March 2015 Newsletter

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post MARCH 2015

DON’T FORGET CLOCKS GO FORWARD ONE HOUR 2am SUNDAY 29th MARCH Inside this Edition A word from the Bridge Ladies’ Section Reviews Planetbowls Coaching A Question of Law – Touchers

fined £2500 for allowing smoking within a smoke free place). Any club member ignoring the signs that incur the club with a fine will be liable to reimburse the club with any fine imposed. With effect from the 6th May 2012 Smoking will not be allowed on the greens.

Malcolm Gilbey Chairman

Touring Club: Summer Tour

I have been told that somebody was seen smoking real cigarettes on the green, which is prohibited under the club bye-laws. Bye-law 32. Smoking Under Government regulations which st came into effect on July 1 2007, smoking is not permitted within any enclosed public places and working places. Moreover, it is not permitted to take place adjacent to any door where smoke may drift into the premises through that door or affect passively any individual passing in or out of the said door. Worthing Pavilion Bowling Club is subject to this law. The penalties for infringements of this law have been displayed within the clubhouse; (for example: an individual breach of the law is liable to a fixed penalty fine of £50, the Club could be 25/02/2015

Arundel # Cancelled by Arundel Insurance # Lancing King Alfred Hertfordshire Henfield # Sutton * Falaise #

Men’s League Matches 07 14 22

Worthing IBC Egerton Park Adur *

Ladies’ Friendlies


Social Scene; Regular Card Meetings Forthcoming Functions Theatre Trip Notices Welfare Vacancies

Smoking Ban

14 15 18 21 22 25 28 29



Ladies’ League Matches

Distracting Players Complaints have been received at board level from both county and club sources regarding the discourteous behaviour of people using the ramp from the lounge; sometimes in a more or less processional convoy, to access the washrooms, ladies changing room, or rinks 4,5,6, with total disregard of players engaged in matches. Members using the ramp are asked to be au courant of activity on the rinks and exercise courtesy by stopping and waiting whilst a player on the mat completes the delivery of their bowl, before moving on to pass the rinks.

Malcolm Gilbey Chairman

Playing Matters March Fixture Card excerpts NB: Check website for any changes Men’s Friendlies (and Mixed Matches) 01 08 11

Falaise *# Wealden Tarring Priory Newsletter of Worthing Pavilion BC

24 26 31

Grattons Worthing IBC * Adur *


Indicates Away Matches


Indicates Mixed Matches

Heard on the Green An Unfortunate Choice of Words? Well this was part of a conversation not heard on the green, but at our table during the meal after our recent friendly match against Banks’ B.A., A lady on the Banks’ side was helping to pass her skip his drink when she quite innocently said to him “Are you ginger beer?” Surprisingly, the amusing sentence passed unnoticed. However if she knew anything about cockney rhyming I am sure there would have been a red face or two?


PAVILION POST A Word from the Bridge The past month was a fairly successful month for Pavilion on the friendly front, with six home wins and alas two away losses; at Langney Sports and Croydon IBC. It is worthwhile highlighting the huge win over Marine Gardens with a difference of +132 shots, equally a +58 shot win th over SCBA on 11 February, albeit both oppositions were outdoor clubs. In the SCBA match David Thomas’ rink found themselves 9-17 shots down at the sixteenth end, having been repeatedly skittled off the mark. The team dug deep and made a remarkable turnaround to finish with a +2 shot difference, winning 19 -17. Goes to show that the game is not over until the last bowl is played. There has been a noticeable improvement in members making themselves available for friendly matches. Thank you all for your support and please keep it up. Two matters arising from the Playing th Committee on 11 February concerned re-spotting the jack and dress code for match meals. The committee re-affirmed that respotting the jack will not be permitted in the conditions of play for internal ‘club competitions’. It has also come to light that some members have taken it upon themselves to completely change out of bowls attire, before sitting down to meals after a match. The committee emphasise that members are at liberty to change into grey trousers post match, but should still wear their club shirt or a white shirt with club tie and a blazer. I am also pleased to announce that Howard Gates has kindly agreed to fill the vacant post of Vice-Captain.

Edward Cripps Captain

Ladies’ Section February Report This month has been beset by illness! Hopefully, people's health will improve very soon and we send our best wishes to everyone feeling less than 100%, with hopes they will soon feel better. We are grateful to all ladies who have rallied round to support matches and enabled us to fulfil all our fixtures - thank you and well done. In February we have played and lost three tough league matches against Adur, Grattons and Arun, but managed to have some

winning rinks in all matches. We also narrowly lost a friendly match against Eastbourne and have to thank Paul Wilson and Ted Cripps for joining our team. Congratulations to Thelma Farmer, Pat Cripps and Ann Button for winning their top rink badges this month. There has been a little more success in county competitions with both Esme Clough's Triples team and Sue Gubbins' team reaching the quarter-finals. What makes it more exciting is that they have drawn opposite each other for this match. Unfortunately Esme's Fours team had to concede their third round game this month because of inability to field a full team, due to illness. May I remind all members the Ladies are holding a Spring Raffle and Sale on Tuesday 10th March in the morning? Raffle tickets will be on sale soon and the draw will take place around 11:30 on the day of the sale. Contributions of prizes, books and puzzles would be appreciated (please see any committee member). There will also be cakes on sale and, hopefully, a limited number of plants.

Julie Woods Ladies’ Captain

County Review

County Pairs Warwick Davis’ and Neil Kerkhove’s progress in the County Pairs ended at st Pavilion on Saturday 21 February 2015 when they lost 10-18 to Kevin and Colin Carrie from Egerton Park.

Editor Planetbowls

Spring Tournament The three day outdoor singles tournament, plus plate competition for first game losers will be held at Pavilion over the May Bank Holiday weekend nd th from Saturday 2 - Monday 4 May (practice will be made available from st 4.00pm on Friday 1 May) Entry fee* Winner Losing Finalist Plate winner Losing Finalist

£25 £1250 £500 £400 £200

* Guarantees at least two games. Pavilion continue to have mixed fortunes in the County League. Following a great win against Egerton Park we have lost the last two games, at home to Grattons and away at Eastbourne. However, our destiny is still in our own hands as our rivals battle to beat the drop. Worthing, are only 2.5 points ahead of us and Pavilion have two games in hand and play Worthing at Pavilion in their last game of the season, so still very much to play for. Pavilion are well represented in the latter stages of the county competitions however. James Brennan is in the semi-finals of the under 25 singles, Alan Vidler in the quarter finals of the singles championship, Neil Kerkhove and Warwick Davis in the quarter finals of the pairs, Mark Strong, Clunky Clarke and Peter Chiffins in the quarter finals of the triples and Mark Strong, John Frew, Peter Chiffins and Colin Meeney in the semi-finals of the fours. Let’s hope for some representation for th Pavilion at the County Finals on the 19 April.

The Prize money for losing semi-finalist and quarter finalist will be decided when the number of entrants is finally known and if further sponsorship can be arranged. There will also be a £50 prize for the last Worthing Pavilion member standing in the main competition; kindly sponsored by Ian Hart Funerals Ltd, As usual I am looking for helpers for marking and umpiring, so would welcome all members’ support for these tasks. I am hoping that all who helped me last year will be available. Play will start at 10am on all three days or earlier if need be. There will be no parking restrictions at the club and the indoor facilities will be available for members; unless we have very inclement weather. Entry forms are available on-line at Planetbowls and hopefully Keith Wadhams will also add a supply to the yellow rink book.

Warwick Davis

John Frew Manager Newsletter of Worthing Pavilion BC



Another Marking & Measuring Course was held on the 21st January and eight of the recently coached new members attended. Special thanks to the coaches: Gordon Kibbles, George Rhodes, Keith Merrett, Dennis Allen, Clyde Fordyce, Richard Calvert. The eight new bowlers who attended the course were: Karen Rolfe, Michael Rolfe, Brian Nicholls, Philip Crompton, Mark Moss, Diane and John Bartholomew. New bowlers are always put through their paces on the courses and we hope they all enjoyed it. At the end of the evening they were presented with Certificates. The new Skills Improvement Course has now been finalised and we will be inviting all new bowlers who have finished their training with the coaching team and have completed a Marking & Measuring Course to attend. This is now going to be an integral part of the ongoing training for all new members joining the Club. The training of a club member to become a Level One Coach and join the team, also one of our Level One coaches is starting training to be upgraded to Level Two. We wish them well with their training and examinations. Bookings are being taken for Bowls Introductory Courses and we have a th course booked for the 18 May, with twelve prospective members attending. Most coaches are available to help any member who wishes to have a check over (MOT) subject to rink space. If you are having problems with your game, however small, you will not know if you can be helped unless you try the coaching team.

Richard Calvert & Gordon Kibbles Senior Coaches

A Question of Law There are still quite a few experienced bowlers at the club who are either unaware, or just choose to ignore the laws of the sport relating to touchers. It is quite a common practice for players; out of laziness, to indicate or nominate a bowl as being a toucher that

in its original course touched the jack, regardless as to how the bowl comes to rest. The W.I.B.C Laws of the Sport clearly covers this situation:

player fail to do so, and should the bowl not become a toucher in the end of play, the marks shall be removed by the opposing skip or a member of his team or the marker in Singles immediately the bow comes to rest, unless the bowl is indicated as a non-toucher in circumstances governed by earlier provisions of this law.

Law 27 TOUCHERS (i)

A bowl which, in its original course on the green touches the jack, even though such bowl passes into the ditch within the boundaries of the rink shall be counted as a live bowl and shall be called a toucher. (ii) If, after coming to rest, a bowl falls over and touches the jack before the next succeeding bowl is delivered, or if in the last bowl of an end, it falls and touches the jack within a period of thirty seconds invoked under Law 44, such bowl shall be a toucher. (iii) No bowl shall be accounted a toucher by playing on to, or by coming into contact with, the jack while the jack is in the ditch. (iv) If a toucher in the ditch cannot be seen from the mat, its position shall be marked by a white or distinctively coloured indicator about 50mm broad and not more than 100mm in height placed upright on the top, or face, of the bank and immediately in line with the place where the toucher rests. Law 28 MARKING A TOUCHER (i)

A toucher shall be clearly marked with chalk by a member of the player’s team or the marker in singles. (ii) If in the opinion of either skip, or opponent or the marker in Singles, a toucher or a wrongly chalked bowl comes to rest in such a position that the act of making a chalk mark, or of erasing it, is likely to move the bowl or to alter the head, the bowl shall not be marked or have its mark erased but shall be indicated as a toucher or non toucher as the case may be. (iii) If a bowl is not so marked or not so indicated before the succeeding bowl comes to rest, or in in the case of the last bowl of an end, before a period of thirty seconds invoked under Law 44, it ceases to be a toucher. (iv) If both the skips or opponents agree that any subsequent movement of the bowl eliminates the necessity for continuation of the indicated provision, the bowl shall thereupon be marked or have a chalk mark erased as the case may be. (v) Care shall be taken to remove the chalk marks from all bowls before they are played, but should a Newsletter of Worthing Pavilion BC



A toucher in play in the ditch may be moved by the impact of a jack in play or of another toucher in play, and also by the impact of a non-toucher which remains in play after the impact, and any movement of the toucher shall be valid. Should a non-toucher subsequently enter the ditch, it shall be dead, and the toucher shall be deemed to have been displaced by a dead bowl and the provisions of Law 32F shall apply.

WIBC Laws of the Sport of Indoor Bowls

Therefore if a toucher is unlikely to move or alter the head in the process of being marked, it must be marked before the succeeding bowl comes to rest. If a wrongly nominated bowl is not so marked before the succeeding bowl comes to rest; taking into account the thirty second ruling, it would cease to be a toucher. Equally if the unmarked toucher was in the ditch in these circumstances, it would be dead and removed. A chalk spray can be a valuable tool in overcoming marking problems.



PAVILION POST Touring Club Summer Tour 2015 There is still time for members, guests, or first time tourists to sign up for the summer outdoor tour on the Isle of st Wight from Monday 31 August until th Friday 4 September 2015. As previously announced we shall be based at Warners Bembridge Coast Hotel. The projected cost of the tour will be around £266 pp, made up from £236 pp hotel cost, £10 pp ferry ticket, with an additional £20 for bowlers.I have arranged four matches on the island during the tour: Warners Bembridge BC Cowes Medina BC Newport BC Ryde Marina BC., If you would like to join us on this tour please let me know as soon as possible by inserting your names on the list in the club lounge.

Tim Baldwin Catering

Warners Bembridge Bowling Club

Accident Avoidance Accidents can so easily happen at any time, so it is imperative that we should all be on guard to prevent any mishaps, particularly on the indoor rinks. Bowls should always be kicked back at least one metre behind and to the side of the mat. Players should also take care not to walk backwards should they stumble on a bowl and they should be aware of their position in relation to the ditches. Even the most careful exponent of safety, Frank Howard had a momentary

lack of concentration in 2009 that left him in deep water, figuratively speaking. You may remember that during his period of being secretary Frank had dealings with contractors that were repairing a burst water main in the car park. Whilst talking with one the contractor’s Frank inadvertently stepped back and fell into the open excavation. Thankfully he escaped serious injury on that occasion. Enjoy your bowling, but keep aware of your surroundings and if you are unfortunate to have an accident, don’t forget to record it in the accident book.


Use it or lose it? Dear Members In the upcoming outdoor season, mainly because of requests from visiting clubs, there will be few meal matches on the fixture list. This will probably have serious repercussions for Temptations' income. We members need to reflect carefully about what we want from our club, because unless we are willing to support it, there is a likelihood that facilities could disappear. Without our support, Temptations may not be able to continue. However the situation could be so easily improved, for example, if every member was able to support the kitchen by eating just one lunch a month that could make a great difference! Please give your support to Dave and the catering team.

A re-construction of sorts

Julie Woods Newsletter of Worthing Pavilion BC



Social Scene

Worthing Musical Comedy Society

Rogers & Hammerstein

01903 521908


Please remember that if you know of a club member who has been hospitalised, or otherwise unwell, or even not seen at Pavilion for a while, to notify the Club Welfare Officer:

Zöe Wright has reserved twenty-five premier balcony seats at the Connaught Theatre for the evening performance of this production on

Peter Woods

Provided there is a block club booking of ten seats, the price of tickets will be reduced to £16.20. Please note that once issued tickets cannot be returned or refunded.

Cribbage th

Wednesday 15 April 2015 7pm for 7-30pm. Entrance £2.00 includes coffee and prizes. Further Info from John Murray by email:

on the above Telephone Number or alternatively inform

Whist Drive Last Friday of each month starting at 2pm. Contact Ron Colbourne. 01903 204503

Hon Sec Bryan Bodicoat

Friday 8th May 2015.

Full details and the list are on display on the social notice board.

Bingo & Fish ‘n’ Chips th

Wednesday 18 March 2015 Please note corrected date

Quiz Night & Buffet th

Friday 24 April 2015

Shuffleboard & Fish ‘n’ Chips th

Wednesday 8 May 2015

Empire Day Traditional Entertainment & Fare rd

Saturday 23 May 2015

Newsletter of Worthing Pavilion BC





Forthcoming VACANCY

Assistant Club Secretary

Club/ Company Secretary

This position has been vacant for the past two years and needs to be filled as a matter of urgency. Apart from assisting the current secretary now, this role would prove a useful platform for any candidate willing to take over from Bryan later this year. Please speak to Bryan if you are interested in this role.

Bryan Bodicoat has given notice that he will not be standing for re-election next Autumn. If you are interested in being considered for this role please speak to Bryan.

Forthcoming VACANCY Company Director Recruitment & Marketing Malcolm Gilbey has given notice that he will not be standing for re-election next Autumn. If you are interested in being considered for this position please speak to Malcolm.

Newsletter of Worthing Pavilion BC



OPEN WEEK END ON THE 18th and 19th of APRIL. To Welcome visitors give a brief summary of the club and escort them to the coaches on the rinks for their taster session. After their taster session bring back to the lounge for their free Tea/Coffee and a chat to see if they would LIKE to sign up for coaching Please sign list and indicate the day & whether am/pm when you are willing to help. Acknowledgement and thanks to Malcolm Gilbey, Edward Cripps, Julie Woods, John Frew, Warwick Davis, Richard Calvert, Gordon Kibbles and Tim Baldwin for their contributions, not forgetting Ron Atkinson AKO Cartoons for his kind permission to publish his cartoons Contributions for the next newsletter should reach the editor by 20th March preferably via email Newsletter of Worthing Pavilion BC Editor Tony Powell email


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