March 2014 Newsletter

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post MARCH 2014

BRITISH SUMMER TIME BEGINS 2am SUNDAY 30th MARCH 2014 Inside this Edition

Playing Matters: Match Reports Ladies’ News Match Reports Touring Club: AGM – Updates Junior Section News and Achievements Social Scene: Regular Activities Functions Theatre Trips Notices: Welfare

National Singles Congratulations to Bill Murphy who won his National Singles Area Semi-Final against John Biggs of Victory 21-10 on nd the 22 January. Bill has now reached the Regional Area final and will play Darren Griffith of Ryde Airfield Isle of Wight.

Rotary Exhibition A big thank you to all those that helped on the club stand at The Rotary Club Hobbies and Leisure Exhibition at The nd Assembly Rooms on the 22 February 2014 especially the two master sales persons who stayed all day, Marjorie Saunders and Eric Henshaw; never seeming to flag in promoting our club. We had a draw on the stand for a bottle


An early start for Eric Henshaw

of Champagne and had thirty-seven legible cards placed in our jar. The draw will be on the first day of our open week end. Not all the visitors to the stand filled in a card but most took an invitation to our open day; approximately one hundred plus brochures were given out. Before finishing with the thank you’s a large thank you to Eric Henshaw who must get a special mention for helping me set up the stand on Friday afternoon and finishing off the set up early Saturday morning; and was still there at the end when dismantling the stand. We had a visit from Noah Fisher and Herbie; the Mayoress and her help dog. It was noticeable that a large percentage of enquiries came from ladies. Those club members that helped out on the day included, Eric Henshaw, Terry Urben, Marjorie Saunders, Kate Urben, Bennie Bennett, Gordon Kibbles, Sharon Pratt, Geoffrey Pratt, Esme Clough, Richard Calvert and Edward Cripps.

Malcolm Gilbey

Playing Matters March Fixture Card excerpt NB: Check website for any changes Mens’ Friendlies (and Mixed Matches) 02 05 08 09 12 15 15 16 19 23 26 29

Mens’ League 01 22

Arun King Alfred

Ladies’ Friendlies 04

Newsletter of Worthing Pavilion BC

Falaise # Southwick # Worthing Wealden Tarring Priory Arundel # Egerton Park * Insurance # Lancing Adur # Henfield # Sutton



SCWIBA Grattons Worthing *

# indicates mixed match * indicates away match

Match Reports Friendlies Pavilion v Falaise (Away) On Sunday 26th January 2014 a mixed team from Pavilion travelled to Hastings to play a friendly match at Falaise Bowls Club. This away fixture was played in a happy atmosphere, but sadly for the Pavilion players the result was not a happy one as they lost by 96-130 losing on five rinks and winning only one. The winning Pavilion rink comprised:Dennis Lindup Margaret Marriott Dennis Jones Bryan Bodicoat (skip) With a score of 32-11 that included a magnificent 'Hot - Shot'.

Pavilion v Croydon IBC On Saturday 1st February 2014 Pavilion played Croydon IBC at Pavilion in the annual return match; overturning the loss inflicted away at Croydon earlier in the season by winning 122–80, on five rinks and losing only one rink. Top Pavilion rink comprised:Jim Lindup Ben Benfield Brian Graham Chris Scott (Skip)

Pavilion v London Transport London Transport Bowling Association arrived at Pavilion for the annual friendly nd match on Sunday 2 February 2014 five players short of the required twenty-four. Pavilion Captain Edward Cripps fortunately managed to kidnap five Pavilion bowlers to fill the gaps. This could have been the reason for Pavilion’s downfall, as we proceeded to lose the match by 95-110 winning on only two rinks and losing on four. Top Pavilion rink comprised:John Eldridge Terry Urben Stephen Clarke-Lambert Ted Cripps (Skip)

Pavilion v Marine Gdns BC

Pavilion v W. Sussex Tourists

On Wednesday 5th February Marine Gardens Outdoor Bowls Club; close neighbours of Pavilion, travelled the short distance from the sea front to Pavilion Road for one of their half dozen or so forays into indoor rinks. Their limited use of indoor rinks was apparent when Pavilion won the match by 172-81 points. Pavilion won on five rinks and lost on one rink. Pavilion top rink comprised:-

The second triples match between Pavilion and West Sussex Tourists was played on Saturday 15th February which saw Pavilion run out victors for the second time; with a slightly larger margin than the November encounter. Pavilion won 120-76 with five of the six rinks. Pavilion top rink comprised:-

Pat Edmonds Dennis Allen Phil Carter Tim Baldwin (Skip)

Pavilion v Grattons IBC The return match between Pavilion and Grattons took place at home on Saturday 8th February 2014 and saw a reversal of fortunes. At the away match Pavilion lost by eighteen shots, but the score at home Pavilion won 168-73 a difference of eighty-five shots and winning on all six rinks! Top rink comprised:Alan Page Roy Anscombe Tom Bates Mervyn Hilton (Skip)

Bennie Bennett Terry Urben Tim Baldwin (Skip) This was a typically rowdy, but good humoured contest played in good spirit.

Pavilion v Aldingbourne Aldingbourne visited Pavilion on Wednesday 19th February 2014 for our annual friendly fixture. Pavilion won 146-90 taking five of the six rinks to Aldinbourne’s one, It was a very enjoyable afternoon for all concerned. Pavilion top rink comprised:Joe Barrass Joan Barrass Esme Clough Chris Scott (Skip)

Edward Cripps Captain

Pavilion v Old Coulsdon (Away) On Sunday 9th February 2014, three rinks of players left Pavilion to play Old Coulsdon, near Croydon. The home side won on two rinks, with Pavilion winning the remaining third rink by one shot. Winning Pavilion rink comprised:Zoe Wright Pat Cripps John Wright Ted Cripps (Skip)

Ladies’ News Match Reports Pavilion Ladies v Pavilion Men Pavilion Ladies’ hosted a match against st their male counterparts on Tuesday 21 January. It was a very close match, with the lead changing several times during the afternoon. The Men eventually just won by 110 107 but the Ladies’ won on three rinks, drew on one and only lost on two. The winning rink by 26-9 shots comprised:-

Pavilion v SCBA Pat Edmonds Ann Button Carol Artley Esme Clough (Skip)


On Wednesday 12 February 2014 Pavilion was host to SCBA for the annual friendly match and won 161-103 taking five and losing one rink. Top Pavilion rink comprised:Terry Urben Bennie Bennett Dennis Jones Mervyn Hilton

Newsletter of Worthing Pavilion BC

Pavilion v Adur IBC th

On 28 January 2014 we entertained Adur IBC and despite them being a large club they were only able to bring five rinks. Pavilion won this match 102– 85, winning on three rinks, drawing one and losing one. 2

PAVILION POST Top rink comprised:Elizabeth Haynes Zoe Wright Ann Marshall Carol Artley On the spare rink a triples game was played between Pavilion players and this was won by:Ley Elliott Pat Cripps Carol Tillett

Pavilion v Grattons IBC (Away) th

4 February 2014 saw the Ladies going away to Grattons. Unfortunately we lost this match 91– 27 shots Top rink for Pavilion comprised:Pat Edmonds Julie Woods Carol Tillett Esme Clough

Pavilion v Eastbourne IBC (Away) th

11 February 2014 saw the Ladies going away to Eastbourne, another big club and we had a very good win over them 114–106; Pavilion winning on five rinks and only losing one. Top Pavilion rink comprised:Gene Mears June Braiden Diana Murray Esme Clough

Pavilion v Wealden IBC (Away) th

On 18 February 2014 we went away to Wealden. After a good match and some close games on some of the rinks Pavilion lost by 105–145 shots. Top rink for Pavilion comprised:Lauren Brennan Ted Cripps Pat Cripps Carol Artley

County Pairs th

On Saturday 18 January Sharon Pratt and Marjorie Saunders played a county pairs match at home against a strong Adur pair and lost by 31-9 shots. Carol Artley and Joan Barrass went to rd Arun on Thursday the 23 January to

play a county pairs match that they lost 21-9 shots.

County Patron’s Fours th

On Sunday 26 January a team of Pavilion Ladies travelled to Wealden Bowls IBC to play a match in the County Patron Fours. The Pavilion team comprising Julie Woods, Joan Barrass, Marina Crayston Esme Clough won 23-6 and progress through to the next round.

County Patron’s Unbadged Triples On Friday 31st January 2014 Pavilion’s Joan Barrass Marina Crayston and Esme Clough played Egerton Park at Pavilion in the County Patrons unbadged triples. Despite playing a very good match the Pavilion trio lost 17–14 shots.

Bembridge Warwick stated he would be continuing to organise the tour to Warner’s at Bembridge, whilst Tim will take over organising the summer tour to Dawlish Warren. Warwick distributed the tickets for the rd 11am ferry 3 March from Portsmouth and went over the final details.

Dawlish Warren There was a general discussion about th th this tour planned for Mon 8 – Fri 12 September 2014. Tim explained that everything is on course; liaison with the hotel management was going very well and outlined the allocation of rooms.

County Patron Fours th

On Friday 14 February Pavilion‘s Julie Woods Joan Barrass Marina Crayston and Esme Clough played Worthing indoor bowling club at home and after a very exciting match won by 18–15 shots. They are now in the quarter finals. Well done ladies and good luck.

Ann Button Ladies’Captain

Touring Club The following is a resume of the Pavilion Bowling Touring Club AGM held at th Pavilion on Thursday 20 February 2014 at 7pm.

Election of Officers: Warwick Davis stood down as the coordinator/ organiser, with Tim Baldwin taking over the reins. Don Elliot agreed to continue as treasurer.

One of two indoor pools at Langstone Cliff Hotel

A number of matches have been provisionally planned:1. 2. 3. 4.

Bridport (enroute) Dawlish Marina Bowls Club Teignmouth Bowls Club

Tim mentioned that deposits of £30 per head are required as soon as possible. There is still room for more members to join the tour. If you are interested in this tour please speak to Tim Baldwin.

Any Other Business Portugal Tim Baldwin informed the meeting that he had been approached by two representatives of Algarve Bowls who were looking to engage bowling clubs to tour Portugal in the Eastern Algarve and nearby Andalucía, Spain.

Accounts: Don Elliot presented the accounts to the meeting, audited by Esme Clough.

Election of Auditor: Esme Clough was also elected to continue as the Hon Auditor of the touring club accounts. Newsletter of Worthing Pavilion BC

The Algarve Boasts 365 days of Sunshine a year


PAVILION POST Tim had made some provisional costing for such a tour that included half board accommodation and this worked out to be in the region of £350 per head for seven days; based on a minimum number of eight sharing two to a room. The cost of flights would of course be extra. From the discussion that followed it was suggested that late September 2015 would probably be the better time of the year to tour in the Algarve, as the temperature will not be so intense and air travel not quite so expensive. Tim asked members to give this venue some thought and let him know if they would be interested. Further information can be found at Other suggested venues for a potential tour during the summer 2015 included Norfolk, as well as East Kent. Any other suggestions should be directed to Tim Baldwin. The meeting concluded about 8pm.


George, James, Stephen and Luke pictured at Arun IBC

EBYDS County Finals th

Juniors’ Section Latest Achievements SCWIBA Finalist Pavilion’s Lauren Brennan was runner up in the SCWIBA under twenty-fives’ th Ladies’ Singles, held on Sunday 26

Silverware for Lauren

January 2014 at Bexhill IBC; losing out to Emma Cooper of Egerton Park. Well Done Lauren!

On Saturday, 25 January, the English Bowls Youth Development Scheme County Finals took place at Horsham IBC, featuring Worthing Pavilion BC Juniors, James Brennan, Dominic Camisa, Michael Landy, Oliver McGregor, and Joshua Tomley. Dominic, Michael, and Joshua have only recently completed their initial training. They competed in a morning of ‘round robin’ singles and assorted skills tests in the afternoon. James and Oliver performed particularly well all day. Oliver came third in both the singles and the skills; James was fourth in the singles and second in the skills. The points from both sessions were added together to decide the overall champion and whilst both the single and skills were won by Ajay Morphett from Egerton Park IBC; making him the overall champion, James came second three points behind, with Oliver a further two points away in third place. The champion and the runner-up automatically qualify for the regional finals which will be held in April, so James will definitely be going and Oliver may make it if there are any spare spaces. All in all, a very good result for WPBC, showing that the future of bowls is in very capable hands with Pavilion’s coaches.

Challenge Cup’ a senior’s competition that was played at Arun Indoor Bowls club, in which they played four matches in a round robin format. As far as results went, the boys lost first against last year's champions (WPBC seniors), they then played Sussex Masonic and proudly picked up ten points for a win! After lunch the boys were teased by Arun 'A' who went on to take second place......before a needle match against SCIBA Executive which they eventually lost 18-5, but certainly did not disgrace themselves. Considering the opposition they played and the limited numbers of years that the Pavilion youngsters have played bowls, to gain one win and to not finish in last place was in itself a victory. Oh, they came tenth of twelve teams and for interest sake, Grattons and Adur came below Pavilion’s under eighteens.

John Bates Challenge Cup Pavilion quartet George Burrett, James Brennan, Stephen Clarke-Lambert, and Luke Gray took part in the ‘John Bates

Newsletter of Worthing Pavilion BC


PAVILION POST Connaught Theatre

Social Scene

Worthing Musical Comedy Society

Bridge We play Rubber Bridge (cut in) every Tuesday night 6.30pm. Contact John Combleer 01903 230833

Cribbage th

Wednesday 12 March 2014 7pm for 7-30pm. Entrance £2.00 includes coffee and prizes. Further Info from John Murray by email:

Jesus Christ Superstar

Friday 2nd May 2014 7-30pm Performance Zoe Wright has reserved twenty premier balcony seats @ £18 or £16.50 if a block of ten or twenty seats are sold. List on the Social Notice Board 2

Quiz Night & Buffet th

Friday 25 April 2014

Cine Horse Racing & Ploughman’s th

Wednesday 19 March 2014

Shuffleboard & Fish ‘n’ Chips th

Wednesday 14 May 2014

July 2014

Whist Drive Last Friday of each month starting at 2pm. Contact Ron Colbourne. 01903 204503


01903 521908 Please remember that if you know of a club member who has been hospitalised, or otherwise unwell, or even not seen at Pavilion for a while, to notify the Club Welfare Officer: Peter Woods on the above Telephone Number or alternatively inform Hon Sec Bryan Bodicoat

Acknowledgements and thanks to Malcolm Gilbey, Ted and Pat Cripps, Ann Button and Tim Baldwin for their contributions, not forgetting Ron Atkinson AKO Cartoons for his permission to reproduce his cartoons. Contributions for the next newsletter should reach the editor by 20th March preferably via email

Newsletter Worthing Pavilion BC Editor TonyofPowell email


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