Pp 2014 1 pdf January 2014 Newsletter

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post JANUARY 2014

Inside this Edition

Playing Matters: Excerpt Fixture Card Match Reports Playing Committee

Coaching Update

A question of Law

Avoid Damage to Carpets

Touring Club: Warner’s at Bembridge Dawish Warren

Social Scene

Notices: Welfare Vacancies

Planetbowls What is Planetbowls? Basically Planetbowls is a whole new concept for indoor bowls and the gateway to a host of Open Singles Events taking place throughout the bowling calendar at participating clubs – all playing to standard rules and conditions – operating as a straight knockout with an Open Draw – best of two sets with a three end tie break as required. These tournaments are also streamed live online. The event planned to take place at Pavilion; ’The Jack of Clubs Open Singles’ will be the first outdoor tournament under the umbrella of Planetbowls with a top prize of £1,500 on offer to the winner. Competitors 21/12/2013

knocked out in the first round will be automatically entered into a ‘plate’ competition with a top prize of £500 on offer to the winner. For this first year players will be playing solely for the generous cash prizes on offer. Fuller information can be found on Planetbowls website:http://www.planetbowls.com/

Editor Jack of Clubs Open Singles All is now in place for this event that will take place over the May Bank Holiday rd th th on the 3 4 and 5 May 2014. Entry forms are now available on the Planetbowls website with details of all the prize money for both competitions. I have had a very good response to this from both the club and the members. Both Ian Phillips and Bennie Bennett have agreed to umpire, but I am still looking for more markers to help out on each morning at 9am so I would appreciate your help in this respect. For your information after the first matches in the morning it is customary for the losers to mark the next match, so most markers will only be needed for around an hour and half each morning, but it would be appreciated if others could be available sometime during the day just in case losers disappear. Keith Woodhams and Gerry Shallis have agreed to run the competitions and to keep everybody updated. Malcolm Gilbey is organising a Press Release, so if you subscribe to the local papers watch out for the various articles. Obviously the car park will be busy all weekend so would anybody be prepared to marshall the car park. I would prefer spaces to be available for the competitors, so please consider parking outside the club should you wish to come as a spectator. Let us hope for fine weather for everybody’s sake.

Warwick Davis Newsletter of Worthing Pavilion BC

Eight Year Quest

HAND MADE CARDS FOR ST. BARNABAS Since 2005 when I started this venture of making cards from people’s recycled cards, the group has expanded by five ladies producing them. We were fortunate enough to be allowed to sell these at your bowls club as well as various groups in the area. The amount raised since 2005 to date has reached £6,000 and this has been warmly received by the St. Barnabas Hospice. I would like to take this opportunity in thanking you for all the support that you have given to our hospice. The time has come for the ladies and myself to take early retirement and regretfully we will not be producing any further cards by the end of this year. Kind regards

Hillie Standing NB. Please note that a limited number of cards will still be on sale in the lounge up until Easter.

Words Should be Chosen Carefully

PAVILION POST Playing Matters

January Fixture Card excerpt NB: Check website for any changes Mens’ Friendlies (and Mixed Matches) 04 05 08 10 11 12 15 18 19 21 29

Past Presidents Grattons * Southwick *# Shoreham * Metropoitan Police Victory # Captain v Spoondrivers SCIBA Egerton Park Pavilion Ladies Banks

Ladies’ Friendlies 07 14 21 28

Worthing IBC Wealden Pavilion Men Adur

Junior Academy 26

6 rinks 10am

2013 with six rinks and were soundly beaten on all six rinks by 143-97 shots. Pavilion top rink comprised: Club Captain Ted Cripps Keith Bowen Gordon Kibbles and Dennis Dixon Skip winning by thirty-five to nine shots. All thoroughly enjoyed an afternoon of bowls which was played in traditional spirit.

Pavilion v London Civil Service BA WPBC greeted a team from London Civil Service on Wednesday 27th November 2013 who arrived with two players short. Keith Lyons and Tony Powell valiantly agreed to play for our opposition. The match resulted in a loss for WPBC losing by 106 points to 80 points and by three rinks to two rinks. Pavilion top rink comprised: Bob Perry Pat Cripps Jim Braiden and Paul Wilson Skip.

Pavilion v Sussex Masonic Sussex Masonic visited Pavilion on Sunday 8th December 2013 for the annual friendly match.. During the preceding week both of the teams struggled to find enough players to support six rinks for the match. On match day Pavilion settled first and opened up a gap over the Masonic team that they were unable to close. Pavilion won on five rinks and lost on only one. The overall score was 153 points to Pavilion and 78 points to Sussex Masonic. To assist in obtaining this score the Pavilion top rink comprised:Ron Jeanneret June Braiden Jim Braiden and Brian Bodicoat skip winning by forty-two points to six points. Well done to everyone and thank you for turning out to support your club.

Pavilion v Wealden IBC (Away) th


Pavilion v West Sussex Tourists On Saturday 23rd November 2013 Pavilion played a home friendly triples match against the West Sussex Tourists. The West Sussex Tourists have no facility of their own and use Worthing Pavilion as their 'Home' so with no apparent home advantage to Pavilion the match was played on an even playing field with the following result: Worthing Pavilion 103 points and West Sussex Tourists 70 points. WPBC won on four rinks and lost on two. WPBC Top Rink comprised: Bob Perry Keith Wadhams and Tim Baldwin as Skip.

Pavilion v Shoreham BC Shoreham, WPBC's neighbours, came to Pavilion on Sunday 25th November

The Top Rink for the LCS included Tony Powell - the volunteer from WPBC! Another one bites the dust!

Pavilion v Eastbourne (Away) A team from Pavilion travelled to Eastbourne to play a 'Friendly' match against Eastbourne and District I.B.C. and pulled off a remarkable turn around to win by 128 points to 107 points. At the halfway stage Eastbourne were winning on five rinks to Pavilion’s one and were at least thirty points ahead. Pavilion fought back and at the twentyfirst end had won on four rinks; losing by a total of only seven points on the other two rinks. Top Pavilion rink comprised:Ted Cripps Pat Cripps Gordon Kibbles and Roger Burgess skip. Club Captain Edward Cripps was impressed at the way his team achieved a fantastic win. Thanks to all concerned.

Newsletter of Worthing Pavilion BC

On Sunday 15 December 2013 WPBC travelled to Wealden Bowls Club in the village of Maresfield, to play our annual friendly; this year comprising of just six triples. The match was much closer than the 115-100 score suggests, with the home side winning by four rinks to Pavilion’s two. Apart from the rink of the Pavilion’s Captain; that lost heavily 25-7, the other three rinks that lost did so by very small margins. Pavilion’s top rink comprised:Ron Jeanneret Stephen Clarke-Lambert* Brian Graham (Skip) Winning 26-12. Despite the match loss all the Pavilion team enjoyed the game which was played in good spirits. * Stephen was just one of the three juniors who played for Pavilion. George Burrett and Tom Clarke-Lambert were the other two juniors playing for Pavilion on the day. Well done to them!

Edward Cripps Mens’ Captain


PAVILION POST County Indoor League

Pavilion v Horsham IBC (Away)

Pavilion v Denton Island

On Saturday 14 December 2013 Pavilion met Horsham IBC away in the county indoor league with the following results:-


On Sunday 1 December 2013 Pavilion met Denton Island at Pavilion in the county league with the following results:Brown Strong Frew Clarke Rebera Murphy

28-09 27-18 35-07 26-10 16-16 29-05

Ancell Willy Wood Towner Flood Dennis

Pavilion 161-67 Denton Isle Pavilion10pts 1pt Denton Isle The team, anxious to keep our winning streak going, set off at a cracking pace securing a thirty-eight shot lead after ten ends, eighty shots after eighteen ends, finishing the game ninety-four shots the better. Ron Rebera's rink put in a very spirited performance coming back from nine down after fifteen ends, to come second by a mere two shots. In fact, they won the last six ends and on the twentieth end were holding three shots only for the opposing skip to draw second wood with his second bowl. Six matches played to date, six won! Well done the ‘team’!


Brown Clarke Strong Frew Vidler Murphy

17-10 22-14 24-20 11-22 15-18 17-15

Kentish Hamilton Hazel Ives.M Warner Gladwell

Pavilion 106-99


Pavilion 9pts

2pts Horsham

Going on past encounters at Horsham, this was always going to be a close game and so it turned out to be. We always just managed to keep our noses in front - plus five shots after ten ends going on to win by seven shots. No less than seven of our regulars were unavailable for this particular fixture our grateful thanks go to those who stood in and stepped up to the plate in such an able manner. Record, thus far, intact - eight played and eight won which keeps the pressure on our closest rivals, Arun.

Brian Lee Ladies Match reports

Pavilion v Preston IBC



Pavilion v Eastbourne (Home)

On Wednesday 4 December 2013 Pavilion were hosts to Preston IBC when the clubs met at Pavilion in the county indoor league. The results were as follows:Vidler Rebera Frew Strong Brown Clarke

28-12 19-19 24-15 23-11 26-15 18-15

Green Taylor Austin Laker Haggar Edwards

Pavilion 138-87 Preston Pavilion 10.5pts .5pts Preston The team set off at a cracking pace and after ten ends were forty-three shots in front. This healthy margin was maintained throughout the match. Another very pleasing result; team spirit was excellent. This season, to date, seven league matches played and seven won which enables us to keep the pressure on our closest rivals Arun.


On Tuesday 22 October Pavilion Ladies entertained Eastbourne Ladies. Pavilion won the match 112–107 winning on four rinks drawing on one and losing one. Pavilion top rinkGene Mears Diana Murray Ann Marshall Esme Clough.

Pavilion v Maltravers (Home)

Pavilion v Arun (Home) th

On Tuesday 26 November Pavilion entertained Arun at home. Pavilion lost 101–124 despite winning on four rinks and losing on two. This was an encouraging result as we had lost away to Arun earlier in the season on all six rinks. Pavilion top rink:Ann Button Maureen Holliman Carol Artley Esme Clough. NATIONAL COMPETITIONS Pavilion Ladies ventured into the National Competitions this year by entering The Mason Trophy and The Yetton Trophy. We had to play Palmerston Bowling club in both. The Mason Trophy consisted of one rink at home and one rink away. We lost the match 39–29 winning on the home rink 18–13 Winning rink:Ann Button Julie Woods Carol Artley Esme Clough. The Yetton trophy consisted of two rinks at home and two rinks away. We lost 62–102 winning on one home rink Winning rink:Ann Button Julie Woods Carol Artley Marina Crayston. Having been knocked out of the trophy this entitled us to play in the Yetton Plate where we came up against a very good Worthing Indoor team. We lost the match 56–104 winning on one home rink 19–12 Winning rink:Joan Barrass, Sue Gubbins Marlene Hancock Esme Clough.


On Tuesday 19 November Pavilion Ladies entertained Maltravers at Home. Pavilion had a very good win 125-48 winning on all six rinks. Pavilion top rink:Linda Manning Julie Woods Sue Gubbins Marina Crayston.

Newsletter of Worthing Pavilion BC

Egham Trophy We also entered a team in the mixed Egham Trophy and yet again we were drawn against Palmerston Bowling club. This competition consisted of two mixed teams at home and two away. We won this match 94–84 our two home teams winning 36-8 and 24–17 respectively. 3

PAVILION POST Winning rinks:Sharon Pratt Sue Gubbins Alan Vidler Mark Strong Sylvia Faithfull Richard Calvert Esme Clough Andy Clarke In the second round we came up against Arun Bowling Club who fielded a very strong team and we lost 52–88 winning one of the away rinks 16–13 Winning rink:Carol Artley Marlene Hancock Bill Murphy Richard Dray Thank you to everyone who played in any of the National Competition matches, your contribution and support is much appreciated. Special thanks to Brian Lee for his help and support and last but not least a big thank you to Benny who gave his time to Umpire all the matches.

Ann Button Ladies’ Captain

Mens’ Playing Committee At a recent men's playing committee meeting we discussed the possibility of entering a fourth team into the Littlehampton Gazette League (LGL) and it is proposed that a notice will be put up on the availability board for members to indicate if they are interested in applying to play in this team. As we did last time we placed a team into this league. Membership interest will dictate if we apply, so it will be up to you to give an indication if we do so. Over to you all!

Tim Baldwin Coaching

May I take this opportunity to say a BIG THANK YOU to Malcolm Gilbey and the board of directors, also Richard Calvert and the coaching team, for all the kind words that have been written; along with those members who have spoken to me personally, who have appreciated what

we have achieved and created over the last five years. It has been quite humbling but most appreciated which makes it all worthwhile, and I will continue to give my best to support Richard and the coaching team and the club. The change referred to in December issue of Pavilion Post has now taken place; Richard is now fully in control of the coaching section as Coach CoOrdinator and I will be acting as his assistant for the foreseeable future. I am sure the board of directors, coaches and all the members of the club will give him full support carrying out this important work on behalf of the club. I am sure he will do an excellent job, and I will give him 100% support and help if needed, as he has given me over these last five years. May I just say the success of the coaching team is never down to one person, we have all worked very hard as a team ( THANK YOU TEAM ) with whatever has been thrown at us to make sure it has been a success, because the coaching team realise we are the first to introduce people to bowls and our club and if we mess up then we have lost a potential club member also to bowls in general. Lastly I would like to thank all those who voted for me in the Worthing Herald / Gazette Community Awards, but unfortunately I was not successful as most of the awards went to charity based organizations, but it was a very enjoyable afternoon at the Dome Cinema.

Law 41 - Possession of the Rink

Gordon Kibbles



Possession of the rink shall belong to the team whose bowl is being played.

(iii) As soon as each bowl shall have come to rest, possession of the rink shall be transferred to the other team, time being allowed for marking a toucher. Therefore the early playing of a bowl or even being stranded between the mat and the head; after your own bowl comes to rest; would constitute an infringement of rink possession invoking the following law:Law 41 - Possession of the Rink (iv)

Should a player infringe the law of rink possession the umpire shall, after having given a warning, have the bowl last played declared dead. If the bowl has disturbed the head, the opponent shall have the option of:-

(a) (b) (c)

resetting the head, or leaving the head as altered or declaring the end dead.

So possession of the rink is yours until your bowl comes to rest, not when you step off the mat. However, by not stepping off the mat until your bowl comes to rest will prevent such situations arising in the first place.

Senior Coach

Damage to Carpets A Question of Law Rink Possession It is not uncommon to see some players deliver their bowl before the preceding bowl has finally come to rest. Coupled with that there is a myth frequently voiced by more experienced players, that once you step off the mat you have lost possession of the rink? The WIBC Laws of the Sport of Indoors Bowls covers this situation:Law 40B - Order of Play (ii)

No one shall play until his opponent's bowl shall have come to rest.

Newsletter of Worthing Pavilion BC

I came across the following article in a recent newsletter of Cotswold Bowls Club, that probably has some relevance to every club; even Pavilion. ‘Members will remember that a few weeks ago the carpet underlay was replaced and the green carpet turned over at an expense exceeding £11,000. It has been noticed that where the bowls are delivered there are bruise marks on the carpet, no doubt as a result of bowls being bumped. Now we are well aware that some members are unable to get down far enough because of problems with knees, hips, backs etc. and we have to live with this, but it is noticeable that some apparently fit players appear to 4

PAVILION POST have graduated from the Barnes Wallis school of delivery. Is it too much to hope that those fit members who habitually bump their woods could consider a change of action and so prevent further damage to the carpet?’ Courtesy of Cotswold BC

Editor NB. Should you experience any difficulty with your own delivery, do speak to the coaching staff, who should be able to help you remedy any problems that you may have.

Touring Club

Dawlish. Our summer tour to Dawlish goes well. All original 38 places have been taken, and we are running a reserve list which currently stands at six. I am trying to obtain more rooms at the hotel (this awaits other groups cancelling their initial bookings) and hope that the listed reserves will be able to go. This will mean the hiring of a bigger coach! but this should also be available to us if required? A meeting with the tour treasurer will take place in the new year when the cost will be agreed, but I anticipate the original quote of £360 should be about right. The club is asked for deposits in the New Year, so I will be calling for a deposit of £30 each person towards the end of January 2014. More updates in the next newsletter. Happy New Year to you all.



Saturday 25 January 2014

St Valentine’s Dinner & Dance th

Saturday 15 February 2014

Cine Horse Racing & Ploughman’s

Tim Baldwin Everything is beginning to be finalised for this trip. With regards to the ferry crossings, I have assumed that your vehicles have not changed and that you will be taking the same people as last year. For the new people that are travelling I have been in touch with them and have the appropriate information. If you have changed your vehicle details then please let me know. I still have last year’s seating plan for the dining room so I will keep to this in mind, but for the new people if you have a particular person or persons you wish to be with please leave a note in my pigeon hole and I will do my best to accommodate you. Finally, as last year you will need to organise yourselves into teams of four. I still have the teams from last year but there will be some changes as certain people cannot go and there are new people to integrate. Please therefore check the list of people travelling to see who you want to be with and let me know via the pigeon hole and again I will do my best to accommodate you. I am currently awaiting the final account from Warners and when the amount is known Don will be writing to you all in early January for the balance of monies due. I normally distribute the ferry tickets at the A.G.M. in February so please keep an eye for the date of this meeting.

Quiz Night & Buffet


Wednesday 19 March 2014

Social Scene

Christmas Raffle

Bridge We play Rubber Bridge (cut in) every Tuesday night 6.30pm. Contact John Combleer 01903 230833

Cribbage th

Wednesday 15 January 2014 th Wednesday 12 February 2014 7pm for 7-30pm. Entrance £2.00 includes coffee and prizes. Further Info from John Murray by email: diana.m@talktalk.net

Whist Drive Last Friday of each month starting at 2pm. Contact Ron Colbourne. 01903 204503

On behalf of the social club committee I would like to place on record our sincere thanks to all members who either donated prizes, or purchased numbers for the Club’s Christmas "swindle". The draw was made on the 19th of December and President Bennie drew one hundred and two prize numbers. The first two prizes were drawn last and have since been collected. We were set the task of raising £800 for new pushers and mats for the outdoor ‘A’ green and I am very pleased to report this sum was raised. Well done to all who entered and many thanks to the bar staff who aided this effort. In fact we were able to apply some of the received income towards a prize of £100 cash as well. Many thanks to all.

Tim Baldwin

Warwick Davis

Newsletter of Worthing Pavilion BC



 01903 521908 Please remember that if you know of a club member who has been hospitalised, or otherwise unwell, or even not seen at Pavilion for a while, to notify the Club Welfare Officer: Peter Woods on the above Telephone Number or alternatively inform Hon Sec Bryan Bodicoat



still exists for

still exists for

Assistant Club Secretary

Playing Committee Secretary

Mens’ Vice-Captain

For more information Please speak to Hon Secretary Bryan Bodicoat

For more information Please speak to Hon Secretary Bryan Bodicoat

For more information Please speak to Captain Edward Cripps

VACANCY still exists for

LATE NEWS ITEM On Saturday 21st December 2013 Pavilion hosted the finals of the National Under 25's Singles Championship between Martin Hietzman from Falaise and Ryan Trigg from the Isle of Wight. Each player won one set consisting of nine ends and on the 'tie break' Martin Hietzman took the Championship by two ends to one. Both players should be complimented on their extremely high standard of bowling. I enjoyed the game!

Edward Cripps Mens’ Captain

Acknowledgement and thanks to Hillie Standing, Malcolm Gilbey, Edward Cripps, Brian Lee, Ann Button, Gordon Kibbles, Warwick Davis, Tim Baldwin and Dennis Dixon for their contributions. Not forgetting Ron Atkinson AKO Cartoons for his kind permission to use his cartoons. Closing dateNewsletter for contributions 20th January preferablyBC via email. of Worthing Pavilion Editor Tony Powell – email editior@wpavilionbc.org



I would specifically like someone to deliver mail shots in roads closer to the club; that were not previously targeted; such as the areas east of South Farm Road, including Northcourt Road, Centrecourt Road, Westcourt Road, Eastcourt Road, Bridge Road, Normandy Road and adjacent roads; as well as Broadwater Road.

Malcolm Gilbey Newsletter of Worthing Pavilion BC


PAVILION POST Planned Social Calendar 2014

Quiz Night & Buffet th

Dinner & Dance

Quiz Night & Buffet

Saturday 25 January 2014

Friday 6 June 2014

Wednesday 29 October 2014

St Valentine’s Dinner & Dance

Quiz Night & Buffet

Shuffle Board & Fish ‘n’ Chips

Friday 11 July 2014


Wednesday 19 November 2014

Dog Racing at Hove

Xmas Dinner & Dance





Saturday 15 February 2014

Cine Horse Racing & Ploughman’s th



Wednesday 19 March 2014

Thursday 14 August 2014

Saturday 6 December 2014

Quiz Night & Buffet

Mixed Fun Drive & Meal

Xmas Lunch




Friday 25 April 2014

Friday 29 August 2014

Thursday 11 December 2014

Shuffleboard & Fish ‘n’ Chips


Xmas Party


Wednesday 14 May 2014


Wednesday 24 September 2014


Thursday 18 December 2014

Xmas Raffle – Tickets on sale from 1st October. Raising money for club equipment.

Newsletter of Worthing Pavilion BC


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