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! 28th February - 14th March 2014 | Glasgow News 1 ’ T T NY


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28th Feb - 14th Mar 2014 | Issue 65 | Published by West of Scotland Media

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Glasgow’s young people to carry on the legacy of the Commonwealth Games

With less than 150 days to go until Glasgow plays host to the Commonwealth Games, the largest sporting and cultural event in the cities history. 21 young volunteers from across the North and East of the city known as “Active Champions” working in conjunction with Youth Scotland and the Education Through Cash-back (ETC) initiative which helps with funding community projects, the Champions are taking on the responsibility of carrying the legacy and spirit of the Games on after the Games themselves are over.

Youth Scotland, Youth Active Manager, Rebecca Simpson said: “Active East is working with the coaches and

volunteers of tomorrow who will be at the heart of building a meaningful legacy”. At Youth Scotland we are delighted to be working with Scottish Sports Futures’ Active East to support these inspirational young people at the beginning of their journey. Through the ETC training they have the opportunity to develop skills around engaging, understanding and developing young people through sport and physical activity” Active Champion Si Yuan who is 17 years old and won Coach of the Year at the Active East Awards Night said: “I enjoyed the training and look forward to using them in my sessions”. Si Yuan

leads Basketball Sessions with 2 of his peers from Reid Vale Youth and Action which engages an average of 30 participants each week. This success has recently attracted another SSF programme, Shell Twilight Basketball, to partner up with the Active Champions to provide mentoring and support for the sessions.

The Champions were given these criteria and allocated time to plan their programme and present back to the Funding Panel, Youth Scotland, who would provide the winning group with the £600 budget to make it happen. However the Youth Scotland panel were so impressed that they agreed to fund all three of the groups ideas.

Part of the training included a ‘Plan Your Own Programme’ session which saw three groups focussing on the creation of three community project ideas to address a problem or need focussing on the concepts of “physical, mental and social well being” targeting young people aged 12-25.

Each group of Champions then chose an Active East partner organization with which to work and implement their programmes, providing further opportunities for young people in the East of Glasgow to get active and become involved in the Legacy of the Games.


Scottish Sports Futures CEO Ian Reid

said: “We are delighted to have two Legacy programmes in Active East and the Education through CashBack

initiative, both programmes promote personal development, maximise the impact of sport and physical activity

while supporting those who deliver to

the wider youth community. We are

excited to see what the true legacy will look like for the city of Glasgow and across Scotland”.


Up To

The project “Active East” which is being run jointly by Scottish Sports Futures (SSF) and Youth Scotland is intended to carry on the legacy of the Games and is engaged in training the 21 Active Champions, to give them the skills they need to inspire young people within their communities to take up sports and other athletic activities. The Active Champions are going to be running programmes which will teach young people the benefits of physical activity through fitness classes and an assortment of games.

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Michael McDaid

2 Glasgow News | 28th February - 14th March 2014

SPT Windfall means Glasgow is £75 million better off

On Friday 21st February, Strathclyde Partnership for Transport (SPT) formally approved its Capital Programme and Budget for 2014/2015. The approved investment by SPT is worth £73 million pounds and will help fund a total of 77 projects throughout 12 local authority areas within SPT’s central control. The windfall is thanks to capital grants awarded by the Scottish Government, European, Regional Development Funding and a variety of grants awarded for specific in need projects.

The monetary value awarded is far above the expected revenue budget for this year that is used to deliver vital public transport services, benefitting a substantial amount of communities throughout the West of Scotland. These include the maintenance and upkeep and technological evolution of bus stops and stations. Many more bus stops and stations are now fitted with extra CCTV security, digital timetables and protection from Scotland’s regularly fearsome weather in the form of all-weather shelters. Some of the other transport services that will be possible thanks to the £73 million pounds award are subsidised bus contracts, delivering MyBus to the people in society who need it most and the continuous smooth and fault free running of Glasgow’s world famous Subway.

SPT is determined to fully modernise the aforementioned Subway system and bring it in line with Glasgow’s reputation as a modern and free thinking city. They are also currently building the infrastructure to incorporate a Fastlink service into Glasgow City Centre, increasing employment and social hubs within the city as well as increased and efficient health care amenities.

Jim Coleman

SPT are fully committed to improving bus infrastructure, improved park and ride services, walking and cycling round the city and an improvement with traffic management implemented by local authorities.

Jim Coleman SPT chair and councillor had this to say about the welcoming news “This is a significant investment in our transport network and the projects identified will not only deliver new innovative solutions but will also ensure that the existing network continues to operate effectively, benefiting everyone who travels within and across Strathclyde.”

SPT is at the heart of improving public transport and all other modes of transport in the South of the city and right across the West of Scotland, one of the main ideals that SPT strives for is to integrate all modes of transport as well as public transport to make people who travel in the city’s journey as effortless and stress less as possible.” Mr Coleman spoke of the improvements being made to the Subway and the introduction of Fastlink to the services “In addition to the major work underway to modernise the Subway and introduce Fastlink, we want all public transport and active travel options, like cycling and walking, to be more attractive and convenient for people. We want more connectivity between public transport methods and we want to reduce the number, and length of, car journeys. We think this programme of spending reflects our commitment to achieving all of these goals.” By


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28th February - 14th March 2014 | Glasgow News 3

Alcohol Related Deaths Fall in Scotland According to Office of National Statistics

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In a report released by the ONS last week, which collated figures of alcohol related deaths from 2002 to 2012, Scotland was found to be the only country in the UK which has seen a reduction in the number of deaths due to alcohol. In Scotland both male and female death rates were significantly lower in 2012 than they were in 2002. With a 37% fall in alcohol related deaths in men and a 34% decrease for women in Scotland. Although the initial rate of deaths in Scotland in 2002 was significantly higher than the rest of the UK, this brings Scotland into line with the rest of the countries within the UK. The reduction in the number of deaths has went from roughly 1,500 deaths in 2002 to just over 1,000 in 2012 according to figures released by the General Register Office for Scotland (GROS) the number of deaths in 2012 was the lowest number recorded since 1997, which goes beyond the date

remit of the ONS report. Dr Evelyn Gillan, Chief Executive of Alcohol Focus Scotland said:”It is obviously good news that alcoholrelated deaths are falling, but this doesn’t mean we can sit back and do nothing. Alcohol remains a huge public health problem.” Dr Gillan also went on to detail how while the deaths are at their lowest in 17 years the mortality rate is still high and there is also an emotional cost associated with each death in Scotland saying: “Twenty people are still dying because of alcohol every week. Every alcohol-related death is a preventable tragedy for the person, and the family and friends they leave behind.” Alcohol Focus Scotland, Dr Gillians organization is a proponent of the

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minimum price per unit of alcohol bill which is intended to introduce a 50p per unit pricing scheme for alcohol. The bill was passed by Holyrood but it has not been implemented due to legal challenges brought about by companies such as Diageo and the Scotch Whisky Association. In reference to this Dr Gillan said: “We know what preventative action works - making alcohol less affordable, less available and less visible. Minimum pricing must be introduced as soon as possible.” Dr Gillan also said “If we want to reduce the harm that alcohol causes,

then we must tackle the widespread availability and promotion of cheap alcohol through measures such as minimum pricing. But we also need to ensure that individuals, families, workplaces and communities who are being negatively affected by other people’s drinking, receive the support they require.” However, despite the minimum pricing act not yet having been introduced and enforced, it is a good sign for Scotland that the level of alcohol related deaths is continuing to fall. By

Michael McDaid

4 Glasgow News | 28th February - 14th March 2014

Commonwealth games leads to job explosion in Glasgow More than 4500 people have found work, training or apprenticeships in Glasgow as a legacy of projects related to the Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games, new figures reveal. One of the legacy projects the Commonwealth Graduate Fund - has also reached a major milestone of finding work for more than 500 graduates, which is half way to its final target. The figures were released today as part of Legacy Week for the Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games. From 24 February 2014, and with less than 150 days to the Commonwealth Games, the national Legacy Week is highlighting the economic, cultural, educational and sporting legacy the Games is already bringing to the city. It also comes as Glasgow starts work to create a new vision for youth employment which it is hoped will better meet the jobs needs of young

people and business. Councillor Gordon Matheson, Leader of Glasgow City Council, said: “We want to give Glaswegians the skills and opportunities to find work and fulfil their aspirations for a brighter future. The more skilled people we have in the city, and the more we link these skills to the needs of business, the easier it is to attract future investment and jobs. This is a win-win situation for Glasgow and everyone that lives here. “By linking these aspirations to our excellent Legacy employment and training projects we are ensuring that the Commonwealth Games will continue to help our city’s citizens flourish and the city’s economy grow for years to come. It makes sense both

economically and socially to support Glaswegians as they either begin their working life or try to find new skills to find new job opportunities. “We will continue to look for new opportunities to create training and employment for our citizens. We continue to be inspired by the successes of many of our successful employment and training Legacy projects, and we will continue to work to continue this great work.” The new youth employment initiative is being delivered through the Glasgow Community Planning Partnership. It aims to provide coordinated and targeted services that prepare young people for employment in Glasgow and give them the best possible chance of competing for the

jobs available. Cllr Matheson said: “All the work being undertaken in our city has suggested we have to align even more closely our youth employment services with the needs of our businesses. This has been a particular strength of our Legacy employment and training projects. “Time and time again Glasgow has shown the importance of partnership working. It is therefore vital we ensure, through the Community Planning Partnership, that everyone in this field is working together in a united and concerted way to help give our young people a chance at a prosperous future. “The issue of youth employment has

huge implications for the economic health and growth of Glasgow and all its citizens – that is why we have to work in partnership to get it right for our city, our young people and our businesses.” The first step will be to map the current provision in the city which will be done through the Community Planning Partnership, which brings key public, private, community and voluntary representatives together with the aim of delivering better, more joined-up public services in the city. It is vital for Glasgow’s youth employment aspirations to ascertain where the city is now before it can move forward with confidence that it is meeting the needs of our young people to get them into work.

28th February - 14th March 2014 | Glasgow News 5

Well Machined

new jobs

Precision engineering company well equipped to create new jobs thanks to a loan from UK Steel Enterprise UK Steel Enterprise (UKSE) has handed Glasgow-based Well Machined Ltd the necessary tools for business growth by contributing to a six figure funding package. The loan from UKSE has enabled the engineering company to create 10 new skilled machinists and apprenticeship roles. Well Machined has also invested in new equipment to expand the company’s machinery engineering services. The company was established in 2011 by managing director Paul Kennedy after 26 years working for

two large engineering companies within the industry. Well Machined provides CNC machining capabilities to clients and offers a number of services including assistance and advice in design and low cost manufacturing. As business in the oil and gas sector began to grow, Paul saw a niche in the market for the provision of precision engineered components to the offshore oil and gas sector both in the UK and overseas. Before moving to the company’s new premises in Glasgow, Well Machined was based at UKSE’s managed workspace site in Lanarkshire. UK Steel Enterprise was the first organisation to introduce the

managed workspace concept into steel areas and offers office and workshop accommodation in a range of different-sized units whilst offering tenants a variety of business support services. Scott Webb, regional executive at UK Steel Enterprise said: “It is extremely heartening to see a company growing from UKSE’s own workspace in Lanarkshire to having their own facilities and creating more jobs in Scotland through our financial support. “Well Machined has ambitious plans for the next year and we are confident the company will grow from strength to strength with the necessary equipment and staff now in place.”

(l-r): Scott Webb, regional director at UKSE with Paul Kennedy, managing director at Well Machined.

Managing director Paul Kennedy is planning to take on another five members of staff within the next six months to keep up with growing demand. Paul said: “The support from UKSE has been invaluable to our business growth and UKSE guided me through the whole process, providing us with fantastic guidance and advice from day one. “The funding package has allowed us to take on more staff and maximise the company’s services which will allow Well Machined to take on larger contracts and opportunities. Over the next couple of years we are aiming



to double our staff numbers and we will be growing our machine shop to create and supply more parts for an exclusive, international clientèle.” The precision engineering company has met its business objectives year upon year and by its third year of trading, the business has grown by 500%. Over the next financial year, Well Machined is planning on creating a further 11 jobs including labourers, an operations manager and quality control inspector.

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6 Glasgow News | 28th February - 14th March 2014

28th February - 14th March 2014 | Glasgow News 7

A Big Opportunity

For Glasgow Kelvin Student Stacey Holmes Glasgow Kelvin College Sound Production student, Stacey Holmes, has just returned from an exhilarating visit to the Radio 1 studios in London, which has opened up a feast of opportunities for her including a place at the British Academy of New Music on their Artist Development programme. This is truly impressive for someone who had such a troubled start. Stacey had a history of challenging and offending behaviours, very poor school attendance and left school with no qualifications and limited literacy. Stacey arrived in Glasgow at age 16, homeless and defiant. Supported by the James Shields Quarriers Project, she learned independent living skills and started pursuing her musical talents while recovering from major surgery. She started at Glasgow Kelvin College in 2013.

A huge fan of Radio 1, especially DJ Target, Stacey had been working on her own music for several years and, through the #targetsnoticeboard feature managed to get some of her own sounds played. The BBC were really interested in her work and she became the first Scottish female rapper to be featured, Stacey was ecstatic about this. Stacey has now launched her own EP entitled ‘Ms Marvellous‘ which features all her own music, including her song, ‘It Could Be’. As she said herself,

“After this I started really believing in myself: many people told me to give up ages ago, stop wasting my time, I was going nowhere. Now I have the last laugh” In January, Stacey took part in the BBC’s Access All Areas initiative and from the thousands of applicants she was short listed, resulting in an hourlong slot at Radio 1Xtra playing both her own alongside a playlist of her favourite artists. Stacey was supported by the College’s Student Association and through a Discretionary Fund.

Stacey had a fantastic time in London and has returned with offers to further her learning with the option of a place on the Artist Development Level 4 Rock School Diploma programme. An offer she received through an interview during her visit. Stacey is extremely excited however her main concern now is how to fund her move to London. Stacey is extremely excited about these new opportunities saying: “I’ve never made things easy for myself but I’ve turned my life around



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and I’m determined to make the most of this for me and my family. I can hardly believe I’ve come this far, just a year or more ago I was barely literate and now here I am, about to take my dreams even further. I can’t thank the BBC, Glasgow Kelvin College and the Students’ Association enough for helping me achieve this.” Stacey is currently compiling a video blog which will be available soon via sound cloud under the user name novelistt.

8 Glasgow News | 28th February - 14th March 2014

Disney leads way with online safety Families learn the rules of the online road with Disney Club Penguin’s ‘It Starts With You’ campaign as a third of locals admit to not supervising their children online.

THIS WEEKEND families in Glasgow led the charge for online safety and made promises to create a safer internet, in support of Disney Club Penguin’s online safety campaign, It Starts With You. Saturday 15th February saw parents and children in Glasgow take part in free, fun and interactive e-safety sessions at the Glasgow Disney Store,

learning how to keep kids safe in the digital world.

As nearly a third of mums and dads in Glasgow confess that their children venture online without regular supervision, fully trained ambassadors from the National Crime Agency’s Child Exploitation & Online Protection (CEOP) were on hand in store to provide help and advice, their advice ranged from how to have those online safety conversations, to helping kids understand how to navigate safely online. Children took part in creative craft workshops, listened in during story time and learnt the importance of keeping safe whilst using the internet. According to Disney Club Penguin research, one in four parents in Glasgow admit to feeling baffled by over-complicated user manuals, when it comes to setting up safety features. To tackle this issue head on, Disney Club Penguin arranged for a team of Geek Squad Agents to help with

practical advice. Mums and dads were taught how to set up those allimportant parental controls on gadgets helping children stay safe online. Angela Balfour from Blantyre, Scotland, commented: ‘It’s a brilliant initiative. Some parents can feel left in the dark when it comes to online safety and what their kids do online, so it’s been great getting advice in store from Disney Club Penguin and Geek Squad for both kids and parents.’ To provide ongoing support for parents, Disney Club Penguin is

offering a special e-hotline giving parents throughout half term the chance to e-mail any queries about online safety to saferinternethelp@ Disney’s Club Penguin’s online safety campaign, It Starts With You, aims to empower kids to take the lead in spreading positive behaviour online and give their parents the tools to better support them. The campaign, which launched last September in the UK, encourages kids and parents to make the online world a better place. By

G Kelly

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Tel: 0141 778 8335 Protect your pet from pesky parasites! The warmer months are peak season for pesky parasites like fleas and ticks. Fleas are a major source of irritation to pets and owners alike. They feed on the animal’s blood and multiply rapidly to cause an infestation. As well as being found on your pet they will live in the carpets and bedding at home. Fleas are responsible for transmitting tapeworms in pets so worming your pet if you find fleas is also advisable. Ticks are found mainly in woodland areas or on the hills and moor land but can be found in areas of long grass, especially if deer or hedgehogs are in the area. Ticks also feed on your pets’ blood and can cause serious diseases such as Lyme’s disease as well as a reaction to the bite itself. It is important never to pull a tick from your pet’s body. This can result in the tick’s head being left in the skin, causing infection, pain and irritation. Tick removers are available to ensure safe and complete removal.

Angiostrongylus vasorum (also known as French Heartworm) is a parasite that infects dogs. The adult worms live in the heart and large blood vessels supplying the lungs and can cause a whole host of problems in affected animals and if left untreated it can be fatal. The lungworm parasite is carried by slugs and snails, which are often eaten by dogs on purpose or accidentally when attached to toys or grass or in outdoor water bowls. Symptoms range from breathing problems, blood clotting problems, general weakness and depression and even sudden collapse and death. Infection can be prevented by using a specific spot on preparation, available from your vet.

Lungworm is another parasite that is becoming increasingly common. The lungworm

Flies can cause a major problem to rabbits in warmer weather. They can lay eggs around the

rabbit’s bottom if it is soiled and quickly hatch into flesh eating maggots. It is important to check and clean your rabbit’s bottom every day and seek help from your vet if at all worried. Please contact Sandyhills Veterinary Clinic to discuss the best preventative products for your pet. Not every product treats every type of parasite so we will be happy to advice on the best options for your furry friends.

28th February - 14th March 2014 | Glasgow News 9


First Glasgow has announced the winner of its Bus Art competition. School children across First Glasgow’s network area (Greater Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Dunbartonshire, Argyll and Bute, Renfrewshire and Vale of Leven) were invited last month to submit drawings, paintings and collages to the bus company on the subject of bus travel. The artwork has been used to decorate the hoardings at the construction site of First’s new depot and HQ on Cathcart Road in the South side of the city. Emily Willox (11), a P7 school pupil at Broomhill Primary, was picked the overall winner. Emily’s brightly coloured drawing, of a First bus with happy customers passing the Balfour Beatty site, impressed the judges because of its composition and careful illustration. First Glasgow received a whopping 900 entries and has been able to display most of them on hoardings at the 10acre Balfour Beatty construction site, which will become home to First Glasgow’s £20million new depot and

head office in November. 11-year old Emily commented: ‘I love art and I’m really pleased to see my drawing on display. My classmates and I had lots of fun entering the competition.’ Emily’s drawing along with three other winning entries will also be displayed on the exterior of some First Glasgow buses next month. Fiona Kerr, First Glasgow’s managing director, said: ‘The children’s artwork

we have on display on the hoardings of our new site is really imaginative and inspiring. We were delighted and overwhelmed by the number of entries we received and very impressed with the children’s creativity.’ Fiona added: ‘Emily is a deserving winner and her entry and the contribution of schoolchildren throughout Glasgow and Lanarkshire has helped transform our site into a colourful and exciting talking point.’ Stephen




Delivery Unit Managing Director commented: ‘Working with First Glasgow and the local community is very important to us. We are delighted to be displaying hundreds of children’s drawings on the Cathcart Road hoardings, it helps to share the creativity and imagination of young people with road users and passersby.’ Entries from numerous different schools are on display on 26 jumbosized frames on hoardings at the Balfour Beatty construction site on

Cathcart Road until May. Work commenced at First’s new depot and headquarters at Gushetfaulds last year with Deputy First Minister and local MSP, Nicola Sturgeon, officially planting the first spade in the ground at a special ceremony in November. The new facility, which is scheduled to be fully operational from November 2014, will be the biggest bus depot in the UK with space for up to 450 buses and 1200 employees

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10 Glasgow News | 28th February - 14th March 2014

Two’s company for

Competition super-slimming


at the Glasgow News Win tickets for the heartwarming Celts in Seville play at the Pavilion For chance to win tickets answer this question:

Who was manager of Celtic when they reached the Uefa Cup Final? Answers on a postcard to: WOS Media, 1194 Shettleston Rd, Glasgow, G32 7PG

Baillieston couple! A happy couple from Baillieston says their relationship is stronger than ever after losing a combined weight of 14st 11lbs and winning a local slimming competition. Mike and Angela have transformed their lives since joining the Baillieston Slimming World group and now they’re delighted to have been named as Baillieston’s representatives in the organisation’s Couple of the Year 2014 contest. The pair, who have been married for years, decided to join Slimming World after realising that their weight was making them unhappy and putting their health at risk. Angela says: “I think it’s easy for couples to become comfortable with one another and over time daily family life takes priority over your weight and health. Convenience foods are so tempting when you’re busy and we’d regularly treat ourselves to a takeaway. So like most people our weight crept up gradually. But in 2012 we realised we didn’t recognise the people we saw in the mirror anymore and we knew it was telling on our health, that was

Angela and Mike Before Slimming World

when we decided we had to do something.”

The couple lost 14st 11lbs in 18 months, Mike having lost 4st and Angela dropping 10st 11lbs by following Slimming World’s Food Optimising healthy eating plan. The plan encourages slimmers to satisfy their appetite with ‘Free Foods’, foods that are filling but low in calories and fat, like fruit and veg, pasta, rice, potatoes, lean meat, fish and eggs, while still enjoying small amounts of the foods that most diets forbid like chocolate, crisps and alcohol, so it’s possible to lose weight without ever feeling hungry or deprived. Angela says: “I expected losing weight to be hard work but it hasn’t been at all. We still enjoy all of our favourite meals like roast dinners, curries and stir fries, but we’ve learned how to make small changes to the way we cook them so they’re much healthier – and they taste better too! It’s never felt like being ‘on a diet’ – and we’re confident that there’s no going back to the way we were. We both feel great and I definitely feel like I’ve

Angela and Mike receiving their slimmers of the year award

got the old Mike back!” The couple’s fellow slimmers are so impressed with their success that they nominated them to represent the Baillieston Slimming World group and Glasgow in the Couple of the Year 2014 competition. Ann Marie Nairn who runs the Baillieston Slimming World group said: “Mike and Angela are living proof that slimmers are more successful when they lose weight with a friend or loved one because they can make changes together, which is often easier. Some men think that slimming clubs and healthy eating are just for women but that’s just not true.” Anyone who’d like to join Slimming World group and change their lives like Mike and Angela have can come along to group or call Ann Marie Nairn on 0141 573 3580 for more information.

28th February - 14th March 2014 | Glasgow News 11

Residents Of Glasgow Tipping The Scales Of Obesity Says Lighter Life New survey highlights that 67% of Glasgow residents are either overweight or obese. Glasgow has been uncovered as one of the most overweight towns in the UK with a whopping 67% of residents having a BMI of 25 or over, putting them firmly in the overweight and obese categories. A recent survey commissioned by weight management company, LighterLife and One Poll, discovered people living in Glasgow are putting their health at serious risk as a result of their attitudes towards weight loss. The survey results highlighted that although 44 per cent stated that they are currently on a diet, the majority are still failing to lose the necessary weight to be at a healthy BMI of 18-24. The survey which asked a panel of 2,000 men and women about their dieting habits revealed that almost 52% of people living in Glasgow have admitted to trying up to

10 different diets in their lifetime, but with very little result, despite 53% of people living in Glasgow claiming that they would like to lose two or more stone in weight this year. The survey also highlighted people’s attitudes towards dieting; 31% of people in Glasgow said their main driver for losing weight would be to improve their looks, but tellingly only 9% stated they wanted to lose weight to “feel fit”.

Dr Kelly Johnston, Head of Nutrition and Research at LighterLife comments: “Obesity is an increasing problem across the UK and this is only set to rise. These shocking statistics highlight how despite people’s desires to lose and manage their weight, they are failing time and time again, trying several different diets without success. Ultimately, people need to change their lifestyles on a more permanent basis to see long term results. Programmes like

CARNTYNE New Times High Carntyne Church Hall 358 Carntynehall Road Friday 9.30am & 11.30am Tel: Kathleen 07805 855 689

GLASGOW CITY CENTRE GROUP Now as 2nd Oct 21 Bath St G2 1HW Wednesday 12-2pm Tel: 0141 573 3580 YMCA Tollcross Road Wednesday 10am, 12noon, 5.30pm & 7.30pm Tel: Gillian 07738 972 226 PARKHEAD Calton Parkhead Church Helenvale Street Thursday 5.30pm & 7.30pm Tel: Kathleen 07805 855 689

LighterLife help people address their eating habits and encourage a change in mind-set towards food, it is this shift in mentality that will help people enjoy life-long weight management and wellbeing” Key Statistics: • 67% of adults in Glasgow are either overweight or obese, putting their health at great risk • Dieting does not seem to be working for them, as 52 per cent have tried up to ten different diets in recent years • When it comes to losing weight for health reasons, only 9% of living in Glasgow diet for this reason. 31% do it to improve their looks • 53% of people living in Glasgow would like to lose 2 stone or more in 2014.

DENNISTOUN Our Lady of Good Counsel (Hall) Craigpark Thursday 7pm Tel: Margaret 0141 763 1659 SHETTLESTON Methodist Church Hall 1104 Shettleston Road Tuesday 5.30pm & 7.30pm Tel: Ann Marie 0141 573 3580 CRANHILL St Maria Goretti 259 Bellrock Street Tuesday 5.30pm & 7.30pm Tel: Gillian 07751 014 183

BAILLIESTON St Andrews Parish Church, The Old Hall (Behind Morrisons) 2 Bredisholm Road Wed 5.30pm & 7.30pm Tel: Ann Marie 0141 573 3580 BRIDGETON St Francis in the East 26 Queen Mary Drive Wednesday 7pm Tel: Sharon 07909 661 574


OPENS MONDAY 30th Dec Calvay centre, 16 calvay road Barlanark G33 4RE Mondays 7.30pm Tel: Lyndsay 07817 1044492

RIDDRIE St. Enoch’s Church Hall Smithycroft Road Wednesday 5.30pm & 7.30pm Tel: Angela 0141 781 9109 EASTERHOUSE Easterhouse Masonic Hall Lochdochart Rd, Easterhouse Thursday 5.30pm & 7.30pm Tel: Carrina 0141 781 1694 St Benedict Chapel Hall Westerhouse Road Monday 5.30pm & 7.30pm Tel: Carrina 0141 781 1694

12 Glasgow News | 28th February - 14th March 2014


Eusebi Deli, Your Ticket To A Taste Of Italy The Eusebi Family Deli on the Shettleston Road which has been supplying the East End of Glasgow with fine Italian cuisine and wines since the 1930’s is continuing this year to provide customers with the premier take home Italian food and fine catering experience in the city. The family run business which is now headed by Giovanna Eusebi, sources only the finest artisan ingredients and products from the length and breadth of Italy with particularly special relationships with the regions between Rome and Napoli and all the way down to the beautiful island of Sicily.

The Eusebi Family Deli takes pride in bringing the finest authentic Italian flavours to the heart of Scotland and invites its customers to take a journey through their palate straight to the heartlands of Italian cuisine. The Deli also provides a range of hampers and gift baskets which are made to order with the finest ingredients and produce you are likely to find in Scotland and beyond. Alongside this service the Eusebi Deli can also cater to any occasion one can think of from canapés to providing the finest catering option in Glasgow for events of any size.


Who Eusebi’s are and what they do is simple, seasonal, sensational and authentic - superb product and superlative service beyond all expectation is @ the heart of who we are & what we do

James Hardie -

In Times Of Need In times of sadness there are a few things in life that you can take solace in, at James Hardie Funeral Directors based in Shettleston Road, they aim to be a reassuring lighthouse in an emotionally turbulent sea. Everybody knows that death is never an easy subject for a family to deal with but James Hardie Funeral Directors try to take as much strain out of arranging a funeral as possible. All transportation needs are taken care of, with black and silver vehicles available. Vintage hearses are available and even a motorbike hearse is available for those who passed and had a passion for motor biking. It’s completely possible to arrange the entire

funeral from the comfort of your own home. With professional chauffeurs arriving dressed all in black, friends family and bereaved loved ones will all be given the highest quality of compassionate care to help them with some of the most difficult times in their lives. With the locally based funeral directors able to add a warm personal touch to any funeral and everything from flowers, obituary notices as well as catering being available as part of the after services. James Hardie Funeral Services are registered members of SAIF and NAFD as well as being Golden Charter members. They also provide a 24-hour service for family convenience.


every picture tells a story...

Real people real passion Superbly sourced foods and wines - every event and day - that is the Eusebi Way. The Real People in the photo are Eddie and Gina, husband and wife who began the Eusebi Story, they brought the cool, the delicious product and the love of good healthy food to Glasgow - the story continues through their daughter Giovanna who honours their values to this and every day, working to ensure that the

best and the exclusive are showcased in their shop and ‘on the road’ - always. Giovanna works and consults with the leading european artisan producers, brands, venues and 5* hotels ensuring that authentic Italian Cool can be bespoke and enjoyed in Glasgow, the UK and beyond.

The Eusebi Deli, 793 Shettleston Road, Glasgow G32 7NN Tel: 0141 763 0399

Independent Family Funeral Directors 24 hr Service • Golden Charter Plans Basic Funeral £2000 • Rest Rooms • Home Visits Call our experienced funeral director, Jim Hardie for our personal and sensitive service 1157 - 1159 Shettleston Road, Glasgow G32 7NB | Tel: 0141 778 9808 333 Edgefaulds Road, Glasgow G21 4XB | Tel: 0141 558 1919 35 Glenkirk Road, Glasgow G15 6BS | Tel: 0141 944 6622

28th February - 14th March 2014 | Glasgow News 13


Alex Gillespie Building & Joinery, A Solid Choice For All Your Building And Joinery Needs

Alex Gillespie Building & Joinery, with a no job too large ethos, the company has grown over the last 40 years through a combination of hard work and the creation of a sterling reputation through the high standard of work the company carries out.

Alex Gillespie Building & Joinery can offer a made to measure service for any project you need completed from start to finish and the companies experienced team can even provide you with the inspiration you may need to make the most of your home. Particularly in a financial climate where everything you do to your home will add an exponential amount of value. One of the most valuable additions to any

home is a beautifully built conservatory, which can breathe life into a tired property, increase the floorspace and allow you to enjoy the sun year round without the perennial Scottish rain cramping your style. No matter the project whether it’s an extension, a loft conversion, internal or external refurbishment, decking, fencing, brickwork or roofing, with the highly skilled and professional team at Alex Gillespie Building & Joinery at your disposal the sky is the limit. Alex Gillespie Building & Joinery will provide you with top class, second to none tradesmen who will produce a finished job of the highest standards available in Glasgow and the West of Scotland.

Alex Gillespie Building & Joinery

standard! s a y t li a u Q

Alex Gillespie Joiners & Builders offer a wide range of joinery and building services, specialising in Extensions, undertaken by professional builders and joiners, in Glasgow, and West of Scotland.

For 30 years the people of Shettleston Road and beyond have had their homes shaded by Bill’s Blind Spot.

Thirty years later and the retail group has changed hands from Bill to Graeme Kirkpatrick but the same high quality standard of blinds is still there. Moving from the Apollo group to becoming an independent trader in the blind industry has helped move Bill’s Blinds into a 21st century highly respected blinds manufacturer.

Catering to both residential and commercial business bills blinds guarantees that nearly 80% percent of all the materials used in the creation of the blinds are British based. The locally based company offers a made to measure service and all blinds made will be

Bill’s Blind Spot

made to your specifications, from the size you require, the colour to match the home or business décor’. Bill’s blinds will aim to fulfill all you need to make your home or business’s blinds as perfect as you are. With free fitting, repairs to existing blinds and no matter how old the blind we can usually find a way to fix them.

We will pick up and drop off any blinds that we fix and all cords and webbing come as standard, why not call in for more details?

With 300 vertical and 300 roller blind material, and a range of 60 different shades, Bill’s blinds has everything you need and more for your business or home’s blinds.

With a total refurbishment of the showroom, with new stock, new interior and a completely new look isn’t it time you gave your home or business new blinds for a new you.


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We have worked extremely hard in order to establish a well respected name and reputation. Much of our clientele comes from word of mouth as satisfied customers tell others and first time clients become repeat customers.

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904 Shettleston Road, Glasgow G32 7XN

14 Glasgow News | 28th February - 14th March 2014

GLASGOW FOLK URGED TO CLEAR OUT THEIR WARDROBES TO HELP BEAT KIDS’ CANCERS The people of Glasgow and the surrounding areas are being called on to clear out their cupboards, dig through their drawers and donate any unwanted items to TK Maxx’s fundraising campaign for Cancer Research UK - Give Up Clothes for Good. Give Up Clothes for Good is the UK’s largest and longest running charity clothing collection partnership. Since 2004 the campaign has raised £13.5 million for Cancer Research UK, with over £9 million for research into children’s cancers. Glaswegians are being urged to drop off their unwanted clothing, accessories and quality homeware in the special boxes provided in TK Maxx stores. This is the first time the campaign will run all year round. Each bag could be worth up to £30 for Cancer Research UK raising

valuable funds for vital research into children’s cancers. Linda Summerhayes, Cancer Research UK spokesperson in Scotland, said: “Unwanted clothes really could save more lives which is why we’re asking people to give what they can. All you need to do is fill up a bag and drop it into any TK Maxx store. Every bag received could be worth as much as £30 to Cancer Research UK, which is the leading UK charity supporting clinical trials for children and young adults with cancer.” Ms Summerhayes also detailed how the research has dramatically affected the survival rate in children saying: “In the 1960s, only around one in four children with cancer were cured. Today, three in four are cured thanks to research. With your help we hope to make it four in four, bringing forward the day when all children’s cancers are cured.” The Royal Hospital for Sick Children at Yorkhill, Glasgow, is one of a

network of centres across the UK and Ireland taking part in groundbreaking research coordinated by Cancer Research UK’s Children’s Cancer Trials Team. These trials make innovative new treatments available to children with cancer in Glasgow. Donation bags and Gift Aid forms are available from TK Maxx stores but any bag – big or small will do. By returning a completed form with their bag of items, shoppers can boost the value of their donation by an additional 25 per cent. The items donated will be sold in Cancer Research UK shops to raise valuable funds for vital research into children’s cancers. The campaign is being backed by supermodel and actress, Jerry Hall. Jerry said: “I’m absolutely honoured to be part of Give Up Clothes for Good. More children than ever are now surviving cancer thanks to the work of Cancer Research UK. “

Donate your unwanted furniture and household items to help Cancer Patients We are always looking for good quality donations and we will collect FREE from your home

We are also in need of Volunteer Collectors so anyone interested in joining our team please contact Joan. To arrange a free uplift or to enquire about Volunteering please contact us on

Tel: 01560 321875 Or Email:

Scottish Cancer Support, 29b Brown Street, Newmilns KA16 9AD

28th February - 14th March 2014 | Glasgow News 15

Legacy project to get Scotland’s workforce active The nationwide ‘Fit in 14’ campaign, launched by by Commonwealth Games and Sport Minister Shona Robison, will encourage Scotland’s workplaces to get more active by making physical activity a part of their everyday lives. This campaign forms part of Scotland’s first ever national Physical Activity Implementation Plan, A More Active Scotland – Building a Legacy from the Commonwealth Games. This year’s Commonwealth Games in Glasgow offers a unique opportunity to inspire Scots to become more active and create a lasting legacy and healthier nation. The reasons for tackling physical inactivity are compelling: It results in around 2,500 premature deaths in Scotland each day; Costs the NHS around £91 million annually and is the second biggest cause of mortality; Being active can help prevent and treat more than 20 chronic diseases; It is estimated that getting Scotland more active would increase life expectancy by more than a year.

The Plan has been developed in consultation with NHS Health Scotland and other key partners and focuses around five areas: Environment, Workplace Settings, NHS & Social Care, Education Settings and Sport & Active Recreation, identifying key milestones within these for a 10 year period after the Games this summer. Organisations of all sizes across Scotland are being encouraged to get involved in the legacy campaign ‘Fit in 14’, with small and simple ways to improve the health and wellbeing of employees at the heart of the campaign. Ms Robison visited an Asda supermarket, the first company in Scotland to pledge its support to the programme. With more than 20,000 employees across the whole of Scotland including Ayrshire, Asda has committed to putting physical activity on its health agenda and will work with ‘Fit in 14’ to develop a simple plan to encourage staff

to improve their fitness. Ms Robison said, “The Scottish Government is committed to increasing physical activity and we want to make Scotland a more active country by encouraging people to make physical activity a part of their everyday lives. It is well known that regular activity provides a great range of health benefits and makes people feel happier, less stressed and can add years of quality life. “The benefit of the ‘Fit in 14’ campaign is that we don’t expect people to run a marathon or join a gym, however small measures like taking the stairs instead of the lift, or going for a walk during lunch break are great steps forward towards a healthier lifestyle. “Furthermore, having a physically active workforce can also lead to 27 per cent fewer sick days, an average saving of £135 per employee. It also reduces workforce injuries and

accidents by 25 per cent. “Inactivity is the second biggest cause of death in Scotland, accounting for more than 2,500 deaths in Scotland alone each year. Our first ever Physical Activity Implementation Plan has key milestones and objectives identified for the next 10 years, and seeks to encourage Scots to enjoy more active and healthier lives.” Feroz Pater, Head of People at Asda, said, “At Asda, we know that our people are one of our greatest assets and we are committed to supporting the health and wellbeing of more than 20,000 colleagues in Scotland. With a big year of sport ahead, including the Commonwealth Games and the Ryder Cup, 2014 is a perfect opportunity

to encourage our colleagues and customers to make physical activity part of their daily life. “The ‘Fit in 14’ campaign will help us encourage colleagues to incorporate healthier practices into their daily working life, by making just a few simple changes. “We’re looking forward to taking part and getting Asda Fit in 14.” For more information about how to get involved with ‘Fit in 14’ please visit The Physical Activity Implementation Plan – A More Active Scotland – Building a Legacy from the Commonwealth Games is available to download at

It’s a Dog Day Afternoon 16 Glasgow News | 28th February - 14th March 2014

Heard of the expression it’s a dog’s life? Well why not treat you’re dog to a day of doggy pampering at Muttlins situated at Hillington Park Glasgow. Muttlins is a perfect solution to any worries you have about your dog being left on its own for too long during the day. The idea of the canine holiday camp is to give your dog the experience of a day spa for your canine buddy. Muttlins which is run by Rhonda Hughes a qualified dog behaviour specialist and fully proclaimed dog lover, decided to create the doggy day care centre after studying dogs and the separation anxiety that they can suffer from if their owner is away from the home during the day or for an extended period of time. The holiday camp, which is based near to Braehead shopping centre, offers dog lovers the opportunity for their

beloved pet to socialise with other dogs. It also has the added enjoyment of doggy toys, plenty of exercise and stimulation for your playful pooch. The first rule of Doggy Day Care is, you must talk about Doggy Day Care. The second rule of Doggy Day Care is you must talk to your friends about Doggy Day Care. The other two rules of Doggy Day Care are unfortunately your dog must be neutered and can’t be too aggressive, as it will upset the other dogs. With Braehead being in such close proximity to Muttlins you can even give your pet a little bit of rest and relaxation, whilst you participate in a little retail therapy. Both of you will spend the rest of the day in a calmer state of mind. Rhonda who runs the family business with daughter Linsey Craig make sure that every dog who comes into Muttlins receives lots of hugs, claps

and all the attention they crave. Muttlins also offers a full grooming service for the dogs in their care, which is very popular for people who are shopping nearby in Braehead Shopping Centre. Rhonda tells Glasgow News “we’ve only been open since October but the positive reaction we’ve received from dog owners has been amazing, with nearly all of them telling us that their dogs leave content and are placid for days after their pampering session.” Rhonda who previously worked as a bank manager, was also a Trustee of the boxer dog charity Boxer Welfare Scotland, found it difficult to see dogs who had spent so much time alone, or dogs getting rehomed because of their owner spending time away from home through work commitments. She decided to do something to combat it, and thus Muttlins Doggy Day Care was born. She said, “I couldn’t sit back and watch all these lovely animals look

Doggy Day Care & Grooming Open: Mon - Sat 8am - 6pm

Why not have your dog groomed whilst you shop at Braehead. Full groom includes a couple of hours in the doggy day care centre. Afterwards your dog can then socialise and play with other dogs while you relax! Full Groom includes bath, dry, groom, nail cut. Full grooms from £27 Bath and brush out in between grooms £12


21 Lister Road, Hillington, Glasgow G52 4BH

0141 892 2333 | 07908 922333

so sad and defeated, as a dog lover myself I understand that sometimes people have to make hard decisions because its not fair on them or the dog if they are away from home all the time. If my service helps keep dog lovers and their adored pets together then that seems like a worthy cause.”

Muttlins Doggie Day Care

at 21 Lister Road, Hillington, G52 4BH Monday to Saturday 8am to 6pm 0141 892 2333 0790 892 2333 or email

HEARING DOGS TO CLOSE CHARITY SHOP AND LAUNCH PUPPY SOCIALISING VOLUNTEER SCHEME IN SCOTLAND Hearing Dogs for Deaf People, the charity that trains dogs to support deaf people, has regretfully announced that it will be closing its charity shop on Musselburgh High Street in East Lothian on 31st March. After five years of trading, the shop is no longer a sustainable source of fundraising income for the Charity.

However, Hearing Dogs has received such tremendous support from the local community over the years, the charity has decided to launch a brand new puppy socialising area between Glasgow and Edinburgh. Relying solely on the support of the public, Hearing Dogs is now seeking volunteers to join its puppy programme. Michele Jennings, Chief Executive of Hearing Dogs for Deaf People says:

“Since its opening in 2009, the shop in Musselburgh has been a wonderful part of the Charity and it is with regret that we are closing the store in March. I would like to extend a huge thank you to all of our kind hearted volunteers who have dedicated their time to support the shop and the Charity over the years. Hearing Dogs for Deaf People will be launching a brand new puppy socialising scheme in Scotland later this year and we are looking for enthusiastic volunteers from both Glasgow and Edinburgh. Puppy socialising volunteers play a vital role in

the journey of a hearing dog, and do so in the knowledge that one day these pups will grow up to change the life of a deaf person.”

Volunteer socialisers will look after an adorable puppy in their home for a year, teaching basic obedience skills and introducing the pup to new people, sights and sounds. The puppies are placed with volunteers at eight weeks of age and will stay with a socialiser for twelve to sixteen months before returning to one of Hearing Dogs’ two national training centres. Each hearing dog will then undertake a sixteen week advanced sound work course and learn how to alert a deaf person to important sounds like the alarm clock, telephone, doorbell and fire alarm. Not only do hearing dogs offer practical support, but they also offer their deaf partner increased confidence, companionship and independence. Once training is complete, these clever dogs will be matched with someone who is severely or profoundly deaf, and will go on to transform that person’s life. Puppy socialising volunteers receive full support from the Hearing Dogs for Deaf People training team, as well as regular home visits. For more information please visitwww.hearingdogs. or email volunteer@

28th February - 14th March 2014 | Glasgow News 17

Lending a helping hand

The Scottish SPCA is appealing to kindhearted people in Glasgow to volunteer and help raise funds for abused, abandoned and injured animals. Scotland’s animal welfare charity is urging locals to get involved in its Rehoming Week, which runs from 17 - 23 March, by shaking a collection tin in their area. Anna O’Donnell, manager of the charity’s Glasgow Animal Rescue and Rehoming Centre in Cardonald, said, “Every year our centre cares

for scores of mistreated, neglected and unwanted animals and 2014 is proving to be just as challenging. Anna continued, “during rehoming week we have opportunities to fundraise throughout Glasgow and we’d be very grateful if people who love animals can get behind our appeal and help.”

With more and more animals having to be rehomed or even abandoned completely its imperative that if people can possibly lend a hand that they do so, every little bit helps. Anna O’ Donnell spoke of the importance of society helping out at animal shelters “even if someone can only spare an hour or two to shake a

Never too late to learn with the SWAP factor

collection tin, their time and efforts would be hugely appreciated.” “It’s something we always say because it’s true, every pound and penny raised really does make a difference and gives animals in desperate need of our help a second chance in life.”

Anyone who would like to help raise funds for the Scottish SPCA can contact the fundraising team on 03000 999 999 or email By

G Kelly

NO QUALIFICATIONS? NO PROBLEM! Are you an adult looking to return to education, looking to change career or want to fulfil your potential? The Scottish Wider Access Programme (SWAP) offers free, independent advice to adults who want to return to education and want information about courses available. SWAP Access Programmes are run at local colleges and have been designed to prepare students with few or no qualifications for entry to HNC/D and degree courses. Eligible adults may receive financial support with living, travel and/or childcare costs. More than 25,000 adults have taken the SWAP route to higher education, providing opportunities in: • Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths • Primary and secondary education • Nursing • Health studies including occupational therapy, physiotherapy, podiatry, radiography and nutrition/dietetics

SWAP Students; Lorraine, Clare, Yvonne, Catriona, Steven, Robert, Tracy & Alison. THE Scottish Wider Access Programme has been developed by colleges and universities in partnership to provide opportunities for adults who have few or no qualifications to progress to higher education. How can the SWAP factor help you? Here are some FAQs which may help you: Why? “To get the education I didn’t get at school”, “I was yearning to do something different with my life”, “To get a good job.” Changes? “I think people are starting to get it now. My sister used to say ‘get a grip’ but now she’s telling people that her sister is going to university!”, “I was a painter and decorator before, now I am going to make a great nurse!”

Glad you returned to education? “Absolutely!”, “Definitely”, “Without a doubt!” How? “Determination really”, “The support by everyone at college was immense. They really pushed me.” Best bits? “Self-discovery”, “Confidence”, “Making friends.” The course? SWAP West access programmes at your local college. Who? Lorraine, Clare, Yvonne, Catriona, Steven, Robert, Tracy and Alison have all now completed their University degrees.

• Medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, biomedical sciences and medical physics • Social sciences, psychology, social work and may other fields. Successful completion of a SWAP access programme leads to a guaranteed place in HN or degree course at college or university.

For more independent advice contact: Tel: 0141 553 2471 Email: The Scottish Wider Access Programme (West and Central Scotland Consortium) is a registered Scottish Charity, No. SCO25833

18 Glasgow News | 28th February - 14th March 2014

Specsavers Forge launches win new urban range a new


glasses of !

The Glasgow News has teamed up with Specsavers Forge to celebrate the launch of its new exclusive collection from Swedish fashion label Cheap Monday, the brand has put its unique urban stamp on the world of glasses, with an exclusive partnership with Specsavers. The Scandinavian brand, renowned for its skull logo and statement jeans, has created 17 predictably edgy styles including glasses and prescription sunglasses. Cheap Monday’s ethos of being affordable, bold and progressive is epitomised by the collection. Using a range of colours, styles and materials it features innovative designs for men and women.

Dave Quigley, regional chair for Specsavers Scotland, says: ‘The Cheap Monday range is an exciting addition to our designer collections at Specsavers. The brand has fast become a recognised name and we’re thrilled to be the exclusive stockist of its fantastic new eye-wear range.’ Priced at £99, every frame includes PENTAX single vision lenses, a

scratch-resistant treatment and a bespoke case and cleaning cloth as standard. What’s more, these glasses will be included in the current 2 for 1 offer. Specsavers will be offering readers the chance to win a new pair of glasses from the collection, and a runner-up will also receive a £50 eyecare voucher to spend in store.

For your chance to win! simply answer this question: Which famous Swedish band achieved a number one hit with the song “The Final Countdown” in 1986?

Send your answers to The Glasgow News on a self addressed envelope, headed with “Specsavers Competition” at: West of Scotland Media, 1194 Shettleston Road, Glasgow G32 7NB



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28th February - 14th March 2014 | Glasgow News 19

River Clyde Set To Be Transformed Into Huge Cinema To Celebrate Commonwealth Games And Glasgow’s Shipbuilding Past

that the SNP has taken Glasgow’s needs seriously. One topic which came up at the Parliament’s Equal Opportunities Committee recently was Sectarianism, including the related issues of antiCatholicism and anti-Irish racism. An advisory group recently produced a report and committee members including myself were questioning the Group’s chair, Dr Duncan Morrow. Dr Morrow made the point that we tend to swing between two extremes – either we do not talk about Sectarianism at all and hope it will go away – or we get really wound up and emotionally involved in it. But somehow we need to be able to discuss this difficult topic in a calm and objective way.

John Mason MSP

Glasgow wins again on Council Tax! The river and its surrounding bridges, walkways and underpasses will be used as cinema venues for the event, dubbed cargo, camera... Action, on July 26.

The river Clyde is set to be transformed into a giant cinema to celebrate the commonwealth games and Glasgow’s shipbuilding past. The river and its surrounding bridges, walkways and underpasses will be used as cinema venues. A full film set will be built at Custom House Quay with a giant sculpture of an ocean liner as its centre point, recalling the days when the city built 80 per cent of the world’s ships.

An underwater cinema screen will also screen a film below the surface of the river, with other films being projected onto the surface of the water through the city. Other films about traditional children’s outdoor games and the history of Fairfield shipyard will also be shown as part of the event. The event, dubbed Cargo, Camera... Action is being produced by Glasgow Film for Festival 2014. It will take place on 26 July on the Clyde and promises a spectacle for all the family both young and old.

William Bain MP Member of Parliament for Glasgow North East Constituency Office Office G2, Abbeymill Business Centre, Flemington House, 110 Flemington Street, Springburn, Glasgow G21 4BX

Surgeries First Friday of each Month: North Glasgow Regeneration Agency Conference Centre, 179 Ayr Street, Springburn, Glasgow G21 4BX at 2.30 - 3.30pm Milton Community Campus, 204 Liddesdale Road, Milton G22 7AR at 4.15pm Barmulloch Community Campus, 46 Wallacewell Quadrant G21 3PX at 5pm

Third Friday of each Month: Millbank Housing Association Headquarters, 153 Ballindalloch Drive, Dennistoun G31 3DQ at 3.30pm Riddrie Library and Learning Centre, 1020 Cumbernauld Rd G33 2QS at 4.15pm Molendinar Community Centre, 1210 Royston Road G33 1HE at 5pm

This is the good news to come out of the Scottish Parliament recently. For every person in the City, the Scottish Government is giving Glasgow £2,249. The next highest mainland authority is Inverclyde with £2,082. (Obviously the island authorities face special challenges and get a bit extra.) Why does Glasgow get treated so much better than other areas? Basically because of the extra needs that we face as a City – poverty, alcohol and drug problems, poor health, etc. Of course other cities have these needs to some extent but not on the same scale as Glasgow. Some of these other Councils do argue that they should get more funding. But I do very much welcome the fact

The report suggests that many different groups in society need to take responsibility for improving things, including politicians at national and local level, police, football clubs, march and parade organisers, and others. Within the last week I myself have experienced criticism from both Rangers and Celtic supporters (see twitter and facebook!) for either what I have said or what I have not said. The easy answer is to keep your head down and say nothing. But I am not prepared to do that. Sectarianism and the related problems need to be addressed and I am committed to playing a part in that if I can.

John Mason MSP

Member of the Scottish Parliament for Glasgow Shettleston. Scottish National Party (SNP) Constituency Office: 1335 Gallowgate, Parkhead Cross Glasgow G31 4DN E: Tel: 0141 550 4327

20 Glasgow News | 28th February - 14th March 2014

The Clutha, a celebratio “United We Fall, United We Stand” By

Michael McDaid

The atmosphere at the Barrowlands on Saturday the 11th of February was nothing short of joyful with an underlying current of hope and general goodwill, as a selection of bands and artists from all over the UK came together to raise money for the victims of the Clutha disaster which happened last November. The Glasgow News spoke to Billy Coyle one of the key figures behind organizing the event, to find out about how much the event raised for the Lord Provosts Clutha Relief Fund and how those who were affected by the tragedy that attended the event felt about how the Celebration went. Billy detailed how the event raised “£15,000 after the essential expenses had been paid, having sold just short of a thousand tickets and allocating five hundred tickets to Clutha staff, families of the victims, and the emergency services who attended the disaster” Billy also told us that since none of the bands requested any money for

their performances the only expenses were “flights from London for some of the bands, complimentary food and drink for the families, Clutha staff and emergency services” He also went on to tell us how important the happiness of those effected by the disaster was to himself and the other organizers of the Celebration saying “The main aim was to get the families, the Clutha staff and the emergency service personnel who responded to the disaster together, it was quite emotional. For example, a member of the Clutha staff was able to meet and thank the firemen who saved her that night.”

Big Country entertain the crowd

When talking about the atmosphere among those effected by the disaster in the private area of the event Billy said: “I’ve never seen such a happy environment, it was unbelievable as it was such a sad thing that happened. The only complaint we had from those people at the end of the night was: ‘Is that it?’ since they were enjoying the event so much. We’re still getting feedback from the families and they all thought it was fantastic.”

This was not how some other media outlets described the event as Billy told The Glasgow News how another newspaper reported on apparent offence being taken at a joke made by one of the

hosts and there having been alleged complaints made, however Billy told The Glasgow News how “There were no incidents or complaints over the 10 hours of the event or after the event” and how the

28th February - 14th March 2014 | Glasgow News 21

on at The Barrowlands Chief Inspector of East Glasgow Police was also unaware of any complaints about the event. The Chief Inspector was also present on the evening and did not receive any complaints or witness anything which would warrant one.

The night itself was a cavalcade of musical excellence with each band bringing their “A game” to the stage, this was complimented by readings of John McGarrigle’s poetry by the hosts between acts and video messages from celebrities and musicians giving their support for the event. Each of which was signed off with “United we fall. United we stand” lyrics from Scott Peden’s Clutha Lament. Each band over the 10 hours played a 40 to 60 minute

set each and played only their hits and fan favourites which was evident from the crowds ability to sing almost every word of every song back at the bands. The Celebration was also a landmark first for the Barrowlands as all three levels from the street to the main concert hall were in use for the first time, with the street level market area being entertained by Europe’s largest female drumming ensemble Sheboom who inspired the patrons of the local bars to dance in the street. The Glasgow News also spoke to some of the artists who played at the Celebration including Scott Peden, Bruce Watson of Big Country and Jake Black, front man of Alabama 3. Scott Peden spoke about

how it felt to play his song “The Clutha Lament” in front of a packed Barrowlands crowd for the Clutha saying: “It was very, very emotional and I was actually quite nervous playing the song to the people that were effected by the disaster.” He went on to say how he was “glad people have heard it and I just home that now, it gets recorded as a charity single and that it can continue to contribute to the Clutha Fund.”

Scott also spoke of how “Everybody has had the same thing in mind, the same common goal which is raising money for the people effected by this disaster, from people in the music and entertainment industry to the everyday people of Glasgow.”

Frightened Rabbit

“We all came together as one to try and take a little of the sting out of what happened and to say to the people that were there in the Clutha that night that we’re here for you and we understand.”

since his childhood who said: “I’ve always had a real soft spot for the Clutha, I’ve been going there since I was a kid and saw every kind of music you could think of being played there, it had a really nice vibe”

Bruce Watson of Big Country told The Glasgow News that: “As a band Big Country jumped at the chance to perform at the Celebration. When you’re asked to do something like this you just say yes and don’t think twice about it.”

“Any time Alabama 3 were playing in Glasgow, I could always be found in the Clutha, it was a meeting place, a community”

Bruce spoke of the tragedy saying: “What happened at the Clutha is just so heartbreaking, one of life’s tragedies that you just can’t comprehend.” We also spoke to Jake Black, front man of Alabama 3 who was a Clutha regular

Alabama 3

The Barrowlands team and those who helped organize the event would like to thank everyone who donated their time, services and resources to help make the Celebration the memorable event it was – As Billy Coyle said “There are just too many people to thank.”

22 Glasgow News | 28th February - 14th March 2014

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28th February - 14th March 2014 | Glasgow News 23



Edge of your seat thrillers, lump in your throat tear-jerkers, laugh out loud rom-coms, jump out of your seat horrors, feel good animations…You can pack in even more of your must-see movies with Cineworld’s Bargain Tuesdays. We offer cheap tickets to all of our films every Tuesday! So if you’re at a loose end, why not make Tuesday a movie night too? And remember you could save even more! Join and receive an extra 10% off when you book online.

Friday February 21st - Thursday February 27th 2014 Take 2 Thursdays LAST VEGAS (TAKE 2)

(12A contains moderate language and sex references) Get two tickets, two small soft drinks and a regular popcorn for only £10 when you book online. (1:00pm 6:20 8:50pm THU ONLY)(AD) Audio Described Now Showing THE BOOK THIEF (12A contains scenes of emotional distress and moderate threat) (11:10am 2:00 5:00 8:00pm WED/THU ONLY)

A NEW YORK WINTER’S TALE (12A contains moderate bloody violence and sex) (11:00am 2:10 NOT SAT/SUN) (5:00 NOT MON-THU) 7:50pm # THE LEGO MOVIE [3D] (U) 11:10am 1:45 4:10 (6:40pm NOT THU) (AD) Audio Described # THE LEGO MOVIE (U) 10:20am 12:45 3:10 5:45pm (AD) Audio Described


(12:00pm SAT/SUN ONLY) 3:50pm (AD) Audio Described

THE MONUMENTS MEN (12A contains moderate violence, bloody injury

detail and scenes of smoking) (10:40am NOT SAT/SUN) (11:30 SAT/SUN ONLY) (1:10 NOT SAT/SUN) (2:20 SAT/SUN ONLY) 6:10 8:50pm (AD) Audio Described (S) Subtitled 11:30 SUN and 6:10 MON ONLY


(11:20am 1:30 NOT SAT/SUN/THU) (6:20 NOT THU) (8:10 THU ONLY) (8:40pm NOT THU)(AD) Audio Described

ROBOCOP (12A contains moderate violence, injury detail and infrequent strong language) (10:50am NOT WED/THU) (2:30 NOT SAT/SUN) (5:10 NOT THU) (8:20 THU ONLY) (9:10pm NOT THU) MR. PEABODY & SHERMAN [3D] (U) includes short animated film: ALMOST HOME (11:00am 1:30pm SAT/SUN ONLY) (AD) Audio Described MR. PEABODY & SHERMAN (U)

includes short animated film: ALMOST HOME (12:20pm 2:40 SAT/SUN ONLY) 4:00pm (AD) Audio Described


includes Disney short animated film: GET A HORSE Sun only 2.10 pm

GRAVITY [3D] (12A contains sustained moderate threat, disturbing images


Movies for Juniors Now Showing


Event Cinema Please ask at the box office for ticket prices: advance box office now open NT LIVE: WAR HORSE (12A) 7:00pm THU ONLY ELTON JOHN: THE MILLION DOLLAR PIANO (TBC) Saturday March 22nd 6:30pm


Two free small drinks and a free regular popcorn when you buy a Take 2 ticket for just a tenner? It’s Cineworld Take 2 - and it’s bringing back some of the year’s biggest films.


The Greeks and Persians take their spectacular conflict to sea in the epic follow-up to ‘300’. More than 30 years before the events of ‘300’, the Greeks and Persians clash at the pivotal Battle of Marathon. Still a young man, the future Persian God King Xerxes (Rodrigo Santoro) mourns the death of his father as he falls under the influence of feisty, ambitious naval commander Artemisia (Eva Green). She witnessed her entire family being slaughtered and now burns for vengeance. Meanwhile, general Themistocles (Sullivan Stapleton) sets out to bring together the disunited Greek nation states and avenge the death of King Leonidas. The stage is set for a breathtaking sea battle, adapted from Frank Miller’s latest graphic novel, the blood-soaked ‘Rise of an Empire’ is told in the same vivid, kinetic style as its predecessor. It also unfolds on a larger canvas, taking in battles before, after and parallel to those of ‘300’

Need for speed

‘Breaking Bad’ star Aaron Paul puts pedal to the metal in this breakneck street racer vengeance thriller. Underground street racer and muscle car mechanic Tobey Marshall (Aaron Paul) owns a garage that soups up high-end vehicles. When his best friend is murdered during a race, Tobey finds himself framed by his wealthy, arrogant business partner, Dino (Dominic Cooper). Having served his time, he joins a gruelling cross-country car race, during which he plans to get revenge. Hearing of this, Dino puts a bounty on his head. Imogen Poots co-stars as a car dealer who does business with the two men, while Michael Keaton plays the race’s eccentric organiser. ‘Act of Valor’ director Scott Waugh helms this relentless, high-octane, mayhem-packed action movie. It’s adapted from the hugely successful video game series of the same title, with roots in the tradition of iconic American car culture movies from ‘Bullitt’ to ‘The Cannonball Run’.

Escape from planet earth

Aliens are held captive on Earth by an evil general in this crazy animated family comedy! Big, blue, swaggering Scorch Supernova (Brendan Fraser) from the planet Baab is the greatest hero in the universe. That’s more than a little annoying for his nerdy brother Gary (Rob Corddry), who works at Baab’s mission control. When duplicitous Lena Thackleman (Jessica Alba) picks up an SOS, Scorch wastes no time in responding, even though it’s coming from the notoriously dangerous ‘dark planet’ - Earth! This turns out to be a dastardly trick by megalomaniac General Shanker (William Shatner), who’s imprisoning aliens in Area 51 and forcing them to work as slave labour. Now it’s up to weedy, timid Gary to head to Earth and rescue his brother! This colourful, fast-moving family animation features an amazing voice cast that includes Sarah Jessica Parker as Gary’s wife and Ricky Gervais as the hilarious mission computer.

Elton John: The Million Dollar Piano

Elton John’s residency at Caesars Palace was never going to be a restrained, low-key affair. But no one was quite prepared for just how amazing his show would turn out to be. Its centrepiece is the breathtaking eponymous piano. Specially created by Yamaha, this magnificent feat of engineering weighs in at nearly 3,200 pounds and features more than 68 LED video screens! These are used to display images complementing the songs. As if that wasn’t glitzy enough, the baroque set and fabulous lighting were designed by Mark Fisher, of Pink Floyd’s ‘The Wall’ show fame, in collaboration with Patrick Woodroffe. Musically, Elton has cherry-picked the classics from every stage of his extensive career. These include ‘Rocket Man’, ‘Tiny Dancer’, ‘Saturday Night’s Alright for Fighting’, ‘I’m Still Standing’, ‘Goodbye Yellow Brick Road’, ‘Crocodile Rock’ and ‘Your Song’.

Grand Budapest Hotel

(10:00am SAT ONLY)

# passes not valid – Unlimited cards accepted.


Ralph Fiennes leads an amazing cast in Wes Anderson’s quirky period comedy about a purloined painting. Between the wars, Gustave H (Ralph Fiennes) is the suave and popular concierge at the Grand Budapest Hotel. Zero Moustafa (Tony Revolori) is the young and impressionable lobby boy who becomes his loyal and trusted friend. After elderly guest Madame D. (Tilda Swinton) dies in mysterious circumstances following a tryst with Gustave, it is revealed that she has left him a priceless Renaissance painting in her will. With the aid of Zero and his girlfriend Agatha (Saoirse Ronan), Gustave swiftly spirits the artwork away. But Inspector Henckels (Edward Norton) soon comes after him. Wes Anderson’s first period film is as elaborately designed and elegantly plotted as we’ve come to expect. After ‘In Bruges’, Ralph Fiennes gets another opportunity to demonstrate his formidable comedy talents. He’s joined by a fabulous cast of Anderson regulars, including the great Bill Murray.

For your chance to win two family passes for a film of your choice, just answer the following question.

Leonardo Di Caprio was nominated for which category at this years Oscars? Send your answers in to us on the back of a self addressed envelope or a post card at: West Of Scotland Media, 1194 Shettleston Road, Glasgow G32 7PG


24 Glasgow News | 28th February - 14th March 2014



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28th February - 14th March 2014 | Glasgow News 25

How long can you survive without your smartphone? Unicef has put together a new mobile experience project which will challenge smartphone users to put their phone down in order to help children across the world who don’t have access to clean drinking water. By

The “Unicef Tap Project” which is now in its seventh year asks concerned smartphone users to visit their site which tracks through the motion sensors in your smartphone whether or not you are using the device. For every minute you don’t touch your phone Unicef’s sponsors, which include Giorgio Armani, will donate

enough clean water and supplies to give a child clean drinking water for a day. From the website:“The Unicef Tap Project invites you to go without your phone to help children in need of clean water. Are you up for the challenge? For every minute you don’t touch your phone, our sponsors will fund one day of clean water for a

child in need. It’s that simple.” The Tap Project which has ran for seven years, has returned in a new guise through which users from all over the world can help deliver clean drinking water to those who are in desperate need. This years project which launched on February 14th aims to be the biggest yet with people from all over the world putting down

Verona passionate about food LUNCH 1 course



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their smartphones for a little while to help children across the globe in some of the most impoverished regions.

die from diseases directly linked to unsafe water or a lack of basic sanitation facilities.”

Unicef: “Water is life. Yet 768 million people do not have access to safe, clean drinking water, and 2.5 billion people live without proper sanitation. When water is unsafe and sanitation non-existent, water can kill. Across the globe, every day, 1,400 children

To take part in the project visit www. on your phone or tablet while connected to the internet and see how long you can go without your device and help children world wide gain access to clean safe drinking water.

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26 Glasgow News | 28th February - 14th March 2014

Star Signs

Joan Charles

I am delighted to be delivering your stars although; I won’t be doing them in the traditional way, as I am not an astrologer. For many years I have provided the stars using Tarot cards and that is what I will be doing here so, I guess in a sense they should be called, Taroscopes. Anyway, I do hope you enjoy what the cards have to say.


There is nothing wrong with dreams and ambitions, it only runs into problems when you stop trying and allow it to take control and get you down. Everything is achievable with the correct attitude so, perhaps its time for a mind spring clean.


There are occasions when you cannot escape the need to open up and discuss situations that are happening in order to put them right. No one said it would be easy however there could be a sense of relief when you get to the bottom of things.


The fact that you are eloquent in the art of communication means that you can put things over in a way that is understandable for others on any level to achieve what you want. This could work to your advantage over the week ahead.


You could find yourself focused on time as you may be trying to get so much done at once. The key to this is organisation and making sure that you allocate whatever time is necessary for things and allow some you time as well.


Liking the good things in life could cause you some issues where finances are concerned so go cautiously when spending or investing making sure that you have things balanced - being in the red is not where you want to be.


They say pride comes before a fall: just be aware not to let it get in the way of your overall happiness as this is far more important in the long run. Sometimes you need to be the bigger person in a situation.


When things don’t go your way don’t give up, there is always something better around the corner and it’s all a matter of focusing on the things you do want to bring them closer to you. Maybe not getting something is a blessing in disguise.


Your intuition could be working at an all time high and trying to point you in the right direction. I sense this could link to something that is family related that you have been thinking about for a while now.


That happy wanderer side of you is itching to be on the move and sunnier climates beckon. It might not matter where you head off to as long as you have something to look forward to that’s what matters.


I feel Lady Luck could be on your side and things happen out of the blue, which is always an even better surprise. Make the most of this phase as they don’t come round very often and who knows what exciting things it’s bringing to you.

One Woman’s Story of Realisation Gratitude & the Inca Trail

By Fiona Gilroy

As Erma Bombeck would say “If Life Is A Bowl of Cherries, What Am I Doing In the Pits?” That is where my story begins, with me in the pits …… actually No! I was 10 years old full of the joys and opportunities like a shiny new penny. So my infatuation started with a book report about the Incas and that was it for me, my love affair began right there.

The mystery of the structures and gold – okay tell me what 10 year old girl would not be impressed by sparkly, shiny things, the Nazca lines, mummies and the Inca trails are a lot to be impressed by.

Anyway I digress, so as I said, life was challenging to say the least, if it could go wrong it did and in the middle of this demolition site that was my life, my friend Dawn announced she was going to do the Inca trail for charity. So here in the darkest of times is a shimmering opportunity – so I grab it and go. Landing in Cusco airport with butterflies in my stomach and heart quivering in excitement, I realise my lungs that I usually ignore are struggling - it’s like lying in bed with a small child sitting on your chest and it took a couple of days to acclimatise, before the journey began, via a bus, foot and then the checkpoint to crossing the bridge. Crossing that bridge was such a rush, it didn’t even matter that I had a chest infection; I was there in a place I have only ever dreamed of, I was euphoric. It was the rainy season, the sounds of the

On entering the Cloud Forrest the moisture was like having a shower with your clothes on. As we came out of it my condition changed, the fluid building up in my lungs was increasing putting my lungs and heart at risk and I became medically unfit to continue. At that point I was advised to return to base, my ego declined, we were at 3800 meters-500 meter from Dead Woman’s Pass, the highest point but I could make that, it was only another 5 hour walking after all, and I have waited to do this since I was 10 years old.

As we started off the tunnel vision of Hernan’s (my guide) feet kept me going and less than 25 feet later, I remembered my beautiful boys and although they are grown up, I am all that they have, it was actually the thought of them that kept me going even though, I was full of rage, anger at my frailties, isolation and pumped full of medication the descent began. Full of devastation I felt defeated, humiliation, internal rage and loss – literally I was heart broken. Back into the Cloud Forrest we went, the steroids having taken affect, I had to stop and answer a call of nature. While sitting there I stopped being angry, alone in this beautiful place I was so grateful of the realisation that actually, regardless of my emotional feelings, I

am here in this place and how amazing is that.

Here in a place I have only ever dreamed of. Still heartbroken but starting to realise, I am alive, I am not alone. I am still loved and the universe has given guidance in the form of my earth angel Herman, he got me down that mountain and it was one of the best days of my life. I travelled by horse, the horse with no name that I called Saviour. When we returned to the starting point we couldn’t get a bus so we hitched a ride with a minivan going to market full of maize – the smell was amazing. It was pitch black and along a dirt road and was just Fantastic - then into a rickshaw to the train station where we realized, I didn’t have a passport – Hernan managed to get me through and I rejoined the group with my own unique story of challenge and I loved hearing theirs. In my time of need the Universe brought me a challenge that was unique to me a reminder that I am never alone. That love is everywhere, I just need to let go of my ego and all I need will be provided. For that I am truly grateful and to Hernan, Thank you.

Clairvoyant, Columnist & Author Courses:

Introduction to the Tarot Course – a two-day course starting on 22nd of February. Oracle cards one-day workshop – 1st March




Concerns may surround emotions and those close to you and you will be there supporting you as much as you can. You could find it all blows over as quickly as it began but in the short term you will be keeping a watchful eye on it.

swish, swish of our rain ponchos and the thud, thud of our footsteps as we moved along the trail became hypnotic - the sounds of ideal chatting, the noise of animals, birds and insect in the back ground and on top of all that, the views of breath taking scenery as we ascended the mountain were just out of this world.

Joan Charles


New plans could be on the horizon in terms of work and what you intend to do. I sense some kind of new learning will go hand in hand with what’s in your mind and knowing you it will all be carefully planned out.

Psychic development course in State of the Art Wigwams under a canopy of stars on 21st - 23rd March at Strathfillan. Tarot, Angel, Spiritual, Chakra and Tarumenology [a combination of tarot and numerology]

For details of any of the above contact Joan on Mob: 07930-697-229 Email:

28th February - 14th March 2014 | Glasgow News 27

Book of Interest -

Free the Unicorn This book, which was written by Hugh Gilbert, has many interesting facts about how you can free yourself from the ties that bind and so well worth a read. Here is a short synopsis on the book to wet your appetite. “The Unicorn is a legendary animal resembling a white horse with a spiralling horn projecting from its forehead. First mentioned by the ancient Greeks it became the most powerful real or imaginary animal throughout the Middle Ages. Commonly described as a symbol of purity and grace, whose magical third eye horn had the power to purify poisoned water and to heal all sickness. Only just over a hundred years ago, belief in Unicorns existence was still widespread among historians; physicians; naturalists; theologians; writers; poets and alchemists!” [Google Definition]. What do you feel when you think of a Unicorn? Perhaps childhood thoughts of magic and mystery?

For many, a longing that they were once real is common. Now I want you to understand something. The symbolism of this playful magical Unicorn is actually feared by those who think they control you! This powerful healing and gentle creature is seen chained to the throne of England in royal coats of arms! Lions, Eagles, Wild Boars, etc are all present and free on heraldic crests, but the Unicorn alone is chained. Anything that needs to be chained must be deeply feared indeed. That sparkling, magical power of the chained Unicorn is indeed inside of you and the thought that you might remember this is what most terrifies

those who would control the world. “The Lies That Bind,” taught by society, are the chains. Society has deliberately created a “Chicken Coup For The Soul” [pun intended]. When you recognise this and see through these illusions, the power of the Unicorn within you will SWIFTLY return to your awareness and YOUR PROSPERITY IS GUARANTEED! “Every dream of success I had as a child has manifested, and every dream that I denied myself has been denied. Enjoy the proof of this statement and identify how the same pattern has played out for you. Set your sails on the path of true prosperity now and do not take a lifetime as I have done.”

Hypnosis & Weight Control

Josephine Mackenzie BSC (Hons) Psychology, PG Cert Clinical Hypnosis, Clinical Practitioner. MBPS MBSCH

Out with the old year and very much into the new and our thoughts turn to getting in shape and weight loss for the upcoming summer holidays.

Clinical hypnosis is a useful tool for stress management, goal setting and relaxation. It can also be an excellent addition to the range of professional techniques available to anyone working within the caring professions. Hypnosis creates a state of relaxation, the therapeutic component allows the patient to access positive states, stress reduction as well as enhancing the patient’s responsiveness to change. So, how does Clinical Hypnosis work? How does it enable us to lose weight painlessly? The reason so many people fail to lose weight or maintain weight loss is simple - they have not addressed the issues, which cause them to overeat in the first place. What happens is, they go back to their old habits and pile the pounds back on. There is a saying, ‘it’s not what we eat, but what’s eating us’ and it is the, self- loathing, feelings of hopelessness, helpless, worthless and lack of love. Many people are emotional eaters, they submerge their feelings and will instead eat any old thing that tastes good (and full of sugar) because food security and love are completely intertwined. I had a patient who had gone through a ‘Gastric Band’ surgery only to find that she was still dealing with ‘emotional eating’. She had taken

this drastic step to lose weight but her emotions had not been dealt with. Clinical hypnosis can help locate and redress our overeating issues. Re-programming the unconscious mind can change our relationship with food forever; the result of which is, losing weight and maintaining that weight loss through a change in the subconscious mind. A huge issue I find with overweight people is early programming whereby it was considered ‘a sin’ to waste food, as children we were forced to finish every scrap of food on the plate. Clinical hypnosis will remedy issues with reprogramming, teaching how to eat less, and that it is OK to actually leave food on the plate You begin to listen to your body and eat mindfully, paying attention to every mouthful and eating slowly, deliberately and enjoying every mouthful of good nutritious food. You will also have no desire for unhealthy sugary fattening foods because your unconscious mind will make those choices for you. In essence, most people know what they have to do to lose weight the therapist simply takes that knowledge from the conscious (aware) part of the mind where it is currently, and moves it to the back of their mind the (unconscious) part where it can become a habit. So all that we know we ‘should’ do to lose weight becomes a habit.

For more details / bookings contact Josephine on mob: 07976-124-488 Email:

“The Law of Attraction / Power of Positive Thinking as presented were deeply flawed. Stop Looking for, and following, the “next big thing” to come along, and realize that you ARE the next big thing. You can still instantly create the prosperity of everything you require in life no matter what your age or no matter what your current scenario in life.” “Follow my story, recognize and relish the proof that there MUST be a powerful, magical wizard, symbolized by society as the unicorn, deep with YOU that you have always known was there, but been afraid to recognize.” Hugh Gilbert

About Hugh: He is an Author, Lecturer, Researcher, Visionary, Physical Therapist, Consultant as well as an Ordained Minister of Spiritual Peacemaking specialising in conflict resolution. You can read an excerpt of the book at:

Shabby Cheap Cheapness

I’m going to talk you through revamping an outdated roller blind you feel is lacking in style and appeal.

By Dani

I started with a white blind that I had no use for and went onto EBay and typed in Vintage Dictionary Pictures.

There I found some lovely vintage images that are overlaid onto a 1920s dictionary in fact – there are loads to choose from so, depending on what you are into, this can give a unique and personal look to your item, flat or house. I laid my roller blind out and took 6 different pictures that I had no further use for - took a craft spray glue which you can get from craft shops and on the internet and onto the back of each picture I sprayed a little glue to stick them to the bottom of the blind leaving a 5cm gap between each picture. I then added Swarovski crystal nails in between each picture to add a little bling and finished off with a sliver ribbon to the line above and below the blind. This is just one idea, you could use anything such as: photos, old button, lace or net.

Definitely shop about - I bought each dictionary picture for £1,99 and added it to an old IKEA blind, which I bought for £6.

While out shopping today in a major high street retailer, I came across a framed vintage dictionary picture costing £25 but you can work your magic inexpensively by simply using your imagination.

The finished Blind

Vintage Art example

To have your old furniture revamped at a reasonable price contact Dani on: 07445-211-957 or check out Shabby Cheapness on Facebook

28 Glasgow News | 28th February - 14th March 2014

28th February - 14th March 2014 | Glasgow News 29

Come curl your way to Olympic glory With the 2014 Sochi Winter Olympics a huge success and British Olympic team giving the nation a sense of pride through their valiant efforts and success.

Braehead Arena are offering fans of Curling a day of enjoyment on the ice, free of charge.

Try Curling sessions are run with fully qualified coaches for those out there who hope to emulate Eve Muirhead and Dave Murdoch. Braehead are offering all necessary equipment, stones, brooms and training aids.

Curling enthusiasts of all ages from budding Muirhead’s and Murdoch’s right up to people nearing retirement are welcome to this exciting day on the ice. It doesn’t matter whether you are an absolute novice or a highly trained professional Curling player.

People in wheelchairs and with

disabilities are especially welcome, bring the whole family. It’s a day for everybody to enjoy a bit of the glamour of the Winter Olympics. Friday 28th February and Saturday 1st March with times throughout the day

Rhona Martin, who led Team GB’s women to Gold at the Salt Lake City Winter Olympics in 2002, said: “The Royal Caledonian Curling Club have worked hard at the Try Curling initiative. There are facilities ready and sessions planned all over the UK. People can go to and find a session.” “Although curling can be difficult, it’s easy to pick up the basics and most people have got them by the end of their first hour on the ice. It’s the techniques and accuracy that you

have to put a lot of time and effort into learning.”

Tom Killin, a member of the Paralympics GB team set to participate at the Winter Paralympics in Sochi in March, said: “I think there’s going be more television coverage of the Winter Paralympics this year, which is fantastic, and I really hope this encourages more people to go along to their local rink to try their hand at curling. “Taster sessions are being run by qualified coaches from The Royal Caledonian Curling Club and I’d encourage people to go along. Some people take a few steps on it and immediately decide it’s not for them, but others instantly take to it.” For more information on how to have a go at curling, visit

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30 Glasgow News | 28th February - 14th March 2014

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Ramblers don’t mince

28th February - 14th March 2014 | Glasgow News 31

their words

`The Scottish Government today launched their Physical Activity Implementation Plan called “A More Active Scotland-Building a Legacy from the Commonwealth Games” and the “fit in 14” campaign which aims to improve Scotland’s fitness during the workplace. 2014 Commonwealth Games legacy. We welcome the long term approach taken by the government for a 10-year plan with milestones after 1 year and 5 years. By 2024, Glasgow and other Scottish cities need to be as good as the best in Europe in terms of active travel, with walking or cycling being the easiest and the first choice for short journeys. Dave Morris, Director of Ramblers Scotland said: “We are very pleased to see the launch of ‘A More Active Scotland’ which is a key step in delivering the

However Dave Morris also highlights that without the correct budgetary realignment there will not be a noticeable change in Scotland’s fitness he said ““However, it is difficult to see how this step-change

in behaviour will be achieved without a similar fundamental change in the Scottish Government’s transport policy and budget. The current level of spending on walking and cycling, at around 1% of the transport budget, will not deliver the proposed increase in physical activity levels across the board.” Ramblers Scotland is the representative body for walkers in Scotland and is widely recognised by the sportscotland board, it has 6,300 members and nearly 60 local walking groups entirely run by volunteers. The Governments get fit initiative

was launched on the nineteenth of February by Shona Robison and she had this to say about the initiative “The Scottish Government is committed to increasing physical activity and we want to make Scotland a more active country by encouraging people to make physical activity a part of their everyday lives. It is well known that regular activity provides a great range of health benefits and makes people feel happier, less stressed and can add years of quality life.” But the head of Ramblers Scotland said that Councils across Ayrshire and Scotland should be trying to copy

Shona Robison Edinburgh’ s example “We would like to see the government emulate the City of Edinburgh Council’s commitment to 5% of its transport budget on active travel, with an increase of 1% year on year. It is only by this long term financial commitment that any real, accelerated change can be delivered, to the benefit of everyone’s health. “ By

G Kelly

32 Glasgow News | 28th February - 14th March 2014

Toryglen housing hope for the future Housing Minister Margaret Burgess announced the beginnings of the regeneration of South Side community Toryglen. By G Kelly With the announcement that 160 new homes are to be built in the area, 100 for tenants, while another 60 are to be privately sold by Cruden Group. Almost £10 million pounds is to be

built in the area which should give the place an incredible transformation. Glasgow Housing Association, Glasgow City Council and Transforming Communities: Glasgow (TC: G) as well as the Scottish Government.

Alongside the modern houses there will be a community base for local projects aiming to increase community participation and pride in the local area, a care home for the elderly will be erected and there are also plans to add in new shops and local amenities. Margaret Burgess speaking about the new project had this to say “The start of work on this site represents a major milestone for the community of North Toryglen. The development will provide good quality, affordable housing and is a great example of close partnership working by Transforming Communities: Glasgow.” Ms Burgess who is the Minister for Housing and Welfare continued

Margaret Burgess joins GHA Chair Gordon Sloan, Bailie Liz Cameron and Bailie James Scanlon, GHA tenants and staff

“The Scottish Government is delighted that its investment in the area will not only provide housing where it’s needed most, but also wider community benefits including job

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Bailie James Scanlon, Gordon Sloan, Margaret Burgess, Bailie Liz Cameron

opportunities and training for local people.

A total of eight areas in the Glasgow area have been highlighted as priority to be regenerated by TC: G. The homes which are scheduled to be finished as early as autumn 2015 consiste of 64 houses, 36 apartments and ten with added disability access. The blueprint for the new living accommodation explains eighteen of these homes will have a single bedroom, and the rest a variety of sizes.

The aim for the new housing regeneration is to provide modern high quality energy efficient homes to GHA tenants who are losing their homes through demolition.

The following 60 private homes will be expected to be completed by autumn 2017.

“Gordon Sloan, GHA Chair, said: “The start of work on these homes

marks the first stage in what will be the transformation of North Toryglen. “It’s an important day and I’d like to thank everyone in the area for their patience. I’m sure our tenants will really enjoy living in these modern, spacious, energy-efficient homes. Local residents have been closely involved in the plans for the new homes.”

Bailie Liz Cameron, Chair of Transforming Communities: Glasgow said “It’s a fantastic day for Toryglen, and another milestone for Transforming Communities: Glasgow.

“This is just the beginning of a project that will see the regeneration of the area with new homes, shops, community facilities and a care home. We can all look forward to a transformed Toryglen in future years. The community is also benefiting from jobs and training opportunities as a result of the work.”

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28th February - 14th March 2014 | Glasgow News 33



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34 Glasgow News | 28th February - 14th March 2014

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28th February - 14th March 2014 | Glasgow News 35


home The start of 2014 may have been relatively mild, but with the recent wet and stormy weather predicted to continue, now is a good time to consider how this may affect your home. Carrying out a winter health check on your home will help identify areas that need attention and catch problems at an early stage, making sure that you and your family are warm and safe. NHBC, the UK’s leading

warranty provider and standard setting body for new build homes, offers the following tips: Heating – If you have a gas boiler, it’s important that you have it serviced annually by a competent and registered engineer. Ensure that your engineer is qualified to work safely and legally on gas appliances with the Gas Safe Register website at Chimneys and flues – If you have a fire that burns either wood or coal, then you should arrange for the chimney

to be swept at least once a year. For gas fires, make sure that the flue outlet is not blocked or obstructed on the external wall of the house. Radiators – To ensure that your central heating is as energy efficient as possible, releasing trapped air or gas by bleeding the radiators can make a real difference. Reflective panels fitted behind radiators can also reduce heat loss and save money. Smoke alarms – Smoke alarms in new homes are wired into the mains, but in older properties may be battery

operated, so ensure these are in working order. Remove any build up of dust and grime with a damp cloth or a vacuum cleaner nozzle, and check that the alarm is working properly by pressing the test button. Roofs – Check the roof of your house (and garage) from the outside with a pair of binoculars to check for slipped or broken tiles, or cracks in the lead work. It’s also worth examining at the roof from inside as a double check for water penetration. Gutters – During autumn, leaves, moss

and other debris may have accumulated in gutters. Blockages can cause leaks, so make sure that the gutters and down pipes are cleared at least once a year. Exterior woodwork – To make sure that woodwork stands up to the rigours of cold and freezing temperatures, it may need repainting or staining. New homes will first need this doing after about two years – after that, at intervals of four to five years. Homes close to the sea may need repainting more often, because salt and wind can be damaging to paint.

36 Glasgow News | 28th February - 14th March 2014

DVLA cuts unnecessary red tape for motorists Motorists will no longer need motor insurance policies to be checked when getting their vehicle tax. The change, announced by Roads Minister Robert Goodwill, is part of a package of measures to get rid of unnecessary red tape. The changes, also mean that motorists will only need to tell DVLA once when they declare their vehicle off the road. Currently, motorists who make a Statutory Off Road Notification (SORN) have to renew their SORN every year. Last year, around 4 million SORN’s were made, with over 1 million of those being repeat renewals. Roads Minister Robert Goodwill said: “We want to make it as easy as possible

for motorists to access government services. Getting rid of needless bits of paper, making changes to free up motorists’ time, while saving money for the taxpayer, is all part of our commitment to get rid of unnecessary red tape.”

The changes to insurance checks have been made possible because DVLA regularly checks existing databases for insurance under Continuous Insurance Enforcement rules. DVLA’s records are compared regularly with the Motor Insurance Database to identify registered keepers of vehicles that have no insurance. Ashton West, Chief Executive at the Motor Insurers’ Bureau (MIB) said: “Motor insurance remains a legal requirement and these changes

recognise the value and importance of the insurance records held centrally on the MID. The introduction of Continuous Insurance Enforcement in 2011 was always designed to provide a more robust and technology driven solution to ensuring that vehicles have insurance in place. The successful introduction of the new process by the DVLA and the MIB has enabled these changes to be made now, which will bring benefits to millions of motorists.” Commenting on the changes to declaring SORN, Geoff Lancaster of the Federation of British Historic Vehicle Clubs said: “DVLA are to be congratulated for making sensible use of their technology to maintain their high standards of service while at the same time simplifying life for road users.”


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28th February - 14th March 2014 | Glasgow News 37

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38 Glasgow News | 28th February - 14th March 2014


Glasgow City fight for draw against Man City Everyone knows that when it comes to cross border fixture’s there is no such thing as a friendly as both teams fought for a wellearned draw. The international friendly between Scottish Champions Glasgow City and English giants Manchester City finished in stalemate today as the two sides enjoyed a competitive 0-0 draw at Petershill Park. It was Glasgow City’s second preseason in seven days friendly against top flight English opposition and the home side battled hard against some of the most famous names in the women’s game, despite a decimated squad which was missing 11 first team players. Notwithstanding the score line, it was

an entertaining match, with both sides having chances to get the vital goal. The power, height and strength of the visitors almost the created the opener when English international and formal Arsenal star Steph Houghton got her head to two corners in the opening 15 minutes. Glasgow City almost scored at the other end with chances for Denise O’Sullivan and Emma Black in particular forcing a series of scrambles in the Manchester box.

brilliantly forcing her way in between the Manchester back line.

City keeper and match sponsor ng homes Player of the Match Lee Alexander had to look lively twice in the second half saving at the feet of England stars Toni Duggan and Isobel Christiansen, while Glasgow City’s eighteen year old Abbi Grant had the home side’s best effort but shot straight at England and Manchester City number 1 Karen Bardsley after

“With the amount of changes made to the side due to injuries and departures, we were always going to suffer at the top end of the park. All of our focus therefore has been on defensive shape.

Commenting on the match, a happy Glasgow City Head Coach Eddie Wolecki Black said, “Considering that, because of a horrendous injury list, we were on the verge of pulling out of this match and the one last week against Everton, I am delighted we have been able to play two very high level games and been competitive.

“To come through the game with a clean sheet and a good competitive game under our belt makes me very satisfied indeed.”

(Picture Graeme Barry)

Next Sunday, Glasgow City will be having a fans day at Petershill Park, due to having no competitive fixture in the first round of the League Cup. The Scottish Champions will play a bounce game, followed by a chance for the fans to get pictures and autographs with all the players along

with a question and answering session with some of City’s biggest stars. The fun starts at 2pm at Petershill Park on Sunday 2nd March. The fans day is completely free of charge and everyone is welcome. By

Laura Montgomery

Scotland announce Scotland handed

new football strip tough draw to By

qualify for France

G Kelly

Gordon Strachan peered through his hands as Scotland was paired with the second best team in the world for Euro 2016.

Scotland announced a new Away top at a press conference in JD Sports in Glasgow City Centre and initial first impressions are debatable.

Scotland will face Germany, Poland, Republic of Ireland, Georgia and newcomers Gibraltar for a fight to reach France in Euro 2016

While definitely deserving credit for originality it will remind a lot of people of a childhood yearning tooth destroying, dentist aggravating chew-bar.

Scotland fans will remember James McFadden’s wonder goal against the French but will also remember that the last time the Scots reached a tournament was the World Cup in France 1998.

The strip with its very distinctive stripes doesn’t feature what you would usually determine as national colours, but perhaps that’s what the team desperately needs. A new direction and boy has the football top definitely created a diverse opinion. All that matters are the results on the pitch, thousands of the Tartan Army will wear it with pride, and the deciding factor will be whether the national side can embrace that pride and do us proud on the pitch.

German side. Be sure of this, with positive results the football jersey will suddenly become a beautiful superstition however if results fail to favour the national side it will become a hideous albatross.

With Scotland set to play Poland in a friendly and open the Qualification games for Euro 2016 against a strong

Let us not forget the “Salmon” escapade. Now is the time Scotland, greatness awaits.

Germany will be favourites to qualify as group winners but with automatic qualification for second place and the play offs for third; there has never been a better time for Strachan’s Scotland team to reach a competitive final. Scotland will have stern opposition facing them though with a resurgent Ireland side with the management team of Martin O Neil and Roy Keane they will also fancy their chances of qualification. The Polish side will also fancy their chances and are slowly making their

way back to being a formidable team but are some way off of reaching their 2007 peak, of sixteenth in the world Dark Horses of the group are definitely Gibraltar who are appearing in their first tournament and controversially were initially drawn alongside world champions Spain.

Due to ongoing political aggravation in the region, UEFA decided that it was best to move them along into another group to avoid any stressful confrontations in the region. Scotland open their Euro 2016 qualifying campaign away to group favourites Germany, on Sunday 7TH September, and to take any points would be a major boost to their chances of qualification.

Gordon Strachan speaking to BBC believes that all four other teams in the group will fancy their chances of qualification he said “The Germans might make one mistake, possibly two, but I don’t think they have failed to qualify for a major tournament, so the rest of us will be looking for second place,” said Strachan.

“It will be really tough for everyone in the group.”

The Euro 2016 draw was a first for all teams concerned with the pool of teams being increased to 53 and the amount of teams able to qualify for the finals expanded from sixteen to 24. Thanks partially to the Scottish and Irish’ respective FA and Irish Manager Martin O Neil could only laugh when the two teams got drawn together. He said “I think that anybody who looked at the draw would say it’s as tough as they come, it’s still exciting. Even if you stretch down to pot five, where Georgia have come from, they can play a bit themselves.”

He continued “Germany being the outstanding side in the group, I still believe that points will be taken off each other, so I imagine it should remain exciting right until the end.” O’Neill spoke of his excitement at facing off against his occasional golfing partner ““I’m sure he is looking forward to it,” said the Ireland manager “I’m sure he’ll be as excited as I am myself.”

The irony being of course that Martin O’Neil had a helping hand in having Gordon Strachan appointed as Celtic manager when he vacated the seat.

28th February - 14th March 2014 | Glasgow News 39


Glasgow Rocks Winning Weekend

Rocks closed the gap on 8th place Durham in their push for the play-offs and also advanced to the Semi-finals of the Trophy with a double weekend win over the Manchester Giants. A terrific team performance helped the home side to the 85-80 victory in the first of a weekend double-header with the Giants. By Kierran Allardice The result put an end to a run of four straight league defeats for the home team.

Despite a shaky opening couple of minutes for the Rocks they soon asserted themselves and took the lead – a lead which they saw through for the rest of the game, despite a late surge from Manchester. A dominant end to the first quarter meant the Rocks led 28-22 going into the second.

All ten players had time on the court by the early stages of the second quarter, Rocks coach Sterling Davis said: “I was analysing some things and changed things up a little bit more. I just wanted to give some other guys an opportunity to show what they can do on the floor and they did a good job today.”

Manchester got themselves back in the game midway through the quarter as they reduced the deficit to a single point but another strong finish to the quarter gave the Rocks a 49-39 lead at the half. The third quarter was much more even affair with the sides trading baskets before a three from Johnny Bunyan gave the Rocks a 13 point lead the widest margin of the game. It was a nervy final minute for the Rocks but they held on for the 85-80 win.

Speaking after the game Sterling Davis said: “I thought it was a good team effort, everybody did their part and executed the game plan so I was happy about that.” When asked about their play-off chances, he said: “We’ve got to put together a string of wins and do what we can do right now and after that we’ll see what happens. That’s what our plan is.” The Rocks had the unenviable task of having to play the Giants twice in the span of three days but after the heroics of their Championship fixture victory on Friday the team were full of confidence prior to their Trophy Quarter Final fixture.

The Rocks started off slow and found themselves 10pts off the pace in the opening few minutes only to steady the ship and gain the lead by the end of the 1st quarter, 22-19.

The game would then see-saw for the remainder of the evening with the Rocks taking the ascendancy in the final quarter thanks to a strong defensive effort from the team.

With a little over 1 minute remaining in the game the Rocks led 71-66, but a pair of free-throws by the Giants Rob Marsden and a three-pointer by David Watts tied it all up at 71 with 24 seconds remaining.

However, Rocks’ forward Gareth Murray had the last say, scoring the gamewinner with only 4 seconds to spare. Aliu had a chance to win it for Giants, but his three-pointer fell short which meant that the Rocks had qualified for the BBL Trophy Semi-Finals for the first time since 2006.

The Glasgow team will now face Cheshire Phoenix in the next round of the Trophy. The semi-final will be played on a two-legged basis and dates will be confirmed in the near future. The Final will once again take place at the Emirates Arena in Glasgow, a venue which proved to be a fitting backdrop for last years’ dramatic conclusion to the competition.

Tigers go Dutch! With the new speedway season now just a month away, things are hotting up around Ashfield Stadium as preparations are at full throttle.

With the Glasgow club still sweating on the visa application for Aussie racer Joey Ringwood to return for a second season of British track action, the remainder of the Tigers side are now well into their preparations to travel to the City at the end of March. Latest team news announced at the weekend is that team boss Stewart Dickson has appointed Dutch international, and fans favourite, Theo Pijper to skipper the Tigers team in 2014. Pijper, who has joined Glasgow from parent club Edinburgh, last rode in the West of Scotland in Tigers title winning

2011 season and has remained the most popular visiting rider ever since. Such is the flying Dutchman’s popularity with Glasgow supporters that he has elected to stage his testimonial meeting later in the season at Ashfield Stadium in preference to Edinburgh where he has spent the majority of his British career. One Glasgow rider who is currently preparing, in style, for the season ahead is 19 year old Dane Anders Thomsen who is being put through his paces in the moderate South of France with the Danish national squad.

Thomsen, who linked up with Glasgow midway through the 2013 season, was an instant hit with the supporters given his do or dare racing style which resulted in him being concussed more than once. With that half season British speedway experience under his belt Tigers management team believe that

the club will greatly benefit from a more assured performer in the months ahead, particularly as the youngster will start at reserve berth. Supporters will get their first look at their new improved team when the club stage their pre season Press & Practice session at Ashfield Stadium on Wednesday, 26th March from 2pm.

This same event will also give fans and riders their first chance to see the newly installed air fence which has become mandatory in British speedway in 2014 in an attempt to contribute to rider safety. The club would like to remind business owners, and individuals, that they can showcase their branding, goods and services via advertising on the Tigers new air fence, details can be found on the club website

Slump hits the Braehead Clan A disappointing second period saw Braehead Clan turn a slender lead into a defeat as the Sheffield Steelers inflicted the Glasgow’s side fourth loss on the trot.

Braeheads Matt Towe found the net in the opening minute as Braehead made the best possible start to the game, with Ed McGrane adding a second a couple of minutes later.However the Steelers, who are competing with the Clan for second place in the Elite League, hit back with Chris Blight sending the puck past home goalie Mike Will.

Robert Dowd was next on hand to despatch the equaliser for the Yorkshire side as they took advantage of a weak Clan defensive line. The goal of the night came from the Clans own Ed McGrane, who finished a one-timer to restore the lead after great collaboration involving Neil Trimm and Joel Champagne.

Things began to click for the Steelers in the second period when Blight forced home his second of the night from close range, once again bringing the scoreline back to even footing. Sheffields Dowd got the final touch of the period giving the visitors a lead for the first time in the game and dealt a massive blow to Braehead’s hopes of victory.

The Steelers seemed to step things up a gear and when Jeff Legue scored to make it 5-3 late in the second period, the Clans hopes of victory in this match were dashed. Particularly after Gord Baldwin of the Steelers managed to finish his own rebounded effort, compounding what had been a disappointing night for Braehead, as they progress into March without a win in their last four matches. Summing up the last couple of weeks, Clan coach Ryan Finnerty said: “It’s frustrating right now and any time you lose your starting goalie and two defencemen, it’s always tough. Looking ahead, our goalie Kyle Jones will be back soon, as will Chris Frank, who has one game to serve on a suspension. Had we gone in with a full line-up against Sheffield, I’m confident we would have come away with a result. We’ll lick our wounds, correct some errors ahead of the two

games with Edinburgh and you’ll see a different team out there.”

Braehead Clan take on the Edinburgh Capitals on Saturday 1st March (7pm face-off) in ‘Bring a Buddy night’. All supporters are invited to bring a someone new to the game and cheer the Clan on for a win against the Capitals. Tickets are available to purchase from Ticketmaster or by calling 0844 499 1700.

Tickets can also be purchased from the Braehead Arena Box Office or on the night. Also don’t forget following this Saturday’s game it is Skate with the Clan. Join all your favourite Clan players on the ice for only £5.00 per person, with skate hire available for £2.00. By

Craig Anderson

40 Glasgow News | 28th February - 14th March 2014


you should’ve gone to...

Sprigs and Twigs


by West of Scotland Media Mon Feb 2014 63 65Published | Published 28th Feb3rd - 14th Mar 2014 |Issue Issue by West of Scotland Media

6 Nations


596 Alexandra Parade, Glasgow Tel: 0141 550 4263 E:

Round Three Review Last weekend was definitely a weekend of rugby which the teams and fans will remember for some time to come with two of the closest matches of the competition being played on Saturday and a fantastic return to form for Wales on Friday with a powerhouse performance by the men in red. This leg of the competition saw the championship returning to the table for Wales and England after shaky starts from both sides against Ireland and France respectively and the loss against England spelled end of Ireland’s hopes for a Grand Slam. Scotland managed to pull the iron out of the fire and avoid the wooden spoon in a decider match at the bottom of the table on Saturday against Italy which came right down to the wire being decided by a drop goal from Duncan Weir with 10 seconds left on the clock. The Scotland, Italy match proved to truly be a game of two halves, with both sides playing a defensive and dull first half ending with and Italian lead but turning it around in the second 40 minutes with an electrifying climax which was sure to have every Scotland

fan watching the game through their fingers. With Italy leading by 2 points in the last minutes of the game, all seemed to be lost for Scotland, who were putting monumental pressure on the Italian defense to no avail. However with 8 seconds left on the clock the boys from Murrayfield managed to get fly half, Duncan Weir into the kicking zone. In a desperate last chance effort, Weir took the chance of going for a drop goal as the Scotland team knew they were not going to be able to penetrate the Italian line before the final whistle and it was a success. Weir’s efforts were rewarded with a 3 point drop goal which just managed to cover the distance needed to go between the uprights. Weirs efforts brought Scotland to a one point lead against Italy with no time left on the clock. After the Italian restart all that

was left for Scotland to do was to kick the ball into touch after wrestling it from a surging Italian front row, intent on doing damage after having victory snatched from their grasp at literally the last minute. Weir said in a post match interview “It’s the first time I have dropped a goal for Scotland and it has never been more important. I’m absolutely delighted, In those pressure moments you can only focus on your routine. I made sure I got my ball drop right and got a clean connection. I’m just so thankful it went over. I ran off celebrating, going off my head. It was an immense feeling.” After narrowly avoiding the wooden spoon last week in Rome, Scotland will take on an unpredictable France at Murrayfield on the 8th of March, a game which Scotland will be taking very seriously after their narrow brush with defeat.

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