March 2013

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MARCH 2013 British Summertime Begins 2am Sunday 31st March

Playing Matters

Inside this Edition Playing Matters: Match Reports A Question of Law Coaching: Junior Section EBYD Event Etiquette Touring Club Social Scene Events & Functions Review of Valentine Function Raffle Organiser sought e-mail addresses Crime Prevention Welfare Officer

New Members A warm welcome is extended to new playing members Roy Adams, Eric Statton and Frank Raine Here’s hoping that you will all enjoy many years bowling and socialising at Pavilion and making new friends.

Family Open Days A reminder that Pavilion will be opening its doors to the public for a ‘Family Open Weekend’ on Saturday 20th April and Sunday 21st April 2013 between 9.30am and 2.30pm both days. I still need Volunteers to assist me over the weekend, so if you can help out please let me know at the earliest.

Malcolm Gilbey 25/02/2013

Summer Indoor Play

17 20 23 27

Insurance # Lancing King Alfred # Henfield #

Mens’ League Over the years there has been a small nucleus of members who for one reason or another would rather play their bowls indoors all year round. Attempts to establish organised indoor play during the summer months over the past couple of years somehow failed. Perhaps this was just down to lack of commitment? You probably will have seen the notice on the easel in the lounge inviting members who are interested in playing indoors this summer, to enter their names in order that representation can be put to the board of directors to sanction. So far there are in the region of thirty or so members’ names on the list expressing interest. Finance Director Esme Clough and her husband Frank are inviting interested parties to attend a meeting in the th lounge on Thursday 11 April 2013 at 1030am when teams will be drawn, as well as the opportunity for an exchange of ideas; over a cup of coffee, as to how best to proceed with this proposal. Esme and Frank have put together a range of ideas themselves for discussion, ranging from an internal league, individual aggregate scoring and possible inter club matches etc. The prospects look exciting, so if this appeals to you and you’re prepared to give a commitment, please put your name of the list; if you haven’t already done so, and attend the meeting.

March Fixture Card excerpt NB: Check website for any changes Mens’ Friendlies (and Mixed Matches) 06 10 13 16

Southwick # Wealden Tarring Priory Arundel #

Newsletter of Worthing Pavilion BC

03 09 16 24

Falaise Worthing IBC Egerton Park * Adur *

Ladies Friendlies 05 19 28

Horsham IBC SWIBA Worthing IBC *

* Indicates Pavilion Away Match #

29 30 31

Indicates Mixed Match

Easter Tournament Ditto Junior Academy (six rinks)

Match Reports Pavilion v Banks BA th

On Wednesday 30 January 2013 Pavilion was host to the Banks Bowling Association for the annual friendly match and held the visitors to account by winning 135 – 112. On the balance of play however, it proved to be quite a spirited match, with Pavilion eventually winning four rinks to Banks two. I guess you could say that they did give us a run for our money. Playing catch-up for most part of the match seemed to have no effect on the Bank’s interest. They countered and closed the gap in the closing stages, making for a nail-biting finish. The match as always, was played in good spirit and from the laughter and banter from the rinks, everyone seemed to have thoroughly enjoyed the afternoon.


PAVILION POST Pavilion v Croydon (Away)

County League

History dictated that it was never going to be an easy game when Pavilion nd visited Croydon on Saturday 2 February 2013 for the return friendly match; and that proved to be just the case. The rinks at Croydon were in excellent condition, but extremely fast compared with those at Pavilion. It took a while for some of us to adjust. For most part of the match however, Croydon were playing catch up; at one stage being nigh on thirty or so shots adrift overall. Then came the dreaded tea break; after which Pavilion saw the overall lead gradually being nibbled away. Croydon eventually took the overall lead around the eighteenth end, going on to win the match 122 – 109 with four rinks to Pavilion’s two rinks. In the main everyone seemed to have appreciated a very competitive match. However having three’s up was a pain and must have put at least an extra hour onto the match, meaning we didn’t get back to Worthing until around the 9pm mark. I guess there was some consolation though i.e. the coach driver didn’t get a parking ticket this year!

On Saturday 9 February 2013 Pavilion played away at Grattons IBC in the county league. After a close encounter for the first half of the match, I'm afraid that it slipped away during the second half! Final scores Pavilion 99 shots to Grattons 139 shots. Pavilion only secured one point thanks to Gavin Beven and his merry men. Grattons are currently second in Division 1 behind Egerton Park and so the writing was on the wall that this was destined to be a very challenging fixture. When we played them at home earlier in the year we beat them by 48 shots scoring 9 points - a virtual straight reversal. Sadly two late drop outs during the morning necessitated some hasty changes in rink line ups.

Editor NB. A memorable day, if only for the extra lumpy mash ………

Pavilion v Marine Gardens th

On Wednesday 6 February 2013 Pavilion hosted five rinks from Marine Gardens Bowling Club, for our annual friendly indoor match. Pavilion came out on top on the day, scoring 145 – 55 as well as taking all five rinks. Regardless of the final score, there were some competitive battles taking place on the rinks between the opposite numbers. No doubt Marine Gardens will give Pavilion a run for our money when they meet us on their home turf during the outdoor season.

Pavilion v SCBA It was rumoured that SCBA were fielding a strong team when they visited Pavilion on Weds 13th Feb 2013. It certainly proved to be yet another close run match with a nail biting finish, as Pavilion narrowly won124-109 with four rinks to SCBA's two.

Indoor County Fours th

Always good to close on a positive note! th On Sunday 10 February 2013 Brian Lee, John Winkley, Colin Brown and John Frew played a four from Preston BC; at Pavilion; skipped by Steve Ireland and managed to secure a 17 14 win to take us through to the third round of this competition.

Brian Lee

Pavilion v Adur IBC th

On Sunday 17 February 2012 Pavilion was host to Adur IBC for the home leg of the indoor league. Adur is a very strong club in terms of both membership numbers and past bowling achievements. As was only to be expected, they turned up with a strong team. Given their equally low position in the league table they had cast their net to enlist the support of some of their heavy weights! Clarke Brown Beven Rebera Vidler Frew

12 20 16 15 12 22

Pavilion 97 Pavilion 2pts

Godfrey Holding Hubbard Dray Honnor Sedgwick Adur Adur

34 18 17 18 22 14

123 9pts

Once again, a very closely fought first half with nothing in it - after fifteen ends we were only twelve shots adrift. At that juncture, they were able to step up a gear, undoubtedly benefitting from a far greater depth in experience across the rinks. A goodly number of their players are present and past county champions and a number of them feature regularly and progress far in the national championship finals - some winners on more than one occasion. Bottom line, two winning rinks, three very close rinks and only two points to show for our efforts. As always our team spirit was very good.

Editor Newsletter of Worthing Pavilion BC

Stating the Obvious

A Question of Law It would appear that the changes in the law relating to when the mat can be passed to an opponent, is still not fully understood. The amended WIBC ‘Laws of the Sport of Indoor Bowls’ relating to this subject is as follows:

Law 17

Starting the Game

Law 17A Play in subsequent ends In all ends subsequent to the first, apart from an extra end, the winner of the preceding scoring end shall have the mat, jack and first bowl. Therefore the player winning the toss of a coin to start the match has the option of either:  

keeping possession of the mat or passing the mat to their opponent.

PAVILION POST In the event of there being an extra end there will be a toss of a coin to establish which player should have the choice of whether to retain the mat or pass it to their opponent. Similar laws extend to the outdoor game and can be found in Section 5 of the WBC Crystal Mark 2nd edition Laws of the Sport of Lawn Bowls (as amended)

case of wait and see at the moment. My guess is that they will run coaching jointly till 2017, but who knows? As far as the coaches are concerned, they hope things are resolved sooner rather than later.

Gordon Kibbles & Richard Calvert.

Editor Angmering School

Coaching Updates

Since our last report we have had two associate members join the club and still coaching two other associate members, whose courses should be completed by the end of February. In line with the club’s policy to promote bowls within the community, Malcolm Gilbey arranged a bowls taster session with Angmering Sports College for pupils aged between 12 and 13 years; th on Friday 8 February 2013. From a coaching perspective, it was quite difficult to organize a programme; due to the number of pupils and the time allotted for each session. It also proved to be a very long and noisy day; with table tennis taking place in the same hall a supply of ear muffs would have been welcome. Before we left the teachers reported that most of the students had enjoyed their session playing bowls and thanked the coaches and others for all their hard work. I would like to thank the coaches for the dedication they show for these events i.e. Richard Calvert – Eric Henshaw – Keith Merrett – George Rhodes – Barry Torode and our helpers Colin Blackwell - Clyde Fordyce - Ray Standing - Terry Urben and Malcolm Gilbey for bringing all the bowling equipment plus bottles of water and sandwiches. It would be impossible to promote the sport of bowls to young people if it were not for the volunteers mentioned. Without them, our club would find it difficult to survive, also all the other volunteers whose contributions go unnoticed. Discussions are still going on between the E.B.C.S and B.D.A., who is going to control coaching in England. From all of the information that I receive it appears progress is being made, it is a


On Friday 8 February 2013 club coaches and support members took on the unenviable task of giving a taster session of bowls; on two short mat carpets; to over two hundred year seven pupils of Angmering School. We started early at 9am and drew to a close at 3pm. Only Eric, who has been involved in all day school visits before had any idea what he was letting himself in for! Every twenty minutes between twelve to twenty pupils were wheeled into the gym we were sharing with the table tennis coach. In the twenty minutes each pupil tried bowls; this included some pupils in wheel chairs. Following being with us the pupils then went on to table tennis. After the initial gathering of pupils the day went very smoothly, No amount of words can convey the amount of hard work involved for the coaches and the members, who stopped the wayward bowls and ping pong balls that strayed onto the bowls greens. The table tennis coach; who happened to be Polish; had never played bowls, but during a changeover period he tried his hand and showed great promise. We understand from members of staff that the children had enjoyed themselves. We raised the interest in bowls with both the children and the staff. At the end of the day I was discussing two options, the first for up to thirty-six pupils who showed the most interest to spend a day with us and a fun evening for the PE staff. On behalf of the club I wish to express my sincere thanks all those who took part in this promotion of bowls and whose action promoted our club to a wider audience.

Malcolm Gilbey

Newsletter of Worthing Pavilion BC

Junior Section Juniors Shine at EBYD Event ‘Sister Act’ th

On Saturday 26 January, eight of the Pavilion Juniors Section went to Horsham IBC for the England Bowls Youth Development ‘Skills Day’. Their aim was to win the title for the Pavilion coaches and to put a stop to the juniors having the same exercises drilled into them for the next eleven months. The juniors played a round robin of three games; each of seven ends, for which points were awarded for a win or draw. Their overall score for the morning session was then carried forward, to be added to the afternoon scores. The afternoon involved skills tests and the scores for these were added to the morning scores, providing the final total to establish the semi-finalists.

Lauren pictured on Bring a Parent Day

Following in her brother’s footsteps from last year, Lauren Brennan reached the semi-final stage and she played against Thomas Gaitor; the eventual overall winner; from Edgerton Park. Positive feedback was given by the county officials in attendance, as to the manner in which the Pavilion Juniors conducted themselves. A special mention must be given to Austin Hide, who encouraged a young player from Horsham throughout the skills afternoon. The coaching staff; they still face the threat of the axe from Malcolm ‘Abramovich’ for not bringing home a trophy! Barry and I would like to thank all the parents and supporters who attended on the day to lend their support and encouragement.

PAVILION POST We would also like to wish Kyle Bunby all the best for the 10 February, when he plays in the senior version of this competition. As to whether Barry, Terry and myself are in post to see him play depends on Malcolm and his board of directors!

Trevor Parker Etiquette

Social Scene


Friday 17 May 2013

Jekyll and Hyde

Bridge We play Rubber Bridge (cut in) Every Tuesday night 6.30pm. Contact John Combleer Tel: 01903 230833

Cribbage th

It can be most utterly annoying hearing the odd player giving a continuous and in- depth running commentary as each bowl makes its way to the head. Apart from being extremely irritating, it is also contrary to bowls etiquette to do so.

Touring Club Bembridge All ferry tickets have now been distributed at the A.G.M. so if you have not received yours on the night please look in your pigeon hole for the documentation. Hope we have a great time and wish all bowlers the best of luck in their respective fours.

A.G.M. All went smoothly with a couple of issues but the main points were the future tours. Four nights in Bournemouth details are on the notice board. We will be going to Potters in April 2014 for the identical week we had last year, so please keep an eye on the notice board for details; but it will be five nights again starting on the Sunday th 27 April all staying in the Hotel. There were some issues discussed re coaches and stops, but I hope to resolve these with a better coach and at least two stops on the way. For the Summer Tour next year we will be going to Bembridge again, but for outdoor bowling around the Island. It was decided that for all tours a better class of hotel should be used.


Wednesday 13 March 2013. 7pm for 7-30pm. Entrance £2.00 includes coffee and prizes. Further Information from John Murray by email:

Whist Drive Last Friday of each month starting at 2pm. Contact Ron Colbourne. 01903 204503


Thursday 21 March 2013 7pm Max twelve teams of four £7 per person Buffet included List on the Notice Board


Saturday 13 April 2013 6-30pm Ploughmans included. £7 per person (not £6.50 as previously Published)

As is now the custom for Pavilion members, a block booking of twenty premier seats has been secured for the above production at the Connaught Theatre, Worthing for the 7.30pm performance. ‘Jekyll and Hyde’ is a musical tragedy set in the Victorian era and is based on the well-known novel ‘Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde’ by Robert Louis Stevenson. Connaught Theatre audiences will be able to see Worthing Musical Comedy Society's production at the same time as New York audiences will be enjoying a current Broadway revival twenty-five city national tour in the USA. The original production had a four year run on Broadway (1997/2001) and subsequently toured the UK (2004/2005) featuring Paul Nicholas in the lead role. A new UK tour during 2011 saw Marti Fellow as Jekyll and Hyde. No doubt some of our members will have seen either of these touring productions at the Mayflower Theatre, Southampton or Congress Theatre, Eastbourne and been hugely impressed by its musical score, colourful ensemble scenes and show stopping principal numbers, such as ‘This is the Moment’, ‘In his Eyes’ and ‘Someone like You’. This all singing show will present Worthing Musical Comedy Society with one of its most challenging productions in recent times and if you want to enjoy two hours of sheer escapism book your tickets by visiting the social notice board and join other members of the club enjoying a 10% reduction on the face value ticket price. If you have any questions please speak to Zöe 01903-693894.

John Wright

List now on the Notice Board


FRIDAY 24 May 2013

I will keep you posted in future editions.

Warwick Davis

One to keep an eye on the notice board for more info on these very popular functions.

Newsletter of Worthing Pavilion BC

Obstacles Encountered


Valentine Dance – 14 February On a cold February evening sixty-four people enjoyed a fantastic evening celebrating Lovers Day at tables beautifully decorated by Yvonne. Temptations catered a good choice of vittles’ to everybody’s satisfaction, which really set the tone for the rest of the evening. A Raffle run by Tlm Baldwin; with his helper Phil Carter, was also a great success; with prizes to suit the occasion. The 'crowning glory' of the evening was the cabaret, when a rendition of two 'Girls Aloud' numbers were performed by Worthing Pavilion’s very own group 'Crying Out Loud' Messrs. Cooper, Cripps, Dixon and Pullen …. 'Knockout’ was the expression used! Music for this event, and for the whole of the evening, was provided by local DJ Gordon Prior, who may now be in great demand for future events. The festivities ended at approximately 11pm. Many thanks to all the helpers who returned the lounge to its status quo. Those who were unable to attend this extravaganza missed a memorable occasion – maybe we’ll see you next time.

E.J. Cripps Social Committee A brief excerpt of the cabaret on video can be viewed in the photograph section on the club website

Post-Match Raffles

Crime Prevention

Pavilion’s President Bennie Bennett has been the organiser of the postmatch raffles now for the past ten or so years. th At the Club AGM on 25 October last year Bennie gave notice that he intended to relinquish this position at the end of this summer and asked that someone come forward to take over the role. To date there has been no interest shown from the membership. You will probably be aware that all the profits from the post-match raffles goes towards the cost of coaches for certain away matches. If anybody is interested in volunteering to take over as organiser, please speak to Bennie.

Sussex Police have received reports of two males in plain clothes attempting to gain entry into resident's homes by alluding to being Police Officers. Under no circumstances, should you let any officer into your property until you have seen identification and verified it with Sussex Police on 101. If necessary do not open the door but ask them to post the ID through the letterbox. If you have any doubts about the visitor's identity or suspect them to be bogus callers, please contact Sussex Police on 999.

 01903 521908 Please remember that if you know of a club member who has been hospitalised, or otherwise unwell, or even not seen at Pavilion for a while, to notify the Club Welfare Officer:

Email Addresses Members are asked to provide the club with their email addresses; if they have one. Forms will be left out in the lounge to be completed and returned to the Hon Secretary. This will make it easier and quicker to contact members, as well as making a huge saving on postage and stationery.

Peter Woods on the above Telephone Number or alternatively inform Hon Sec Bryan Bodicoat

Malcolm Gilbey

. Acknowledgement and thanks to Malcolm Gilbey, Esme Clough, Brian Lee, Gordon Kibbles & Richard Calvert, Trevor Parker, Warwick Davis, John Wright and Edward Cripps for their contributions, not forgetting Ron Atkinson AKO Cartoons for his kind permission to reproduce his cartoons. Closing date for contributions to the next newsletter 20 March Newsletter of Worthing Pavilion BC preferably via email Editor Tony Powell – email

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