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25th April - 9th May 2014 | Glasgow News 1 Express Timber Products Ltd

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25th Apr - 9th May 2014 | Issue 69 | Published by West of Scotland Media

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skin cancer time-bomb People in Scotland being diagnosed with skin cancer has rocketed since the 1970’s. Experts believe this is due to the ease people can choose cheap sunshine holidays and the explosion in people using regular sunbeds.


Gregg Kelly

Malignant Melanoma is one of the most dangerous forms of skin cancer, with 1,200 cases being diagnosed in Scotland along each year. This equates to more than three a day.

people are now treated successfully compared to the 1970’s were 23 percent of cancer patients survived for less than ten years.

A shocking statistic compared to the 1970’s when it was around 190 a year.

In Glasgow in 2012 it was found that skin cancer rates had soared by 150% percent among 15-35 year old’s, compared to skin cancer rates at the end of the 1980’s.

Fortunately statistics released have shown that 8 in 10

Continued on page 2


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2 Glasgow News | 25th April - 9th May 2014

CONTACTS West of Scotland Media Published by West of Scotland Media Ltd

Tel: 0141 764 1808 WOS Media - The Publishers would like to state it’s clear impartiality towards the views and opinions of its advertiser’s products, services or sales messages promoted inside this newspaper. If for any reason the publishers are not entirely satisfied with elements of material submitted via paid or free advertising, it will reserve the right to withdraw or modify without notice or reason. We will not be liable to you for any loss or damage suffered by you or your business arising out of or in any connection with any total or partial failure to publish an advertisement on any website or publication; loss of artwork, copy, photograghs or material including errors; and including, without limitation, negligence, statutory duty or otherwise arising out or in connection with us. The placing of an order for advertising to be included in any publication or website shall amount to an acceptance of these conditions.

Continued from page 1 With many people craving a “Hollywood” tan, they are spending more and more time under the UV light of a sun-bed. Without truly realising the danger they are putting themselves in, and the irreversible damage they are doing to their skin as a result of their deadly addiction. A spokesman for Cancer Research UK said “the rise is partly down to an explosion in package holidays across Europe starting from the late 1960’s and the increasing popularity of the must have tan, often achieved after damaging sunburn.” Cancer Research UK also released information saying that men have less chance of surviving skin cancer than woman, with 1300 men and only 900 women dying each year. With the same number of both gender being diagnosed per annum. Cancer Research UK dermatologist Professor Julia Newton-Bishop says “we suspect women have a stronger immune system than men.” German researchers have also isolated a gene that apparently appears to make men but not women more susceptible to melanoma. Prof Newton Bishop suggests that “it could be because men are less likely to get diagnosed until the melanoma is at a much more advanced stage.” The nature and pride of men who will be determined to bury their head in the sand until its too late. Newton-Bishop also says that “skin cancer appears more prominently on men’s back while it appears more frequently on a women’s arms and legs. Meaning that it will be harder for men to spot it on their body.” Guidelines that the relatively pale skinned Scots and Glaswegians can use to protect themselves during the sunniest days of summer are: wearing a wide brimmed hat, a T-shirt and sunglasses when in the sun and protecting skin with sunscreen with a minimum of factor 15. With Scotland expected to experience a fantastic summer of sunshine, a whole host of festivals, sporting events, outdoor concerts and the Commonwealth Games. If the public are outside for extended periods of sunshine It would be wise to to take care of themselves and their family. Remember having a tan to die for, doesn’t have to cost you your life.

West of Scotland Media has moved Here at West of Scotland Media, we’ve moved into new premises in the heart of the East end.

Our move has been a necessity as we under take an unprecedented expansion programme, with bigger offices and more staff and and a new outlook on the world of media production. With a new design studio which can handle all your design needs we are geared to take on more business and provide a better service than ever before to new and returning clients.

Our new address is: West of Scotland Media, Suite 2/6, Brook Street Studios, 60 Brook Street, Glasgow G40 2AB Find us online at:

15 year old disappears from her bedroom Police officers in East Renfrewshire have issued an appeal to help find a 15 year old girl who disappeared from her bedroom Monday 21st April sometime after 2300 hours. Niamh Cockton was last seen at her home in Williamwood Drive Clarkston, after heading upstairs to bed, her parents checked on her a short while later only to find that she had vanished from her bedroom. Niamh is around 5 ft 4 inches, with slim build. She has light brown hair with distinctive blue streaks. When she was last seen Niamh was wearing dark ‘skinny jeans’, a black t-shirt with a mermaid on the front, a blue

hooded top and dark shoes. Niamh’s parents have told the police that she was dealing with some personal issues at the moment and her parents are pleading for her to return home, they are both extremely distressed and just want to know she is safe and well. Inspector Alan Dickson said “We have been carrying out extensive enquiries, speaking to family and friends in

an effort to locate her. However, all attempts to find her have so far proved unsuccessful. We are becoming increasingly concerned for Niamh’s welfare and I am appealing to anyone who may have seen or heard from her or who has any knowledge as to her whereabouts to contact us.” Anyone with information in regards to Niamh are being asked to contact the Giffnock Police Office on the non emergency number 101.

New Production and Creative Department

Queen Street Station set for £105 million transformation

Scotland’s third busiest train station Queen Street Station is set to be redeveloped with everything from the infrastructure, exterior and passenger facilities being upgraded.

The ambitious project is part of the £650m Edinburgh Glasgow Improvement Programme (EGIP) which aims to deliver a rolling programme of electrification across the Central Belt over the next five years and beyond.

The £104 million pound transformation will allow Queen St to expand that it is expected to accommodate 28 million passengers by 2030 and also will allow longer trains, and see them arrive and leave the station at a higher frequency.

Transport Minister Keith Brown spoke of his delight at how the EGIP scheme will help improve rails services in Glasgow “Queen Street Station is at the heart of Glasgow’s railway network and passengers using the station should enjoy an experience befitting of that role.

The images of what can be expected at the new and improved train station have been released. The east side of the building will extend to Buchanan Galleries, with added passenger facilities over two levels. The entrance and hotel extension above will be completely redesigned and replaced with a modern glass frontage. The Network Rail website says of the redevelopment which is set to begin this year in 2014 and last for five years until 2019 “Queen Street Station will become a landmark, modern station, which reflects Queen Street’s role as a gateway to the city and also as an important departure point for visitors heading north.”

He continued passionately “The EGIP scheme will result in 30% per cent more seats and around 20% per cent faster journey times on our flagship route. Its already delivered the stunning new-look £25million Haymarket station in Edinburgh and this complete transformation of Queen Street means passengers will benefit at both ends and at all points in between.” A public consultation on the redevelopment of Queen Street Station will run until 31st May and you can send any questions or comments to By

Dreva Vine

Labour back Ethical Care Charter Katy Clark MP has welcomed the Labour Group’s proposal to sign up to the UNISON Ethical Care Charter – and has called on the council to do so as soon as possible. The Ethical Care Charter aims to improve social care by tackling the issues that poor commissioning has created. It would end the scandal of 15 minute care visits, ensure that appointments are scheduled to meet the needs of the client, pay staff the living wage and pay them for travel time and costs. Kilwinning Labour Councillor Joe Cullinane proposed that the Council sign up to the Charter on 26th March. The issue has been remitted for further debate. Speaking on the issue, Katy said, “I welcome the Labour Group’s motion on UNISON’s Ethical

Care Charter as it is time to end the scandal of poorly commissioned social care.” “Our elderly and most vulnerable deserve social care which meets their care needs and provides them with dignity and independence not rushed 15 minute visits where the care worker has to cram in their work in order to get to their next appointment.” “The Ethical Care Charter will put an end to the problems caused by council’s commissioning based purely on cost and I would urge all councillors to support Labour’s proposal and agree to sign the council up to the Charter as soon as possible.”

25th April - 9th May 2014 | Glasgow News 3

4 Glasgow News | 25th April - 9th May 2014

McDonald’s Assisted Suicide Bill Lives On By

Lex Haringman

Margo McDonald MSP, also known as “the blonde bombshell”, passed away earlier this month, aged 70, after struggling against the degenerative Parkinson’s disease for almost two decades. In her final years, she fought for a controversial bill which if passed would give individuals the right to die. After her previous 2010 attempt was rejected by the Scottish Parliament, McDonald introduced a revised version of The Assisted Suicide (Scotland) Bill on 13 November 2013. It enables those suffering from terminal and lifeshortening illnesses, including progressive conditions, to seek assistance when they decide to end their lives.

explanatory notes, the Bill stresses that it “does not authorise any form of euthanasia”. Instead it protects those assisting the suicide from criminal and civil liability. The current law in Scotland does not make suicide illegal and there is no specific law governing those who assist it. However, in theory people assisting suicide can be charged with homicide.

The Bill has safeguards which aim The assisted suicide must occur to protect the vulnerable individual, within the period of 14 days that along with an “early warning” system they receive the prescription. In the over the age of 16 can Clyde Gateway 2014 ad copy.pdf where 21/3/14patients 14:05:15

inform their GP of their support in principal for assisted suicide. They must then wait a minimum of 7 days before they can formally request it. All requests must be supported by a second professional opinion. Despite this, the bill has still received much criticism from various groups. Kevin McKenna branded McDonald ‘Scotland’s very own Angel of Death’ in his article published by The Guardian earlier this year.

He points out that those who feel this way may be the minority and could be suffering from depression. Another argument McKenna makes is that elderly patients will use this bill so that they no longer feel like a burden on their families and friends.

Kevin McKenna argued that the Bill assumed that life was intolerable and not worth living for the terminally ill.

Nevertheless, the Bill has received support from other groups, including 11 medical experts who sent a group letter

to The Herald newspaper which stated: “we believe the safeguards designed to protect the vulnerable are comprehensive and rigorous, with doctors being the best professionals to assess for any concerns regarding coercion.” A poll released earlier this year revealed that 69% of those questioned supported the legalisation of assisted suicide and only 13% were opposed.

CBI fallout continues After the highly unpredicted political stance of the Confederation Of British Industry (CBI) in which they unequivocally declared their preference for Scotland to remain in the Union. Three top Scottish universities have had to withdraw their membership to allow themselves to be politically neutral as an educating body. C








Glasgow University, Aberdeen University and Edinburgh University all withdrew their participation in the organisational body after the business lobby group registered with the Electoral Commission as a backer of the prounion campaign in the Scottish independence referendum debate. The three universities said in a statement that they had no option but to resign in order to “maintain impartiality.” Robert Gordon University in Aberdeen said it was not going to resign from the CBI but still iterated that it is and would remain “strictly neutral” on the referendum. CBI director general John Cridland released a statement defending the organisations actions’

he said he didn’t believe that the economic case had been made for independence but neither was the company aiming to influence voters in the upcoming referendum. The three universities that abandoned CBI followed a weekend where Scottish Enterprise, Visit Scotland and STV left the CBI. The Scottish Government said that it was “clearly inappropriate for government agencies to remain in membership of CBI.” John Cridland said in an interview “we’re a business organisation and on the business issues-jobs in Scotland, growth in Scotland or living standards we have a view, we believe that the economy of Scotland and the economy of England will be stronger together.” By

Gregg Kelly

25th April - 9th May 2014 | Glasgow News 5

Who loves

chocolate? With the Easter holidays nearly upon us and people allowed to indulge their most chocoholic behaviour we at the Ayrshire News thought we would tell you a little about chocolate and its scrumptious history.

Everyone knows we are a nation of chocolate lovers but its only this week that we have began to realise the extent of our obsession. It has been claimed that the average UK resident eats their way through 10 kg of chocolate a year and also that woman spend nearly twenty pounds more than men per year. A whopping 78.5% percent of woman admitted to pinching colleagues chocolate when left in a communal fridge. (so that’s where my chocolate goes) Chocolate however has a long and mysterious history, some say that there have been traces of chocolate found back at the beginning of civilization in the Aztec time. As far back as 1900BC. In the book The True History of Chocolate by Sophie and Michael Coe they give evidence to support

the fact that chocolate was pre Columbian culture. The Smithsonian website gives evidence to suggest that there is definitive evidence to support the case of chocolate residue being found in Honduras in 1500 BC. In pre modern Latin America cacao bean(the bean chocolate is derived from) was used as currency according to a sixteenth century Aztec document. Nowadays the chocolate industry is worth a massive £3.96 billion pounds and in Britain we consume 660, 900 tonnes of chocolate per year. Britain are the seventh largest consumers of chocolate in the world with Switzerland being the worlds foremost consumers and 40%percent of the worlds chocolate in consumed in Europe alone. As well as chocolate tasting simply beautiful it can also have almost medicinal qualities (good excuse the next time someone asks for a bit of yours)

Usain “Bolting” to Glasgow Commonwealth Games actually be considered a true fact because it contains a chemical called phenylethylamine which is released naturally to give you the sensation of falling in love with someone but is also contained within chocolate, thus when you eat chocolate you are literally falling in love with it. Chocolate contains dopamine, serotonin which are a natural painkiller and a pleasure inhibitor respectively. Chocolate began to be mass produced in Britain to combat peoples reliance on alcohol and some of the largest confectionery companies in Britain were created to produce chocolate, Fry, Rowntree, Cadbury were all established so that people would renounce consumption of alcohol which the Quakers considered a sin, whilst able to enjoy chocolate which was deemed nothing more than a harmless vice.

The phrase “I love chocolate” can

Hanzala Malik MSP Member of the Scottish Parliament for Glasgow Region Advice Surgeries are held on: The first Friday of the month 10:00 am 333 Woodlands Road, G3 6NG The third Monday of the month 4pm. Govanhill Library, 170 Langside Road, G42 7JU 5:30pm. Hyndland Secondary School, Lauderdale Gdns, G12 9RQ There are no surgeries on school or public holidays. Translation service available on request by prior arrangement. 7 ways to contact Hanzala Malik:

• 333 Woodlands Road, Glasgow, G3 6NG • The Scottish Parliament, Edinburgh, EH99 1SP • Tel. 0141 218 4567 • Fax. 0141 334 0234 • E-mail: • •


Richard Garland

It has been revealed that Usain Bolt is almost certain to appear at Glasgow’s Commonwealth Games according to the figure who helped bring the games to Scotland.

Louise Martin the vice chair of the 2014 organising committee said that the Olympic Superstar is 95% percent certain to be running at the event which is expected to attract a television audience of nearly a billion people. Louise however admitted that the worlds fastest man might not compete in the three events that he competed in during the last two Olympic Games. Bolt who took part in the 100, 200 and 4x100m relay is being lured to Scotland and Britain with the promise of guaranteed tax concessions alongside the other athletes taking part. Any lingering doubts about Usain Bolt’s appearance at Glasgow’s sporting show-piece this summer will evaporate if he as expected takes part in the Sainbury’s Glasgow Grand Prix two weeks before the Games. Louise Martin had this to say about

Usain Bolt and the anticipation for his appearance at the Games “We know that he will almost certainly be in the Diamond League two weeks before the opening ceremony for Glasgow,” said Martin, who is also honorary secretary of the Commonwealth Games Federation, the global governing body for the four-yearly event. “Once he gets into the Diamond League and sees the atmosphere at Hampden, I think he’ll want to make another appearance there. Louise Martin said of the man who can reach speeds of 23.7 mph and is currently world record holder for the Olympics 100m, 200m and numerous others “Everybody has been working with him. I think he would genuinely like to be here. He’s got a house in London and we now have dispensation from taxes and all of that sort of thing.” She concluded “putting all of that together, I would say I’m 95 per cent certain that he will be here. What he will do, I don’t know. I’d love to see him run all three. By

Gregg Kelly

Man arrested after death at Clydebank flat A man is facing a life sentence after launching a frenzied knife attack on his friend’s father at a flat in Clydebank Sunday 29th December. Ian Gerard Rankin aged 46 was found by police severely injured in the town’s Graham Avenue at about 01:30. Mr Rankin died a short time later. Sean Crombie admitted attacking Ian Rankin with a baton, a crutch, and a knife on 29 December last year at the victims flat in Clydebank. At the High Court in Glasgow it was said that Sean Crombie stabbed Mr Rankin 36 times in

the chest and neck after having a knife hidden in the waistband of his trousers. Crombie arrived at Mr Rankin’s flat looking for his son, however he wasn’t at the flat and instead Rankin invited Crombie in for a drink. The court heard that the two men knew each other and that Crombie was a friend of Mr Rankin’s teenage son. After the incident Crombie was later heard saying to police “it’s me you’re looking for. I did it.” Whilst in the flat an argument broke out between the two men and around 1:00am neighbours heard the sound of broken glass. Crombie admitted the murder to his aunt and partner and later that morning admitted his guilt to police saying that “he had to face up to what he’d done.” Judge Lord Burns will determine how many years Crombie must face behind bars before being able to apply for parole. Sentencing will be carried out next month. By

Gregg Kelly

6 Glasgow News | 25th April - 9th May 2014

Changes at the top of East Renfrewshire Council Local pupils win Saltire awards Big-hearted pupils at Eastwood High School have been given awards for volunteering.

Changes at the top of East Renfrewshire Council signal its intent to press ahead with its drive to deliver the best value service for local residents. A number of departmental changes have seen senior management numbers reduced and structures streamlined. This reflects the council’s ongoing commitment to modernisation and efficiencies, which has seen a 37% reduction in senior staff since 2008. The council’s top finance man, Norie Williamson, has this month retired after 10 years at East Renfrewshire and 31 in local government in total. Norie has built an unrivalled reputation for prudent budgeting and balancing council books and in his time here has continually helped the council win praise from Audit Scotland for the handling of its finances. He has left East Renfrewshire in an excellent position to face the financial future. His departure has resulted in a number of departmental changes – including

reducing the number of directors from five to four. Deputy Chief Executive Caroline Innes has an extended role and has taken on the directorship of corporate and community services which brings together a number of support and front-line services, which now include ICT and revenue services to add to, among others, HR, young people’s services and customer services. Now at the accountancy helm is Margaret McCrossan, who will lead the council’s forthcoming budget savings programme within the Chief Executive’s Office, reporting direct to chief executive Lorraine McMillan. Mrs McMillan said: “Margaret will build on the legacy left by Norie to ensure the council is ready to meet the financial challenges ahead as the council plans for 2015/16. We are embarking on a new and challenging era at the council and I confident that, with these changes, we are fully equipped, able for change, and ready to enhance our provision of first-class services to our communities.”

as guides during an open weekend at Eastwood High last autumn.

A group of senior students were presented with Saltire Awards.

The school opened last August and it took part in Doors Open Day in September so the local community could see inside the spectacular £29m building.

They gained the honours after acting

The pupils welcomed members of the public

Currently there are no regulations on what banks can charge per

Saltire Awards are new Scottish honours designed to recognise the commitment and contribution of young people who help voluntary organisations. They are supported by the Scottish Government.

Take heed, is it a bad seed or just weed? A pro cannabis “protest” involving hundreds of people went off without a hitch as campaigners staged a sit in at Glasgow Green. The protest which was in defiance of cannabis laws in the UK was accompanied by half a dozen police officers who made only five arrests throughout the course of the day.

With many countries across the world, including America, have seen its stringent drug laws relaxed and with some states in the U.S making smoking the drug legal(and taxable) people will start looking at the UK to see if they will follow suit and relax archaic laws. Countries such as Argentina, Uruguay and certain states in America, such as Washington, Colorado, California it

With Holland and Amsterdam being the leaders in liberal thinking in the battle against drug gangs and a recent report showing that in the Netherlands they are having to shut down prisons, through a lack of people committing crimes. Its understandable why people look to the Dutch policy on battling drugs as the way forward in the modern age. At the campaign for the legalisation of cannabis in Glasgow Green the members of the Glasgow Cannabis Social Club set up stalls and handed out leaflets arguing for the decriminalisation of the drug.

Premium rate bank phone lines capped After pressure from the Rip-Off Britain campaign, the financial regulator is going forward with a cap on premium rate charges to customers contacting their banks.

to the school and showed them around.

With many countries such as Brazil, Mexico, Columbia, America and Britain in a seemingly un-winnable drug war, could it be time to look at other ways of battling the scourge of drugs. minute or per call from customers, but after months of campaigning by Rip-Off Britain, the regulators have agreed to introduce a cap on the cost of contacting your bank, with charges to 0845 numbers being limited to the normal rate.

Allegedly there was cannabis being openly smoked at the rally and because of this the event witnessed a few of its participants receiving fines for their brazen attitude toward cannabis laws in the UK. A police Scotland spokesman said “five people face minor charges which occurred during the rally”.

is possible to acquire Marijuana for medical aid and free of the fear of prosecution. In Canada there was a demonstration across many of the major states including Canadian capital city Ottawa protesting for the legalisation of marijuana

With a special United Nations convention on drugs scheduled for 2016, brought forward from 2019, perhaps the UN has a new outline in the battle against drugs. Its plain to see that the previous one hasn’t worked. By

Gregg Kelly

25th April - 9th May 2014 | Glasgow News 7

Is Your Back Up to the Challenge of Springtime? The arrival of spring usually signals a change in activities. At this time of year we often see a number of people complaining of back pain as a result of gardening, participating in sports, and taking part in other outdoor activities. Is your back prepared for the change? If your back is already feeling the pressure, it can often take only a simple twist or bend to put it over the edge. As you prepare to enjoy this time of year, perhaps now would be a good time to visit one of the highly-trained osteopaths at Glasgow Osteopaths and take advantage of a limitedtime special offer: a complete Spinal Assessment using a posture analysis machine (£35 value) for only £5. Osteopathy is a very safe form of treatment. Instead of drugs, osteopaths use their hands both to discover the underlying causes of pain and to carry out treatment using a variety of techniques from massage of soft tissues to manipulation and movement of joints. Maybe it’s lower back pain or a work or sports related injury that’s keeping you from being as active as you would like to be. Osteopathy can typically help these problems and

allow you to get back to your normal activities. It can be also be helpful in treating other conditions, such as some headaches and neck pain. Glasgow Osteopaths has three locations covering the Greater Glasgow area: The Natural Health Service (123 High St, Glasgow), the Paisley Osteopathic Clinic (31 Moss St.), and the Lenzie Osteopathic Clinic (1 Garngaber Avenue). Each location benefits from high-quality facilities in central, easily-accessible locations with nearby train stations & car parking. Owner and Principal Osteopath Asif Allauddin is proud to bring the superior Glasgow Osteopaths quality of service and care to patients at each clinic. Says Asif, ‘We offer a relaxed, warm, and welcoming approach to osteopathy in fresh, inviting surroundings, and we provide a high level of service. People don’t always know what to expect with an osteopathic consultation, but if we feel we can’t help them, we will refer them to the appropriate specialist free of charge.’

I was experiencing all my aches and pains.’ – Carol

- ‘conducted with sensitivity and dignity and in a professional manner’ – Marion - ‘After years of being told the old chestnuts of “wear and tear” or “age, etc.”, it was great to actually be told and shown what was wrong and what could be done.’ – John - ‘It was very helpful and explained why I am having such pain in my right hip and also headaches on the right side of my head.’ – anon - ‘Looking at the photo showed me that I carry my right shoulder higher. Reassessing my workstation has improved this and now I have no more pain.’ – anon

The high standard of patient care is reflected in the positive feedback received from patients:

The clinics are registered with leading providers of healthcare insurance including BUPA, AXA, AVIVA, and PruHealth and have helped many patients manage their pain. There are experienced osteopaths at the clinics. Each is a member of the General Osteopathic Council and can treat a wide variety of problems and injuries. Asif is also an active member of the Scottish Osteopathic Society and an osteopath for larger companies and local authorities.

- ‘The consultation gave me peace of mind as the osteopath could see why

Tim Bassett specialises in treating sports injuries, relocated to Scotland

Expiry date: 9th May 2014

after working as an osteopath in London with a team of physiotherapists and doctors in a medical rehabilitation and preventative therapy facility.

Faith Johns relocated to Glasgow after studying Biomedical Science at Aberdeen University and completing her Masters degree in Osteopathy at Oxford Brookes University. In addition to standard osteopathic treatment, Faith is also qualified to perform cranial osteopathy, medical acupuncture, and sports massage.

concessions and children) but until May 9th 2014, Glasgow Osteopaths is pleased to offer a full Spinal Assessment using the spinal analysis machine, comprising an osteopathic consultation, examination, and postural assessment, for just £5.

Bethany Alston moved to Glasgow after qualifying in Osteopathy at Oxford Brookes. As well as treating a wide range of osteopathic conditions, Bethany is a keen runner and has an interest in sport injuries. She has also completed courses in cranial osteopathy. Muniba Malik graduated with a Masters in Osteopathy and Diploma in Naturopathy from the British College of Osteopathic Medicine in 2009 and then spent three years in London treating patients from a wide variety of backgrounds. She is also trained in Medical Acupuncture and uses it to complement her Osteopathic treatments. All ages are welcome at the clinics. Subsequent consultations and treatments are priced at £35 for each appointment (£30 for

GET BACK IN SHAPE: Glasgow Osteopaths Spinal Analysis Machine

8 Glasgow News | 25th April - 9th May 2014

Z Hotels great place to catch some z z z z z z z z’s

Well Would

You Look

At That!

quality, at an affordable price, in prime city centre locations. The fourth property to open within the Z Hotels portfolio, Z Glasgow has everything required for a city stay for business or leisure: concentrated style, an out-oftown price and a prime location.

Z Hotels is launching its first Scottish property in Glasgow in May this year. A designer conversion of the Old Printworks, Z Glasgow will offer guests urban luxury right in the heart of the city with room

rates from just £50 per night. Located on North Frederick Street, near Glasgow’s George Square, Z Glasgow follows in the footsteps of its sister properties in central London and Liverpool, offering guests short stay accommodation of the highest

Situated just a five minute walk from Queen Street train station, the 104 room property is perfectly placed for those seeking accommodation for a city break. Shopping enthusiasts will be pleased to know that Z Glasgow is just a stone’s throw away from Buchanan Street, home to ‘Style Mile’; the UK’s largest and most successful shopping location outside the London’s West End. All rooms boast modern interior design and offer those creature comforts necessary for a good night’s sleep including bespoke handcrafted beds, crisp bed linen and en suite

Better alternative to Painting Lasts 5-7 times longer

wetrooms equipped with power showers. Each room also features the latest 40” LED High Definition TV’s with Sky Sports and Sky Movies available at no extra cost, as well as free Wi-Fi throughout the hotel. For guests and non-residents, the Z Café offers an imaginative menu, with freshly made food served in relaxed urban surroundings. With signature Z platters and afternoon treats, the Z Café will provide a pleasant oasis at any time of the day or night. Bev King, CEO of Z Hotels, comments, “We are thrilled to be launching the brand’s first hotel in Scotland. Glasgow is a fantastic city with so much to offer; great culture, excellent restaurants, theatres, music venues, bars and shopping and we are very excited to be in the centre of the action.

Here at The Ayrshire News we’ve scoured the world weird web for some unusual facts to brighten up your day and astonish your friends.

Other than humans, black lemurs are the only primates that may have blue eyes. The ship, the Queen Elizabeth 2, should always be written as QE2. QEII is the actual queen. Libya has the only flag which is all one colour with no writing or decoration on it. It is physically impossible for pigs to look up into the sky.



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25th April - 9th May 2014 | Glasgow News 9

Donate a blanket, save a life Local head boys and girls of Eastwood House win awards

A total of 17 pupils all received awards and certificates at the ceremony, held at Eastwood House in Giffnock.

The Scottish SPCA is asking animal lovers to donate blankets to its Glasgow Animal Rescue and Rehoming Centre. Staff are keen to ensure the pets in their care, such as Buddha and Keira, are kept warm and comfortable. Centre assistant manager Katrina Cavanagh said, “We’re going through lots of blankets at the moment as we’re looking after a large number of animals, particularly cats and dogs. “New or used blankets, sheets and towels which are clean and in good condition would be a great help to us and we’ll certainly put them to good use.

“While all our animals have access to indoor accommodation and we make sure they’re nice and cosy, blankets are really important as they provide comfort. “Unfortunately, we can’t accept duvets or pillows as the insides can be harmful to the animals if they tear and eat them. “We hope members of the public will get behind our appeal as we know our animals are very happy having something to snuggle into.” Donations can be handed in to the charity’s centre at Kinnell Avenue in Cardonald, G52 3RY, between 10am and 4pm seven days a week.

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Represented were Eastwood High, Woodfarm, St Luke’s, St Ninian’s, Williamwood, Barrhead, Mearns Castle and Isobel Mair School. The ceremony is held annually in recognition of the hard work and contribution head boys and girls make to school life. Isobel Mair School had three pupils honoured, as they also have a school captain. They all received glass trophies from Councillor Elaine Green, convener for education and equalities, and certificates from Mhairi Shaw, East Renfrewshire Council’s director of education. During the prize-giving, Councillor Green and Councillor Paul O’Kane, vice-convener for education and equalities, paid tribute to the senior pupils’ achievements since being elected to their roles last year. Each of the 17 received individual recognition and praise, with their personal achievements highlighted. Activities the sixth years have undertaken as part of their roles as heads have ranged from setting up fundraisers and proms, to organising the school yearbooks and community events.

Councillor Green said: “These 17 young people have been outstanding in their duties as head boys and girls. “Their achievements are second to none and the roles they have taken will stand them in excellent stead as they go on to their lives beyond school. “These young people are testament to the investment we make in their education – and, more importantly, to their own hard work and dedication. “Myself, Councillor O’Kane and Mrs Shaw were delighted to be able to congratulate them and help honour their achievements. The council wishes them well for their last few months with their schools and into the future.” The pupils receiving the awards are: Eastwood: Mark Kyle and Bianca Deladia.Woodfarm: Sam Wood and Sian Taylor.St Luke’s: Blair Wilson and Catherine Hunter.St Ninian’s: Kevin Glasgow and Sarah McIlwham.Williamwood: John Coggans and Marjorie Hughes.Barrhead: Jamie Weatherston and Alice McNair.Mearns Castle: Frazer Robertson and Ellen Parkinson. Isobel Mair School: Joe Cates, Chloe Taylor and Cassandra Maher (school captain).

Cameron Begs Scotland To Stay

In a last-ditch effort before the Independence Referendum this Autumn, Prime Minister David Cameron used his annual St George’s Day speech to lure Scottish voters into staying in the union.

“One of England’s greatest achievements,” Cameron refered to Scotland as he listed the

merits of the UK. His urge to unite the two nations sounded more like a desperate plea, revealing the increasing uneasiness in Downing Street as the prospect of Scottish Indepence looms closer. A recent poll has shown a drop in opposition to the referendum, making both sides almost equal and a higher possibility of Scotland securing independence.

10 Glasgow News | 25th April - 9th May 2014

The dog that bit back!

Residents of a quiet residential area in Cumbria were horrified when a spate of tyre slashings continued for more than six months, with no-one, not even the police, able to catch the dastardly culprit in action. The elusive thug seemed to be able to strike at will, in broad daylight with no-one being able to pin him down or catch even a glance of the elusive thug. Until a victim decided to remove the wheels of this runaway crime spree and set up CCTV to catch the wheely bad vandaliser in action. After the thug struck again the local resident watched the CCTV knowing the culprits rein of

terror would finally be over., only to be shocked when it turned out the assailant was no-one more than a mischievous Border Collie canine. Edward and Jean Morgan were horrified when they were told that their family pet had taken a vendetta against the cars in the local area and had been biting the tyres, giving them a slow puncture. Mrs Morgan said “She is the most obedient and affectionate dog we have ever had and it is just shocking to hear this news.” Apparently Jess had been hit with a car earlier in the year and decided to claim her vengeance on the cars in her village. By

Gregg Kelly

CARNTYNE New Times High Carntyne Church Hall 358 Carntynehall Road Friday 9.30am & 11.30am Tel: Kathleen 07805 855 689

GLASGOW CITY CENTRE GROUP Now as 2nd Oct 21 Bath St G2 1HW Wednesday 12-2pm Tel: 0141 573 3580 YMCA Tollcross Road Wednesday 10am, 12noon, 5.30pm & 7.30pm Tel: Gillian 07738 972 226 PARKHEAD Calton Parkhead Church Helenvale Street Thursday 5.30pm & 7.30pm Tel: Kathleen 07805 855 689

AC/DC confirm they are not retiring

Legendary rock band ACDC confirmed this week that after forty years of “rocking out” founding member Malcolm Young is taking a break from the band due to ill health. The world famous band whom three of their four members originated in Scotland, promised fans, that after rumours emerged they were on the verge of retiring, had no intentions of doing such a thing. Sadly though Malcolm Young is taking time off to get over an unspecified illness and the band are scheduling time to get back in the studio and possibly create a new album. The band who have sold in the region of 200 million albums throughout their forty year career formed in Australia in 1973 but 3 of them

DENNISTOUN Our Lady of Good Counsel (Hall) Craigpark Thursday 7pm Tel: Margaret 0141 763 1659 SHETTLESTON Methodist Church Hall 1104 Shettleston Road Tuesday 5.30pm & 7.30pm Tel: Ann Marie 0141 573 3580 CRANHILL St Maria Goretti 259 Bellrock Street Tuesday 5.30pm & 7.30pm Tel: Gillian 07751 014 183

(Malcolm Young, Angus Young, and original member Bon Scott) emigrated from Scotland when they were children. The band who’s Back in Black album is number two in the all time greatest selling albums of all time behind Michael Jackson’s Thriller are the biggest selling rock and roll band ever but have never forgotten their Scottish roots. The band on their website released this statement “Malcolm would like to thank the group’s diehard legion of fans worldwide for their never-ending love and support.” A spokesperson on the website continued “In light of this news, AC/DC asks that Malcolm and his family’s privacy be respected during this time.”

BAILLIESTON St Andrews Parish Church, The Old Hall (Behind Morrisons) 2 Bredisholm Road Wed 5.30pm & 7.30pm Tel: Ann Marie 0141 573 3580 BRIDGETON St Francis in the East 26 Queen Mary Drive Wednesday 7pm Tel: Sharon 07909 661 574

BARLARNARK OPENS MONDAY 30th Dec Calvay centre, 16 calvay road Barlanark G33 4RE Mondays 7.30pm Tel: Lyndsay 07817 1044492


Richard Garland

RIDDRIE St. Enoch’s Church Hall Smithycroft Road Wednesday 5.30pm & 7.30pm Tel: Angela 0141 781 9109 EASTERHOUSE Easterhouse Masonic Hall Lochdochart Rd, Easterhouse Thursday 5.30pm & 7.30pm Tel: Carrina 0141 781 1694 St Benedict Chapel Hall Westerhouse Road Monday 5.30pm & 7.30pm Tel: Carrina 0141 781 1694

25th April - 9th May 2014 | Glasgow News 11

Glasgow’s East End slimmers celebrate losing pounds to gain pounds for local charities A group of big-hearted slimmers from the east end of Glasgow are celebrating losing over 420st between them and raising over £2500 as part of a sponsored slim for a number of charities such as Marie Curie nurses, terminally ill children’s holidays, Yorkhill chilidrens hospital and the Alzheimer’s society. Members of the Slimming World groups, held weekly across the city were taking part in a national campaign called Slim for Good running across all 11,000 Slimming World groups in the UK and Ireland. The aim of the six-week drive, which kicked off on February 24th, was to help people to lose weight and improve their health while raising money for a good cause in their local area. The slimmers in all groups voted

for the worthy causes and charities they wanted to support throughout the campaign and chose ones closest to several members within each groups hearts. Consultants from each of the groups, say the Slim for Good campaign gave members of the group an added incentive to achieve their weight-loss dreams: “Supporting a worthwhile causes such as these had given everyone a special focus and real commitment to their weightloss goals. For many members being sponsored has been a great way to kick start their weight loss and for others it’s been a boost to help them stay on track. At Slimming World we pride ourselves on the care and support we give each other to lose weight – we’re known as the club with the big heart – so when members started talking about raising money for each cause and what we could all do together, there really was no

stopping us. I’m so proud of what the members in each group have achieved during the last six weeks.” Ann Marie, consultant and manager within the East End of Glasgow hopes the group’s success will inspire other people in the local community to lose weight and improve their health too. She says: “Six weeks doesn’t sound like a long time, but in that period I’ve seen so many changes, people losing weight, feeling happier and healthier than ever, and their confidence increasing. And the really great thing is that as they’ve lost weight the Slimming World way, they’ve achieved all this without ever going hungry or feeling deprived.” Anyone wishing to join any Slimming World group is welcome in any of our groups run throughout the week. (see our advert opposite)



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12 Glasgow News | 25th April - 9th May 2014

SIE helps Scotland’s students start their own businesses, with national competitions, workshops, FREE advice and support.

I’m a whisky lover I’m helping put Scotland on the map

I’m an entrepreneur. Blair Bowman Founder | World Whisky Day

Get more on Blair’s start-up story --------->

The Scottish Institute for Enterprise (SIE) is the national organisation for supporting enterprise and entrepreneurship in Scotland’s universities and colleges. SIE turns students into entrepreneurs with a variety of activities that inspire and encourage those who may never have thought about starting a business before, and by developing and supporting those who are taking their first steps as entrepreneurs. SIE’s national competitions, workshops and events take place across Scotland and are supported by SIE Interns at every university and a team of dedicated business advisors. SIE is supported by Scottish Enterprise, the Scottish Funding Council and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). Blair Bowman came up with the idea for World Whisky Day as a student at Aberdeen University. With help and advice from SIE, Blair developed the idea and went on to win the national New Ventures Competition and the Young Innovators Challenge 2013. Going from strength to strength, World Whisky Day is now in its third year and is operating in five continents.

A success story of the Entrepreneurial Spark

network is to be found in Kirsty Gillies company Angelic Gluten Free which specialises in a

range of free from cookies and savoury biscuits. Angelic has recently won £50k from the Scottish EDGE awards, a prize which will be used to grow the company internationally.

With a wealth of specialist information at its

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From helping to source finance, cash flow

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Eligibility for one-to-one advice varies, contact 0845 609 6611 to find out if you qualify. Business Gateway services are delivered by Local Authorities, Scottish Enterprise and Scottish Government with the support of associated partner organisations. Maximum call charge from BT landline is 3p a minute. Call centre open Monday to Friday 8am to 6pm.

25th April - 9th May 2014 | Glasgow News 13

There’s no place like home? New statistics released have shown that forty percent of young people in Scotland see their working future elsewhere in another part of the world, America, Australia and Canada being the most popular destinations. With rising costs of living, zero hour contracts, the less than impressive weather and general misery of most of Scottish working class life, its easy to understand why. A survey conducted by Robinsons Removal Services found that some of the biggest arguments for moving away from the UK was the constant economical uncertainty and lack of opportunity to better themselves in life. The majority of young people in the modern age have grown up to expect a certain standard of living, opportunity, and financial stability, but with uncertainty in the jobs market and

constant media attention on politicians thieving from the public purse, bankers manipulating markets to increase their own financial gains and stagnant jobs market. Young people are beginning to look overseas for the chance to have a better life. The survey asked 16-21 year olds how they felt about life in the UK and how they felt about life in Scotland and unsurprisingly they weren’t too impressed. With politicians speaking for a generation of young people and section of society that they have had no contact with. Politicians speaking as young people are incompetent and a danger to themselves, why would they wish to stay in a country that constantly undermines them, refuses to listen to their opinions and systematically destroys anything they have pride in? Ian Brown, Head of International Moving at Robinsons said: “It’s understandable that so many young

people have thought about leaving the UK: many are struggling financially, have difficulty finding jobs and feel they have they have fewer opportunities in general. Conversely, there are a large number of countries across the world with great standards of living that are very welcoming to Brits. That means leaving our shores is a very tempting option for many young people.

If they are not wanted, and are presumed wholly incompetent, ironically, by a selfish society that in their lifetime has brought the world to

its financial knees. Answer this question. What’s keeping them here?

With the price of travel at an all time low and the promise of new beginnings a mere website away. Answer this question. What’s keeping them here? For a country that has complete disdain for its young, and offers them little or no opportunity with slim chance of success. What’s keeping them here? Bare in mind, these young people, this disenchanted youth, they are the drivers of fortune, they are the future generation that an economy needs to thrive.


G Kelly

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14 Glasgow News | 25th April - 9th May 2014

Competition Time! Jock N’Roll is a Brand New Musical Comedy featuring our All Star Scottish cast from JUKEBOX MEMORIES with all the music from Scottish Artists. From the early days of Sir Harry Lauder, who was once the world’s highest paid performer, to Music Hall favourite and International Star Andy Stewart.

Pop and Rock Sensations; Wet Wet Wet, Bay City Rollers, Frankie Miller, Deacon Blue and the man himself Alex Harvey, Marmalade, Middle of the Road, Nazareth and the two lads from Auchtermuchty; The Proclaimers. Scotland is also known for its many talented female performers; Lena Zavaroni, Annie Lennox, Kelly Marie, Glasgow’s very own Lulu, Lena Martell and the lass from Bellshill - World Famous

For your chance to win one of five pairs of tickets to Jock N’Roll at The Pavillion Theatre Glasgow on the 1st of May, answer this simple question:

Which Scottish double act had a hit with the song “500 miles”? Send your answers on a self addressed post card to:

West of Scotland Media Suite 2/6, Brook St. Studios, 60 Brook Street, Glasgow G40 2AB

Recording Star Sheena Easton and not forgetting the one and only Susan Boyle!

It’s a sing-along for all ages, but most of all it takes you on an exciting Scottish Musical Journey featuring; Stop your Tickling Jock, My Old Man’s a Dustman, Delilah, Shang-a-Lang, 500 miles, Shout, Ob-La-Di Ob-La-Da, Chirpy Chirpy Cheep Cheep, For Your Eyes Only, Walking on Broken Glass, Love Hurts, Darlin’, Love is all Around, Caledonia, Dignity, Keep on Dancing, and lots more, with over 50 Scottish classic hits in one great show!

25th April - 9th May 2014 | Glasgow News 15


Walking Back to the Future With around three months to go until Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games, the community of Shettleston in Glasgow’s East End have been busy creating a heritage trail, named ‘Walking Back to the Future’, in order to provide an activity for city visitors during the games. A leaflet and a mobile app will be produced, to guide people round the trail.

Walking Back to the Future is a partnership project between Fuse Youth Café and Shettleston Housing Association. The project is being delivered by Northlight Heritage, the Scottish trading arm of the York Archaeological Trust - an independent charity. The project is funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund. Thirty workshops have taken place so far with a wide range of participants, from primary school children to sheltered housing residents. Highlights from the workshops have been many. Pupils from Eastbank Academy developed interviewing skills by recording oral histories of older members of their community. Two groups of adults from Shettleston have visited the Mitchell Library and found out how

to research Shettleston’s archives. The Shettleston History Project have been out and about around Shettleston to discover what clues might remain of the area’s past.

The aim of the workshops has been to stir up an interest in Shettleston’s rich heritage and to produce material which can be used as part of the heritage trail. Shettleston residents have been very generous, handing in material such as wartime memorabilia, photographs of the Shettleston Juniors football club, even bricks from Shettleston’s old brick works. However, more material is still needed. If you’d like to lend us your photos/memorabilia on any aspect of Shettleston’s history please drop it in to Fuse Youth Café, 1567 Shettleston Road, or contact Katy Firth on 07908211619/ email: kfirth@yorkat. Once it has been scanned electronically you will get your material back. Once all our material has been collected there will be a ‘Selection Event’ on 29th May at Fuse Youth Café. All members of the community will be welcome to choose the final points of interest to be included in the trail. Save the date!

Meanwhile you can keep in touch with the project online: Photographs courtesy of Cate Gillon -

Tawny owlet saved from curious cats clutches A tawny owlet who attracted the attention of two cats after falling out of a tree is recovering in the Scottish SPCA’s care. Scotland’s animal welfare charity was alerted on 17 April when a member of the public discovered the bird grounded in woodland close to Killermont View in Beardsen, Glasgow. The owl, estimated to be between five and six weeks old, is now in the care of the Scottish SPCA’s National Wildlife Rescue Centre in Fishcross, Clackmannanshire. Animal Rescue Officer Stephanie McCrossan said, “The lady who contacted us said she saw two cats trying to attack the owl but thankfully he hadn’t sustained any injuries.

“At his age he would have been starting to wander along tree branches so it’s likely he’s taken a tumble and gotten lost. “Usually we would advise people to leave fledgling birds alone to allow their parents to find them. “However, in this case there was no sign of a nest or mum and the owl was very vulnerable to predators so I took him to our National Wildlife Rescue Centre for expert care.” Centre manager Colin Seddon said, “This owl is too young to be away from his mother but he’s doing very well and is currently in one of our outdoor aviaries with six other owl fledglings. “We’re optimistic he’ll develop well and be returned to the wild once all his feathers have come through and he is happy in flight.”

16 Glasgow News | 25th April - 9th May 2014

INTERNATIONAL NEWS ROUNDUP 150 unidentified deep sea creatures found of Japan

150 unidentified sea creatures were pulled from the murky depths of the coast of Kouchi, one of the Japanese home islands. The creatures which are believed to originate from the deep lightless depths of the ocean are thought to have come to the surface where fishermen could catch them due to temperature changes in the oceans, changes which have been accredited to global warming. By

Lauren Black

Ukrainian commandos retake eastern towns

Ukrainian commandos and regular army units have retaken eastern towns and roadways which were previously being held by pro-Russian militias. This operation is being held on a backdrop of thinly veiled threats from Vladimir Putin’s Russia, through which Mr Putin has threatened that: “If the regime in Kiev has begun using the army against the population inside the country, then this is undoubtedly a very serious crime. Of course, this will have consequences for the people who take such decisions, and this also affects our inter-state relations” Mr Putin has not ruled out the possibility of a military intervention in the eastern Ukrainian region, with thousands of Russian troops currently stationed on the border along with many armoured units and support aircraft. Moscow has stated that it will

Chinese mob takes vengeance on bureaucratic enforcers In the city of Cangan in China’s south east, a mob of citizens attacked a cadre of brutal city government enforcers after they reportedly murdered a local man with a hammer who was filming them brutally attacking a female street vendor who did not have the correct trade licences.

are separate from the police force and report directly to the city controllers, as such they are very rarely prosecuted for misconduct and regularly use violence in the execution of their duties. It is widely known that Chinese citizens have a deep dislike for the Chengguan, which became apparent in this situation.

Mr Huang, 36, was brutally attacked by the city government enforcers with a hammer after he recorded them beating a street trader for not having the correct licences for street trade.

After Mr Huang was taken away in an ambulance, around 1,000 people converged on the scene, after being alerted to it through social media. the crowd was reportedly chanting “kill them, kill them’

The enforcers known as Chengguan,

The Chengguan then took refuge

in their van, which was quickly overturned and the men inside dragged out, handcuffed and brutally beaten with rocks and planks of wood. Initial reports have claimed that the five Chengguan officers were killed in the incident, however Chinese state media has claimed that two of the men were in a serious condition while the remaining three were receiving treatment for minor wounds. 100 riot police were dispatched to disperse the crowd which had formed and ten arrests were made. By

Michael McDaid

Final death toll of Korean ferry disaster By

Garry Smith

respond to any attack on its interests in Ukraine. The military operation against the proRussian militias was resumed after a truce which was brokered before easter was broken by the militia, who captured and tortured to death a local pro-Ukrainian politician, Volodymyr Rybak, who was buried last Thursday. The US reaction to the situation has been terse, countering Russian threats of military intervention with further threats of economic sanctions against Russian business’ and officials. Tensions in Europe have been rising steadily over the last number of weeks since the Crimean crisis, with Nato bolstering its forces in countries bordering Russia, and last week a number of US Marines were deployed to Poland in response to the increased threat levels. By

Brendan Doherty

302 of the 476 people on the South Korean ferry which capsized a fortnight ago have been either confirmed dead or assumed to have perished after rescue and recovery efforts were wound down in preparation for the refloating of the vessel. More than 300 of the passengers were students and teachers from the Danwon secondary school on their annual school trip. Almost 250 of this group have been confirmed or presumed dead.

Only 174 passengers were rescued from the ship, with such a low survival rate being attributed to inaction by the captain and crew, a number of whom are under investigation for criminal negligence and dereliction of duty. This ship sank within two hours of sending a distress call, and passengers were initially told to remain in their cabins and the communal areas of the ship while it listed heavily before completely capsizing.

Syrian election plans a “parody of democracy”

The US, EU and UN have dismissed Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s plans to hold a presidential election on the 3rd of June as a “parody of democracy”. Chief of the UN Ban Ki-Moon has

condemned the plan, stating that such an election would destroy efforts which have been made to broker a ceasefire and peace plan, intended to end the civil war which has been raging in the country for the past three years, leaving 150,000 people dead.

Despite the fact government forces have made significant gains in recent months, a large proportion of the country is still controlled by rebel forces, in which voting would not take place. By

Michael McDaid

25th April - 9th May 2014 | Glasgow News 17


Stephen Sutton exceeds £2.7 billion pounds high speed rail £1 million cancer link welcome boost for Scotland charity target By

Brendan Doherty

Transport Secretary Patrick McLoughlin this week confirmed the key intercity route between London and Scotland will have an extra 500 carriages in place by 2018. The continuing transformation of British rail travel has taken a major step forward after confirmation that funding has been secured to build a new fleet of state-of-the-art trains. Under the new multi billion pound contract 500 new carriages will be manufactured at Hitachi Rail Europe’s purpose built factory in Newton Aycliffe in County Durham, in a deal that will create jobs across rail lines in both Scotland and England.

19 year old Stephen Sutton who has terminal cancer, has raised over £1 million for the Teenage Cancer Trust (TCT) and posted a final farewell to his thousands of blog and twitter followers. Stephen who was diagnosed with bowel cancer aged 15, has been raising funds for the TCT through his blog, twitter and Facebook for the past number of years with the goal of reaching one million pounds, last week after he posted his final farewell to his friends and followers his goal was achieved, with the public donating almost £500,000 over the course of last Tuesday night and Wednesday morning. On Facebook last week Stephen post a message saying “It’s a final thumbs up from me! I think this is just one hurdle too far.” This came after a message on his blog

saying goodbye and that this would be his last post, with any further updates being made by family members in which he said: “It’s a shame the end has come so suddenly. There’s so many people I haven’t got round to properly thank or say goodbye to. Apologies for that. I will continue fighting for as long as I can, and whatever happens next I want you all to know I am currently in a good place mentally and at ease with the situation. That’s it from me. But life has been good. Very good.” Stephen broke his silence on Tuesday afternoon reacting to the news that his fundraising page had broken its £1 million tweeting: “Thank you all so much. The whole situation is breathtaking in so many ways!!” You can still donate to Stephens cause by going to: https://www.justgiving. com/Stephen-Sutton-TCT

The Class 800 trains are expected to be up and running on the East Coast Main Line from 2018 as part of the government’s £5.7 billion pound Intercity Express Programme.

Mother arrested after three children found dead in London Tania Clarence, the mother of three children who were found dead at their south western London home has been arrested on suspicion of murder.

The police were called to the scene last Tuesday night. A girl aged four, and twin boys aged three, were pronounced dead at the scene.

It is believed that the children were cared for full time by their mother with two of the children suffering from genetic life limiting disorders. The 42 year old was taken to hospital for treatment for minor injuries and

The new trains will be able to increase passenger capacity by nineteen percent whilst reducing train journeys between Edinburgh, Newcastle, Leeds and London by upto fifteen minutes and increasing the frequency of trains to these destinations. Transport Secretary Patrick McLoughlin said.“We are building a world class rail system and the Intercity Express Programme is a key part of that. He continued “These new trains will transform rail travel between many of the great towns and cities of England and Scotland. This deal is further proof that our long-term economic plans are on track, creating jobs and breathing new life into the UK’s train-building industry.” In addition to the already confirmed 497 carriages being produced for the east coast, a further 369 carriages will run on the Great Western Main

Line from 2017. Hitachi as part of the deal have also agreed to upgrade and refurbish depots across the Great Western Rail Line and East Coast Main Lines. Alistair Dormer, Hitachi Rail Global CEO of Hitachi Ltd, said “This is an important milestone in the delivery of Class 800 series trains for the East Coast Main Line. Hitachi Rail has been working closely with the Department for Transport, train operators and passenger groups to design the new trains.” “We are delighted that the success of the programme to date has attracted interest by world-class financiers and we look forward to building these trains in our new manufacturing plant in County Durham.” She finished. By

Dreeva Vine

Man Charged With Murder Of Toddler A 26-year-old man has been charged with the murder of his girlfriend’s two-year-old daughter.

The Metropolitan police are not currently looking for anyone else in relation to the deaths and have not commented on the possible cause of the deaths.

Madison Horne, from Kelty in Fife, was rushed to Victoria Hospital in Kirkcaldy but was pronounced dead after doctors were unable to revive her. The police had been called to the ground floor flat at around 6.30pm after concerns were raised for the child’s welfare. They later reported that the toddler had died under “suspicious circumstances”.

Local residents have been leaving tributes outside the home as a mark of respect.

Kevin Park, the boyfriend of Madison’s mother, was remanded in custody and is yet to make a plea. He is due to appear in court on 30 April.

later discharged before being taken into custody.

The deaths have left behind the childrens father, Gary Clarence who works with banking group CitiBank and an older eight year old sibling.


Lauren Black


Lex Haringman

18 Glasgow News | 25th April - 9th May 2014 Is there any logical reason why we should have a voluntary living wage of £7.65 that is separate from the statutory minimum wage of £6.31? If someone needs the living wage to live on, why is any employer allowed to pay less than that?

JOHN MASON MSP SNP Member of the Scottish Parliament for Glasgow Shettleston

I have a couple of caveats on that point, though. First, if the living wage would have a big impact on a smaller business, we should tackle that with specific measures, such as a small business bonus or targeted grants. Secondly, we should probably build up to the living wage over an agreed timescale, such as five years, and keep an eye on progress as we go along.

Contact me via… Telephone: 0141 550 4327 Mobile: 0787 943 0877 Email: Web: Constituency Office 1335 Gallowgate Parkhead Cross Glasgow G31 4DN

John Mason MSP

SURGERY DETAILS 1st Monday of the month 2pm—Calton Heritage & Learning Centre, 423 London Road, G40 1AG 6pm—Garrowhill Community Centre, 35 Maxwell Drive, G69 6HY 2nd Monday of the month 2pm—Baillieston Library, 141 Main Street, G69 6AA 3rd Monday of the month 2pm—Bridgeton Library, Olympia Building, Bridgeton Cross, G40 2BJ 4th Monday of the month 2pm—Shettleston Library, 154 Wellshot Road, G32 7AZ 6pm—Carmyle Community Centre, 28 Hillcrest Road, G32 8AG Surgeries every Friday evening, 5-7pm at my Parkhead Constituency office. No appointment necessary for surgeries. No surgeries during school or public holidays.

The Glasgow Shettleston constituency includes the communities of Auchenshuggle, Baillieston, Barlanark, Barrowfield, Braidfauld, Bridgeton, Broomhouse, Calton, Camlachie, Carmyle, Dalmarnock, Fullarton, Garrowhill, Lilybank, Mount Vernon, Parkhead, Sandyhills, Shettleston, Reidvale, Springhill, Swinton, Tollcross, Gallowgate and Glasgow Green.

William Bain MP Member of Parliament for Glasgow North East

It has been said that, rather than seek new powers, Holyrood should use its present powers better. However, surely the living wage is an example of a key area where the present powers are not working. We do not have the power to increase the legal minimum wage, so we end up arguing about how to work round that.

The clear answer is that we should be given the power to change the statutory minimum wage.

I have two main questions for Labour. First, why restrict the living wage to public contracts? Would that not disadvantage the public sector when trying to compete with the private sector? Does it show that Labour does not care about workers in the private sector? Secondly, assuming that there is a no vote in September and that there is a Labour Government in Westminster in 2015, will Labour make a commitment that the statutory minimum wage will go up to the level of the living wage?

John Mason MSP

Member of the Scottish Parliament for Glasgow Shettleston. Scottish National Party (SNP) Constituency Office: 1335 Gallowgate, Parkhead Cross Glasgow G31 4DN E: Tel: 0141 550 4327


Office G2, Abbeymill Business Centre, Flemington House, 110 Flemington Street, Springburn, Glasgow G21 4BX

Up To

Constituency Office

Tel: 0141 557 2513

Surgeries First Friday of each Month: North Glasgow Regeneration Agency Conference Centre, 179 Ayr Street, Springburn, Glasgow G21 4BX at 2.30 - 3.30pm Milton Community Campus, 204 Liddesdale Road, Milton G22 7AR at 4.15pm Barmulloch Community Campus, 46 Wallacewell Quadrant G21 3PX at 5pm

Third Friday of each Month: Millbank Housing Association Headquarters, 153 Ballindalloch Drive, Dennistoun G31 3DQ at 3.30pm Riddrie Library and Learning Centre, 1020 Cumbernauld Rd G33 2QS at 4.15pm Molendinar Community Centre, 1210 Royston Road G33 1HE at 5pm

Print & Design T: 0141 328 1676 Suite 2/6 Brook Street Studios, 60 Brook Street, Glasgow

Slimline look is the best tonic. Paula nearing her 40th birthday realised that she wanted a change in her life, she had become unhappy with the way she looked and decided that it was either now or never and set about changing her life.

She had heard about Slimming World but had never thought it was for her, and lacking confidence had put it on the back burner for too long, but something in her told her to stop feeling sorry for herself, today is the day you change your life, today is the day you regain your happiness. Still feeling shy and introverted she sent away for an application and an information book, and set about joining Slimming World. Upon joining it she realised that everyone is treated the same and everyone participating has a common goal, to better themselves, their health and also an opportunity to make friends. Paula has never looked back since joining, as you can tell by the

25th April - 9th May 2014 | Glasgow News 19

adjoining photographs, she looks fantastic....and so can you.

Not only that but Paula has made lifelong friends and also recipe buddies who she exchanges recipes with allowing her to try different meals that she might never have tried before Slimming World. Even though Paula needs a Coeliac diet herself, she has still gone on to lose a fantastic 3 stone just by following the simple Slimming World individually prepared plan. As Paula says, “I cannot believe I was scared to go along, “my favourite meals of Beef Ragu pasta bake, Peri Peri chicken and a full cooked breakfast, family favourites of sausage, mash and beans are all still enjoyed in my home” she adds “I can still enjoy my gin and tonic too!” she said with a mischievous wink. “My 40th birthday was my goal, I felt amazing, buying my birthday outfit from the high street stores and I’m proud to say that I’m now an amazing 12/14 compared to a size 20

MONDAY NEW CONSULTANT FROM 28TH APRIL THORNTREE HALL Main Street, Thornliebank G46 7SF 7.30pm Call Paula - 07841 577696 CATHCART BAPTIST CHURCH 96 Merrylee Road, Cathcart G43 2RA 5.30pm & 7.30pm Call Lorraine - 07748 148287

Before before I started Slimming World. Paula has been so inspired by her Slimming World journey she is taking her own group at Thornliebank’s Thorntree Hall starting Monday 28th April at 7.30pm.


Come join her, see what you can achieve.

TUESDAY SALVATION ARMY HALL Next to Sports Centre, 201 Main Street, Barrhead G78 1SD 5.30pm & 7.30pm Call Laura - 07853 321857 SWALLOW HOTEL 517 Paisley Road West, Kinning Park G51 1RW 7.30pm THE WEDGE Barrhead Road, Pollok 5pm & 7pm Call Heather - 07783 004214

CORKERHILL NEIGHBOURHOOD HALL 151 Corkerhill Place, Cardonald Glasgow G52 1RS 5.30pm & 7.30pm Call Elaine A - 07712 458406


SALVATION ARMY HALL Next to Sports Centre, 201 Main Street Barrhead G78 1SD 7.30pm Call Laura - 07853 321857

CROOKSTON HOTEL 90 Crookston Road, Crookston G52 3ND 7.30pm Call - Elaine M - 07846 282105

CLEEVES PRIMARY SCHOOL 271 Househillmuir Road Priesthill G53 6NL 7.30pm Call - Heather - 07783004214

ST THOMAS CHURCH 70 Main Street, Neilston Glasgow G78 3NJ 5.30pm & 7.30pm ** new class times ** Call - Paul 07791 785663 MOSSPARK UNITED CHURCH 67 Ladybank Drive, Mosspark G52 1EZ 5.30pm & 7.30pm Call Eileen - 07767 011341 THURSDAY ARDEN Coming Soon Call Paul - 07791 785663 GOVAN & LINTHOUSE CHURCH Form St Kenneths Church, 7-11 Skipness Drive Govan G51 4RL 9.30am, 5pm & 7pm Call Maureen - 07946 162227

MOSSPARK UNITED CHURCH 67 Ladybank Drive, Mosspark G52 1EZ 10am & 12 noon Call Eileen - 07767 011341 ST NICHOLAS CHURCH, 227 Hartlaw Crescent, Hillington, G52 2JL 5.30pm & 7.30pm Call Jacquie - 07871 044418 SATURDAY PENILEE COMMUNITY CENTRE 10 Gleddoch Road, Glasgow, G52 4BD 9.30am & 11.30am Call Jacquie - 07871 044418

20 Glasgow News | 25th April - 9th May 2014

Glasgow set to Throughout this month, a number of announcements have set Glasgow apart from other cities in the UK and the world, as a city on the cusp of renewed greatness and worldwide renown.

These announcements come on the back of worldwide attention that the city is receiving thanks to the Commonwealth Games which kick off in under 90 days. Glasgows level of preparation for the Games is unique in itself, with Glasgow achieving something which no other host city of a major international sporting event to date has, having the facilities not only completed a year ahead of schedule, but already providing the people of Glasgow with olympic class facilities for public use, benefitting the local economy through the creation of a high number of sustainable jobs and offering new training opportunities to the people of the city.

With the city having been named by the Rockefeller Foundation as one of the most resilient cities in the world alongside 30 others, Glasgow has achieved a new and well deserved level of recognition for its amazing transition from an industrial powerhouse to urban sprawl associated with social decline and and onwards into one of the most forward thinking, green and future proof cities in the world. The city is not stopping at simply being resilient to crisis, but is forging onwards into new territory, looking at new ways of fueling the city through the use of renewable energy and using waste in new and innovative ways to create a more sustainable future for Scotland’s economic heart.

Cutting carbon emissions, tackling climate change and increasing access to affordable energy for city residents are key priorities for Sustainable Glasgow

Earlier this month, the Rockefeller Foundation announced that the city has won a place as one of the inaugural 33 members of the ‘100 Resilient Cities Network’ and plans have been announced by the Glasgow City Council for a revolutionary solution to the cities rising energy bills, in the form of urban wind turbines.

25th April - 9th May 2014 | Glasgow News 21

The new series of nine urban wind turbines will be placed across the city in a number of different areas, in order to cut down on the city’s annual £26 million energy bill, this

will compliment the huge wind turbine which the city has already built at Castlemilk, which is being operated by Scottish Hydro. The council plans to operate the new turbines themselves through a new company, which will be set up by Sustainable Glasgow, to manage the city’s wind energy production and manage the cities carbon output.

months, in order to locate suitable locations for the new turbines. The chairman of Sustainable Glasgow, Gordon Matheson said: “Glasgow City Council are working with our partners to make our city one of the most sustainable in Europe. As well as setting up our own green energy company, sustainable Glasgow are exploring numerous options for new renewable energy projects across the city.”

flourish anew The wind energy project is only one part of the Glasgow City Council’s range of measures to reduce the cities carbon output and make the city a more pleasant place to live, the communal heating system which has been implemented in the new Athletes Village has inspired the council to research the possibility of communal heating systems in other areas of the city, reducing bills for the people of Glasgow. Mr Matheson spoke of the communal heating programmes saying: “Cutting carbon emissions, tackling climate change and increasing access to affordable energy for city residents are key priorities for Sustainable Glasgow. We are nurturing the creation of district heating systems.” The council is also mulling over plans to turn disused council property into solar energy gathering stations, in a bid to further reduce the cities dependency on fossil fuels and make proper use of the sites for the betterment of the city.

At the moment it has not been decided as to where the new turbines will be located but a “mapping exercise” is planned in the coming

This plan is also being complemented by the possibility of turning derelict spare land withinin the city limits into what has been dubbed “urban forestry”, which could start producing wood and biomass fuels for the cities use within five years. Policy manager of Scottish Renewables Stephanie Clark said in a statement: “innovative ideas like these show the potential of renewables in an urban environment and show that Glasgow can be a leader in green energy technology.”

So it looks like Glasgow is set to change its reputation as the city that built the world to the city that saved the world with innovation in areas crucial to the environment and the sustainability of urban living, innovations which are unmatched anywhere else in the world. By

Michael McDaid

Glasgow City Council are working with our partners to make our city one of the most sustainable in Europe

It was announced earlier this month that Glasgow City Council is going to be looking to utilize the infinite power of the wind in order to cut the city’s energy bills and carbon output. There are also plans in the pipeline for claiming back energy from the cities waste, with a new waste energy centre at Polmadie.

22 Glasgow News | 25th April - 9th May 2014

Star Signs

Joan Charles

I am delighted to be delivering your stars although; I won’t be doing them in the traditional way, as I am not an astrologer. For many years I have provided the stars using Tarot cards and that is what I will be doing here so, I guess in a sense they should be called, Taroscopes. Anyway, I do hope you enjoy what the cards have to say.


Well it looks like you could be in for a welcome surprise as some new cash might become available. I am feeling that you are in a place where security is important and you want to keep it balanced and coming in the door. Good times are on the horizon so stay focused.


Ops, you might have a wee nippy head on and in need of some play, rest and relaxation to lift your mood. Perhaps doing something a bit out of the ordinary will take your mind off of some underlying issues that are causing you distress. Say what you feel but keep it diplomatic.


Your cup may be over flowing and that has to be a good thing however, it’s more about how you keep all of this in balance that is the problem. Having said that you do tend to thrive on adrenalin bursts and so maybe it’s a secret guilty pleasure.


Travel is calling and I sense that your itchy feet are in a hurry to be heading off somewhere to get you away from the normal routine. Interestingly you may have aspirations to go somewhere that is full of interesting things to do but your budget might hold you back slightly.


It’s a fabulous time to succeed in an ambition that you have perhaps been considering for a while now. The only person holding you back is yourself and once you lift the limitations you can do anything you like so, don’t wait and allow it to be something you wished you had of done – go do it.


Love and romance seem to be on the cards and whether that means you finding someone that is an ideal partner or that new love sparks in your existing relationship it is all good. A kiss that is rather unexpected could spark off a new whirlwind romance and you could be a bowled over by it.


Watch out for work being a bit of a nightmare with issues arising here, there and everywhere. You are quipped to deal with this but is annoying and the best way to get round this is not to give it too much of your energy as it can be draining.


You might feel as if you have taken on way too much and that you don’t have the time to sort it all out. Take a wee step back and assess the situation, get yourself a wee plan and off you go. The thought of this may be worse than it actually is.


Cutting away things that no longer serve your purpose is a good idea, you have been allowing things to get the better of you and not it’s a case of no more Mrs., nice woman. Dealing with issues head on is the only way to get yourself on a balanced footing.


This could be a time when plans you had go astray due to other people cancelling on you or just forgetting you had arrangements. Having a wee back up plan B will help to combat disappointment and a few nights in. Create some interesting social nights for your diary.


If you thought you were heading into calmer waters then maybe you need to think again. Work appears to be taking over and much as you had plans to slow down a bit here you are again on the 100-mile an hour rush. Planning time out in the diary will help you stick to this.


If only all out plans went ahead it would be great but that’s in an ideal world, it maybe that there are some blessing in disguise in there though that you have not considered because although we think we know what’s good for us its maybe not always the case.

Working with Spirit Guides One of the most common questions that I am forever being asked is ‘Do you know who my spirit guide is?’ This is a request that often drives me nuts in its vagueness and blatant naivety. Yet, as a medium that is still continually learning his trade each and every second of every day, I can vividly remember a time when I would have been delighted if only someone, somewhere, would have given me the answer to this very same query. Now, I’m not for one solitary moment suggesting that anyone who doesn’t know the identity of there spirit guide is in fact a poor quality medium. On the contrary, many of the world’s finest mediums don’t profess to know the names of the guides who work alongside them. Which then begs the question - ‘Do we really need to know the names and nationality of each and every guide that chooses to work with us?’ The answer to this question is undoubtedly, ‘No we do not.’ In reality, it is only human nature that dictates that somewhere within the consciousness of most individuals there lies a hidden desire to relate to anything and everything by good oldfashioned identity, and as physical beings living in a spiritual world we must endeavour to experience this predominantly materialistic lifestyle by means of seeing, hearing and feeling - before actually believing!

So if we don’t really need to know the identity of our spirit guides then what really is their purpose? There is really only one way in which we can ever truly understand what a spirit guide does or even stands for in the grand scheme of all things - and that is to simply ask them. Fortunately, as a deep trance medium, I have enjoyed this humble privilege on many occasions. I have communicated with guides whose job it is to protect their human counterpart from any dangers that may present themselves in both the physical or spiritual dimensions. I have also communicated with guides who have amassed so much knowledge throughout their universal travels that their whole persona is now based purely on logic, with an intellect that is way beyond anything that you or I could ever imagine. But, no matter what level of ascension these spiritual individuals may find themselves on, there is one thing that they are always in total agreement with - that any name or nationality that we choose to give them is of absolutely no consequence or importance to the partnership that is built between spirit and medium. An effective partnership is always enhanced by merely advocating respect and dedication to the task ahead. In fact, we really only need to give our guides an appropriate identity in order to relay their knowledge to others who may not yet fully understand the benefits of an identity-free culture.

On a personal note, the spirit guides who I predominantly work with are Chung, Black Hawk and SiBir. Black Hawk is my spiritual protector who is with me every second of my physical lifetime. Chung and Sibir work with me through trance and physical mediumship. Both of these guides actually have the ability to work with many other mediums at the exact same time of any day. Many years ago, both Chung and SiBir also worked with trance mediums that were very much in the public eye, although at that time both guides were identified using different names. I will not reveal their previous identities as they have since indicated that it would be of complete irrelevance to their cause. Working with spirit guides will undoubtedly improve your level of mediumship. I will always encourage mediums to seek the presence of these highly evolved spirits through the effective means of constructive meditation. Remember you only need to send a thought out to the spirit world that you are ready to work with your higher self. And if you wish to give your guide a suitable name then by all means do so. I promise you that they will not be offended - as long as you continue to respect the world of spirit and all who dwell within it. For more information contact David: email;

Joan Charles

Clairvoyant, Columnist & Author


Introduction to the Tarot– The Law of Attraction and Psychic Development courses are on-going, so, check for dates and details.


Tarot, Angel, Spiritual, Chakra and Tarumenology [a combination of tarot and numerology]

For details of any of the above contact Joan on mobile: 07930 697 229 or email:

25th April - 9th May 2014 | Glasgow News 23

Because I’m happy, clap along if you feel like happiness is the truth. But are you?

For over 22 years I have been obsessed as to why your immune system could let you down. Lack of good food, exercise, daylight and love, but what I did not fully understand was how important it is to be happy. Happiness is vital for your long term health. Happiness and Trust as opposed to fear and lack. When you are happy your body joins in. Quite literally on an electrical and chemical level the body loves you being happy.

if we do not understand that.

When we are negative every cell in our body contracts and when we are positive state they expand. Since we are an energy system and our energy has to flow we can allow it or not. So we are either constricting the flow or enjoying it. We are making life easy or difficult and we are choosing even

When I discovered The Sedona Method (a simple, elegant emotional release technique) my happiness transformed. Since then I have studied EFT [ emotional freedom therapy which works by tapping on meridien energy lines on the body] andT he Work, Access

Our bodies are like a giant radio sending and receiving signals all day long, whether we know it, like it or not. It is just the way it is. Science also now knows this. Our hearts give off a magnetic frequency and the frequency is governed by how we feel. What we see in our lives is governed by what frequency we are putting out. What we believe is what we are going to end up with……and the beliefs are usually not even ours.

Consciousness are all amazing tools for allowing your cells and you to be happy. When I learned how to change beliefs, habits, feelings and thoughts life became so much more fun. I got my sense of humour back, my energy levels went up and amazing clarity and opportunities started to appear. Seemed as if by magic, but was actually because of my new frequency/vibration. When you feel that good you want to tell all your friends, anyone who will listen and for 8 years that is what I have been doing. But now we have a hugely exciting project about to come off in Glasgow the very first course to teach others all of this stuff.

22 years of research, studying and travelling to bring these transformational, simple processes to you. We are very excited to launch a 2 day course on the 31st of May to teach fellow Scots The Key to Health and Wellbeing. The course teaches you how to live in harmony with the laws of nature and how to unlock any limiting beliefs, subconscious blocks, past hurts and traumas, negative thinking and habits that could possibly stop you from achieving optimum health and happiness. An 8 step plan that is 100% free (apart from the food but you are buying that anyway if you don’t grow it) and available to everyone on the planet.

Attracting Synchronicities There are no two ways about it, life can be difficult and we are continually challenged in every way possible but you know, it’s only hard because if it were too easy what would we gain and where are the benefits in winning all the time? I don’t know about you but I would be bored.

It’s this constant challenge that keeps us going, have you ever noticed that, when you put together the first and last three letters of the word challenge you get the word CHANGE - I guess that’s the core element we are all afraid of. People try to hang on to old and outdated ways, patterns and behaviours; anything else means we

are stretched beyond our comfort zone and guess what? They are there to be extended, stretched and pushed to the limit however; we don’t want to dip our toe in the water just in case it doesn’t work out.

You may have heard about synchronicities, a phrase coined by Carl Jung - this is a chain of meaningful events that happen one after the other. As an example, have you ever bought a car and following the purchase that same car is the only thing you see on the road? This is only one example but you get what I mean. By working with synchronicities in life we can improve the chances of experiencing new and wonderful adventures.

To attract these meaningful events means we learn and gain as we move forward in our lives. On your path it is important to remain attuned to life’s signals, which are surrounding you all the time, helping to point you in the right direction. There is no such thing as a coincidence in life as everything happens for a reason although, it may not be apparent at the time.

Maybe you have noticed a lot of your friends and family getting sick? Time to get back in line with nature and get our health and happiness back. I work privately with clients on a one to one basis as often we need this for trust and security. Now we also have our brand new cutting edge 2 day course, then we have our retreats the first one will be in September where you will be immersed in awesome touch and talk therapies, sunlight and sea, yoga and meditation along with flooding the body with nutrients and nourishment allowing you to come home light, free and happy. Lilia Sinclair lookgoodfeelgr8@

By Joan Charles

Sometimes, it’s only on reflection that we can actually see that if one thing had not happened, how would it have been possible for all the other things to fit into place? If you are ever stuck in traffic watch the sets of traffic lights and as if by magic and in sequence they all flow to allow the right amount of traffic to past when the time is right.

Synchronicity is not so hard to comprehend after all, how many times have you heard people say “I was in the right place at the right time”?

In life, we all get a turn of everything, perhaps at different times but nevertheless it will fall into place. The more we are aware of synchronicities the more they appear in our life.

Unless we walk around with our eyes closed you can’t help but notice that things that fit together perfectly.

We make things complicated when they could be simple. Being awake to this is so important and once you do

awaken from the sleep of what you call normal everyday life you will never want to go back to that place where we walk about with our eyes closed to the signals that show up. The universe is trying hard to point you in the right direction, if you miss it the first time it will come around again but, why not save yourself a lot of time and go for it first time round.

24 Glasgow News | 25th April - 9th May 2014

Another Dystopia: The Stone Gods By Jeanette Winterson These past couple of years have shown an increased interest in the dystopian world following the release of the Hunger Games films and this year’s much anticipated film adaptation of Veronica Roth’s Divergent trilogy.

In her novel, Winterson describes three different worlds that make the same mistakes. They eventually become inhabitable wastelands, forcing its citizens in search of a new world, which they will inevitably destroy. Failing to learn from their past mistakes.

Of course these are not the only popular dystopian novels out there. Many of you will have read or heard of works such as George Owell’s novel 1984, Margaret Atwood’s Handmaid’s Tale and Anthony Burgess’s A Clockwork Orange. All have been made into motion pictures. But the 2007 novel Jeanette Winterson’s The Stone Gods, has yet to be. The dystopian genre is a useful tool in fiction for criticising and highlighting the contemporary issues of society. They depict a dark future, riddled with oppression, misery and moral decay. Its purpose is to warn readers by showing them the consequences, often exaggerated, of society’s actions. Winterson’s novel explores the negative effects of materialism and environmentalism, two major problems that are still affecting the

The first of these worlds seems to take place in a futuristic setting called Orbus, however the narrative suggests that it takes place in the world before present day. In Orbus there is an extreme consumer culture, where everything and everyone in “The Central Power”, one of the three areas in the world, is owned by a single company. world right now. When asked if her book is a political statement, Winterson says on her website “I have said many times that I believe our time to be unique in the history of the world. Either we face our environmental challenges now, or many of us will perish, and much of what we cherish in civilisation will be destroyed.”

Money has been abolished, but all items are loaned out so that nobody owns anything, further restricting their freedom. People can be “fixed” at a certain age, resulting in a desire to be younger and younger. In addition, they can make themselves beautiful through extensive surgery, and in some cases not look human at all. These parts of the texts criticise ultra-capitalism as well as touching

GORBALS Thursdays at 5.30 + 7.30pm Blessed John Duns Scotus Church (Opposite Gorbals Gym) 270 Ballater Street G5 0TY *NEW VENUE* GOVANHILL Mondays at 7.30pm McNeills Bar (Upstairs) 106 Torrisdale Street Next to Queens Park Train Station Tel Pauline: 07554 441427

Well Would

You Look

At That!

on society’s obsession with celebrity culture, to be and look like celebrities. The world also faces similar environmental problems to the ones that we are currently having to deal with (such as the depletion of fossil fuels and melted ice caps) at a much more advanced stage. They have run out of natural resources and are now forced to search for a new home. Which can be interpreted as a warning to us to take better care of our world, before we to face the same nightmarish consequences. The deliberately non-linear, non-chronological narrative sets it apart from other dystopian pieces of fiction. If you are looking for something new from the genre or the issues it explores, I recommend trying this novel. By

Lex Haringman

Here at The Ayrshire News we’ve scoured the world weird web for some unusual facts to brighten up your day and astonish your friends.

The Hudson River along the island of Manhattan flows in either direction depending upon the tide. The smallest mountain range in the world is outside of Marysville, California and is named the Sutter Buttes. Lion whiskers are unique - no two lions have the same pattern of whiskers. The average garden variety caterpillar has 248 muscles in its head.

Slimmers don’t need to take away the takeaway – just fake it! When embarking on a diet more than half of slimmers (53.4%) fear that having to give up their favourite takeaways will prevent them from sticking to their healthy eating plan and reaching their dream weight, according to a new poll.

surprised that so many people think losing

However, a local weight-loss expert from Govanhill says people don’t need to go cold turkey on their takeaway habits. Better still, she says the real key to slimming success is making your own versions of your takeaway favourites at home.

– going hungry and missing out. However at

Eighty two per cent of respondents of the survey, which was conducted by leading weight-loss organisation Slimming World to celebrate the launch of its new Fakeaways recipe book, said that they expected to have to give up takeaway food completely in order to lose weight. Slimming World Consultant Pauline who runs groups in Govanhill and Gorbals, says she isn’t

weight means having to give up their favourite

foods and deprive themselves of eating and drinking those things they view as treats, like takeaways. She says: “When people think

about dieting they think about feeling deprived Slimming World, we know from our 45 years of

experience of helping people to lose weight and

keep it off, that’s not the best way to lose weight. Naturally, most of us are rebels and the moment

we’re prevented from having something we end up wanting it even more.”

The Govanhill Slimming World group is held at McNeills Bar in the Function Suite,

every Monday at 7.30pm. To join simply

pop along or call Pauline on 07554 441427 for more information.

25th April - 9th May 2014 | Glasgow News 25

Prince Philip: What is Steampunk? A Divine Being?

For those unsure as to what Steampunk is need only to watch The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, Van Helsing or the latest Sherlock Holmes films for an answer. These are only some of the many films influenced by the particular style. Steampunk is a retro-futuristic type of science fiction originally inspired by the works of H.G. Wells and Jules Verne. As the names suggests, Steampunk features anachronistic machinery and technology which is usually powered by steam. It has gradually expanded out from the literary world to touch on other areas of culture.

Steampunk Fashion has seen an increase in popularity over recent years. Although not the ideal style to adopt whilst on a tight budget, it is becoming less of a low-production, high cost product as more websites, and occasionally stores, are offering their customers cheaper alternatives.

Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, is believed to be the son of a mountain spirit by a tribe in Vanuatu. An ancient legend tells of the son travelling over seas and marrying a rich and powerful woman. The Prince Philip Movement is a cargo cult of the Yaohnanen village on the Southern Island of Tanna in Vanuatu.

It is believed to have been formed during the 1960s, when Vanuatu was an Anglo-French colony called the New Hebrides. The movement was strengthened when the Queen and her husband made their official visit to the New Hebrides in 1974. Prior Chief Jack Naiva, who passed away in 2009, described the Prince as “a god, not a man”. By

Harris Ross

Unlike other styles, Steampunk prides itself on being versatile and adaptable. Most of its clothes are inspired by fashion from the Victorian Era, but can be based other recognisable historical periods in which the Industrial Revolution is imagined to have already begun. Steampunk fashion can also be rooted in post-apocalyptic and fantasy worlds. For more information, look on the internet for an abundance of online resources and guides about how to dress Steampunk. Perhaps not an every-day thing, but it gives history a creative twist and makes for an interesting fancy dress. By

Alona Gates


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26 Glasgow News | 25th April - 9th May 2014


Our first year was amazing and we thank all who came along and made it so successful. This year can only be bigger and better with 37 Official Fringe Venues welcomed into the family. The audiences rocked last year and we’re expecting many more bums on seats and dancing feet this year. From the outset we have taken the conscious decision to develop our festival without assistance from public funding and instead encourage the local community to invest in their area with this aim this year we have an active calendar of fund-raising events and launched our crowd-funding appeal http://www. in March. We’ve been hard at work developing the 2014 Programme, 20,000 printed copies were distributed city-wide in April to promote the seventeen day event. Ever committed to promoting all things

Southside it’s been an absolute joy to see sub-headings organically develop under the Southside Fringe banner. Women In The Fringe is being led by the Carlton Studios and takes in all female art exhibitions, bands, workshops, a coffee morning and comedians, this is an exciting development for us here at HQ. On the success of last year’s production of ‘STEAMING’ Strathclyde Theatre Group are working in partnership with The Royal Shakespeare Company Open Stages to bring you an all-female production of ‘Hamlet’. Pop Up Politics is being led by the R.I.C & The National Collective. They

tell us “Art is Dead! No more passive consumption of art. Art is in the streets, moments of life are deliberate and guerilla art demands involvement”. They want to take over the Southside and bridge the gap between art and activism. We’re delighted to welcome on board LGBT events this year, with drag comedy from Nancy Clench, a lonely hearts night from Roxy Stardust and Lacy Rain showcasing a time travelling drag play. The Southside Fringe Club Night has been developed by Sean Kerwin, bringing Southside clubs and DJ’s together with the ‘Southside Takeover’

and top DJ’s for our after parties. The Waverley Tearooms are our ace hosts for our VIP weekend after-parties. Don’t miss the Fringe art with Art On The Hill, Fringe HQ Art and Art Village.

Fringe HQ

We are also delighted to introduce a Food & Drink element to the Fringe this year with Food and Drink Glasgow hosting a market in Shawlands Arcade and a Pastaval in and around various Southside eateries.

Friday 9th May to Sunday 25th May 2014

With live music hosted by Southside Sessions, burlesque, comedy, theatre and cabaret across seventeen days, there will be something to entice everybody to visit the Southside Fringe.

1092 Pollockshaws Road, Glasgow G41 3XA & 37 Southside Venues

For more information: E: southsidefringe @keepitsouth

25th April - 9th May 2014 | Glasgow News 27


Scottish Album of the Year The nominees for the Scottish album of the year have been announced and now with the competition in its third year, highlights not only the fantastic eclectic nature of Scottish music but the vast depth of the albums in with a chance of winning the prestigious accolade.

Chemikal Underground have announced plans to host a social festival featuring a majestic depth of music, comedy, visual artistry, showcase dance and much more through events across Glasgow’s East End.

The variety of music on offer this year ranges from jazz, hip hop, folk classical as well as rock and electronic. The artists represented range from first time entries to Scottish legends.

following a four week promotion during which one artist will be streamed per day culminating in a 72 hour public vote starting on Monday 26th May.

The Barrowland Ballroom will host the 2014 Award ceremony and the award ceremony itself is quickly becoming one of the most eagerly awaited cultural events of the year, with the cream of Scottish music set to attend its sure to be one of the musical highlights of the year.

The most popular album will automatically be placed in the ten place shortlist, with the other nine being chosen by an independent panel of judges.

Some of the nominated artists selected for consideration are CHVRCHES, Edwyn Collins, Frightened Rabbit, Kid Canaveral, Mogwai, Scottish National Jazz Orchestra, Biffy Clyro and Roddy Hart and The Lonesome Fire amongst a whole host of others. Music fans will get the opportunity to vote for their favourite artist

East End Social

Stewart Henderson Chair of the Scottish Music Industry Association said ““2013 has been another extraordinary year for Scottish music and the SMIA, through The SAY Award, is delighted to be playing a role in the promotion of so many wonderful albums.” visit for more details on the award ceremony and the chance to listen to the nominated albums.

The East End Social is a unique event which is part music, part community-engagement project and is part of the Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games Cultural Programme. The idea for the event is to bring music to locations and venues throughout the east end of Glasgow. The idea is to include some of the most eclectic tastes for everyone to enjoy. Ranging from tea dances and beat box workshops to major outdoor concerts and intimate cafe’ performances.

hosting these events are Calton, Bridegton, Easterhouse, Dennistoun, Dalmarnock, Shettleston, Oatlands and Rutherglen. Each area will have a unique part to play in this exciting venture for Glasgow’s east end. Mogwai, Optimo, last years Scottish Album of the Year winner RM Hubbert will all be appearing during the festival and with a whole host of events scheduled it is set to transform Glasgow during the Commonwealth Games adding to the already wonderful festival atmosphere.

Local libraries, care homes, primary schools, cinemas, parks, community centres, will all be a part of the celebration and host the events.

With plenty more events to be announced in the following weeks, stay tuned to keep upto date on what is sure to be one of the highlights of Glasgow’s already sterling Commonwealth year.










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28 Glasgow News | 25th April - 9th May 2014

Scotland’s Panda Game of Thrones: Artificially Inseminated Breaker of Chains This week’s episode reveals the aftermath of the king’s death following his assasination at the Purple Wedding. It has received mixed reviews from the show’s fans.

Tian Tian, the UK’s only female Giant Panda, is artificially inseminated after failing to mate naturally. Yang Guang and Tian Tian, both aged 10, are the first giant pandas to live in the UK for 17 years. They arrived on loan from China in 2011 and will stay at Edinburgh Zoo for a decade. Last year she was inseminated three times, but lost the baby during late pregnancy. Before Sunday’s artificial insemination, the zoo attempted to

bring her together with Yang Guang. Iain Valentine, director of giant pandas for the Royal Zoological Society of Scotland (RZSS), said “We were hopeful natural mating would occur this year, but in the end Tian Tian’s hormones started to fall quickly, which meant her breeding window could be much shorter.” Experts say they will not be certain of Tian Tian’s pregnancy until she gives birth. This could be in August or September.

The episode begins where it left off, with Cersei Lannister clutching at the body of her dead son. Sansa is slipped out of Westeros successfully, but is she out of danger? She is delivered into the care of Littlefinger, a character renouned for betraying others and having a hand in schemes on which the fate of the seven kingdoms is often balanced. Perhaps it is not surprising that his first appearance in the season shows some kind of involvement with Joffrey Baratheon’s death. While Westeros is still experiencing the aftershock and chaos of recent events, Tywin Lannister remains cool and calculative. Showing no remorse over the loss of his grandson, he

Our kids have been hooked from a very early age...

lectures his other grandson, Tommen Baratheon and successor to the Iron throne, on what makes a good king as they stand on either side King Joffrey’s corpse. He also asks Oberyn Martell to be the third judge on his son Tyrion’s trial as well as offering him a seat on the Small Council despite the antagonism between their families. Tywin’s motives are left unclear. Is he being cautious in this time of transition by keeping his enemies close? Does he plan to forge a new alliance? The rape scene that occurs between Cersei and her brother Jaime Lannister is one of the most disturbing of the series. It has caused a stir with many viewers who have also read the books due to significant changes made to the plot. They argue that the monstrous act committed by Jaime is out of character because of his move towards redemption over the past series. In the novel, Cersei is briefly

hesitant, but eventually responds to her brother’s advances. Author George R. R. Martin defends the differences in a blog post, although he admits that he “never discussed this scene” with the show’s writers. He explains how prior divergences from the original plot affected the dynamics of this scene, as well as a shift from the novels’ internal points of view to the camera’s external perspective. The episode ends by returning to Daenerys Targareyen and her army as they conquer yet another slave city. This victory comes in the form of a short, seemingly effortless fight between the champion of Mereen and Daenerys’s own champion Daario Naharis. She delivers a speech to the slaves before firing barrels of broken chains into the city symbolic of their liberation. By

Lex Haringman

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25th April - 9th May 2014 | Glasgow News 29

CINEMA PARKHEAD - APRIL Rio 2 (Out Now) City bird Blu finds himself hilariously out of his depth during an Amazon adventure in this colourful sequel. Having secured the future of their species, formerly flightless pet macaw Blu (Jesse Eisenberg) and the lovely Jewel (Anne Hathaway) are raising their young family in Rio. But then they learn of an amazing discovery in the Amazon jungle. It seems they weren’t the last blue macaws after all. So Jewel cajoles domesticated homebody Blu into embarking on a voyage of discovery in the wild. Along the way, they find her gruff dad Eduardo (Andy Garcia) and hunky, crooning childhood friend Roberto (Bruno Mars)! Little wonder our poor hero is feeling rather inadequate. But you can be sure he’ll prove himself once again. All the old gang are back for this high-flying sequel to the hit animation. They’re joined by great new characters voiced by Andy Garcia, Rita Moreno, Bruno Mars, Kristin Chenoweth and

Noah “In the beginning, there was nothing.” So starts this version of the story centered on Noah (Russell Crowe), the man entrusted by God to save the innocent animals of Earth as the rising floodwaters cleansed the planet of mankind’s evil. Noah experiences a vision foretelling the great flood that will wash over the Earth, destroying every living thing that stands on the soil. That vision leads Noah to seek out his grandfather, Methuselah, in order to understand his mission. When a second vision reveals that Noah is to construct a massive ark designed to shelter every living animal during the great flood, Noah, his wife Naameh (Jennifer Connelly), their three sons Shem (Douglas Booth), Ham (Logan Lerman), and Japheth (Leo McHugh Carroll), and their adoptive sister Ila (Emma Watson) immediately begin construction on the vessel with the help of the Watchers, a race of angels created as beings of light, but encrusted in stone and mud and forsaken by God for their attempts to help man. Meanwhile, word of Noah’s work soon reaches Tubal Cain (Ray Winstone), who gathers an army on a mission to overtake the ark, and survive the coming storm by any cost.

National Theatre Live – King Lear (1/5/14) ‘Skyfall’ director Sam Mendes’s highlyanticipated return to the NT, with Simon Russell Beale in the title role of Shakespeare’s great tragedy. Aging, weary King Lear (Simon Russell Beale) plans to divide his realm between his three daughters. He tells them that the one who declares the greatest love for him will win the lion’s share. Goneril (Kate Fleetwood) and Regan (Anna Maxwell Martin) attempt to outdo one another with extravagant praise. Disgusted by their behaviour, the youngest daughter, Cordelia (Olivia Vinall), refuses to say anything. Enraged, Lear banishes her forever, even though she is his favourite. So begins a series of events that lead to tragedy. Oscar-winning ‘American Beauty’ and ‘Skyfall’ director Sam Mendes returns to the National Theatre for this new production of Shakespeare’s masterpiece. It reunites him with frequent collaborator and two-time Olivier Award winner Simon Russell Beale, who’s been described as the greatest stage actor of his generation.

For a chance to win a family pass for FOUR simply answer this question:

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The Amazing Spiderman 2 3D (18/4/14) Spidey amps up the action as he takes on livewire supervillain Electro in this high-voltage sequel! For Peter Parker (Andrew Garfield), his double life as Spider-Man has been a struggle. But just as he’s beginning to relax with girlfriend Gwen Stacy (Emma Stone), a terrifying new foe emerges. Max Dillon (Jamie Foxx), a downtrodden sad sack of a lowly Oscorp employee, has a terrible accident in a tank of genetically modified electric eels. Emerging as the monstrous, blue-skinned Electro, he embarks on a reign of terror with the power of electricity at his command. In addition to this electrifying new bad guy, Spidey also encounters shaven-headed Russian mobster the Rhino (Paul Giamatti). And the re-emergence of his old friend Harry Osborn (Dane DeHaan) leads Peter to realise that Oscorp is the common factor uniting his enemies. Jamie Foxx makes his striking superhero movie debut in this relentlessly thrill-packed sequel.

30 Glasgow News | 25th April - 9th May 2014

Edward Snowden installed as Glasgow University rector Edward Snowden has officially been installed as Glasgow University’s rector. The former NSA contractor who famously exposed widespread surveillance across the National Security Agency, in which they were spying on calls and emails throughout governments around the world. Snowden now living temporarily in Russia after fleeing the US last year spoke via video link from Russia spoke of his pride at being awarded the post apologised for not being able to attend due to restrictions on him entering the UK. Snowden who initially came to attention after leaking thousands of classified documents to a variety of media outlets addressed around 200 Glasgow University staff. He said “I’m disappointed and I must apologise for being unable to attend in person, but unfortunately I’ve discovered that

i’m barred from entering the United Kingdom on the grounds that my presence is considered detrimental to the public good.” A recent public opinion poll conducted by YouGov has found that nearly 37% percent of people felt that Edward Snowden did the right thing by releasing documents proving that the NSA were spying on ordinary people through telephones and email accounts. Edward Snowden when speaking to the staff and students of Glasgow University said “I do think its fair to say that the election shows the students of this university have a different opinion(on him being barred from the UK due to detrimental effect on public good.) His appointment as Glasgow University rector has proved to be

highly controversial but Snowden told crowd that he aimed to serve in the role to the best of his ability. There have been conflicting views on whether Snowden is a traitor or a freedom fighter. Former Defence Secretary Liam Fox called him a “self publicising narcissist”. However, special guest appearances at TED2014 conference alongside Tim Berners-Lee, creator of the world wide web, in which he highlighted surveillance, Internet freedom and

the right to data privacy proved that people do believe he chose the right option in releasing the corruption the NSA and Government was practising. Some are even comparing him to the famous Utilitarianism protest symbol in China, or a modern day Tinamen Square Tank Man. Mr Snowden said “people have a right to know the policies of their government. We may not need to know the names and identities of every target of surveillance on every

active operation, but we should know the general outlines and what the government is doing in our name, and particularly what the government is doing against us.” Some of Edward Snowden’s roles as rector will be attend university court, work with the students’ representative council, and to bring student concerns to the attention of university management. By

Gregg Kelly

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25th April - 9th May 2014 | Glasgow News 31

Plans to abolish corroboration of evidence in Scottish courts on hold

Plans to abolish the need for evidence against the accused to be corroborated by two sources have been put on hold for at least a year by Holyrood. An in depth investigation into the implications of the plans will not go forward until after a general review is completed in April of next year. Kenny MacAskill, the Justice Secretary, has said that he is still committed to the reforms and that many victims could be denied justice if the current system was allowed

to continue and that changes to the current legislation was backed by police and prosecutors.

No Fracking Way With the announcement that Scotland could be potentially sitting on £5 billion pounds worth of shale gas, and the SNP and Con-Dem Government’s refusing to rule out permission to allow companies the right to mine under peoples homes, Scotland’s ambitions at becoming a greener country and reducing Carbon Emissions looks to be another failed promise. With fracking companies refusing to disclose the exact contents of the fluid that is used in breaking down the shale rock, geologists are still unsure what the long term damage could be to the ground beneath us.

There is the very real chance that large parts of Scotland’s water could be contaminated at a result of this. As each well uses between two and five million gallons of locally- sourced freshwater in which half of the water will rise back to the surface and be permanently by polluted by ground contaminants and toxic chemicals. Shockingly no-one knows what happens to the other half of the water used in the process. The best “guess” (hope) is that it stays underground but there is a very real possibility of it making its way into the water supply. With a whole collection of environmental problems the cons of fracking vastly outweigh the pro’s.

“The tragedy is that by turning their backs on the cheapest form of renewable energy, on shore wind, which will soon undercut the price of gas, the Tories are also turning their backs on hundreds of thousands of green jobs, and the chance to position the UK in the forefront of the renewable energy revolution.

The delay in the changes have been celebrated by the other parties at Holyrood who believe that the current legislation prevents unfair convictions, with Labour MSP Graeme Pearson saying: “While we all support the need to help more victims of crime see justice done, we needed to see what would replace corroboration” By

Caroline Lucas Britain’s only Green M.P and staunch activist against fracking said “These policies show the Tories in their true colours. Far from aspiring to be “the greenest government ever”, it’s now clearer than ever that the Conservatives stand for the backward looking fossil fuel energies of the past.


Lauren Black

Dreeva Vine

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Tel: 0141 778 8335 Protect your pet from pesky parasites! The warmer months are peak season for pesky parasites like fleas and ticks. Fleas are a major source of irritation to pets and owners alike. They feed on the animal’s blood and multiply rapidly to cause an infestation. As well as being found on your pet they will live in the carpets and bedding at home. Fleas are responsible for transmitting tapeworms in pets so worming your pet if you find fleas is also advisable. Ticks are found mainly in woodland areas or on the hills and moor land but can be found in areas of long grass, especially if deer or hedgehogs are in the area. Ticks also feed on your pets’ blood and can cause serious diseases such as Lyme’s disease as well as a reaction to the bite itself. It is important never to pull a tick from your pet’s body. This can result in the tick’s head being left in the skin, causing infection, pain and irritation. Tick removers are available to ensure safe and complete removal.

Angiostrongylus vasorum (also known as French Heartworm) is a parasite that infects dogs. The adult worms live in the heart and large blood vessels supplying the lungs and can cause a whole host of problems in affected animals and if left untreated it can be fatal. The lungworm parasite is carried by slugs and snails, which are often eaten by dogs on purpose or accidentally when attached to toys or grass or in outdoor water bowls. Symptoms range from breathing problems, blood clotting problems, general weakness and depression and even sudden collapse and death. Infection can be prevented by using a specific spot on preparation, available from your vet.

Lungworm is another parasite that is becoming increasingly common. The lungworm

Flies can cause a major problem to rabbits in warmer weather. They can lay eggs around the

rabbit’s bottom if it is soiled and quickly hatch into flesh eating maggots. It is important to check and clean your rabbit’s bottom every day and seek help from your vet if at all worried. Please contact Sandyhills Veterinary Clinic to discuss the best preventative products for your pet. Not every product treats every type of parasite so we will be happy to advice on the best options for your furry friends.

32 Glasgow News | 25th April - 9th May 2014


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25th April - 9th May 2014 | Glasgow News 33


Student accommodation landlords exempt from immigrant checks In a landmark change to the new UK Immigration Bill, landlords of properties specifically designated as student accommodation will be exempt from conducting mandatory checks on the immigration status of their tenants.

The new bill which is set to come into law later this year and be enforced from the beginning of 2015, will force landlords and letting agencies to perform frequent and comprehensive checks on their tenants as regards their legal status for residence in the UK. If the landlord or letting agency is found to have neglected such checks they will be fined

£3,000 for each person found to be living illegally at the property. However, in the amendment to the bill, landlords and letting agencies who are providing purpose built student accommodation will not be subject to the new regulations, instead they will only have to carry out a single check on new tenants, consisting of liaising with the students university or college. The changes comes after the British Property Federation (BPF) tabled an amendment on the grounds that international students go through rigorous visa checks before being accepted by a university and that requiring landlords to so the same would be a

duplication of the same checks. “We are very satisfied to see that our amendments to the Immigration Bill have been accepted. The time and resources that would have been spent by student accommodation providers carrying out these checks would have been completely wasted,” said Ian Fletcher, director of policy at the British Property Federation. Currently the scheme is planned to be tested in a single area, which has yet to be confirmed, prior to its nationwide roll out next year, the Government is urging landlords and letting agencies to be prepared for the bills introduction. By

Michael McDaid

Average new buyer needs £40k salary to afford mortgage A study by the Council of Mortgage Lenders (CML) has revealed that first time buyers will on average have to be earning a salary of £40,000 a year to afford to pay off the average mortgage in Britain. Most new entrants into the housing market in the last 12 months have taken out an average mortgage of £119,000, a sum which is entirely out of reach for the majority of people with the average salary coming in at a paltry £26,500, well below the amount needed to safely get on the property ladder. As the market recovers it seems that young first time buyers have been scrambling to get onto the the property market before being priced out of it due to rapidly rising values, however with interest rates at historic lows, many lenders are becoming more apprehensive about giving mortgages to

those who are barely able to afford them at the moment. This is due to the Bank of England promising that the rates will be increased in the near future, with plans already in place to carry out an interest rate stress test. As rates increase, those who have taken out mortgages on the upper limits of their budget may start defaulting on their payments. The figures released in the study show that currently young first time buyers are using 19.2% of their total income just to pay the fees and interest on their mortgages. The governments help to buy scheme has been credited with bringing the property market back to life, but it may turn out to be a double edged sword, leaving many without the means to repay their mortgages after the interest rate increase. By

Lauren Black

34 Glasgow News | 25th April - 9th May 2014

Demand for property rising above supply levels In a report issued by the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RIS), it has been revealed that the demand for property in certain areas of Scotland has outpaced the number of homes for sale for the first time since the financial crash in 2008, according to the RIS house prices are also rising in parity to demand, creating a sellers market. The report stated that despite the housing market displaying encouraging signs of growth as projected for 2014, the lack of housing stock is putting off wouldbe buyers from making the move on buying new property, thus slowing down the overall recovery of the housing market.



Cash in

the attic

increase in the number of property sales in the latter half of 2014, buyers appear to becoming more comfortable with the rising prices, as mortgages are once again becoming more readily available. RICS Scotland director Sarah Speirs said: “Now that the housing market recovery is under way and mortgage finance is more readily available, buyers seem to be looking to test the market across Scotland. That said, it is a major concern that we are not seeing enough houses coming on to the market to meet this demand.”

With the RIS predicting a 46%




Brendan Doherty

A new study has found that there is literally cash to be had in the attic, with a good loft conversion netting up to £37,000 in extra value for your property. According to the results of a new study by the Nationwide Building Society, utilizing the wasted space of your attic could boost the value of your property by 21%, which translates to a cash sum of around £37,000 on average, this increase in value isn’t matched by anything else you can do to your home, with adding another bedroom to your home only bringing in £20,000 in value. Based on the average house price of around £178,000 in

the first quarter of this year, Nationwide has done the math to work out how much each home improvement could benefit your pocket when it comes to selling up. With an extra bathroom coming in at an increase of £8,900 in value and boosting floor space by a similar amount to what an extra bedroom would be will increase the value by a further 10% it seems that it really is worth it at the moment to start calling your local builders for a quote and see how much you could invest in your home while the market recovers. By

Garry Smith

25th April - 9th May 2014 | Glasgow News 35

PROPERTY Spring cleaning tips, cleaning your laminate flooring on a budget

With the spring cleaning season upon us, we here at the Ayrshire News decided to create a column with our top tips for getting your home into tip top shape. Laminate flooring has been a popular choice in Scottish homes since it became popular over a decade ago, replacing the much maligned linoleum flooring which was a mainstay for kitchen and bathrooms for nearly 50 years. However, with many laminate floors now starting to look a little worse for wear and a plethora of different cleaning products on the market which can infact damage certain laminate finishes, we’ve found a top tip for cleaning your laminate flooring without breaking the bank or damaging your flooring. For laminate floors, don’t reach into the


cupboard under the sink for the chemicals, instead, check your pantry for a bottle of white vinegar, more commonly associated with fish and chips, white vinegar is a cleaning miracle for stained laminate flooring. Unlike soap which attracts dirt to it and relies on being rinsed off to clean up, often leaving dirt behind in the texture of your flooring, white vinegar has a neutralised acid content which is perfect for breaking the bonds between dirt and your flooring. With just one part white vinegar to eight parts warm water you can leave your floor streak free and looking like new for weeks without having spent a fortune on cleaning products which may end up leaving you with a sticky floor for days. By

Lauren Black

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36 Glasgow News | 25th April - 9th May 2014

Land Rover in Partnership with Virgin Galactic

Ecclestone facing 10 years in prison Formula 1 boss Bernie Ecclestone is facing up to 10 years in jail as he stands trial in Germany over bribery charges. Ecclestone is accused of giving German banker Gerhard Gribkowsky £27.5 million bribe in exchange for the Formula 1 company being sold to a hedge fund which he favoured and as such Ecclestone would retain control of the Formula 1 company. Gribkowsky is already serving a jail sentence for accepting the bribe, yet denies any wrong doing.

Land Rover and Virgin Galactic (Richard Branson’s space travel company) have this week announced a long term partnership, based on the concept of shared adventures and new discoveries. The pairing was announced in New York on the USS Intrepid, a former United States Navy aircraft carrier which now serves as a museum for land, air, sea and space exploration exhibits. The new Land Rover Discovery which sports space age technology, known as the “Discovery Vision Concept” was presented, accompanying Virgin Galactic’s flagship space travel vessel, SpaceShipTwo, which is set to become the world’s first commercial space travel craft. The partnership between the two companies has been described as being “long term” and Land Rover will be supplying a fleet of Discoveries to Virgin Galactic to operate as company vehicles, intended to shuttle future passengers on SpaceShipTwo to and from the new astronaut training and launch facility that Virgin Galactic has created in the

Mojave desert of New Mexico. While SpaceShipTwo may have stolen the show from the new Discovery, the new Disco remains the most interesting part of this whole spectacle. As mentioned earlier in the article, the Land Rover on display is sporting technology which has been dubbed the “Discovery Vision Concept”, this new technology is truly the stuff of science fiction. Using what Land Rover have described as “augmented reality” technology, the engineers have apparently succeeded in making the Disco’s center console practically invisible to the driver and passengers. Instead replacing it with a view of the road in front of them. This new Discovery concept doesn’t appear to have forgotten its roots as a mudplugger, with new technologies intended to make it the most capable luxury off roader that the Jaguar Land Rover plant has ever produced, including laser projection systems which will beam a path onto the terrain ahead, aiding the driver in choosing the correct driving line to get out of a sticky situation, however, when the

Volvo maintains its reputation for safety with revolutionary child seat Last week Volvo, the Swedish car maker synonymous with safety innovation, revealed a revolutionary new child seat design, what sets the new Volvo concept apart, isn’t just the high level of safety the seat purports to lend to your little one, but instead it’s the portability and convenience.

The new Volvo child seat is in fact inflatable, designed specifically for parents who switch cars or travel without their car on a regular basis,

with one of the core design principles being portability, the new seat will fold away into a bag which has been sized to fit into the dimensions for most airlines carry on bag restrictions. Although inflatable, the seat is specified well beyond what current regulations dictate, with the seat utilizing ultra strong materials, which can withstand huge pressures and forces and utilizing drop stitching, a technique normally only found in emergency inflatables for ocean going vessels.

new Disco goes on sale, it’s doubtful that more than a very small percentage of them will ever see more challenging terrain than a flooded car park. Phil Popham, Marketing Director of Jaguar Land Rover spoke about the new partnership between the companies saying: “This is a marriage of two of Britain’s most iconic brands who celebrate shared values, a pioneering spirit and a true sense of adventure. Not only do we both share the same long-term vision to enable mankind to explore, but we also want to develop this partnership to inspire others. From our tens of thousands of employees and customers to schools and colleges, motivating more young people to pursue careers in engineering, science, technology and math - and explore new ways of travelling for future generations.” So it looks like the next moon rover might be built in Britain after all. By

Michael McDaid

Lawrence Abele, the designer behind the new seat, said: “For me child safety is always the number one priority and when we lived abroad with two toddlers we had to haul bulky child seats through airports and then into taxis. For many, travelling with young children is a challenge; any assistance to simplify the parents’ life with young children is a great thing.” By

Brendan Doherty

In his first day in court Ecclestone appeared to be upbeat, and when asked if he was confident of victory he answered “I’m confident the sun is shining.” Ecclestone claims that he was the victim of blackmail and that Gribkowsky was threatening to release incriminating falsified tax reports if he didn’t pay. By

Michael McDaid

Car sales are at their peak in a decade Car sales in Britain have hit a peak which has not been surpassed since 2004, with almost a quarter of all adults in Britain, mulling over the decision to purchase a new car, with a quarter of those in that statistic thinking of purchasing a brand new vehicle from the showroom floor. According to market analysis, the average figure most people in the UK are willing to spend on a new car is £12,500, with a third of those who said they were considering a new car planning to either part finance or fully finance their new vehicle. This new surge in the car market has been brought on by the prevalence of cheap credit available to dealerships, a low rate which they are directly passing on to their customers, fueling sales of new cars in particular. The Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders (SMMT) released figures last week, which showed a steady increase in the number of people

buying new cars in the last six months citing a 17.7% increase in March alone, with a predicted month on month 5% increase in the numbers of new cars being sold. New car registrations are now at their highest since March 2004, topping out at 464,824 new cars on the road last month. The new car demographics have displayed that austerity is still on the minds of even those who are planning to or have bought a new car in the last few months, with one in six of those surveyed stating that they will be changing their current car for one with a smaller engine in order to cut down on fuel and tax bills throughout their period of ownership. For the enthusiasts out there this is good news, as a rash of low priced higher performance cars may start coming onto the market as the general public switch to more economical means of getting around and shun the higher maintenance larger engined varients. By

Michael McDaid

25th April - 9th May 2014 | Glasgow News 37

A CLASSIC COMBINATION Scotland welcomes the classic car world for bi-annual event Monday 28 April will see the bi-annual HERO Events, Scottish Malts Reliability Trial and Tour event kick-off from the world famous Gleneagles Hotel, the home of this year’s 2014 Ryder Cup, navigating its way clockwise around the finest roads and scenery Scotland has to offer in celebration of the Year of Homecoming. Amongst the sixty plus vehicles taking part are a 1934 Bentley 3 1⁄2 Ltr Hooper Bodied Sports saloon, a Porsche 911 2.7 RS Lightweight from 1973, several Mercedes SL “Pagodas” also from the 1960’s and many other rare and interesting classic vehicles from the 1930’s right up to the 1980’s. Of the 63 cars expected, five crews are Scottish with the rest from the UK and other nationalities including Switzerland, Argentina, Ireland, Germany, USA, Italy, New Zealand and the Netherlands. “The Malts” as the event has become affectionately known, is split into two parts – The Trial and The Tour. The Trial is a competitive event, the cars and competitors competing over “regularity” sections, testing navigation and timing skills and special manoeuvrability, handling and speed tests, designed to show not just the skill of the driver, but how agile these older cars really are. Venues for these tests will include whisky distilleries such as Glenlivet, Dalmore, Tomatin and Edradour in honour of the Year of Homecoming Whisky Month which starts in May. A number of private castles and stately homes across Scotland will also provide a perfect backdrop for the event. The Tour is more relaxed, whilst following the main route of The Trial; entrants in this category are encouraged to visit points of interest along the route, re-joining the event for lunches, coffees and evening meals. Patrick Burke, Director of HERO Events said: “We are delighted to welcome yet again some 13 nationalities on the event – a testament to the fact that the Scottish Malts has now a firm place in the diary of international crews. The event has become one of the best established rallies in Scotland and it is part of the Year of Homecoming Celebrations. Accordingly, we are proud to support this initiative and showcase along the

route, the best of Scottish heritage, culture and places of interest.” Caroline Packman, Director of Homecoming Scotland said: “The Malts” ties in perfectly with our Year of Homecoming themes which lie at the heart of this special year. From our delicious food and drink offering

to our rich history, creativity and culture, and of course our magnificent and dramatic natural landscapes and scenery – we hope the event will give participants a true sense of Scotland. I wish all the participants and spectators in the 2014 Scottish Malts event a safe, enjoyable and memorable rally.”Event Director, Peter Nedin added: “The Malts continues to attract crews from around the world which is testimony to its popularity with classic cars enthusiasts. This year’s event will include some new locations, roads we haven’t used for several years and of course, the old favourites. As always, we can promise entrants an enjoyable and entertaining week.” Further information will be released shortly regarding spectator information and any further viewing points. The event will have live updates on HERO’s Facebook page and twitter so you can be sure of following every twist and turn at any time. Furthermore, a full TV program will also be aired on Motors TV on Friday 20 th June 2014 at 22:35pm. For more information go to the website at: http://www.heroevents. eu/Events/ScottishMalts/scottish_ malts_2014/

38 Glasgow News | 25th April - 9th May 2014


Eagle Eye:

Scotland reveals largest aquatics team in Games The Ryder Cup Review history for 2014 Welcome to my new column counting down to the 40th Ryder Cup at Gleneagles in September. It may be 7 months away but it is already the talk of clubhouses up and down the country.

Team Scotland has named the largest aquatics team in Commonwealth Games history for Glasgow 2014. With 38 swimmers selected and two divers, the team is the largest in the competition by far and sports a number of athletes who are making their international debut. Team Scotland chief Jon Doig said: “There is a strong core of experience and success and I’m excited to see so many new faces. At this stage, it is the biggest single sport in Team Scotland for 2014.”

Throughout the history of the Commonwealth Games, Scotland has claimed more medals from the aquatic events than in any other sport, with a total haul before Glasgow 2014 totalling 73 medals including 20 top of the podium gold medals. The current line up includes five podium finishers, who have between them added five medals to the Scottish medal haul in the past. By

Brendan Doherty

Unstoppable Warriors decimate a beleaguered Ulster

The first major of the year, The Masters yet again never failed to deliver in terms of drama and excitement right to the very end. Bubba Watson’s emphatic win has propelled him into list of greats and deservedly so. His incredible power off the tee is literally draw dropping at times. His 366 yd drive at the 13th hole on Sunday which left him with only a wedge to the heart of the green, will live long in the memory. Young Jordan Spieth’s performance was impressive and the 20 year old seems a lock for a place in the US team bound for Scotland in September. It goes without saying that Bubba had already booked his spot even before his 2nd Masters victory. From a European perspective, Jonas Blixt of Sweden who tied for second with Spieth has not hidden his desire to become a Ryder Cup player. Blixt impressed in only his third major and will be competing in the minimum 13 tournaments in Europe this season in order to qualify for the Paul McGinley’s team. As for the veterans, Miguel Angel Jiminez and Thomas Bjorn, their solid Masters performances will strengthen their claim for a place in the European team. Competition for places are hotting up already for both teams which is bound to please both captains.

Till next time, this is Eagle Eye signing off.

The Glasgow Warriors, continuing their spree of wins, decimated a beleaguered Ulster with a 27-9 win over the men from Ireland. With a trio of breathtaking tries, the Warriors kept Ulster on the back foot not only with a lightning attack but with an unbreakable defensive line which the Irishmen couldn’t maneuver around no matter how many phases they threw against it. The majority of the first half was a classic example of ‘ping pong’ rugby, which has gained prevalence in the last few years, with both sides deciding to keep the ball moving up and down the park, aiming to get their kickers within range for drop goals and penalties. This worked for both sides with the score line reflecting the play, sitting on even footing until the 39th minute, when Sean Maitland in the black and

blue ran onto the ball at pace within metres of the Ulster try line, putting it down right between the uprights and leaving the Irishmen scratching their heads. Finn Russell easily converted the try, bringing Glasgow to a 10-9 lead at the whistle. The Warriors, clearly motivated by their success in the dying moments of the first leg came out swinging, capitalising on a demoralized Ulster, with Russell, who set up the first try for Glasgow running home a second, and easily converting it. Bringing the Glasgow men up to an 11 point lead, after a further penalty was awarded. Ulster made a resurgence in response to this, throwing everything they had in the tank at an unbreakable Glasgow defensive line, narrowly managing to get across the chalk but being denied for not grounding the ball after a hard won contest. This seemed to be the final nail in the coffin for Ulster.

Controversy courted the decision to award the third Warriors try with a suspect grounding by Mark Bennett, bouncing it over the line by his fingertips, when the try was awarded after a lengthy consultation with the TMO, Bennett looked just as surprised as the Ulstermen, however the crowd at Scotstoun were ecstatic, pushing the Glasgow men into an unbeatable lead of 27-9 after another textbook conversion from Russell. This win puts the Warriors right on track for third place in the Pro12 table, providing they defeat their arch rivals from the capital on Saturday, a game which they already lead 20-16 in points difference, from there it looks like the Warriors may infact be able to challenge Munster, whom they defeated 22-5 the previous week, for second place before the end of the competition. By

Michael McDaid

25th April - 9th May 2014 | Glasgow News 39


Glasgow City romp home against Forfar

The champions continued their fine recent form with a 9-0 win over Forfar Farmington at Petershill Park with goals from Jo Love (2), Fiona Brown (2) Leanne Ross (2), Denise O’Sullivan, Eilish McSorley and Abbi Grant.

left hand side, saw the City attacker beat the full back before sending an inviting cross into the box to O’Sullivan on 20 minutes. The Republic of Ireland player’s header came back off the bar, Ross collected, set up Love and the City and Scotland midfielder fired another cracker into the corner to make it 4-0 to the home side.

City got off to the perfect start as Denise O’Sullivan headed home a Fiona Brown cross with just 3 minutes on the clock.

Fiona Brown knocked home number five for City converting a deep Leanne Crichton cross two minutes before the break.

Leanne Ross made it 2-0 on 17 minutes as she pounced on a loose ball after Fiona McNicoll in the Forfar goal expertly saved an Eilish McSorley header, but could do nothing to prevent Ross following up from close range.

Brown was back on the scoresheet ten minutes into the second half firing an O’Sullivan pass into the back of the net after Ross cleverly stepped over the ball.

Two minutes later Jo Love curled a great effort into the top corner from the edge of the box and it was more bad news for the away side as McNicoll got injured attempting to save Love’s effort and had to be stretchered off and replaced by Leoni Simpson.

Eilish McSorley netted number seven with a thunderbolt into the back of the net from 30 yards and Leanne Ross get her second and City’s eighth of the match converting a Fiona Brown cross on 75 minutes. Abbi Grant finished off an excellent day for the home side with goal number nine in the last ten minutes.

Great play by Fiona Brown down the

Commenting on the win, City Head

It certainly hasn’t been a successful or particularly enjoyable start to their new season for the City’s speedway team.

some alarm bells within the Ashfield Stadium camp who must quickly arrest their losing run.

Coach, Eddie Wolecki Black said, “We are very happy to get the three points. We knew that Forfar had a young team out and they would be full of energy and enthusiasm and we had to make sure we played with

Tiger Turbulence With six fixtures now under their belts (and two rain-offs) the GlasgowAllied Vehicles Tigers have yet to taste victory having been gunned down in each outing so far. Those rain-offs have meant that, by a quirk of fate, both of the Tigers home fixtures to date have been against fiercest rivals Edinburgh Monarchs who have made their best start to a season in their club’s history, with no defeats from eight fixtures - including four wins over Glasgow. The latest defeat last Sunday, and the indifferent performance of one or two of the Glasgow riders, has triggered


This week (Thursday) the team make the trip to Redcar to open their Premier League campaign, and then return to face a strong looking Peterborough Panthers side at Ashfield this Sunday (tapes up at 3pm). With no desire to retain the wooden spoon they collected last year, it is unthinkable that Tigers will again lose on home shale this Sunday, however they will need optimal performances from all seven riders if they are to ease home and open their league account against a Panthers side which features one of the most potent heat leader trios in the entire division in the shape of Ryan Fisher,

our heads today.” He continued I was glad we got the breakthrough early on and at times I felt we played some really good football. The injury and resultant break in play didn’t help the game

and we are glad to hear that Fiona McNicoll is recovering. Full credit to Forfar, they battled 90 minutes and in all honesty their league season won’t depend on games like today.” By

Laura Montgomery

Lasse Bjerre and Ales Dryml.

Whilst Tigers fans have delighted in the joy of watching their young Frenchman Dimitri Berge quickly settle into his debut British season, it is the top end of the side, and most notably the poor form of professed top rider Kevin Wolbert, which has caused the side to stutter to reach respectability in their meetings so far. Whilst Wolbert looked in much better form last Friday racing at Edinburgh (11 points), he failed to score a single point at home just 48 hours later, a performance which did his team no favours as they fell to a 23 point defeat. It remains to be seen if club bosses will look to persist and support their current line-up hoping that all riders will find the level of performance that

For your chance to win a pair of tickets to the Glasgow Tigers next home fixture on the 4th of May at Ashfield Stadium, answer this simple question.

Who will the Tigers be facing off against on the 4th of May? Send your answers on a self addressed postcard or envelope to:

West of Scotland Media, Suite 26, Brook Street Studios, 60 Brook Street, Glasgow G40 2AB

Picture: Ian Adam

they have achieved in the recent past, else will look to cut losses and make a change to the team with a view to immediately shocking it into much improved form. Certainly this Sunday’s encounter with Peterborough has all the makings of an extremely interesting

and entertaining afternoon as the Tigers desperately look to bounce back into some semblance of good scoring form, and to kick start their 2014 campaign at the same time. All details of forthcoming speedway action in Glasgow can be found at

David Moyes given the boot After just 10 months in the job, David Moyes has been sacked as the manager at Manchester United after both the fans and the Glazer family held him responsible for the clubs disappointing run of losses this season. The now former Man U manager was unceremoniously dropped via twitter by the


Garry Smith

club with the message: “Manchester United has announced that David Moyes has left the club. The club would like to place on record its thanks for the hard work, honesty and integrity he brought to the role,” Apparently this was the first that Moyes had heard about his situation at the club, having to wait on the press to fill him in with more details.

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Scotland prepare to bid for Euro 2020

The SFA have firmly thrown their hat in the ring to be considered as a joint host for Euro 2020. In 2020 for the first time ever the European Championships will be

hosted by 13 different host cities. With Scotland havingfour world class venues, Murrayfield, Celtic Park, Hampden and Ibrox stadium they will be in with a very good chance of succeeding.

On the same day that Scotland are expected to announce their intentions to be a host nation the Czech Republic and Poland pulled out of the running. The Czech FA blaming a lack of financial guarantees from their city authorities and Poland after hosting

Euro 2012 were told their prospects of hosting were minimal. In September four of the five, Home Nations, England, Republic of Ireland, Scotland and Wales were among the 32 teams who announced to UEFA that they wished to be considered as

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hosts for the elite competition. The four home countries will find out

if they have succeeded in being chosen

as a host nation this coming September. By

Richard Garland



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