced and seasoned directors this year OUR club faces a challenging but potentially very exciting future. YOUR new directors are determined to give of their best to ensure that Pavilion thrives and flourishes. They will need YOUR full support and YOUR commitment to achieve this. So, what can YOU do??? Firstly, every one of us should ask ourselves the question ‘Who do I know who could become a member of the best bowling club in the town?’ – neighbour? Friend? Relative? Work colleague? Don’t be afraid or embarrassed to sell the benefits of a great game at a really great club! Secondly, you could put your name down to play in friendly fixtures; especially the away matches, use all the club facilities as much as you can. Before or after the game take advantage of the kitchen and the bar! Sign up to one of the many and varied social activities on offer! Finally, if YOU have any ideas for improvement to or development of OUR club, talk to one of YOUR directors. We don’t promise to be able to deliver everything but we will listen and consider everything. Wishing YOU all continued good and happy bowling.

Peter Woods Hon Secretary

Newsletter of Worthing Pavilion BC


PAVILION POST Club Website Malcolm Gilbey continues to develop the club’s new website, which he reminds me is still a work in hand. Even so the new website has attracted some 56,000 hits over the past month. Acceptably the figure may include repeat visits, but it still remains an astonishing record. Malcolm has recently included more information under the ‘Results’ heading, showing the matinee triples teams, their playing schedules along with the conditions of play. Also included under the same heading is a section dedicated to the Spoon Drivers. Don’t forget that you can access the club website through: www.wpavilionbc. com or by scanning the following QR code icon with your smart phone or tablet:-

In this case the legality of the jack length was sequentially challenged BEFORE the first bowl was delivered and therefore the said bowl should have been returned to the mat, pending the umpire’s decision. If the umpire ruled that the first bowl had been delivered despite the challenge beforehand and she still insisted that the delivery was legitimate, cancelling the jack length challenge, then this would set a precedent as a way of beating any challenge to jack length. Just make sure your lead sends a bowl down before the umpire arrives?

Anthony Powell

Courtesy of Lyme Regis BC

Club, right on the sea front and should be great fun. We will be having a snack lunch provided by them prior to the match and will then continue our journey to the comfortable Langstone Cliff Hotel after the match.

Touring Club Bembridge Spring Tour 2016

Anthony Powell A Question of Law The following post recently appeared on Facebook. ‘This really happened. The lead rolls the Jack down, both skips are not certain about the length, so they call for the umpire to measure the legality. Whilst the umpire is making their way to the rink, the lead who rolled the Jack did not hear the call for the umpire. The lead rolled their first bowl, the bowl was stopped by one of the skips and placed on the bank. The umpire said that because a bowl has been rolled down they could not measure the legality of the Jack. Opinions please’ The law is quite clear on this: Crystal Mark 3 Law 9.7 states: After the first player to play has delivered the first bowl, no-one has the right to challenge the legality of the original position of the jack.

Our agreed spring tour to Bembridge on the Isle of Wight goes ahead as planned, with fifty members agreeing to attend. As a result of these numbers and the availability of rooms booked to us for the bowls money knockout games, I have had to close the attendance sheet. We are taking fifty members to this function which is I believe the most going away so far. I have all the rooms allocated to the attending members (except one) and I am in the middle of completing our requests for motor car vouchers for the ferry. I would appreciate attending members advising me of their updated registration numbers and with whom they are travelling with please. A telephone call to these facts would be much appreciated.

Courtesy of Langstone Cliff Hotel

Hopefully we will arrive at the hotel at Dawlish Warren by around 7pm to 7.30pm (In time for the evening meal anyway). Tuesday will again see us at Dawlish Bowls Club on a very interesting green in the centre of the town. All of you who went last year will remember the crowds of tourists who stood overlooking the games and appreciate this venue. Hopefully we get the weather.

Devon Summer Tour 2016 Trisha and I have been working hard on the summer tour matches and so far I can report we are with the same coach people as last time which means we will have a fifty-two seater coach from Pavilion to take us to all matches and return us to the club on the Friday. The tour will be between Monday 5th September through to Friday 9th September 2016. This year our first game en-route to Dawlish will be at Lyme Regis Bowling Newsletter of Worthing Pavilion BC

Dawlish Lawns Courtesy of J. Holliman

Wednesday we will return to Marina Bowls Club (also in Dawlish) for another go at this club. I hope it's not as windy as last time because I remember how cold it got there. Thursday remains to be agreed, but I am trying to get Teignmouth Bowls Club again, but await their system



Dawlish Marina BC

replying to me. If this club is not available to us then others are known. This fixture awaits future confirmation, The travel, hotel costs and game charges should cost out at around ÂŁ400 each (this figure still to be agreed with the tour treasurer). I have now put up the list for attending this tour - so the first come first served applies, as we are limited to the agreed thirty rooms booked at the hotel. (The number of rooms does include some single ones). If you would like to come on this tour please put your name forward when you can. The list can be found in the usual place just outside the corridor leading to the secretary's office. Any questions about these tours please call me when I hope I can answer them. Winter well.

Dining at the Langstone Cliff’ Hotel

Tim Baldwin Tour Secretary

Langstone Cliff Hotel with indoor and outdoor pools

Enjoy afternoon tea on the veranda or lovely lawn

Newsletter of Worthing Pavilion BC

Coaching Does Pay Off!!



Social Scene

2016 Social Diary

01903 521908

Whist Drive


Sunday 3 January 2016 Last Friday of each month starting at 2pm. Contact Ron Colbourne. 01903 204503

MIXED FUN DRIVE Tea & Biscuits

Please remember that if you know of a club member who has been hospitalised, or otherwise unwell, or even not seen at Pavilion for a while, notify the Club Welfare Officer: or

Connaught Theatre Trip

Hon Secretary Peter Woods th

Saturday 13 February 2016

Sister Act + Meal @ CasaCiro

At the club or on the above Telephone Number

Valentine Dinner / Dance


Friday 6 November 2015

Quiz & Buffet

London Theatre Trip

Xmas Raffle


Squares for the Xmas Raffle are available for sale on the board by the bar. Payment for squares are to be made over the bar. Donations of prizes or cash towards prizes are welcome and can be deposited with the secretary, Denis Dixon or other member of the Social Committee. The sale of squares has been disappointingly low so far!!


Musical th

Wednesday 18 November 2015

Matinee Performance th

Thursday 18 February 2016

Winchester Xmas Market th

Quiz & Buffet

Monday 30 November 2015 th

Wednesday 16 March 2016

Support your club! London Theatre Trip

Xmas Dinner Dance

Monty Python’s Musical

Saturday 5 December 2015


List on notice Board

Date to be decided

Xmas Lunch

Tour of Amex Stadium



Thursday 10 December 2015 List on notice Board

Date to be decided

Acknowledgement and thanks to Edward Cripps, Sharon Pratt, Warwick Davis, Peter Woods, Tim Baldwin and Dennis Dixon for their contributions not forgetting Ron Atkinson AKO Cartoons for his permission to use his cartoons, Edited by Anthony Powell email –

Newsletter of Worthing Pavilion BC


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