Newsletter DEcember 2015

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Inside this Edition A Word from the Bridge Ladies’ Captain Playing Matters: Excerpt of Fixtures Matches Eitiquette

After being repatriated Jim transferred to the Parachute Regiment, where he saw out his army service. Seemingly the incentive to join the paras was the extra pay for every parachute jump that they completed. Prior to being demobbed from the army Jim trained to be a stonemason and after leaving the army found himself working on and restoring historical buildings in central London.

A Question of Law: Marking Touchers Loss of Sponsorship Crime Prevention: ATM Scam Touring Club: Latest Update on Tours Social Scene: Future Functions Welfare

James Harrington 1923-2015 Family, friends and club members attended Worthing Crematorium on th Wednesday 16 December for the funeral of Jim Harrington who died at th Worthing Hospital on Thursday 26 November 2015 after a short illness. Jim was born on 26th March 1923 in South West London. At sixteen years of age he enlisted in the army as a boy soldier, spending a short spell in Gosport before joining the Middlesex Regiment stationed in Hong Kong. After two years’ service in Hong Kong he was taken prisoner of war when the territory was overrun by the Japanese th on 24 December 1941. The POW’s were incarcerated within their own barracks in Hong Kong for two years, before being transferred to the Japanese mainland, an experience that understandably haunted Jim for the remainder of his life. He was imprisoned in Japan until being liberated by US troops in 1945.


The Inimitable and Unforgettable Jim Harrington as I am sure he would like to be remembered

He subsequently joined and made a career with the London Fire Brigade, serving in various central areas of London that included Chelsea and Brompton Fire Stations. He enjoyed a lengthy career with the fire service and attended many major disasters, the likes of the Lewisham train crash in 1957. He reached the rank of sub officer. Jim married his wife Joyce in Wandsworth South London in 1952 and Newsletter of Worthing Pavilion BC

after he retired from the fire service they moved from Cheam to Findon Valley in 1981, whereupon Jim already an experienced bowler joined Pavilion. Jim qualified as an umpire during his early days at Pavilion and became a respected official, regularly umpiring at the national tournaments in Beach House Park. Once he was invited to umpire at the Commonwealth Games in India, but seemingly declined the invitation when he learned that officials were expected to find and fund their own accommodation themselves whilst at the games. Jim was granted the rare honour of being a Life Member of Pavilion. When pressed on this he was not sure why he received the honour, but assumed it was for the two occasions when he saved the lives of club members who had collapsed on the green and whom he resuscitated using CPR. Sadly Jim was widowed in in 2006 when Joyce passed away. However he continued to live in Findon Valley and remained involved in his bowling pursuits, he could still be seen actively marking and umpiring matches at the club well into his nineties. Even when he wasn’t officiating Jim was almost a permanent fixture at the club, where he enjoyed the company of other club members and regularly could be seen enjoying a midday meal. His declining health became more noticeable in the months leading up to his passing and he eventually just stopped frequenting the club. Jim was always an interesting character to talk with and was more than happy to impart with his knowledge, particularly on the laws of the game. He did have his moments as well. Apparently not so long ago, oblivious of the dangers he clambered up a ladder to the roof of the club where roofing work had been under way. He was admonished for doing so and retorted “I was a fireman you know” or words to that effect. Jim’s presence at Pavilion will be sadly missed. Our thoughts are with Jackie, Roy and family at this difficult time. Rest in Peace Jim.


PAVILION POST Ladies’ Captain

A Word From the Bridge

Sun 17

Egerton Park

Ladies’ Friendlies Tue 19 At the half-way of the indoor season I am pleased to say that so far things have run reasonably smoothly this year and I have not had to cancel any matches. However, that said some of the clubs with whom we have reciprocal fixtures have found it difficult mustering teams and have had to cancel fixtures themselves. Thank you for your support and please keep on putting your names down for friendly matches. Eastbourne IBC was one of the clubs that cancelled their visit to Pavilion at short notice. Apparently they settled the catering compensatory payment promptly. Then there was our away visit to Denton Island IBC that was cancelled by our hosts at short notice. London Civil Service telephoned to say they could only raise five rinks for their visit to Pavilion. I had to ask four Pavilion players to stand down so as to reduce our team to five rinks. Even then, they arrived with four and a half rinks and I had to persuade two Pavilion players to stand in and play for the visitors. The last bizarre hiccup came on Sunday nd 2 December when members of Preston IBC were patiently sitting in their lounge at Brighton awaiting the arrival of a team from Pavilion. At the same time this scenario was being replicated at Pavilion, where we also were patiently waiting for Preston. A frantic phone call revealed that Preston were under the impression that they had a home match. How they managed to forget that we had already visited them for their home rd fixture on 3 October 2015 goodness knows? All credit to Preston though, they did manage to get a team to Pavilion albeit a little later than planned; but a rink light, that necessitated some last minute reshuffling of the Pavilion team to accommodate them. At the end of the day the visitors’ seemed more concerned as how they were going to appease their own caterer who had been in the midst of preparing the match meal. Good luck to everybody in their competitions and have a prosperous New Year.

Edward Cripps Men’s Captain

The Mason Trophy, Yetton Trophy/Plate and Egham Trophy National Competitions are all over for another year. I wanted to say well done to all who played in these competitions and particularly those who represented the club for the first time. We have played a couple of internal fixtures. The Ladies vs Men where the Men won by eighteen shots. The Ladies’ Captain team won by nineteen shots against the Ladies’ Vice Captain team. Two friendly fixtures have been against Aldingbourne and Eastbourne where the Ladies’ won in both matches. In our December league matches the Ladies’ lost to Arun and Preston, but managed to gain one point for a winning rink from each match. Well done to all the Ladies’ who have won top rink in recent matches - Joan Barrass, Esme Clough, Marina Crayston, Pat Cripps, Diane Dwyer, Linda Farley, Sylvia Faithfull, Jean Garwood, Sandy Gates, Marlene Hancock, Maureen Holliman, June Lewis, Margaret Marriott, Ann Marshall, Sharon Pratt, Mary Stemp, Lois Wallis, Judy Webster, Julie Woods & Zoe Wright. Wishing you all an enjoyable festive break and a very Happy 2016.

Sharon Pratt Ladies’ Captain

Playing Matters Excerpts from the January Fixture Card NB: Check website for any changes Men’s Friendlies (Mixed Matches) Sat Sat Sun Wed Fri Tue Sat Wed Sat Sun

02 09 10 13 15 19 23 27 30 31

Past Presidents Met Police Victory #* Captain v Spoondrivers Shoreham @ Adur * Pavilion Ladies Langney Sports #* Banks Croydon London Transport

Men’s League Sun 03

Grattons *

Newsletter of Worthing Pavilion BC

Pavilion Men

Ladies’ League Tue 05 Tue 29

Worthing IBC Adur

Other Fixture Sun 17

Junior Academy 10am Six Rinks


Indicates Away Fixtures


Indicates Mixed Fixtures

A Matter of Etiquette Now that the club competitions are in full swing members are reminded to be aware of competitions taking place on adjacent rinks and to have the courtesy to give way to those competitors who are about to bowl. Before bowling in all games please be alert to what is happening on other rinks thus avoiding colliding bowls.

Clyde Fordyce Coaching Staff

National Front Worthing Pavilion's singles champion, Keith Renwick, booked a place in the National Finals at the end of January when he defeated David Hubbard of Adur Bowls Club 21 - 16 at the area final at Arun Bowls Club on Tuesday evening. In a tightly contested game Renwick always managed to maintain control and eased to victory to book his place at Warners Lakeside.

John Frew A Question of Law Marking Touchers Law 28 covers the aspects of marking a toucher. However it is quite common to hear players say ‘I’ll nominate that’ when the bowl in question is laying flat on its belly and marking it is not likely to move the bowl or alter the head. See fig 1. and Law 28(iii) below. Using that phrase will be of no effect if the toucher is not marked before the succeeding bowl comes to rest.


PAVILION POST They are so confident you will love what they can do for you, they will not tie you into a minimum term contract for most of their services. So you can try them out risk free! So far, only a handful of club members have taken advantage of this sponsor’s services. Incidentally Moneywise recently surveyed their readers, and the Utility Warehouse Club has been honoured with awards for:-

Fig 1

Fig 3

Law 28

Nothing in Law 27 absolves the requirement to mark a toucher in the ditch. See fig 3 and Law 27 (iv) below


A toucher shall be clearly marked with chalk by a member of the player’s team or the marker in Singles.

Where a toucher comes to rest in such a position that the act of marking it or removing a mark on it would be likely to either move the bowl or alter the head it should be indicated as a toucher and not marked. See Fig 2. If the situation of the bowl changes and there is no further likelihood that the bowl would move or the head altered by marking it, the toucher should then be marked or the mark erased if a nontoucher.

 Law 27 (iv)

If a toucher in the ditch cannot be seen from the mat, its position shall be marked by a white or distinctively coloured indicator about 50mm broad and not more than 100mm in height placed upright on the top, or face, of the bank and immediately in line with the place where the toucher rests.

NB. The use of a chalk spray to mark the bowl would eliminate a lot of these issues.

Editor Sponsors

Fig 2

Law 28 (ii)


If in the opinion of either skip, or opponent or the marker in Singles, a toucher or wrongly chalked bowl comes to rest in such a position that the act of making a chalk mark, or of erasing it, is likely to move the bowl or to alter the head, the bowl shall not be marked or have its mark erased but shall be indicated as a toucher or nontoucher as the case may be. If a bowl is not so marked or not so indicated before the succeeding bowl comes to rest, or in the case of the last bowl of an end, before a period of thirty seconds invoked under Law 44, it ceases to be a toucher.

Where a live jack and a toucher are resting in the ditch the indicator discs are used to show their position.

As you have been told on many occasions, subscriptions alone do not cover the cost of running the club. To make up the deficiency the club has to look elsewhere for funding, such as corporate functions, letting out the lounge for parties, wakes etc., and also from sponsorship. Over the years the club has lost a number of sponsors, presumably because they saw little or no return for their outlay i.e. members of the club not making use of their services. One of the club sponsors is The Utility Warehouse Discount Club that seemingly is already saving money for over a quarter of a million households and businesses throughout the UK on their home phone, mobile phone, broadband, gas and electricity. It is part of Telecom Plus PLC., a major UK company listed on the L.S.E., You may not have heard of them before as they do not advertise. Instead they rely on satisfied customers to spread the word about the great value and fantastic service they provide. Newsletter of Worthing Pavilion BC

Most Recommended Bundle Provider – Broadband, Landline and Mobile Best Customer Service – Gas & Electricity Best Value for Money – Gas & Electricity

If you are interested call: 0800 1313000 Quote ref: B72393 Pavilion Bowling Club

Crime Prevention ATM Scam British Transport Police has issued a warning about scammers tampering with cashpoints in an attempt to clone bank cards and steal pins using mini cameras. The police discovered devices fitted to an ATM at Manchester Piccadilly Station. At first glance, nothing appears out of the ordinary. It looks just like any cash machine. However, the scammers have already adapted it in such a way that they could empty your bank account. Here’s how the scam works.

The Camera The first part of the scam is the camera, hidden behind the grey panel above the keypad in the picture below. This camera records you entering your pin. It’s absolutely tiny too, so small that very few people would spot it, as the picture below highlights.

Pinhole camera added (Picture MEN)


PAVILION POST The Card Slot The second part of the scam is a fake card slot which is placed over the real one. It copies the details of your card, giving the scammers both your card details and your Pin, allowing them to wreak havoc on your finances.

Photo credit: British Transport Police

The device was spotted on November 7 and the police have now warned people to be vigilant as there are likely to be more in use.

Keeping safe at the cash machine It’s a good idea to stick to ATMs in busy, well-lit areas. Have a look around you. Don’t use the machine if people are loitering around nearby. Before you stick your card into the machine, check it over carefully. Are there are signs that it has been vandalised or changed in any way? Does anything appear to have been added on? If you are at all nervous about the ATM, simply walk away. If you realise the machine has been tampered with after you've inserted your card, call your bank while standing at the cash machine, so long as it is safe to do so. When you enter your PIN, shield it with your hand so that anyone standing nearby cannot see it. This may also block a camera from being able to see what you enter too. If you do find out your card details have been copied then contact your bank or building society immediately. BT.Com

Touring Club There will be forty-eight members and friends attending the forthcoming spring tour to Warners’ Bembridge on the Isle of Wight this coming February/ March. All rooms have been confirmed and I

have ordered the vouchers for the ferry, these will be handed out to each registered car driver at the Touring Club A.G.M. Don will be writing a note to every registered person very soon as to the exact costs owed, so please pay your outstanding balances as soon as possible so that we can clear our rather large debt with the Hotel. Thanks. The Touring Club AGM will be held in the club lounge on Wednesday 3rd February 2016 for a 7.30pm start. Please make an extra effort to attend the meeting. Don assures me he will have the accounts ready by then. We will also need to discuss the 2017 tour/s at this meeting as well so if you have any thoughts for this please bring them up at the meeting.

Latest Updates A Word from the Chair A lot of work has been undertaken by our secretary with regard to security, and a new key register has been instigated. You will have noted that new bowls stickers are available from behind the bar; we envisage that they will be more durable than the previous ones.

2016 Late Summer Tour Our 2016 summer tour is now all agreed and we will have a match en-route and three others in and around the Dawlish area. So far we have forty-four members and friends signed up for the tour, but we really need a few more to enable all going to have at least one day off during this tour. There are thirty rooms booked at the hotel, so if you would like to join the party please add your name to the list on the notice board just outside the corridor leading to the secretary's office in the usual tourist place. The anticipated cost is around £350 per person which includes bed, breakfast and evening meal at the hotel and our coach usage all week. Those who have been before know that this is a fair charge for the five days away. By the time you come to read this article it will be the New Year, so on behalf of Don and myself have a good year in 2016, and may the year bring you everything you desire.

Tim Baldwin

Should blend well with Aero’s

The new colourful psychedelic stickers should also help to distinguish Pavilion bowls from other bowls more easily. The committee has undertaken to have a clear out of the cellar and propose to hire a skip in the spring and dispose of obsolete equipment and JUNK. A refurbishment of the bar area is necessary, as we are required to lay a new floor covering. Rick Baumann has agreed to paint the area and other updating is in hand. Unfortunately the Bar continues to make a loss, so as its Christmas ‘tis the time to be jolly’ so drink up and have a good time. ‘Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year’

Christmas Raffle

Touring Club Secretary

Match Result On 9 December the Pavilion Ladies’ County Badged Triples team of Pat Edmonds, Sharon Pratt and Sue Gubbins won 18 - 10 in their first round match against last year's title holders from Arun. The Pavilion Ladies’ won the County Unbadged Triples title last year. Their next match is away against Worthing.

Sharon Pratt Newsletter of Worthing Pavilion BC

The social committee would like to thank everyone who donated prizes for the Christmas raffle, also all those members who participated in the raffle by purchasing squares. After spending over £100 on additional prizes there was a profit of £470. This money will be directed towards acquiring new equipment for the club. Well done everyone.

Esme Clough Chair & Social Director



Social Calendar

Cribbage Subject to there being sufficient Support! th

Wednesday 13 January 2016 7pm for 7-30pm. Entrance ÂŁ2.00 includes coffee and prizes. Further Info from John Murray by email:

Valentine Dinner / Dance

Tour of Amex Stadium?


Saturday 13 February 2016

To be decided

London Theatre Trip MIXED FUN DRIVE



Tea & Biscuits



Sunday 3 January 2016


Wednesday 15 June 2016

Musical Matinee Performance th

Thursday 18 February 2016

Cine Race Night & Buffet

Quiz & Buffet

Wednesday 20th January 2016

Wednesday 16 March 2016

Goodwood Races th

Wednesday 27 July 2016



 01903 239122 If you know of a club member who has been hospitalised or otherwise unwell or even not seen at Pavilion for a while, please notify the club welfare officer: Carol Tillett on the above Telephone Number or alternatively inform: Hon Sec Peter Woods

Acknowledgement and thanks to Edward Cripps, Sharon Pratt, Clyde Fordyce, John Frew, Tim Baldwin and Esme Clough for their contributions, not forgetting Ron Atkinson AKO cartoons for his permission to publish his cartoons. Newsletter Worthing Pavilion BC January, preferably via email Contributions for the next edition should of reach the editor by 20th Edited by Anthony Powell email:


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