July Newsletter

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JULY 2017

Inside this Edition

Playing Matters: Captain’s Column A Word from the Secretary

Sun Sun Mon Tue Sat Fri Sat

09 Chichester A 16 Bognor A 17 Pulborough 18 Tarring Priory B 22 Worthing 28 Pagham 29 Norfolk A

(A Team) * (A Team) * (B Team) (B Team)* (A Team)* (B Team) (A Team) *

Stracey & Brodie Leagues



Sat 01 Mon 03 Wed 05 Sat 15 Mon 17 Wed 26 Sat 29


Ladies’ Matches

Touring Club Crime Prevention Advice Social Scene

Tue Tue Thur Tue Thur Tue Thur * #

Playing Matters

04 11 13 18 20 25 27

Lancing (Stracey) # Homefield Pk (Stracey) # Goring Manor (Brodie) # Lancing (Stracey ) * # Worthing (Stracey) * # Marine Gdns (Stracey) # Southwick Pk (Stracey) #

Norfolk * Pavilion Men Pagham The Drive East Preston Goring Manor * Middleton *

Indicates Away Matches

Friendly Matches Indicates Mixed Matches

The Captain’s Column

Excerpts from July 2017 Fixture Card

Match AvailabilitySheets

NB: Check website for any changes

Stracey / Brodie

Men’s Friendlies (Mixed Matches) Mon 10 Tue 11 Fri 14 Sun 16 Wed 19 Mon 31

Henfield * # Pavilion Ladies Rottingdean # Horsham Friendship Cup * East Preston * # The Drive, Hove * #

Men’s League Sat Sat Sun Thur Sat

01 01 02 06 08

Tarring Priory A Pulborough Crablands Witterings Arundel


(A Team) * (B Team) * (A Team) (B Team) (B Team) *

(rinks) Brodie (triples) mixed leagues which might be perceived as at a slightly lower level than division one of the WSBL. These mixed leagues provide opportunities, not only to some previous league players, but also to any member of either sex who wishes to participate in competitive matches against other clubs. Whilst we want the teams selected to be successful we are looking for them to be made up of both experienced and inexperienced bowlers. It is true that there was a surfeit of players at the start of the season, with twenty-nine names for a Brodie team of twelve players and twenty-three names for a Stracey team of sixteen players, but the situation has drastically changed since then with barely having sufficient numbers for the last two games. So I would urge all members who are interested in playing in these games to show their commitment by putting their names on future match availability sheets.

It has been suggested that some members (both male and female) are reluctant to put their names forward on the match availability sheets due to a number of reasons, i.e they feel that these matches are for the elite players only, they do not think they are good enough to play, or they have put their name forward previously and not been picked so they don't bother. It was decided, after the last outdoor season to withdraw one team from the West Sussex Bowls League due to the difficulties of maintaining three competitive teams in the league. At the same time we entered into the Stracey Newsletter of Worthing Pavilion BC

Some time ago I expressed the view that the majority of members were apathetic towards friendly indoor meal matches, but the gainsayers refuted this, suggesting that the cancellation of a particular match was a result of a ‘perfect storm’. Although the outdoor season is still in its early stages, my view has now changed to include all friendly matches for the outdoor season. I have listened to a variety of reasons, no doubt heard by previous captains, for not being able to play - ranging from ‘it clashes with matinee triples, my second cousin is visiting from America, I've strained my big toe, I didn't realise there was a match on, I only play in triples, to I don't play in mixed games’. The fact of the matter is that apart from the opening game against Chippenham Tourists, when with much hard work, we managed to put out an impressive twelve rinks, we have

PAVILION POST since struggled to field a full team even though some of the fixtures were reduced. It was necessary to cancel the away fixture to Rottingdean due to lack of support and I am sure that this will not be the last. Certain members have stated that the response would be greater if we played triples rather than rinks - this is palpably a fallacy as we have the same problems with these matches. The dearth of ladies names on the match availability sheets is testament to another misconception that mixed friendlies would be more popular. I feel that the time has come for the club to seriously consider scrapping all future outdoor friendly matches, in line with the views of the majority of members and face the possible consequences that this decision may bring. On the 14th June we hosted a touring side from West Bridgford, Notts, on seven rinks.The weather was glorious and all those taking part seemed to enjoy themselves, with the home side winning by forty-eight shots. Unfortunately, that is only part of the story, as a few days before the fixture we only had four rinks despite pleas to all member sections. A late flurry of names secured another rink, but it was still incumbent upon me to contact local clubs for assistance in providing two rinks. This was eventually achieved with the help of Maltravers sending two rinks, but the club was obliged to cover the costs of their involvement - however we were extremely grateful to them for allowing us to fulfil the fixture. It is embarrassing that a club with around three hundred playing members is unable to field twentyeight people for a friendly match. This embarrassment was compounded further, when Maltravers contributed thirty-two shots to the winning margin from their two rinks. It was suggested that one reason for the lack of names was due to the fixture being sandwiched between two league matches for both men and ladies. Whilst this might have some merit, I would point out that on the same day over thirty members were participating in club competitions, which demonstrates to me where their priorities lie - certainly not with supporting the club to honour prearranged friendlies.

Synopsis of Results

The match was played in good spirits, although the claim by the ladies, of being disadvantaged due to the fact they had not played on ‘B’ green this year, was felt to be either gamesmanship or desperation. The overall result was five triples won by the men with one drawn, total 121 - 74, so you may draw your own conclusions. The top rink 21 - 4 was skipped by Richard Krupa with Graham Forshaw and John Bartholomew assisting. th

On Friday 26 May, despite glorious sunshine we had a disappointing result in the first leg of the ‘Friendship Cup’ against Horsham, if we hope to retain the trophy. Although we won on four rinks, we only have a cushion of fourteen shots for the away leg at Horsham on July 16th. The top rink won 30 - 11 skipped by Paul Wilson, with Bryan Bodicoat, Bennie Bennett and Bill Simmons. The weather was markedly different on TH Saturday 27 May when we hosted a touring side from Ramsbury & Aldbourne. We won on four of the six triples and by 115 shots to 94. The top rink 32 18 consisted of Sally Krupa, Ian McRae (skip) and Alan Muzzell, who kindly stood in at thirty minutes notice.


Malcolm Gilbey NB

Should anyone be interested, photographs from the event can be found on Worthing Pavilion Bowling Club facebook page, as well as on the club website. Ed.



On Wednesday 7 June 2017 despite the atrocious windy conditions Pavilion won the home match against Preston outdoor 85-62.

Brodie Tray th

On Thursday 15 June 2017 Pavilion played away at Marine Gardens in the Brodie Tray, winning three of the four rinks of triples with a score of 70-65 thereby picking up eight points.

Stracey Shield th

On Saturday 17 June 2017 Pavilion played away to Soutwick Park in the Stracey losing 67-74, but still picked up four points.

Bryan Bodicoat Men’s Captain

Open ‘Fours’ Tournament th

Wednesday 24th May saw the first of the two ‘Men v Ladies’ fixtures for the outdoor season.

Littlehampton, Crawley, Bognor Regis, Pagham, Chichester, Hotham, Southwick, Worthing; including a team of deaf bowlers, met at Worthing Pavilion Bowling Club to compete in an ‘open fours’ tournament better known as ‘Wiggy’s Plate’ organised by Ray Leggett. The weather included intermittent rain and a sea mist later in afternoon, but the temperature was pleasant for bowling. The tournament was run all day the final play offs in the early evening for the final position. The winning four were S.Davey, J.Frew, R. Taylor and M Strong. Runners up were the rink of A.Clarke. Everyone stated that they had a very enjoyable day at Pavilion Bowling Club that hosted the event.

On Monday 29 May 2017 seventysix players representing nineteen teams from Portsmouth, Southampton, Sutton Surrey, Newdigate, Lingfield, Newsletter of Worthing Pavilion BC

Super 7’s Horsham We were invited to play in the Super rd 7’s at Horsham on June 3 and seven of the indoor Mavericks namely: John Holliman Paul Webster Judy Webster Ben Benfield Sheri Carpenter Ted Cripps Colin Brown put their names forward for this competition. The all-day event was supported by ten teams from all over the county. We, the Pavilion Mavericks, came fourth in the competition, there were only two points difference between second and fourth so this was a very close contest. A very enjoyable day for all concerned and we look forward to improving on this position next time. Well done team.

Esme Clough 2


Question of Law Measuring During a recent competitive match I noticed a player estimating the distance between bowls and the jack before the last bowl of an end, by physically placing his foot in-between them. This practice is wholly against Law 23.3 of the Crystal Mark 3 Laws of the Sport of Bowls i.e. No measuring (that is, the use of equipment, such as that described in law 54, placed between the jack and bowls to decide which bowls are shot) will be allowed before the process of deciding the number of shots scored starts (as described in law 23.1) If a player measures before the process of deciding the number of shots scored starts, the defaulting team will lose the right to play any bowls remaining to be played in that end and the nondefaulting team will deliver their remaining bowls to complete the end.


I have received a comment relating to the organisation of the roll up book. It appears that members are not putting their names down in the book as they arrive, but choosing to select groups from themselves. This is not the way that the roll up sessions are organised. The principal point of the roll up is for social bowling and this means playing with a wide cross-section across the club. Hence the long-standing requirement for members to sign in on arrival and then the rinks to be allocated in groups of six or eight depending on numbers. This seems to be particularly an issue on Monday, Wednesday and Saturday mornings. Also on the subject of the roll up book, please remember that it is important for you to sign in the book every time you arrive for a roll-up session. Please will all members adhere to the agreed protocol on this matter.

Board Meeting The Board of Directors met on st Wednesday 21 June and issues discussed included:

Word from the Secretary

New Members We are very pleased to welcome the following new members to the club: Brian Shortland Petrina Gilbert Kevin Batchelor Lesley Kirkland Heather Atkinson John Harris Frank Patten Linda Patten

  

We wish them a long and enjoyable bowling career at Pavilion.

Social Events Please note that, as from now, all monies relating to social events must be paid in through the Secretaries’ Office. In the event of the office being closed there are envelopes just outside the door. Please complete the details attached to the envelope and put the envelope through the letter box of the office.


Following the Extraordinary th General meeting on June 7 where the members accepted the proposal to amend the existing Memoranda & Articles by fifty-five votes to two, the new version have been lodged with Companies House and are now available on the club web site and in the clubhouse All Directors’ present gave their individual reports A start has been made to a rolling programme of maintenance and upgrade of the club premises. Disappointment was expressed at the number of cancellations recently in terms of social events, due to poor response from the membership. The current choice being offered is clearly not to the taste of many (most) members and therefore it is imperative that anyone with ideas for new social events, activities or just thoughts to energise the Social Committee in their work, would be greatly appreciated. A Social Barbecue is being planned for late August where there will be the opportunity to bring your families and friends down to meet club members. They can take part in a game, enjoy the music or just relax and appreciate Newsletter of Worthing Pavilion BC

the superb facilities that we have at WPBC. This is a great chance to meet other members of the club and support the club itself.

Peter Woods Hon Secretary

Volunteering The Gardeners Once again I feel that it is pertinent to acknowledge and thank Alan Hopper and Tony Fuller; despite a period of ill health, for all their hard work cultivating the flower borders and hanging baskets at Pavilion for the enjoyment of members and visitors alike throughout the summer. It is not just a fair weather job. Alan and Tony can be seen busily tending or preparing the flower beds throughout the four seasons of the year.

Editor Touring Club Notice Late Room Vacancy

Sadly one of our couples have had to pull out of the summer tour to Salisbury th on Monday 4 Sept 2017, at short notice, due to a late hospital appointment. Consequently, this now leaves one room available, so if any club member would like to join us on this tour, can they please contact me ASAP. If there are no takers I will have to release the held room by the first week in July.

Timothy Baldwin Touring Club Secretary


PAVILION POST Crime Prevention Action Fraud has received the first reports of Tech-Support scammers claiming to be from Microsoft who are taking advantage of the global WannaCry ransomware attack. One victim fell for the scam after calling a ‘help’ number advertised on a pop up window. The window which wouldn’t close said the victim had been affected by WannaCry Ransomware. The victim granted the fraudsters remote access to their PC after being convinced there wasn’t sufficient antivirus protection. The fraudsters then installed Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool, which is actually free and took £320 as payment. It is important to remember that Microsoft’s error and warning messages on your PC will never include a phone number. Additionally Microsoft will never proactively reach out to you to provide unsolicited PC or technical support. Any communication they have with you must be initiated by you. How to protect yourself

    

Don't call numbers from pop-up messages. Never allow remote access to your computer. Always be wary of unsolicited calls. If you’re unsure of a caller’s identity, hang up. Never divulge passwords or pin numbers. Microsoft or someone on their behalf will never call you.

If you believe you have already been a victim

Get your computer checked for any additional programmes or software that may have been installed. Contact your bank to stop any further payments being taken.

Courtesy ActionFraud

Malcolm Gilbey Webmaster

There is also a current worrying scam across Aldi car parks where two males accost women returning to their cars offering to sell them perfume at a favourable price and inviting their unsuspecting victims to smell their wares. The likely victim on this occasion had seemingly received an email someday previous, warning her to be aware of this scam. The two males concerned continued to hang around between the park cars when another women was seen walking directly towards them. The original accosted lady, stopped her and pointed out the two men and what they were up to, inviting ladies to sniff their perfume. It is not perfume but apparently ether, a dangerous drug that will induce unconsciousness, enabling them to steal your handbag, car etc. Pass this along to your women friends and take care. Courtesy Facebook

Social Scene Connaught Theatre Zoe Wright has kindly booked twentyfive tickets for the Worthing Musical Comedy Society’s production of ‘The Little Shop of Horrors’ at the rd Connaught Theatre on Friday 3 November 2017. Tickets are £20, but if more than ten are sold there will be a ten percent discount, reducing the cost to £18 per ticket. The list for potential theatre-goers is already on the notice board waiting for you to append your name etc. Zoe asks that monies be deposited in an envelope and either handed in to the secretary or if the office is closed, posted through the secretary’s office th letter box by 16 September 2017.

Editor Margaret Greenfield th

On Thursday 15 June 2017 members of Pavilion joined friends and family at the chapel of HD Tribe for the funeral of former club member Margaret Greenfield, who passed away at St Barnabis Hospice after a prolonged illness. Margaret was a competent bowler also a stalwart of the Ladies’ Section and together with her husband Ferdie; whom she survived, was very active in the club social scene. Our thoughts are with Margaret’s family at this sad time.

But they still have the last laugh!!


Newsletter of Worthing Pavilion BC



Connaught Theatre

Jazz Night ‘The Little Shop of Horrors’

Jazz Night September 2017 July 2017 Date to be fixed

Date to be arranged

Friday 3 November 2017

Theatre Trip to London Palladium

Quiz Night


‘Wind in the Willows’



Wednesday 13 September 2017


Wednesday 11 October 2017


Tuesday 1 August 2017

Jazz Night Friday 25 August 2017

Thames River Cruise

Dr Jazz

Tuesday 19 September 2017


Jazz Night November 2017


Light Supper

Date to be arranged

200 Club

 01903 239122

June 2017 winners were: st

1 Prize £55



Prize £35


3 Prize £25

Ray Leggett

Di Dwyer

Please remember that if you know of a club member who has been hospitalised, or otherwise unwell, or even not seen at Pavilion for a while, to notify the Club Welfare Officer: Mrs Carol Tillett

June Lewis

Peter Woods

on the above Telephone Number or alternatively inform

Hon Secretary

Hon Sec Peter Woods

Acknowledgements and thanks to Bryan Bodicoat, Esme Clough, Timothy Baldwin and Malcolm Gilbey, for their contributions not forgetting Ron Atkinson AKO Cartoons, for his continued permission to publish his cartoons.


Closing date for contributions 20th June 2017 preferably via email Newsletter of Worthing Pavilion BC Edited by Anthony Powell - email editior@wpavilionbc.org


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