Newsletter February 2015

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Inside this Edition A Question of Law: Summary of Law Changes Coaching Update Planetbowls Forthcoming Tournaments

Ladies’ League Matches 03 10 17 24

Grattons * Horsham Arun Preston

* #

Indicates Away Matches Indicates Mixed Matches

because of fresh challenges not usually encountered in league and County matches. They are also giving something back to the ‘grass roots’ of bowls. No doubt it would be beneficial to all concerned, if more players of their calibre could find the time to play in ‘friendly matches’



Bowling Aids Touring Club: Summer tour to IOW Social Scene: Regular Card Schools Functions Theatre Trip Notices Welfare Vacancies

Playing Matters

February Fixture Card Excerpts NB: Check website for any changes

Captain Looking at the fixture card one can see that the Easter Tournament has been rd th scheduled for the weekend 3 – 6 April this year. The event used to be very popular, attracting both visiting teams and teams from Pavilion itself; however interest in this event has unfortunately waned over the past year or so, questioning its viability. It would be a bonus to see more entrants from Pavilion this year, either in pre-arranged or drawn teams. If you are interested in participating in the tournament and are not part of a team at the moment, please put your name down and Gerry will try to find you a placement.


Men’s Friendlies (and Mixed Matches) 01 07 11 14 18 21 25

London Transport Marine Gardens # SCBA (Outdoors) West Sussex Tourists Aldingbourne # King Alfred * West v East Annual Patrons

Men’s League Matches 07 15 28

Grattons Eastbourne * Arun

Ladies’ Friendlies 19



Edward Cripps

A Word from the Bridge . Having played three matches in as many days, Shoreham, Metropolitan Police and Victory on the 9th, 10th and 11th January 2015 and winning all three, I must acknowledge the contribution made by Colin Brown, Mervyn Hilton, Arthur White, Ron Bell and Chris Scott. These players provided valuable experience and encouragement to our loyal regular players. I also think that they had to raise their own game Newsletter of Worthing Pavilion BC

Ladies Section January Report The raffle of Sylvia's cake at the Mince Pie Drive before Christmas made £24 and donations for a charity card from the Ladies raised £50 for The Macular Society. Thank you to everyone. The New Year’s fixtures got off to a nail biting start with a league match against th Worthing on 6 January. Unfortunately we lost by one shot, 81-82. Top rink was Marina Crayston, Lois Wallis, Maureen Holliman and Pat Edmonds. We're definitely looking forward to the return match in March! The Ladies played the Men on Jan 20 and lost by twenty-three. This is progress, however, and I look forward to the matches next year. Despite the score, everyone seemed to have a very enjoyable afternoon with Liz Elliot and June Lewis winning their top rink badge. Several ladies have been successful in County competitions this month. Congratulations to Esme and Marina who go through to the next round of the Pairs, and to Joan Barrass who joined them to win their Triples match. Well done also to Sharon Pratt, Sue Gubbins and Pat Edmonds who have also got through to the next round of the Triples competition. We have a number of matches coming up in February and I

PAVILION POST would really appreciate continued support for these. Also the Ladies will be holding a Spring Raffle and Sale on th the morning of Tuesday 10 March. Please see posters in this issue and around the club. Contributions for the raffle would be gratefully received but, please, no bric-a-brac. Tickets for the raffle will be on sale beforehand and the draw will take place at lunchtime on the day.

7.1 20.1 Amend to read: “Before delivery a player must be standing on the mat with all or part of at least one foot on the mat. At the moment they deliver the jack or a bowl, the player must have all or part of one foot on or above the mat.” There are two situations covered by this law – position on the mat before delivery and position on the mat at the moment of delivery.

Julie Woods Ladies’ Captain

A Question of Law Summary of the Law Changes for Outdoor Bowls adopted by Bowls England wef 1st April 2015 I have taken the liberty to copy parts of the summary of the law changes that may affect day to day play. Foreword That all references to ‘should’ and ‘will’ be altered to ‘must’ within the laws. C.3 1.3.2 Amend to read: “Deliberately releasing a jack or a bowl from the hand or an artificial device using an under arm movement. If the jack or bowl accidentally slips from a player’s hand or artificial device during delivery, the player can pick it up and start the delivery again.” This amendment gives recognition of use of artificial devices. 3.3 12.3 Amend to read: “If, after the draw for rinks has been made, a player in a competition or game plays on the same rink before the start of play on the day of the competition or game, that player will be disqualified.This does not apply to open tournaments.” The Law is not intended to prevent a player who plays a club Singles game on rink 3 at 9am from again playing on rink 3 (if drawn to play on that rink) during another competition at 1pm. The intent of the law is to prevent a player from practising on the same rink on which they have previously been drawn to play a competitive game. The laws have been revised to remove any scope for possible misinterpretation.

20.2 31.2 Amend to read: “A dead end must be replayed in the same direction unless the skips or opponents in Singles agree to play it in the opposite direction. (If the jack and bowls need to be transferred to the opposite end of the rink before the end is replayed, they must be transferred in a way which avoids distracting players on neighbouring rinks.)” There are various methods of transferring bowls up a rink – such as using bowls gatherers. It has, therefore, been decided to change the law by replacing the requirement for players to carry bowls up the rink to include the use of alternatives.

23.3 40.3 Amend to read: “No measuring (that is, the use of equipment, such as that described in law 54, placed between the jack and bowls to decide which bowls are shot) will be allowed before the process of deciding the number of shots scored starts (as described in law 23.1). If a player measures before the process of deciding the number of shots scored starts, the defaulting team will lose the right to play any bowls remaining to be played in that end and the non-defaulting team will deliver their remaining bowls to complete the end.” This amendment clarifies what constitutes measuring. Adds penalties/courses of action to those laws that do not currently have them. Amend to read: “...make sure that the names of all players of both teams are correctly entered on the score card” In many cases skips only get to see the cards when given to them just prior to a match starting. The onus falls to the skip for checking the names.

Newsletter of Worthing Pavilion BC

40.1.9 New Law to read: “for domestic play, Member National Authorities can transfer the skip’s duties described in Law 40.1.7 to other members of the team. However, they must make sure that the duties are transferred to players whose positions, in order of play, are the same in each team” Bowls England can now, if they wish, allow the delegation of the scorecard to other members of the team. The same player in opposing teams must keep the scorecard 41.6 New Law to read: “A player who has a physical disability will be allowed to kneel on the green to deliver the jack or their bowls. One or both knees must be positioned either in front of the mat with all or part of at least one foot on the mat or on the mat with all or part of at least one foot on the green behind the mat.” A player with a disability can now kneel to deliver a bowl. 41.7 New Laws to read: “Players with a hearing disability can use electronic devices to communicate with each other whilst on the rink of play. Their use must be in line with the regulations set out in the Conditions of Play by the Controlling Body.” Conditions of play can now specify that communications aids can be used by players with hearing disabilities. 42.3.2 55.3.2 Amend to read: “...if score boards are not being used, tell the players the running totals of the scores.” To remove duty of marker to state score at conclusion of each end of singles if a score board is in operation

56.5.3 15.5.3 Amend to read: “A single re-spot position which is 2 metres from the front ditch and on the centre line can be used as an alternative to the three re-spot positions described in law 56.5.2.” It was felt there should be something in the Laws that allows controlling bodies to re-spot the jack at the 2-metre mark as an alternative to re-spotting at one of 3 points currently described in the laws including in games other than sets play.

56.5.4 15.5.4 Amend to read: “between and in line with that spot.” Updated to clarify the re-spot position. The highlighted numbers in italics refer to the previous laws.


PAVILION POST Copies of the new Crystal Mark 3 booklets can be purchased at a cost of £2. Alternatively you can download the full summary of the changes in the laws, or even the whole document from the EUBA website.

him well in this new venture for coaching in the County.


Senior Coaches

Richard Calvert and Gordon Kibbles Planetbowls

Coaching Update


On the 21 January we held another Marking and Measuring Course. Nine people attended the course and it was a very successful evening, a full report will be made in the March issue of Pavilion Post. We are starting a new coaching course early in February, having one new coach to train and upgrading one of our experienced coaches to level two. If there is anyone who would like take the plunge into coaching, now is the time; the examinations will be held in May. We would like to reassure anyone thinking of joining our band of coaches that the paperwork is minimal to take the level one examination and all the necessary paperwork will be supplied to you. You have to have a minimum of three years’ experience of bowling and have the patience to encourage all new bowlers in their endeavours to be accomplished bowlers. It can be very rewarding for coaches to see the people they have trained coming through the ranks and participating at the highest level in club competitions and also in Sussex and National competitions. If you would like any further information, please contact either of the undersigned. In November 2011 three of the four Divisional Coaches resigned and since then the County has had difficulty in recruiting volunteers. Gordon Kibbles put a proposal to the County Coaching AGM in November 2011 and 2014 to split the County into smaller areas which has now been agreed and is being implemented. The County has been split into eight manageable zones, each zone has a Divisional Coach and Gordon Kibbles has been appointed the coach to cover the local area. This area includes thirteen different clubs and Gordon is available to these clubs to offer advice and help if requested. We hope that Gordon enjoys the challenge of this new position and wish

Autumn Singles Tournament

Spring Tournament


Having finalised all the arrangements with the Worthing Pavilion Board these are the dates for your diary for 2015 events; An outdoor three day singles tournament, plus plate competition for first game losers will be held at Pavilion over the May Bank Holiday weekend nd th from Saturday 2 - Monday 4 May (practice being made available from st 4.00pm on Friday 1 May) Entry fee* Winner Losing Finalist Plate winner Losing Finalist

It is my intention to arrange a three wood open pair’s competition to run concurrently with the main event so members can participate in the weekend. I will ask the first round losers of the main competition to consider forming pairs and staying for the weekend. More details on this will follow when all the arrangements have been confirmed.

£25 £1250 £500 £400 £200

* Guarantees at least two games. The Prize money for losing semi-finalist and quarter finalist will be decided when the number of entries is known and if further sponsorship can be arranged. There will also be a £50 prize for the last Worthing Pavilion member standing in the main competition, kindly sponsored by Ian Hart Funerals Ltd. As usual I am looking for helpers for marking and umpiring, so would welcome all members’ support for these tasks. I am hoping that all who helped me last year will be available. Play will start at 10am on all three days or earlier if need be. There will be no parking restrictions at the club and the indoor facilities will be available for members, unless we have very inclement weather.

Over the weekend of Saturday 28 – th Sunday 29 November a Planetbowls singles tournament is proposed to be held at Pavilion. Further details to follow but it will be the usual Planet Bowls format and limited to sixty-four entries. Play will start at noon both days but there may be three rinks available from10am. I have moved the date so that it does not clash with any Denny or Egham weekends and no league fixtures; so all members can be available to play. Further details will follow nearer the time. The kitchen and bar will be open all day for all three events and spectators will be welcome.

Warwick Davis Resignation Regrettably, Terry Urben has decided to resign his post as a director due to pressures associated with his employment. The board of directors thank Terry for his input since his appointment.

Malcolm Gilbey Chairman

Summer Grand Prix Tournament th

Over the weekend Saturday 12 th Sunday13 September a Grand Prix Singles Tournament and a three wood open pairs competition will be held at Pavilion. The top thirty-two players in the Planetbowls order of merit outdoor season will be invited back for the grand final, as there are now at least another ten Planetbowls outdoor tournaments already arranged, with more to follow. Wrong Bias

Newsletter of Worthing Pavilion BC


PAVILION POST Christmas Raffle

The profit from the Christmas Raffle exceeded £400. From the proceeds we have purchased six new low level outdoor scoreboards to replace the upright ones that kept on being blown over in windy conditions. Many thanks to all those who donated prizes and bought squares.

Dennis Dixon Social Director

Bowling Aid

The latest aid from Australia is a scorecard app for smart phones, that even enables you to forward a copy of the completed scorecard to a controlling body or other interested party by email. If you are interested in learning more about this app the link is shown below: orecard&hl=en

Warners Bembridge BC

As previously stated we shall be based at the comfortable Warners Coast Hotel, at Bembridge; our regular port of call. You probably may have already read earlier, that I have managed to make arrangements for four matches at the following venues during our stay:

If you would like to join us on this tour please let me know ASAP by inserting your name on the sheet on the notice board.

Warners, Bembridge Cowes Medina BC Newport BC Ryde Marina BC

Trivia Radio Controlled Bowls

Ryde Marina BC

My dream has come true. Remote controlled bowls are here.

With regard to the Spring Tour to Bembridge in March, I shall distribute the ferry tickets as soon as we receive them. 0p5afo

Editor Touring Club

Many Thanks Cowes Medina BC

Tim Baldwin

The likely costs for the period will be £236 pp for the hotel, £10 pp for the ferry, plus an additional cost of £20 for bowlers. The total cost will be approximately £266 pp.

Summer Tour – Isle of Wight At the time of writing we have around forty names on the list wishing to join the outdoor summer tour to the Isle of Wight. There is still ample space for more to join the tour. We will be going on tour a week earlier than we usually would, from Monday st th 31 August through to Friday 4 September 2015 as there will be a saving in costs for this week! Newport BC

Newsletter of Worthing Pavilion BC

Rejected Advice



Social Scene St Valentine’s Dance


Worthing Musical Comedy Society We play Rubber Bridge (cut in) every Tuesday night 6.30pm. Contact John Combleer 01903 230833


Saturday 14 February 2015 Spaces are still available at time of writing. See details on social notice board.

Rogers & Hammerstein

Carousel Zöe Wright has reserved twenty-five premier balcony seats at the Connaught Theatre for the evening performance of this production on

Cribbage th

Wednesday 18 February 2014 7pm for 7-30pm. Entrance £2.00 includes coffee and prizes. Further Info from John Murray by email:

Bingo & Fish ‘n’ Chips th

Wednesday 18 March 2015 Please note corrected date

Provided there is a block club booking of ten seats, the price of tickets will be reduced to £16.20. Please note that once issued tickets cannot be returned or refunded.

Whist Drive Last Friday of each month starting at 2pm. Contact Ron Colbourne. 01903 204503

Friday 8th May 2015.

Quiz Night & Buffet th

Full details and the list are on display on the social notice board. See attached promotional Flyer below

Friday 24 April 2015

 01903 521908 Please remember that if you know of a club member who has been hospitalised, or otherwise unwell, or even not seen at Pavilion for a while, to notify the Club Welfare Officer: Peter Woods on the above Telephone Number or alternatively inform Hon Sec Bryan Bodicoat

NB: Members of the Touring Club are advised that the Touring Club AGM will be held in the lounge at Pavilion on Wednesday 25th February 2015 at 7pm.

Tim Baldwin Newsletter of Worthing Pavilion BC




IMMEDIATE VACANCY Assistant Club Secretary This position has been vacant for the past two years and needs to be filled as a matter of urgency. Apart from assisting the current secretary now, this role would prove a useful platform for any candidate willing to take over from Bryan later this year. Please speak to Bryan if you are interested in this role.

Forthcoming VACANCY Club/ Company Secretary Bryan Bodicoat has given notice that he will not be standing for re-election next Autumn. If you are interested in being considered for this role please speak to Bryan.


Forthcoming VACANCY

Men’s Vice-Captain

Company Director

This position has been vacant far too long and needs to be filled as soon as possible. It would provide an ideal platform to learn the ropes, with a view from taking over the captaincy this coming Autumn. Please speak to Ted if you are interested. NB: Members are reminded that Ted has intimated that he will not continue as captain outdoors unless he has a vice-captain in place.

Recruitment & Marketing Malcolm Gilbey has given notice that he will not be standing for re-election next Autumn. If you are interested in being considered for this position please speak to Malcolm.

Acknowledgement and thanks to Edward Cripps, Julie Woods, Richard Calvert, Gordon Kibbles, Warwick Davis, Malcolm Gilbey, Tim Baldwin, ZĂśe Wright and Dennis Dixon for their contributions, not forgetting Ron Atkinson AKO Cartoons for his permission to publish his cartoons. Contributions for the March newsletter should reach the editor by 20th February, preferably via email. Editor Tony Powell - email

Newsletter of Worthing Pavilion BC


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