Newsletter January 2015

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A Word from the Bridge

January Fixture Card excerpt

Pavilion men played five home and two away friendly matches since the last newsletter, with notable wins at home against Preston and Horsham and more so an away win against Wealden IBC. th The Horsham match on Saturday 13 December resulted in a victory for Pavilion scoring 115-99 with both sides winning two rinks apiece and drawing one. Despite losing on their rink Ron Bell’s team actually achieved a hot shot. Again I struggled to put together a side to go to Wealden due to the lack of names and had to reduce the number of rinks down to five. Although this was listed as a men’s match I also had to secure the services of five of our ladies to bail us out on the day. Thanks to Pat, Marina, Julie, Carol and Sylvia for stepping in. Accepting that Wealden is a much bigger club than Pavilion, they managed to field a side of six rinks to play away that Sunday, as well as fielding the five rinks to play Pavilion. The match at Wealden turned out to be a very competitive affair with the hosts fielding a very strong side. Wealden scampered off at a fair pace creating a good early lead. But as is frequently said ‘Things change after tea’ and so it did. Pavilion caught up and overtook the hosts for a while. The lead changed several times as the match entered the final stages. Gerry Shallis’ rink picked up three shots on their final end putting Pavilion three shots ahead of the hosts. The captain’s team were the last rink playing and picked up four shots on the last end of the match, giving Pavilion a seven shot difference and an overall score of 101-94; winning two rinks, drawing two rinks and losing on just one rink. The recent victories against much larger clubs is gratifying and just goes to show that friendly matches can provide just as much competitive bowling as league matches.

Inside this Edition

Playing Matters:

A Word from the Bridge

Ladies’ Section

NB: Check website for any changes Touring Club:

Spring Tour Summer Tour


Update Courses

Late Results

Social Scene

Regular Cards Functions


Welfare Vacancies

Mens’ Friendlies (and Mixed Matches) 03 09 10 11 14 20 24 28 31

Men’s League 04 18

New Members

Grattons Egerton Park

Ladies’ Friendlies 20

A warm welcome is extended to new playing members Sandra and John O’Neil, who recently moved into the area. Sandra and John are both experienced bowlers and past members of Croydon Bowls Club. We hope that you both will enjoy your bowling at Pavilion and make new friends along the way.

Past Presidents Shoreham (at Adur) * Metropolitan Police Victory # Captain v Spoondrivers Pavilion Ladies Langney Sports *# Banks Croydon *

Pavilion Men

Ladies’ League 06 27

Worthing IBC Adur

Junior Academy 18


10am six rinks indicates away matches

# indicates mixed matches

Editor Rink Maintenance Please note that the rinks will be st closed for play on Wednesday 21 January 2015 at 2pm whilst the carpets are being stretched. Thank you for your patience.


County Pairs Congratulations to Warwick Davis and Neil Kirkhove who progressed through to the second round of the Champion of th Champion Pairs on 17 December at Pavilion, beating George Cooke and Wally Burrows of Worthing IBC 24-23. The next round will be at either Falaise or Eastbourne. Newsletter of Worthing Pavilion BC

PAVILION POST Friendly matches are vital to the existence of the club, so please keep putting your names down for selection to play in these matches. It can be embarrassing if I have to repeatedly negotiate with opposing captains to reduce the number of rinks. Wishing you all a happy new year.

Edward Cripps Captain

Ladies’ Section December Report Well it's been a fairly quiet month for the Ladies. We have only had one fixture this month; a match against Preston, that we unfortunately lost. We did win on two rinks however, with Joan Barrass, Jacky Pearson, Maureen Holliman and Julie Woods as top rink. A fun afternoon was spent at the Mince Pie Drive on 16th December with thirty ladies and guests enjoying a cup of tea and mince pie after bowls. Thanks must go to Sylvia Faithful for baking a beautiful cake which was raffled to provide prizes for a future spoon drive. It was with sadness we learnt of the death of Rita Atkins, whose funeral was held on 12th December. Rita had served many years as our Match Secretary and certainly contributed much to our club.

Julie Woods Ladies’ Captain

Touring Club Warners Bembridge At the time of writing this report there were forty-five names on the list to go to the Spring Open Bowls Tournament at Warners Coast Hotel, Bembridge IOW nd from Monday 2 March through to th Friday 6 March 2015. Please advise me urgently if you are not now joining the tour. Don is now preparing letters to all those coming on the tour for monies due. Please pay them by return, as we have to clear our debt due by mid-January 2015.

Summer Tour – Isle of Wight At the time of writing we have thirty-two names on the list to join the summer tour to the Isle of Wight for the week st Monday 31 August through to Friday th 4 September 2015. We will once again be based at the Warners Coast Hotel, at Bembridge. I have made arrangements for four matches at the following venues during our stay: Warners, Bembridge Cowes Medina BC Newport BC Ryde Marina BC The likely costs for the period will be £236 pp for the hotel, £10 pp for the ferry, plus an additional cost of £20 for bowlers. The total cost will be approximately £266 pp. If you would like to come on this tour please let me know by inserting your name on the sheet on the notice board. Many Thanks

Tim Baldwin

evening they were presented with Certificates. The next marking & measuring course is st being held on Wednesday 21 January 2015, we already have a number of new bowlers signed up for this course. If you would like to take part please let me know and I will contact you direct. We are currently working on another course which will be offered to all new bowlers as part of their ongoing training, This will involve exercises in reading the head, this is called The Phantom Bowler, it shows the way to read the head and how the four players in a team can work together successfully. It will also offer four different ways to improve your bowling and your skills required for the game. We will also be offering video clinics for those who feel they need it, or who just would like to see what their delivery really looks like. In the New Year we are starting a course for coaches, we have one of our coaches who wants to upgrade to Level two and we have another member of the club who wants to be a coach. If there are any other budding coaches in the club would you please let us know and we will be able to fit you in on this new course .

Coaching Update

Richard Calvert Gordon Kibbles Senior Coaches

We held another marking & measuring th course on the 20 November and eight of the recently coached new members attended. The evening wasn’t quite as well organised as usual because the organiser only booked two rinks by mistake, which made the evening just a little bit more difficult. However the coaches stepped in to make the evening a success and helped me out organising the evening in a slightly different way. A big thanks to those who attended, including Gordon Kibbles, Graham Farley, George Rhodes, Eric Henshaw, Dennis Allen, Trevor Parker and we were assisted by our new umpire, Elizabeth Haynes. It was really great to see them work it all out and then work hard for the rest of the evening. The eight new bowlers who attended the course were: Michael Durham, Dennis Church, Paul Machin, John McCormick, Sean McCowan, Wendy Rhodes, Judith and Paul Webster with Michael Neale, who is undergoing training to become a coach. It was really good to see the new bowlers bowling so well and their measuring skills were tested to the full. At the end of the Newsletter of Worthing Pavilion BC

Late Results Pavilion had a strong end to 2014 winning a tough fixture against Wey Valley 37-36 in the Leonard Denny Memorial Trophy. This was followed up by an excellent performance in the County League Division One fixture at Arun, with Pavilion winning 116-108 and gaining eight points to Arun’s three. This was a great result against a strong team with Pavilion being behind until the latter stages. However, the good team spirit resulted in a very strong finish as has become something of a trademark for Pavilion teams in recent times. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the selectors and players, those selected and those so far not, for their continued support and to wish all at the club a good Christmas and a Happy and Successful 2015.

John Frew Team Manager 2

PAVILION POST Late News An Awful Start to 2015

Not a good start for the New Year and Pavilion, as the club fell foul of a burglar(s) during the early hours of st Thursday 1 January 2015.

The Wrecked Exterior Alarm Box

After disabling the external audible alarm the perpetrator(s) then gained access to the club using a concrete block to break the lower glass panel of the door that provides access to the building for disabled members and guests.

The Point of Entry

Wanton and Senseless Vandalism?

Having entered the building they then made their way to the secretary’s office where they repeatedly kicked the lower part of the locked door making a small opening to access the office. Once inside the office they forced doors on cabinets, drawers and conducted an untidy search, wantonly strewing equipment, papers etc. across the floor, but nothing appears to have been taken? Police were notified immediately by the alarm company and they attended the clubhouse, but the perpetrators had made good their escape before the police arrived. Vince was called to the club in the middle of the night; whilst we all slept and arranged for the building to be temporarily secured. Malcolm Gilbey then found himself at Pavilion for most of Thursday and Friday, arranging for permanent repairs, as well as instigating a full crime prevention survey of the club to identify vulnerable areas, where security needs to be beefed up. The exterior alarm box has now been replaced with a more secure system. I am sure that you will all join me in thanking Vince and Malcolm for acting

so unselfishly on our behalf. A few members also questioned Malcolm as to insurance cover should their property have been stolen. Members should be aware that the club’s insurance does not cover their personal property that is left on club premises; even in their lockers and that members should make their own arrangements to insure their personal property.

The Damaged Office Door


Newsletter of Worthing Pavilion BC



Bowling Aid

For those members/ players who are disabled in anyway, who bowl from a wheelchair, or even may have problems with their balance etc.,, this bowling accessory may be of interest. Named ‘Thruster’ and not that dissimilar to a bowls lifter, it has prongs on either side, a small one for manoeuvring and delivering the jack and on the other side a larger prong to manoeuvre and deliver bowls.

Social Scene

Bridge We play Rubber Bridge (cut in) every Tuesday night 6.30pm. th Next meeting 27 January 2015 Contact John Combeer 01903 230833

Quiz Night & Buffet st

Wednesday 21 January 2015

Cribbage th

Wednesday 14 January 2015 7pm for 7-30pm. Entrance £2.00 includes coffee and prizes. Further Info from John Murray by email:

St Valentine’s Dance th

Saturday 14 February 2015

Whist Drive

The ‘Thruster’

The ‘Thruster’ is fully adjustable and as its name suggests the accessory is used to push the jack/ bowl as opposed to a swinging motion as used with another bowling aid. The ‘Thruster’ has been given approval by both Bowls England and England Indoor Bowls Association for events under their control. Further information can be obtained from You can also see the ‘Thruster’ in action on youtube. rWs

Last Friday of each month starting at 2pm. th Next meeting 30 January 2015 Contact Ron Colbourne. 01903 204503

Mixed Fun Drive + Tea & Biscuits th

Sunday 4 January 2015

Bingo & Fish ‘n’ Chips th

Wednesday 28 March 2015

Quiz Night & Buffet th

Friday 24 April 2015

 01903 521908 Please remember that if you know of a club member who has been hospitalised, or otherwise unwell, or even not seen at Pavilion for a while, to notify the Club Welfare Officer: Peter Woods on the above Telephone Number or alternatively inform Hon Sec Bryan Bodicoat

Kicking the Bowls Back

Newsletter of Worthing Pavilion BC




IMMEDIATE VACANCY Assistant ClubSecretary This position has been vacant for the past two years and needs to be filled as a matter of urgency. Apart from assisting the current secretary now, this role would prove a useful platform for any candidate willing to take over from Bryan next year. Please speak to Bryan if you are interested in this role.

Forthcoming VACANCY Club/ Company Secretary Bryan Bodicoat has given notice that he will not be standing for re-election next Autumn. If you are interested in being considered for this role please speak to Bryan.


Forthcoming VACANCY

Men’s Vice-Captain

Company Director

This position has been vacant far too long and needs to be filled as soon as possible. The placement provides an ideal platform to learn the ropes, with a view from taking over from Ted next Autumn. Please speak to Ted if you are interested. NB: Members are reminded that Ted has intimated that he will not continue as captain outdoors unless he has a vice-captain in place.

Recruitment & Marketing Malcolm Gilbey has given notice that he will not be standing for re-election next Autumn. If you are interested in being considered for this position please speak to Malcolm.

Social functions to look out for later in the year Outing to the Races and Theatre Trips Acknowledgement and thanks to Edward Cripps, Julie Woods, Tim Baldwin, Richard Calvert and Gordon Kibbles, John Frew and Malcolm Gilbey for their contributions not forgetting Ron Atkinson for his permission to publish his cartoons . Closing date for contributions for the next edition is 20th January preferably via email. Ediitor- Tony Powell – email

Newsletter of Worthing Pavilion BC


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