Newsletter June 2013

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post JUNE 2013

Inside this Edition

Sussex Champion

Playing Matters: Excerpt from Fixtures Match Report Coaching: Marking & Measuring Update on coaching Junior Section: Update on Progress

Two other experienced bowlers also signed up for the year, a total of twenty signed up on the two days. Coaching the bulk of new members has already started, but is being delayed in two instances, to suite the new members schedules. A big thank you must be given to all the helpers and coaches for their time donated to the club.

Malcolm Gilbey

Question of Law: Trial Ends

Playing Matters

Taster Sessions: PE Teachers Evening Social Scene: Regular Events Coming Functions Theatres

Notices: Welfare

Rotary Club: Visually Impaired Triples

Summer Indoor Play th

Bill Murphy

Congratulations must go to Pavilion’s Bill Murphy upon winning the Sussex County Un-badged Indoor Singles th Championship on Sunday 7 April 2013. This achievement was made even more special as the final was played at home at Pavilion. Well done Bill.

Family Open Weekend New Members A very warm welcome is extended to new playing members Paula Franks Marcus Martin Duncan Lambert Here’s hoping you all will enjoy many years bowling at Pavilion and make new friends along the way.


Apart from the disappointing number of visitors to the club, the open weekend for families on Saturday and Sunday st nd 21 -22 April 2013 seemingly went off without any real glitches. Over the weekend our advertisements attracted some thirty-nine or so interested visitors. From those sixteen seniors and one junior signed up for coaching. One visitor; already an experienced bowler; joined the club there and then; also turning out for the opening drive on the following Monday.

Newsletter of Worthing Pavilion BC

Monday 6 May 2013 saw the opening summer indoor matches between teams of the indoor Mavericks; as they have been so called. So far things have panned out well with team places in all league matches being filled, along with resting members playing in an aggregate scoring ‘roll up’ on the back rinks. Aside from a few planned absences for holidays etc, the attendance overall was encouraging. Should anyone wish to join in playing indoors, please speak to organiser Esme Clough, who will arrange for you to be assimilated into a team.

June Fixture Card excerpt NB: Check website for any changes Mens’ Friendlies (Mixed Matches) 01 02 04 05 09 13 22 23 30

Horsham Friendship Cup Insurance # Pulborough Preston London Welsh Banks Royal Household * Byfleet # Steyning

PAVILION POST Mens’ League 02 03 05 06 07 08 08 09 10 14 15 17 19 20 23 26 29 29


Arundel * Middleton East Preston ‘A’ Norfolk ‘B’ * Storrington Tarring Priory ‘A’ Tarring Priory ‘B’ * Bognor ‘A’ Aldingbourne Chichester ‘B’ Lancing * West Tarring Crablands * Maltravers Southbourne * Field Place Tarring Priory ‘B’ Tarring Priory ‘A’ *

L2 L3 L1 L3 L2 L1 L3 L1 L2 L3 L1 L2 L1 L3 L1 L3 L3 L1

S.Davey B.Whitmore T.Honnor R.Dray


J.Hall M.Lee S.Watt J.Rose

Bottom line score: Pavilion four wins = four pts Arundel one win = one pt.

Brian Lee Coaching Update

Coaching Success Marking & Measuring Course

Ladies Friendlies 04 06 11 13 20

Steyning Arundel Southwick East Preston * Lancing *

Ladies’ League 18 25 27

Witterings Pagham Marine Gardens

* Indicates Pavilion Away Match #

Indicates Mixed Match

National Top Club Competition A Pavilion team hosted an Arundel team in the National Top Team th competition at Pavilion on Sunday 19 May 2013 with the following results: Two Wood Singles R. Forrester



Four Wood Singles J.Westlake



Pairs Gareth Beven 23-19 J. Frew

G.Mills B.Heal

Triples B.Lee P.Bunce Gavin Beven


J.Oliver M.Stephens J.Lee

We have to admit this was the first time we have been let down so badly, we hope that when we run the next course club members will appreciate all the effort that goes into running courses, which by the way, are free to members. Finishing on a positive note, the people who came really did enjoy it and this makes the coaches efforts worthwhile. We will be running another course in the near future if you would like to attend please approach any of the coaches and we will add your name to the list.

Another successful Marking and nd Measuring Course was held on the 2 May. To make the course successful a considerable number of coaches are required, on this occasion six coaches ran the event and we also had Bill Porter a coach from Field Place BC attend as part of his on-going training (Bill was trained at Pavilion and passed his exams recently). The members who attended really seemed to enjoy the experience; they all agreed that it was worthwhile and very useful. Two of the attendees have been bowling for a number of years and they both said they were surprised by the things they did not know about measuring. The number of members attending is restricted to nine, this makes the evening proceed at a good pace and we are able to complete the evening in about two hours. A lot of work goes into organising these courses, phoning each member to check they are able to attend, followed by a letter confirming all the details. We then have to print the 16pp books and the certificates required, which are individually printed for each course. We also prepare a programme for the evening, overall a lot of work; this is compensated by the attendance of the participants and their thanks after the event. However on this occasion, we all felt a bit let down, even after all the phone calls and the confirming letter, one person dropped out the evening before the event, one dropped out by telephone on the day of the event and two people did not even bother to phone to let us know they were not coming.

Newsletter of Worthing Pavilion BC

Another year has passed, our fourth full year of coaching, a successful year as far as the coaching section is concerned. From May 2012 to April 2013 we coached fifty-three associate members, of whom thirty-one or 60% became full members of the club; which also brought in a substantial sum of money; approximately £11,000. We carried out bowls tasters for schools, school teachers, and we organised the Rotary Visually Impaired Tournament, which was a great success. The weather was very kind to us which made the day. We hope this year′s event will be as successful and blessed with good weather. We have carried out a number of video clinics for established bowlers and these are proving very popular. Once you see your delivery, the correction of any faults you may have developed are much easier to achieve. If you feel you could benefit from this type of coaching please let us know and we will arrange this for you. For the second year running Richard and myself trained four bowlers to take up coaching, three from Worthing Pavilion and one from Field Place B.C. This was a very successful course and they all passed with flying colours. We would like to welcome Colin Davey, Clyde Fordyce and Terry Urben to our ranks. Our new coaches are already working hard with the associate members we recently recruited. We now start all over again from the beginning of May after a fairly low attendance from the Open Weekend, despite all the effort put in to

PAVILION POST encourage future bowlers to come and try bowls. It may have been due to the London Marathon and other bowls clubs having their Open Weekends. Our first priority is to start coaching those who signed up to become associate members as quickly as possible. So far we have seventeen and fourteen of them are now being coached by ten of our coaches during the day and evenings. A number of events have been arranged by Malcolm Gilbey for bowls tasters, starting in April with two School Teachers evenings coming from a number of schools. This will be followed up by Davison Girls School with thirty pupils and three teachers; Starboard Sea Scouts on two evenings with eighteen scouts and three team leaders on each evening. St Andrews School on two days, the first day twelve to fourteen pupils and three teachers for 1¹⁄₂hrs, on the second visit for twenty-four to thirty pupils and three teachers for 5hrs; with a meal. As most members will appreciate this takes many hours of planning and organising with the aim of promoting the club for future members, especially the young. This is a lot of hard work for the coaches but it can be very rewarding. May we just finish by saying we both appreciate all the work and many hours the coaches put in and the support you have given us both and the club over the last year, well done.

Richard Calvert & Gordon Kibbles

including six juniors and things would have looked much worse. Moving outdoors, the juniors have once more been encouraged to make themselves available for club matches and competitions. The entire section has been entered into the Mixed Squad Triples League (MSTL) on Wednesday evenings and kicked off with a win in their first match – well done Lauren, James and Kyle. Thank you to Peter Woods (MSTL organiser) for accepting a rather large squad including those more aged juniors Dave Thomas, Trevor Parker and Terry Urben. The juniors have their own training session on Saturday mornings, but they are appearing in more and more senior competitions / matches so the coaches hope that senior members will continue to make the juniors welcome. Stephen and Thomas Clarke-Lambert th made their debut for Pavilion on 27 April in the away match on a very heavy Seaford green. Dad Duncan also debuted and played on Stephen’s rink – both had decent games, but bragging rights in the Clarke-Lambert household must have gone to twelve year old Tom. Selected on the captain’s rink Tom had a toucher with his very first bowl; scooped four bottles of orange J20 in the half-time raffle and finished the day on Pavilion’s top rink. But perhaps a dictionary would have been a better raffle prize. All match Tom; playing at number two, had been goading the lead to put up a really long jack. Finally the idiot lead – also your reporter – gave in and sent one miles up the green. After numbers one to three for both teams had bowled the opposition held two shots, but there is nothing reaching nearer than two yards short of the jack. Enter Paul ‘Hercules’ Wilson who promptly sticks two right on it. The dialogue then ran like this:

I am sure Tom won’t mind me recounting that story and in any event Sussex County Bowls (SCB) don’t mind whether he is telepathic or psychopathic, because they have picked him to play for Sussex U-25’s th against Peacehaven on 12 May 2013. That will be Tom’s County debut, but game number three for his brother Stephen, who also appears. Fifteen year old Stephen has been improving his management skills by skipping Pavilion rinks in two outdoor games already this year. Do we encounter many other clubs who have junior players, let alone have the imagination to put them in charge of a rink? Finally, I am also pleased to say that all four of our junior girls – Hannah Samuel, Lauren Brennan, Rachel Williams and Kate Urben – have been invited to appear for Sussex Women U31 squad in a friendly match against the SCB at Victoria Park, Eastbourne th on 19 May 2013. By the end of May we will have seen County recognition for six of our thirteen juniors, not a bad advert for the club and of course for the children themselves. Our latest recruit is eight year old Josh Tomley; grandson of Peter. If any other senior members have children or grandchildren who want to try their hand at bowls please speak to Trevor Parker or Malcolm Gilbey.

Terry Urben

Idiot lead – “That was too far. Why did I listen to you?”

Junior Section

Tom – “I knew he would do that” Idiot lead – “Really?”

The 2012-13 indoor campaign witnessed eight junior members support the senior club by participating in club matches, fun drives and internal competitions; mixed, men and ladies’ alike. Of particular note was the Easter Tournament; sadly reduced to just twelve teams and one day of competition; but take away two teams

Tom; tapping the side of his head with one finger “Yes, I could read his thoughts because I am psychopathic!” Idiot lead – “Tom, I think you mean telepathic.” Tom - “Yeah, one of them thingies!”

Newsletter of Worthing Pavilion BC

The Threes Don’t Count

PAVILION POST A Question of Law Trial Ends You can often hear mutterings when a skip picks up a short delivered jack in a trial end and repositions it where he or she wants. As the trial end is not actually part of the game, the skips may have decided to place the jack at a mutually acceptable distance. Many times players will want a full length jack for the trial end so a jack short of this will be moved to full length. Note the laws state: 18.1.7 The team which starts the trial end should place the mat, deliver the jack and place the jack on the centre line of the rink at a distance they choose from the mat line (the distance should not be changed during the course of the trial end). Note this differs to the law for during a game: 22.1 Before the jack is delivered, the mat should be placed as described in law 19.1.1. The player to play first should deliver the jack and make sure that it is centred. (Centred being defined as placing the jack on the centre line of the rink, at the same distance from the mat line as it was when it came to rest)

PE Staff from Durrington High & Davison High High

competitive and requested that Pavilion arrange a day for some of their pupils to have the same experience. The Staff came from Davison High School for Girls, Durrington High School, St Andrews CE High School for Boys and Angmering School (Specialists Sports College)

Saturday 27 July 2013

Malcolm Gilbey

Monday 23 September 2013


Fun Drive + Barbeque th

Friday 30 August 2013

Quiz Night + Buffet rd

Night Bowls + Fish & Chips Details to be published nearer dates

Teacher’s Taster In accordance with the policy of Worthing Pavilion Bowling of promoting bowls to all; either young and not so young whether able body or disabled; the PE teachers from the local high schools were given the opportunity to experience lawn bowls at first hand on th th the evening of the 24 and 26 April 2013. They were welcomed to the club by a director who then took them to meet the club’s coaching team. The coaches took the teachers to the indoor air conditioned rinks for getting used to bowls. They explained the elementary principles of bowls and the teachers then carried out exercises used in training they then broke for a buffet. After the buffet a triples competition was organised’ school against school. The feedback was that they found the game most interesting, highly

Social Scene Bridge We play Rubber Bridge (cut in) every Tuesday night 6.30pm. Contact John Combleer Tel: 01903 230833

Whist Drive

Xmas Raffle Tickets will be on sale from October to th the draw on 19 December 2013. In addition to the planned functions up until the end of the year, there are various theatre trips (Local and London) Please see Social Notice Board or website for details.

Dennis Dixon th

Last Friday of each month starting at 2pm. Contact Ron Colbourne. 01903 204503

Wednesday 27 November 2013 Matinee performance of

‘From Here to Eternity‘ Shaftsbury Theatre


Friday 28 June 2013

Country & Western Dinner Dance

£47.50 per person Includes theatre tickets and coach to and from the Theatre List on Notice Board

Newsletter of Worthing Pavilion BC


Visually Impaired players pose for tournament photo

Rotary Club Sponsor Visually Impaired Triples Tournament th

On Wednesday 15 May we hosted the above competition at Pavilion. Eight teams entered and we were very pleased that all eight teams arrived on time. We started the day with an excellent meal from Yvonne and Dave, ably assisted by Sally, they really came up trumps even though we eventually ran a bit over time during the day, which made tea slightly late.

Stating the Obvious… but

Three teams were entered from Bognor, two from Crawley, two from Hastings and one from Worthing. All rounds were five ends of play and the teams then all progressed through to the second round. In the second round Hastings B beat Crawley A 12-3, and Bognor C beat Crawley B 10-3, Hastings A beat Bognor B 16-3 and Worthing beat Bognor A 14-7 for the four teams to get through to the semi-final. In this tournament if a team fields a sighted player they are penalised one shot per end. This is to ensure the teams with blind players have a chance. Although some of the ends were really amazing with the partially sighted and the blind players being able to adjust their line and length with the help of the markers. Some of the teams use walkie-talkie radios for them to be able to tell the players the state of the head. They all use the clock face to tell the players where their bowls finish. So if your bowl ends up jack high on the left it is at nine-o’clock. The semi-finals were fairly one-sided with Hastings B beating Worthing 10-4 and Hastings A beating Bognor C 12-1, due to the addition of sighted players, which meant we had an all Hastings final. Our markers on the rinks and general helpers were Robin Forrester, Maurice Gooch, Chris Scott and Gerry Shallis, We would like to thank them for the help and encouragement they gave to the teams and for the superb way they represented our club. Malcolm Gilbey acted as our ambassador for the day looking after the guests from the Rotary

Newsletter of Worthing Pavilion BC

Club. Without their help we would not have been able to make the day a success. The final really was a superb finale with the heads all being so good. All the players in the final were either blind or partially sighted which really was a bonus for the organisers. It meant that the handicap system we applied to sighted players were successful. The final score was Hastings A 4 shots and Hastings B 2 shots. The presentation of the winner’s cup and the runners-up shield were made by the President of Worthing Rotary Club Councillor Vic Walker accompanied by his fiancée Rosemary. He made a very good speech praising the contestants for creating a really superb tournament. He also was very complimentary about our club facilities. The Rotary organiser for the event was John Leitch, who really made a contribution to the organisation of the tournament and was a great help in the run up to the day, our grateful thanks go to him. Overall it was a very rewarding tournament to organise and we hope it will go on for many years to come.

Richard Calvert & Gordon Kibbles Event Organsisers

 01903 521908 Please remember that if you know of a club member who has been hospitalised, or otherwise unwell, or even not seen at Pavilion for a while, to notify the Club Welfare Officer: Peter Woods on the above Telephone Number or alternatively inform Hon Sec Bryan Bodicoat

PAVILION POST Late Results A great start to the new Littlehampton Gazette League for Pavilion’s ‘B’ team with two wins and one draw to date:

Pavilion ‘B’ v Worthing ‘B’ (Away) D.Thomas R.Burgess M.Hilton W.Davis Pavilion Pavilion

24-11 23-18 15-20 24-19

T.Poole G.Salt B.Thomas A.Avery

86-68 8pts 2pts

Worthing Worthing

 

Pavilion ‘B’ v Aldingbourne (Away) C.Scott R.Burgess W.Davis` M.Hilton Pavilion Pavilion

26-15 27-17 16-17 25-19

R.Wyatt E.West R.Taylor F.Mulholland

94-68 8pts 2pts

Aldingbourne Aldingbourne

Pavilion ‘B’ v Arundel (Home) C.Scott R.Burgess M.Hilton D.Thomas

19-30 21-19 17-10 void

J.Lee B.Heal T.Batchelor J.Rose

  

to securely lock shed, garage doors and side-doors. For added security, bolt the padlock to the door and frame. Secure shed/garage items and tools to a fixed object inside the shed/garage using a bicycle lock. Do the same with your lawnmower. Paint or etch your postcode on to your tools, including the lawnmower. Install a battery or mains-powered shed alarm, available from all good DIY stores at a reasonable price. For extra security, replace the screws in external hinges of your shed or garage side-door with 'clutch-head' screws (also known as 'anti-tamper' or 'coffin' screws). Apply glue over the top of the screw heads. Fit an internal bar to secure your shed windows. Secure your wheelie bin to stop an intruder using it to climb on. Consider setting up a Neighbourhood Watch Scheme in your road, if there is not already one set up. To find any schemes in your area or to set up a NHW scheme, please contact your local PCSO, details available on the Sussex Police website.

Kind regards Pavilion Pavilion

57-59 4pts 4pts

Arundel Arundel

Well played all involved

PCSO Nicola Burstow Worthing Neighbourhood Policing Team

Chris Scott

Crime Prevention

BIKE THEFTS There has been a slight increase in the number of bicycles being stolen from outbuildings in the Adur and Worthing areas. Please bear in mind the following advice to make it harder for a wouldbe-thief to gain access to your property:  Sheds and stores should be secured with a substantial lock. Use a 'hasp and staple' padlock Acknowledgement and thanks to Malcolm Gilbey, Brian Lee, Richard Calvert and Gordon Kibbles, Terry Urben, Dennis Dixon and Chris Scott for their contributions not forgetting Ron Atkinson AKO Cartoons for his kind permission Newsletter of Worthing Pavilion BC to use his cartoons. Closing date for contributions for the next newsletter 20th June 2013 preferably via email. Editor Tony Powell – email

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