Newsletter 2nd Edition

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APRIL 2014

Worthing Crematorium for the funeral of late Pavilion member Andy Burns who had passed away suddenly at his home. . Andy joined Pavilion in May 1995 and was a frequent participant with the ‘twelve clockers’ The bowling club, of which he was immensely proud to be a member, played an important part in his life. Seemingly Andy was a budding musician as well as being a keen photographer. Born in Hampstead north London, Andy apparently attended Haverstock Comprehensive School, the same school graced by the Milliband brothers and Oona King. After he married, he and his wife moved down to Worthing, where for a time he managed the record department of shop in Lancing and later moved on to work at Beecham's in Worthing. Our thoughts are with his family at this sad and difficult time.

Inside this Edition Captain’s Misdemeanour Ladies’ Section Planetbowls

A Point of Law Touring Club Annual Meeting Meeting Review of Spring Tour Editorial Social Scene Regular Cards Theatre Trip Social Calendar Notices Urgent Vacancies



Andy Burns Welfare

Playing Matters

1949 - 2015

A Word from the Bridge On the friendly front, since the last report we lost the annual away match to King Alfred, what a surprise! Putting that loss behind us we were victorious on the away match to Falaise st on Sunday 1 March. At home Pavilion won the six friendly matches during the period leading up to nd Sunday 22 Match 2015 which included the return match with King Alfred. Our annual match against local rivals th Tarring Priory on 11 March turned out to be the usual close competitive battle, with the lead frequently changing between the sides. Pavilion established a comfortable, albeit narrow lead in the final quarter to seal a win by 124-99 shots. Don Elliot's team made a remarkable turnaround upon finding themselves 1-13 down on the tenth end, but still managed to finish just four shots short at 19-23, that helped the overall win.

Kent, Sussex & Surrey Air Ambulance


On the afternoon of Thursday 26 February 2015 friends and family gathered at the Kingswood Chapel at

April Fixture Card excerpt NB: Check website for any changes Mens’ Friendlies (and Mixed Matches) NB: Due to lack of support the Easter Tournament has had to be cancelled. 05 11 12

Mixed Fun Drive 2pm Club Finals Club Finals


Pavilion Tourist v Pavilion # Changed from President v Captain

Andy Burns


18 19

Open Weekend Open Weekend


Indicates a mixed match

Newsletter of Worthing Pavilion BC

You will probably all know by now that I chose The Kent, Surrey and Sussex Air Ambulance Service as my dedicated charity during my captaincy. All members who have contributed towards this charity by donations or through fines for delivering their bowls on a wrong bias will be pleased to learn that we have received a certificate from the charity thanking us for the last donation. In all we have donated a whopping £774 over the past two years. I would like to thank you all for your support and please keep up with the wrong bias’ providing of course they do not cost us losing a match!

Edward Cripps Captain


Whenever one is selected to play in a friendly match one has to keep their wits about themselves so as to avoid delivering a bowl on the wrong bias. Failure to do so will invariably not escape the attention of our merciless Captain Ted Cripps who will hunt you down and gleefully present you with an A4 size Wrong Bias Certificate and then award a fine of one pound, the going rate for such a misdemeanour. The fines go towards his charity, the Kent, Surrey and Sussex Air Ambulance Service, a truly worthy cause. This heartless tyrant has even been known to make an example of his missus Patricia if she falls foul of a wrong bias, albeit with a tear in his eye. How cruel can he be? However, Ted himself made his own indiscretion, during the SCBA match at th Pavilion on 13 February, when he delivered a bowl on the wrong bias. This did not pass unnoticed however and Bryan Bodicoat subsequently presented Ted with an A3 size Wrong Bias Certificate, with Ted also paying a fine of £5. Hope he hasn’t any ideas up his sleeve!! Oh! There was one other minor misdemeanour that Ted couldn’t get th away with on 8 March at the home match against Wealden, when he found himself more or less up the creek without white trousers. They were left behind at home. Ted was going to put the blame on Pat, but the softy thought better of it and paid another £5 fine. Well done Ted!!


place for the beginning of the outdoor season. I am also delighted to report Sue Gubbins, Sharon Pratt and Pat Edmonds are through to the semi-finals of the County Triples Competition and wish them well when they play their match against a team from Egerton Park. The good news continues! The Ladies were delighted with their recent convincing win in a league match against Preston. We won on four out of the five rinks with June Lewis's team of Maureen Holliman, Zoe Wright and Pat Edmonds gaining top rink. Well done everyone!

Julie Woods Ladies’ Captain

Planetbowls Spring Tournament The entries are beginning to mount up so if you are a club member and wish to enter, please complete an entry form which you will find in the yellow rink binder. You will be guaranteed two games for your entry fee. As usual I am looking for markers, so if you are willing to assist please put a note in my pigeon hole. In this respect if you mark two or more matches for me, I am happy to buy you a lunch on the day as a thank you for your efforts. There will be no parking restrictions so members, if you are not participating then you are more than welcome to watch.

Warwick Davis

running on the rink was permitted, which it isn’t! Therefore if they cannot make the trip within the time frame, you may well ask yourself, should they have even embarked upon it in the first place? In fairness, I doubt whether even Usain Bolt would have been able to walk the trip in such a short time span. It appears that players of a particular breed will breach the law of rink possession with impunity, as they know that they won’t face any penalties for their transgressions without there being an umpire present. Even if there was an umpire present, without evidence of the player on the mat being interfered with, distracted or annoyed, penalties would not be applied. The probability is that they are all equally happy to ignore the law. There are also thoughts in some quarters that this is just another intimidatory tactic in which top flight players are being coached? Grass-root players however, follow the guidance from their coaches and follow the spirit of the laws to the best of their knowledge. Basically the possession of the rink transfers to the succeeding player from the opposite team when the bowl in its original course comes to rest, allowing time for a toucher to be marked. So when that bowl comes to rest the player who delivered it should immediately vacate and retire 1m behind the mat, or alternatively be at the rear of the head. So if you are interfered with, distracted or annoyed, by someone breaching the law of rink possession, make a fuss about it.

Law 35 Crystal Mark 1.


Ladies’ Section A Question of Law 3.

March Report I would like to give a big thank you to everyone who helped and supported our raffle and sale on March 10th and am very pleased to say we raised £513. Special thanks must be given to Ann, Pat, Doreen, Carol, Ley, Sharon, Sylvia, Zoe and Judy for making the event happen also the Spooners for their donations and support. We are investigating the purchase of new cushions for the benches on the verandah and, hopefully, these will be in

Is the Law an Ass? I recently watched part of a league game and was disappointed to see players deliberately breaching the law of rink possession time and time again, by following their bowl down the rink and either not making the journey, or finding themselves stranded half way down the rink when their bowl came to rest. Most of the players concerned seemed to be physically incapable of making the trip for one reason or another, even if Newsletter of Worthing Pavilion BC


Possession of the rink will belong to the player or team whose bowl is being played. As soon as each bowl comes to rest, possession of the rink will transfer to the opposing player or team after allowing time for marking a toucher as soon as it comes to rest. If the umpire, either by their own observation or on appeal by one of the skips or opponents in Singles, decides that the players in possession of the rink are being interfered with, annoyed or distracted in any way by their opponents, the umpire should, on the first occasion, warn the offending player in the presence of the skip and advise the manager or the coach when they are present that a warning has been given. On each occasion after this, the umpire should have the last bowl


PAVILION POST played by the offending player or team declared dead. If that bowl has disturbed the head, the opponent should choose whether to: Replace the head; Leave the head as altered; or Declare the end dead.

Editor Touring Club The club house at Warners Bembridge BC

AGM Around twenty-eight members attended the Touring Club AGM at Pavilion at th 7pm on Wednesday 25 February 2015. The meeting was opened by Tim Baldwin, the Tourist Club secretary who handed out the ferry tickets for the upcoming trip to Bembridge, as well as covering domestic admin issues correlated to the trip. Sadly Warwick Davis had to pull out of the Spring tour due to health issues. We wish him well and a speedy recovery. Club Treasurer Don Elliot produced and explained the certified club account sheets and informed the meeting that £35 per head deposits for those joining the summer tour were now due. Don explained that he had problems at the bank trying to get the signatory changed to Tim, as the bank required authority to be included and agreed in the minutes of the AGM. This was passed unanimously by the meeting. Regarding the summer tour to the IOW Tim expressed how good a deal we had received from Warners, but warned that due to the agent that he had negotiated the price unexpectedly leaving Warners, shortly afterwards, things may well change in the future. Tim will establish whether there will be another November tournament this year, bearing in mind that only six teams; four from Pavilion, participated last year and must have cost Warners dearly. He will hopefully be able to advise the members about this whilst they’re away at Bembridge. There was a discussion about likely venues for a spring tour in 2016 narrowed down to two venues, Bembridge or Potters. A show of hands indicated the majority preferred the option of Bembridge. As for the Summer tour for 2016 various venues were again discussed but the members seemed to be happy to return to the Langstone Cliff Hotel at Dawlish Warren as a base. Tim will look at options of arranging matches with

different clubs than those visited during the 2014 tour. Ted Cripps suggested that the President v Captain match scheduled for th Wednesday 15 April 2015 be changed to the Pavilion Tourists v Pavilion, as President Bennie Bennett will be away at an army reunion in Italy at that time. This was unanimously agreed by the members. The meeting ended about 8pm.

Anthony Powell Spring Tour Eight Pavilion teams and their guests travelled to Bembridge on Monday 2nd March 2015 to participate in an open fours tournament organised by Warners Leisure with a top prize of £1500 on offer. In all there were a total of twenty-eight teams participating in the competition, coming as far afield as South Hams, Devon, Marlow in Buckinghamshire and Purley Bury, in Surrey. I was led to believe by one of the staff that a similar tournament held the previous week had attracted an even higher number of teams. Traffic conditions were favourable on the outward bound journey, enabling many of us to board an earlier ferry. The ferry crossing sprung a stark surprise to several of us. Upon returning to our cars as the ferry docked at Fishbourne some discovered their cars covered in a layer of salt from sea spray during the crossing that was extremely difficult to clear from windscreens. The worse affected cars warranted a visit to car-wash to minimise the likelihood of paintwork being damaged by the salt. Notwithstanding that it was an indoor competition the weather was typically spring like, plenty of sunshine, albeit quite fresh, allowing us to enjoy local Newsletter of Worthing Pavilion BC

walks or venture further afield in between the bowling. The format of the competition limited matches to ninety minutes duration, with a maximum of fourteen ends. Teams were guaranteed at least three matches apiece, with a deciding final on the Thursday. However, time wasting tactics were noticeably employed by some teams, resulting with a number of matches not even getting past nine ends. Tim was not slow to point out that Graham Farley's team suffered a hot shot against them in their last qualifying match. None of the Pavilion teams gained maximum points to reach the quarter finals. Tim's team were thrown a lifeline into the quarter final based on a shot difference and sailed through the quarter finals into the semi-finals, but lost out to a very much in-form team from South Hams IBC South Devon; the eventual winners of the tournament. All in all it was a thoroughly enjoyable break, good company and good food along with comfortable accommodation. I am sure that all participants will join me in thanking Tim, Don and Tricia for all their time and effort in organising the tour.

Key Moments of the Tour Whilst not quite as dramatic as the car keys saga after our visit to Bridport last summer, there were a couple of key moments in the Spring Tour that are worthy of mention. Roger lost his room key and had to be issued with a spare replacement key by the hotel reception. He later discovered on the last day that he had only locked his room key in the boot of his car and then poor Rick discovered that he had forgotten to return his room key which he found in his pocket.

Anthony Powell 3

PAVILION POST Summer Tour 2015 The bookings at the hotel have been confirmed and Warners now require our deposit as soon as possible, bearing in mind the booking is in the peak holiday season and that rooms need to be filled. If you have not already done so please pay your deposits of £35 per head to Don at your earliest convenience. If you are not already on the list and still want to join the tour I must have your names before the end of March 2015 at the latest.

Tim Baldwin Editorial

Social Scene

Worthing Musical Comedy Society Rogers & Hammerstein


Cribbage th

Wednesday 15 April 2015 7pm for 7-30pm. Entrance £2.00 includes coffee and prizes. Further Info from John Murray by email:

Whist Drive Last Friday of each month starting at 2pm. Contact Ron Colbourne. 01903 204503

Zöe Wright has reserved twenty-five premier balcony seats at the Connaught Theatre for the evening performance of this production on

Friday 8th May 2015. Provided there is a block club booking of ten seats, the price of tickets will be reduced to £16.20. Please note that once issued tickets cannot be returned or refunded. Full details and the list are on display on the social notice board. See promotional Flyer below

After nigh on six years and a half years editing the newsletter and delivering seventy-six monthly publications, I shall be passing the mantle to Terry Hallard who will assume the role of editor with effect of May 2015. I have to say that it has been quite an interesting journey developing the Pavilion Post to where it is today. Many thanks to all who have contributed material over the years and supported my efforts, not least my wife Ruth for painstakingly proof-reading draft copies of the newsletter for me, along with Pat Cripps for filling in gaps. Please continue to submit your contributions to

Anthony Powell Editor


Make Vince’s Day. Don’t Bounce Bowls

We are organising a trip to glorious Goodwood on Tuesday 28th July 2015 which is the first day of their summer event. The cost will be £41 per person which will include entry to the Gordon enclosure and the return coach fare and parking. For those who have not been before the Gordon enclosure is by the parade ring and is near the finishing line. It has covered Grandstand seating and terracing, and there are ample catering facilities. Please place your name on the list on the social notice board if you wish to go and no money is required for the present. We will leave the club around 11am and return at around 6pm.

Brian Cooper Newsletter of Worthing Pavilion BC


PAVILION POST Social Calendar

Quiz Night & Buffet

Skittles Friday 7


August 2015

Cheese/Ham Salad & Potatoes th

Friday 24 April 2015

Shuffleboard & Fish ‘n’ Chips th

Wednesday 6 May 2015

Cine Race Night & Buffet

Xmas Dinner & Dance th

Saturday 5 December 2015

Xmas Lunch th

Thursday 10 December 2015


Friday 4 September 2015

Please note corrected date

Empire Day An evening of Nostalgia Traditional Entertainment & Fare rd Saturday 23 May 2015

Shuffleboard & Fish ‘n’ Chips th

Wednesday 14 October 2015

Sunday 28 June 2015

Connaught Theatre Trip & Meal @ CasaCiro

Tea & Biscuits

Friday 6 November 2015

Mixed Fun Drive (Outdoors) th

Mixed Fun Drive rd

Sunday 3 January 2016 Tea & Biscuits

St Valentines Dinner & Dance



Saturday 13 February 2016

Quiz & Buffet

Quiz & Buffet


Wednesday 18 November 2015

Friday 10 July 2015

Quiz & Buffet


March 2016 To be arranged

Trip to Goodwood Racing Festival

Winchester Xmas Market th

Monday 30 November 2015 th

Tuesday 28 July 2015

Newsletter of Worthing Pavilion BC

Theatre Trip April 2016 To be arranged





Forthcoming VACANCY

Assistant Club Secretary

Club/ Company Secretary

This position has been vacant for a number of years and needs to be filled as a matter of urgency. This role would prove a useful learning platform for any candidate willing to take over from Bryan later this year. Please speak to Bryan if you are interested in this role.

Bryan Bodicoat has given notice that he will not be standing for re-election next Autumn. If you are interested in being considered for this role please speak to Bryan.

Forthcoming VACANCY Company Director Recruitment & Marketing Malcolm Gilbey has given notice that he will not be standing for re-election next Autumn. If you are interested in being considered for this position please speak to Malcolm.

 01903 521908 Please remember that if you know of a club member who has been hospitalised, or otherwise unwell, or even not seen at Pavilion for a while, to notify the Club Welfare Officer: Peter Woods on the above Telephone Number or alternatively inform Hon Sec Bryan Bodicoat

Acknowledgement and thanks to Edward Cripps, Julie Woods, Warwick Davis, Tim Baldwin, Brian Cooper and Dennis Dixon, for their contributions, not forgetting Ron Atkinson AKO Cartoons for his permission to publish his cartoons. Contributions for the next newsletter should reach the editor by 20th April preferably via email.

Newsletter of–Worthing Pavilion BC Editor Tony Powell email


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