Newsletter April 2017

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Inside this Edition ITech Club Website Statistics Touring Club: Summer Tour Room Availability Coaching Crime Prevention Secretary’s Note Social Scene Functions Notices 200 Club Draw Welfare

Playing Matters Club Open Spring Meeting The club open spring meeting will be held in the lounge at Pavilion on th Tuesday 25 April 2017 at 7pm. All paid up members, male and female are invited to attend this meeting.

Timothy Baldwin Men’s Playing Secretary

Excerpt from April Fixture Card NB: Check website for any changes Mens’ Friendlies (Mixed Matches) Sat Sun Wed Sat Sun

01 02 05 08 09


Sutton * Falaise # Pavilion Touring Club # Club Finals Weekend Ditto

Wed Wed Wed

12 19 26

British Wheelchair Assoc President v Captain Opening Drive

Ladies’ League etc., Tues 04 Mon 24 Thurs 27

* #

Adur * Ladies’ IBA Finals Grattons Opening Drive

Unnecessary Damage to the Greens With what appears a long and busy outdoor season rapidly closing in upon us we shouldn’t forget all the time and effort spent by Vince our greenkeeper in nurturing the greens back to their usual high standard.

Indicates away match Indicates mixed match

Members’ Apathy Hurts Club Bryan Bodicoat returned to the club after a short holiday on Friday 11th March 2017 to find the team sheet for the forthcoming Sunday friendly match against Wealden still needed to be completed. Upon checking with those who had signed the sheet making themselves available to play, only nine members were still free. The Wealden captain being faced with similar problems had earlier come to an agreement with Pavilion to change the fixture to a mixed triples match. Despite appeals, that seemingly fell on deaf ears, Bryan was unable to raise a team and was therefore forced to cancel the fixture. Bearing mind that there are nigh on three hundred members in the club you would have thought a team could have been easily fielded. Let us hope that this is not the start of the apathy that reigned a couple of seasons back where cancellation after cancellation cost the club dearly, quite apart from the risk of harming our reputation with other bowling clubs. Friendly matches are vital to the future of the club. As this was a return match, hopefully we will not lose future fixtures with Wealden IBC as a result, as has already happened with King Alfred IBC.,


Newsletter of Worthing Pavilion BC

Every Picture

The heavy fixture list suggests that the greens are likely to face a lot more wear and tear during the coming summer months. We can all play our part to help minimise damage to the greens, such as not lobbing or bouncing bowls, moving the mat to different lengths and not sitting idly on the bank treading down the edges of the green. Bowls should be delivered close and parallel to the ground and failure to do so can cause irreparable damage to the playing surface. If you have any mobility issues, speak to the coaching staff who may well be able to advise you the best way to overcome any issues.



Touring Club


Club Website

Summer Salisbury Tour 2017

Coaching News

For those members who are interested I have included the statistical data for the club website below for the months January and February. The interest in the website continues unabated and quite phenomenal for a sports club website.

With the Warner’s Bowls Bonanza week well behind us, we can now look forward to the late summer tour to Salisbury th from Monday 4 September 2016 and returning on Friday 8th September 2017.

Graham Farley-The Coach

Website Traffic statistics for January 2017 Hits: Visitors: Robots: Unique Visitors

68,049 14,939 1,993

Percentage by countries for hits January: UK USA Russia Germany

81.04% 4.62% 3.62% 1.46%

Referring Search Engines: Google Microsoft Bing Alexa Baidu

88.33% 8.62% 1.20% 0.70%

Website Traffic statistics for February 2017 Hits: Visitors: Robots: Unique Visitors

58,796 15,856 1,777

Percentage by countries for hits February: UK USA Russia Germany

81.59% 3.98% 2.90% 1.69%

Referring Search Engines: Google Microsoft Bing Yahoo Yandey

88.44% 6.07% 2.31% 1.16%

On the recruiting front it has been very quiet, but we now have one new member to coach and a few more in pipeline who we are following up. Don’t forget that if you introduce a new member to the club there is a reduction on offer to your annual membership fee.

Milford Hall Hotel & Spa

We will be staying at The Milford Hall Hotel & Spa in Salisbury itself, on a half board basis for four nights. The cost for the tour is anticipated to be in the region of £380 or so per head? This also includes coach hire. At the time of writing there are still three rooms available should any members feel that they would like to join the tour, which is open to both bowlers and nonbowlers alike. I may be able to book a few more rooms if the demand is there. I have arranged a match close to the hotel on the Monday afternoon, along with three more matches close by during the week. The full itinerary of the tour can be viewed in the December 2016 Pavilion Post that can be found on the newsletter archive on the club website. . If you would like to join us on the tour please put your name on the sheet on the touring club notice board in the corridor outside the secretary’s office a.s.a.p. A reminder to those already going on the tour, that a deposit of £100 per person, should be paid to Treasurer Don Elliot by the end of March. Next month I shall be explaining changes in the administrative process at Bembridge following a management shake-up that will affect us all in future tours there.

Malcolm Gilbey

Timothy Baldwin


Touring Club Secretary

Graham Farley recently had to give up coaching due to health problems. He was one of the original members who responded to the plea for help from the then board of directors of the club, as the club we did not have any coaches. Six of us got together and decided we would give it a go. We knew we were not the best bowlers in the world, but thought that we could give the club the time and effort it required, so Graham, Keith Merrett, Dennis Allen, George Rhodes, Gordon Kibbles and Richard Calvert started the six week course. Graham was, as is his personality, one of the quieter ones on the course, but he entered into it whole heartedly providing a steadying influence on the rest of us. He was always there with a quip and a joke to lighten the proceedings and we knew could rely on him to help us through the minefield of learning to become coaches. Once qualified, we started coaching in earnest and soon realised what we had let ourselves in for. It was a rude awakening, as we really had to start from scratch. Fortunately Gordon stepped into the breach as coach organiser and quickly set up some basic coaching programmes that we could all work from. When organising events we sent out requests for help and the very first one to respond was always Graham. He never lost the interest of any prospective members, so they always joined the club because of his very effective style of coaching, his success rate was amazing. His commitment as a coach has been enormous and we are sure that we would not have been as successful as a team of coaches without Graham’s input and enthusiasm. The good thing is that he is still bowling at our club and is going to be with us for many years to come.

Richard Calvert & Gordon Kibbles Senior Coaches


Newsletter of Worthing Pavilion BC


PAVILION POST Crime Prevention Shocking new pictures reveal criminals are hiding pin-sized cameras in cash machines to record people's bank card numbers. The cameras have been spotted in locations across central London, with the last one found within the last few days. It was hidden inside a fake cash-dispensing slot cover, recording the keypad as people entered their details.

Photo credit City of London Police

What can I do? Police are telling people to stay sharp when they’re getting cash out: always cover your hand when you enter your Pin. Before you even enter your details, check the cash machine for loose parts, including the card slot and keypad. PC Matt Clarke from the City of London Police Crime Squad said: “We work closely with banks, building societies and other cash machine vendors to make sure this type of crime doesn't happen. If you spot anything unusual about a cash machine, or if there are signs of tampering, don’t use it. If in doubt, try and use a machine inside a branch. “If you spot a suspicious device when using a cash point, report it to the bank concerned immediately and notify police. If you think a crime is in progress when you discover the device, call 999.” Don’t try and remove the camera yourself as the criminals in question could be hanging around near the machine and might confront you. These are far from the only cases of ATM tampering. Take up the following tips to suss out whether your cash machine has been compromised, courtesy of software firm Fico. Fake fronts In some cases criminals place card or cash capture devices and Pin compromise devices in or around ATMs to get quick access to your cash.

A few sneaky scammers will even put on entire false fronts to capture unsuspecting people’s PINs and money, Fico told This is Money. They’re often really well disguised so have a thorough check of the ATM before you start using it. A wider card slot than normal You’re right to be concerned about an unusually bulky card slot, as this could contain a ‘skimmer’. This tool is attached to the ATM’s card slot that secretly takes your card details when you’re making a withdrawal. Apart from its width, it’s really difficult to distinguish it from a normal card slot. Keep an eye out for misaligned or misprinted stickers - it’s often an attempt to cover up where a compromise device has been installed. The ATM will keep asking for a Pin as it can’t read the card, leading you to believe that your card has been swallowed and walk away. That gives the fraudsters the perfect opportunity to swoop in and take your card.

Note from the Secretary Five Pound Notes The old paper five note ceases to be legal tender from 5th May 2017 and will not be accepted thereafter. Everyone is advised therefore to make sure that they use all their old paper five pound notes before this date and do not accept the old fivers in any change after this date. th After the 5 May only banks will accept the old notes.

Peter Woods Hon Secretary

Items discussed at the Board th Meeting March 15 2017 

A loose or blocked card slot This may be a sign of a ‘Lebanese Loop’. Criminals will try and trap your card in the machine by placing a tiny plastic device or sleeve with a barb into the card reader so that when you try and withdraw money, your card will get stuck.

Loose Pin pad  Be wary if the Pin pad feels loose, thick or sponge-like. This crafty trick is known as ‘pin-pad overlay’ – the real Pin pad is covered by a fake which does record your PIN correctly just like any other machine, but also captures your details for the fraudster. In some cases numbers are instantly transferred by WiFi to a waiting accomplice so that they can record it and use it later.

The directors discussed subscriptions for the forthcoming season and set the subscription rate for the new year. The forms will be available during the week th commencing 20 March The Directors accepted a proposal from the treasurer regarding existing loans from members of the club. These loans will be repaid with the accrued interest for the year by the end of April. The directors reviewed the staffing and current provision within the bar. The Directors discussed the recent cancellations of fixture matches and social events. Individual directors presented reports covering their particular areas of responsibility.

Peter Woods Hon Secretary

Loitering groups of strangers Club Finals Weekend This warning is nothing new but is still vitally important: be aware of what’s going on around you. Don’t accept help from strangers and don’t allow yourself to get distracted. Scammers often work in teams and they rely on distraction to catch their victims out. It's a good idea not to use cash machines near a group of people who are inexplicably loitering. If something goes wrong they may become oddly helpful and when one is trying to assist you, the others may look at your PIN or swipe your card or cash.

A reminder that the club finals weekend th takes place on Saturday 8 April th 2017and Sunday 9 April 2017. Come along and support the finalists and watch some exciting bowling. Why not book lunch at the same time and make a day of it, as well as supporting the kitchen.

Peter Woods Hon Secretary home


Newsletter of Worthing Pavilion BC




Newsletter of Worthing Pavilion BC



Race Night th

Wednesday 19 April 2017

Jazz Night

Quiz Night

May 2017

Wednesday 28 June 2017


Date to be fixed

Shuffleboard Bingo?

Jazz Night


Wednesday 10 May 2017 6-30pm

April 2017

July 2017

Date to be fixed

Date to be fixed

£10 per Person Inc Prizes + Light supper


Worthing Musical Comedy Society

Theatre Trip to London Palladium


Connaught Theatre Trip

‘Annie’ th

Friday 28 April 2017 7-30pm

The March winners were:

01903 239122




Tuesday 1 August 2017

200 Club

1 Prize Shirley Calvert No30. 2

Wind in the Willows


Wednesday 21 June 2017

Please remember that if you know of a club member who has been hospitalised, or otherwise unwell, or even not seen at Pavilion for a while, to notify the Club Welfare Officer:


Prize Dennis Wheatley £35 No 13.


3 Prize Jim Braiden No 152.

£25 Mrs Carol Tillett on the above Telephone Number or alternatively inform

Numbers drawn by th Keith Leather on Monday 13 March

Hon Sec Peter Woods Another Coaching Success

Peter Woods Hon Secretary

Acknowledgement and thanks to Malcolm Gilbey, Tim Baldwin, Richard Calvert, Gordon Kibbles and Peter Woods for their contributions, not forgetting Ron Atkinson AKO Cartoons for his permission to publish his cartoons.


Edited byNewsletter Anthony Powell - email: of Worthing Pavilion BC


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