October Newsletter

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CLUB AGM TO BE HELD AT PAVILION THURS 20TH OCTOBER AT 7pm Inside this Edition Playing Matters: Club Finals Men’s Meeting Ladies’ Captain Touring Club: Summer Tour Coaching Update: Successes Crime Prevention Advice: IT Club Website: Miscellany: Spot the Difference Secretary’s Notes Social Scene Welfare

2016 at Worthing Hospital after a reoccurrence of a serious illness. Peter was born in Robertsbridge, East th Sussex on 6 January 1928. He served three years with the Royal Air Force and later became an optician. Not many people will know but Peter was seemingly awarded the Freedom of the City of London. Peter married his wife Dorothy in 1950 and they had two sons, Peter and David. Sadly Dorothy passed away in 2004. He was a long term member of the club and served on the board of directors as house director for several years. Last season Peter was also the manager of the ‘C’ team in the WSML. Peter was also an active member of the touring club at some time in the past. His presence will be missed. Our thoughts are with his family and companion June at this sad and difficult time.

Sat 22 Denny Cup v Palmerston 2H/2A Sun 23 Top Club v Atherley A # Ladies’ Friendly Matches Tue 04 Opening Drive Wed 26 Pavilion Men Ladies’ League Matches Tue 11 Arun * Tue 18 Horsham * Sat 27 Yetton Trophy v Denton Island 2H/2A


Indicates Away Match


Indicates Mixed Match

Club Finals Weekend rd

Saturday 3 September

Editor Peter Pullan

Silver Jack J.Bergin 15

Two Wood Pairs

Playing Matters J.Davis 21 C.Davey

1928 - 2016 Club members joined family and friends th at Worthing Crematorium on Friday 9 September 2016 for the funeral of Pavilion member Peter Pullan, who nd passed away on Monday 22 August

Excerpt from October Fixture Card NB: Check website for any changes Mens’ Friendlies (Mixed Matches) Sun 02 Sat 08 Sun 16 Sun 23 Wed 26 Sat 29

Opening Drive Preston * Langney #* Victory # Pavilion Ladies Denton Island #

Mens’ League Matches etc Sun Sun Sat Tue Peter Pullan


21 J.Simpson

09 U25 double rink v IOW 1H/1A 09 Worthing IBC 15 Eastbourne 18 Over 60s interclub v Victory A 1H/1A

Newsletter of Worthing Pavilion BC

11 A.Vidler S.Davey Young at Heart

M.Gardiner 16

21 M.Hosking

Men’s Championship Singles M.Hosking 21

16 J.Westlake

Ladies’ Championship Singles C.Artley 21

11 P.Edmunds Mixed Pairs

R.Calvert 21 A.Button

20 S.Davey J.Bacon

Drawn Handicap Pairs A.Sweetman-Hicks 24 12 M.Hosking R.Bashford P.Carter


Sunday 4 September Australian Pairs C.Scott 12 D.Lindup

25 J.Westlake M.Hosking

Tom Osborne Cup (Sunday morning pairs) R.Leggett 19 M. Bonnar

17 D.Cornwell P.Hillsden

Two Wood Plate (Ladies’) P.Cripps 12

06 L.Elliott

Two Wood Yard Stick (Ladies’) S.Pratt 14

08 A.Button

Warwick Davis Plate R.Calvert 21

09 J.McCormick

Championship Pairs T.Honnor 25 P.Bunce

23 J.Simpson R.Krupa

Handicap Singles J.Bergin 22

13 A.Muzzell

Two Wood Singles B.Martin 21

be Bryan Bodicoat) and will be available to both male and female club members for selection. This selection sheet will appear as a blue sheet on the board in the usual place if members wish to be selected. Worthing Pavilion A team in the WSBL will be now known as Worthing Pavilion Pirates and their team manager is John Frew with Arthur White assisting him. The B and C teams will be amalgamated and called Worthing Pavilion Buccaneers, the team manager being Tim Baldwin assisted by Paul Wilson. Pirates will be in division one of the league, and Buccaneers will be in division two. There was some concern expressed by the Competition Secretary - Gerry Shallis on play by dates as expressed on the competition sheets displayed on the boards, and a general discussion took place on these. The end result was that the competition secretary will now apply a harder line on non-played games that go past the requested play by dates as published and will take very strict action on members who fail to clear their games in the quarter and semi-final periods by the allotted dates. These actions will alleviate past problems experienced by him over the years. The floor hoped he would action these matters as advised. All other appropriate men's playing committee members made their reports to the floor and were thanked for their efforts over the past outdoor season.

11 M.Hosking

Well done to all finalists.

Timothy Baldwin Secretary Men’s Playing Committee

Men’s Autumn Meeting The men's playing committee called the autumn meeting for all male club th members on Thursday 15 September 2016 and disappointedly only thirty-two paid up male members turned up. The main topic of conversation was around whether the club should continue with three teams in the West Sussex Bowls League, or drop down to two. Additionally the floor was asked to consider joining (actually re-joining) the Stracey Brodie league and cup competitions, mainly played on Saturdays against local teams in our area, during the outdoor season next year. After a protracted discussion it was voted by twenty-nine to three to drop down to two teams in the WSBL and enter the Stracey/ Brodey competitions. The latter will be selected on name application by the club captain (In the case of this competition for 2017 it will

I would also like to thank everyone for supporting my charity Chestnut Tree House which has raised £652.37. Without everyone's support, in whatever capacity, I could not have done the role so a very big thank you.

Sharon Pratt Ladies’ Captain

Touring Club 2016 Summer Tour Day one of the late summer tour to Dawlish certainly started with a fizz rather than a bang as though to speak. What with the persistent early rain, as well as Pat and Ted Cripps being unable to join the party for the outward trip put a dampener on things. Several couples decided to take their cars instead of travelling on the coach. Ken and Pam Nuttall were one such couple who took their own car, as they intended to drive up to Herefordshire directly after the tour. However despite an early start things did not go exactly to plan for Ken and Pam from the outset. Their car was packed to the gunnels for their extended vacation, but it wasn't until they reached Havant en-route to Lyme Regis, that Ken realised that something important was missing; his bowling gear, and he was due to play in the opening match of the tour at Lyme Regis later that afternoon. Being conscientious, Ken turned around and returned home to recover his

Ladies’ Captain This will be my last report as Ladies’ Captain after a very successful year for the ladies winning more matches both indoors and outdoors. We have progressed to further rounds when representing the club in both county or other competitions. Indoors highlights are County Patrons Unbadged Triples team of Julie Woods, Marina Crayston and Esme Clough winning the title and receiving their indoor county badges. SCWIBA League improving on our results and finishing within 1.5 points of other teams. Outdoor highlights include a lovely summer with the sun shining most days. The Ladies C&M Trophy League Division 2 was close with four teams finishing within one point of each other. We finished fourth due to shot difference. Well done to all the ladies who played.

Newsletter of Worthing Pavilion BC

Ted exchanging fashion tips?


PAVILION POST bowling bits and pieces and somehow managed to get to Lyme Regis in good time. However whilst extricating his bowls bag from the tightly packed car Ken then strained a muscle in his arm. He was in so much pain Alan Page came to his rescue and took over as a substitute. The hosts at Lyme Regis Bowls Club gave us an exceptionally warm welcome and helped ferry members’ bowls bags by car from the coach park down the incredibly steep and lengthy hill to their clubhouse, where a superb light lunch/ desert had been laid on for us. The Lyme Regis green is maintained on a day to day basis by a dedicated group of members, with specialists applying periodical treatments. The green was running quite heavily, a trend found on majority of greens that we visited. This was not helped here by heavy rain two days earlier. The afternoon started with a spider that Rick Baumann won. The home team certainly showed their advantage, narrowly winning the match 111-103 taking three rinks to Pavilion's two, with one drawn rink. Top Pavilion rink went to Tim Baldwin's rink of Malcolm Gardiner, Norman Franklin and Roger Humphrey.

Play underway at Lyme Regis

Luckily the weather held out for us with just a few spots of drizzle. Everyone appeared to have enjoyed the afternoon, after which the hosts were gracious enough to ferry those members that so wished, back up the mountainous hill by car to the waiting coach. No trouble for Peter Moore retrieving his own bowls bag either, as Barry Ledger’s wife Anita had affixed a colourful ribbon to it. We got to the Langstone Cliff Hotel in Dawlish Warren about seven o'clock for a tasty evening meal. Tuesday 6th September saw us looking forward to playing Dawlish Bowling Club at their green situated on the lawns in the midst of picturesque Dawlish itself. The tourists visited this club during their 2014 tour so had some idea of what to expect. The weather was fine as forecasted and the tourists' were bolstered even more by the arrival of Ted and Pat Cripps

before the coach departed from the hotel. A quick change and they were on

Alan Vidler's opposites included Sharon Hustler; the ladies captain, at lead and the well-known Georgie Nown; the ladies' vice-captain, as skip. Georgie Nown in fact won the Devon County mixed pairs with her husband, so both were formidable opponents.

The Clubhouse at Dawlish BC

the coach ready to join the tour, with Ted playing the part of a non-playing captain for the afternoon, dressed accordingly of course. Pavilion member John Westlake who was on holiday visiting family in the area took time out from his holiday to visit us, both at the hotel and on the green at Dawlish. Coming to the end of busy season the rinks were showing their toll, with worms being flattened by every bowl delivered. Again, a small team of club members partake in the daily maintenance of their green. How would we survive at home without a green keeper? As anticipated our hosts fielded an extremely competitive side and Dawlish won on the scoreboard 116 to 95. Notwithstanding this, Pavilion did win three rinks to Dawlish's two with one rink drawn, so Ted declared that we were the winners. Top Pavilion rink went to Peter Moore, Roger Humphrey, Alan Vidler and John Eldridge. Yet another most enjoyable afternoon for everyone, including the constant flow of passers-by who stopped to watch some of the play. No doubt this was the jewel in the crown as far as venues on the tour. It was a relatively short journey back to our hotel where another splendid meal awaited us. On Wednesday morning we awoke to a murky sea mist that travelled with us to Dawlish Marina Bowling Club; just a five minute coach journey from the Langstone Cliff Hotel. We received the customary warm welcome from the members of Dawlish Marina B.C. There were several old faces from our last visit to the club two years ago with whom to get reacquainted. Dawlish Marina’s green is maintained at the expense of the local authority, but there is some disquiet amongst members regarding the contractor's maintenance practises. To be fair the green did seem very tired, patchy was very heavy going and full of worm casts despite having been swept just before the match, leading to the demise of many worms. Newsletter of Worthing Pavilion BC

Alan Vidler and Georgie Nown study the head

The match was played in a friendly atmosphere but Pavilion won 129-77 taking five rinks to the host’s single rink. Unfortunately Ken Nuttall who started the match had to pass the baton to substitute Graham Farley as his recent injury prevented him from continuing. Top Pavilion rink went to Peter Moore, Graham Farley, Don Elliot and Malcolm Gardiner. Despite the misty, murky conditions; that lasted all day, everyone seemed to have had an enjoyable afternoon bowling and yes the sun did break through eventually, dot on 5pm as forecasted. A short coach journey saw us back at the hotel within ten minutes, with an excellent evening meal on the cards. We awoke to a beautiful day with wall to wall sunshine on our last full day on

The Superb facility at Starcross BC

Thursday, ideal weather for our final match with another local club at Starcross, just a stone’s throw from the hotel. We received the usual warm Devonian welcome from the players of Starcross Bowls Club. This club has similarities to Pavilion inasmuch as it is also a private, club albeit with a relatively low membership of around eighty or so bowlers. A dedicated team of members look after the day to day maintenance of the green, that was a real credit to them.


PAVILION POST The National Lottery funded their new and purpose built clubhouse, all round it appears a superb facility. Starcross won the match 128 to Pavilion’s 104 taking four rinks to Pavilion’s two. Top Pavilion rink went to Tim Baldwin, Pat Cripps, Colin Johnson and Tony Powell.

Last evening meal of the tour

After a delightful meal there was a sombre moment of reflexion and a toast to the memory of recently departed member and past tourist Peter Pullan, whose funeral was the following day. The evening ended with the usual hilarity of the last night Kangaroo Court with tourists’ being fined left, right and centre, by Tim for alleged indiscretions/ misdemeanours during the tour. Even his dear wife Tricia was not safe from his merciless clutches. It is impossible to remember all Tim’s victims such was his quick delivery and wit, save to say that he took more fines in that hour than you would expect a justice of the peace during a morning sitting in a magistrates’ court. Oh! and there is no appeal procedure here either. The following are some samples of the alleged misdemeanours / fines awarded e.g.  Dennis Lindup Fined £10 for failing to secure his car on Ken Nuttall’s driveway prior to leaving for Bembridge with Ken and Pam earlier this year.  Ken Nuttall Fined £2 for forgetting his bowling kit. Also Fined £2 for losing his car keys and causing consternation to other tourists and hotel staff helping in the search for the said keys.  John Eldridge Fined £1 for delaying the coach on day one, whilst he took an early comfort break.  Bill Caroll Fined £2 for getting help from the coach driver to remove his belt? Fined £1 for accepting £1 from a fellow tourist to look after his bag outside the Dawlish club house, when he had already volunteered to look after all the bags for free. Fined for attempting to arrange a lift home on the club coach for one of the members of the opposition, Bill put £20 in the charity box as an indemnity for the rest of the evening.

Roger Humphrey Fined £1 for Gluttony insofar that he was on a top rink on two occasions.  Clyde Fordyce Fined £5 for causing concern and annoyance to other hotel guests by snoring in the lounge. Also fined £2 for leaving his shoes at Lyme Regis.  Malcolm Gardiner Fined £2 for cross dressing inasmuch as he borrowed his wife’s feminine, delicate and ornate designer spectacles e.g. £1 for each eye.  Lucy Gardiner Fined £1 for aiding and abetting Malcolm.  Graham Foreshaw. Fined £5 for not having club stickers on his bowls.  George Beer. Fined £1 for allegedly chatting up a female member of staff at the hotel.  Jim Saunders. Fined £1 for losing his hat on the first day.  Alan Page Fined £3 for boasting that he was just too good to be fined.  Peter Moore. Fined £2 for Gluttony inasmuch that he was on two top rjnks.  Mr Barré Liezzure aka Mr Barry Ledger. Fined £2 for shouting encouragement to the opposition to beat Peter Moore’s rink, to prevent them getting top rink. (I might add just one of the many fines for Barry)  Anita Ledger. Fined £1 for ordering excess beverages to the detriment of seven others?  Rick Baumann and John Eldridge each Fine £1 for flaunting a locally purchased snack rink side, in front of other hungry tourists.  Warwick Davies. Fine £2 for public nudity inasmuch that he removed his sandals in public.  Jill Campbell. Fined £1 for a wrong bias, also Fined £1 for neglecting herself by missing a breakfast. The list goes on. However I trust that this gives you a flavour of the late but costly entertainment on our last evening. The laughter was infectious; at one time I thought that poor Bill Carroll was going to burst a blood vessel! Nigh on £300 was donated by the tourists to the Sussex Snowdrop Trust charity for sick children. Tim would like to thank you all for taking part. Ted Cripps presented the awards for top lady bowler of the tour to Jackie Pearson, and to the top male player Tim Baldwin. There were quite a few new tourists, who hopefully enjoyed the whole experience of the tour and for whom this will not be their last. I am sure you will all join me in thanking Tim, Tricia and Don for all their hard and painstaking work to ensure the tour ran smoothly.

Editor Newsletter of Worthing Pavilion BC

Coaching Update Coaching Successes During the course of a year we train many new members and we take great pride in the fact that these members go on to perform really well in club matches and knockout competitions. They are also taking an increasing part in the league teams, with some success. This is the way forward for our club to bring on our own club players to take part in competitive matches at all levels. By bringing on new bowlers we can maintain continuity and the club spirit remains strong! We thought it would be interesting to analyse the results from the finals weekend. In all, there were fourteen club competitions and in these competitions there were thirty-eight participants. Some of those were obviously people who were in more than one final, as with Malcolm Hoskins who was in five finals and he won three of them. However of the thirty-eight there were sixteen people who have come through the coaching scheme. Two coaches were also in finals this made it up to eighteen out of thirty-eight. Seven of the sixteen were ladies, so they had a brilliant year as well. What a magnificent achievement for the coaching team. A whisker off 50%, WOW, who says coaching doesn’t work. One result was amazing, Richard Krupa and Jeremy Simpson lost to Terry Honnor and Peter Bunce by only TWO shots 23-25. They were leading for half of the match and many of the spectators were willing them on to win. We always support the underdogs, don’t we? They didn’t win but it was very nearly a major upset. Many congratulations to both of them. It was also great to see John Bergin and Jeremy Simpson both winning titles. They competed against each other in the Silver Jack and it was a very close run match with Jeremy taking the title. John went into the Handicap Singles final and had an amazing win against Alan Muzzell . Congratulations to Pat Cripps, Sharon Pratt, Ann Button for winning titles, all of whom went through our coaching scheme. Ley Elliott came an honourable second to Pat Cripps in the Two Wood Plate, she is also one of our trainees. We would like to pass our thanks on to all the coaches who were involved with the training of any of the finalists. Also there were many who reached quarter and semi-finals. Overall we think


PAVILION POST the coaching team can all be very proud.

Richard Calvert and Gordon Kibbles Senior Coaches

Crime Prevention There is a phishing email currently in circulation that claims to be from the City of London Police. The departments that it claims to represent include the ‘Fraud Intelligence Unit’ and the ‘National Fraud Intelligence Bureau’. The email is titled ‘compensation fund’ and has a letter attachment that claims to be offering financial compensation to victims of fraud. The letter uses the City of London Police logo. The letter states that in order for compensation to be arranged, the receiver of the email should reply disclosing personal information. It states that HSBC and the South African Reserve Bank have been chosen to handle the compensation claims. All of these claims are false. The email and letter are fraudulent and should not be replied to. Protect Yourself

 Opening

attachments or clicking links contained within emails from unknown sources could result in your device being infected with malware or a virus. The City of London Police and the National Fraud Intelligence Bureau will never email you asking for you to disclose personal information. If you believe you have become a victim of this fraudulent email get your device checked by a professional and make a report to Action Fraud, the UK’s national fraud and cyber crime reporting centre:

Internet Technology Playing Matters

For those who might be interested, the following statistics give an indication of how active the club website has been over the past two months: Hits



Visitors Robots Unique Visitors

60,660 11,876 1,700

63,385 5,000 1,765

Percentage by Country: UK USA Ukraine France China

79.85 4.89 2.10 1.94 ---

88.17 5.77 2.65 --1.71

Referring Search Engines by % Google Microsoft Bing Yahoo Baidu

85.05 7.10 3.78 2.75

79.35 17.27 1.56 0.91

Malcolm Gilbey Webmaster

Spot the Difference? Not exactly rocket science, but can you spot the difference between picture A and picture B?




Secretary’s Notes Playing Matters

Just a reminder that the AGM of Worthing Pavilion Bowling Club Ltd. will th be held on Thursday 20 October at 7pm in the club lounge. Nominations for directors and officers of the club should be received by the th secretary by 12 noon on 7 October. Nomination forms are in the club lounge. Notices for motions to be put to the AGM should be presented to the nd secretary by Thursday 22 September. Full members are eligible to vote at the meeting. Should you be unable to attend the meeting, full members are entitled to request a proxy vote providing they submit the request on the appropriate form (available from the secretary’s office) by 12 noon on th Monday 17 October. We really hope that all full members of the club will attend this meeting to air their views and assist in the future development of the club. As usual there will be the formal business meeting, following by a brief intermission and then an open period to give everyone the opportunity to raise issues, bring up suggestions and ensure that the club members have the chance to have their voices heard. The biggest issue facing the club’s future is continuing to increase our membership and this is where everyone has a role to play. We have a great club, with great members and superb facilities but these facilities are not being used sufficiently to ensure the future security of the club. The directors have worked really hard to promote and improve our environment but they cannot do this on their own. We rely heavily on the efforts, generosity and goodwill of all members to play their part in ‘spreading the word’ about the best bowls club in the area and seeking to encourage and support new members. I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for their help and support throughout the year. Whether it is coaching, maintenance, gardening, assisting with the bar, organising teams or signing up on the team sheets, your efforts are greatly appreciated by the entire club and we could NOT do without you. Everyone can play their part, in some way or another.

Peter Woods

Malcolm Gilbey

Hon Secretary

For those who cannot see the difference the answer is on the back page.

Anonymous Newsletter of Worthing Pavilion BC




Quiz Night

Xmas Dinner/ Dance


Wednesday 12 October 2016 Date amended


Wednesday 9 November 2016


Saturday 10 December 2016

List on board

Worthing Musical Comedy Society NEW nd



Jazz Night With Drjazz Trio rd

Wednesday 23 November 2016 6-30pm for 7pm

Connaught Theatre

Xmas Party th

Monday 19 December 2016 Children are Welcome


Friday 4 November 2016 Include light meal

200 Club

01903 239122

The lucky winners of the September draw were:


Gordon Lingham

No 84


John McCall

No 65


Bryan Bodicoat

No 79

Please remember that if you know of a club member who has been hospitalised, or otherwise unwell, or even not seen at Pavilion for a while, to notify the Club Welfare Officer: Mrs Carol Tillett

Prize Nos drawn by Esme Clough rd on 23 September 2016.

on the above Telephone Number or alternatively inform Hon Sec Peter Woods

Peter Woods Hon Secretary

Spot the Difference Correct Flag A is being flown upside down DON’T FORGET CLOCKS GO BACK AN HOUR 2am ON SUNDAY 30TH OCTOBER

Acknowledgement and thanks to Tim Baldwin, Sharon Pratt, Richard Calvert & Gordon Kibbles, Peter Woods and Malcolm Gilbey for their contributions. Contributions for the next newsletter should reach the editor by 20th October, preferably via email Edited by Anthony Powell – email editor@wpavilionbc.org Newsletter of Worthing Pavilion BC


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