December Newsletter

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Inside this Edition Playing Matters: Fixtures New singles competition A Word from the Bridge Pavilion at Christmas Planetbowls W/E Ladies’ Section Coaching: Question of Law Etiquette Touring Club: Autumn Tour Spring and Summer tours Crime Prevention Social Scene: Regular Cards Sessions Forthcoming Functions Late Contributions: Reviews Notices: Urgent Vacancies Welfare

John Wright 1939-2014

employed at the Lloyds Registry in Durrington; alongside fellow Pavilion member Bill Parker. In time he left Lloyds to take a position in local government in London. John was greatly interested in amateur dramatics and met his wife Zöe at the Worthing Musical Comedy Society. Zöe and John married at Ferring in 1964. Not only was John a keen performer in his younger days, but later became an influential figure as the chairman of the society. Both John and Zöe joined Pavilion in August 2008 after he retired from playing golf. John relished his bowling and endeavoured not to let his illness stop him enjoying himself. Amongst other things John played in the ‘C’ team in the LGL; the matinee triples and he was also a popular member of the spoon-drivers. Whilst his colleagues were aware of John’s situation, his sudden passing came as a bit of a shock. Only a week earlier John had written an open letter to the spoon-drivers that was read out prior to them commencing their ten o’clock session. I have taken the liberty to transcribe John’s letter below: Hi Spooners!!

The Kingswood Chapel at Worthing Crematorium was packed with family st and friends on Monday 1 December 2014 to celebrate the life of John Wright, who passed away at St th Barnabas Hospice on Wednesday 12 November 2014 after a long illness that John had bravely fought for many years. During his working life John was

The Inimitable and Unforgettable John Wright


Just a quick note to thank you for the amusing get well card sent to me on your behalf. It brought a smile to my face. I thought this an ideal opportune moment to advise you, in case you are not already aware, that I will not be leaving St Barnabas. This is to be my last resting place. And so I have had a lot of time to think of all the happy times spent in your company. The highlight of my day would be to beat Alan Muzzell, but today it is a trip to the Jacuzzi bath. Sorry Alan, the Jacuzzi is now my first delight. Thanks guys for all the happy memories and I trust you all Newsletter of Worthing Pavilion BC

have many more years of happy and sociable bowls ahead of you. Off you go now, and enjoy your game. John C (Wright) Without doubt John will be sadly missed at Pavilion and our thoughts are with Zöe and her family at this sad and difficult time. Rest in Peace John.

Editor Playing Matters Excerpt December Fixture Card NB: Check website for any changes Men’s Friendlies (and Mixed Matches) 03 13 14

Preston Horsham # Wealden *

Men’s League 20 Arun * Ladies’ League 08

Preston *

Ladies’ Friendlies etc 16

Mince Pie Drive

* Indicates Away Match # Indicates Mixed

NEW YEAR SINGLES COMPETITION It is proposed to run a singles competition open to all club members The competition will be played on Tuesday evenings starting in January 2015.


PAVILION POST The format of the competition will be based on that of Planetbowls i.e. two sets of seven ends followed by a three end tie-break if required. The early stages of the competition will be played without markers and visiting the head will be prohibited until after the third wood. Depending on the entry level there will be either a single session on Tuesday evening starting at 6:30pm or two sessions starting at 6:00pm and 8:00pm respectively. The entry fee will be £5 per head and all monies collected will be paid out as prize money. If you wish to take part please enter your name on the list on the easel in the main lounge.

Gerry Shallis A Word from the Bridge

their turn to bowl may not have noticed the lead’s error and will not beware of the danger.

the event successful.

Edward Cripps Captain

Pavilion at Christmas Pavilion will close after lunch on th Wednesday 24 December 2014 and th re-open as per normal on Saturday 27 December 2014. Over the New Year period Pavilion will st close at 2.30pm on Tuesday 31 December 2014 re-opening as per nd normal on Thursday 2 January 2015. There will be no New Year celebrations. The kitchen will close at 1.30pm on Christmas Eve and will re-open at 9am nd on Friday 2 January 2015.

Winner Chris Young collects his £1000 cheque

Special mention to the markers of which there were but a few, including Richard Calvert, Ted and Pat Cripps, Peter Pullen and Gordon Kibbles. Their services were called upon countless times. Special mention must also go to Gerry Shallis and Keith Wadhams for organising the draws and the scorecards.

Monthly Review At the time of this report Pavilion had played and lost one away friendly and won two home friendlies, with another four home friendlies yet to play. The improved support from players meant that I did not have to cancel any of the friendly matches so far this month.

Be Aware of play on Adjacent Rinks Occasionally we see bowls delivered simultaneously from opposite ends of adjacent rinks accidentally collide midway, causing some consternation especially if one of the players is engaged in a competition. Where does this leave the two players involved in respect of the law of bowls, or even bowling etiquette? Nowhere!! It is the responsibility of all players to be aware of the play on adjacent rinks so as to avoid such instances of bowls colliding, especially where a bowl will encroach onto the adjacent rink whilst in its original course. There is an opinion however that where a competitive match is taking place on an adjacent rink, players who are rolling up or practicing on the rink next-door should respect those playing in the competition by waiting for them to deliver their bowl first and not deliver their own bowl until any risk of collision has passed. It is also unnecessary for the ‘Skip’ to return a Jack with force when the lead has accidentally delivered it into the ditch. Members of the teams waiting for 02/12/2014

Planetbowls The Planetbowls’ circuit rolled into th Worthing on the weekend of the 8 November 2015 bringing a carnival atmosphere to Pavilion for the Jack of Clubs Worthing Open Singles tournament. A total of seventy-six entrants from as far afield as Cornwall, South Devon, East Kent and East Anglia competed in the event; that also included a goodly number of competitors from Worthing Pavilion. Such was the number of competitors, that the start of the tournament had to be brought forward to the Friday evening and even then we overran on the Sunday, with the final running well past 10pm. Worthing Pavilion member Mark Strong successfully progressed through to the last sixteen only to lose out to Gary Fountain of Dolphin IBC 6-3 : 5-8 with the 0 : 2 tie break going in the favour of Gary; who eventually proceeded to the final. After what must have been a very long day for the competitors, the final was eventually won by Chris Young of Wey Valley IBC who beat Gary Fountain 7-7 : 9-4 to receive the £1000 cheque. I appreciated Dave and Yvonne keeping the kitchen open late, providing meals and snacks for the competitors and guests, also thanks to the entire bar staff for their time and effort. The music, food, drinks all helped to make a convivial ambiance that helped make Newsletter of Worthing Pavilion BC

Runner up Gary Fountain collects his £500 cheque

Finally I would like to thank Bennie Bennett and Jim Harrington the umpires, who were on duty for most of the event. There perhaps could be refinements made to the live streaming; that was confined to rink two on this occasion. There were too many adverts and frequent drop-outs resulted in a black screen. Equally if you had tuned in on the spur of the moment, you could be excused for thinking that you were watching a ‘rear of the year’ competition, such was the positioning of the cameras. Planetbowls will be returning to Pavilion over the Spring Bank Holiday weekend 2015 for an outdoor tournament, followed by a grand prix tournament during September 2015 for the top thirty-two players.

Warwick Davis NB: All six rinks were left for members’ use Saturday and Sunday between 10am-12pm, but were under-used. Next year I will be asking if we can start at 10am Saturday and Sunday using three rinks, in order we can complete 2

PAVILION POST the final at a reasonable time on the Sunday. I have also been restricted to sixty-four entrants next year that will also help the situation. It has been suggested that for the outdoor events next year in particular, that I have a prize for the last member standing in the main competition and I might do this for the Plate competition as well. But this will only apply to any member who has not received any other prize money.

Ladies’ Section November Report 2014 Unfortunately the ladies lost their competition matches in the Egham and Mason against Palmerston and also the Yetton Plate match against Victory. However, in the Mason we only lost by six shots and against Victory by only one, so we are not completely downhearted! A very big thank you to Bennie for his help and support as umpire for all the national competitions, and also to Elizabeth Haynes for her support. We had good victories in home matches against Eastbourne in October and Aldingbourne in November, but sadly were beaten when we played the men. It was a close match between the captain and vice captain but the vice captain won by five shots. Sharon obviously missed the memo that I wanted to win! Congratulations to the ladies who have won their badge for being in a top rink since the last edition of the Pavilion Post - Pat Edmonds, Joan Barrass, Marina Crayston, Jill Lay, Diana Murray, Sue Gubbins, June Burbidge, June Braiden, Maureen Holliman and Linda Farley. I would like to thank members for continuing to put their names forward for matches and supporting our sessions. I would also like to welcome Diane Bartholomew who has just joined our Monday afternoon sessions. This next bit seems strange because I'm writing in November, but it won't be published until December - 'Happy Christmas' everyone!

Julie Woods Ladies’ Captain

Coaching Update The last few months have been very difficult for the coaching team. We have had a few problems where coaches have had to contend with medical problems of their own and their families, this has made it difficult for us to carry out the task of coaching. However we have come through it very well with the thirty-five new bowlers we have coached joining the club. Our aim as coaches is to try to train them to become proficient bowlers, the goal that we all strived for when we joined the club. The new members joined the club as either junior’s, full or social members. A very good reward for all the hard work we have put in. We would like to thank all the coaches for their efforts during the last few months. We are sure that the membership of the club are not fully aware of the hours that we put in and stress that it is all unpaid. None of the coaches claim expenses for the work that they do. On a positive note we completed another marking and measuring course th on the 20 November and we will make a fuller report of the course in the next issue of Pavilion Post. A reminder to all members if they are interested in a course please let any of the coaches know and we will add your name to the list for the next course. Planetbowls was a great success for the club and some of the bowling was of a very high standard. But it was also noticeable how many loose bowls even the top bowlers play. There is hope for the rest of us when we see that even the best can make mistakes. One of the things the coaching team can do for any bowler in the club is to provide a delivery clinic with I-Pad video where you can see the way you bowl. We find that when the average bowler watches their own delivery they can see the errors themselves and are then able to make the necessary correction, with the help of the coach. Have you wondered why the tennis players all have their own coach, they have found that it works to have somebody looking at their play and helping out where necessary. We would like to wish all club members a Very Happy Christmas and a Prosperous New Year.

Richard Calvert & Gordon Kibbles Senior Coaches


Newsletter of Worthing Pavilion BC

A Question of Law Marking Touchers The practice of nominating a bowl as a toucher, when it should clearly have been marked, still continues. The WIBC laws on marking touchers is clearly laid out in Law 28 i.e. (i)



A toucher shall be clearly marked with chalk by a member of the player’s team or the marker in Singles. If in the opinion of either skip, or opponent, or the marker in Singles, a toucher or a wrongly chalked bowl comes to rest in such a position that the act of making a chalk mark, or erasing it, is likely to move the bowl or to alter the head, the bowl shall not be marked or have its mark erased, but shall be indicated as a toucher or non toucher as the case may be. If a bowl is not so marked or not so indicated before the succeeding bowl comes to rest, or in the case of the last bowl of an end, before a period of thirty seconds invoked under Law 44, it ceases to be a toucher.

It is simple really, a toucher should always be marked unless by doing so the bowl is likely to be moved or alter the head, when it may be nominated in accordance with Law 28 (ii).

Etiquettes Often you can hear players bantering or giving a running commentary on the progress of a bowl in its original course. This can be particularly annoying and a distraction to other players, especially those in possession of the rink. Apart from anything else it is bad etiquette and likely to infringe Law 41 on possession of the rink i.e. (ii) The players in possession of the rink for the time being shall not be interfered with, annoyed, or have their attention distracted in any way by their opponents (iv) Should a player infringe the law of rink possession the umpire shall, after having given a warning, have the last bowl played declared dead, if the bowl has disturbed the head, the opponent shall have the option of: (a) resetting the head (b) leaving the head as altered, or (c) declaring the end dead.

Editor 3

PAVILION POST Touring Club Autumn Tour 2015 For one reason or other several of the regular tourists had to cry off the autumn tour to Bembridge. However we hope they will be able to join the forthcoming spring tour, that will see us returning to Warners, Bembridge.

Rick, Barry, Peter and Bernie pose with Warners’ Rep Alissa for the post-match photograph

Autumnal sunrise over Bembridge

Consequently only twenty one members eventually made the journey to the IOW th on 24 November, enough for four Pavilion rinks. Unexpectedly a few other touring sides had also cancelled, leaving just six rinks to compete for the £1500 first prize and £500 runner’s up prize.

Ledger, who each held a plus eleven shot difference, resulting in a countback. Barry came out one end the better i.e. seventeen ends to Tim's sixteen ends. That was enough to see Barry, Peter, Bernie and Rick win through to the final on Wednesday afternoon, unfortunately losing out 12-4 over eleven ends against the regular nonaffiliated quartet; who had also been winners of at least three previous Warner tournaments. A big thank you to Tim and Tricia from all the tourists, for all their hard work to ensure that it would be a very enjoyable tour.

Editor Spring Tour 2015 A room with a view

Tricia Baldwin kindly played for a rink that were a player short. Unfortunately Tricia forgot she was undercover and excelled in her temporary role, acting more like a double agent. As the tournament progressed to the final stages four of the Pavilion rinks had accrued four points each i.e. two wins apiece. Second and third places were held by Tim Baldwin and Barry

Barry surveys the head in the final


We currently hold forty-four places for the Bembridge indoor tour for the five days over Monday 2nd March 2015 through to Friday 6th March 2015. The costs will be as charged for November viz £206 per head plus £25 for bowlers. Anyone else who would like to join the tour must advise me before 10th December.

Summer Tour 2015 As was agreed at the Touring Club AGM, I have been able to book Warners - Bembridge as our base for the summer tour and I am in the process of organising our games around the island. During discussions with the hotel over cost, it became apparent that we should visit the island a week earlier than the usual week. By doing this we will be saving £70+ a head charges. The tour will therefore commence Newsletter of Worthing Pavilion BC

on Monday 31st August 2015 through to Friday 4th September 2015 at a cost per head of around £250 + £25 for bowlers. These charges will include ferry and insurance, but do not cover additional small sums (prizes) applicable to summer tours. Please put your name on the list in the clubhouse if you would like to come the more the merrier.

Tim Baldwin Crime Prevention The reputable IT company ‘Geeks on Wheels’ has advised its customers of an increase in the number of scam calls from companies purporting to be BT, Microsoft and Windows informing people their computers are infected and seeking to remotely access their equipment to fix the issues. If given access they would install software designed to steal data on your computer. It has even been heard of an agent creating a password that locked the computer and then held them to ransom. Under no circumstances should you allow any company that you do not know to access your computer. If you receive a call from any company telling you that they have identified issues with your computer, please hang up. If you would like to stay up to date with this and other technology news, please follow their Facebook and Twitter pages, these are apparently updated daily with useful information.

Malcolm Gilbey 4

PAVILION POST Worthing Journal

Lightning Strike hits Pavilion Relax it was in 1957. For those of you who are interested in the history of the club, the following excerpt taken from The Worthing Journal may be of interest to you:

Christmas Raffle Donations of prizes for the Christmas Raffle are urgently sought! If you would like to donate a prize please speak to one of the members of the Social Committee.

Dennis Dixon Social Director

An old favourite that never fails to raise a smile

Diana & John Murray I am sure that fellow members will join with me in congratulating Diana and John Murray, who will be celebrating their Diamond Wedding Anniversary th (sixty-years) on the 11 December 2015.

Editor Easyfundraising . Please do not forget to register Worthing Pavilion BC as your special cause with Easyfundraising if you intend to purchase items online this Christmas. It is an ideal opportunity for all of us to raise funds, however small, for the club at no cost to ourselves. Don’t forget that you can also download an app for easier access to their site.

Editor 02/12/2014

and Southern Counties single rink winning by one shot on an extra end. We also made an early exit from the Denny Plate losing on all rinks to the Isle of Wight.

Late Contributions

However, we bounced back to winning ways in the County League Division One with a 149-85 point win over Eastbourne securing ten points. Wins for Mark Strong 37-13 and Clunky Clarke 28-9 providing the platform to kick start the league campaign where at the time of writing we find ourselves in mid table. The month ended with a defeat in the London & Southern Counties Challenge Shield where Pavilion lost 63-76 to Eastbourne. It has been encouraging that we have managed to blood new players into the league and representative teams including two of the more junior club members, James Brennan and Ashley Harrison giving them good experience that bodes well for the future.

John Frew Monthly Reviews It proved to be a difficult start to the season for the league and representative teams. Our first competitive match was a fixture against Victory in the Denny Cup. The two away rinks provided an outstanding result, both winning against strong opposition. Unfortunately our two home rinks were unable to match this feat and we lost the tie overall by twenty-five shots. This match was followed by the first fixture in County League Division One against a very strong Adur side that ran out winners by forty-four shots, with Pavilion only winning on one rink. The away League fixture against Worthing saw another disappointing defeat with Pavilion again only winning one rink and going down by forty-three shots. On a more positive note, Clunky Clarke led his rink to a notable victory over David Hubbard at Adur in the London

Newsletter of Worthing Pavilion BC

Team Manager

 01903 521908 Please remember that if you know of a club member who has been hospitalised, or otherwise unwell, or even not seen at Pavilion for a while, to notify the Club Welfare Officer: Peter Woods on the above Telephone Number or alternatively inform Hon Sec Bryan Bodicoat



Bridge We play Rubber Bridge (cut in) every Tuesday night 6.30pm. th Next meeting 27 January 2015 Contact John Combeer 01903 230833

Xmas Dinner & Dance th

Bingo & Fish ‘n’ Chips th

Saturday 6 December 2014

Wednesday 28 March 2015

Xmas Luncheon

Quiz & Buffet

Cribbage th

Wednesday 14 January 2015 7pm for 7-30pm. Entrance £2.00 includes coffee and prizes. Further Info from John Murray by email:


Thursday 11 December 2014 th

Friday 24 April 2015

Whist Drive Last Friday of each month starting at 2pm. th Next meeting 30 January 2015 Contact Ron Colbourne. 01903 204503

Mixed Fun Drive + Tea & Biscuits th

Sunday 4 January 2015

Quiz Night & Buffet st

Wednesday 21 January 2015

St Valentine’s Dance th

Saturday 14 February 2015

Wishing all at Pavilion a Merry Christmas and a Prosperous, Healthy New Year


Newsletter of Worthing Pavilion BC




Forthcoming VACANCY

Assistant ClubSecretary This position has been vacant for the past two years and needs to be filled as a matter of urgency. Apart from assisting the current secretary now, this role would prove a useful platform for any candidate willing to take over from Bryan next year. Please speak to Bryan if you are interested in this role.

Club/ Company Secretary Bryan Bodicoat has given notice that he will not be standing for re-election next Autumn. If you are interested in being considered for this role please speak to Bryan.


Forthcoming VACANCY

Men’s Vice-Captain

Company Director

This position has been vacant far too long and needs to be filled as soon as possible. The placement provides an ideal platform to learn the ropes, with a view from taking over from Ted next Autumn. Please speak to Ted if you are interested. NB: members are reminded that Ted will not continue as captain outdoors unless he has a vicecaptain in place.

Recruitment & Marketing Malcolm Gilbey has given notice that he will not be standing for re-election next Autumn. If you are interested in being considered for this position please speak to Malcolm.

Acknowledgement and thanks to Gerry Shallis, Edward Cripps, Warwick Davis, Julie Woods, Richard Calvert & Gordon Kibbles, Tim Baldwin, Malcolm Gilbey and John Frew for their contributions, not forgetting Ron Atkinson AKO Cartoons for his permission to publish his cartoons. Closing date for contributions for next month 20th December preferably by email

Editior: Tony Powell email -

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