2nd Issue of January 'sNewsletter

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Playing Matters: Fixtures Open Singles Circuit A word from the Secretary Touring Club:


Ladies’ League

such a situation and nobody present had access to a copy of the laws. This specific scenario is covered by Law 50 of the WIBC LAWS OF THE SPORT OF INDOOR BOWLS e.g.

Tues 10 Tues 31

Playing to a Finish and Possible Drawn Game:

Tues 24

Pavilion Men

Worthing IBC Adur


Indicates Away Matches


Indicates Mixed Matches

Crime Prevention Social Scene


Notices Welfare


Playing Matters Excerpt from the January Fixture Card NB: Check website for any changes Men’s Friendlies (Mixed Matches) Wed Sat Sun Fri Sat Wed Tues

04 07 08 13 14 18 24

Worthing IBC Past Presidents Victory *# Shoreham * (Adur) Met Police # Capt v Spoondrivers Pavilion Ladies

Men’s League Sun Sun

08 22


Pavilion v Preston IBC

Grattons * Egerton Park

On Wednesday 7 December 2016 Pavilion hosted a side from Preston IBC Brighton for the annual return leg, following our friendly match at th Brighton on Saturday 8 October 2016 that resulted in a draw 154-154. Being a competitive club Preston fielded a strong side and whilst Pavilion did have the edge throughout the match Preston were always within touching distance and actually held the lead for a short-while in the home straight. Pavilion regained the lead quickly and had to dig deep whilst keeping an eye on the aggregate score-board to win the match 117-105 taking three rinks to Preston’s two, with one rink shared. An extremely competitive match played in good spirit and enjoyed by all. Pavilion top rink went to Mervyn Hilton, Terry Hallard, Alan Cheeseman and Anthony Powell. In his post meal address the visitors’ captain expressed how important friendly matches were to ensuring that clubs remained healthy and viable for the future.

Editor A Question of Law I was watching a club championship pairs match recently where the scores were level at the conclusion of the twenty-one ends. There then arose some uncertainty as to the procedure in

Newsletter of Worthing Pavilion BC


If, in an eliminating competition consisting of a stated or agreed number of ends, it be found, when all ends have been played, that the scores are equal, an extra end or ends shall be played until the decision has been reached. (ii) The managers in a side game or skips in a team game or opponents in Singles shall toss a coin and the winner shall have the right to decide who shall play first. (iii) The extra end shall be played from where the previous end was completed, and the mat placed in accordance with Law 18. (iv) In the case of more than one extra ends being required, then managers, skips or opponents shall again toss a coin, and the winner shall have the right to decide who shall play first. (v) In the case of an extra end being declared dead the provisions of Law 17D and Law 18 shall apply.

Editor Booking Competition Matches Please note that no internal, county or national competition can be booked to start after 4pm on Sundays. Similarly, during the rest of the week all bookings must take into account the club closing hours and all matches must be booked to allow sufficient time to finish within those hours. Continued overleaf

PAVILION POST Normal Club hours are: Monday-Thursday close at 10.15pm Friday close at 10.45pm Saturday close at 8pm Sunday close at 8pm

Peter Woods

Secretaries’ Office

Thank You

Hon Secretary

Open Singles Circuit A repeat of the Open Singles Circuit will be held at Pavilion on Saturday 28th and Sunday 29th January 2017. I am pleased to say things are well on track as I now have forty-eight entries for the £1,000 first prize which means there are only sixteen spaces left for Saturday, which I cannot reserve for members. THAT MEANS IF MEMBERS WANT TO ENTER PLEASE DO SO NOW TO AVOID ANY DISAPPOINTMENT. Remember there is a £50.00 prize for the last member standing sponsored by IAN HART. I would be happy to refund entry fees should there be a legitimate reason for withdrawal so there are no excuses not to enter. On Saturday and Sunday at 10.00am I would appreciate the usual six markers making themselves available, so would appreciate you placing your names in my pigeon hole. It should only be one session as the losers should then take over. Some of the best bowlers in the south will be attending as well as others from Norfolk and Suffolk, so it should be a very interesting weekend. All members are welcome as spectators, with the kitchen and bar being open all day. Hope to see you all there.

Warwick Davis A Word from Secretary Celebrating in 2017??? If you are celebrating a special event, birthday, anniversary or just want a party. Why not consider booking the club lounge and facilities for your special event. See me for details

Crime Prevention

Please note that I shall be away in the st th USA from 21 December through to 11 January 2107 therefore office opening hours will be restricted. Please see the notices around the club.

A very big thank you to all members for the support and assistance throughout the year. Wishing you all a happy, successful and healthy new bowling year in 2017. Club Shirts I have recently taken delivery of a new batch of club shirts that can be obtained from the office @ £20 each.

Peter Woods Hon Secretary

Touring Club AGM Pavilion Tourists are hereby informed that the AGM of the touring club will be held in the lounge at Pavilion at 7pm on th Wednesday 15 February 2017. Final arrangements for the forthcoming Bembridge trip will be discussed at the meeting and ferry passes distributed to those members travelling to IOW. If you have not already done so, please settle any outstanding monies for the IOW trip to Don Elliot by mid-January 2017 at the latest! The list for the summer tour to Salisbury will be put on the notice board early January, so keep an eye open as it will be on a first come first served basis. I have reserved thirty rooms at the Milford Hall Hotel and may be to secure another couple of reservations if the demand is there, but cannot promise anything. We will also have a brainstorming session looking for possible venues for tours in 2018.

Timothy Baldwin Touring Club Secretary

Newsletter of Worthing Pavilion BC

Forged Five Pound Notes Despite the Bank of England introducing a number of features to counteract fraudulent copies of the new polymer five pound notes, they are warning people to remain vigilant and check their notes as there has been a surprising influx of forged notes. Some simple steps can be taken to spot these forgeries e.g.   

Check the see-through window and that the portrait of the Queen is correct. Look at the Elizabeth tower to check it is gold on the front of the note and silver on the back Check the foil patches

On paper banknotes, feel for raised print across the words 'Bank of England' Also on paper notes hold it up to the light to check the watermark and look for the metallic thread running through every genuine paper note. More information is readily available at www.fakenotes.co.uk

Editor A New Take on Phishing Lloyds customers should be on the lookout for a new sophisticated fraud that involves fraudsters sending fake bank letters. The convincing letters being sent are a replica template from Lloyds and include their logo, address and signature from a customer service representative. The letter tells recipients that there have been some “unusual transactions” on their personal account and asks them to call a number highlighted in bold to confirm they are genuine. When victims call the number, an automated welcome message is played and the caller is asked to enter their card number, account number and sort code followed by their date of birth. Victims are then instructed to enter the first and last digit of their security number. The fraud was spotted by the Daily Telegraph who was alerted to it by a reader who had three identical letters sent to an office address. On separate occasions the Daily Telegraph ran some tests using fake details and were passed to fraudsters who claimed to be


PAVILION POST from a Lloyds contact centre. The bank has confirmed that the phone number and letters are fake. The letters are essentially a sophisticated phishing attempt and serves as a warning to consumers to question written correspondence from their banks. If you are ever suspicious about correspondence from your bank you should call the customer serviced number on the back of their card. To report a fraud and cyber crime, call us on 0300 123 2040 or visit http://www.actionfraud.police.uk/report_f raud Courtesy of Actionfraud UK DrJazz Sextet in full swing

Malcolm Gilbey Social Scene As it Happened Jazz Night Proves a Hit with Members The inaugural Jazz Nite at Pavilion on rd 23 November turned out to be a big success as jazz sextet ‘DrJazz’ entertained fifty plus club members and their guests with familiar scores that were hits in recent years; well maybe not quite so recent, including the likes of Frank Sinatra’s Fly me to the Moon, Astrud Gilberto’s The Girl from Ipanema, along with Misty, Summertime, Fever and much more. The Sextet comprised of two female vocalists, keyboard, double bass (yes that’s the big one) saxophone (clarinet ) an electronic digitalised wind instrument that produced varying instrumental sounds e.g. tenor/ alto saxophone, oboe etc., There was a fifteen minute break half way through the entertainment for light refreshment then it was back for more music. The evening came to a close all too soon, with the band performing Water melon man, to huge applause. Social Director Keith Leather was on hand ensuring that everything ran smoothly. Everyone that I spoke to afterwards, said that they had thoroughly enjoyed the evening. A big thank you to the social committee who work earnestly to promote a variety

of social functions for members’ benefit. They certainly struck the right chord here. A calendar of planned social events for 2017 can be found in the December newsletter.

Editor Christmas Dinner Dance On the 10th of December forty-seven club members and friends enjoyed our annual dinner and dance. Temptations did us proud, with well decorated Christmas tables and an excellent traditional meal. The entertainment was first rate, Kevin Ray played tunes from the sixties, seventies and eighties that we all knew and loved. It was enjoyable to see our captains, Paul and Carol relaxed and enjoying themselves, (Note to self, must learn that western dance for next time) A small raffle was held on the night, resulting in £75 being raised for club funds. A special thank you to Zoe Wright for all her hard work before, during and after the event. It was so pleasing to receive members’ comments that this was the best evening that we had for a long time. Kevin Ray will be returning for our entertainment at the Valentines Dance on 11th February 2017 so I Iook forward to seeing you there.

Esme Clough Chair of Directors

Newsletter of Worthing Pavilion BC

Christmas Raffle The draw for the Christmas raffle took place midday on the 8th of December 2016. There were thirty-five excellent prizes to be won, with the top prize on offer being £100. After the draw a list was displayed on the notice board at the club and prizes are ready for collection from the committee room. Thank you to all the members who donated a prize.

Raffle Prizes on Display

The social committee presented Yvonne with a basket of flowers as a thank you for all her hard work collecting, grouping and displaying the prizes plus selling tickets in excess of £800. Thanks also to Zoe Wright and Anne Button for their help with the draw. Please collect your prize as soon as possible

Esme Clough Chair of Directors



Worthing Musical Comedy Society

Fun Drive

Visit to Houses of Parliament

Sun 8th January 2017

Connaught Theatre Trip ‘Annie’


Monday 20 February 2017 7.30am

April 2017

Jazz Night

Quiz Night


January 2017

Wednesday 15 March 2017 6-30pm


Date to be fixed

April 2017 Date to be fixed

Valentines Dinner/ Dance

Jazz Night

Race Night

Saturday 11th February 2017

March 2017 Date to be fixed

Wednesday 19 April 2017


200 Club

The December draw were:

01903 239122





Prize : Barry Wood

Please remember that if you know of a club member who has been hospitalised, or otherwise unwell, or even not seen at Pavilion for a while, to notify the Club Welfare Officer:

No 49

Prize: Reg Bacon No 139


3 Prize: Liz Eliot

Mrs Carol Tillett

No 150

on the above Telephone Number or alternatively inform

Peter Woods

Hon Sec Peter Woods

Hon Secretary

Acknowledgements and thanks to Peter Woods, Warwick Davis, Tim Baldwin, Malcolm Gilbey and Esme Clough for their contributions. Not forgetting Ron Atkinson AKO Cartoons for his permission to publish his cartoons. Contributions for the newsletter should reach the editor by 20th January 2017 preferably via email

Edited by Anthony Powell email – editor@wpavilionbc.org Newsletter of Worthing Pavilion BC


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