Newsletter November issue 2

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post NOVEMBER 2014

Inside this Edition Playing Matters: Fixtures Worrying Times Ahead? Club Finances Council Cuts Bite Ladies’ Section Coaching

Marking Course

Touring Club: Update on Bembridge Planetbowls:


Social Scene: Regular Cards Forthcoming Functions Christmas at Pavilion Notices:

Vacancies Welfare

rank of Regimental Sergeant Major, before leaving to return to his profession as a watchmaker, goldsmith and jeweller. In 1983 he and his wife Lilian, retired from running their shops in Hatton Gardens and Balham, moving to Worthing where they took up bowls and joined Pavilion. Arthur became club captain in 1987 and helped to support the development of a junior section. He and John Holliman presented trophies for junior outdoor and indoor singles competitions to encourage junior members to compete, and some are still successful club members today. He continued to support all aspects of the club and will be remembered for his gentle nature, supportive attitude and friendly demeanour. Arthur, without doubt, will be sorely missed at Pavilion and our thoughts are with Lilian at this difficult, sad time.

refrain from totally obliterating their names on the match lists in the event that they find they are no longer available, the practice still persists. Again I would ask that under such circumstances, please just put a single line through your name; so I know who you are, instead of using typex, sticky labels or completely scribbling over your name. This would make my life a lot easier should I have to phone around to make up numbers for matches, as I will not waste time and money telephoning you.

Edward Cripps

Playing Matters

Robin Forrester November Fixture Card excerpts

Arthur Boyens 1924-2014 The funeral of ‘Freeman of the City of London’ and Pavilion member Arthur rd Boyens; who sadly passed away on 3 October after a relatively short period of illness, was conducted at Worthing th Crematorium on Tuesday 14 October 2014.

‘Arthur - a True Gentleman’

Arthur joined the Coldstream Guards after his war service and rose to the 28/10/2015/ Second Edition

NB: Check website for any changes

A Word from the Bridge Review of Friendly Matches. At the closing date Pavilion had played two away matches and one home match; losing one away and one at home. There was also one cancellation by Langney Sports. Our notable match was on Sunday 19th October 2014, the annual away fixture against Victory B.C, Portsmouth. Pavilion was the victor on this occasion, winning by 136 to 106 shots, taking five rinks and losing on only one rink. Top rink players comprised: Alan Page Pat Cripps Ted Cripps and ‘Skip’ Ron Bell who was making a welcome return to WPBC enabling his team to win by 32 to 12 shots. Despite my latet request that members Newsletter of Worthing Pavilion BC

Men’s Friendlies (and Mixed Matches) 02 05 08 09 09 12 15 22 23 26 30

Horsham*# Pavilion Ladies Planet Bowls Planet Bowls nd Egham Trophy 2 Round # 2H/2A Norfolk # Worthing Outdoor West Sussex Tourists Shoreham London Civil Service # Denton Island *#

Mens’ League Matches etc 01 02 09 15 16

Victory (Denny Cup) 2H/2A Adur Worthing IBC * Denny Cup (Chawton Pk) IOW 2H/2A Eastbourne

PAVILION POST Ladies’ Friendlies 11 18

Captain v Vice-Captain Aldingbourne

Ladies’ League Matches etc 08

Yetton Trophy (Worthing/Victory) 2H/2A

* Indicates away matches # Indicates mixed matches

Worrying Times Ahead

Most members will be unaware that the club’s yearly AGM was held on th Thursday 9 October 2014 following the Men’s and Ladies’ separate autumn meetings. The reason I say this is by the small number of members who decided to make the effort to attend. Over the last three years the numbers have been falling year by year with the average attendance of forty members, which to say the least is appalling. Therefore you will not be aware that the club could be heading for a crisis situation, unless members start to take more interest in what is taking place in the club, remembering it is your club. It is no longer viable that members can sit back and say ‘I joined the club to play bowls (which is true) also enjoy the facilities, friendship that it brings and enjoy my retirement (that’s if you are retired) I am quite happy with what the club provides thank you’. That is fine, but do you ever ask yourselves how the club is run? Let me remind you all, with exception to the bar staff all the positions in the club are covered by volunteers with no financial reward, with exception to the secretary who receives a very small honorarium to cover expenses. These voluntary officers at this time carry out their duties diligently, but some have given notice at this year’s annual AGM that they intend to resign in October 2015, including the chairman of the board of directors, club secretary / company secretary. Others may well decide not to put their name forward for re-election? The club captain has also made it clear that unless he gets a vice captain for next year’s 2015 outdoor season he will not continue as captain. As coach co-ordinator for five years up till December 2013 and now assisting Richard Calvert; who is carrying out an excellent job as coach co-ordinator, and from reading the application forms for coaching we have a lot of talented people within the club, who are more

than capable of volunteering for these positions. If members do not come forward it is becoming clear the club will be in crisis. So are there any answers. I personally cannot see any easy solution, except that we will have to recruit paid staff to cover the important position of CLUB SECRETARY. And where will the money come from? You! Our main source of income comes from recruiting new members, where our recruitment director and coaches do a magnificent job. Therefore, if we are unable to recruit enough new members each year to replace those members who are no longer at the club for some reason or another, the monies will have to be found elsewhere. Members could face an additional sum of £60 to £70 per year on their subscriptions. If you look at the club’s accounts sheets you would see that the financial situation shows our yearly surplus is dropping, so the club finances are not healthy enough to cover such an expense for a paid secretary. A final point I wish to make, nearly all sections are suffering from apathy within the membership, that probably believe the club will run itself. I can assure you it will not. For example we recently advertised for volunteers to become coaches and only had one reply, instead of a mix of three ladies and men that we had hoped for. YOUR CLUB NEEDS VOLUNTEERS NOW, NOT NEXT YEAR.

Gordon Kibbles Club Finances There is another burning issue that some members do not seem to understand; the old chestnut regarding finance. Subscriptions alone do not cover expenditure and we have lost sponsors who have not seen any benefit from the money provided to the club, so have withdrawn their sponsorship. We only managed a profit of £1,000 last year and that included the saving of about £8,000 to our electricity bill obtained from the solar panels. That then takes us back to Easyfundraising, which is still under used by members. Only thirty-six members out of four–hundred plus have registered Pavilion as their cause and; one of those is the club itself. Easyfundraising is a great way to raise money for charities, schools, sports clubs, community groups, and other good causes just by shopping online. You don’t pay anything extra. By making your purchases; from all major companies the likes of Amazon, Newsletter of Worthing Pavilion BC

Argos, Marks & Spencer, John Lewis etc., through: the club receives a small donation, sometimes up to 5% of the cost of your purchases. These rewards albeit small, all add up! There is also an app that can be downloaded from ITunes. Equally the site also has a price comparison link that can save you money. With Christmas just around the corner what better way to provide welcomed gifts to Pavilion. . In early September a notice went up saying the club accounts were available from the secretary or by email from and only one person asked for a copy of the accounts, so much is the interest in the club's finance. Then the attendance at the AGM was limited to just forty-seven members with apologies from another sixty-nine. So where were the rest of the club members?? If this is the level of interest shown by members, it is no wonder that the board of directors should question whether they should continue to spend many hours of unpaid work to run the club.

Name Provided Council Cuts Bite At the SCBA meeting this afternoon, the chairman of West Tarring dropped the following bombshell: Worthing Council has had a consultant do a review of ‘Open Spaces’ within the borough which obviously included bowling greens. They were promised a consultation on the report when it was submitted. However they were told on Thursday that as from immediate effect, Field Place and West Tarring would be confined to one green and would lose access to their clubrooms (ie nowhere to have tea or to change). Their mats, pushers, scoreboards etc. would be stored in some far off garage. They are protesting vigorously to Clive Roberts, the council member for leisure and intend to lobby council meetings in the near future. They have asked that all Sussex clubs support their protests and are confident that they will get some better deal. So they ask that we do not consider rearranging any fixtures that we have with them.

Robin Forrester 2

PAVILION POST Ladies’ Section Monthly Review The Opening Drive was an enjoyable start to the season and had something of a feel of the first day at school about it, with over thirty members catching up with each other’s news from the summer and then joining in an afternoon of bowling. We have recently joined the county indoor league and played our first match against Arun on 7th Oct. Unfortunately we lost 66-118 but did win on one rink Esme Clough, Marlene Hancock, Sharon Pratt and Elizabeth Haynes. Our second league match against Horsham on 14th Oct was also lost 72-98 but here we won on two rinks, both with the same score. However the top rink was skipped by Marlene and consisted of Carol Tillett, Margaret Marriott and Sylvia Faithfull. We seem to be progressing in the right direction - let's hope we continue! On 16th Oct eight ladies played in the first round of the Mason Trophy; a national competition, against Worthing Bowling Club and after two close games won 39-36. The home team was Jean Garwood, Marlene Hancock, Pat Cripps and Sylvia Faithfull, whilst the away team was Esme Clough, Marina Crayston, Joan Barrass and Julie Woods. We will play a team from Palmerston in the second round.

Julie Woods Coaching rd

On Thursday 23 October we held another Marking & Measuring Course attended by nine bowlers. The evening went very well with the attendees thoroughly enjoying the session. They were given a 16pp booklet on the marking & measuring they were going to carry out on the course. The evening started with a demonstration of marking, the coaches bowling and marking. The course participants were talked though the session, pointing out the way they should behave on the rink and the duties they would be expected to carry out. Once this session was completed they moved on to carrying out the duties themselves, the participants bowled and marked for each other. Coaches were on hand to answer any questions and to

guide them to become proficient markers. Whilst this was taking place on two rinks, measuring exercises were set up on another rink. The coaches took each candidate through the measuring exercises and advised them on the equipment they need to be able to mark for a match. The following attended the course: Linda and Graham Farley, Mary Cotton, Cherry and Barry Ward, Eric Statton, Alan Fryar, Eric Cook and Jonathan Gauntlett. At the end of the course they were presented with a Certificate of Attendance. We will be running another course in November, this will be held on a Thursday evening starting at 6.30p.m., already we have people on the waiting list. If you would like to attend the next course please give me a ring on 01903 266367 and you will be added to the list.

Richard Calvert Senior Coach

Touring Club Bembridge We currently have twenty-seven members going to the Isle of Wight in November and the outstanding monies are now due to be paid to Don Elliot as soon as possible, if you haven’t already done so. Additionally, if there are any members wishing to go to same venue for the Spring knockout competition, would they please let me know soonest, so that I can arrange for their names to be included in the required notices to Bembridge, that are due out in the not too distant future. The costs will be kept as this Novembers at £231 if you are bowling, others will be at £206 (at this stage).

Tim Baldwin Planetbowls We now have seventy-six entries all told, from all over England and Wales, including two Commonwealth Gold Medallists and ex-England Internationals. We also have a strong local entry. The tournament has been extended to th th three days i.e. Friday 7 Saturday 8 th and Sunday 9 November due to being oversubscribed with entries. Newsletter of Worthing Pavilion BC

All the entries can be viewed on the Planetbowls website after this weekend and also all the information regarding times, facilities will be shown. Full details of the draw will be displayed at the club, so for those members who have entered and do not have a computer facility please check when you are playing Practice will be available from 4.00pm th on Friday 7 November with the tournament now starting at 7.30pm Friday and the final being around 7.30pm on Sunday evening. It will be a very busy weekend at the club as the ladies will be playing in theYetton Trophy, possibly the mixed Egham Trophy and there is also a Men’s League Match at Worthing on the Sunday afternoon; hence the decision was made to begin Planetbowls on the Friday evening. The kitchen will be open throughout the weekend and on the Saturday evening whilst the tournament progresses. There will also be music in the lounge for those watching, playing or just eating and drinking. So come and enjoy the atmosphere. Aero Bowls will also have a stand at the club over the weekend. I will need at least six markers for the first round on Friday evening and so far Peter Pullen, Dennis Allen, Richard Calvert and Gordon Kibbles have volunteered their services. I am sure there have been others that have volunteered, but I could still do with a few more faces. I will also need six markers for noon Saturday and noon Sunday, so if you are happy to help please put your name on a piece of paper and put it in my pigeon hole. We are trying to accommodate everybody’s playing wishes with matches and tournaments, so please bear with us over this very busy/hectic, hopefully very successful weekend for the club, the kitchen and the bar, as well as raising the profile of Worthing Pavilion Bowling Club. Spectators will be welcome and parking is available, although competitors will have priority. Planetbowls will also be returning to Pavilion over the May Spring Bank Holiday 2015 for an outdoors tournament. There will also be a Grand Prix outdoor tournament at Pavilion in September for the top thirty-two bowlers in the Planetbowls outdoor series, with a separate competition running over that weekend. So hopefully all these events along with the usual Worthing Open at Beach House Park in August will keep the reputation of Worthing as a bowling centre.

Warwick Davis. 3



Mixed Fun Drive Xmas NEWSLETTER OF + Luncheon WORTHING PAVILION Tea & Biscuits th


Thursday 11 December 2014



Sunday 4 January 2015

We play Rubber Bridge (cut in) every Tuesday night 6.30pm. Contact John Combeer 01903 230833

Cribbage th

Wednesday 12 November 2014 7pm for 7-30pm. Entrance £2.00 includes coffee and prizes. Further Info from John Murray by email:

Whist Drive Last Friday of each month starting at 2pm. Contact Ron Colbourne. 01903 204503


Your Club Needs You!! IMMEDIATE VACANCY Assistant Secretary This position has been vacant for the past two years and needs to be filled as a matter of urgency. Apart from assisting the current secretary now, this role would prove a useful platform for any candidate willing to take over from Bryan next year. Please speak to Bryan if you are interested in this role.

Forthcoming VACANCY Club/ Company Secretary Bryan Bodicoat has given notice that he will not be standing for re-election next Autumn. If you are interested in being considered for this role please speak to Bryan.

Quiz Night + Buffet th

Wednesday 29 October 2014

Shuffle Board & Fish ‘n’ Chips th

Wednesday 19 November 2014

Xmas Dinner & Dance th


Forthcoming VACANCY

Men’s Vice-Captain

Company Director

This position has been vacant far too long and needs to be filled as soon as possible. The placement provides an ideal platform to learn the ropes, with a view from taking over from Ted next Autumn. Please speak to Ted if you are interested. NB: members are reminded that Ted will not continue as captain outdoors unless he has a vicecaptain in place.

Recruitment & Marketing Malcolm Gilbey has given notice that he will not be standing for re-election next Autumn. If you are interested in being considered for this position please speak to Malcolm.

Saturday 6 December 2014

Newsletter of Worthing Pavilion BC



VOLUNTEER(S) SOUGHT The outdoor mats that were bought last year have been left filthy and need pressure washing. If you can help out please speak to Malcolm Gilbey. There is suitable equipment available at the club.

 01903 521908 Please remember that if you know of a club member who has been hospitalised, or otherwise unwell, or even not seen at Pavilion for a while, to notify the Club Welfare Officer: Peter Woods on the above Telephone Number or alternatively inform Hon Sec Bryan Bodicoat

Newsletter of Worthing Pavilion BC



Laminated Calendars £1.50 through the Secretary

Acknowledgement and thanks to Robin Forrester, Edward Cripps, Julie Woods, Gordon Kibbles, Malcolm Gilbey, Tim Baldwin and Warwick Davis for their contributions. Closing date for contributions for December’s edition 20th November, preferably via email

Newsletter of Worthing Pavilion BC

Editor – Anthony Powell email:


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