September Worthing Pavilion Bowling Club LtdNewsletter

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Pavilion win through to meet Tarring Priory in the PCC Final to be played at Pavilion Playing Matters

Inside this Edition


Playing Matters: Review of Friendly Matches Green Etiquette Stop Lobbing Bowls

September Fixture Card excerpt

Coaching: Update on Programme

NB: Check website for any changes Touring Club: Updates forthcoming Tours

Mens’ Friendlies (and Mixed Matches)

Vacancy: Raffle Organiser Social Scene Regular Card Groups Forthcoming Functions Day Trip to Portsmouth Theatre Trip Members’ Garden Beds Ladies’ Section Notices Welfare

01 03 05 06 07 09 10 12 13 19 20 21

Henfield #* Southwater # Bannister Park # Club Finals # Club Finals # Pavilion Men v Pavilion Ladies Preston * Esher # Woodlands Park *# Hollingbury Park # British Rail # Green Keeper’s Benefit

Ladies’ Friendlies

Past Members th

Friday 15 August 2014 was a particularly sad day for Pavilion, as club members congregated at Worthing Crematorium for the funerals of two past members, namely John Handley and ‘Sunn’i Lingham. John, a true gentleman, was a gifted bowler who joined Pavilion on moving from Ashford. He had been ill for some time prior to passing away. ‘Sunni’ was a retired eminent doctor; specialising in geriatrics at Southlands Hospital. ‘Sunni’ had battled with Parkinson’s disease for quite a while th prior to his death on 8 August. Despite his illness ‘Sunni’ was a regular face at the spoon-drives, until a decline in is health. Our thoughts are with their respective families at this difficult time.


02 04 09 16 25

Norfolk * Lancing Pavilion Ladies v Pavilion Men Captain’s Farewell Tea Ladies’ Meeting

Temporary Membership

For information, temporary membership of the club is available to bowlers for £10 per week for a maximum period of eight weeks. This facility is primarily aimed towards visitors to the locality. The only proviso is that temporary members should reside not less than twenty-five miles from the club.

Malcolm Gilbey Newsletter of Worthing Pavilion BC

Worthing Pavilion Open Singles Planetbowls will be supporting the two day indoor tournament at Pavilion on th th Saturday 8 and Sunday 9 November 2014. The opening date for applications was st nd 1 August; and by 22 August we have received some thirty applications from bowlers as far afield as Cornwall; Somerset; and Oxford. There was still room for another thirtyfour, so if you want to participate please put pen to paper. Hopefully the forthcoming event will be as successful as the outdoor Planetbowls tournament held at Pavilion back in the spring. I shall be asking for volunteers to help out nearer the date.

Warwick Davis A Word from the Bridge Monthly Review of Friendly Matches Plus Well another month has passed by and the indoor season looms in the not so distant future. August saw seven matches cancelled; one of which was by a visiting club. Pavilion won three home matches; whilst losing two away. Against all odds we just managed to field a side of six rinks to host touring th club Sherbourne on Friday 8 August 2014 albeit the visitors had two teams of four who played a rink amongst themselves. Overall the visitors seemed

PAVILION POST to have thoroughly enjoyed their visit. A big thank you goes to Joe Dyke; of Aldinbourne BC, for arranging with friends to enter a guest rink to play on behalf of Pavilion. I was particularly pleased that we were able to meet this fixture and not spoil the first day of the visitors’ tour.

Edward Cripps Captain

Touring Club Summer 2015 Tour To keep everybody up to date, it was generally agreed by those members th present at the meeting on 7 August, that the venue for the summer tour next year should be on the Isle of Wight. Subject to negotiating a reasonable price, we hope to be staying at Warner’s at Bembridge.

2014/15 Winter Tours

Green Etiquette Whilst laying out the equipment for the spoon-drive, I happened to overhear our beloved green keeper Vince talking to a fellow spoon-driver and making a point of the number of divots on ‘A’ green from bowls being bounced; whilst he accepted that the surface of his greens were still quite wet from rain the previous night.

If there are any more members interested in joining us for indoor bowling at Warners on the Isle of Wight th for four nights this 24 November and 2nd March next year; please let me know as a matter of urgency, as I am beginning to finalise the bookings for both tours.

Tim Baldwin Coaching Update

Do not lob bowls

The divots Vince pointed out were more akin to small bomb craters. Vince tentatively suggested that anyone lobbing bowls should be asked to deliver their woods close and parallel to the green surface to avoid causing irreparable damage. Anyone experiencing delivery problems should speak to the coaching staff, who may be able to help them overcome any difficulty with their delivery.


We have finally been able to get all the people who signed up for coaching on the open weekend into coaching. It has been a massive effort by the coaches and we would like to take this opportunity to thank them all for the hard work they have put in. Coaching can be very rewarding when the people you coach really enjoy the sessions and show a real interest, but the final reward is when they join the club. We are still awaiting the final score that we will publish in the next issue as we are still finishing off the coaching for many of the ones who wanted to wait to start their courses. We had one response from our advert to become a level one coach from the membership, which was disappointing, but one is better than none and he has now started training. The indoor season looms and we hope the ones that have joined will enjoy their bowling at Pavilion. We would make another appeal to those of you who have been bowling a few years to try to make the newcomers feel welcome at the club. We know that many of you are great at welcoming the new faces and we know that the newcomers really do appreciate a friendly smile. Once we have finished all the remaining Newsletter of Worthing Pavilion BC

courses we will be again offering video coaching to members of the club. We use I-Pads with a special programme to show you what your delivery looks like. Many times we do not have to tell you what is wrong, or what is right, you just know! Please let one of the coaches know that you are interested and we will arrange it. So often we hear players moaning about their bowls, when in fact it is their delivery which is at fault. The aim is to try to eliminate the bad deliveries and therefore improve your consistency during a game. We are not saying we have all the answers, or we would be the best bowlers in the club, which we never claimed to be. However if we can make a difference of 5% it means you may win many more games. Once we go indoors we will be holding Marking & Measuring Courses for the new bowlers. They will get priority, but we usually have a few spaces. If this happens we will be putting notices on the boards in the area outside the secretary’s office.

Richard Calvert & Gordon Kibbles Senior Coaches

Forthcoming Vacancy Raffle Organiser At last year’s AGM I informed the meeting that I intended to relinquish the role of organising the match raffles at the end of 2013. Unfortunately nobody has shown any interest in taking over this task that I have run for the past ten or so years. Despite this, I have kept the raffles going in the meantime, but I will cease to do so at the end of this current outdoor season. So once again, I would ask any member/s willing to take over this role to speak to me at the earliest opportunity. For the information of newer members, the monies raised from the raffles goes some way towards subsidising the cost of coach hire for certain distant away matches. I understand that the board of directors is considering introducing purely cash prizes in the raffles, to alleviate the need of shopping around for prizes. However without the current subsidy, members would have to dig much, much deeper into their pockets in order to pay for the coach hire.

Bennie Bennett 2

PAVILION POST Sponsored Garden Beds

Social Scene

Portsmouth Harbour Day Trip th

Thursday 18 September 2014 We are pleased with the progress in the garden so far. Thanks to our thirty-one sponsors who have contributed £173 and four others who donated plants, we have been able to plant up two of the six beds with perennial flowers.

Bridge We play Rubber Bridge (cut in) every Tuesday night 6.30pm. Contact John Combleer 01903 230833

Cribbage th

Wednesday 15 October 2014 7pm for 7-30pm. Entrance £2.00 includes coffee and prizes. Further Info from John Murray by email: One of the sponsored beds

This is a work in progress as we have purchased small plants which will not come to their best until next year. Some more small plants have already been ordered to put in this year and will be available to start a third bed next year. Our thanks to all who have contributed and for those who would like to sponsor some plants you can make a donation (however small) at the club bar.

Whist Drive Last Friday of each month starting at 2pm. Contact Ron Colbourne. 01903 204503

I have forty names on the list which has enabled me to book a forty-nine seat coach. Before I can go any further and book the harbour tickets, I need your money of £30 per person. You can pay in cash, cheque (payable to Worthing Pavilion Bowling Club) or debit card via our Secretary Brian Bodicoat. For cash and cheques please use the social box. If anybody else would like to go there are up to eight seats available at the time of writing. The cost of £30 per person includes the coach fare, driver tip, and the following attractions in Portsmouth Harbour:1. Mary Rose Museum 2. H.M.S.Warrior 3. H.M.S.Victory 4. Royal Navy National Museum 5. Action Stations and Harbour tour We shall leave the club at 9.30 am and return at about 6.30 pm.

Brian Cooper Cine Horse Racing th

Tony Fuller & Alan Hopper

Wednesday 24 September 2014 630pm for first race at 7pm No Catering for this function You may bring your own food Changed Date

01903 521908 Please remember that if you know of a club member who has been hospitalised, or otherwise unwell, or even not seen at Pavilion for a while, to notify the Club Welfare Officer:

Quiz Night & Buffet th

Wednesday 29 October 2014

Peter Woods on the above Telephone Number or alternatively inform Hon Sec Bryan Bodicoat

Shuffle Board & Fish ‘n’ Chips th

Wednesday 19 November 2014

Newsletter of Worthing Pavilion BC

Connaught Theatre ‘OLIVER’ Zoe Wright reserved thirty tickets for the 7-30pm evening performance of the musical ‘Oliver’ at The Connaught Theatre on: th

Friday 24 October 2014. The production is being staged by the Worthing Musical Comedy Society from st th Tuesday 21 – Saturday 25 October. The list was put up on the social notice board early July, so it is more than likely that all the reserved tickets for this iconic show will have been sold by now. However, don’t despair as there may still be unsold tickets for the show available through the booking hotline or the Worthing Theatres Box Office. See advertisement overleaf for contact details.



Pavilion and Horsham line up on 13th July 2014 prior to Horsham’s inaugural match at their new facility at Holbrook

Ladies’Section Monthly Review The ladies have played three league games this month, losing to Norfolk at home; winning against Marine Gardens away, picking up all six points; and drawing with Middleton at home, picking up three points. They have played three friendlies losing to Norfolk at home and The Drive away and winning against Horsham at home.

Ladies Captain’s Charity Day The ladies captain’s charity day this year was in aid of The British Heart Foundation. The day saw thirty-two members playing a mixed fun drive over fourteen ends. The winning rink being Diane Dwyer, Ley Elliott, Carol Tillett, Paul Wilson. Thank you to everyone who supported the charity day either by and donating raffle prizes; buying raffle tickets; playing on the day; helping on the day, or giving a donation. Together we made a brilliant total of £600. 00.

Ann Button Ladies Captain

Late Entry th

The indoor rinks will be closed from 4pm on Thursday 18 September 2014 whilst the carpets are stretched. Acknowledgement and thanks to Malcolm Gilbey, Warwick Davis, Edward Cripps, Bennie Bennett, Tim Baldwin, Richard Calvert, Gordon Kibbles, Tony Fuller, Alan Hopper, Brian Cooper; Zoe Wright and Ann Button for their contributions not forgetting Ron Atkinson AKO Cartoons for his permission to publish his cartoons. Closing date for contributions for next month is 20th Sept 2014 preferably via email Newsletter of Worthing Pavilion BC Editor: Tony Powell email


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