Worthing Pavilion Bowling Club December Newsletter

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Wishing everyone at Pavilion a Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year Richmmond Inside this Edition Playing Matters: Fixtures Excerpt Dress Code Match Report Internet Stats Secretary’s notes from board meeting Touring Club Social Scene: Functions 2017 Provisional Programme Coaching

QR code for club website

Hubert (Hughie) Brall 1916-2016 Friends and members of Pavilion gathered at Worthing Crematorium on th Monday 28 November 2016 for the funeral of the late Pavilion centenarian

Hubert Brall aka ‘Hughie’ who passed away at Worthing Hospital on Friday th 10 November 2016. Not a great deal is known about Hughie, such was his discreet nature, however he was born at Richmond Surrey to th Hilda and Seigfried Brall. on 28 May 1916. During his working life Hughie was employed in the aeronautical industry as an executive with the De-Havilland Aircraft Company at their factory in Leavesden, Hertfordshire. During the war Hughie seemingly served with the Royal Berkshire Regt and is believed to have spent some of that time in Northern Ireland. Hughie was a feisty character not adverse to being outspoken, but he always remained both a passionate and generous member of Pavilion. Over the past twelve months he became confined to his bed and was too frail even, to join friends at the club to celebrate his one-hundredth birthday over lunch back in May. No doubt some will see his passing as a merciful release from his suffering. Rest in Peace Hughie.


Peter Woods Hon Secretary

Playing Matters Excerpt from the December Fixture Card NB: Check website for any changes

Christmas at Pavilion The following schedule covers the opening hours of Pavilion over Christmas and the New Year. Temptations will close at 1pm on Christmas Eve and will re-open on rd Tuesday 3 January 2017. Hubert Cyril Brall

29/12/2016 (1)

The club will close at 2pm Christmas th Eve and re-open on Tuesday 27 December 2016 but closing at 6pm. The club will be open as normal th th Wednesday 28 December – 30 December 2016. The club will close at 2pm New Year’s Eve and remain closed on New Year’s Day. The club will close at 6pm on Monday nd 2 January 2017 and will open as rd normal Tuesday 3 January 2017. Accordingly the bar will close at 2pm Christmas Eve and will re-open for th normal hours on Wednesday 28 Thursday 30th December 2016. On New Year’s Eve the bar will close at 2pm and remain closed New Year’s Day nd and also all day Monday 2 January 2017.

Newsletter of Worthing Pavilion BC

Men’s’ Friendlies ( Mixed Matches) Sun Wed Sat Sun

04 07 17 18

Denton Island *# Preston Horsham # Wealden *

Men’s League etc Sat Sun

03 11

Arun (L) * Worthing IBC (L) *

PAVILION POST THE Ladies’ Friendlies Tues 13

Mince Pie Drive

Ladies’ League etc Tues 06 Fri` 09 Mon 12

Arun Mason trophy 1H 1A Preston (L)


Indicates Away Matches


Indicates Mixed Matches

Pavilion v Norfolk.B.C On Wednesday 9th November 2016 Pavilion hosted a friendly match against Norfolk Bowling Club. Although originally programmed to be a six rink match, Norfolk had to reduce their side to five rinks. Consequently captain of the day Bryan Bodicoat had to stand down four Pavilion members. However due to our own numbers subsequently changing on the morning of the match Terry Hallard agreed to play. Then with less than thirty minutes notice, Frank and Esme Clough made themselves available to fill two unexpected absences, notwithstanding that they had themselves been stood down earlier in the day. Bryan acknowledged their contributions in his post-match address. The match was quite competitive and played in a spirited atmosphere that saw Pavilion come out winners scoring 11775 and winning three rinks to two. Everyone seemed to have enjoyed the afternoon's bowling. Pavilion top rink went to Brian Graham, Kathy Burns, George Rhodes and Frank Clough.


NEWSLETTER OFPercentage by countries for hits: Equally it is not good etiquette to applaud, or thank WORTHING an opponent for PAVILION unintentionally promoting your bowl. UK 83.31% BOWLING CLUB USA 4.21% China 2.66% Ukraine 2.17% Germany 1.42%



Dress Code Following discussions at the men’s playing meeting and subsequent board meeting it has been agreed that shorts can be worn for play indoors as per the attached guidelines @ Appendix A. Shorts are permissible for general play, roll up’s and club competitions up to and including the semi-final stage. Any member seen wearing shorts that do not conform to the guidelines given will be asked to leave the green.

John Frew

Google Microsoft Yahoo Baidu

Malcolm Gilbey Webmaster

Board Meeting .

Internet Technology

The success of the club website continues unabated, as can be seen by statistical information for September and October 2016. October 2016 Hits: Visitors Robots Unique Visitors

64,898 14,007 2,061

Percentage by countries for hits: 78.53% 9.48% 1.76% 1.41%

Etiquette Referring Search Engines Google Microsoft Bing Yahoo Baidu

83.02% 11.41% 2.85% 2.17%

* Unique Visitors are first time visitors.

Men’s Playing Director

UK USA Ukraine Germany

When I hear members on the rinks making utterances in relation to the movement of a delivered bowl in it’s original course reminds me of a time shortly after joining Pavilion when I was admonished by the late Ken Smytherman, the then men’s captain, for doing the exact same thing during an evening league match. I had been verbally willing an opponent’s bowl to miss its target, when Ken told me that it was against all the rules of etiquette to make such comments.

Referring Search Engines

91.65% 5.33% 0.91% 0.70%

September 2016

The Board welcomed Keith Leather to the board as director with specific responsibility for social activities. The board noted that Peter Tomley, the new treasurer, will not be taking up a seat on the board but will report to the board at their meetings as treasurer. Esme Clough will act as director with responsibility for finance and will liaise with the treasurer. The board reviewed the recent AGM and noted the election of new directors, nem con and the election of Benny Bennett as president (44 votes-27) The memoranda and articles of the club are being reviewed and a specific meeting will be convened of the directors early in the new year to consider revision and amendment. These will then be proposed to the membership at an extraordinary general meeting of the club so that they can be submitted to Companies House for acceptance and confirmation. Graham Farley (2) has taken on the role of marketing and advertising, together with liaison with the press. Any reports for inclusion in the local newspapers should now be forwarded to him at marketing@wpavilionbc.com Entries for Social media (Facebook etc) should still be sent to Malcolm Gilbey at webmaster@wpavilionbc.org The board have confirmed the change in accountants. The club accountants are now Lucroft, Hodgson Dawes.

Hits: Visitiors Robots Unique Visitors

65,415 11,916 1,721

Newsletter of Worthing Pavilion BC

Peter Woods Hon Secretary




Summer Tour At long last I have now been able to confirm all four days bowls for the 2017 summer tour.


Salisbury BC

club has a turbulent history since being established in 1933 when the local council granted permission for members to develop a section of the recreation ground that was overgrown with bracken and the like.

Tim Baldwin

Milford Hall Hotel

We will be staying at Milford Hall Hotel and Spa, 206 Castle Street, Salisbury, Wiltshire and have temporarily booked access to thirty rooms within their system (with the possibility of a few more if demand requires them). It is a two story hotel and I am awaiting their lists of actual rooms available to us so that I can start allocating them to members likely to be attending this tour. Sorry the hotel does not have a lift. We will be travelling there by a fifty-one seat coach which is also now booked. Leaving time from Worthing Pavilion will be as usual for 9am on Monday 4th September 2017.

Finally, I am currently completing all required paperwork to Warners for ferry passes and bowls teams required for 2016 the forthcoming competition in February 2017. I will be calling a meeting to hand out ferry tickets and updates for the summer tour towards the end of January 2017. Please keep an eye out for the date which will be placed onto our notice board in the clubhouse early next year. Merry Christmas to you all, and best wishes for a lovely New Year.

Touring Club Secretary

Alderbury BC

During the war years the green was closed and became overgrown again and it was not until 1962 that members levelled and seeded it to form the six rink green seen today. Ladies were permitted to join the club in 1970. On Thursday we will be playing against Wilton B.C. at the recreation ground, Wilton Town. This last venue will attract many of you as it is next door to a large retail centre which is within very easy Prattle

Amesbury BC

Our first game is booked at Amesbury B.C. in Amesbury village that Monday, having been able to leave our cases at the hotel, before traveling on to the bowls club for lunch and the game. This venue is quite unique as the lawn was laid by the builder of the adjacent house under a lease In 1925. Tuesday we play Salisbury B.C. in the centre of the City of Salisbury and only about ten minutes from our hotel. Salisbury Bowling Club like Pavilion is a private bowling club providing both outdoor and indoor bowling facilities, whilst the indoor facility has just two 23m rinks. Wednesday we will be playing Alderbury B.C. located in Alderbury Village. The

Wilton BC

walking distance to the green. From their club website it would appear that the club was inaugurated c1873 and it is rumoured the present green was laid c1913. Wilton BC is situated in pleasant surrounds and the green is apparently used by the county, so should provide for some competitive bowling. Costs are being currently calculated by our treasurer, but I anticipate it should end up around or very near to the

Newsletter of Worthing Pavilion BC



Xmas Dinner/ Dance

Spoondrivers’ Xmas Lunch


Saturday 10 December 2016

Saturday 11th February 2017


Friday 16 December 2016

Xmas Party

Fun Drive

Monday 19th December 2016 Children Welcomed

Sun 8th January 2017

200 Club

Jazz Night

The November draw were:

Valentines Dinner/ Dance

January 2017

Visit to Houses of Parliament th

Monday 20 February 2017

 01903 239122

Date to be fixed Depends on success of November function

Dennis Allen


Brian Aldridge


Marlene Hancock


Please remember that if you know of a club member who has been hospitalised, or otherwise unwell, or even not seen at Pavilion for a while, to notify the Club Welfare Officer: Mrs Carol Tillett

Drawn by Dennis Dixon

on the above Telephone Number or alternatively inform Hon Sec Peter Woods

Peter Woods Hon Secretary

Coaching - End of Year Update This year has been a very hectic one for me health wise and I would like to thank all the coaches for helping me out during the course of the year. Gordon Kibbles has been amazing taking over for me twice when I really needed help and I would like to thank him for his care and consideration. We have had a busy year, not frantic, but healthy as far as new members are concerned, we have had twenty-two new members joining the club after coaching. We have held numerous events throughout the year and these seem to have been enjoyed by all who attended. The fun events we ran for club members were particularly well received and we were congratulated by many people saying how much they enjoyed them. Our two new coaches Jacky Pearson and Keith Bowden have settled in very well and are contributing to the coaching set-up in a very positive way. We hope they continue to enjoy their coaching. I hope that the coming year can be as successful and we can go from strength to strength .

Richard Calvert Senior Coach

Newsletter of Worthing Pavilion BC


PAVILION POST Social Calendar 2017

Quiz Night th

Wednesday 15 March 2017 6-30pm

Jazz Night

River / Canal Trip

May 2017 Date to be fixed

September 2017 Date to be fixed

Jazz Night


March 2017

Wednesday 21 June 2017


Jazz Night September 2017

Date to be fixed

Worthing Musical Comedy Society

Theatre Trip


Quiz Night

Marie Curie Charity Tea


Wednesday 28 June 2017


Saturday 30 September 2017

April 2017

Part of a National Event


Possible Trip to Goodwood


Wednesday 11 October 2017

April 2017 Date to be fixed


July 2017

Worthing Musical Comedy Society

Race Night th

Wednesday 19 April 2017

Jazz Night July 2017

Theatre Trip

‘Fiddler on the Roof’

Date to be fixed

October 2017 Date to be fixed

Shuffleboard th

Wednesday 10 May 2017

Quiz Night th

Wednesday 13 September 2017

Jazz Night November 2017 Date to be fixed

Over Christmas period 2017 there will other events publicised i.e. Dinner/ Dance, Quiz Night and visit to the Albert Hall

Newsletter of Worthing Pavilion BC



Acknowledgement and thanks to Peter Woods, Malcolm Gilbey, John Frew, Esme Clough,Tim Baldwin and Richard Calvert for their contributions not forgetting Ron Atkinson AKO Cartoons for his permission to publish his cartoons Contributions for the next newsletter should be sent to the editor by 20th December preferably via email Newsletter of Worthing Pavilion BC Edited by Anthony Powell email – editor@wpavilionbc.org


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