Pp 2013 11 November Newsletter 2013

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Inside this Edition

Playing Matters: Excerpt of Fixture Card Match Reports A Question of Law: Keeping the Scorecard County Under 25’s: New Appointee Social Scene: Regular Events Quiz Night Theatres Xmas Functions

Touring Club: Updates Notices: Vacancies Welfare Advertisements Appendices: Directors’ Reports

Club AGM The club Annual General Meeting took th place on Thursday 10 October 2013 as advertised; in the lounge at Pavilion, with some eighty-nine members in attendance. The following is a brief synopsis of the business of the meeting. The meeting was chaired by Malcolm Gilbey who opened the meeting at 7.30pm and Bryan Bodicoat the Hon Secretary then read out the notice that formally called the meeting.


The names of members and past members who had sadly passed away since the last meeting were read out namely:Bill Burrows Peter Collins Valerie Espley Harry Gould Peter Plunkett Mary Steele Mike Steere John Waldford The meeting then stood for a minutes silence in memory of these friends. The formality of agreeing the minutes of last year meeting passed and there were no matters arising. The Annual Reports from the directors of the club had been circulated prior to the meeting starting; copies of which are attached in the appendices for those who could not make the meeting. The services of Monetaire Ltd; the club auditors; has been retained. Bennie Bennett was re-elected to serve as Club President and Terry Urben was elected to serve as a director. There was an acknowledgement of the contribution by John Frew during his year as a director. Unfortunately John resigned his position due to his employment commitments. The list of officers and directors now reads: Officers:-

The formal meeting closed at 8-15pm and followed by an informal exchange of varying issues. Keith Merrett pointed out that some members who volunteer; the likes of Alan Muzzell; who was mentioned in the last newsletter at Keith’s behest, seem not to be given any acknowledgement for the service they freely render. There was a mixed re-action to the heating in the indoor rinks, too hot for some, too cold for others. Peter Pullen; who seemingly has some experience with the current system, has agreed to monitor the conditions on the rinks. Don Elliot addressed the meeting as to the lack of members volunteering to take on various responsibilities and explained how rewarding volunteering can be. We currently have vacancies for an assistant secretary, a playing committee secretary and the office of vice-captain. Don went on to point out that where vacancies are not filled it falls to others to do two jobs. The informal meeting closed at 8-45pm.


New Members

President Bennie Bennett Hon Secretary Bryan Bodicoat Finance Director Esme Clough Asst Treasurer John Winkley Directors:Dennis Dixon Don Elliott Malcolm Gilbey David Thomas Terry Urben Julie Woods

Newsletter of Worthing Pavilion BC

A very warm welcome is extended to the following new playing members, namely Christine and Alan Cheeseman and George Howard. Here’s hoping that you will all enjoy many happy years bowling at Pavilion as well as making new friends along the way.


PAVILION POST Playing Matters November Fixture Card excerpt NB: Check website for any changes Mens’ Friendlies (and Mixed Matches) 09 10 13 17 23 24 27 30

Victory *# Worthing Indoor * Norfolk # Eastbourne # West Sussex Tourists Shoreham London Civil Service # Eastbourne *#

Horsham Langney Sports

Pavilion lost the match by five rinks to one and by fifty-six points. Croydon scored one hundred and forty-two points to Pavilion's eighty-six. Bryan Bodicoat's quartet losing by just one point and the captain’s quartet by just three points. Top Pavilion rink; winning by two shots, was Rick Baumann’s team comprising:Geoff Pratt Ron Jeanneret Frank Clough Rick Baumann

Pavilion v Langney Sports (Away) th

On Sunday 13 October 2013 Pavilion played Langney Sports away with the following results:Clarke Murphy Dray Frew Batchelor Strong

Mens’ League 03 09

early in the season. The excellent team spirit evidenced throughout the outdoor season remains intact and was commented on by the opposition. The team dashed to a thirtythree shot lead after five ends and that comfort gap stayed virtually the same for the rest of the game.

19-18 10-27 24-14 26-14 20-25 26-17

Biggleston Holland Burgess Smith Rowden Fuller

EJC Comments/Views Well, my first away match as Club Captain went reasonably well. We took the scenic tour of Sussex and Surrey to Croydon. I felt as if I was on probation as eleven members of the squad included:-

Mens’ Other Competitions Pavilion 02 16 23

Arun (Denny Cup) H/A Denny Cup/ Plate H/A Bannister Park (L&SC) H/A

Ladies Friendlies 12 19 26

Capt v Vice Capt Maltravers Arun

Ladies’ Other Competitions 09

Yetton Trophy/ Plate H/A


Indicates Pavilion Away Match # Indicates Mixed Match H/A Indicates Home and Away rinks

Match Reports County Indoor League Pavilion v Preston IBC (Away) Here we go again - results of Pavilion’s encounter at Preston BC on Saturday th 5 October 2013:Strong Murphy Frew Batchelor Dray Clarke Pavilion

20-23 18-17 25-11 17-15 24-13 24-18 128 -97

Taylor.R Green Dade Laker Austin Ireland Preston

Pavilion 10pts 1pt Preston A most satisfying outcome to our first County League game (away) and so


Pavilion 9pts

President Three ex-captains Club Secretary Editor of the in-house journal Club Treasurer Ex-Playing Secretary Competition Secretary and Two club coaches.

Langney 2pts Langney

Always a challenge at this level at Langney due to the pace of their carpets. Tight game from start to finish with never more than 13 shots difference between the teams. Clearly, Clunky's leprechaun learned a lesson after its kicking on Friday evening with his rink holding its nerve and going on to win by an all-important single shot. The Doc's rink turned an eight shot deficit after seven ends, around going on to win by ten shots. Nobby and his Niblet were involved in an accident en-route to the game, but despite suffering from shock and whiplash the rink won by nine shots. Seriously, another sound performance with team spirit remaining on a high.

Brian Lee FRIENDLY MATCHES Pavilion v Croydon (Away) On Sunday 6th October 2013 Pavilion travelled to Croydon IBC in south London for the annual away friendly match. After a tour of the Sussex and Surrey countryside we arrived at the venue approx. thirty minutes late! This was the first away fixture for me as the new Captain. It proved not to be a good start to my tenure.

Newsletter of Worthing Pavilion BC

A loss was not the result I was hoping for but it's early days. Many thanks to all who contributed to the trip. Your efforts were much appreciated.

Edward Cripps Captain

Mystery Tour Things didn’t start too well when the coach driver had to ask us for directions how to get to Croydon IBC., After consulting members sitting at the front of the coach we set off and headed north along the A24 then along the A264 towards Pease Pottage; not our normal route to Croydon! By then I have to admit to falling asleep, listening to the lull of the Beatle’s ‘Magical Mystery Tour’ on my IPod. I was awakened after a short while by the coach suddenly braking and saw that the driver was doing his own thing and taking us on a not so magical mystery tour; travelling east on the A264. Eastbourne was indicated as a destination on one the first road signs that I saw. However after a few miles, we turned north onto the A22. This episode made for a long day, resulting in us not arriving back at Worthing until 9pm. Despite the initial

PAVILION POST hiccup Captain Edward managed to keep calm, cool and collected.

Sequential Touchers for Bennie on the ninth end!

Editor Ladies’ Section The Pavilion Ladies went to Horsham th Tuesday 15 October 2013 and unfortunately lost 69-133. On a better note Esme Clough played her first round in the Champion of Champions national competition and beat Beryl Blacklin from Warner Lakeside 21-20. Esme’s next round is a home match against Tansy Wheeler from the Isle of nd Wight on Saturday 2 November 2013.

Ann Button A Question of Law Players and their Duties Despite previous comments by Competition Secretary Gerry Shallis regarding the abysmal completion of scorecards, you can still see second’s sitting on the bank scratching their heads, trying to work out where they had gone woefully wrong with their entries on scorecards. Law 43C of WIBC Law of the Sport of Indoor Bowls lays out the duties of the second’s i.e.


He shall see that the names of all players are entered on the scorecard. (iii) He shall compare his record of the game with that of the opposing second player as each end is declared. (iv) At the close of the game he shall hand his scorecard to his skip, who shall sign the card and record on the card the time of the conclusion of the game.

the screen for the first time. In many cases the person being videoed just knows straight away what the problem is! We then give advice on how to slightly change or amend the delivery to improve it. In most cases the changes are very small and the results can be very dramatic. If you feel this would be something you would like to do, please let any member of the coaching team know and we will try to arrange it.

So to avoid a red face, retain the scorecard at all times, record the score after each end is declared, compare your record with the opposite second; after each end.

Angmering Sports College

Sussex County Bowls looks after outdoor bowls within the county; Sussex County Indoor Bowls Association administers the indoor game. Both run under 25 teams but in recent years the indoor set-up in particular has suffered for want of a decent and enthusiastic volunteer manager. But no longer - I am delighted to confirm that our very own Pavilion member Duncan Lambert; dad to Stephen and Tom has been appointed to both posts. A great deal of hard work awaits and as a junior section / club we will give him all the help we can. We certainly won't be able to worry about our juniors being overlooked by the county as the manager will be on hand. Congratulations Duncan and best of luck for the future.

Terry Urben

Coaching/ Recruitment

Editor Under 25’s Manager

Worthing Pavilion Bowling Club Junior Section - Admin Support

Coaching Update

43C The Second:(i)

The second player shall keep a record of all shots scored for and against his team and shall at all times retain possession of the scorecard whilst play is in progress.


On Friday 11 October 2013 five coaches attended Angmering Sports College for a Sports Activity Day; where we provided an introduction to bowls. The day started at 9am and carried on throughout the day until 3pm. There were ten groups, each of twenty-six children. We taught them the basics of the game and got them bowling on the school’s two short mat carpets. Many other sports were being showcased on the day, but we had the whole of one of the sports hall’s for us to work in. Malcolm Gilbey had prepared some handouts, giving details of our junior section and also details of some of the younger champions of our sport. It certainly was hectic; but most of the youngsters really seemed to enjoy their sessions with us. Special thanks go to Clyde Fordyce, Terry Urben, Gordon Kibbles and Richard Calvert for devoting nearly a full day on the event. It certainly was very hard work, but we were thanked by the school staff for organising it so well. We hope that some of the better ones will take up our offer to join our junior section.

Recently the coaching team have been very busy with a new feature, we have been coaching with the addition of an I-Pad, this enables us to video the deliveries of club members. It is really different when you see your delivery on

Newsletter of Worthing Pavilion BC

We have not had a very successful year so far, in bringing in new members. We have coached twenty-two associate members since May 2013 and only five have become members; although when they finished their coaching most said they would be joining; which is very disappointing for all concerned after all the hard work the coaches put in. But let’s not be too down hearted as there is still time when the weather turns to being cold / wet and miserable. They might think to

PAVILION POST themselves “What shall I do? I know I will go and join the bowls club”.

‘Bowls Birthday Party’ We had a first. Malcolm was emailed by a female PE teacher asking if it was possible to have a bowls birthday party for her husband. Malcolm was able to find an empty Sunday afternoon th on 13 October, so arrangements were made for the party of ten 20 to 35 year old females / males to arrive at 2.30pm to have a brief introduction to bowls for 45 minutes. This was followed by playing a competitive game of bowls. They were enjoying it so much we had a problem trying to stop them playing. (See Malcolm’s Photo Album on the web site.) Since then we received an email thanking the club for their hospitality and the coaches Richard Calvert, Graham Farley, Gordon Kibbles for a very enjoyable afternoon that finished at 5pm.

Richard Calvert & Gordon Kibbles.


Friday 8 November 2013

Touring Club

‘Half a Sixpence’ Connaught Theatre 7-30pm performance Performed by Worthing Musical Comedy Society Tickets £15-30p inc 10% discount

BOURNEMOUTH TOUR The Bournemouth Tours commenced th on Wednesday 11 September 2013. Our first match of the tour was at Lyndhurst Bowling Club, enroute to our hotel at Bournemouth.

Check Notice Board for details


Saturday 23 November 2013

Quiz Night + Buffet


Wednesday 27 November 2013 Matinee performance of:

‘From Here to Eternity‘ Shaftsbury Theatre Check Notice Board for details

Courtesy of Lyndhurst B.C.

The tour started with a comfortable win over Lyndhurst, Pavilion winning by 89-39 and six rinks. Top rink went to Warwick Davis’ team. Thursday saw us visiting Poole Park Bowling Club where we faced defeat by 89-118. Barry Ledger’s team was our only winning rink.

The Social Scene Xmas Functions Bridge th

We play Rubber Bridge (cut in) every Tuesday night 6.30pm. Contact John Combleer 01903 230833

Saturday 7 December 2013

Xmas Dinner Dance* th

Thursday 12 December 2013

Xmas Lunch* th

Courtesy of Pool Park B.C.

Thursday 19 December 2013


Xmas Party* th

Wednesday 15 January 2014 th Wednesday 12 February 2014 7pm for 7-30pm. Entrance £2.00 includes coffee and prizes. Further Info from John Murray by email: diana.m@talktalk.net

The Xmas Raffle will be drawn prior to the party commencing The lists for these functions* will be put on the notice board th 10am Saturday 9 November 2013


On Friday 13 ; a bad omen if there ever was one, we were guests of Broadstone Wessex Bowling Club where we again faced defeat by 84-111. P. Moore’s team was Pavilion’s only winning rink.

Whist Drive th

Last Friday of each month starting at 2pm. Contact Ron Colbourne. 01903 204503

Friday 20 December 2013

Spoondrivers’ Lunch

NB: There will not be a New Year’s Eve Party! Courtesy of Broadstone Wessex B.C.

Newsletter of Worthing Pavilion BC


Saturday 14 our last day on tour, saw Pavilion pitted against Bournemouth Electric Bowling Club, another defeat for us losing by 75-104 as well as losing four rinks. Barry Ledger’s team were Pavilion top rink. We had four days of reasonable weather. It only rained once; briefly whilst playing. I think everybody enjoyed the tour.

BEMBRIDGE There are now thirty-seven names on the board, but there is still room for a few more. If anybody else is interested in this tour please add your names to the list, as the value for money for the four nights is exceptional.

VACANCY There is an on-going vacancy for the position of:-

ASSISTANT CLUB SECRETARY If you are interested in taking on this role please speak to Hon Secretary Bryan Bodicoat at your earliest convenience.

Warwick Davis VACANCY There is currently a vacancy within the Mens’ Section for:-

VICE CAPTAIN This is an important role to support the current captain with a view to becoming the future captain. If you are interested in taking on this role please contact Captain Edward Cripps

 01903 521908 Please remember that if you know of a club member who has been hospitalised, or otherwise unwell, or even not seen at Pavilion for a while, to notify the Club Welfare Officer: Peter Woods on the above Telephone Number or alternatively inform Hon Sec Bryan Bodicoat

Supporting the Club VACANCY There is currently a vacancy on the Mens’ Playing Committee for the position of:-

PLAYING COMMITTEE SECRETARY If you are interested in taking on this role please speak to Hon Secretary Bryan Bodicoat

Newsletter of Worthing Pavilion BC

There are various avenues where members can support the club such as subscribing to Easy Fund Raising or making more use of the in-house club facilities. Why not make more use of the club’s restaurant and enjoy lunch after or before you go shopping in central Worthing (excluding Mondays) With Christmas just around the corner, if you shop on-line, subscribe to Easy Fund Raising; every purchase that you make through them will generate a small donation to the club. Full details on the club website: www.wpavilionbc.org


A4 size laminated club calendars now available through the Secretary at ÂŁ1.50 each

Acknowledgement and thanks to Malcolm Gilbey, Brian Lee, Edward Cripps, Terry Urben, Richard Calvert & Gordon Kibbles and Ann Button for their contributions. Not forgetting Ron Atkinson AKO Cartoons for his continued permission to publish his cartoons Contributions for the December newsletter should reach the editor by 20th December preferably via email Newsletter of Worthing Pavilion BC Editor Tony Powell email editor@wpavilionbc.org



Newsletter of Worthing Pavilion BC


Newsletter of Worthing Pavilion BC


Newsletter of Worthing Pavilion BC


Newsletter of Worthing Pavilion BC


Newsletter of Worthing Pavilion BC


Newsletter of Worthing Pavilion BC


Newsletter of Worthing Pavilion BC


Newsletter of Worthing Pavilion BC


Newsletter of Worthing Pavilion BC


Newsletter of Worthing Pavilion BC


Newsletter of Worthing Pavilion BC

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