May Newsletter 2nd edition

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Inside this Edition Playing Matters: Fixtures Finals Weekend Rink Etiquette A Word from the Bridge Internet Tech: Website Statistics Circulation of Newsletter Secretary’s Report: Memorial Seat to Ron Relton Finals Weekend


Kay, otherwise known as Kathleen th Nellie Ethel, was born on 27 February 1924 in Henley on Thames the eldest of four children of Ellen and Victor Tooley. In the early 1930’s Victor’s work took the family (then three children) to Worthing and Kay attended Worthing High School for Girls. On leaving school Kay became a clerk at grocers Potter and Bailey’s in High Street, Worthing, where she worked her way up to become head clerk. Kay was just sixteen years of age when she met Walter ‘Wally’ Quaife. They became close friends, yet like so many couples, that friendship was interrupted by the war when’ Wally’ was called up to join the army.

Charity Cards Touring Club: Latest Touring Updates Coaching: Social Calendar

Kay Quaife

Kay Quaife 1924-2016 st

On the afternoon of Friday 1 April 2016 a small contingent of Pavilion members joined family and friends at Worthing Crematorium for the funeral of past Pavilion member Kay Quaife who had th passed away on 7 March after a prolonged, devastating illness. 24/04/2016

During the war years Kay took dancing lessons and became an accomplished ballroom dancer. With her dancing partner she won many competitions including winning the Victor Sylvester Quickstep Cup in London. Kay and Wally married in September 1945 thus setting out on their long and happy marriage of almost fifty years until Wally’s death in 1995. They were not to have children, but they still enjoyed their life together including many holidays abroad. Kay continued to work, moving to a building society which was taken over by the Gateway Building Society, where Newsletter of Worthing Pavilion BC

she was salaries manager until her retirement. Wally retired before Kay and took up bowling. Kay thought that this was all rather boring, but on her own retirement she was persuaded to have a go. The rest, as they say, is history! Kay had a talent for the game and became an accomplished bowler. Kay served a term as Indoor County President, also as Ladies’ Captain at Pavilion in 1987. Looking at the honours boards between 1987 and 2000 Kay shared no less than five indoor doubles championships, three indoor singles championships and two county titles in 1992 and 2000. Apparently Kay had one regret however; inasmuch that the outdoor singles championship eluded her, despite reaching the final on four occasions. Age naturally began to take its toll and Kay’s failing health began to trouble her, especially the onset of dementia. Her close friend and fellow Pavilion member Jim Miles cared for her over many years until Kay needed full time care. In her final years Kay still accompanied Jim to Pavilion to enjoy the occasional midday lunch. It was sad however to witness her progressive frailty. For the past two years Kay had been cared for at the Avon Manor Care Home where her various family members and her good friend Jim were able to visit her. Our thoughts are with Kay’s sister Greta, other members of her extended family and Jim Miles at this sad and difficult time.

Editor Playing Matters Excerpt from May Fixture Card NB: Check website for any changes Men’s’ Friendlies (and Mixed Matches) Sun


Club Pairs Comp W/E #

PAVILION POST Mon Wed Tues Mon Wed Fri

02 11 17 23 25 27



Club Pairs Comp Sussex Masonic # Grasshoppers # Aldingbourne * Pavilion Ladies Horsham (Friendship (Cup) Wiggy Open Fours

Mixed Pairs M. Strong S. Pratt

M. Strong

2 sets-0

S. Davey

Ladies’ Two Wood Singles

Pavilion ‘C’ v Pavilion ‘A’ Pavilion ‘A’ v Pavilion ‘C’ ‘A’ Team v Worthing ‘A’ ‘B’ Team v Tarring Priory ‘C’ Team v Southbourne ‘B’ Team v Storrington ‘C’ Team v Norfolk ‘A’

07 14 21 21 22 24 28

A Word From the Bridge J. Frew S. Gubbins

Memorial Trophy

Men’s League Sat Sat Sat Sat Sun Tues Sat


P. Edmonds


L. Farley

Ladies’ Championship Singles S. Pratt


J. Woods

Championship Triples Ladies’ Friendlies Thurs Thurs Tues Wed Thurs Tues # *

12 19 24 25 26 31

Middleton * Aldingbourne * Storrington Pavilion Men Shoreham Maltravers *

D. Dixon 05-26 G. Farley A. Cheeseman

Ladies’ Championship Pairs J.Barass J. Lewis

Indicates Mixed Match Indicates Away Match

2016 Indoor Finals Results




A. Muzzell



A. Paine R. Leggett

K. Wadhams E. Cripps


106 - 69

E. Clough

Australian Pairs R. Forrester W. Simmoms


T. Parker R. Baumann

Championship Singles J. Brennan


A. Vildler

Ladies’ Drawn Handicap Pairs B. Olley L. Elliott


K. Merrett S. Davey



J. Simpson

Rink Etiquette

C. Davey

Ladies’ 100 Up P.Edmonds


Silver Jack

Two Wood Singles A. Muzzell

J. Frew

Drawn Pairs

Championship Pairs M. Hilton A. White

E. CLough D. Murray

Warwick Davis Plate

Handicap Singles M. Strong

J. Frew W. Murphy B. Bodicoat

L. Farley M. Hancock

Players are yet again reminded about rink etiquette. Where for example a competitive match is in progress on an adjacent rink to members having a roll-up, they should show regard for the players engaged in the competitive match. For example, allowing the player on the mat to deliver his/ her bowl uninterrupted, not moving about in their sight-lines, or otherwise distracting them and avoid the chance of bowls colliding. It is important that you are cognisant of what is happening on adjacent rinks.

Colin Davey Club Coach

Newsletter of Worthing Pavilion BC

As my term in office comes to a close, I would like to inform members that we have passed the target of £1,500 + £45 for my chosen charity, the Kent, Surrey and Sussex Air Ambulance. I would like to thank you all for your support and contributions over the past few years. Those of you who earned a coveted ‘Wrong Bias certificate’ can be proud to have been a key to this achievement. I hope that you will continue to cherish your certificates in the spirit that they were awarded.

Edward Cripps Men’s Captain

Ladies’ Captain The indoor season is drawing to a close and after playing twelve league matches Pavilion ladies achieved 43.5 points, winning four matches in the SCWIBA league which is an excellent result. Well done to all the ladies who played in the county league matches this season. We also won five of our friendly matches and had two losses. The losses were against Pavilion Men in two very closely contested matches. Brigitte Addison has also won her first top rink badge. I must thank all those ladies who stepped in at the last minute to play matches, also those ladies who help before and after the games. Well done all the ladies who were finalists in the indoor club finals this year. Congratulations to Julie Woods, Marina Crayston and Esme Clough who won the Ladies County Patrons Unbadged Triples final against Eastbourne 20-14 on 18th April at Grattons IBC. This is the second year running Pavilion ladies have won this title. The outdoor season is nearly here starting on 29th April and we are looking forward to playing in all our county league and friendly matches. Hopefully the summer will bring lots of sunshine and dry weather. Wishing you all a very enjoyable summer season bowling, whether indoors in the aggregates and leagues, or braving the elements outside.

Sharon Pratt Ladies’ Captain


PAVILION POST Internet Technology Club Website The club website continued to attract a high volume of hits last month with the following statistics: Visitors: 71,852 Robots: 13,155 Unique Visitors: 1,456 Percentage by top three countries for hits: UK 88.82% USA 3.77% China 1.93% Referring Search Engines: Google 88.18% Microsoft Bing 7.00% Yahoo 3.27% Baidu 0.93%

Malcolm Gilbey Webmaster

Newsletter Circulation The club has recently taken delivery of a replacement computer and a copier/ printer that provides more functions than the previous setup. Therefore those members who have confirmed their email addresses with the secretary will now have the current copy of the club newsletter delivered to them as an email attachment. The newsletter will still form part of the club website and a limited quantity will also still be made available in the lounge for those members who do not have access to a computer or a tablet. Electronic circulation is seen to be more efficient, reaching members who for one reason or other cannot get to Pavilion, being particularly mindful of social members. This practice will also probably save the club in the region > £40 a month.

Peter Woods Hon Secretary

husband Ron Relton, who passed away th of 18 December 2015. Ron had been a long term member of the club and organiser of the Matinee Triples League for many years.

Peter Woods Hon Secretary

Peter Woods Hon Secretary

Finals Weekend Charity Cards Finals Weekend has now been and gone and what a super weekend it was!! Congratulations to all members who fought their way through to the finals and many thanks to you all for the generally high quality of play that we, as spectators, were able to enjoy. It was great to see the club buzzing with people – watching, socialising, drinking at the bar and enjoying the meals from Temptations. I cannot remember such a great weekend atmosphere since I joined the club in 2008. Congratulations and thanks to Gerry for his excellent organisation and also to the umpires and markers for all their efforts throughout. The weekend atmosphere shows what a great place Pavilion can and should be!!! So, I urge you all to support the directors in their efforts to breathe further life and energy into the club. We warmly welcome ideas for events, functions and activities - if you have any suggestions then TALK TO US! The bar and Temptations coped really well and a big thank you to all concerned there. They need your continuing support if we are going to continue to develop and indeed thrive. Thank you everyone for making a great weekend. If you missed out recently, why not put your name down for the club members’ pairs tournament coming soon, or come down and watch. Happy Bowling.

This is an update on the sale of the hospice charity cards. In the past two years £830 has been sent to St Barnabas Hospice from the sale of cards to Pavilion members and visitors. Thank you to everyone who donated their used greetings cards for recycling. Please keep returning the plastic covers. Thank you all for supporting the hospice. .

Maureen Holliman

 01903 239122

Peter Woods Hon Secretary


Ron Relton Members may have noticed the new wooden bench on the veranda at Pavilion. This seat was kindly donated by Val Relton as a memorial to her late

200 Club application form etc., If for any reason, you have NOT received notification regarding your membership, or if your situation regarding renewal has changed, please contact me or Elizabeth at your earliest convenience.

You should all have received notification through email or post regarding the new membership renewals that are due on st 1 May. If you have not already done so, please send your renewal subscription to the secretary’s office, together with your Newsletter of Worthing Pavilion BC

Please remember that if you know of a club member who has been hospitalised, or otherwise unwell, or even not seen at Pavilion for a while, to notify the Club Welfare Officer: Mrs Carol Tillett on the above Telephone Number or alternatively inform Hon Sec Peter Woods


PAVILION POST Touring Club Summer Tour th th 5 – 9 September 2016 After a long and protracted discussion with the touring hotel in Dawlish we have been granted the fantastic agreement that all our thirty rooms will be taken at the original costing. This means that we have been given eighteen double and twelve single rooms at the same rates. All the singles should thank their lucky stars - we have a tremendous deal from the hotel. As a result, Don has calculated a final charge at £345.00 per person for the tour. This sum gives us our rooms with half board, coach journeys every day, including the journey from and back to Worthing, and full bowls each of the four days we are playing. (green fees, teas etc.). This also includes lunch at Lyme Regis bowls club on the first day. I am aware that some of the attendees still have yet to pay their deposit of £50.00 per person to Don and I would ask all of you to whom this comment applies, to pay him this sum as soon as possible. Thank you. The balance remaining from each of you will be required by the end of June 2016 so that our treasurer can pay off the hotel and coach company on time. Your assistance with this request would be greatly appreciated by our treasurer.

Spring Tour 2017 Finally, the Spring visit to Bembridge in 2017 is now in place and a list for this tour will be placed in the usual place at the club in due time. The visit will be the usual format of a knockout competition organised by them, with prize cash expected to be in the region of £1,500 as in previous visits. So Warwick and Co. get practising!

Summer Tour 2017 As to next year’s Summer tour, I have begun the enquiries of my friend (next year’s County President in Wiltshire) and Trish and I will be testing the waters for hotels etc. later in the summer. More on this later in the year. Summer well, and enjoy the sun on your backs. Our greens look superb and Vince should be congratulated for all the hard work he has obviously undertaken over the closed season. Enjoy his efforts.

Tim Baldwin

Enjoy morning coffee or afternoon tea on the hotel veranda or lawn


Since our last report in March edition we have coached five associate members, all of whom have joined as full members. Both open days were a disappointment as far as attendance. It was not all doom and gloom however because on th Sunday 20 March seven people attended and all signed up for coaching. On the following Saturday six people attended all of whom also signed up for coaching, so overall it was a success. But it is worth mentioning a vote of thanks goes mainly to Jacky Pearson who invited five of her friends and Gordon Kibbles who invited the sixth person to try bowls on the Saturday. If it hadn’t been for Jacky and Gordon’s initiatives we would not have received any visitors to try bowls or look around the club. Since the open days we have worked very hard, managing to get all those associate members who signed up undergoing their coaching. This has been achieved by the cooperation of all the coaches giving their time and we would sincerely like to thank them all. In case some members are not aware, our two latest qualified coaches Jacky Pearson and Keith Bowden are working alongside experienced coaches teaching associate members and are both doing a very good job. We had a request from the Round Table organisation for a bowls evening with buffet which took place on


Tuesday 22 March, since then we have received an email thanking us for a thoroughly enjoyable evening. We are due to have a bowls evening with a number of Sea Scouts on th Monday 9 May, at 7.30pm. We also have an evening planned for a local th church on the Wednesday 18 May when about twenty will attend. We will report on both events next month. The finals weekend was a great success, with sixteen finals being contested over the two days. We were delighted that four of our coaches reached the finals, namely Graham Farley, Keith Merrett, Trevor Parker and Colin Davey. Both Trevor and Keith won their separate matches. It was interesting to note that out of the forty-eight finalists, twenty were either coaches or members who had been through the coaching scheme. (Note: Some of them were in more than one final.) Gordon has also been teaching people from other clubs in the area to become coaches. They are taught on our premises, but they are charged for the use of our facilities and this brings extra income to the club. Incidentally the coaches do not receive any payment for this, or any other coaching/teaching we undertake.

Richard Calvert & Gordon Kibbles Senior Coaches

Touring Club Secretary Newsletter of Worthing Pavilion BC


PAVILION POST Social Calendar The Social Committee are planning to organise the following functions during the following year. Please keep an eye of the social notice boards in the lounge area closer to the proposed dates, for up to date information.

Goodwood Races

Shuffleboard + Fish ‘n’ Chips

Quiz Night + Buffet


Wednesday 27 July 2016


Wednesday 4 May 2016

List now Closed


Wednesday 9 November 2016

Worthing Musical Comedy Society

Fun Drive


Dinner + Dance

September 2016


Friday 6 May 2016


Saturday10 December 2016

Connaught Theatre List now on notice board

Skittles + Buffet th


February 2017

Wednesday 15 June 2016

Quiz Evening + Buffet st

Friday 1 July 2016

Valentines Dance

October 2016

Local theatre trip

42nd Street

Quiz Night + Buffet


Friday 4 November 2016

March 2017

200 Club This month’s winners were John Holliman, Malcolm Gilbey and Gerry Shallis. There is still time to join the new 200 Club. We need many more names! Forms were with the membership packs or on the table in the lounge.

Peter Woods Hon Secretary

Thanks and acknowledgement to Rev’d Keith Smith, Malcolm Gilbey, Colin Davey, Edward Cripps, Sharon Pratt, Peter Woods, Maureen Holliman, Tim Baldwin, Richard Calvert and Gordon Kibbles for their contributions, not forgetting Ron Atkinson for his permission to use his cartoons. Contributions for the next edition should reach the editor by 20th May preferably by email Newsletter of Worthing Pavilion BC Edited by Anthony Powell - email


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