2022 Natural Living Directory

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Natural Living Directory

Westchester/Putnam/Dutchess NY Edition | WakeUpNaturally.com January 2022



Westchester/Putnam/Dutchess NY Edition


January 2022



Westchester/Putnam/Dutchess NY Edition


Natural Awakenings is a family of 50+ healthy living magazines celebrating 27 years of providing the communities we serve with the tools and resources we all need to lead healthier lives on a healthy planet.





Healthy Coffee Alternatives and Hacks



10 Top Wellness Trends for 2022


Moving Toward an All-EV Future this Year




Emerging Trends with a COVID-19 Caveat

42 ZEN ZONE FOR KIDS Create the Perfect Calm-Down Corner at Home


What Dogs and Cats Will Eat This Year


48 WHOLE-PERSON ADVERTISING & SUBMISSIONS HOW TO ADVERTISE To advertise with Natural Awakenings or request a media kit, please contact us at 845.593.0065 or email Dana-NA@WakeUpNaturally.com. Deadline for ads: the 12th of the month. EDITORIAL SUBMISSIONS Email articles, news items and ideas to: Marilee@ WakeUpNaturally.com. Deadline for editorial: the 12th of the month. CALENDAR SUBMISSIONS Email Calendar Events to: marilee@wakeupnaturally.com. Deadline for calendar: the 12th of the month. REGIONAL MARKETS Advertise your products or services in multiple markets! Natural Awakenings Publishing Corp. is a growing franchised family of locally owned magazines serving communities since 1994. To place your ad in other markets call 239.434.9392. For franchising opportunities call 239.530.1377 or visit NaturalAwakenings.com.


Current Trends in Wellness Tools


on the Healing Power of Letting Go

DEPARTMENTS 8 health briefs 10 global briefs 12 profiles 30 conscious eating 38 green living 40 healing ways 42 healthy kids 44 natural pet

46 inspiration 48 fit body 50 wise words 52 planet watch 54 calendar 57 classifieds 58 directory listings January 2022



WESTCHESTER/ PUTNAM/ DUTCHESS EDITION Publishers Dana Boulanger Marilee Burrell Editors Allison Gorman Dawne Clark Marilee Burrell Design & Production Kathleen Fellows Patrick Floresca Marilee Burrell Sales & Marketing Dana Boulanger

CONTACT US PO Box 776 Pawling, NY 12564 Ph: 845.593.0065 WakeUpNaturally.com SUBSCRIPTIONS Subscriptions are available by sending $30 (for 12 issues) to the above address.

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Natural Awakenings Publishing Corporation 4851 Tamiami Trail N., Ste. 200 Naples, FL 34103 Ph: 239-434-9392 NaturalAwakeningsMag.com

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Natural Awakenings Magazine is ranked 5th Nationally in CISION’S® 2016 Top 10 Health & Fitness Magazines

letter from publishers

Change Is Good


elcome to our 2022 Natural Living Directory. We hope you enjoy this special annual edition and keep it handy all year as a guide to the many wellness and natural-living resources available in this area. Health will undoubtedly continue to Dana Boulanger Marilee Burrell be a major focus throughout 2022 as the pandemic lingers. Keeping our bodies and immune systems in tip-top shape is important now. Eating well, exercising, getting good sleep, and maintaining good mental health—making time for the things that bring us joy, including meaningful relationships— are all good strategies. So this edition of Natural Awakenings is especially timely. It brings together information about local wellness practitioners and resources, both in our expanded practitioner-profile section and in our directory listings. We hope you enjoy getting to know the people on these pages—who are our neighbors, after all. Every year Dana and I get excited about putting together the January magazine because it showcases the talents and specialties of so many wellness experts in our area. We never cease to be amazed by the number of practitioners and providers available to assist in our healing journeys or help us maintain optimum health. We hope you keep and refer to the directory throughout the year—but of course if you lose your copy, you can read it online at WakeUpNaturally.com. And now for some big news! Dana and I are excited to announce that we’re looking for the next person to publish this magazine—someone to pass the baton to. We have loved owning and publishing this magazine for the past 15 years, but we’ll both be on to new adventures soon, and we’re looking forward to starting new chapters in our lives. It was 2007 when I met Dana and we bought the Westchester/Putnam franchise together, launching a 15-year business endeavor and friendship. She quickly became my ideal business partner. I tell people we’re attached at the hip—but by telephone, since she lives in New York and I still live in Connecticut. I had been publishing the Fairfield County edition of Natural Awakenings with two other women, Lisa Jacoby and Mary Karnis. When they moved on and we sold the Connecticut magazine, I went full-time with Dana. In 2013, Dana and I added Dutchess County to our franchise agreement. That was an especially fun year, as we got to explore the towns in Dutchess, introducing business owners to the magazine and setting up distribution sites. In the beginning, not many of them had even heard of Natural Awakenings. Now, more often than not, we hear “Oh, I love that magazine!” I like new experiences, exploring new places and meeting new people. That’s why I jumped into Natural Awakenings with both feet. I first discovered the magazine in 2004, when it was published primarily in Florida; my intention then was to make it as popular in the Northeast as it was in the South. Now, in 2022, Natural Awakenings is a household name, with many editions being published throughout the Northeast and more than 50 editions in total published across the United States. Mission accomplished. So who will be the next publisher of this magazine? The ideal owner will be steeped in natural wellness, an entrepreneur who has the time and desire to commit to a new fulltime career—not a part-time job—and who has roots in Westchester, Dutchess or Putnam. If you’re seriously interested in exploring this opportunity, please visit WakeUpNaturally. com/franchise to start the prequalification process. Until then, Dana and I will happily continue to publish and grow the magazine. Here’s to a new year full of possibilities,

Natural Awakenings is printed on partially recycled newsprint with soy-based ink.


Westchester/Putnam/Dutchess NY Edition


January 2022


health briefs

Try Lavender and Valerian to Ease Heart Fatigue People with chronic heart failure often struggle with fatigue, making simple daily tasks difficult, but a new Iranian study suggests that lavender and valerian may help counter this symptom. Researchers divided 120 patients with heart failure into three groups that were given either a 530-milligram valerian root capsule, lavender aromatherapy or routine care. In a two-week period, people taking either of the herbal therapies reported significantly less fatigue than the control group.


Use UV Rays and HEPA Filters to Kill COVID-19 Virus

Ultraviolet (UV) light in various forms has been used widely in the last century to disinfect water, air and surfaces, but its use in public spaces is increasingly common since the COVID-19 pandemic. In a new study published in Applied and Environmental Microbiology, University of Colorado researchers report finding the sweet spot in the UV spectrum that is both extremely effective at killing the virus and also safer for human exposure, allowing airports and entertainment venues to disinfect even when people are 8

Westchester/Putnam/Dutchess NY Edition

present. The researchers found that while the virus was quite susceptible to UV light in general, a specific wavelength of far-ultraviolet C at 222 nanometers was particularly effective, while remaining safe for human skin and eyes. The highest disinfection rate was from krypton chloride (KrCl) excimers, a low-pressure, mercury-vapor lamp. “Of almost every pathogen we have ever studied, this virus is one of the easiest, by far, to kill with UV light,” says senior author Karl Linden, professor of environmental engineering. Also, researchers at the United Kingdom’s Addenbrooke Hospital, in Cambridge, studied the use of portable high-energy particulate air (HEPA) filters in crowded COVID-19 wards. They found that the relatively inexpensive machines effectively removed COVID-19 particles from the air—the first such evidence in a real-world setting. Researchers noted the HEPA filters also removed detectable amounts of other pathogens that cause infections in hospitals, such as Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli and Streptococcus pyogenes—a surprising finding because these pathogens are not typically considered to be airborne.


Karolina Grabowska/Pexels.com

A natural compound called fenchol, found in basil and other plants, may help to reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s disease by preventing toxic proteins from accumulating in the brain, report researchers from the University of South Florida. In a new study published in Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, researchers reported that a sensing mechanism called the FFAR2 receptor on short-chain fatty acids in the gut microbiome reduces neurotoxicity in a brain with Alzheimer’s. After screening more than 144,000 natural compounds to find those that activate that receptor, they discovered that the fenchol in basil bound to it the best. Fenchol was also found to clear harmful amyloid protein from the brain much faster than other compounds and to prevent the formation of half-dead, inflammatory “zombie cells” found in deteriorating brains. Future research will focus on on whether fenchol is best delivered through basil itself, a nasal application spray or a pill.

iStock.com image

Consider Basil to Fend Off Alzheimer’s

new africa/AdobeStock.com

Eat More Fiber to Avoid Liver Fat

In a recent study published in The Journal of Nutrition, researchers at Seattle’s Children’s Hospital tested 1,682 adults from multiple ethnic groups and compared their diets to their levels of liver fat, which is linked to nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. They found those that ate more red meat and saturated fat, and drank more coffee had higher levels of liver fat, while those that ate more fiber and produce containing vitamins C and E had lower levels


of liver fat.




living Food is meant to be a joyful part of your life. Healthful eating isn’t meant to be an exercise in deprivation. – Anthony William

march food

& nutrition

april sustainable living

Natural Awakenings | 845-593-0065 | WakeUpNaturally.com January 2022


Bad Actors

global briefs

Poachers Upsetting Ecological Balance

Approximately 90 percent of the elephants in the present-day Gorongosa National Park, called one of the “last wild places” by National Geographic, were poached for ivory to finance the civil war in Mozambique from 1977 to 1992. Before the conflict, less than one-fifth of females were born without tusks. Now the number is closer to 50 percent. A study published in Science Friday reveals “smoking-gun evidence for genetic changes,” according to University of Victoria (Canada) conservation scientist Chris Darimont. He believes the study helps us understand how humans can have a major influence on evolution. The same phenomenon has also been observed in Uganda, Tanzania and Kenya after periods of intense poaching. Although female and male elephants can be born with tusks, tusklessness occurs at around 2 percent in a well-protected population. Study co-author and Princeton evolutionary biologist Robert Pringle thinks the changes are reversible as the population recovers, saying, “There’s such a blizzard of depressing news about biodiversity and humans in the environment, and I think it’s important to emphasize that there are some bright spots in that picture.”

Regulation Needed Plastic is the New Coal

A new report from the advocacy group Beyond Plastics has found that emissions from the plastic industry may be greater than those from coal-fired power plants by 2029. Founder Judith Enck, a former U.S. Environmental Protection Agency regional administrator, says, “Plastic is intimately connected to the climate crisis. Plastic is the new coal.” The report details ways plastic contributes to global warming, beginning with its manu10

Westchester/Putnam/Dutchess NY Edition

In a paper published in Biological Conservation, researchers from the University of Adelaide and an international team of experts have concluded that illegal global wildlife trade impacts species, ecosystems and society in unsustainable ways. Co-author Dr. Oliver Stringham states, “The trade in wild vertebrates alone is estimated to involve a quarter of terrestrial species, while the trade in ocean life, invertebrates, plants and fungi remains considerably overlooked and poorly documented. As a threat to targeted species, the trade represents one of the five major drivers of biodiversity loss and extinction at global scale.” The incidental effects of wildlife harvesting include disrupted interactions between species and ecosystem structure, altering species composition, functioning and services such as seed dispersal, pollination and carbon storage. Other secondary effects are decreases in eco-tourism and increases in pandemics that originate in wildlife. Co-author and Ph.D. candidate Adam Toomes notes, “A large diversity of species are not protected by international regulation and are traded without any formal documentation process, making it incredibly difficult to evaluate the associated costs and benefits.” Tools available to curb the trade include bans, quotas, protected areas, certification, captive breeding and propagation, education and awareness. facture as petroleum products. Some of the issues are related to fracking, pipelines, toxic chemical byproducts, carcinogenic smoke, atmospheric hydrofluorocarbons and waste disposal on land and sea. The Beyond Plastics report estimates that U.S. production of plastic in 2020 caused about 210 million metric tons of greenhouse gas emissions, or the equivalent of 116 medium-sized, coal-fired power plants. Aarthi Ananthanarayanan, senior fellow at the Ocean Conservancy Plastics Initiative, says the report highlights the need for policymakers to better regulate petrochemical producers, saying, “We have to start considering plastics as part of the fossil fuel industry.”



Tuskless Elephants Adapting to Poaching Scourge

peter betts/AdobeStock.com

Never Forget

Bottoms Up

mockup graphics/Unsplash.com

Climate Change Affects Coffee Quality A review published in Frontiers in Plant Science outlines the vulnerability of coffee quality to environmental shifts. Researchers from the Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy at Tufts University and Montana State University looked at the effects of 10 prevalent environmental factors and management conditions associated with climate change and adaptation as detailed in 73 published articles to form this analysis. Their findings have implications for farmers’ livelihoods and consumer experiences. Coffee is grown on 12.5 million mostly small farms comprising more than 27 million acres in more than 50 countries. Some of these regions are feeling the impact of climate change, which leads to consequences for coffee’s taste, aroma, nutritional quality, yield and sustainability. Farms at higher altitudes were associated with better coffee flavor and aroma, while too much light exposure correlated with a decrease in overall quality. Coffee quality is also susceptible to changes due to water stress and increased temperatures and carbon dioxide, although more research on these specific factors is needed. Current efforts to mitigate the effects of climate change include shade management to control light exposure, selection and maintenance of climateresilient wild coffee plants, and pest management, but innovative solutions to support bean growth at all elevations still need to be devised.

coming in the february issue

Heart-Centered Living

January 2022


Shira Adler

directory profiles

Create Your 2022 Wellness Dream Team

Synergy by Shira Adler 292 Katonah Ave. #412, Katonah, NY 914.861.5186 • The1ShiraAdler@gmail.com ShiraSynergy.com What drew you to this profession? As a single mom, I took the phrase “Necessity is the motherhood of invention” literally and created a natural wellness solution for my kids, which organically evolved into a recognized holistic wellness brand. It’s a natural extension of my life helping others overcome myriad life challenges through my work as clergy/ healer, author and media wellness personality. How does your work differ from that of others in your profession? I’m honored to be called an integrative wellness pioneer in the hemp and cannabis space. I started my holistic wellness company in 2011 and launched cannabinoid formulations in 2016. I’m also an internationally vetted expert in cannabioscience—the only hemp industries leader to launch a company in the area—and author of The ABCs of CBD: The Essential Guide.


e ready for whatever 2022 throws at you by building a wellness dream team of trusted local practitioners and providers. We’ve put together an at-a-glance list of specialists in all areas of natural health and wellness, from Ayurveda and addiction cessation to massage therapy and medical marijuana. This is one issue of Natural Awakenings that we suggest you not recycle. Instead keep it handy year-round as a wellness resource for you, your family and even your pets.


Westchester/Putnam/Dutchess NY Edition

What should someone expect from working with you? People know they can trust my experience, knowledge and deeply vetted products. My company provides unique formulations including a firstin-class series, Synergy Sprays—the world’s only CBD-infused aromatherapy. I’m also the founder, president and CEO of a newly launching agritech and cannabiosciences research company (EcoSynergy) whose team of world-class industry subject-matter experts share my vision for “modern alchemy” merging ancient plant-based wisdom with breakthrough science. What changes do you have planned for 2022? Launching EcoSynergy, LLC, is the biggest change for 2022. We’re supporting the cannabis and hemp industries through new-product R&D and establishing a one-of-a-kind CRO (contract research organization): CROCUS. Our first clinical study will be on long-Covid. Our upcoming nutraceuticals are the result of breakthrough science and set new industry standards for products—testing—and biodiversity and sustainability for humanity to Bring Balance Back. Anything else our readers should know? There’s never been a time like this on the planet. The repercussions to what changes our bodies and our society are facing are unparalleled—barely understood or yet experienced. When the energy shifts this dramatically, the natural wellness solutions on which we rely must also ramp up exponentially. That’s why we’re going so much deeper into research, clinical studies and education. Ultimately, our company is in service—to remind people that we are stewards of each other and our planet. See ad, page 4.


Balance Day Spa

Allison Adamiak, Owner/Esthetician 280 Mamaroneck Ave., Ste. 310, White Plains, NY 914.358.9898 • Balance-DaySpa.com


pen since 2010, Balance Day Spa is Westchester County’s only certified green spa. Founded by Allison Adamiak, a master esthetician with 19 years’ experience, the spa specializes in all aspects of esthetics. Balance Day Spa uses only the finest organic products from Europe. What makes your business special? Balance Day Spa is Westchester County’s only certified green spa. Our facials range between 75 and 90 minutes in length and are fully customized to each client’s individual skincare needs. We also offer extensive covid safety measures (see below). What services do you offer? Our spa offers facials, peels, waxing, tinting, bronzing, aromatherapy and energy healing. We work exclusively with Eminence Organic Skincare and Eve Taylor Essential Oils. What’s it like coming to your business? At Balance Day Spa, our clients can expect that their safety is our top priority. We only schedule one client at a time, so everyone can anticipate having the spa to themselves. For those clients having a facial or other unmasked service, we require proof of covid vaccination upon arrival, which will be noted on their file. All clients should anticipate having their temperature taken upon arrival. Beyond this, our guests should expect phenomenal organic services and safety features galore. Everyone leaves happy! What changes do you have planned for 2022? With the new year comes the return of our ever-popular annual peel series, which consists of six fully customized peel treatments performed over six weeks. Our peels are an amazing choice for anyone looking to improve their overall skin tone, as well as to combat fine lines and wrinkles, sun damage or acne scarring. Later in 2022, we plan to introduce health coaching, with a special emphasis on skin care and healthy aging. Anything else our readers should know? Our staff is fully vaccinated and boosted. In addition to required proof of full vaccination for all facials/unmasked services, our safety features and protocols include: advanced hospital-grade air filtration throughout the building and spa; temperature checks; eco-friendly hospital-grade disinfection between each client; the use of P-100 respirators, masks and face shields; custom Plexiglass barriers on treatment beds; and Plexiglass at the point of checkout.

Pam Todd Battle, LAc, Dipl.OM (NCCAOM)

Flowing Rivers Acupuncture 603 Warburton Ave. Hastings on Hudson, NY 914.572.1559 • FlowingRivers@optonline.net FlowingRivers.net


lowing Rivers Acupuncture offers “relief, comfort, balance and overall well-being” with Oriental medicine, according to board-certified licensed acupuncturist and Chinese herbalist Pamela Battle. Acupuncture’s effects have been compared to rebooting a computer. This ancient modality is thought to rebalance the action of neurotransmitters, endorphins and other biochemical agents to promote better blood flow, reduce pain and stress, and improve immunity, metabolism, resilience and hormonal balance. How does your work differ from that of others in your profession? I have extensive familiarity working with many Western medical modalities and specialties from my previous career in sales and marketing for a variety of medical products and services, providing additional insight into my patients’ concerns. I am trained in a variety natural therapies and services, such as Oriental medicine (acupuncture and Chinese herbal formulas), functional medicine assessment, alchemical healing, stress reduction, AcuPatching phototherapy, cupping, auricular therapy and dietary support. Patients visit my Acupuncture practice for treatment of headaches and body pain; reactions to stress, such as anxiety, depression and insomnia; women’s health concerns; and other chronic health issues, including digestive, sinus, respiratory and skin complaints. What should someone expect from working with you? My approach is a fusion of my intuition and my different trainings, knowledge and skills, which involve a variety of techniques, tools and modalities. The result is a combination of medical and spa-like treatments. I customize treatment sessions in collaboration with my patients, targeting their specific conditions and objectives and empowering them to take charge of their health and well-being. Anything else our readers should know? Acupuncture can provide a relaxing, restorative and refreshing time-out from daily routine and stress. Especially now, as we are learning to better cope and thrive in our uncertain times, acupuncture combined with other modalities has helped patients find improvement, relief and more resilience as they deal with physical and emotional effects of the past few very stressful years, including long-haul covid symptoms, grief, fear and uncertainty. I offer free 20-minute consultations by appointment, and I accept insurance when acupuncture is a covered benefit for your particular complaint. I also follow up-to-date safety and disinfecting protocols. January 2022


Anne Bentzen, MSOT

Certified Jikiden Reiki Shihankaku Teacher and Practitioner Balancing 4 Life, LLC 25 Broadway, Ste. 101, Pleasantville, NY 914.588.4079 • balancing4lifeusa@gmail.com Balancing4Life.com


s a Jikiden Reiki practitioner, teacher and owner of Balancing 4 Life, Anne Bentzen works with the body’s subtle energies, stimulating natural healing while relieving underlying symptoms caused by stress. Her treatments include energetic counseling and education to help clients achieve greater personal happiness and well-being.

What drew you to this profession? I discovered the relationship between energetic flow and our conscious ability to direct energy 25 years ago, while providing occupational therapy services for autistic children who are highly sensory sensitive. This led to an immediate shift of seeing the world energetically and supporting health and well-being through Reiki, crystals and Bach flower essences. How does your work differ from that of others in your profession? The original healing method of Reiki is intuitive, allowing me to discern different levels of imbalance and monitor client changes from session to session. Ongoing energy counseling teaches clients to improve personal energy management for improved health and well-being. Customized Bach flower essence formulas offer an additional aid to release unconscious behavioral patterns. What should someone expect from working with you? All clients will experience the compassionate touch of Jikiden Reiki and deep relaxation during treatment sessions. Clients experience relief from stress-related physical and emotional symptoms and the release of excessive mental energy. Everyone receives information on their personal imbalances and recommendations to achieve a greater sense of personal well-being. What changes do have you planned for 2022? Our new location in Pleasantville provides the opportunity to offer more Jikiden Reiki classes, student practice and ongoing events. I will be providing workshops on personal energy development and hosting other wellness practitioners’ programs, including monthly programs on restorative yoga and meditation, sound baths, psychic readings, nutrition and more. Anything else our readers should know? Your health is only as good as the balance and flow of energy through your body to support your physical structure. All physical issues are rooted in emotional imbalance. Reiki is the best drug-free natural healing method to support harmony between heart and mind. Everyone can learn Reiki for themselves and their family. Reiki principles guide you to live with greater peace and happiness. See ad, page 46. 14

Westchester/Putnam/Dutchess NY Edition

Karla Booth

11 E. Main St., 2nd Floor, Mount Kisco, NY 914.649.9565 • karlabooth@gmail.com KarlaBooth.com


s a specialist in the Alexander Technique, Karla Booth provides an antidote to the effects of stress and tension. According to Booth, we go through life “doing” as much as we can, often as quickly as we can, and the world is moving faster all the time. This brings about elevated tension throughout the body, mental stress, a busy mind, and a disconnection between the mind and body. The Alexander Technique teaches us that we can pause and reconnect our body and mind to reduce stress so that we can function more effectively. What drew you to this profession? I came to the Alexander Technique after years of back pain in my teens and 20s. What I learned in my first lesson helped me become aware of my patterns of tension that were compressing my back. And I was so fascinated I decided to do the three-year teacher-training course. I have now been teaching for 32 years. How does your work differ from that of others in your profession? My background is dance, theater and yoga, and before I became an Alexander teacher I was a bodyworker (shiatsu/ reflexology). I’ve studied and taught movement of all kinds, I’ve worked with healers and other bodyworkers, and I also study and teach functional anatomy. All of this informs my teaching. What should someone expect from working with you? If you come to have lessons, it’s important to realize that you’ll be learning a skill that can be applied to life. It’s not about sitting and standing correctly or having good posture. It’s a method for improving awareness, thinking and moving in a more coordinated way, learning positions of mechanical benefit, and studying the skills that can change longtime habits of tension. What changes do you have planned for 2022? Although I do teach a few people and classes online, my practice will continue to be hands-on and in person. I teach in a beautiful space that lends itself to calmness and gives a much-needed break.


Cathy Carter

Creating Sacred Places 646.584.3540 • ccarter@creatingsacredplaces.com CreatingSacredPlaces.com

Cynthia M. Chase, Reiki Master 1 Abbey Place, Yonkers, NY 860.3950284 • cynthimchase@gmail.com CynthiaMChase.com



ynthia Chase is the founder of an integrative practice called Reiki Fusion. In addition to offering Reiki sessions, she offers Reiki certification for levels I and II and master level. Her background as a psychotherapist for 30 years enriches her offerings.

athy Carter designs gardens that are “magic, peaceful, meditative and beautiful.” She also teaches Kinship with Nature workshops, in which participants learn the magic of communicating with the intelligence in nature. “It’s time for humanity to reconnect with the spiritual side of nature and intuitive landscape design,” she says.

What drew you to this profession? I have always been drawn to the more subtle aspects in nature, the elemental world, and helping others on this journey of reconnecting with nature spirits is a passion and is so much fun! I grew up in the landscaping business in California and always loved to create beautiful gardens, just as my landscape architect father did before me. It is in my DNA. How does your work differ from that of others in your profession? I use my intuition and connect with the elemental world to design gardens that are both beautiful and healing. My workshops are in person, and each one stands alone so you can take all of them or pick and choose. Most participants tend to take all of them, since they are so much fun. What should someone expect from working with you? From the workshops, they will gain an understanding of the elemental world and come away with a notebook full of exercises on ways to communicate and connect. My landscaping clients will get gorgeous designs, instructions on caring for their new garden, twice-yearly checkups on plant health, and bulb planting in the spring and fall. What changes do you have planned for 2022? The workshops will be expanded with more topics, more available days and weekend retreats. I am also offering gardening workshops, such as building your own fairy garden box to take home, and floral designing using materials found locally. Anything else our readers should know? I am very excited for the coming year. Teaching and designing are my great passions and my life’s purpose. I look forward to connecting with many new folks, creating spectacular gardens and continuing the journey of connecting with Nature. See ad, page 55.

What drew you to this profession? My near-death experience many years ago catapulted me to an understanding that we are spiritual energy beings in a physical body. I understood that the energy that underlies our essence can be brought to a higher vibration for healing. How does your work differ from that of others in your profession? I combine more than 30 years of psychotherapy experience with my training as an energy healer Reiki Master. I founded an integrative practice, Reiki Fusion, honoring the wisdom and healing power within us all. What should someone expect from working with you? The feeling of empowerment! Through my guidance, the seeker will find their way to an amazing wisdom and healing capacity that has been within us all along. Energy blocks, when liberated, unleash unlimited potential for manifestation. What changes do you have planned for 2022? We have all been traumatized by our recent experience with the viral and fear pandemic. Using safety protocols, I look forward to once again offering spring and fall weekend retreats on the Connecticut shoreline. The group retreats are transformative, heartwarming and enlightening. Anything else our readers should know? You have so much more power than you may think. This work, in a pragmatic way, helps you to be the creator of your own life, and to harness the potential so your life actually works for you.

Everybody needs beauty as well as bread, places to play in and pray in, where nature may heal and give strength to body and soul. ~John Muir January 2022


Leigh Damkohler, D.C., PC Sports Chiropractor and Massage Therapist 8 Bacon Pl. Yonkers, NY 914.523.7947 • leigh.damkohler@gmail.com Chiropractor-WestchesterNY.com


eigh Damkohler offers personalized treatment to address patients’ concerns and help dysfunction that is contributing to musculoskeletal imbalance. Treatment modalities include Graston Technique, therapeutic exercises, gentle adjustments, myofascial release, massage therapy and CranioSacral Therapy.

What drew you to this profession? After receiving chiropractic care in my 20s, I realized that this was the next step for me to continue helping people feel better. I wanted to offer patients a nontraditional model of treatment for physical pain and overall wellness. How does your work differ from that of others in your profession? As the only practicing dually licensed sports chiropractor and massage therapist in the county, my hands-on expertise is second to none. Coupled with empathy and a willingness to think outside the box, I help people get back to the lives they love. What should someone expect from working with you? Patients should expect that sometimes releasing fascia and muscles can be uncomfortable during the process, but the end result goes beyond managing pain into removing the dysfunction that has caused it. They can also expect to take an active role in ergonomic and postural corrections that have contributed to their acute or chronic pain. What changes do you have planned for 2022? In an increasingly digital world, I will be integrating more postural awareness and corrections for patients that want to live active lives in their 40s through their 90s. Without this, we are literally headed backwards in evolution! Anything else our readers should know? My goal for patients is to improve function and reduce pain. Every body responds differently to treatment, and my protocol can be fluid depending on someone’s response. Finally, chiropractic is also about supporting the body’s natural ability to maintain wellness, so you don’t need to be in pain to be adjusted.


Westchester/Putnam/Dutchess NY Edition

Michelle Dillon

Licensed Massage Therapist • 108 Windermere Ave. Greenwood Lake, NY • PO Box 236 Greenwood Lake, NY 914.620.2256/CALM • Michelle@MDillonLMT.com MDillonLMT.com


ichelle Dillon offers massage therapy, manual lymphatic drainage (MLD), and scar-tissue release to decrease pain and increase relaxation. Both 60- and 90-minute treatment sessions are available.

What drew you to this profession? I was drawn to being a massage therapist by my own exploration of pain management. Through the years I’ve been diagnosed and misdiagnosed with TMJ, thoracic outlet syndrome, costochondritis, anxiety, depression, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, restless leg syndrome, cancer, IBS, herniated disks, sciatica and plain old wonky knees. How does your work differ from that of others in your profession? My philosophy is to not create pain to relieve pain. My treatment sessions use techniques from traditional massage based on current pain science. What should someone expect from working with you? A pain-free session to reduce pain, calm the nervous system, increase relaxation and increase range of motion. A consultation before every session. No pre-planned routines. Customized treatment sessions for every appointment. An LGBTQ+ ally. What changes do you have planned for 2022? I plan to become certified as a complete decongestive therapist in order to help lymphedema and cosmetic surgery patients. I also plan to become a preferred provider for the Veterans Administration. Anything else our readers should know? I don’t accept insurance but can provide receipts for reimbursement. I can process HSA cards. I am vaccinated and wear a mask during sessions. Online scheduling and gift certificates are available on my website. Appointments are also available via email or phone/text. See ad, page 37.


Dr. Alex Barrientos and Robert Codacovi

Earth Angels Veterinary Hospital

Dr. Alexandra Barrientos/Owner 44 Saint Nicholas Rd. Wappingers Falls, NY 845.227-PAWS (7297) • staff@earthangelsvet.com EarthAngelsVet.com


arth Angels is an integrative, full-service small-animal hospital offering alternative and conventional modalities.

What makes your practice special? Earth Angels was the first veterinary hospital in the mid-Hudson Valley to bring integrative medicine in its present form to the region, with a blend of cutting-edge conventional medicine and a vast array of alternative modalities that are integrated to offer the most individualized treatment protocols for each patient. Truly the best of East and West. What services do you offer? Among the many products and services that we offer are wellness plans, dental care, acupuncture, photobiomodulation therapy, alternative cancer therapies, supplement protocols, surgery, in-house lab testing and dog/cat boarding. What’s it like coming to your practice? From the moment a client and their pet(s) walk through our doors, putting them both at ease is a priority for us, and that begins with getting them into an exam room as quickly as possible. We utilize, and emphasize, a fear-free approach in order to ensure a successful exam from beginning to end. Our staff will even adjust the speed with which we approach your pet’s care, to make the exam as stress free as possible. What changes do you have planned for 2022? We’re pleased to announce that we are bringing veterinary digital infrared thermographic imaging, better known as thermography, to the region in 2022. Thermography is a noninvasive test that utilizes an infrared system to measure and pinpoint abnormal thermal changes within the body. The system gauges body-tissue heat energy that is then reflected on computer imaging. With an inexpensive and quick read, our staff will be able to pinpoint areas of inflammation in your pet. The days of “I think that my pet has pain, but I don’t know exactly where” are over! See ad, page 45.

January 2022


Samyama Gates

Samyama LLC Armonk, NY 845.356.1999 • gatesoflight@gmail.com SamyamaLLC.com


amyama Gates is a spiritual astrologer and healer. She offers intuitive mentoring and coaching based on the astrological chart. She also teaches and offers sessions in Lightworker and Karttikeyan Yoga Nidra.

Full Circle Veterinary Hospital

What drew you to this profession? What drew me down this path are the examples, presences and silences of the eight different Eastern masters who taught me from 1958 to the present day.

Dr. Michelle Rocque 1609 Route 9 Wappingers Falls, NY 845.234.4417 • info@fullcirclevethospital.com FullCircleVetHospital.com


ull Circle is a small animal hospital for cats and dogs, but it welcomes other companion animals for routine care too, including birds, rabbits, ferrets and pocket pets. What drew you to this profession? I think I was born wanting to become a veterinarian. I told my parents when I was 3 years old that this is what I wanted to be, and I never changed my mind. I love animals, and communicating with their people to achieve better health for our fur babies is my passion. How does your work differ from that of others in your profession? I differ from other vets in that I am an integrative holistic veterinarian, meaning I utilize both conventional treatment options as well as numerous holistic modalities to work toward optimal health for my canine and feline patients. What should someone expect from working with you? My clients should expect ample communication about options and recommendations for diagnostics and treatment, as well as the respect that they know their pets better than I ever will. I am a guide in navigating the best options for how to move forward medically. What changes do have you planned for 2022? We’re hoping to make therapeutic laser, a new treatment, available at Full Circle in 2022. This will give our patients another noninvasive option for treating pain and inflammation without side effects. Anything else our readers should know? All of us here at Full Circle work hard to provide options for the best care for our patients. We believe that better communication with owners means better outcomes and more success in treating our fur babies. 18

Westchester/Putnam/Dutchess NY Edition

How does your work differ from that of others in your profession? My skill in assisting people to become Planetary and Milky Way Lightworkers comes from having touched and served people from all walks of life for at least 12 to 19 hours a day for 39 years. What should someone expect from working with you? In a higher vibrational space, people can experience an opening of intuition and healing abilities, deepening spiritual connections and a greater overall sense of well-being. In this space they may hear the call to become a lightworker and choose to answer it from the passion in their hearts. What changes do you have planned for 2022? I’ll be initiating my five-year plan, due for completion around 2027, to build a 10,000-square-foot spiritual center open for spiritual instructions, shamanism, dojo for martial arts, acupuncture and chiropractic and yoga instructors. Anything else our readers should know? During these times of great change, it is important to know there is an eternally loving and abiding presence. I call this presence God. This presence is an eternal friend, steadfast and true. See ad, page 53.


Maria Gorens, Owner Greenpoint Acupuncture 18 Cross Timbers Rd. Garrison, NY 917.453.9845 • mgorens@verizon.net


reenpoint Acupuncture offers Chinese and Japanese Medicine, cupping and cosmetic acupuncture. Owner Maria Gorens is a New York Statelicensed acupuncturist with 25 years’ experience specializing in pain management and relieving side effects of chemo-radiation therapy.

What drew you to this profession? According to Chinese medicine, our health depends on seasons, stars, the five elements, yin and yang, and so forth. Each organ has not only its own function but also its own personality. Face and body reading is major diagnostic tool. How does your work differ from that of others in your profession? I traveled through Asia to study traditional medicines. My method combines many techniques from Chinese, Japanese and Indian traditional medicine. What should someone expect from working with you? I don’t just treat conditions; I also educate my patients in self-help methods. What changes do you have planned for 2022? I plan to establish a community acupuncture service that’s affordable to everyone. Anything else our readers should know? Oriental medicine and acupuncture are very effective noninvasive techniques for enhancing your health.

Lorraine Hughes, RH (AHG) Empowered By Nature 263 New Hackensack Rd., 2nd Floor Wappingers Falls, NY 845.416.4598 • lorrainehughes54@gmail.com EmpoweredByNature.net


orraine Hughes specializes in herbal medicine and nutrition. She offers comprehensive wellness consultations, using assessment techniques based in Chinese Medicine to provide each person with their own unique treatment plan. She also offers stress-reduction services, including Reiki, reflexology, acupoint aromatherapy and qigong (private and group classes). What drew you to this profession? About 25 years ago I embarked upon my own health journey. During this process I was fortunate to meet with naturopaths and practitioners of Chinese Medicine, to which I owe a debt of gratitude. Nature heals, and this is my way of paying it forward. How does your work differ from that of others in your profession? I feel that my approach is unique in that I utilize assessment techniques based in Chinese Medicine, correlating the client’s “patterns” in an East-West approach, including lifestyle, diet, detoxification, movement and breath work. I am also a Chinese and Western custom herbal formulator. What should someone expect from working with you? They should expect an open and honest discussion concerning their health and wellness goals. Each person will determine their own progression to vibrant health based upon taking ownership of their journey by making the changes they need to make. I will be there to guide them along the way.

Africa Studio.shutterstock.com

What changes do have you planned for 2022? More than likely I will offer more in-person classes, Covid permitting. These classes will cover various subjects, such as reflexology basics for self-healing, qigong and herbal medicine, and theory classes that are topic specific. Anything else our readers should know? It is so critical and essential that the general public embrace the healing power of nature—specifically the plant medicines and healing philosophies that have been practiced over 2,000 to 5,000 years. My mission is to be your guide back to nature. January 2022


Dr. Somesh Kaushik, ND, BAMS, MPH, E-RYT 500 Ayurvedic and Naturopathic Physician Yellow Monkey Village, 792 Rte. 35, Cross River, NY 914.875.9088 (clinic M-F) 646.670.6725 (telemedicine) drkaushik@drkaushik.com • DrKaushik.com


r. Kaushik’s Ayurvedic and Naturopathic Clinic is a practice that combines the ancient art of Ayurvedic healing with the modern science-based principles of naturopathy to create a holistic path to wellness. Services include Panchakarma therapy, hydrotherapy, vitamins, herbal supplements, homeopathy, diet and nutritional counseling, lifestyle management, support for emotional well-being, detoxification, support for food sensitivity, parasite elimination, heavy-metal detox, therapeutic yoga, anti-aging programs, pediatrics, pain management, and women’s and men’s health. What drew you to this profession? Ayurveda understands that the body consists of the five major natural elements: air, fire, water, earth and space/ether. This understanding underlies the philosophy that we are part of nature—not separate— and that keeping these elements in balance is the key to health.

Kitchen Gardens of Westchester Bruce Davison, Owner Amawalk, NY 914.4003742 • Bruce@kitchengardensofwestchester.com KitchenGardensOfWestchester.com


itchen Gardens of Westchester combines the delight of having your own just-picked greens and the beauty of an artfully landscaped kitchen garden. They offer a full line of services, including design, installation, maintenance and guidance. What makes your business special? Your garden will be designed with your tastes in mind, and your residential environment as the canvas. Our experienced designers will work with you to plan out garden placement, raised bed and trellis options, and sequential seasonal gardening.

How does your work differ from that of others in your profession? The centuries-old healing art of Ayurveda, coupled with scientifically proven modern naturopathic research, blends the wisdom of the past with the knowledge of the present to recreate balance and harmony in the body. That’s the basis of health.

What services do you offer? We offer raised-bed design and construction; soil analysis and soil supplements; organic vegetables, herbs and salads; garden leveling; deer/squirrel fencing; irrigation consulting; maintenance plans; full-garden installation or DIY options to achieve a beautiful, productive and long-lasting garden.

What should someone expect from working with you? Ayurveda recognizes that each individual is unique. After an indepth analysis of your situation, based on your body constitution, treatment options are discussed. Options may consist of supplement, diet and lifestyle recommendations, along with possible detox protocols, such as Panchakarma and ozone therapy.

What’s it like working with your business? Our garden design is a collaborative process. We ask questions about your tastes, cooking and gardening experience to come up with a plan with options that make sense. Staking out the design helps you visualize the proposed garden. We also discuss maintenance plans.

What changes do have you planned for 2022? We will continue the NAMA-certification courses in Ayurveda Health Counseling and Ayurveda Practitioner Training. Our free monthly lectures will involve a yearlong series covering the 12 body systems and how Ayurveda can alleviate their dysfunctions.

What changes do you have planned for 2022? We have an additional gardener with particular expertise and experience in sequential gardening. As a result we can better assist you to extend the growing season past spring and summer into fall and winter months. We are now offering greenhouse consulting and construction too. Anything else our readers should know? Our motto: “Lettuce grow together!”

Anything else our readers should know? We follow Ayurveda’s principles, recognizing that although we are all composed of the five major elements found in nature, these elements are uniquely combined in each of us. When they are out of balance, illness or disease results. Ayurveda can restore that balance, boost the immune system and bring the body back into its natural state of health, by treating the whole person—body, mind and spirit—not just the symptoms. See ad, page 25. 20

Westchester/Putnam/Dutchess NY Edition


Joy Matalon

NuSpecies Corporation Aston Farquharson, President and CEO 34 Brady Farm Rd. Pawling, NY 914.482.0399 • jillian@nuspecies.com NuSpecies.com

100 Executive Blvd., Ste. 203, Ossining, NY Garrison location and house calls available 914.519.8138 • jmatalon@optonline.net JoyMatalon.com • DropIntoYourBestSelf.com


oy Matalon offers a range of healing therapies and services, including CranioSacral Therapy, Somato-Emotional Release, Process Acupressure, Swedish and medical massage, meditation and virtual healing sessions. She treats anxiety, depression, traumatic brain injuries, migraines, back and neck pain, tinnitus, TMJ, vertigo, autoimmune disorders and ADHD, among other conditions. What drew you to this profession? My journey began over 35 years ago, when I became certified in a form of body-centered meditation that allowed me to move through my own anxiety with grace. I discovered how softly shifting our approach toward ourselves creates insight and healing. CranioSacral Therapy is a hands-on way to assist this process of developing intimacy with parts of ourselves that through stress or trauma have become unconscious. What should someone expect from working with you? Expect to be held in a nonjudgmental and unconditionally loving sacred space. My intention is to create safety so you can unwind and connect deeply with yourself. My sessions are 75 to 90 minutes; I like to spend a generous amount of time with each person. What changes do you have planned for 2022? I have cofounded with Dr. Erica Warren a new business called Drop Into Your Best Self. These small groups provide structured multisensory activities to help participants find support and inspiration, as well as experiences of peace, connection and community. The workshop space has cradling swings and rocking platforms that invite play to help us access patterns we are ready to reprogram. Anything else our readers should know? I am fully vaccinated and following all CDC protocols.


uSpecies provides high-potency liquid vitamins, liquid minerals and plant-based, liquid nutritional supplements. What drew you to this profession? My father died of prostate cancer. I saw the medical system failing him and could only look on helplessly. I could not ignore that the medical system has its limitations. I also know that you need to properly support your body to cleanse and rebuild on a daily basis, notwithstanding being diagnosed with a health problem. You have to empower yourself. I created NuSpecies to empower my clients. How does your work differ from that of others in your profession? High-potency, highly concentrated, cold-processed, plantbased liquid formulas that are FDA approved. What matters more is that our formulas and our detoxing and rebuilding programs have already helped tens of thousands of people to live better and longer. What should someone expect from working with you? Honesty and integrity! What changes do you have planned for 2022? We plan to bring on more medical doctors and registered nurses. We will also expand to television network advertising nationwide to offer help to those in need. In addition, we’re updating our brand look. Our logo and product packaging will get an updated design. Anything else our readers should know? They will find a family with us. We will never give up until we help them. See ad, page 3.

What drains your spirit drains your body. What fuels your spirit fuels your body. – Caroline Myss

January 2022


Gigi Oppenheimer

Lynn Parodneck, M.D.

White Lotus Grace South Road, Millbrook, NY 845.677.3517 • whitelotusgrace@gmail.com WhiteLotusGrace.com

25 Black Brook Rd. Pound Ridge, NY 914.525.6536 • DrParodneck@gmail.com DrLynnParodneck.com


What drew you to this profession? My whole life mystically evolved into this work through every experience, gift and talent I received. They grew together to help me heal and overflowed as an expression of gratitude and inspiration to share their peace, joy and power with others. How does your work differ from that of others in your profession? Each service, class or course is channeled for you through a conduit of grace from God interwoven with clairvoyance, clairaudience and empathic intuition. Infusing dance and devotion/bhakti also uniquely moves healing energy to you and through you. What should someone expect from working with you? You will receive complete compassionate attention, free from judgment, in personalized service that intuitively meets you where you are. Gentle, joyful, mystical experiences of transformation are frequent features that clients enjoy unfolding at White Lotus Grace. What changes do you have planned for 2022? Assorted services are being bundled into bouquets to support internal transformation, healing, relationships and integrated spiritual development, from the mud of life to the lotus of love. A Course of Embodying Inner Trust, membership packages and retreats are sprouting too.

r. Lynn Parodneck is an M.D. who provides medical marijuana consultations, certification and management. She spends time with patients on education, leading to a comprehensive start plan. Her practice, located in a landmarked carriage house, gives patients complete privacy. Her areas of expertise include insomnia, pain, PTSD, depression and anxiety. What drew you to this profession? This profession has multiple components. I was drawn to it after my own experience with breast cancer. Medical marijuana was not available to me, and I understood very quickly what this medicine can do. How does your work differ from that of others in your profession? I spend a lot of time educating patients. I do public speaking, podcasts, radio shows and media interviews. I pride myself on knowing my patients and try to give them a positive realistic evaluation. What should someone expect from working with you? I do a thorough evaluation and consult with every patient. I try to prepare patients for their first shopping trip, advising them on products and dosing. What changes do you have planned for 2022? I plan to do more conference speaking and educational events. With recreational legalization, people need to understand how this all works. Also, I am now a licensed physician in Connecticut. See ad, page 41.

Anything else our readers should know? I invite readers to receive a free consultation and sample the soothing experience of White Lotus Grace, as its special healing ways are felt beyond words. Private sessions, classes, courses and readings are available by phone, virtually or in person.


Westchester/Putnam/Dutchess NY Edition




hite Lotus Grace nurtures the transformation of traumas and trials into heartfelt strength and growth, grounded in spiritual wisdom and gentle, joyful relationship with God. Services offered include intuitive healing, dance, meditation, readings, private sessions, classes and courses.

Quit with Quinn

Rise Above Floatation Micah Saccomanno, Owner and Founder 111 E. Main St. Mount Kisco, NY 914.241.1900 • micah@riseabovefloatation.com RiseAboveFloatation.com


t Quit with Quinn, owner/practitioner Stephen Quinn helps people quit addictions quickly, naturally and painlessly. His focus is helping people overcome alcohol, smoking and sugar addictions; achieve weight loss; and overcome other unwanted habits. His treatment programs are simple and painless, with a 90 percent success rate. What drew you to this profession? Over 25 years ago, I saw the incredible efficacy of healing energies in helping transform people’s lives. I was “called” to this work and began practicing 21 years ago, becoming more and more effective at helping people overcome addictions and heal physically and on many levels, and assisting people’s spiritual development. How does your work differ from that of others in your profession? My work is quite different from traditional addiction-cessation assistance. I deal on the level of energies and am very skilled at the application of healing energies to restore a person to proper balance and remove the energies of an addiction. This results in a tangible, sustained feeling that the addiction is simply gone—because it is, on the energetic level. The results come fast and don’t involve any chemicals or a stay in a treatment facility. What should a person expect from working with you? With two elements present—readiness to quit and the healing treatment you’ll receive—you can expect to overcome your addiction without the usual struggle. Cravings disappear or are greatly reduced either immediately or over the first couple of weeks. Our success rate is 90 percent. What changes do you have planned for 2022? Continuance and reaching more people. People often say, “Why have I never heard of this before?” That can’t be remedied overnight, but over time more and more people should know that this real, immediate help is available.


ise Above Floatation is Westchester’s first and only floatation center dedicated to deep relaxation and exceptional awareness through the power of sensory deprivation.

What makes your business special? Discovered in the 1950s at the National Institute of Mental Health and popularized as a therapy in the 1970s, floatation therapy (also known as sensory deprivation) removes all stimulation to the senses in order to trigger a deep relaxation response. Through various float environments, such as float pods, tanks and open float rooms, sessions are designed to keep out all light and sound as the client floats like a cork in a hyper-salinated solution of magnesium sulfate (Epsom salts). The only thing you may hear is your heart beating. After 30 to 40 minutes in this perfect dark, you will find yourself thinking one thought at a time accompanied by a mental and physical calm much like the calm you experience when you first wake up from a restful sleep. It’s a highly effective, truly unique experience. What services do you offer? We offer private floatation sessions starting at one hour long. We provide everything needed for floating and after floating: shampoos, conditioners, earplugs, towels, lotions, tea, water and more. We also offer massage therapy. Gift cards are available. What’s it like coming to your business? With three different float environments to choose from, Rise Above Floatation allows clients to have more control over their experience. The more control the floater has, the more relaxed they become. Soundproof, lightproof and extremely welcoming, the float session allows the floater to experience their body in a different way than in their usual waking life.


All-Natural Addiction Cessation Stephen Quinn, Owner/Practitioner Garrison, NY, and Midtown Manhattan 914.473.2015 • steve.healingny@gmail.com QuitWithQuinn.com

Anything else our readers should know? They should know that change can happen quickly and they can have the life they want. It can be done alone, but people usually negate their own best intentions. At Quit with Quinn, my expertise is transferring healing forces that can dispatch a person’s problem, resulting in real, sustained change. See ad, page 53. January 2022


Susanne Saltzman, M.D.

SearchLight Medical

250 E. Hartsdale Ave., Ste. 22, Hartsdale, NY Telemedicine Available 914.472.0666 •HartsdaleHomeopathy.com

Laurie R. Mallis, M.D., LAc 2424 Route 52, Ste. 1A, Hopewell Junction, NY 845.592.4310 • searchlightmed@optimum.net SearchLightMedical.com



usanne Saltzman, M.D., has more than 29 years of clinical family practice experience treating acute and chronic illness in children and adults. She has successfully treated thousands of patients for a wide variety of diseases and conditions. Her emphasis is on homeopathic and functional medicine to decrease dependency on pharmaceutical drugs.

What drew you to this profession? I was dissatisfied with the limitations of conventional allopathic medicine, which focuses on disease, not on health or prevention. Allopathic is not holistic. It does not focus on the whole person—the mental, emotional and physical aspects of disease. How is your work different from that of others in your profession? I practice both homeopathic medicine and functional medicine. The combination of the two fields is extremely effective and truly holistic. And I’ve been practicing for 30 years now. What should someone expect from working with you? My time, my undivided attention, my respect for the fact that every individual expresses disease in his or her own unique way and therefore may require a completely different homeopathic medicine from the next person with the same disease. What changes do you have planned for 2022? I have one day for telemedicine services now. Anything else our readers should know? The human body is innately brilliant. We all have the capacity to heal. Homeopathic medicine provides that catalyst by treating the whole person and recognizing that someone’s mental and emotional states are just as important as the physical symptoms in facilitating the healing process. Functional medicine restores gut function (“leaky gut”), addresses environmental toxins, rebalances hormones and emphasizes that food is your medicine.

I can’t manage without homeopathy. In fact, I never go anywhere without homeopathic remedies. I often make use of them.

earchLight Medical offers medical acupuncture, cupping, gua sha, Reiki, Ondamed biofeedback therapy, AcuGraph qi analysis, Jade Vitality mat heat therapy, Mei Zen Cosmetic Acupuncture System for face and neck, and Mei Zen Abdominal Acupuncture for fertility or weight loss.

What drew you to this profession? After more than 25 years in traditional Western medicine, I wanted to treat my patients in a more natural way, without the use of pharmaceutical or nutraceutical remedies. I’ve always believed that all people have the ability to heal when their qi energy is balanced and flowing freely within their body. How does your work differ from that of others in your profession? I combine my Western and Eastern knowledge to plan a course of treatment that is specific and unique for each patient. I see only one patient at a time, so my attention is solely focused on that one person. I become a partner with my patient to achieve long-lasting deep healing. My passion has always been to find ways to heal illnesses without the need for any kind of medication—prescription or natural supplements. What should someone expect from working with you? An extremely high level of dedication to helping my patients achieve better health and wellness, whether the illness is acute or chronic. My goal is to help all my patients achieve a level of healing where they will only require a minimum number of treatments to maintain their good health and well-being, with the fewest medications or nutritional supplements. What changes do you have planned for 2022? I’m always looking to improve my treatments that will support and help heal my patients. I will be introducing new acupuncture treatments that will amplify the body’s ability to fight off infections, as well as deeper and longer-lasting pain-management treatments. Anything else our readers should know? Energy work is not a quick fix. It is very important to understand that a problem that has been going on for a long time is not going to be resolved with only a few treatments. The best results are achieved when you’re willing to devote time to allow your body to heal on its own timetable. See ad, page 4.

Paul McCartney 24

Westchester/Putnam/Dutchess NY Edition


Samantha Slotnick,OD, FAAO, FCOVD Behavioral Optometrist 495 Central Park Ave., Ste. 301, Scarsdale, NY 914.874.1177 • support@drslotnick.com DrSlotnick.com


s a Behavioral Optometrist, Dr. Samantha Slotnick takes a holistic approach to vision care, for all ages. She helps patients maximize their natural ability to see with clarity, comfort and open awareness of space. Her practice specializes in vision therapy and rehabilitation for a broad range of vision problems that interfere with reading, learning, attention, performance and efficiency. What drew you to this profession? I was “born” to do this work, with personal challenges interfering with my binocular vision. Through vision therapy, I retrained my brain to coordinate my eyes, and enhanced my ability to process visual and spatial information. How does your work differ from that of others in your profession? I bring a unique blend of knowledge and experience to the art and science of behavioral optometry. I am a sought-after lecturer, renowned for my communication skills and my ability to relate personal habits and patterns to people’s use of their visual systems.


Straight from Nature

What should someone expect from working with you? I have a great facility in connecting with children and “children of all ages.” Patients are often surprised by the natural positive boost in their reading comprehension and efficiency at work or school that comes along with the functional benefits of therapeutically designed glasses. Alleviation of stress in the head, neck and eyes naturally redistributes energy for cognitive processing. What changes do you have planned for 2022? I emphasize multidisciplinary care for patients in need of rehabilitative support. I’ve been expanding my network, along with my neuro-optometry training, to best serve patients managing the impact of concussion and other forms of acquired brain injury. Anything else our readers should know? Vision is our means of touching what lies beyond our grasp. Who we are shapes our view of the world, our use of our vision and our outlook for the future. Behavioral optometry provides each individual with a personalized opportunity for self-evaluation, growth and change, with impacts extending far beyond the visual process. You can indeed “envision your world!” See ad, page 43.

Stock up now for relief when you need it! 35% of American adults have genital herpes. While there is not currently a cure, you can find comfort and relief from symptoms naturally. This pain-relief homeopathic cream is formulated with soothing all-natural ingredients eliminating worry of skin irritation from harsh chemicals.

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January 2022


The Office of Dr. Michael Wald Your CBD Store – Mt. Kisco Dr. Michael Wald 29 King St., 2nd Floor, Chappaqua, NY 914.552.1442 • info@blooddetective.com DrMichaelWald.com

Cathy Parlitsis, Owner 222 E. Main St. Mt. Kisco, NY 914.276.5409 CBD@YourCBDStoreMtKisco.com YourCBDStoreMtKisco.com


r. Michael Wald started out as a doctor of chiropractic, then gained his master’s as well as two board certifications in nutrition. The services he offers range from laboratory blood tests, to hyperbaric and low-temperature sauna, to adrenal and body-fat measurements, among others.

What drew you to this profession? My father was a nutritionist and chiropractor, and I witnessed over many years how he helped so many people. I was hooked! How does your work differ from that of others in your profession? I might be considered different mainly because of my development of the BloodDetective technology (software) and approach to determining healing plans for my patients. My software helps me interpret large amounts of lab data quickly and accurately by comparing my patients’ test results not merely to those of average people, but also to those of healthy people—often uncovering many hidden health problems. What should someone expect from working with you? Those that work with me will soon see that I can effectively provide my patients with my full attention and BloodDetective approach. This means that I do not provide a one-size-fits-all approach, but instead strive to develop doable health plans defined by when and how each patient should gain health and wellness. What changes do you have planned for 2022? My goals include incorporating the most advanced natural, nutritional and laboratory sciences into my practice. Ongoing seminars for health professionals and the public, both live and via Zoom, as well as my podcasts (Ask The BloodDetective), help ensure that I am at the very top of my game. This is what people deserve. Anything else our readers should know? My drive comes from my personal healing from multiple sclerosis and my intention to help others help themselves. I don’t stop with my own personal and professional growth, because I take the health of those that seek me out very seriously. My BloodDetective approach is crucial for better health, simply because it’s a philosophical and technological approach that effectively teaches people how to reach their health goals and stay well for the long term. See ad, page 17. 26

Westchester/Putnam/Dutchess NY Edition

Your CBD Store – Wappingers Falls

Yvette and Jose Sanchez, Owners 1582 Route 9, Wappingers Falls, NY 845.297.0302 CBD@CBDWappingers.com YourCBDStoreWappingers.com


our CBD Store is a plantscience company providing high-quality organic hemp supplements. All products are lab tested by a third party for safety and effectiveness. The store staff educates customers on the products so they can have confidence in their choices. What makes your business special? Your CBD Store is the largest brick-and-mortar CBD retailer in the world, with more than 600 independently owned stores. We only sell CBD and related hemp supplements. That’s our only business! Our products are USDA-certified organic and independently lab tested. We are also an active part of the communities we serve. What products do you offer? Our stores carry a wide variety of hemp products, from tinctures, topicals, water-solubles and edibles to appetite suppressants. We also have a full pet line, and we’re adding new products all the time. What’s it like coming to your business? Our stores are designed to be a space where customers can relax and spend as much time as they need speaking to a trained professional. You know coming in that you are in a safe space where the products are both safe and effective and all staff members are committed to providing you with red-carpet customer service. What changes do you have planned for 2022? Our TRIM line of appetite suppressants—backed by research—will be expanding beyond capsules and tinctures into other delivery systems. Look for new and exciting products highlighting other minor cannabinoids as well. Anything else our readers should know? Our employees do not work on commission! Their only purpose is to help you decide what is best for you. We’re here seven days a week to answer any and all questions you have. See ad, page 7.


Connecting the Dots: Ancient Wisdom, Modern Science By Lia Russ


ia Russ, author of Connecting the Dots, is a spiritual catalyst, healer and mentor. She’s currently organizing discussion groups, Connecting the Dots Talks, to help people think about and integrate aspects of the book. Lia is available for private healing or mentoring sessions as well as group mentoring. 845.418.2416 or Lia@ connectingthedots.guru

What’s your book about? At 9, by following inner promptings, I healed a horse. That miraculous experience set me on a lifelong quest to understand what we are taught is possible and what actually is possible. I also wanted to understand why we not told about abilities such as these or how to use them. My quest led me across continents, through time, into physics, biology, psychology, and ancient teachings, to bring you life transforming answers. Why did you write it? Forty years ago, science didn’t hold a lot of answers to my questions, so I pored through ancient texts and traveled the globe speaking to elders who held wisdom. I learned a lot, but being a bit of a science geek, I craved more solid explanations. Recently science has developed sensitive enough equipment that it can capture the minute energies our bodies produce and read. Science is now confirming many things our ancestors believed were true. Looking at scientific findings with new eyes, we find answers to questions like “Is there life after death?” and “What’s a gut reaction?” What was your goal or mission? If you’ve ever had a piece of yourself shaved off by the world, this book is for you. I want to provide some of the teachings and support that we should all be receiving in becoming awakened, whole, self-accepting, self-actualizing beings on this planet. The information I provide is transformational. It brings us back to ourselves and to nature. It reinforces that we are all important, that our differences are a valuable part of the whole. I want to give people the gift of restoring themselves, whole and unbroken, strong and powerful. Where can people buy your book? It’s currently available on Amazon, at Barnes & Noble and through my website, Connectingthedots.guru, and it will soon be available via Shopify.



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January 2022


delicious vegan options, including desserts like our vegan carrot cake and death by chocolate, and vegan entrées such as the hot agave mushroom ‘chicken,’ seitan ‘pastrami’ Reuben, and tofu ‘salmon.’ Our ultimate goal is for every item on the menu to have an equally delicious—if not better—vegan counterpart. Armando’s gift of flavoring foods has truly elevated the menu. This partnership has allowed me to complete that all-encompassing menu that I always knew would become an actuality.

food profile

What should someone expect coming into your restaurant? Armando Aviles and Sandra Marinelli

Brooklyn Organic Kitchen Mahopac eatery keeps finding fresh ways to tempt with ‘good’ food


s owner and head chef of Brooklyn Organic Kitchen, a new American café and eatery in Mahopac, Sandra Marinelli keeps finding fresh ways to tempt us to eat right. Even as BOK has quickly built a loyal customer base with its health-supportive traditional meals, drinks and desserts, Marinelli has teamed up with chef Armando Aviles to offer a full complement of vegetarian and vegan alternatives. She recently talked to us about her life in the restaurant business and her goals with BOK’s ever-evolving menu.

What attracted you to this work?

Having grown up in a family that owned a pizzeria, I’ve always felt the most comfortable in the kitchen and behind-the-scenes cooking. Food was the center of our family functions, and as a daughter of Italian immigrants, you can only imagine the amount of pasta we ate! As I got older I found it hard to balance my love of food and my desire to be healthy and feel good. My first nutrition course in college opened up a whole new world of food to me and started me on this journey of cooking delicious food with health-supportive ingredients. 28

What’s one of the main catalysts that propelled you and the restaurant to where you are now?

Despite the resounding success early on, I always believed that Brooklyn Organic Kitchen could reach greater heights. I knew that cooking with fresh organic ingredients was important, but I also knew that so many people struggled with allergies and different dietary needs that it had become difficult for a family or group of friends to go out to eat together. This is when I decided that I wanted my menu to reach everyone. Initially I was seeking a baker who specialized in vegan desserts, so I could offer vegan alternatives for everything on the menu. That’s when I met Armando Aviles, formerly head chef at Bear Mountain. He became vegan for health reasons, and during the pandemic he began experimenting more and more with vegan cooking. Armando holds a vision similar to mine and has become our savant of vegan cooking.

How has this partnership blossomed?

Since teaming up with Armando, I’ve noticed serious results. The menu is full of

Westchester/Putnam/Dutchess NY Edition


Customers should expect to feel at home at Brooklyn Organic Kitchen, as the atmosphere is warm and inviting and we have a beautiful view of Lake Mahopac. They should also know that first and foremost we’re here to serve them, and we’re willing to modify any of our menu items to accommodate their dietary needs. I want to empower my customers to make conscious food choices that fit their lifestyle and diet. I always say that as long we have the ingredients and you’re willing to wait for it, we’ll make it for you. All our dishes are made fresh to order with the highest-quality ingredients available.

What are your plans for 2022?

I plan to expand the business through several enterprises. I’ve added a fixed-price dinner menu Thursday and Friday nights, in which each menu item can be either traditional or vegan. I’d like to host special dinners such as My Vegan Valentine, which was our first successful collaboration last year. Outside of the restaurant, we will continue catering for a number of private events, including vegan parties and weddings. In addition, we’ll attend New York City’s Vegandale Festival in September 2022. Lastly, I plan to host a number of off-site pop-ups in and around the Hudson Valley to share vegan experiences in areas where there is a lack of vegan options. Brooklyn Organic Kitchen is located at 890 S. Lake Blvd, Mahopac, NY. For more information, call 845.621.2655, email brooklynorganickitchen@gmail.com or visit BOKMahopac.com.

Eat Well and Be Well with

Foodie Guide CAFES CHAKRA BOWLS CAFÉ 33 Arlington Ave., Poughkeepsie, NY 845.849.0399 chakraBowlsCafe.com


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609 Route 6, Mahopac NY 845.628.1872 thefreighthousecafe.com


Order beans online/ship home 7 Main St., Tarrytown, NY 914.332.1479; coffeelabs.com


& Gossett Brothers Nursery 1202 Rt.35, South Salem, NY 914.763.3001; Gossettnursery.com


Greig Farm, 223 Pitcher Lane, Red Hook, NY 914.474.2404 Facebook.com/ HudsonValleyFarmersMarket.

Z FARMS ORGANIC Open Every Day 355 Poplar Hill Rd. Dover Plains, NY 917.319.6414 ZFarmsOrganic.com


1311 Kitchawan Rd, Ossining, NY Sat & Sun 9am-4pm FableFoods.com


130 Hardscrabble Rd North Salem, NY 914.485.1210 HarvestMoonFarmAndOrchard.com

HILLTOP HANOVER FARM & ENVIRONMENTAL CENTER 1271 Hanover St, Yorktown Heights, NY 914.962.2368 HilltopHanoverFarm.org


Grass-fed beef & eggs 371 Smith Ridge Rd, S. Salem 914.533.6529; threefeathers.farm

Falafel Burger with homemade pickled red onions, rice and hempseed tzatziki from Mindfull Meals


Open 6 days a week 6031 RT 82,Stanfordville NY 845.868.3320 BigRockMarketNY.com

GREENS NATURAL FOODS Briarcliff Manor 97 North State Road Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510 914.800.9146 Eastchester 780 White Plains Rd. Scarsdale, NY 10583 914.874.5481 Mt. Kisco 666 Lexington Ave. Mt. Kisco, NY 10549 914.864.1274 Somers 57 Rte. 6. (in Baldwin Place) Somers, NY 10505 914.485.8093 GreensNaturalFoods.com

GREEN ORGANIC MARKET 275 S. Central Park Ave. Hartsdale, NY 914.437.5802 FB: GreenOrganicMarket

WHOLE FOODS MARKET 575 Boston Post Rd, Port Chester, NY 914.708.1985

1 Ridge Hill Rd, Yonkers, NY 914.378.8090 110 Bloomingdale Rd, White Plains, NY 914.288.1300


Plant-Based, Gluten-Free Calorie and Macro Counted MindfullMealsDelivery.com


Microgreens, organically grown, local delivery. CSA. markets wholesale; tinygreensfarm.com


Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner 890 South Lake Blvd. Mahopac, NY 845.621.2655 BOKmahopac.com


159 Lexington Ave., Mt. Kisco 914.358.1666 MySkinnyBuddha.com

Find more local food info and resources on WakeUpNaturally.com

WholeFoodsMarket.com January 2022


conscious eating

A Better Morning Jolt

Healthy Coffee Alternatives and Hacks


freedom lifeAdobeStock.com

by April Thompson

ost Americans enjoy a daily dose of coffee, and an increasing body of research indicates it’s not a bad habit to have. Meanwhile, a growing number of people are adapting their morning drink rituals to incorporate ingredients ranging from matcha to mushrooms in search of additional health benefits. “After many years of research, we have concluded that coffee can be a fantastic additive to the diet. Coffee consumption is associated with a decrease in all-cause mortality, risk of cardiovascular death and stroke,” says Claudia Hleap, a registered dietician nutritionist in Philadelphia. Regular coffee consumption is also correlated with a decreased risk of Type 2 diabetes, potentially due to its naturally containing polyphenols, which are plant compounds with protective antioxidant properties. The caffeine in coffee, as well as in tea and cocoa, can also boost short-term metabolism and brain function. As with most things in life, moderation is key; overconsumption of coffee can result in insomnia, irritability, gastrointestinal 30

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issues and other short-lived side effects. “Caffeine intake may negatively impact sleep duration and quality, which is essential for optimal health,” says Hleap. “Coffee can also serve as a vessel for added sugars and unhealthy fats in the diet if you are adding sweeteners and artificial creamers.” Many java drinkers today are experimenting with healthy alternatives and add-ons to shake up their routine morning pickme-up. Chicory-based drinks, made from roasted ground chicory root, are a favorite for Lauren O’Connor, a Los Angeles registered dietitian nutritionist and author of Healthy Cooking for One. “Chicory is caffeine-free, acid-free and a gut-friendly alternative to coffee,” she says. “It also has a robust, roasted taste that can satisfy those who desire more than an herbal tea. Date ‘coffee’, made from date seed, also has a deep, rich flavor.” Some chicory tea blends also incorporate roasted dandelion root, which has been used by herbalists for centuries to enhance the body’s detoxifying functions, particularly of the liver. Golden milk, a traditional Indian beverage associated with Ayurvedic


Rather than swap out coffee altogether, some java lovers are bettering their beloved beans with healthy add-ons such as powdered mushrooms, ghee and spices. medicine, is another flavorful alternative with numerous health benefits. Recipes vary, but golden milk is typically prepared by heating milk or a plant-based milk alternative along with turmeric, black pepper, ginger, cinnamon, honey, vanilla and/or cardamom. “These warming spices go above a simple caffeine replacement to provide powerful anti-inflammatory benefits,” says Trista Best, a registered dietitian in Dalton, Georgia. Best also recommends matcha, a traditional Japanese drink made from powdered, young, green tea leaves whisked in water as a coffee alternative with less caffeine and other added benefits. Because the tea leaves are essentially consumed in powder form rather than just steeped in water, matcha contains more catechins, an important antioxidant, than a typical preparation of green tea. “The L-theanine, an amino acid, in matcha is known to improve brain health, which shows itself through improved memory, attention and reaction time,” notes Best.

A Better Bean Rather than swap out coffee altogether, some java lovers are bettering their beloved beans with healthy add-ons such as powdered

mushrooms, ghee and spices. “A healthy addition to coffee can include coconut oil, collagen or butter. These can add some fat and protein content, which will provide more energy while also jumpstarting your metabolism at the beginning of the day,” says holistic health coach Virginia Gruhler. Ghee, a clarified butter that originated in ancient India, has been touted as a “keto-friendly” way to help neutralize the acidity of coffee while adding healthy fats and nutrients. Spices like cinnamon and cardamom have been added to coffee and black tea for centuries in the Middle East and Asia to enhance both flavor and health. Cinnamon, for example, may help lower blood sugar, in addition to having antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. Mushroom coffee is another popular “coffee-plus” beverage which combines the flavor and energy boost of java with the benefits of medicinal fungi like turkey tail, lion’s mane and chaga, boosting the immune system and potentially warding off serious health conditions like dementia and cancer. Because caffeine can stay in the bloodstream for up to 10 hours, staying clear of all caffeinated drinks in the later hours of the day will help ensure a better night’s sleep. When a mid-afternoon slump hits, a brisk walk followed by a cup of a flavorful herbal tea like Rooibos or lemongrass can wake up the body and the brain naturally. Connect with Washington, D.C., freelance writer April Thompson at AprilWrites.com.

January 2022


Nature’s Virus Killer

not a sniffle!” she exclaimed. Businesswoman Rosaleen says when people around her show signs of cold or flu, she uses copper morning and night. “It saved me last holidays,” she said. “The kids had crud going round and round, but not me.” Attorney Donna Blight tried copper for her sinus. “I am shocked!” she said. By Doug Cornell “My head cleared, no more headache, no more congestion.” cientists have discovered a cold never got going. That was A man with trouble breathing natural way to kill germs fast. September 2012. I use copper in the through his nose at night tried copper Now thousands of people nose every time and I have not had a just before bed. “Best sleep I’ve had in are using it against viruses and bacteria single cold since then.” years!” he said. in the nose and on “We can’t In a lab test, technicians placed 25 the skin. make product million live flu viruses on a CopperZap. Colds start health claims,” he No viruses were found surviving soon when cold viruses said, “so I can’t after. get in your nose. say cause and Dr. Bill Keevil led one of the teams Viruses multiply effect. But we confirming the research. He placed fast. If you don’t know copper is millions of disease germs on copper. stop them early, antimicrobial.” “They started to die literally as soon as they spread and He asked they touched the surface,” he said. cause misery. relatives and Some people press copper on a lip New device puts copper right In hundreds friends to try it. right away if a warning tingle suggests where you need it. of studies, EPA and They reported unwanted germs gathering there. university researchers have confirmed the same thing, so he patented The handle is curved that viruses and bacteria die almost CopperZap® and put it on the and textured to increase instantly when touched by copper. market. contact. Copper can That’s why ancient Greeks and Soon hundreds of people had kill germs picked up on Egyptians used copper to purify water tried it. The feedback was 99% fingers and hands after and heal wounds. They didn’t know positive if they used the copper you touch things other about microbes, but now we do. within 3 hours after the first sign people have touched. Scientists say the high conductance of unwanted germs, like a tickle The EPA says copper of copper disrupts the electrical balance in the nose or a scratchy throat. still works even when Dr. Bill Keevil: in a microbe cell and destroys the cell in Early user Mary Pickrell tarnished. Copper quickly kills seconds. said, “I can’t believe how good CopperZap is made cold viruses. Tests by the EPA (Environmental my nose feels.” in the U.S. of pure Protection Agency) show germs die “What a wonderful thing!” copper. It has a 90-day full money back fast on copper. So some hospitals tried exclaimed Physician’s Assistant Julie. guarantee. It is available for $79.95. Get copper for touch surfaces like faucets Another customer asked, “Is it supposed $10 off each CopperZap with code NATA25. and doorknobs. This cut the spread of to work that fast?” Go to www.CopperZap.com or call MRSA and other illnesses by over half, Pat McAllister, 70, received one for toll-free 1-888-411-6114. and saved lives. Christmas and called it “one of the best Buy once, use forever. The strong scientific evidence gave presents ever. This little jewel really Statements are not intended as inventor Doug Cornell an idea. When works.” product health claims and have not been he felt a cold about to start he fashioned Frequent flier Karen Gauci had been evaluated by the FDA. Not claimed to a smooth copper probe and rubbed it suffering after crowded flights. Though diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any gently in his nose for 60 seconds. skeptical, she tried copper on travel disease. “It worked!” he exclaimed. “The days for 2 months. “Sixteen flights and ADVERTORIAL Westchester/Putnam/Dutchess NY Edition WakeUpNaturally.com 32

Copper can stop a cold before it starts


photo provided by deanna, homesteadandchill.com


Turmeric Golden Milk yield: 2 mugs

3 cups organic, natural milk such as oat, almond, coconut, hemp or another 2 tsp ground turmeric powder ½ tsp ground cinnamon 1 Tbsp coconut oil (skip if using a full-fat coconut cream or milk) ¼ tsp ground ginger powder Dash of black pepper Maple syrup, agave syrup or honey to taste Optional, but luxurious and delicious: Pinch of ground cardamom (about ⅛ tsp or just under) Dash of vanilla extract or vanilla powder Pinch of ground nutmeg (about ⅛ tsp or just under) Gently heat milk of choice in a pot on the stovetop over medium heat. Once it’s warm, add the suggested spices, oil and sweetener. Use a whisk to thoroughly combine all of the ingredients. Depending on the type of milk used, vigorous whisking may create a nice, latte-like “foam”. Continue to heat for about five minutes, whisking occasionally. Serve immediately and enjoy it warm. Golden milk is also delicious cold over ice, although oil is not recommended to use in this case. Store any leftovers in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to three days. Reheat leftovers on the stovetop (rather than in a microwave) to preserve maximum nutritional value.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Source: Deanna, creator of HomesteadAndChill.com. January 2022


Health in the New Year 10 Top Wellness Trends for 2022

wayhome studio/AdobeStock.com

by Sandra Yeyati


very new year marks the convergence of endings and beginnings—an opportunity to assess where we’ve been and anticipate where we’re going. As this dynamic relates to our health, this year promises an intensification in the development and adoption of several trends that have been years in the making.

Plant-Based Foods Take Center Stage The consensus among researchers is that filling our plates with colorful vegetables and fruits improves health and reduces our risk of developing a number of chronic degenerative diseases. “This approach, along with eating less meat and avoiding sugar, is wonderful to control blood sugar, lower uric acid and nurture your microbiome, which is fundamentally important to reduce in34

Westchester/Putnam/Dutchess NY Edition

flammation, increase your body’s production of antioxidants and vitamins and help maintain the integrity of the gut lining so that you don’t get leaky gut and, therefore, inflammation,” says boardcertified neurologist David Perlmutter, author of Grain Brain and four other New York Times bestsellers. Awareness of the devastating effects of industrialized meat production is also accelerating. “Avoiding animal products is probably the first and most important ethical choice one can make,” says Princeton University bioethics professor Peter Singer, author of the seminal Animal Liberation. “That’s going to dramatically lower your carbon footprint. You will no longer be complicit in the suffering of tens of billions of factory-farmed animals, and you won’t be contributing to the increasing risks of viruses being bred in factory farms.”


“Core concepts like being present in the moment or taking in the other person in an empathetic way are rippling out into so many aspects of life.” –Leslie Davenport According to market analysis firm CB Insights, “As COVID-19 spread across the globe, shifting consumer behavior and virus outbreaks in factories has dealt major blows to the meat supply chain, with the beef industry alone facing an estimated $13.6 billion in losses.” Several U.S. meat processing plants were forced to close their doors. In response, a growing inventory of plant-based alternative proteins is emerging, offering new products that seek to mimic the experience of eating a juicy hamburger (Beyond Meat and Impossible Foods) or crispy chicken nugget (Simulate). Banza makes high-protein pasta from chickpeas. Retail sales of plant-based meals in the U.S. have grown by 25.5 percent over the past two years, and other manufacturers joining the field are Plantible Foods, Rebellyous Foods, Livekindly and InnovoPro. A recent survey found that 36 percent of consumers intend to increase their consumption of alternative protein sources in the near future. Perlmutter cautions, “Just because they’re plant-based doesn’t give them full sanction. They may contain unfermented soy, which may not be non-GMO or organic, and per an article in the New York Times, their carbon footprint may be a lot higher in production of these products than we have been led to believe. Do a little research on these manufactured foods and go for plant-based options that aren’t processed. Shop the periphery of the grocery store.”

Telemedicine Will Continue After the Pandemic According to management consultants McKinsey and Company, when COVID-19 began, the level of telemedicine increased in America 78-fold, peaking in April 2020. Although it has been declining since then, the use of telemedicine

is still at a 38-fold increase compared to pre-pandemic times. “While it has leveled off, we are going to see persisting use of telemedicine in situations that involve basic communication with a patient,” says Perlmutter, citing compelling attributes such as cost savings, convenience and a lower carbon footprint because people don’t have to commute to a doctor’s office.

Wearable Devices and Home Testing Empower Patients Perlmutter also anticipates an amplification of the use of wearable devices and home testing to provide biometric data that informs people about their health status and inspires them to modify lifestyle choices. The Oura Ring records the time it takes to get to sleep, how many times the wearer awakens during the night and how much time they spend in REM and deep sleep. This information enables people to modify day-to-day activities to improve the quality and quantity of sleep. Apple Watch aficionados are increasingly relying on the device’s biofeedback features, including its newest metric, blood oxygenation, while diabetics and nondiabetics alike employ continuous glucose monitoring systems to pinpoint how lifestyle choices like food, exercise and sleep affect blood sugar levels. “That is not only trending now, but will increase quite dramatically as consumers push to learn more about themselves,” Perlmutter predicts. “No longer is this information going to be siloed in the doctor’s office. People are becoming more and more empowered to learn this data about themselves and act on it.”

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Learning to Improve Genetic Expression “Our evolving understanding of epigenetics—how we can change our gene January 2022



expression—is bringing more people on board to the idea that our lifestyle choices matter,” Perlmutter says. “When I went to medical school, we thought our DNA was locked in a glass case and that it would determine everything about us. Nowadays, we know that the expression of more than 70 percent of our DNA that codes for health and longevity is under our control and influenced by our lifestyle choices. The food we eat, whether or not we slept well last night, the stress in our lives, whether or not we spent time in nature—all of these things, moment-to-moment, change our gene expression. Holy Toledo! We now know that certain lifestyle choices are good for you because they favorably change gene expression. They teach it in med school now. It’s a breathtaking reality.”

Harnessing the Power of Low-Level Stress Life hackers and high-performance junkies are looking to leverage something called hormesis, which involves introducing lowlevel stress to the body for a positive outcome, so that when the body repairs itself from that condition, it doesn’t just repair 36

back to the previous level, but to a new one with an advantage. This includes exposing the body to a hot sauna or cold exposure through cryotherapy, as well as intermittent fasting or time-restricted eating. “People are starting to see how good things happen when we engage in things that push us in places that are perhaps a little bit uncomfortable, activating mechanisms that help with metabolic health, immunity, cognitive function and even the growth of new brain cells,” Perlmutter explains.

Mental Health Destigmatized When U.S. gymnast Simone Biles dropped out of the 2021 Summer Olympic Games citing mental health challenges, she created an opening for other people to speak up. If a world champion could reveal her vulnerability on the global stage when the stakes were so high, certainly so could they. Her compelling story is emblematic of an emerging trend: Mental health is gradually becoming destigmatized. “It’s becoming acceptable to talk about our feelings and ask for help, and this trend is shattering unhealthy cultural myths, like the erroneous assumption that if we talk

Westchester/Putnam/Dutchess NY Edition


about our emotions we’re going to fall into a pit of despair and sadness,” says Licensed Integrative Psychotherapist Leslie Davenport, the author of Emotional Resiliency in the Era of Climate Change. “There���������� ’��������� s a boldness among younger generations that are challenging the status quo and demanding to be accepted as they are. Tucking away anything that might not be socially acceptable is a part of the past. Kids want their families and adults to accept and love them exactly as they are.” On Twitter, Instagram and Facebook, #itsoknottobeok is a popular hashtag. Mental health surveys show that ecoanxiety in particular is prevalent among the young. Late last year, scientists at the University of Bath, in England, interviewed 10,000 youth between the ages of 16 and 25 across 10 continents. In the U.S., 68 percent said that the future was frightening. Almost half admitted that they had distressing feelings related to climate change on a daily basis, 42 percent believed that the things they valued most would be destroyed and 35 percent feared that their family security would be threatened.

A Surge in Coaching According to Davenport, “In addition to therapy becoming more acceptable, I’ve seen coaching become more common as another option in which people don’t have to examine their past and can instead look forward. A coach can help them make sense of their life, set goals and hold them accountable.”

Mindfulness Becomes Ubiquitous In a few decades, mindfulness practices have catapulted from Buddhist monasteries to corporate boardrooms and have become a billion-dollar industry in the U.S. with an 11 percent annual growth rate. “Mindfulness has been emerging for a while, but at this point, it’s a household word,” Davenport says. “People are talking about mindful eating or mindful conversations. Core concepts like being present in the moment or taking in the other person in an empathetic way are rippling out into so many aspects of life.”

In a few decades, mindfulness practices have catapulted from Buddhist monasteries to corporate boardrooms and have become a billion-dollar industry in the U.S. with an 11 percent annual growth rate

Therapy and Meditation Apps Abound Redefining the conventional, in-person therapy session that is 50 minutes in a quiet room, therapy apps allow people to have short phone calls, video chats or text exchanges with a therapist for a low monthly fee. Notable therapy apps include BetterHelp.com, OnlineTherapy.com, BrightSide.com and Calmerry.com. For meditation, Calm.com, InsightTimer.com and HeadSpace.com are dominating the field.

Virtual Experiences Are Here to Stay Many people that were devastated by isolation and loneliness during the pandemic

sought social engagement via streaming and app-enabled webinars, exercise routines or art classes. Suddenly, virtual conferences attracted participants from all over the world. Davenport relishes the fact that she was able to take tap dancing classes from a renowned New York City teacher, even though she lives in Washington State. “In a surprising silver lining, we’ve come to appreciate the convenience of these virtual experiences, which we likely wouldn’t have attended in person before the pandemic.” Sandra Yeyati is a professional writer and editor. Reach her at SandraYeyati@gmail.com.

January 2022


green living

The Electric Vehicle Revolution Moving Toward an All-EV Future this Year

photo by Chevrolet

by Jim Motavalli


lmost certainly, electric cars are in everyone’s future. Not only are automakers— from General Motors and Volvo to Rolls-Royce and Bentley—pledging to stop producing gas and diesel cars, but a long list of countries in Europe and Asia plus three U.S. states are planning to ban them by 2040 or earlier, often citing climate change imperatives. This wouldn’t be happening if electrification technology was standing still. Instead, it’s made rapid progress to the point that electric vehicles (EV) are more often than not better cars than their internal combustion counterparts. A range of 300 miles or more (the top model of the luxurious Lucid Air claims 520) has become commonplace, and the inherent properties of electric motors—such as lots of low-end torque—means they’re very fast off the line. The Rimac Nevera, an EV supercar, reaches 60 mph in an incredible 1.85 seconds. But there’s more. Fuel and service costs have been dramatically reduced with EVs. A 2018 University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute study pegged the average cost to operate an EV at $485 a year, compared to $1,117 for a gas-operated car, and battery packs and electric motors take up less space than engines, transmissions and radiators. This means larger passenger compartments with more legroom and no center 38

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“hump”, and storage up front (the so-called “frunk”), as well as behind. Designers are even able to ditch the grille—a feature shared by all but a few air-cooled cars on the market.

EVs Get More Affordable The high cost of EVs has been off-putting. The Tesla Model S Plaid Edition, made in California, starts at $129,990, the Arizonaproduced Lucid sells for up to $170,000, and the Croatian-made Rimac costs $2.4 million. That’s one reason EV penetration is low—accounting for only 2 percent of U.S. sales in 2020. By last year, there were almost 1.8 million EVs on American

greenhouse gas production from recycling (1.8 tons versus 2.4 tons) because of battery processing, a Chinese study says. But that same study reports that complete lifecycle emissions for EVs are 18 percent lower. The good news is that many of the factors that go into lifecycle analysis are In a pinch, the Ford F-150 electric pickup can power a house. getting better for EVs. Renewable energy is the fastest-growing energy source, and EVs will cost on average $949 less per year the amount in the U.S. grid increased 100 to maintain. percent between 2000 and 2018. Lithium is Many of today’s electric cars have range essential for modern EV batteries, and both limitations, and this needs to be factored General Motors and BMW have invested in into trip planning. The 2021 Volkswagen more sustainable methods of extraction. I.D. 4 Pro can travel 260 miles on a charge, perhaps not enough to get to grandma’s Integrating with the Home house. The 2021 Nissan Leaf only has a Another EV cost is the installation of 150-mile range, although the Leaf Plus 240-volt electricity for home charging. But increases that to 226. in 2020 the International Code Council Buying used is tempting, because some (ICC) set new voluntary guidelines for EVs—such as early Nissan Leafs—are new homes that would make all of them highly affordable, with good ones costing “EV-Ready”. Installing the necessary wiring about $7,000. But its range is poor, just 73 when the house is built would cost $920, miles. While some older Teslas have credcompared to $3,550 for a retrofit, says the ible range, they’ve also retained their value ICC. Some municipalities, such as Seattle, pretty well. In general, buying new—which already require EV wiring for new homes includes claiming the federal income tax with off-street parking. credit—is a better idea. Increasingly, EVs are being equipped First-time EV buyers worry about high for two-way power, meaning they can prices, range, finding public chargers power homes or construction sites. That’s (although the $7.5 billion allocated to one part of the appeal of Ford’s Lightning, build them in the recent infrastructure which has 9.6 kilowatts of power available bill may help), the considerable time to keep the lights on during a power outneeded to recharge at home, comproage. It can provide full-home electricity for mised interior space and replacing the three days. expensive battery packs. These are all legitimate concerns, but the lower-priced, What to Expect roomy, fast-charging EVs coming on the Buying an EV will require some lifestyle market now—and a network of more changes, most but not all of them positive. than 41,000 public chargers—go a long Passing up gas stations is a plus. Studies way toward addressing them. show that 80 percent or more of EV charging will be done at home, mostly at Jim Motavalli, a Connecticut-based journalist, night. Regular servicing for tuneups and writes about the environment, cars and music. oil changes will become a distant memory, He can be contacted at JimMotavalli.com. and so will the financial bite. AAA says January 2022


photo courtesy of Ford

roads—three times the number of 2016— but affordable cars would make the numbers grow much faster. The federal $7,500 federal income tax credit for EVs helps, but it has a 200,000-unit sales cap, and General Motors and Tesla have already met it. Some states, and especially EV-friendly California, have generous additional incentives, and a proposed increase in the tax credit from $7,500 to $12,500 is under consideration by Congress. Battery pack costs—the key reason EVs are expensive—went down an average of 16 percent per year between 2007 and 2020, the University of Pennsylvania reports. And that has created cheaper electric vehicles such as the Chevrolet Bolt ($31,995), Hyundai Kona ($34,000), Mini Cooper SE ($30,750), Nissan Leaf ($32,620) and Tesla Model 3 ($41,190). The big news for truck fans is that the country’s bestselling vehicle for many years, the Ford F-150 pickup, will have a battery electric variant called the Lightning on the market this spring with a price under $40,000. For some people, hybrid or plug-in hybrid vehicles are a better choice. They’re certainly cheaper. Toyota’s long-lived Prius (with 58 mpg city/53 highway) starts at $24,525. And there’s an appealing Ford hybrid truck, too—the Maverick—at $19,995. It went on sale late last year. These “green” trucks are undoubtedly better for the environment than their gas and diesel counterparts. Greenhouse gas production is directly tied to fuel economy, and some versions of the current F-150 pickup get only 15 mpg combined. The only emissions from its EV counterpart and battery trucks like it will be from the generation of the electricity to run them. The Maverick hybrid gets 40 mpg in city driving. In 2020, researchers in England and Holland said that driving an EV is better for the environment in 95 percent of the world—the exception would be in areas with very dirty coal-based grids. For a complete lifecycle analysis, it’s necessary to factor in the effects of manufacturing, the mining of rare earth minerals, the makeup of the local grid, end-of-life recycling and other factors. EVs do have slightly higher

High Times for the Cannabis Industry Emerging Trends with a COVID-19 Caveat by Jim Motavalli


t’s fair to say that the cannabis industry has arrived. Recreational marijuana has now been approved in 17 states, and 37 have allowed marijuana for medical purposes. “We have CBD!” proclaim store signs selling the buzz-free cannabidiol. In 2020, more than 240,000 people worked in cannabis-related jobs. The Brightfield Group says the medical cannabis industry will reach $16 billion in annual U.S. sales by 2025. Cannabis market research firm Headset predicts this will be “a year of positive growth” for the industry. Legalization and expansion are strongly in line with public sentiment: Two-thirds of Americans believe marijuana should be legal, says the Pew Research Center. Opposition has fallen from 52 percent in 2010 to just 32 percent by the end of 2019. “Dispensaries and cannabis cafés are as commonplace as 40

Westchester/Putnam/Dutchess NY Edition

Starbucks, and ordering edibles is as easy as getting pizza,” reports marketing firm Grassfed Media. The National Retail Federation noted a 700 percent increase in the demand for CBD-based products in 2019. One caveat, however, is COVID-19. Ron Newman, a sustainable development analyst with Lee Enterprises Consulting, says the hemp/CBD business was flat during 2020 because of the pandemic. “With the economic situation, people were buying only essentials,” he says. “But we’re seeing the business start to come back now.” With COVID-19 recovery, more growth is certain, and here are some upcoming trends. Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is the active ingredient in marijuana that gets the user high. The natural compound CBD—said to have healing and pain/anxiety relief properties—is being heav-



healing ways

ily marketed in the form of oils, edibles (including gummy bears and lollipops), oral sprays, creams and pills. The third-most popular food-related Google search term in 2018 was “CBD gummies”. CBD dietary supplements are the biggest category, followed by topical applications and third, food and beverage additives. THC is still illegal in many parts of the U.S., but CBD cultivation and sales were legalized by the 2018 Farm Bill. California offers a model for the states in regulating cannabis. Both medicinal cannabis and adult recreational use are legal, but the industry is strictly regulated by the Department of Cannabis Control to ensure that businesses operate safely and that products are free from contamination, properly labeled and kept away from children. Research into cannabis is an emerging field, with 23,000 papers published since 2010, and Grassfed believes that some future products will be based on “other cannabinoids and terpenes such as CBN, CBG, THCA and THCV.” In addition, strains labeled indica, sativa or hybrid, or with names like Gorilla Glue and Wedding Crasher, may increasingly be replaced by a scientifically supported classification system. Bar & Restaurant magazine wants its bartenders to know there might be THCfree CBD cocktails on their future bar menus. It reports that these drinks are “a legal grey area; federally they’re illegal, but some states have their own CBD-related laws.” The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) says flatly, “It is currently illegal to market CBD by adding it to a food or labeling it as a dietary supplement,” but the agency has said it is considering relaxing this prohibition. There’s a Wild West quality to the CBD/ hemp industry today. An FDA study found many CBD products to be mislabeled, with either more or less CBD than indicated. A significant number contained THC. And then there are the laws, with federal prohibitions and state regulations, that can be quite different. For instance, New York bans CBD products with more than 0.3 percent THC, and bans CBD from any alcohol or tobacco product. So determining whether any specific product is “legal”

or not in different locations is complex. But marketing benefits are plain. Wynk alcohol-free seltzer says it has “2.5 milligrams of THC and 2.5 milligrams of CBD in every can.” However, Wynk is not widely available. Casey Coughlin, Wynk brand manager, says, “We only sell Wynk through the dispensary channel, which is highly regulated on a state-by-state basis. So, although CBD and THC beverages are not federally legal, they are at the state level under regulation.” Jody McGinness, executive director of the Hemp Industries Association, says the FDA doesn’t actually have strong enforcement powers, and that the worst thing CBD/THC legal violators can expect from the agency is a warning letter posted on the FDA website. Gregg Sturz, co-founder of Floridabased CBD Hemp Experts, a leading wholesale provider of cannabis-derived products, says he expects the FDA to eventually approve CBD for use in dietary supplements. “I don’t think they’re trying to shut the industry down, just come up with some clear guidelines,” he says. The legal status of THC is such a question mark that, according to Investopedia’s Marijuana Investing Guide, large banks “are currently afraid of money-laundering charges they may face if they work with these businesses … The American Bankers’ Association has been pushing for more legal clarity.” Newman, who studies the medicinal uses of CBD, notes that in some cases

it’s being marketed as a topical analgesic for pain relief, when actually the other proven ingredients in analgesics—including methanol and camphor—are doing the heavy lifting. This situation has also produced FDA warning letters, because if CBD is claimed to relieve pain, then it is required to go through a new drug application process for efficacy. In 2018, the FDA approved Epidiolex, an oral solution with CBD as an active ingredient, used for the treatment of rare and severe forms of epilepsy. While it’s the only approved product so far, studies suggest CBD might be useful for anxiety, insomnia, skin protection and addiction. McGinness sees the major growth area for cannabis-related products not in CBD, but in industrial hemp fiber. As hemp growers gear up in the Midwest after decades of federal bans, they’re likely to expand beyond cottage clothing companies into such areas as auto and industrial parts and building materials, he says. “Hemp products made in a green way create fewer emissions,” McGinness says. “And the bioplastics made from hemp are lighter-weight, which increases fuel efficiency. I expect we’ll see heartland industrial hemp grow so much it will make CBD look like a niche.” Jim Motavalli is a Connecticut-based journalist who writes about the environment, cars and music. He can be contacted via JimMotavalli.com.

January 2022


healthy kids

Zen Zone for Kids Create the Perfect Calm-Down Corner at Home by Marlaina Donato


hildren and teens are sensitive beings, and like adults, they need daily tools to offset the stresses of life. Whether a child is overwhelmed by COVID-19 protocols at school, is on the autism spectrum or is highly sensitive or anxious, creating a special place to decompress can help manage big emotions. “Children, including teens, often don’t recognize the combination of sensory stimuli that is causing anxiety, irritation or exhaustion that can then lead to emotional reactivity in the form of anger, outbursts, silence, crying, inappropriate laughing or teasing,” says occupational therapist April Christopherson, owner of ExplorationTherapy.com, in Gunnison, Colorado.

Peace, Not Punishment

Crystal Sing/AdobeStock.com

A calm space can be an inviting corner, a designated room or a place outdoors. “Sensory processing is a blanket term for how our brains and bodies integrate and use the sensory information/input around us. This is mostly environmental,” says Christopherson. Triggers may include uncomfortable room temperature, noise, inadequate or intrusive lighting, even

scratchy clothing. Unlike time-out spaces that prompt kids to process actions and think about behavior, calm-down spaces can soothe a nervous system in overdrive and quell uncontrollable meltdowns. “It’s common for kids with sensory processing needs to be misunderstood and labeled as overly sensitive or explosive. Creating a space that meets your child’s sensory needs gives them a safe space to retreat to when they’re feeling overwhelmed,” says Alisha Grogan, a Pittsburgh occupational therapist and creator of YourKidsTable.com for picky eaters.


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Calming Nerves, Engaging the Senses Kids’ tranquil areas can be simple or elaborate, but part of the magic formula is including objects that soothe the senses. “The calm space can contain items that allow time for stress hormones to decrease,” says certified autism specialist Cara Koscinski, of Jacksonville, Florida, founder of PocketOccupationalTherapist.com, an online source for parents, therapists and students. She recommends including sensory allies such as bean bags, therapy putty or dough, slow or classical music, a white noise machine, books, emotion identification cards and fidget toys (squishy or gel-filled balls, tangle toys or a Rubik’s Cube). A weighted blanket or stuffed animal, especially for younger children, is also a good option. “Time to refocus and allow deep breathing can make a world of difference,” says Koscinski, recommending cards with cues or instructions for deep breathing. Sarah Norris, founder of the coaching website SensoryCoach.org, with offices in Denver, Atlanta and Chicago, believes we can all benefit from sensory strategies. “Using sensation is a powerful way to change how you feel without much thought or expression,” she says. “Sensory objects can often be used in more than one way, which allows you to discover how to help yourself feel better in a fun, nonjudgmental way.” She recommends including scented items with calming essential oils and drawing pads, as well as age-appropriate coloring books. Grogan’s sensory picks are stress balls, kinetic sand, noise-cancelling headphones, scented teddy bears and chewy necklaces for a child to bite on. “Families may want to have a variety of sensory tools and toys available so a child can choose what’s helpful for them,” she says. Ambient lighting, including lava lamps and year-round holiday lights, can set the mood of any sensory space.

or a semi-permanent pillow fort, your kids will love you for it. Don’t overlook the possibility of using outdoor spaces as places to promote calm. Being in nature can be very regulating, especially if there is a comfy seat or fun swing to enjoy.” If making an area at home doesn’t work for some families, Norris suggests highly effective portable kits that can come along in the car or to doctor’s appointments. Christopherson encourages creative options like a comfortable beanbag at the bottom of a closet, a rocking chair with

a heavy blanket or an outside fort or tree house. For multi-sibling homes, Grogan recommends a pop-up tent in a corner or in smaller spaces or a blanket thrown over a table for an instant fort. Whatever the setup or individual needs, calm spaces encourage kids to find their center and claim their space in a chaotic world. “All kids should be given what they need for success,” underscores Koscinski. Marlaina Donato is an author and a recording artist. Connect at WildflowerLady.com.

Tranquil Possibilities Setting up stress-free zones at home doesn’t have to be a one-size-fits all approach. Norris favors going outside the box. “If you have the space to set up a reading nook January 2022


natural pet

Pet-Pleasing Food Trends What Dogs and Cats Will Eat This Year by Ronica O’Hara


grin Falls, Ohio. “Fancy foods, gourmet treats, even personal pet chefs have become the norm.” In a turnabout on animal testing, some companies advertise that their pet food products are tested on humans. It’s the logical outcome of an evolution in how pets are regarded, say psychologists. Only a few decades ago, most dogs slept in doghouses rather than in bedrooms, and most cats were free-range explorers of the outdoors. Today, two in three American

households have a pet, and the animals are increasingly part of the family—sometimes even more beloved than human family members. One study, for example, found young children more likely to confide in a pet than in a sibling. A mattress company survey found that 71 percent of pet owners sleep with their furry friends. The forced togetherness of the pandemic drew pets and owners even closer. “Today, pet owners want to reward


og and cat food is becoming ever more humanized in the U.S. Market researchers and veterinarians report that consumers are increasingly demanding for their pets what they want for themselves: high-quality, sustainably sourced ingredients that are free of questionable byproducts. “Organic, gluten-free and even vegan are now mainstream when it comes to Fido and Fluffy,” says integrative veterinarian Carol Osborne, of Cha-


Westchester/Putnam/Dutchess NY Edition


their pets in every way possible to let them know how grateful they are for the unconditional love and companionship they provide,” says Osborne. The urge to lovingly pamper pets starts at the food dish with many emerging trends.

Custom Tailoring According to market analyst firm Mintel, three in five U.S. pet owners are willing to pay more for foods that are customized to their pet’s specific dietary needs, a trend being eagerly met by more than 700 brands and 10,000 products. Today, a dizzying array of foods are tailored to pets’ ages, breeds and physical and emotional conditions. Obese dogs can chomp down on high-protein, low-fat foods; anxious pups can mellow out with foods that contain hemp and CBD oil; and dogs prone to kidney stones may find relief on a renalsupport formula. Consumers unable to purchase pricey, specialized formulas are making kibble less boring by adding flavorful mix-ins and toppers such as shredded tuna and lamb liver flakes.

Going Plant-Based The slow but sure rise in the number of Americans that eat natural, plant-based diets has its parallel in animal diets. Organic pet food free of pesticides, antibiotics and chemicals constitute a robust, $22-billiona-year business in the U.S., and vegan pet food sales are predicted to grow globally by 12 percent a year. Ancient grains like amaranth, quinoa, buckwheat and millet are included in gluten-free formulas to satisfy a small but growing market. To make plant-based chow more appealing, pet food makers are adding savory flavors and substituting chemical enhancers with kitchen ingredients like vinegar.

Rethinking Meat Some manufacturers are replacing chicken and beef with more adventurous, gamey proteins such as rabbit, venison, bison and wild boar. “Products are advertising how you can bring out their inner wolf by feeding them that food, because it is more natural to their instincts,” says Heather Venkat, the acting public health veterinar-

ian for Arizona. Revenues are predicted to nearly double from $277 million in 2018 to $525 million in 2025 for a growing favorite: raw meat in the form of freezedried kibble.

Ethical Buys Consumers are examining labels to find pet food that is sustainable and responsibly sourced. “‘Made in the USA’ remains a popular claim and feature that may even be increasing, along with a demand for ethical claims, sustainability concerns and cause marketing,” writes Debbie Phillips-Donaldson, editor-in-chief of Petfood Industry. In a survey of U.S. dog and cat owners conducted by Packaged Facts in early 2020, 69 percent reported concern about the treatment of animals raised for use in pet food.

‘holistic’, ‘ancestral’, ‘instinctual’, ‘gourmet’ and ‘premium’ are really just marketing. On the other hand, ‘organic’, ‘natural’ and ‘human-grade’ all have specific definitions when they are applied to pet foods,” says veterinarian Jennifer Coates, of Fort Collins, Colorado, author of The Dictionary of Veterinary Terms. “Most importantly, watch how your pet does while eating a particular food. If your pet is maintaining a healthy weight and has normal digestive function (firm stools, no vomiting), good energy levels, normal amounts of shedding and that ‘glow’ of good health, the diet you’ve picked is probably a good match,” she says. Health writer Ronica O’Hara can be contacted at OHaraRonica@gmail.com.

Cautionary Notes When buying pet food, veterinarians urge pet owners not to be overly swayed by advertising claims. “For example, the words

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WakeUpNaturally.com January 2022



Why Words Matter


by Marlaina Donato


rom witchy incantations in Shakespeare’s Macbeth to ancient Sanskrit mantras; from the stirring speeches of Martin Luther King, Jr. to the divinely inspired poetry of the Sufis, words have bridged the chasm between the visible and the invisible since the dawn of human language. They have the capacity to conjure change, rock the boat, manipulate mood and alter the inner landscape. According to language research center Ethnologue, there are more than 7,000 languages in the world. We use words every day to communicate, to learn, to teach, to bond with kindred souls and to win opinion wars on social media. We can use words as medicine or weapons, and we too often forget their power. Many religious texts draw attention to the spoken word, especially in creation stories and the creative capacity of deity. In the Vedanta Sutra, an ancient Vedic text, the phrase anavritti sabdat translates to “by sound vibration, one becomes liberated.” Consider what it would be like if we each made a daily commitment to use everyday words as a conscious tool for healing—a practical form of spiritual discipline from which everyone might benefit. In our age of rapidly developing technology and jam-packed schedules, the spoken word is becoming a casualty in the daily blur of abbreviated texts and emojis. Forty percent of the world’s languages are on the threshold of extinction, and so is the language of everyday courtesy and compassion. “Sticks and stones will break my bones, but words will never hurt me,” the old saying goes, but words do hurt, chipping away at our mental health in the classroom, on the checkout line at the supermarket and in our social media newsfeeds. Negativity-overwhelm has become the norm. If the mystics of old are correct regarding the energetic impact of our words, thoughts and self-talk, incredible power awaits on the tip of our tongues. With a little bit of attention and intention, there’s so much we might be able to create for ourselves and others. Words are seeds, and we can sow life-sustaining gardens for generations to follow. Consider what to plant today. Marlaina Donato is the author of several books and a composer of visionary music. Connect at WildflowerLady.com.


Westchester/Putnam/Dutchess NY Edition


Intuitive & Healing Arts World Peace Sanctuary Welcomes Visitors Year-Round


he World Peace Sanctuary, located on 28 acres in Wassaic, is the headquarters of May Peace Prevail On Earth International, The Peace Pole Project and Peace Pals International. Anyone is welcome to explore the grounds, enjoying the peace monuments and points of interest throughout the property. Peace Pole on the grounds “When people come to the sanctuary, they are in awe of how peaceful it feels,” says Ann Marie Robustelli, assistant to the executive director. The sanctuary grounds offers a seven-circle-wide Peace Labyrinth, based on a design found on an ancient Cretan coin; the Sacred Grove, which surrounds the sanctuary; and the Wisdom Trail, designed by Michael Guldbrandsen. The World Peace Sanctuary grounds are open from dawn to dusk seven days a week. Monday through Friday, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., visitors can stop by the sanctuary office to learn more about The World Peace Prayer Society and shop for gifts bearing the universal message of peace: “May peace prevail on earth.” Location: World Peace Sanctuary, 26 Benton Rd., Wassaic, NY. For more info, call 845.877.6093 or email info@worldpeace.org or visit WorldPeace.org/sanctuary.



Pam Cucinell Phone, online & in person 917.796.6026; InsightOasis.com

Bernadette Bloom, MI Energy Healing & Teacher 239.289.3744 theesotericbloom.com

Samyama Flowering Tree Spiritual Astrologer, Intuitive Mentor-Coach & Teacher Samyamallc.com

INTUITIVE ENERGY HEALING The Temperance Center Merrill Black, LCSW Reiki Master/Instructor Light Body Quantum Healings 914.793.2600 TheTemperanceCenter.com

INTUITIVE HEALING White Lotus Grace Healing/Dance/Readings 845.677.3517 Millbrook & Remote Whitelotusgrace.com

NEW AGE STORES Persephone’s Pearl Spiritual Development Center Candles, Books, Tarot, Jewelry Psychics, Crystals, Classes, etc. 1014B Main St., Peekskill @persephonespearlpeekskill 914.737.3460 PersephonesPearl.com The Soul Connection Shop Metaphysical Shop; Crystals, Jewelry, Reiki, Tarot, more at Universal Healing Arts Center Cortlandt Manor, 914.737.HEAL SoulConnectionShop.com Synchronicity Psychics/Crystals Candles/Tarot/Sage 1511 Route 22 Brewster @synchronicityny 845.363.1765 SynchronicityNY.com

PSYCHIC MEDIUM Angel Aura Spiritual Boutique 12 West Main St, Pawling, NY 845.493.0432 AngelAuraBoutique.com Celestial Touch Laura Schek, Psychic Medium, Reiki Master 7 Arch St, Pawling, NY 845.244.1767 celestialtouchllc.com

QIGONG In Balance Concepts Qigong. Tai Chi. Meditation 2505 Rt. 6, St. 108, Brewster 845.803.1992 Inbalancetaichi.com

REIKI Balancing 4 Life Anne Bentzen, Jikiden Reiki Certified Teacher/Practitioner 25 Broadway, Pleasantville, NY 914.588.4079 Balancing4Life.com Edit Babboni, CHC, RYT 200 Reiki Healing. Health Coaching. Yoga. 61 Lakeview Drive, Yorktown Heights, NY 917.721.2529 yoga.zengarden@gmail.com Laura DeToia In person and Long-Distance Reiki 914.645.7704 MerkabaPeace.com The Loving Lotus In person or remote sessions 914.557.8213; lovinglotus.org the.loving.lotusx3@gmail.com

TAROT CARD READINGS Purple Lotus Zen Michelle B Whitney Tarot & Oracle Readings, Medium, Energ Healing. By phone appt. 914.513.8398; Purplelotuszen.com

WELLNESS BOUTIQUE The Healing Collective NY 267A Central Ave. White Plains Shop & Heal: 914.236.HEAL thehealingcollectiveny.com

Discover more healing resources on WakeUpNaturally.com

Find local classes and workshops on pages 54-57. January 2022


fit body

WHOLE-PERSON FITNESS Current Trends in Wellness Tools by Maya Whitman


nsiders agree that the idea of fitness is changing, and this means an exciting wave of trackers and apps that go beyond achieving the ultimate six-pack abs. “So many of us want a nice exterior, but now more than ever, we realize how important it is that the interior match that exterior,” says Dominic Kennedy, a Los Angeles trainer and founder of the Dominic Effect, an app that provides fitness workouts, customized meal plans and mind-body tools like meditation, yoga and affirmations. The industry of wearable technology has been expanding since the advent of the FitBit Tracker in 2014, and the trend is not slowing down. Current fitness wearables even include rings that offer more detailed biometric data including blood pressure, heart rate, sleep and calories burned. With some smartwatches now priced under $50, it’s clear why the business marketing firm Grandview Research predicts significant annual growth for such products for the next six years.

foto helin/AdobeStock.com

Making it Personal


Westchester/Putnam/Dutchess NY Edition


For this year, fitness and wellness choices will focus more on practical effectiveness within the new normal. “I see that most don’t want to spend hours in the gym. The way life is now, we do things differently: home gyms, home office, home childcare,” notes Kennedy. The world of fitness is extending beyond the gym, taking inventory of all the aspects that factor into maintaining wellness. “This year, fitness is all about making workouts work for you and your lifestyle. Whether it be wearable technology, customized online personal training apps or mindset work-


outs that work on getting your mind in gear, 2022 has me excited,” says Stephanie Mansour, a Chicago-based fitness coach and host of the national PBS fitness and wellness show Step it Up with Steph. “I think we’re going to be focusing on habits and other areas of life like food, sleep and mindset that contribute to the effectiveness of workouts.” She also foresees people picking up inspiration from hardcore fitness devotees that share more of their personal daily habits such as journaling, affirmations and how they stay committed to investing in health. Bringing a water bottle to a yoga class or slipping on activewear is becoming digitalized, making it easier to target overall health. Staying hydrated based on individual needs is effortless using a Thermos

Your Thoughts


Plus your “2 Cents” could win you a $100 Visa gift card!

app-connected hydration bottle with a smart lid that tracks daily intake. Mansour’s favorite fitness ally is clothing inlaid with resistance bands. “You can actually get in a workout while doing everyday activities with this resistance apparel. I love how resistance bands are built into these pants so my daily walk, yoga session or washing dishes and doing laundry turns into a workout because my muscles engage and work harder,” she says.

More Support, Less Pressure Kennedy sees a sense of community taking root since the start of pandemic, especially via online forums and groups centered on health and fitness. “We spend so much time on the internet and social media, and during the pandemic, it was a huge outreach

that will continue to grow since you can do it right from your computer or phone.” New Jersey-based fitness trainer Nadia Murdock sees a trend of prioritizing ourselves without all-too-common feelings of guilt. The founder of Core Program, designed to help entrepreneurial mothers take charge of their health and fitness, she warns about the possible trigger effect of digital trackers that use pop-up screens or reminders about daily steps. “I would suggest asking yourself why you want to use a tracker. Once you have identified the reason, you can now seek out alternative options that may cause less pressure,” she says. To stay accountable without mental anguish, she suggests using a multisport watch that offers the perk of real-time audio coaching. Kennedy concurs, saying, “The point is not to cause any more anxiety and to create a safe space. We should not be obsessing about weight and putting ourselves down, but finding a space that will lift our spirits.” Despite the benefits of the latest technology and extras, Mansour reminds us to adhere to “tried and true methodologies like regular workouts that you enjoy, eating nutritious foods and taking care of your mental health through meditation, stress-reduction techniques and getting adequate sleep.” Maya Whitman writes about natural health and living a more beautiful life. Connect at Ekstasis28@gmail.com.

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wise words

Peter Russell on the Healing Power of Letting Go by Linda Sechrist

well as immersing in A Course in Miracles and the writings of contemporary teachers including Eckhart Tolle and Ram Dass.


photo by Peter Russell

What exactly do you advise us to let go of?

n Letting Go of Nothing: Relax Your Mind and Discover the Wonder of Your True Nature, Peter Russell reminds readers what lies at the heart of all spiritual traditions. Based on his half-century of practicing Transcendental Meditation and applying the lessons of ancient and contemporary spiritual teachers, he offers a new perspective on the age-old practice of letting go, which involves not being attached to outcomes, surrendering desires, accepting the present, opening to a higher power, relinquishing the ego and practicing forgiveness. He traces the seeds of many ideas in the book to his time in India studying with Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, as 50

While the thought-provoking title suggests that individuals might be asked to let go of a situation, possessions or a relationship, the fundamental theme running through the book is not the letting go of things themselves, but rather letting go the things that only exist in the mind—thoughts, interpretations, fixed beliefs, points of view, expectations of the future, attachments to possessions and relationships, judgements, grievances, assumptions about how things should or should not be. These things in the mind are the lens through which the things of the world are experienced. For example, looking at things through blue-tinted spectacles gives everything a blueish tinge. But the lens itself is not part of the world you see. In a similar way, the lens through which we see our world is not another thing we see. In this sense, we are letting go of the “non-things” that color our view of the world.

What led to your understanding of this? The questions “Is there another way of seeing this?” and “Could there, just possibly, be another way of seeing this?” occurred spontaneously, without an effort on my

Westchester/Putnam/Dutchess NY Edition


part. With an open, curious attitude and without trying to find an answer or even assuming there was one, my inner knowing was able to shine through and reveal another more helpful way of seeing things.

What benefits have you experienced from letting go? I’m more in touch with my intuition and my feelings and less consumed by my thoughts. I feel better, experience more peace and am content. Discontent is largely self-created by thinking how things should or should not be. When discontent drops away, contentment becomes more prevalent. No one walks around wonderfully enlightened all the time. Letting go is a lifetime process. Noticing where I get caught up, pausing, coming back to the present, to what is, has a feeling of “Ahhh.” It’s a sense of coming home to my inner home. The world pulls us outward, taking us out of ourselves. When we step back from it and let go for a while, it’s like coming home to our self.

How can we better savor each moment? In just pausing and noticing what is in the present moment of experience, you’ll simply be stopping and withdrawing your interest from the thoughts that showed up when you paused. If you notice that your attention relaxes and if there is a sense of ease, a gentle sense of happiness or joy or a quality of spaciousness and clarity, savor it. Later, when it occurs to you, pause again and again. But don’t let the practice of pausing become routine or a ritual. Instead, make each pause a fresh inquiry into the moment and be curious about what it feels like, as if it were the first time, because it is the first and only time you will savor “this” moment. Linda Sechrist is the Natural Awakenings senior staff writer. Connect at Linda Sechrist.com.

natural awakenings

NETWORK Yoga Teachers Association Announces January Workshops


he Yoga Teachers Association of the Hudson Valley (YTA) is offering two workshops in January. Yoga teachers and practitioners—members and nonmembers—are welcome to join both these workshops, as well as any of the YTA’s other 2022 workshops. First up, on January 8, is Posture Tweak with Al Bingham, who brings a unique approach to movement and yoga that helps Al Bingham dispel distress and unease in the body. He’ll share his systematic joint-by-joint method of freeing up our potential in order to gain access to the more subtle and spacious aspects of who we are. Then on January 29, Ravi Singh and Judy Weaver will present a free workshop to address the trauma caused by the upheaval of the past two years. They will offer techniques to turn this trauma into personal and collective transformation. They will also introduce Yoga Unify, a nonprofit participatory network created by yogis for yoga—the practice as a whole and practitioners at every level—to provide a supportive blend of governance and guidance that Judy Weaver honors ancient wisdom while meeting modern needs. Workshop participants will discover how Yoga Unify is up-leveling the yoga profession. The YTA’s remaining 2022 workshops will cover topics such as sacred sequencing, yin yoga, and hormonal and immune health and vitality. The three-hour workshops are being offered via Zoom until further notice. Cost: $45 for members, $65 for nonmembers. For more info, email yta_communications@ytayoga.com or visit YTAYoga.com.



Dutchess County Empowered By Nature Lorraine Hughes 845.416.4598 EmpoweredByNature.net


In Balance Concepts Qigong. Tai Chi. Meditation 2505 Rt. 6, St. 108, Brewster 845.803.1992 Inbalancetaichi.com

TRAUMA-INFORMED YOGA Finding Peace Within 420 S. Riverside Ave. Box #223 914.281.2225 visit: tinyurl.com/d96atbuw

YOGA ASSOCIATIONS Yoga Society of New York Ananda Ashram Monroe, NY 845.782.5575 anandaashram.org Yoga Teachers Association Workshops 2nd Sat. 1:30 pm Club Fit, Briarcliff Manor, NY and via Zoom yta_communications@ytayoga.com ytayoga.com

YOGA RETREATS Yoga in the Adirondacks, LLC 2 Coulter Rd, Bakers Mills, NY 518.251.3015;914.556.8258 yogaintheadirondacks.com

YogaShine Kripalu, Mat, Chair, Therapy 914.769.8745, yogashine.com Via ZOOM until further notice

CORTLANDT MANOR YOGA by Karen Universal Healing Arts 4 Crestview Ave. 914.737.4325 UniversalHealingArts.com

CROSS RIVER O2 Living Sanctuary 792 Rt. 35 914.763.6320 O2livingsanctuary.com

DOBBS FERRY Sacred Spirit Yoga & Healing Arts Center 343 Broadway (on campus of South Presbyterian Church) sacredspirityogacenter.org

MAHOPAC Luna Power Yoga Move. Sweat & Breathe 54 Miller Rd., Ste. 4 845.276.4619; lunapoweryoga.com Putnam Yoga 30 Tomahawk Street Baldwin Place, Mahopac 845.494.8118 PutnamYoga.com

SOMERS Zen Garden Health Coaching & Yoga Edit Babboni; CHC, RYT 200 61 Lakeview Dr., Yorktown Heights, NY 917.721.2529 yoga.zengarden@gmail.com

Find & post classes and workshops online: WakeUpNaturally.com/calendar January 2022


planet watch

2022 is a “6” year = equilibrium, commitment and relationship adjustments; we seek stability and take responsibility for goals. 25 solar eclipse ignites desire. Mixed signals and confusion haunt November; expect high drama on Election Day, with its lunar eclipse. In spite of a rocky start to December, the winter solstice offers opportunities to clear the air. Overall the holiday season inspires and heals.

Stellar Events

2022: Change Is Upon Us Astrology with Pam Cucinell


routine. In March, n 2022, those ready A continual drive exercise counteract emotional to embrace the “new” toward unprec- volatility with strategic withwork harder because there are those resistant to edented collabo- drawal from toxic situations and strengthen trusted allichange. A continual drive ration and innovaances. Aim toward aspiratoward unprecedented tion is the future tions at the spring equinox. collaboration and innovaIn April, inspiration and ention is the future, regardless lightened perspective gathof fears or concerns of the ers momentum at the April 30 solar eclipse; unknown. choose the right partners. Go all in on the In numerology, 2022 is a “6” year = dream in May. The May 16 lunar eclipse equilibrium, commitment and relationship adjustments; we seek stability and take ensures a release from old energy for those ready to tap into a more fluid existence. responsibility for goals. Build with purpose in June; followJanuary opens with optimistic promise, through and tenacity are key. The summer but soon disruptions and detours occur. solstice rewards those willing to show up Venus is retrograde, which tempers investand fight for their beliefs. Direct action is ments and moderates resources through required in July when power struggles and January 29. The Chinese New Year of conflicts attempt to overwhelm. Enjoy in the Water Tiger roars in on February 1: mid-August, when fun is the best antidote. Focus on common ground instead of the September brings an exuberance that reinforcement of divisions. It’s easy to get benefits from trust evaluations by the derailed or retreat to a separate camp, but autumn equinox. Heavy energy drags until that will not realize greater visions. mid-October; pace yourself and anticipate Dreams and confidence grow in Febfresh attitude when it passes. The October ruary; reinforce them every day, like an 52

Westchester/Putnam/Dutchess NY Edition


In 2022, we integrate the effects of the Saturn Uranus square. Saturn symbolizes structure and responsibility, Uranus change and revolution. The lessons and restrictions of the pandemic morph into new paradigms as people work with new realities. Institutions and systems that are up for change—governmental, financial and societal—all start to shapeshift into routines that now fit. The United States experiences its Pluto return (which happens approximately every 250 years). We have felt this inevitable transformation for the last few years. We can anticipate big shifts in the nation’s financial power, societal values and global reach, as well as a probable reconsideration of how government operates.

Retrogrades in 2022 When retrograde, a planet appears to move backward from Earth’s perspective. The symbolism of that planet indicates what internal processes are at play to thwart direct paths. This can be highly productive when you maximize the value of reflection, or it can frustrate and even delay action. The planet Mercury symbolizes the messenger, communications and transit, as well as humor, social media and news. People whose business or personal life depends on electronics feel the retrograde acutely. Messages misfire and directions or appointments go awry. Double-check and back up. Mercury goes retrograde four times in

2022: January 14 through February 3, May 10 through June 3, September 9 through October 2, and December 29 through January 18, 2023. Venus went retrograde in the sign of Capricorn on December 19, 2021. Venus symbolizes how one loves and what is valued. This retrograde indicates a need to acknowledge lingering grief for the past. An old love may resurface. Avoid the purchase of expensive goods. Check with your astrologer if a wedding or new financial endeavor needs to happen at this time. Venus goes direct on January 29. Mars goes retrograde on October 30. Mars retrograde slows action, harnesses anger and quiets desire, which can at times be useful. When Mars goes direct on January 12, 2023, expect an energy surge.

Mercury is retrograde four times in 2022: January 14 February 3; May 10 - June 3; September 9 - October 2; and December 29 January 18, 2023.


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When Jupiter is retrograde, it challenges businesses and investments. Hesitation affects speculation, travel or publishing. Resistance paralyzes sales and expansion. Legal matters limp along. Avoid a product or business launch during Jupiter retrograde. However, the retrograde period can be advantageous for self-reflection and adjustments. In the sign of Aquarius, Jupiter can be extremely idealistic. The positive is a willingness to collaborate and an emphasis on social justice. The negative can be a philosophical righteousness that overlooks the individuals in the room. The retrograde begins on July 28 and runs through November 23. Pamela Cucinell offers guidance, validation and spiritual insight with a practical twist. To find her comprehensive forecast of 2022, visit InsightOasis.com. To find her weekly podcast, visit ActiveSpirituality.Life. To schedule a one-time or ongoing sessions, contact her at pamela@insightoasis.com or 917.796.6026. See ad page 46. January 2022


calendar of events Please call ahead to confirm times and dates. Pre-register early to insure events will have a minimum number to take place. To place a calendar listing, email us before January 12 (for the February issue) and adhere to our guidelines. Email marilee@wakeupnaturally.com for guidelines on how to submit listings. No phone calls or faxes, please.



Afternoon Tea & Meditation – 1pm. Sundays. With Diane. Tea, conversation, guided Meditation followed by messages from tarot or oracle decks, good conversation and fun. $20. Angel Aura Spiritual Boutique, 12 W Main St, Pawling. Info: 845.493.0432. AngelAuraBoutique.com.

Empowered Living for a New Age – 1-3pm. (1/9 & 2/6) Discover Universal connection, responsibility, empowerment and manifestation tools for empowered living with Anne Bentzen. Develop conscious intention for healthy boundaries, manifestation and healing. $45/session. Suite 101, 25 Broadway, Pleasantville. Register: 914.588.4079.

WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 5 Crystal Workshop – 5:30-7pm. Beginning of a series on understanding and harnessing crystal energy. Lead by Theresa spiritualist and crystal expert. Limited Seating. $32 pre-registration/$40 at class. Persephone’s Pearl, 1014B Main St Peekskill. Info: 914.737.3460. RSVP on events page: persephonespearl.com. Quit with Quinn, Addiction-Free Naturally – 6:30pm. Quit with Quinn addiction cessation treatments bring remarkable, fast and sustainable results for overcoming all sorts of addictions. Q&A re smoking, alcohol, sugar, overeating, weight loss. Free. Via Zoom. Garrison and Manhattan and on Zoom. Info: 914.473.2015 quitwithquinn.com.

THURSDAY, JANUARY 6 Restorative Yoga & Meditation Class – 7-9pm. Rona Levine, advanced yoga teacher helps reduce stress on mind and body with yoga postures, breathing and meditation. 6 spaces. $45-Balancing 4 Life, Suite 101, 25 Broadway, Pleasantville. Register: 914.588.4079.

SATURDAY, JANUARY 8 “Posture Tweak” with Al Bingham – 1:304:30pm. Zoom. Bingham brings his unique approach to movement and yoga that helps dispel distress and unease in the body to the YTA community. $45/members; $65/nonmembers. Info: ytayoga.com.

Moving by Faith/ Embodying Inner Trust – 1:302:30pm. Beyond head to heart and every cell, feel what it feels like to move, breathe, and live firmly from within. Online class. $25. Info: 845.677.3517. WhiteLotusGrace.com.

TUESDAY, JANUARY 11 The Immune System: Its Importance to Whole Body Health – 7-8pm. With Dr. Somesh N. Kaushik, an Ayurvedic and Naturopathic physician. Free online lecture through the Pawling Free Library. Register with library: 845.855.3444 or pawlingfreelibrary.org.

WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 12 Goddess Workshop – 5:30-7pm. Next of a series on understanding the many faces of the Earth Mother Goddess and harnessing the powerful energy she emanates. $32 pre-registration/$40 at class. Persephone’s Pearl, 1014B Main St Peekskill. Info: 914.737.3460. RSVP on events page: persephonespearl.com. Quit with Quinn, Addiction-Free Naturally – 6:30pm. Quit with Quinn addiction cessation treatments bring remarkable, fast and sustainable results for overcoming all sorts of addictions. Q&A re smoking, alcohol, sugar, overeating, weight loss. Free. Via Zoom. Garrison and Manhattan and on Zoom. Info: 914.473.2015 quitwithquinn.com.

THURSDAY, JANUARY 13 Soul Message New Year Vision Board – 5:307:30pm. Create a personalized Vision Board with


Westchester/Putnam/Dutchess NY Edition


a guided mediation to unearth and visualize a divine path and end with psychic board reading. $32 pre-paid/$40 at class includes materials. Persephone’s Pearl, 1014B Main St Peekskill. Info: 914.737.3460. RSVP on events page: persephonespearl.com.

TUESDAY, JANUARY 14 As U R – 6:45-8pm. Christine Mangi leads this Support Group twice per month for those who are dealing with someone with mental illness in a safe, supportive setting, $10. UniversalHealingArts.com, Cortlandt Manor. Info: 914.737.4325.

SATURDAY, JANUARY 15 Shadow Work & Guided Self Reflection – 5-6:30pm. With Alexis Rodriguez. Explore and strengthen intuition, visualization and manifestation skills via Shadow Work. Free introductory class. Cortlandt Manor. Info: 914.737.4325; UniversalHealingArts.com.

SUNDAY, JANUARY 16 Afternoon Tea & Meditation – 1pm. Sundays. With Diane. Tea, conversation, guided Meditation followed by messages from tarot or oracle decks, good conversation and fun. $20. Angel Aura Spiritual Boutique, 12 W Main St, Pawling. Info: 845.493.0432. AngelAuraBoutique.com. Healing Dance – 1:30-2:30pm. This online class offers gentle energy for body, mind, and soul. $25. Info: 845.677.3517. WhiteLotusGrace.com. Sharing Circle – 4-5:30pm. Join Kendra Valentine and dive into the magic of sacred presence and witnessing. All are welcome to come and share. $22. Cortlandt Manor. Info: 914.737.4325; UniversalHealingArts.com. CBD Talk Show – 8pm. CBD Live Natural, in Bedford Hills, hosts a live talk show on Facebook and Instagram weekly to offer CBD info and details on the store’s products and their benefits. Info: 914.705.1111, CBDLiveNatural.com.

MONDAY, JANUARY 17 Full Wolf Moon Ceremony – 7:30pm. Wolves howl in the Winter because they are hungry. Participants learn what they are hungry for, yearning for and what they want to express. $15. Cortlandt Manor. Info: 914.737.4325; UniversalHealingArts.com.


Pam Walker/ Shutterstock.com

Quit with Quinn, Addiction-Free Naturally – 6:30pm. Quit with Quinn addiction cessation treatments bring remarkable, fast and sustainable results for overcoming all sorts of addictions. Q&A re smoking, alcohol, sugar, overeating, weight loss. Free. Via Zoom. Garrison and Manhattan and on Zoom. Info: 914.473.2015 quitwithquinn.com.

THURSDAY JANUARY 20 Rose’s Angel Workshop – 5:30-7pm. Intro class to the Pearl’s latest series workshops on Angels and their realms. Each month Rose Christmas deep dives into a particular angel. $32 pre-registration/$40 at class. Persephone’s Pearl, 1014B Main St Peekskill. Info: 914.737.3460. RSVP on events page: persephonespearl.com.

SATURDAY, JANUARY 22 Vision Quests and Vision Boards – 2-5pm. With Ali Alvarez. Mind mapping, meditation and charting a course for the New Year. $40. (Early Bird $30 Register before Jan 10) Cortlandt Manor. Info: 914.737.4325; UniversalHealingArts.com. Victorian Séance – 12-2pm. Join medium John for a chance to connect with loved ones and receive spirit message from across the veil. Limited Seating. $25 pre-registration/$30 at class. Persephone’s Pearl, 1014B Main St Peekskill. Info: 914.737.3460. RSVP events page: persephonespearl.com.

SUNDAY, JANUARY 23 Prenatal Yoga Workshop – 11am-12noon. With Kelly Murphy. Traditional yoga practice composed of a mix of specific asana, pranayama and relaxation techniques to guide pregnant women towards a stage of balance, self-consciousness, physical strength and mental peace. Luna Power Yoga, 54 Miller Rd., Ste. 4, Mahopac. Info: 845.276.4619. Afternoon Tea & Meditation – 1pm. Sundays. With Diane. Tea, conversation, guided Meditation followed by messages from tarot or oracle decks, good conversation and fun. $20. Angel Aura Spiritual Boutique, 12 W Main St, Pawling. Info: 845.493.0432. AngelAuraBoutique.com.

Learn about crystals. See January 5

Pray, Dance, Love – 1:30-2:30pm. This online moving meditation class connects with Divine grace, guidance, and gratitude. $25. Info: 845.677.3517. WhiteLotusGrace.com. Drumming Circle – 7-8:30pm. With Kendra Valentine. A powerful community-based Sound Healing event. $22. Cortlandt Manor. Info: 914.737.4325; UniversalHealingArts.com.

TUESDAY, JANUARY 25 The Immune System: Its Importance to Whole Body Health – 7-8pm. With Dr. Somesh N. Kaushik, an Ayurvedic and Naturopathic physician. Free online lecture through the through the Desmond-Fish Public Library. Register with library: 845.424.3020 or register on desmondfishlibrary.org.

WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 26 Cocoa Ceremony with Healing Sound Bath – 5:30-7:30pm. Relax, rejuvenate, heal with the botanical intake of cocoa intertwined with celestial sounds of Kendra and quartz singing bowls with OM musical completions. $20pre-paid/$25 at class. Persephone’s Pearl, 1014B Main St. Peekskill. Info: 914.737.3460. RSVP on events page: persephonespearl.com.

SATURDAY, JANUARY 29 YTA Workshop – Ravi Singh and Judy Weaver will present a free workshop to address the trauma of the upheaval of the past two years and offer techniques to turn this trauma into personal and collective transformation. Info: ytayoga.com. Jikiden Reiki 1 Shoden Certificate Class –10am– 5pm. (1/29-1/30) With Anne Bentzen. Learn original Reiki to relieve stress, pain, inflammation, boost immunity. Two day seminar includes energy basics, history, three channeling activations, supervised practice and more. $350. Suite 101, 25 Broadway, Pleasantville. 914.588.4079. Reiki I & II Class – 12:30-5:30pm. Weekend workshop. Get certified. Learn the ancient art of Reiki, hands on healing with Reiki Master and teacher, Shima Chayvet. $375. Universal Healing Arts, Cortlandt Manor. Info: 914.737.4325; UniversalHealingArts.com.

SUNDAY, JANUARY 30 Afternoon Tea & Meditation – 1pm. Sundays. With Diane. Tea, conversation, guided Meditation followed by messages from tarot or oracle decks, good conversation and fun. $20. Angel Aura Spiritual Boutique, 12 W Main St, Pawling. Info: 845.493.0432. AngelAuraBoutique.com.

January 2022


on going events


Ongoing Calendar listings must be resent quarterly for our January, April, July & October editions. Email listings to Marlee@WakeUpNaturally.com

All-level Yoga Class – 9:30am. Amenia Yoga - a Place for Wellness has all-level yoga classes. Instudio classes for everybody. 18 Old North Road in Amenia. Info: Sarah Wallace 646.401.4188, ameniayoga.com.


Putnam Yoga Level 1 to Level 2 Classes (w/ modifications) – 9:30am. Online & in-person. Class incorporates yoga poses that are designed for strength and flexibility, as well as improvements in breathing, posture, and mobility. Info: Christine Dodge 845.494.8118; 30 Tomahawk St, Baldwin Place. putnamyoga.com.

Hudson Valley Farmers Market- 10am-3pm. Year round. A one stop shop farmers market with fresh Hudson Valley products. 227 Pitcher Lane, Red Hook. Info: GreigFarm.com; 845.758.1234.


Sundays at 11 – 11am.2nd Sundays. Zoom call for women to share healthy ideas. Free, donations accepted. Info: Kacey.co.

monday Reiki Healing Circle with Laura DeToia – Call for time. Try reiki for the first time or just enjoy its universal healing energies in a group. Free. Persephone’s Pearl, 1014B Main St, Peekskill. RSVP requested: 914.737.3460. Virtual YogaShine for Adults – 9-10:30am. Kripalu-based, gentle and strengthening, calming the nervous system, heart-centered, developing consciousness, curiosity, and compassion. Lots of individual attention. First class free. Vitalah Simon. Zoom invitation: 914.769.8745, yogashine.com. Putnam Yoga Level 1 to Level 2 Classes (w/ modifications) – 9:30-10:30am. Online & inperson. Yoga poses designed for strength and flexibility are incorporated as well as improvements in breathing, posture, and mobility. Info: Christine Dodge 845.494.8118; 30 Tomahawk St, Baldwin Place. putnamyoga.com. Putnam Yoga Level 1 to Level 2 Classes (w/ modifications) – 7pm. Online & in-person. Class incorporates yoga poses that are designed for strength and flexibility, as well as improvements in breathing, posture, and mobility. Info: Christine Dodge 845.494.8118; 30 Tomahawk St, Baldwin Place. putnamyoga.com.

tuesday Putnam Yoga Level 1 to Level 2 Classes (w/ modifications) – 9:30am. Online & in-person. Class incorporates yoga poses that are designed for strength and flexibility, as well as improvements in breathing, posture, and mobility. Info: Christine Dodge 845.494.8118; 30 Tomahawk St, Baldwin Place. putnamyoga.com. Green Street Radio – 10am. With Patti and Doug Wood. Environmental news, analysis and sciencebased information. Info: greenstreetradio.com. 99.5 FM and WBAI.org.


Prenatal Yoga Workshop, see Sunday, January 23. Power Yoga – 7:30-8:30pm. In person only class. Flow based practice calling on power and strength. Some yoga experience is required. 30 Tomahawk St, Baldwin Place. Info: Christine Dodge 845.494.8118; 30 Tomahawk St, Baldwin Place. putnamyoga.com.

wednesday Yoga with Karen Shaw – 9am. Increase blood flow, warm muscles, build strength through pose holds. Increase flexibility, manage stress. $100/10 class or $15/Drop in. Universal Healing Arts, 4 Crestview Ave., Cortlandt Manor. Info: 914.737.4325. UniversalHealingArts.com. Putnam Yoga Level 1 to Level 2 Classes (w/ modifications) – 9:30am. Online & in-person. Class incorporates yoga poses that are designed for strength and flexibility, as well as improvements in breathing, posture, and mobility. Info: Christine Dodge 845.494.8118; 30 Tomahawk St, Baldwin Place. putnamyoga.com. Virtual YogaShine for Adults – 7-8:30pm. Kripalu-based, gentle and strengthening, calming the nervous system, heart-centered, developing consciousness, curiosity, and compassion. Lots of individual attention. First class free. Vitalah Simon. Zoom invitation: 914.769.8745, yogashine.com. Putnam Yoga Level 1 to Level 2 Classes (w/ modifications) – 7pm. Online & in-person. Class incorporates yoga poses that are designed for strength and flexibility, as well as improvements in breathing, posture, and mobility. Info: Christine Dodge 845.494.8118; 30 Tomahawk St, Baldwin Place. putnamyoga.com.

Westchester/Putnam/Dutchess NY Edition


Vi r t u a l Yo g a S h i n e f o r P re - Te e n s a n d Teens – 5-6pm. Gentle and strengthening, calming the nervous system, heart-centered, Kripalu-based , developing consciousness, curiosity, strength, and compassion. Individual attention. Vitalah Simon. Zoom invitation: 914.769.8745, yogashine.com. Putnam Yoga Level 1 to Level 2 Classes (w/ modifications) – 7pm. Online & in-person. Class incorporates yoga poses that are designed for strength and flexibility, as well as improvements in breathing, posture, and mobility. Info: Christine Dodge 845.494.8118; 30 Tomahawk St, Baldwin Place. putnamyoga.com. Anam Cara Meditation Foundation evening Meditation – 7:15-8:30pm. Anam Cara Meditation Foundation Thursday evening meditation sessions live via Zoom. Free, everyone is welcome. Info: anamcarameditation.org for Zoom link and additional information and resources.

friday Yoga with Karen Shaw – 9am. Increase blood flow, warm muscles, build strength through pose holds. Increase flexibility, manage stress. $100/10 class or $15/Drop in. Universal Healing Arts, 4 Crestview Ave., Cortlandt Manor. Info: 914.737.4325. UniversalHealingArts.com. Gentle/Moderate Kripalu-based Yoga – 9:3011am. In-person and virtual. With Chris Glover, Gentle, nurturing, yet strengthening. Develops a calm nervous system and embodied awareness thru compassionate self-observation. Info: sacredspirityogacenter.org. Putnam Yoga Level 1 to Level 2 Classes (w/ modifications) – 9:30am. Online and in-person. Fun Friday Vinyasa Flow. Class incorporates yoga poses that are designed for strength and flexibility, as well as improvements in breathing, posture, and mobility. Info: Christine Dodge 845.494.8118; 30 Tomahawk St, Baldwin Place. putnamyoga.com. Virtual Chair YogaShine – 10-11am. Super gentle, for senior adults and adults with special needs/health and recovery concerns – gentle and strengthening, calming the nervous system, heartcentered, Kripalu-based, developing curiosity, flexibility and compassion. Vitalah Simon. Zoom invitation: 914.769.8745, yogashine.com.

classifieds Fee for classifieds is $1 per word per month, $25 minimum. To place a listing, email content to Dana-NA@WakeUpNaturally.com. Deadline is the 12th of the month.


Regenerative Whole Health™ Benefits

BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY MAGAZINE FRANCHISE – Are you passionate about living a healthy lifestyle, and do you believe in supporting local businesses that share that passion? Do you love connecting with likeminded people in person, on the phone and online? Have you dreamed about owning your own home-based franchise? Natural Awakenings Westchester-Putnam-Dutchess is for sale—to the right person. Longtime publishers Dana Boulanger and Marilee Burrell are seeking someone as passionate as they are to pass the baton to. Visit WakeupNaturally.com/franchise to learn more.

HELP WANTED WORK FROM HOME FT/PT – Is 2022 the year to be a part of something big. Be at the intersection of natural health and wellness, and the booming work from home e-commerce industry in a positive community. Cindy Rosenbaum of Rosenbaum Wellness 914.806.6559.

VOLUNTEERS VOLUNTEERS needed for Fantastic Finds upscale, resale shop in Chappaqua, NY to benefit Support Connection. For information, call: 914.962.6402. VOLUNTEERS needed for Fantastic Finds upscale, resale shop in Chappaqua, NY to benefit Support Connection. For information, call 914.962.6402. VOLUNTEERS are integral to Lucky Orphans Horse Rescue and help them meet their mission of People Helping Horses Heal People. Become a volunteer, visit luckyorphanshorserescue.org/ newvolunteers or email nina@luckyorphans.org

saturday Yoga Teachers Association Workshops – 2nd Sat. Open to yoga teachers and students, members and nonmembers. Club Fit, 584 N State Rd, Briarcliff Manor and/or via Zoom. Info: ytayoga.com. Larchmont Winter 2022 Farmers Market – 9am1pm, 1/8-4/16. Metro North upper lot - Chatsworth Av/Myrtle Blvd, Larchmont. Info/updates: DownToEarthMarkets.com. Ossining Farmers Market – 9am-1pm. YearRound. Near the corner of Spring and Main Streets. Info/updates: downtoearthmarkets.com.

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Intermediate Kripalu-based Yoga – 9:1510:30am. With Kathleen Hinge. In-person and virtual. For more experienced practitioners who desire more of a challenge. Be guided through more advanced postures, and invited to hold poses longer and explore personal variations. Info/register: SacredSpiritYogaCenter.org. Hudson Valley Farmers Market- 10am-3pm. Year round. A one stop shop farmers market with fresh Hudson Valley products. 227 Pitcher Lane, Red Hook. Info: GreigFarm.com; 845.758.1234.

Beginner Kripalu-based Yoga – 10:45am-12pm. In-person and virtual. With Kathleen Hinge. Learn gentle pose sequences, and embodied awareness. Suitable for new students and those with physical limitations or recovering from injury. Info: sacredspirityogacenter.org. Gentle Hatha Yoga – 12:30-1:30pm. In-person and virtual. A Yoga style based in Kripalu tradition, focusing on Yoga postures, mindful awareness and self care. Suitable for all levels. Info: Christine Dodge 845.494.8118; 30 Tomahawk St, Baldwin Place. putnamyoga.com.

Find more classes and events: WakeUpNaturally.com/calendar January 2022


ACCOUNTING/TAX SERVICES STERNBACH & ROSE, CPAS 115 E. Stevens Ave, Suite 100 Valhalla, NY 10595 914.940.4449; sandrcpa.com

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25 years’ experience. Garrison, NY 917.453.9845; FB Instagram Specializing on helping to control and improve side effects from chemo-radiation therapy and surgery. Acupuncture helps to relieve your neck, shoulder and low back pain. Acupuncture will help to improve your sleep, digestion, boosts immunity, reduce anxiety and depression. Cosmetic acupuncture is available.


SearchLight Medical 2424 Route 52, Hopewell Junction, NY 845.592.4310; SearchLightMedical.com


hroughout the year Natural Awakenings strives to bring you the latest information and resources available for natural health, nutrition, personal growth, green living, fitness, and creative expression. We are pleased to offer this special edition, including local Practitioner Profiles, the Natural Living Glossary, and our extensive Westchester/ Putnam/Dutchess NY Natural Living Directory to support you in leading a healthy, happy and balanced lifestyle.


Westchester/Putnam/Dutchess NY Edition


Frustrated with not feeling or looking your best? Let me guide you on your path to better health and well-being. Utilizing: Medical Acupuncture, ONDAMED Biofeedback Therapy, Reiki, Mei Zen Acupuncture for facial rejuvenation, weight loss and fertility. See ad pg 4.


Midtown Manhattan and Garrison Steve.healingny@gmail.com 914.473.2015; QuitWithQuinn.com Quit with Quinn helps p e o p l e overcome daily addictions and unwanted habits ranging from sugar, smoking, alcohol, weight loss, to overeating and other compulsive habits. All natural, painless, no medications, needles, or hypnosis. 90% success rate. See ad pg 53.

ALEXANDER TECHNIQUE KARLA BOOTH DIAMOND, MAMSAT Member: Westchester Holistic Network 153 Main St, Suite J, Mt. Kisco, NY 10549 914.649.9565; Awareness-in-Action.com

Move with ease! The Alexander Technique is an educational method for learning to release patterns of tension that may be causing stress, pain, or poor body usage. Feel lighter and learn to undo compression of the spine and joints.


Bronxville 914.202.7498; waldsing@gmail.com AlexanderTechniqueBronxville.com Stress, pain or posture issues? I can help you! Change harmful postural habits that may cause stress and fatigue into healthy, easeful ways of moving through everyday activities. Alexander Technique, a naturally easeful way to live. Virtual instruction available.


Animal Communicator & Coach HealingWithAnimals.com, 212.289.3540 Jill@HealingWithAnimals.com Phone consultations with heart and soul. Help pet parents navigate illness, aging, grief, and loss. Communicate telepathically with all species and those who have passed. Coach animal lovers and pet professionals on pet loss, veterinary challenges, and personal transformation.

Natural Living Directory Index Profiles: 12-28 Directory Listings: 58-71 Healthy Living Glossary: 60-71 Accounting/Tax Services 58

Holistic Dentist










Addiction Cessation




Alexander Technique


Integrative Medicine


Animal Communication 59

Kitchen Gardens Design 66

Astrology 61

Lyme & Co-Infections



Maple Syrup


Autonomic Resp. Testing 61

Massage & Bodywork


Ayurveda 61

Massage-Medical/Sports 67

Behavioral Optometry

Mattress 67



Books 61

Medical Marijuana

CBD 61

Mentor 67


Nature & Forest Therapy 68



Coaching-Eutaptics 62

Naturopathic Doctor


Coaching - Life


Nutrition 68

Coaching - M, B, E


Podiatry 68

Colonics 62



Craniosacral Therapy


Real Estate


Dowser 62



Eating Disorder Support 62

Reiki 69

Education 62

Retreats 69

Equine Assist. Therapies 63

Sleep Disorder

Erectile Dysfunction


Spa 70

Electronic Recycling


Spiritual Center


Facials 63

Support Group


Floatation Therapy


TMJ Disorder


Functional Medicine


Vegetable /Herb Gardens 71


FVF&P 64

Veterinary Hospital


Graphic Design


Vision Therapy Opt.


Hair Salon


Weight Loss


Healing Center


Wellness Center


Herbal Medicine


Yoga 71

January 2022


Natural Living Directory Glossary Active Release Techniques (ART): A patented, state of the art soft tissue

system/movement based massage technique that treats problems with muscles, tendons, ligaments, fascia and nerves. Headaches, back pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, shin splints, shoulder pain, sciatica, plantar fasciitis, knee problems, and tennis elbow are just a few of the many conditions that can be resolved quickly and permanently with ART. These conditions all have one important thing in common: they are often a result of overused muscles.

Acupuncture: An ancient Oriental

technique that stimulates the body’s ability to sustain and balance itself, based on the theory that an electromagnetic life-force (qi or chi, pronounced “chee”) is channeled in a continuous flow throughout the body via a network of ‘meridians.’ Disease is understood as an imbalance in the meridian system. Diagnosis of an imbalance is made by “reading” the pulse, face, tongue and body energy. To correct it, a practitioner inserts acupuncture needles at specific points along the meridians to stimulate or disperse the flow of life force. Acupuncture principles include the yin and yang polarities and the associations of the five elements of fire, earth, metal, water and wood with bodily organs.

Alexander Technique: A system of

re-educating the body and mind to support and facilitate proper posture and ease of movement. Through gentle manual guidance, accompanied by verbal directions, the Alexander teacher coaches the student to become aware


of unnecessary tension and to unlearn longstanding patterns of movement. The Alexander Technique is an established method for helping to improve chronic conditions such as back, shoulder or neck pain, nervous tension, poor coordination, breathing problems and vocal strain. Athletes and performing artists frequently use it to improve performance level.

Apothecary Practitioner: Once an

archaic term for a person who made and sold medicine, the term is used today to refer to specialists in a range of modalities—including spiritual practices, herbal remedies and energy and vibrational medicine—that facilitate natural healing and support spiritual growth.

Aromatherapy: An ancient healing art

that uses the essential oils of herbs and flowers to treat emotional disorders such as stress and anxiety and a wide range of other ailments. Oils are massaged into the skin, inhaled or added to a water bath. Often used in conjunction with massage therapy, acupuncture, reflexology, herbology and chiropractic or other holistic treatments.

Art Therapy:

Uses the creative process of making art to improve and enhance physical, mental and emotional well-being and to deepen self-awareness. The therapist makes a diagnosis and determines treatment plans by encouraging a client to express his or her feelings and unconscious thoughts through the nonverbal creative process and by observing the forms and content created.

Westchester/Putnam/Dutchess NY Edition


Astrology: A system of traditions and

beliefs that holds that the relative positions of celestial bodies either directly influence life on Earth or correspond to events experienced on a human scale. Modern astrologers define astrology as a symbolic language, art form and type of divination that can provide information about personality and human affairs, aid in the interpretation of past and present events, and predict the future.

Ayurveda: The oldest medical system

known to man and a comprehensive spiritual teaching practiced in India for 4,000 years. It focuses on achieving and maintaining perfect health via the balance of the elements air, fire and water (illness is considered an excess of any element). A patient’s body type, determined according to Ayurveda principles, is the basis for individualized dietary regimens and other preventive therapeutic interventions. Ayurveda prescriptions might include purification procedures for the restoration of biological rhythms; experience of expanded consciousness through meditation; nutritional counseling; stress reduction; enhancing neuromuscular conditions; and behavioral modification.


Pamela Cucinell NCGR PAA 917.796.6026; InsightOasis.com Astrology & Tarot with spiritual perspective and a practical twist. Find your way to flow instead of fight; economy of action leads to a beautiful life. Skype, Zoom and phone. See ad pg 46.

SAMYAMA FLOWERING TREE Spiritual Astrologer, Intuitive Mentor-Coach samyamallc.com

Samyama teaches and mentors in workshops, certified trainings, personal retreats, and private tutoring in Esoteric Studies, Advanced Metaphysics, Practical Yoga Philosophy, Lightworkers Karttikeyan Yoga Nidra, and Tarot Clinic in NY and CT. Please visit website for more information. See ad pg 53.


Yellow Monkey Village 792 Rte 35 Cross River, NY, and NYC Office: 914.875.9088; Cell: 646.670.6725 Drkaushik.com; drkaushik@drkaushik.com Combination of Ayurveda and Naturopathy is used to create a unique treatment plan to regain and maintain health. Based on one’s particular body constitution (dosha), a plan may includesupplements, diet/nutrition suggestions, lifestyle management, detoxification, hydrotherapy, 0zone therapy, Panchakarma. Clinic days: M-F. See ad pg 25.


495 Central Park Ave, Suite 301, Scarsdale 914.874.1177; DrSlotnick.com A whole-person, holistic approach to vision care, for all ages. Specializing in vision therapy and rehabilitation for vision problems which interfere with reading, learning, attention, performance and efficiency. Please visit website for details. See ad pg 43.


Edit Babboni; CHC, RYT 200 61 Lakeview Dr., Yorktown Heights, NY 917.721.2529, yoga.zengarden@gmail.com


Scarsdale, NY 10583 914.320.9506; liz@AAAWellnessCBD.com aaawellnesscbd.com Take back control of your body, center your mind and lift your spirits today. Adopt alternative approaches to wellness with the most luxurious assortment of CBD infused, clean, cruelty free, non-GMO, beauty, wellness, pain management, and clean vaping merchandise on the market today.

Bring Balance Back™ ShiraSynergy.com The1ShiraAdler@gmail.com @The1ShiraAdler

Trusted Since 2011! Modern Alchemy of Cannabinoids and EO Infused Aromatherapy Synergy Sprays™ | Bliss Butter | Full Spectrum Extract High Mg. Tinctures created by Shira Adler — internationally vetted CBD Expert, Speaker, Consultant, and Author of “The ABCs of CBD.” See ad pg 4.


BOOKS SONIA SABHARWAL, AUTHOR Scarsdale, NY 10583 914.318.4271 sgroe2021@gmail.com

Author Sonia Sabharwal’s new book “Spiritual Genocide – The Reincarnation of Earth” is the present commandment and a “celestial” vaccine much needed in the time of world crisis. It sparks celestial light and diminishes optical illusions, and brings insight and clarity to complicated universal concepts. Available now: Amazon, Barnes and Noble, iTunes, Google Play, and international websites.


222 E. Main St., Mt. Kisco, NY 10549 914.276.5409; YourCBDstoreMtKisco.com


1582 U.S. 9 #5, Wappingers Falls, NY 12590 845.297.0302; CBDWappingers.com Your CBD Store® is the largest hemp retailer in the US. All of our products are USDA Certified Organic, Non-GMO and ThirdParty Lab Tested. We offer the highest quality hemp products i n c l u d i n g C B D Ti n c t u r e s , Topicals and Water Solubles for people and pets. See ad pg 7.


Bedford, NY 914.218.3113; SlowMedicine.org

8 Bacon Place, Yonkers, NY 10710 914.523.7947 Chiropractor-WestchesterNY.com


A diagnostic technique that assesses the body to identify the root cause of illness and dysfunction. It is also used to develop therapeutic protocols for a holistic approach to resolving them. A simple, safe, natural method of analyzing the body’s structural, physical and nutritional needs.




Tired and Frustrated? In constant pain? Exhausted and Exhausted all possibilities? It’s time to try something new, something that works. Edit Babboni is a certified health coach and has cured her own autoimmune disease that no doctor was able to. She can help do the same for you. She offers health coaching, reiki energy healing, private yoga sessions. Call for your free one on one consultation.


PERSONALIZED treatments designed for YOU by Westchester’s only dually licensed practicing Sports Chiropractor and Massage Therapist. Receive a unique combination of muscle work and adjustments not provided elsewhere. Dr. Leigh can help you move and feel better. Get back to the life you love!

January 2022



Lourdes Crowley Certified Eutaptics Practitioner lourdescrowley.com; 845.500.5178 Learn how to heal yourself. Anxiety - Stress - Relationships - Addiction – Abuse – Chronic Pain – Trauma - Anger. Find and release the emotional and psychological behaviors keeping you stuck. You owe it to yourself. Remote sessions only. First session free.


In person or remote sessions 914.557.8213; lovinglotus.org the.loving.lotusx3@gmail.com


Locations: Ossining, Garrison 914.519.8138; Joymatalon.com Craniosacral Therapy with Somato Emotional Release allows physical, emotional, and spiritual issues to be intimately explored bringing relief from pain and activating a healing process which continues beyond the session. Experience CST alone or integrated in therapeutic massage.


MEMBER: Westchester Holistic Network 845.709.5245 dowsing@househarmony.org HouseHarmony.org Protect yourself from EMFs and other negative energies! A professional dowser can block the negative effects of cell phones, satellite dishes, high-tension wires and more. Moved into a new home? Want to sell? Have unexplained health issues? Call now!

The Loving Lotus and founder Erika Camilli will help provide an open, positive space to support you to connect to your authentic true self and create the change needed to live the life you’ve always wanted. Sign up for your free consultation.


Certified Mind Body Health Coach Plant Based Nutrition Certification 914.309.3452; cahrma12@gmail.com Mind Body Nutrition is a life changing approach to address our eating challenges. We will work together in a way in which eating and health issues become a place of exploration. I look forward to working with you to offer practical results oriented strategies.


At MHA in Ulster Co. 300 Aaron Court, Kingston, NY 12401 wellnessrecovery.org Facebook.com/UlsterCountyEDC The EDC aims to bring together mental health providers, physicians, dieticians, educators, persons with lived experience, and concerned citizens to raise awareness, understanding and increase resources for Eating Disorder advocacy, education, prevention, and training in Ulster County and the greater Hudson Valley.



“A Road less Traveled” 1415 Boston Post Rd, #5, Larchmont, NY 914.623.3999 1415avenues2health@gmail.com


Experience one of the Avenues- COLONICS and learn “real time” what your digestion is saying about your health. We use the Wood Gravitational Method. We are in Larchmont, NY and serve the Tri-State Area. Text or call for your appointment.

Omega is a premiere travel destination and leading nonprofit organization in NY’s Hudson Valley. It is an internationally recognized leader in health and wellness and lifelong learning— offering workshops, professional training, retreats, and online learning.


150 Lake Drive Rhinebeck, NY 12572 1.800.944.1001; eOmega.org

Westchester/Putnam/Dutchess NY Edition


Biofeedback: A relaxation technique

that monitors internal body states and is used especially for stress-related conditions such as asthma, migraines, insomnia and high blood pressure. During biofeedback, patients monitor minute metabolic changes (e.g., temperature, heart rate and muscle tension), with the aid of sensitive machines. By consciously thinking, visualizing, moving, relaxing, etc., they learn which activities produce desirable changes in the internal processes being monitored.

Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement (BHRT): The treatment

of the symptoms of menopause (and its male equivalent, andropause) through the use of hormones that have the same chemical structure as those naturally produced by the body. Many compounding pharmacies have staff trained in Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT), which is thought by its proponents to have fewer risks and side effects than traditional methods of hormone replacement.

Bodywork: Massage and the physical

practices of yoga are perhaps the best-known types of bodywork; both have proven successful in relieving tension and stress, promoting blood flow, loosening stiff muscles and stimulating the organs. Massage therapies encompass countless techniques, including Swedish massage, shiatsu and Rolfing. The same is true for yoga. Other types of bodywork include martial arts practices like aikido, ki aikido and Tai chi chuan. Some others are the Alexander technique, Aston patterning, Bowen, Breema bodywork, Feldenkrais method, Hellerwork, polarity therapy, Rosen method, Rubenfeld synergy and Trager. Finding bodywork that improves mental and physical health is a highly individual process. Several types may be combined for the greatest benefit.

Chinese Medicine: Traditional Chinese

Medicine (TCM) is one of the world’s oldest and most complete systems of holistic health care. It combines the use of medicinal herbs, acupuncture, food therapy, massage and therapeutic exercise, along with the recognition that wellness in mind, body and emotions depends on the harmonious flow of life-force energy (qi or chi, pronounced “chee”).

Chiropractic: Based on the premise that

proper structural alignment permits free flow of nerve activity in the body. When spinal vertebrae are out of alignment, they put pressure on the spinal cord and the nerves radiating from it, potentially leading to diminished function and illness. Misalignment can be caused by physical trauma, poor posture and stress. The chiropractor seeks to analyze and correct these misalignments through spinal manipulation or adjustment.

Coach (Life): A professional who helps

clients identify their personal and/or professional goals and design a plan or institute techniques for achieving them. The life coach works with clients to recognize and overcome any obstacles that may interfere with achievement of those goals.

Conscious Living: As we become

increasingly aware of the interdependence of humans, animals and the planet, progressive businesses are concerning themselves with far more than the bottom line. They know that today’s consumers are willing to invest in what they believe in, from fair-trade goods to animalfriendly and environmentally sound products and services.

Counseling / Psychotherapy: These

terms encompass a broad range of practitioners, from career counselors, who offer advice and information, to psychotherapists, who treat depression, stress, addiction and emotional issues. Formats can vary from individual counseling to group therapy. In addition to verbal counseling techniques, some holistic therapists may use bodywork, ritual, energy healing and other alternative modalities as part of their practice.

Craniosacral Therapy (CST): A

manual therapeutic procedure to remedy distortions in the structure and function of the craniosacral mechanism—the brain and spinal cord, the bones of the skull, the sacrum and interconnected membranes. Craniosacral work is based upon two major premises: that the bones of the skull can be manipulated, because they never completely fuse; and that the pulse of the cerebrospinal fluid can be balanced by a practitioner trained to detect variations in that pulse. CST is used to treat chronic pain, migraine headaches, temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ), ear and eye problems, balance problems, learning difficulties, dyslexia and hyperactivity.

Dance / Movement Therapy: A

method of expressing thoughts and feelings through movement, developed during the 1940s. Participants, guided by trained therapists, are encouraged to move freely, sometimes to music. Dance/movement therapy can be practiced by people of all ages to promote selfesteem and gain insight into their own emotional problems, but is also used to help those with serious mental and physical disabilities. In wide use in the United States, this modality is becoming established around the world.


2699 Route 22, DOVER PLAINS, NY 12522 845.877.0685 luckyorphanshorserescue.org Lucky Orphans is a nonprofit equine sanctuary in Dutchess County, NY, the largest horse populated county in the state of NY. Our mission is “People Helping Horses Heal People” through our equine assisted psychotherapy and human development programs.

Deep Tissue Work: A technique of

stretching and moving the connective tissue that envelops the muscles (fascia) in order to lengthen and balance the body along its natural, vertical axis. Distortions of the connective tissue may be caused by internal reactions and compensations due to accidents, emotional tension or past-unreleased traumas. Deep tissue massage works to detoxify tissue by helping to remove accumulated lactic acid and other waste products from the muscles. The therapy is used to ease or eliminate chronic muscular pain, help with injury rehabilitation and reduce inflammatory pain caused by ailments such as arthritis and tendonitis.

Dentistry (Holistic): Regards the mouth as a microcosm of the entire body. The oral structures and the whole body are seen as a unit. Holistic dentistry often incorporates such methods as homeopathy, biocompatibility testing and nutritional counseling. Most holistic dentists emphasize wellness and preventive care, while avoiding (and often recommending the removal of silver-mercury fillings.

Detoxification: The practice of resting,

cleansing and nourishing the body from the inside out. According to some holistic practitioners, accumulated toxins can drain the body of energy and make it more susceptible to disease. Detoxification techniques may include fasts, special diets, sauna sweats, body wrapping, ionized foot baths and colon cleansing.

Doula: A woman who supports an expectant

mother through pregnancy, labor, birth and the postpartum period. Studies indicate that support in labor has profound benefits, including shorter labor, less desire for pain medication, lower rate of Caesarian delivery and more ease in initiation of breast-feeding.


Westchester/Putnam/Dutchess Call Bob: 914.661.3605 We recycle anything electrical. Computers, cables, battery backups, monitors, old printers, software discs, cell phones & charges and virtually any other electrical equipment you may want to discard. If you rebuild PCs we will take any old part you replace.


Certified Jikiden Reiki Teacher/Practitioner Treatments, Classes and Student Events Custom BACH Flower Essence formulas Energy Counseling, Crystalline grids 25 Broadway, Ste.101, Pleasantville, NY balancing4life.com; 914.588.4079 Health requires energetic balance. Reiki clears stress, reduces pain, inflammation and restores energy flow. Strengthen your immunity. Relieve anxiety. Depression and insomnia. Learn the original Reiki teachings with Jikiden. Private sessions and small classes. See ad pg 46.


Stormville, NY (By Appointment Only) Nina Melahn, Esthetician/Reiki Master 845.857.0185; ElementsToBeauty.com Custom Facials, Beauty and Wellness Services. Offering Exclusive, Natural, Holistic Skincare, Beauty and Wellness Services, Exceptional Product Lines, Light Therapies, Lymphatic Drainage, Microdermabrasion, Chemical Peels, Lash Lifts and Tints, Reiki Healing and more. Call or email for appointment: EstyNina24@gmail. com. $10 off first facial to new clients.

January 2022


FLOATATION THERAPY RISE ABOVE FLOATATION 111 East Main Street Mount Kisco, NY 10549 914.241.1900

A Center For Awareness and Relaxation through Floatation Therapy. Create the ultimate Relaxation Response by removing all stimulation from light, sound, and gravity. Choose from three different float environments to find your perfect experience. Appointments available from 10am to 10pm daily. Free Parking.


250 E. Hartsdale Ave. St. 22, Hartsdale, NY 914.472.0666; HartsdaleHomeopathy.com Looking for a physician with 25 years of clinical practice using natural remedies? Expertise in treating acute and chronic illness in children and adults. Emphasis on homeopathic and functional medicine to decrease dependency on pharmaceutical drugs. If you want experienced, competent, compassionate, and exceptional care.


OD, FAAO, FCOVD 495 Central Park Ave, Suite 301, Scarsdale 914.874.1177; DrSlotnick.com Beyond 20/20… what do we see? How much vision do we use? Functional Visual Fields make manifest the line between the hidden and the observed. Syntonic Phototherapy enables candidates to gently expand that boundary. Repeated field analysis tracks the efficacy of medical and healing interventions, including syntonic (also known as “light” or “color”) phototherapy. Call for consultation. See ad pg 43.

Tell them you saw it in Natural Awakenings! In Print and Online at: WakeUpNaturally.com


Dowsing: A type of divination originally

Herbal Medicine: This oldest form of

Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT): A self-help procedure founded by

Homeopathy: A therapy that uses small

intended to locate ground water, minerals or other underground objects, through the use of a forked stick or “divining rod.” Modern advocates, who may or may not use a divining rod, believe that dowsing also can be used for much broader purposes. Those may include finding missing persons or lost objects, spiritual or distance healing, or gaining insight into money or relationship issues.

Gary Craig that combines fingertip tapping of key acupuncture meridian points while focusing on an emotional issue or health challenge. Unresolved, or ‘stuck,’ negative emotions, caused by a disruption in the body’s energy system, are seen as major contributors to most physical pains and diseases. These can remain stagnant and trapped until released by the tapping. EFT is easy to memorize and portable, so it can be done anywhere.

Energy Healing: The art and practice of

realigning and re-attuning the body between the physical and the etheric and auric fields to assist in natural healing processes. Working directly with the energy field in and around the body, the practitioner is thought to channel and direct energy into the cells, tissues and organs of the patient’s body to effect healing on physical and nonphysical levels simultaneously. Sessions may or may not involve the physical laying on of hands.

Feng Shui: The ancient Chinese system

of arranging manmade spaces and elements to create or facilitate harmonious qi or chi (pronounced “chee”), or energy flow, by tempering or enhancing the energy where necessary. Feng Shui consultants can be an asset to both personal and business spaces, either before or after the spaces are created.

Functional Medicine: A personalized

medicine that focuses on primary prevention and deals with underlying causes, instead of symptoms, for serious chronic diseases. Treatments are grounded in nutrition and improved lifestyle habits and may make use of medications. The discipline uses a holistic approach to analyze and treat interdependent systems of the body and to create the dynamic balance integral to good health.

Westchester/Putnam/Dutchess NY Edition


medicine uses natural plants in a wide variety of forms for their therapeutic value. Herbs produce and contain various chemical substances that act upon the body to strengthen its natural functions without the negative side effects of synthetic drugs. They may be taken internally or applied externally via teas, tinctures, extracts, oils, ointments, compresses and poultices.

doses of specially prepared plants and minerals to stimulate the body’s defense mechanisms and healing processes in order to cure illness. Homeopathy, taken from the Greek words homeos, meaning “similar,” and pathos, meaning “suffering,” employs the concept that “like cures like.” A remedy is individually chosen for a person based on its capacity to cause, if given in an overdose, physical and psychological symptoms similar to those the patient is experiencing.

Hydrotherapy: The use of water, ice,

steam and hot and cold temperatures to maintain and restore health. Treatments include full-body immersion, steam baths, saunas, sitz baths, colonic irrigation and the application of hot and/or cold compresses. Hydrotherapy is effective for treating a wide range of conditions and can easily be used at home as part of a selfcare program.

Hypnotherapy: A range of hypnosis

techniques that allow practitioners to bypass the conscious mind and access the subconscious. The altered state that occurs under hypnosis has been compared to a state of deep meditation or transcendence, in which the innate recuperative abilities of the psyche are allowed to flow more freely. The subject can achieve greater clarity regarding his or her own wants and needs, explore other events or periods of life that require resolution, or generally develop a more positive attitude. Often used to help people lose weight or stop smoking, it is also used in the treatment of phobias, stress and as an adjunct to the treatment of illnesses.

Integrative Manual Therapy (IMT): A combination of diagnostic and

treatment methodologies that assess and treat pain, dysfunction, disease and disability. Developed by Sharon Giammatteo over 30-pluss years, IMT is intended to address the

complex needs of patients. IMT practitioners identify and address the underlying causes of dysfunction using a comprehensive and holistic approach. While IMT diagnostics and treatment modalities are predominately hands-on, IMT also integrates a wide range of diagnostic and treatment technologies, nutritional programs (i.e. natural supplements, diet and herbs), and IMT body-based psychotherapeutic approaches to develop a customized solution for a patient’s needs.

Integrative Medicine: This holistic

approach combines conventional Western medicine with complementary alternative treatments, in order to simultaneously treat mind, body and spirit. Geared to the promotion of health and the prevention of illness, it neither rejects conventional medicine nor accepts alternative therapies, without serious evaluation.

Intuitive Arts: A general term for various

methods of divination, such as numerology, psychic reading, and tarot reading. Individuals may consult practitioners to seek information about the future or insights into personal concerns or their personality. Numerology emphasizes the significance of numbers derived from the spelling of names, birth dates and other significant references; psychics may claim various abilities, from finding lost objects and persons to communicating with the spirits of the dead; tarot readers interpret a deck of cards containing archetypal symbols.

Iridology: Analysis of the delicate structure of the iris, the colored portion of the eye, to reveal information about conditions within the body. More than 90 specific zones on each iris, for a combined total of 180-plus zones, correspond to specific areas of the body. Because body weaknesses are often noticeable in the iris long before they are discernible through blood work or other laboratory analysis, iridology can be a useful tool for preventive self-care.

Jin Shin (or Jin Shin Jyutsu): A

gentle, non-invasive energy-balancing art and philosophy that embodies a life of simplicity, calmness, patience and self-containment. Practitioners employ simple acupressure techniques, using their fingers and hands on a fully clothed client to help eliminate stress, create emotional equilibrium, relieve pain and alleviate acute or chronic conditions.


Graphic Designer kbfellows@gmail.com KBFellowsDesign.com; 203.512.5000 Extensive experience in all phases of print design. Logo design, brochures, business cards, stationery, marketing materials, ads, invitations, announcements, CD/DVD covers, banners, vintage custom wood signs, menus, greeting cards. Thought provoking, beautiful design backed by a clear purpose.


Registered Herbalist (AHG) 263 New Hackensack Road, 2nd Floor Wappingers Falls, NY 12590 lorrainehughes54@gmail.com EmpoweredbyNature.net; 845.416.4598 Lorraine offers Individual Wellness Consultations based on the Chinese Herbal Medicine Paradigm which provides a preventative and individual approach to balanced health. Each “unique” individual protocol will include Chinese, Western, Ayurvedic Herbal remedies and Nutritional planning.


Graphic Designer patrick@vegetorium.com 503.957.0783 I’ve been a graphic designer for numerous Natural Awakenings magazines for over 15 years. I provide fast, friendly, budgetconscious graphic design services including ad design, magazine layout, brochures, posters, business cards, flyers and more.

HOLISTIC DENTIST DAVID L LERNER, DDS, CAC, FIND Yorktown Heights, NY 10598 914.214.9678; holisticdentist.com

We offer a unique approach to the health care of the mouth based on a holistic understanding of the whole body. I invite you to explore our web site to learn how we can serve your needs. See ad pg 2.

HAIR SALON FRESH ORGANIC SALON SOLUTIONS Hair care, Skincare & Make up 190 Rt 117 By Pass, Bedford, NY 914.242.1928; FreshOrganicSalon.com

A healthy approach to beauty and wellness led by Maureen Toohey, Regional Educator for Organic Salon Systems. The fresh team is committed to making your experience fully complete and satisfying, organically. Receive a gift valued at $75 with your 1st color appointment, when you mention Natural Awakenings. See ad pg 11.



250 E. Hartsdale Ave. St. 22, Hartsdale, NY 914.472.0666; HartsdaleHomeopathy.com Looking for a physician with 25 years of clinical practice using natural remedies? Expertise in treating acute and chronic illness in children and adults. Emphasis on homeopathic and functional medicine to decrease dependency on pharmaceutical drugs. If you want experienced, competent, compassionate, and exceptional care.


Merrill Black, LCSW, Reiki Master & Instructor Hypnotherapist, Intuitive Empath Healer, RYT, LFYP-2, Founder 453 White Plains Rd, #201/203, Eastchester 914.793.2600; thetemperancecenter.com


Nurture your mind, body, and soul thru a variety of healing modalities and services that include, psychotherapy, reiki, hypnosis, acupuncture, massage, craniosacral, intuitive healing, spiritual counseling,, therapeutic yoga, messages from the masters & beyond meditation groups, Dragon’s Way Qigong , LifeForce Yoga. Rediscover your control and balance your life.

Willpower often falls short. Hypnotherapy taps into the power of the subconscious mind to transform your life by creating positive changes. Lisa helps individuals with stress reduction, addiction, weight loss, smoking cessation, procrastination, overcoming fears, phobias, anxiety, grief, and divorce.

HYPNOTHERAPY Certified Hypnotherapist Somers, Ny 914.400.9508; lisableasdale.com

January 2022


INCONTINENCE ADVANCED REJUVENATION CENTERS Liviu B. Saimovici, MD 3020 Westchester Ave., Ste. 306 Purchase, NY; 914.500.9594 AdvancedRejuvenationCenters.com

Emsella is a revolutionary non-surgical treatment that improves incontinence. Patients sit, fully clothed, on the Emsella chair, nicknamed “Kegel-throne” can stimulate the pelvic floor with electromagnetic energy. One treatment can stimulate the equivalent of 11,000 Kegels. The Kegels can strengthen the muscles that control urinary retention.

INTEGRATIVE MEDICINE MICHAEL FINKELSTEIN MD FACP ABIHM The Slow Medicine Doctor Bedford, NY 914.218.3113; SlowMedicine.org

Consultations with one of the leading experts in Integrative Medicine to provide practical advice for achieving health and vitality, prevention of disease and comprehensive, knowledgeable and credible second opinion about alternatives to conventional medicine; incorporating a new focus on Autonomic Response Testing, applying the principles of Quantum Mechanics for health.


4307 Albany Post Rd Hyde Park NY 12538 pellegrinointegrativecancercenter.com Pellegrino Integrative Cancer Center is a collaboration of healthcare practitioners dedicated to delivering the highest standard of conventional, complementary, and alternative medicine. See ad, pg 35.

Kinesiology / Applied Kinesiology: The study of muscles and their movement. Applied kinesiology tests the relative strength and weakness of selected muscles to identify decreased function in body organs and systems, as well as imbalances and restrictions in the body’s energy flow. Some tests use acupuncture meridians and others analyze interrelationships among muscles, organs, the brain and the body’s energy field. Applied kinesiology is also used to check the body’s response to treatments that are being considered.

Manual lymphatic drainage (MLD): A gentle, non-invasive, rhythmical

whole-body massage, aimed at stimulating the lymphatic system to carry away excess fluid in the loose connective tissue, which helps remove toxins. Blockage or damage within the system may lead to conditions like edema, acne, inflammation, arthritis and sinusitis. The therapy stimulates one of the body’s natural cleansing systems to help bring tissues to a healthier state.

Martial Arts: Systems of codified practices

and traditions originally designed primarily for self-defense or combat. Now more often practiced as a sport, the martial arts have a strong emphasis on honor and self-discipline. The bestknown martial arts originated in Asia and include aikido, karate, judo and tae kwon do.

Massage Therapy: A general term for

the manipulation of soft tissue for therapeutic purposes. Massage therapy incorporates various disciplines and involves kneading, rubbing, brushing and tapping the muscles and connective tissues by hand or using mechanical devices. Its goal is to increase circulation and detoxification, in order to reduce physical and emotional stress and increase overall wellness.

Meditation: The intentional directing of atKITCHEN GARDENS DESIGN/BUILD KITCHEN GARDENS OF WESTCHESTER Design & Build. Call: 914.400.3742 kitchengardensofwestchester.com Bruce@KitchenGardensOfWestchester.com

We h e l p Beginner, Intermediate and Expert Gardeners with their projects. Our focus is on Design & Construction of Raised Beds and installing Vegetables, Herbs and Salads. Expect beautiful, productive and long-lasting Gardens with assistance available to maintain too!


tention to one’s inner self. Methods and practices to achieve a meditative state are based upon various principles using the body or mind and may employ control or letting-go mechanisms. Techniques include the use of imagery, mantras and observation, and the control of breathing. Research has shown that regular meditation can contribute to psychological and physiological well-being. As a spiritual practice, meditation is used to facilitate a mystical sense of oneness with a higher power or the Universe. It can also help reduce stress and alleviate stress-related ailments, such as anxiety and high blood pressure.

Westchester/Putnam/Dutchess NY Edition


MELT: The MELT Method is a simple self-

care technique designed to eliminate chronic pain and decrease accumulated stress caused by the repetitive postures and movements of everyday living. Small balls and soft foam rollers are used to rehydrate the connective tissue system, bringing the body back to a more ideal state by enhancing body awareness, improving balance and performance and reducing the signs of aging.

Midwife: A birth attendant who assists a

woman through the prenatal, labor, birth and postpartum stages of pregnancy. The mother is encouraged to be involved and to feel in control of her birthing experience. Midwives are knowledgeable about normal pregnancy, labor, birth and pain relief options. They respect the process of birth as an innate and familiar process. Certified nurse-midwives are registered nurses who have received advanced training and passed a national certification exam. Nurse-midwives collaborate with physicians, as needed, especially when problems arise during pregnancy. (Also see Doula.)

Myofascial Release Technique: A

safe and very effective hands-on technique that involves applying gentle sustained pressure into the myofascial connective tissue restrictions to eliminate pain and restore motion. The use of Myofascial Release allows the practitioner to look at each patient as a unique individual. Myofascial Release is a type of soft tissue massage, which incorporates stretching and massage of the connective tissues, or fascia. It operates on the principal that many people hold stress in their muscles, which causes the muscles to seize or lock. This is exacerbated by muscle injury and scarring. Myofascial Release aims to access these areas of blockage and tension to release them, thereby freeing up the muscle and allowing it to move more easily and effectively. This whole-body, hands-on technique seeks to free the body from the grip of tight fascia, or connective tissue, thus restoring normal alignment and function and reducing pain. Therapists use their hands to apply mild, sustained pressure, in order to gently stretch and soften fascia. Myofascial release is used to treat neck and back pain, headaches, recurring sports injuries and scoliosis.

Nambudripad’s Allergy Elimination Techniques (NAET): A

non-invasive, drug free, natural modality that tests for and eliminate allergies. NAET uses a blend of selective energy balancing, testing and treatment procedures from acupuncture, acupressure, allopathy, chiropractic, kinesiology and nutritional medicine. One allergen is treated at a time.

Naturopathy: A comprehensive and

eclectic system whose philosophy is based upon working in harmony with the body’s natural healing abilities. Naturopathy incorporates a broad range of natural methods and substances aimed to promote health. Training may include the study of specific approaches, including massage, manipulation, acupuncture, acupressure, counseling, applied nutrition, herbal medicine, homeopathy and minor surgery plus basic obstetrics for assistance with natural childbirth.

Network chiropractic: Uses Network

Spinal Analysis (NSA), a system of assessing and contributing to spinal and neural integrity, as well as health and wellness. Founded and developed by Donald Epstein. Practitioners employ gentle force to the spine to help the body eliminate mechanical tension in the neurological system. The body naturally develops strategies to dissipate stored tension/energy, thus enhancing self-regulation of tension and spinal interference. (Also see Chiropractic.)

Neurofeedback: Involves direct training

of brain function. Using computer processing to capture electrical activity in the brain, an individual can reward the brain with positive feedback, changing its activity to desired, more appropriate patterns. Gradually, the brain learns and remembers how to exhibit only the good patterns

Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP): A systematic approach to changing

the limiting patterns of thought, behavior and language. Through conversation, practitioners observe the client’s language, eye movements, posture, breathing and gestures, in order to detect and help change unconscious patterns linked to the client’s emotional state.


30 years successful with Lyme/PANDAS 914.763.8889; acandee@usa.net Resistant viruses cause c h r o n i c Ly m e ( b r a i n f o g / headaches/pain/fatigue+++). Quantum Physics targets/cancels disease. Protocols are three pronged: vibrational frequencies, including herbs and foods.



Open Mon-Sat. 10-6 2264 South Rd., Poughkeepsie, NY 845.204.9090; DavisFurnitureOnline.com

Do you want a healthier night’s sleep? Visit locally owned Davis Furniture and see their full line of all natural American-made mattresses. For over 90 years they have been giving their customers more, and charging them less. And they’ve once again been voted the best furniture store in the Hudson Valley. See ad pg 7.


BallardMaple@gmail.com Trevor: 845.206 .3314 BallardMaple.com Ballard Maple is Family own. We have been producing Maple Syrup for 6 generations. You can find Ballard Maple in Holmes, N.Y. (Hudson Valley). Buy Local & Know the Farmer! From Our Family to Yours’s!



Certified Medical Marijuana Practitioner 914.525.6536; DrParodneck@gmail.com DrLynnParodneck.com Evaluations and Consultations; D r. P a r o d n e c k w o r k s i n compliance with the New York State Compassionate Care Act. She is one of the leading medical marijuana clinicians in New York, with numerous referring specialists and an extensive professional network in the cannabis industry. See ad pg 41.

Laura Giacovas,LMT, MS Ed., 4th Dan Master Instructor Taekwondo Briarcliff NY 914.941.2400, soulauras.com Our mission is to enhance wellness and quality of life through Therapeutic Massage and Integrated Holistic Healing. We are committed to providing an inspired, nurturing environment from which wellness and harmony can be realized.

MASSAGE MEDICAL/SPORTS BOMI MASSAGE - MEDICAL MASSAGE AND MANUAL THERAPY Bomi Bilimoria, LMT 450 Mamaroneck Ave. #409, Harrison NY 914.207.4071 bomimassage.com


Spiritual Catalyst, Healer, Mentor, Author. connectingthedots.guru; 845.418.2416 No matter where you are in your journey, I can assist you. By intuitively listening to you, we go deeper, more quickly than with just traditional methods. I incorporate techniques like Reiki, Shamanism, Creative Arts Therapy, Crystals and Flower Essences to dissolve blocks and facilitate healing. My best selling new release Connecting the Dots Ancient Wisdom, Modern Science, on Amazon, is a complete transformation manual!

Relieve pain, improve athletic performance, and live your best life! Bomi is a medical and sports massage therapist with 16 years of experience treating clients with acute and chronic conditions. NYC area’s only practitioner of the Hendrickson Method of orthopedic massage, a highly-effective blend of massage and physical therapy that promotes healing and wellbeing.

January 2022



Fru Molnar, ANFT Certified Forest Therapy Guide Mindful nature walks; Lower Hudson Valley forestbaths.earth; forest.baths@gmail.com Commune with nature in a gentle way and experience the magic of the Japanese-inspired practice of forest bathing. Your trained guide will lead the way, offering simple invitations designed to help you step into your own authentic, embodied nature connection.


Nuspecies.com 866.624.4117 Westchester. Long Island. Brooklyn. Jamaica, Caribbean NuSpecies Health Centers provide free health consultations with certified nutritionists/life coaches. We make custom recommendations of our Raw, Organic, Liquid, Natural nutritional formulas and then work with our clients until they achieve their health goals. See ad pg 3.



Yellow Monkey Village 792 Rte 35 Cross River, NY, and NYC Office: 914.875.9088; Cell: 646.670.6725 Drkaushik.com; drkaushik@drkaushik.com Combination of Ayurveda and Naturopathy is used to create a unique treatment plan to regain and maintain health. Based on one’s particular body constitution (dosha), a plan may include supplements, diet/nutrition suggestions, lifestyle management, detoxification, hydrotherapy, 0zone therapy, Panchakarma. Clinic days: Monday-Friday. See ad pg 25


29 King St, 2nd Fl, Chappaqua, NY 10514 914-552-1442 - info@blooddetective.com DrMichaelWald.com #BloodDetective D r Wa l d i s a h o l i s t i c DC, Nutritionist, and Dietician who’s Blood Detective software, labs and detailed consult help get to the cause(s) of persistent health issues. Conditions include autoimmune, weight loss, antiaging, cancer, GI issues, depression, and more. See ad pg 17.


Pamela Hoffman, DPM Glenn B. Weiss, DPM 200 Katonah Ave., Katonah, NY 914.232.8880; Katonahpodiatry.com Foot care for people of all ages. Board certified holistic podiatrists who use a comprehensive, integrative approach. Customized treatments utilizing the best of today’s technology combined with nutrition and 30 years of experience.

Nicole Cunningham Dutchess Tpke 206F, Poughkeepsie, NY 12603 845.471.6400; hhan-ny.com

PSYCHO-SPIRITUAL COUNSELING ROBIN QUEEN FINKELSTEIN The Slow Medicine Therapist Bedford, NY 914.218.3113; SlowMedicine.org

Offering a whole-being, integrative approach to wellness, nurturing individuals, couples (applying the Imago process), and families into health on the emotional, spiritual, mental, and physical levels. Following one’s heart to Re-envision life in order to flourish. Also incorporating a new technique of autonomic nervous system balancing, specifically using Autonomic Response Testing with her partner, Dr. Michael Finkelstein.


a wide range of approaches, nutrition-based, complementary therapies and counseling seek to alleviate physical and psychological disorders through special diets and food supplements. These will be either macronutrients (carbohydrates, fats, proteins and fiber) or micronutrients (vitamins, minerals and trace elements that cannot be manufactured in the body). Nutritional therapy/counseling often uses dietary or food supplements, which can include tablets, capsules, powders or liquids.

Osteopathy / Osteopathic Physicians: Osteopathy uses generally accepted

physical, pharmacological and surgical methods of diagnosis and therapy, with a strong emphasis on body mechanics and manipulative methods to detect and correct faulty structure and function, in order to restore the body’s natural healing capacities. Doctors of Osteopathy (D.O.) are fully trained and licensed according to the same standards as medical doctors (M.D.) and receive additional extensive training in the body’s structure and functions.

Oxygen therapies: Alters the body’s


Holistic Healing is a nutritionally based practice using the Nutrition R e s p o n s e Te s t i n g ( N RT ) technique. Using this noninvasive, precise and scientific technique we determine the perfect plan for your body and start you on the road to optimal wellness.

Nutritional Counseling: Embracing

Westchester/Putnam/Dutchess NY Edition


chemistry to help overcome disease, promote repair and improve overall function. Properly applied, oxygen may be used to treat a wide variety of conditions, including infections, circulatory problems, chronic fatigue syndrome, arthritis, allergies, cancer and multiple sclerosis. The major types of oxygen therapy used to treat illness are hyperbaric oxygen and ozone. Hydrogen peroxide therapy (oral or intravenous) can be dangerous and should be avoided.

Past Life Regression: Past life and

regression therapies operate on the assumption that many physical, mental and emotional challenges are extensions of unresolved problems from the past, either childhood traumas or experiences in previous lifetimes. The practitioner uses hypnosis or other altered states of consciousness and relaxation techniques to access the source of this “unfinished business,” and helps clients to analyze, integrate and release past traumas that are interfering with their current lives.

Physical therapy: Evaluates difficulties

with mobility or function to focus on rehabilitation, through a restorative treatment program and instruction on how to make efficient use of the body in daily activities. Physical therapists use massage, exercise, electrical stimulation, ultrasound and other means to help the patient regain functional movement.

Pilates: A structured system of small isolated movements that demands powerful focus on feeling every nuance of muscle action while working out on floor mats or machines. Emphasizes development of the torso’s abdominal power center, or core. Gentler than conventional exercises, Pilates, like yoga, yields long, lean, flexible muscles whose gracefully balanced movements readily translate into everyday activities like walking, sitting and bending. Can help in overcoming injuries.

Polarity therapy: Polarity therapy

asserts that energy fields exist everywhere in nature and that the free flow and balance of this universal energy in the human body is the underlying foundation of good health. Practitioners use gentle touch and guidance to help clients balance their energy flow, thus supporting a return to health. The practitioner’s hands do not impart energy, but redirect the flow of the receiver’s own energy. The receiver then recharges himself with his own freed energy.

Prolotherapy: A rejuvenating therapy that uses injections of natural substances to stimulate collagen growth, in order to strengthen weak or damaged joints, tendons, ligaments or muscles. Often used as a natural alternative to drugs and/or surgery to treat pain syndromes, including degenerative arthritis, lower back, neck and joint pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, migraine headaches, and torn ligaments and cartilage.

Qigong & Tai chi: Qigong and Tai chi

combine movement, meditation and breath regulation to enhance the flow of vital energy (qi or chi, pronounced “chee”) in the body, improve circulation and enhance immune function. Qigong traces its roots to traditional Chinese medicine. Tai chi was originally a selfdefense martial art descended from qigong and employed to promote inner peace and calm.

Real Time EEG Neurofeedback:

Involves direct training of brain function. Using computer processing to capture electrical activity in the brain, an individual can reward the brain with positive feedback, changing its activity to desired, more appropriate patterns. Gradually, the brain learns and remembers how to exhibit only the good patterns.

Rebirthing Breathwork: Also known

as conscious connected breathing, or vivation. Rebirthing is a means to access and release unresolved emotions. The technique uses conscious, steady, rhythmic breathing, without pausing between inhaling and exhaling. Guided by a professional rebirther, clients re-experience past memories, including birth, and let go of emotional tension stored in the body.

Reflexology: A natural healing art based

upon the principle that there are reflexes in the feet and hands that correspond to every part of the body. Correctly stimulating and applying pressure to the feet or hands increases circulation and promotes specifically designated bodily and muscular functions.


Associate Real Estate Broker William Raveis Real Estate 339 Rte. 202, Somers, NY 10589 Cell: 914.844.7199; Office: 914.276.0900 judyjrealestate@gmail.com; Raveis.com Let me help you in buying, selling, renting or relocating in a supportive and stress-free manner. After 40 + years in business, my experience and success will be beneficial to you.


ARCB Certified Reflexologist 263 New Hackensack Road, 2nd Floor Wappingers Falls, NY 12590 lorrainehughes54@gmail.com EmpoweredbyNature.net; 845.416.4598 Foot and/or Hand Reflexology sessions are offered with the use of Essential Oils applied to acupuncture points based upon each individual’s presenting pattern. Please refer to Services page on web site for the many benefits of this ancient modality.

Reiki: Means “universal life-force energy.”

Reiki is a method of activating and balancing the life force (qi or chi, pronounced “chee”). Practitioners use light hand placements to channel healing energies to organs and glands or to align the body’s chakras (energy centers). Various techniques can ease emotional and mental distress, heal chronic and acute physical problems and achieve spiritual focus and clarity. Reiki can be a valuable addition to the work of chiropractors, massage therapists, nurses and others for whom the use of touch is essential and appropriate. A healing practice that originated in Japan as a method of activating and balancing the life-force present in all living things. Reiki literally means “universal life-force energy.” Practitioners use light hand placements to channel healing energies to organs and glands or to align the body’s energy centers, or chakras. Various techniques are applied for emotional and mental distress, chronic and acute physical problems, and for achieving spiritual focus and clarity. Reiki is a valuable addition to the work of chiropractors; massage therapists, nurses and others for whom the use of touch is appropriate or essential.


Cynthia M Chase, LCSW, Reiki Master 860.395.0284; cynthiachase.com cynthiamchase@gmail.com Manifest yourself as a healer; fulfill your life’s purpose! Cynthia offers personalized classes leading to Reiki levels I, II and Master level. Go to cynthiamchase.com for details.


2 Coulter Road, Bakers Mills, NY 12811 518.251.3015; 914.556.8258 yogaintheadirondacks.com Yoga in the Adirondacks is nestled in the valley of the beautiful Adirondack Mountains, where yoga embraces nature. Connect your mind, body and spirit and explore your retreat with like-minded people to build a happier and healthier life. Studio available for your yoga/wellness private group as well.

January 2022


SLEEP DISORDER DAVID L LERNER, DDS, CAC, FIND Yorktown Heights, NY 10598 914.214.9678 holisticdentist.com

We offer a unique approach to the health care of the mouth based on a holistic understanding of the whole body. I invite you to explore our web site to learn how we can serve your needs. See ad pg 2.


Westchester’s ONLY Certified Green Spa 280 Mamaroneck Ave., Suite 310, White Plains, NY 914.358.9898; balance-dayspa.com As Westchester County’s ONLY certified green spa, Balance Day Spa has been in business since 2010. We specialize in all aspects of esthetics, including: facials, peels, waxing, tinting, bronzing, aromatherapy, energy healing and makeup. All organic, all the time.

SPIRITUAL CENTER CHAPEL AT CROTON FALLS Rev. June Tompkins, Pastor 609 Rt. 22, Croton Falls, NY chapelatcrotonfalls.org

Join a unique monthly Interfaith Sunday at the Chapel at Croton Falls at 10:30am – Enjoy prayer, music, movement and dialogue. Check our FB page for information on upcoming programs or e-mail Rev. June Tompkins at jtgleneidashore1@verizon.net.


Breast and Ovarian Cancer Support Services 914.962.6402; 800.532.4290 Supportconnection.org Support Connection provides free support services to people affected by breast and ovarian cancer. Services include: One-onone counseling (counselors are also cancer survivors); Support groups; Educational and wellness programs; Webinars; Social gatherings; Referrals; A national toll-free information and support hotline.


Rolfing Structural Integration (Rolfing): A hands-on technique for deep

tissue manipulation of the myofascial system, which is composed of the muscles and the connective tissue, or fascia, in order to restore the body’s natural alignment and sense of integration. As the body is released from old patterns and postures, the range and freedom of physical and emotional expression increases. Rolfing can help ease pain and chronic stress, enhance neurological functioning, improve posture and restore flexibility.

Rubenfeld Synergy Method: Com-

bines touch, talk and compassionate listening in a dynamic system for the integration of body, mind, emotions and spirit. Through gentle touch and verbal sharing, each of these four levels can be accessed simultaneously, releasing pain and fears held in the body/mind. This method facilitates pain management, increased ease of movement, improved body image and self-esteem, and recovery from physical and emotional trauma.

Shamanism: An ancient healing tradition,

which believes that loss of power is the real source of illness and that all healing includes the spiritual dimension. Shamanic healing usually involves induction into an altered state of consciousness and journeying into the spirit world to regain personal power and to access the powers of nature and of teachers. Shamanic healing may be taken literally or employed symbolically, but in or out of its cultural context, the tradition can be both self-empowering and self-healing.

Shiatsu: The most widely known form

of acupressure, Shiatsu is a Japanese word meaning finger pressure. The technique applies varying degrees of pressure to balance the life energy that flows through specific pathways, or meridians, in the body. Used to release tension and strengthen weak areas in order to facilitate even circulation, cleanse cells and improve the function of vital organs. Shiatsu may be used to help diagnose, prevent and relieve many chronic and acute conditions that manifest on both physical and emotional levels.

Spiritual Healing / Counseling:

Practiced in two forms. In one, the healer uses thought or touch to align his or her spiritual essence with that of the client. The healer works

Westchester/Putnam/Dutchess NY Edition


to either balance the spiritual field or shift the perceptual base of the client to create harmony between mind and body and draw the client into the active presence of Divine Spirit. In the other, the healer transforms healing energy into a vibrational frequency that the client can receive and comfortably assimilate, reminding the person’s intuitive core of its inherent healing ability.

Sports massage: A specialized field of

massage, employed to minimize the risk of injury, tend to sports injuries that do occur, and assist in achieving optimum performance.

Swedish massage: The most commonly

practiced form of massage in Western countries. Swedish massage integrates ancient Oriental techniques with principles of anatomy and physiology. Practitioners rub, knead, pummel, brush and tap the client’s muscles. Swedish massage is widely practiced; thus, practitioners vary widely in training, techniques and session lengths.

Tai chi & Qigong: Qigong and Tai chi

combine movement, meditation and breath regulation to enhance the flow of vital energy (qi or chi, pronounced “chee”) in the body, improve circulation and enhance immune function. Qigong traces its roots to traditional Chinese medicine. Tai chi was originally a selfdefense martial art descended from qigong and employed to promote inner peace and calm.

Tantra: Has emerged as a modern spiritual

path of embodied consciousness, with roots in ancient Hindu and Buddhist traditions. Tantra views the ‘spiritual’ as being directly present within the ‘physical’ and respects sensory experience as a vehicle for accessing higher states of awareness. Tantric practices balance the chakras (energy centers) and can contribute to a sense of presence, intimacy and fulfillment in all aspects of living.

Thai Massage: A form of body therapy that

incorporates gentle rocking motions, rhythmic compression along the body’s energy lines and passive stretching to stimulate the free flow of energy, break up blockages and help restore general well-being. One of the branches of Traditional Thai Medicine (TTM), Thai massage is performed on a floor mat, with the client dressed in lightweight, comfortable clothes. No oils are used. Thai massage aids flexibility, inner organ massage, blood oxygenation and quieting of the mind.

Thermography (Thermal Imaging): A diagnostic technique that uses an

infrared camera to measure temperature variations on the surface of the body, producing images that reveal sites of inflammation and abnormal tissue growth. Inflammation is recognized as the earliest stage of nearly all major health challenges. See ads pages 35 & 55.

Trigger point/Myotherapy: A mas-

sage technique used to relieve pain, similar to Neuro Muscular Therapy (NMT). Practitioners apply pressure to specific ‘trigger points’ on the body—tender, congested spots of muscle tissue that may radiate pain to other areas—in order to release tension and spasms. Treatment decreases the swelling and stiffness associated with muscular pain and increases range of motion.

Yoga: Practical application of the ancient

Indian Vedic teachings. The word yoga is derived from the Sanskrit root yuj which means “union” or “to join,” and refers to the joining of a person’s physical, mental and spiritual elements. The goal of good health is accomplished through a combination of techniques, including physical exercises called asanas (or postures), controlled breathing, relaxation, meditation and diet and nutrition. Although yoga is not meant to cure specific diseases or ailments directly, it has been found effective in treating many physical ailments. Individuals of every age and physical condition can benefit from the regular practice of yoga, which has been proved to enhance flexibility, strength, stamina and concentration. Using a combination of asanas, or postures, and breathing techniques, yoga works to induce deep relaxation and reduce stress, tone the body and organs, increase vitality and improve circulation and energy flow. Uplifting and meditative, yoga can be applied as a spiritual practice, as well. Please note: The contents of this Health & Wellness Glossary are for informational purposes only. The information is not intended to be used in place of a visit or consultation with a healthcare professional. Always seek out a practitioner who is licensed, certified or otherwise professionally qualified to conduct a selected treatment, as appropriate.

TMJ DISORDER DAVID L LERNER, DDS, CAC, FIND Yorktown Heights, NY 10598 914.214.9678 holisticdentist.com

We offer a unique approach to the health care of the mouth based on a holistic understanding of the whole body. I invite you to explore our web site to learn how we can serve your needs. See ad pg 2.

VEGETABLE /HERB/SALAD GARDENS KITCHEN GARDENS OF WESTCHESTER Design & Build. Call: 914.400.3742 Bruce@KitchenGardensOfWestchester.com kitchengardensofwestchester.com

If you are looking to start, renovate or expand your Vegetable, Herb and Salad Garden, we can help. We offer consulting, design, construction of Raised Beds or Tiered Gardens, plus installation and maintenance services. Let’s Grow Something Together! We design and build.

VETERINARY HOSPITAL EARTH ANGELS VETERINARY HOSPITAL 44 Saint Nicholas Rd., Wappingers Falls, NY 12590 845.227.P-A-W-S (7297) Earthangelsvet.com

Where East meets West with compassionate care for a holistic approach to your pet’s health. Offering a wide range of services/ products including wellness exams, nutritional support, alternative cancer therapies, surgery, dentals, acupuncture, CBD products, pet boarding and more on our beautiful 9-acre facility. See ad pg 45.


Integrative, Holistic & Conventional 1609 Route 9, Wappingers Falls, NY 845.234.4417; FullCircleVetHopsital.com We specialize in the integration of holistic and conventional veterinary medicine to provide quality, comprehensive care for your pet’s needs. We enjoy taking time to get to know our clients and their pets. This allows pets to relax, while we learn about their family lifestyle.


495 Central Park Ave, Suite 301, Scarsdale 914.874.1177; DrSlotnick.com Smart in everything but school? Distracted, disorganized? Taking hours to do a 30 minute assignment? Could it be a VISION problem?? Dr. Slotnick and her kind and patient team can help your child take the struggle out of schoolwork. Through individualized vision therapy programs, children (and adults!) transform into confident, self-directed learners. Please visit website for details. See ad pg 43.


Addiction-Free Naturally Midtown Manhattan and Garrison Steve.healingny@gmail.com 914.473.2015; QuitWithQuinn.com Quit with Quinn helps people lose weight by overcoming addiction to sugar and white flour, and compulsive overeating. After treatment, most people experience indifference towards refined sugar, sweets and treats, leading to easy weight loss. 30 years experience. 90% success rate. See ad pg 53.



Bedford, NY 914.218.3113; SlowMedicine.org Home of Slow Medicine, designed by Dr. Michael and Robin Queen Finkelstein, to promote health and holistic healing of the body, mind, and spirit, all in the setting of a living, working farm and gardens; offering programs ranging from Breathwork and Yoga, to Meditation and Drumming, and highlighting the Wellness Practices of Michael and Robin.

YOGA YOGA TEACHERS ASSOCIATION ytayoga.com; 914.391.3389 Briarcliff Manor, NY

Workshops via Zoom until further notice YTA is a nonprofit providing affordable continuing education to yoga teachers and students. Monthly three-hour workshops are led by nationally and locally accomplished instructors on a variety of topics. $45 members/$65 nonmembers. CEUs are available.

January 2022




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January 2022


community resource directory Connecting you to the leaders in natural healthcare and green living in our community. To find out how you can be included in the Community Resource Guide email Dana-NA@WakeUpNaturally.com to request our media kit.

ACCOUNTING/TAX SERVICES STERNBACH & ROSE, CPAS 115 E. Stevens Ave, Suite 100 Valhalla, NY 10595 914.940.4449; sandrcpa.com

ALEXANDER TECHNIQUE KARLA BOOTH DIAMOND, MAMSAT Member: Westchester Holistic Network 153 Main St, Suite J, Mt. Kisco, NY 10549 914.649.9565; Awareness-in-Action.com

Our goal is to help people have less anxiety about managing their finances, to maximize their income and run their businesses better. Giving people a stronger financial foundation can absolutely contribute to a better quality of life.

Move with ease! The Alexander Technique is an educational method for learning to release patterns of tension that may be causing stress, pain, or poor body usage. Feel lighter and learn to undo compression of the spine and joints.


SearchLight Medical 2424 Route 52, Hopewell Junction, NY 845.592.4310; SearchLightMedical.com


Pamela Cucinell NCGR PAA 917.796.6026; InsightOasis.com Astrology & Tarot with spiritual perspective and a practical twist. Find your way to flow instead of fight; economy of action leads to a beautiful life. Skype, Zoom and phone. See ad pg 24.



Midtown Manhattan and Garrison Steve.healingny@gmail.com 914.473.2015; QuitWithQuinn.com Quit with Quinn helps people overcome daily addictions and unwanted habits ranging from sugar, smoking, alcohol, weight loss, to overeating and other compulsive habits. All natural, painless, no medications, needles, or hypnosis. 90% success rate. See ad pg 25.



Yellow Monkey Village 792 Rte 35 Cross River, NY, and NYC Office: 914.875.9088; Cell: 646.670.6725 Drkaushik.com; drkaushik@drkaushik.com Combination of Ayurveda and Naturopathy is used to create a unique treatment plan to regain and maintain health. Based on one’s particular body constitution (dosha), a plan may includesupplements, diet/ nutrition suggestions, lifestyle management, detoxification, hydrotherapy, 0zone therapy, Panchakarma. Clinic days: M-F. See ad pg 35.


Frustrated with not feeling or looking your best? Let me guide you on your path to better health and well-being. Utilizing: Medical Acupuncture, ONDAMED Biofeedback Therapy, Reiki, Mei Zen Acupuncture for facial rejuvenation, weight loss and fertility. See ad pg 4.



Spiritual Astrologer, Intuitive Mentor-Coach samyamallc.com

Samyama teaches and mentors in workshops, certified trainings, personal retreats, and private tutoring in Esoteric Studies, Advanced Metaphysics, Practical Yoga Philosophy, Lightworkers Karttikeyan Yoga Nidra, and Tarot Clinic in NY and CT. Please visit website for more information. See ad, pg 11.

Westchester/Putnam/Dutchess NY Edition



495 Central Park Ave, Suite 301, Scarsdale 914.874.1177; DrSlotnick.com A whole-person, holistic approach to vision care, for all ages. Specializing in vision therapy and rehabilitation for vision problems which interfere with reading, learning, attention, performance and efficiency. Please visit website for details.


Scarsdale, NY 10583 914.320.9506; liz@AAAWellnessCBD.com aaawellnesscbd.com Take back control of your body, center your mind and lift your spirits today. Adopt alternative approaches to wellness with the most luxurious assortment of CBD infused, clean, cruelty free, non-GMO, beauty, wellness, pain management, and clean vaping merchandise on the market today.


222 E. Main St., Mt. Kisco, NY 10549 914.276.5409; YourCBDstoreMtKisco.com


1582 U.S. 9 #5, Wappingers Falls, NY 12590 845.297.0302; CBDWappingers.com Your CBD Store® is the largest hemp retailer in the US. All of our products are USDA Certified Organic, Non-GMO and ThirdParty Lab Tested. We offer the highest quality hemp products including CBD Tinctures, Topicals and Water Solubles for people and pets. See ad pg 20.

CHIROPRACTIC DR. LEIGH DAMKOHLER, CCSP, LMT 8 Bacon Place, Yonkers, NY 10710 914.523.7947 Chiropractor-WestchesterNY.com

PERSONALIZED treatments designed for YOU by Westchester’s only dually licensed practicing Sports Chiropractor and Massage Therapist. Receive a unique combination of muscle work and adjustments not provided elsewhere. Dr. Leigh can help you move and feel better. Get back to the life you love!


Certified life coach Member WHN 914.548.8372: pulsemanifestation.com Empower yourself and create what you want in your life. Janet will coach you through this process as well as teach you a powerful technique to help you become a Master Manifester. Please call her to learn more.


Lourdes Crowley Certified Eutaptics Practitioner lourdescrowley.com; 845.500.5178 Learn how to heal yourself. Anxiety - Stress - Relationships - Addiction – Abuse – Chronic Pain – Trauma - Anger. Find and release the emotional and psychological behaviors keeping you stuck. You owe it to yourself. Remote sessions only. First session free.


In person or remote sessions 914.557.8213; lovinglotus.org the.loving.lotusx3@gmail.com The Loving Lotus and founder Erika Camilli will help provide an open, positive space to support you to connect to your authentic true self and create the change needed to live the life you’ve always wanted. Sign up for your free consultation.


MEMBER: Westchester Holistic Network 845.709.5245 dowsing@househarmony.org HouseHarmony.org Protect yourself from EMFs and other negative energies! A professional dowser can block the negative effects of cell phones, satellite dishes, high-tension wires and more. Moved into a new home? Want to sell? Have unexplained health issues? Call now!


Certified Jikiden Reiki Teacher/Practitioner Treatments, Classes and Student Events Custom BACH Flower Essence formulas Energy Counseling, Crystalline grids 25 Broadway, Ste.101, Pleasantville, NY balancing4life.com; 914.588.4079 Health requires energetic balance. Reiki clears stress, reduces pain, inflammation and restores energy flow. Strengthen your immunity. Relieve anxiety. Depression and insomnia. Learn the original Reiki teachings with Jikiden. Private sessions and small classes.


Certified Mind Body Health Coach Plant Based Nutrition Certification 914.309.3452; cahrma12@gmail.com Mind Body Nutrition is a life changing approach to address our eating challenges. We will work together in a way in which eating and health issues become a place of exploration. I look forward to working with you to offer practical results oriented strategies.


Stormville, NY (By Appointment Only) Nina Melahn, Esthetician/Reiki Master 845.857.0185; ElementsToBeauty.com Custom Facials, Beauty and Wellness Services. Offering Exclusive, Natural, Holistic Skincare, Beauty and Wellness Services, Exceptional Product Lines, Light Therapies, Lymphatic Drainage, Microdermabrasion, Chemical Peels, Lash Lifts and Tints, Reiki Healing and more. Call or email for appointment: EstyNina24@gmail. com. $10 off first facial to new clients.


100 Executive Blvd Suite 203 Ossining, NY 914.519.8138; Joymatalon.com CranioSacral Therapy with a specialty in Somato Emotional Release and Process Acupressure allows chronic physical, emotional, and spiritual issues to be intimately explored bringing relief from pain and activating a healing process which continues after the session is over.

January 2022


FLOATATION THERAPY RISE ABOVE FLOATATION 111 East Main Street Mount Kisco, NY 10549 914.241.1900

HOLISTIC DENTIST DAVID L LERNER, DDS, CAC, FIND Yorktown Heights, NY 10598 914.214.9678; holisticdentist.com

We offer a unique approach to the health care of the mouth based on a holistic understanding of the whole body. I invite you to explore our web site to learn how we can serve your needs. See ad pg 7.

A Center For Awareness and Relaxation through Floatation Therapy. Create the ultimate Relaxation Response by removing all stimulation from light, sound, and gravity. Choose from three different float environments to find your perfect experience. Appointments available from 10am to 10pm daily. Free Parking.


250 E. Hartsdale Ave. St. 22, Hartsdale, NY 914.472.0666; HartsdaleHomeopathy.com Looking for a physician with 25 years of clinical practice using natural remedies? Expertise in treating acute and chronic illness in children and adults. Emphasis on homeopathic and functional medicine to decrease dependency on pharmaceutical drugs. If you want experienced, competent, compassionate, and exceptional care.

HAIR SALON FRESH ORGANIC SALON SOLUTIONS Hair care, Skincare & Make up 190 Rt 117 By Pass, Bedford, NY 914.242.1928; FreshOrganicSalon.com

A healthy approach to beauty and wellness led by Maureen Toohey, Regional Educator for Organic Salon Systems. The fresh team is committed to making your experience fully complete and satisfying, organically. Receive a gift valued at $75 with your 1st color appointment, when you mention Natural Awakenings. See ad pg 13.


250 E. Hartsdale Ave. St. 22, Hartsdale, NY 914.472.0666; HartsdaleHomeopathy.com Looking for a physician with 25 years of clinical practice using natural remedies? Expertise in treating acute and chronic illness in children and adults. Emphasis on homeopathic and functional medicine to decrease dependency on pharmaceutical drugs. If you want experienced, competent, compassionate, and exceptional care.


Certified Hypnotherapist Somers, Ny 914.400.9508; lisableasdale.com Willpower often falls short. Hypnotherapy taps into the power of the subconscious mind to transform your life by creating positive changes. Lisa helps individuals with stress reduction, addiction, weight loss, smoking cessation, procrastination, overcoming fears, phobias, anxiety, grief, and divorce.


Registered Herbalist (AHG) 263 New Hackensack Road, 2nd Floor Wappingers Falls, NY 12590 lorrainehughes54@gmail.com EmpoweredbyNature.net; 845.416.4598 Lorraine offers Individual Wellness Consultations based on the Chinese Herbal Medicine Paradigm which provides a preventative and individual approach to balanced health. Each “unique” individual protocol will include Chinese, We s t e r n , Ay u r v e d i c H e r b a l remedies and Nutritional planning.


INCONTINENCE ADVANCED REJUVENATION CENTERS Liviu B. Saimovici, MD 3020 Westchester Ave., Ste. 306 Purchase, NY; 914.500.9594 AdvancedRejuvenationCenters.com

Emsella is a revolutionary non-surgical treatment that improves incontinence. Patients sit, fully clothed, on the Emsella chair, nicknamed “Kegel-throne” can stimulate the pelvic floor with electromagnetic energy. One treatment can stimulate the equivalent of 11,000 Kegels. The Kegels can strengthen the muscles that control urinary retention.

Westchester/Putnam/Dutchess NY Edition



4307 Albany Post Rd Hyde Park NY 12538 pellegrinointegrativecancercenter.com Pellegrino Integrative Cancer Center is a collaboration of healthcare practitioners dedicated to delivering the highest standard of conventional, complementary, and alternative medicine. See ad, pg 8.


Laura Giacovas,LMT, MS Ed., 4th Dan Master Instructor Taekwondo Briarcliff NY 914.941.2400, soulauras.com Our mission is to enhance wellness and quality of life through Therapeutic Massage and Integrated Holistic Healing. We are committed to providing an inspired, nurturing environment from which wellness and harmony can be realized.


Open Mon-Sat. 10-6 2264 South Rd., Poughkeepsie, NY 845.204.9090; DavisFurnitureOnline.com Do you want a healthier night’s sleep? Visit locally owned Davis Furniture and see their full line of all natural American-made mattresses. For over 90 years they have been giving their customers more, and charging them less. And they’ve once again been voted the best furniture store in the Hudson Valley. See ad pg 4.


Certified Medical Marijuana Practitioner 914.525.6536; DrParodneck@gmail.com DrLynnParodneck.com Evaluations and Consultations; D r. P a r o d n e c k w o r k s i n compliance with the New York State Compassionate Care Act. She is one of the leading medical marijuana clinicians in New York, with numerous referring specialists and an extensive professional network in the cannabis industry. See ad pg 25.


Guided Meditative Walks thru Nature Dutchess/Putnam/Westchester 845.489.7250; MeditativeWalks.com Teaching people how to connect with nature through Walking the Trail Workshops – Wisdom Walks and Forest Bathing. Once a person becomes one with nature; plants, animals and magical creatures respond by giving answers to one’s questions and by providing healing.


Yellow Monkey Village 792 Rte 35 Cross River, NY, and NYC Office: 914.875.9088; Cell: 646.670.6725 Drkaushik.com; drkaushik@drkaushik.com Combination of Ayurveda and Naturopathy is used to create a unique treatment plan to regain and maintain health. Based on one’s particular body constitution (dosha), a plan may include supplements, diet/nutrition suggestions, lifestyle management, detoxification, hydrotherapy, 0zone therapy, Panchakarma. Clinic days: Monday-Friday. See ad pg 35.


406 Starr Ridge Rd Brewster, NY 10509 spaceonryderfarm.org; 646.833.8159 Roadside Farmstand open 24/7 SPACE on Ryder Farm is a nonprofit artists residency and certified organic farm founded in 1795 which produces 100% certified organic vegetables, flowers and herbs. Our roadside farmstand is open 24/7 through Thanksgiving. Cash, check and credit accepted.


PO Box 245, Fishkill, NY 12524 845.232.0336, strayhelp.org Stray HELP: a registered not-forprofit managed by volunteers. Our mission: rescue and care for stray and homeless animals while providing humane education to the community. Our vital community programs: Trap/ Neuter/Return, Spay clinics, adoption and working cat program, colony caretaker support.



Nuspecies.com 866.624.4117 Westchester. Long Island. Brooklyn. Jamaica, Caribbean NuSpecies Health Centers provide free health consultations with certified nutritionists/life coaches. We make custom recommendations of our Raw, Organic, Liquid, Natural nutritional formulas and then work with our clients until they achieve their health goals. See ad pg 3.

Pamela Hoffman, DPM Glenn B. Weiss, DPM 200 Katonah Ave., Katonah, NY 914.232.8880; Katonahpodiatry.com Foot care for people of all ages. Board certified holistic podiatrists who use a comprehensive, integrative approach. Customized treatments utilizing the best of today’s technology combined with nutrition and 30 years of experience.



29 King St, 2nd Fl, Chappaqua, NY 10514 914-552-1442 - info@blooddetective.com DrMichaelWald.com #BloodDetective Dr Wald is a holistic DC, Nutritionist, and Dietician who’s Blood Detective software, labs and detailed consult help get to the cause(s) of persistent health issues. Conditions include autoimmune, weight loss, antiaging, cancer, GI issues, depression, and more. See ad pg 9.

ARCB Certified Reflexologist 263 New Hackensack Road, 2nd Floor Wappingers Falls, NY 12590 lorrainehughes54@gmail.com EmpoweredbyNature.net; 845.416.4598 Foot and/or Hand Reflexology sessions are offered with the use of Essential Oils applied to acupuncture points based upon each individual’s presenting pattern. Please refer to Services page on web site for the many benefits of this ancient modality.

January 2022



Cynthia M Chase, LCSW, Reiki Master 860.395.0284; cynthiachase.com cynthiamchase@gmail.com Manifest yourself as a healer; fulfill your life’s purpose! Cynthia offers personalized classes leading to Reiki levels I, II and Master level. Go to cynthiamchase.com for details.


Westchester’s ONLY Certified Green Spa 280 Mamaroneck Ave., Suite 310, White Plains, NY 914.358.9898; balance-dayspa.com As Westchester County’s ONLY certified green spa, Balance Day Spa has been in business since 2010. We specialize in all aspects of esthetics, including: facials, peels, waxing, tinting, bronzing, aromatherapy, energy healing and makeup. All organic, all the time.


VETERINARY HOSPITAL EARTH ANGELS VETERINARY HOSPITAL 44 Saint Nicholas Rd., Wappingers Falls, NY 12590 845.227.P-A-W-S (7297) Earthangelsvet.com

Where East meets West with compassionate care for a holistic approach to your pet’s health. Offering a wide range of services/ products including wellness exams, nutritional support, alternative cancer therapies, surgery, dentals, acupuncture, CBD products, pet boarding and more on our beautiful 9-acre facility.


2 Coulter Road, Bakers Mills, NY 12811 518.251.3015; 914.556.8258 yogaintheadirondacks.com Yoga in the Adirondacks is nestled in the valley of the beautiful Adirondack Mountains, where yoga embraces nature. Connect your mind, body and spirit and explore your retreat with likeminded people to build a happier and healthier life. Studio available for your yoga/wellness private group as well.

SPIRITUAL CENTER CHAPEL AT CROTON FALLS Rev. June Tompkins, Pastor 609 Rt. 22, Croton Falls, NY chapelatcrotonfalls.org

Join a unique monthly Interfaith Sunday at the Chapel at Croton Falls at 10:30am – Enjoy prayer, music, movement and dialogue. Check our FB page for information on upcoming programs or e-mail Rev. June Tompkins at jtgleneidashore1@verizon.net.


Michael J Berkowitz Hypnosis/ Sexological Bodywork/ Reiki Kingston, NY; 845.481.3250 michaelberkowitz.com/mjbwellness/ Utilize the incredible power of the unconscious mind to make lasting positive changes in your life. Specializing in all sexual dysfunctions, plus shame, guilt, lack of desire. Working with both the mind and body to achieve your most fulfilling life.


Addiction-Free Naturally Midtown Manhattan and Garrison Steve.healingny@gmail.com 914.473.2015; QuitWithQuinn.com Quit with Quinn helps people lose weight by overcoming addiction to sugar and white flour, and compulsive overeating. After treatment, most people experience indifference towards refined sugar, sweets and treats, leading to easy weight loss. 30 years experience. 90% success rate. See ad pg 25.


Breast and Ovarian Cancer Support Services 914.962.6402; 800.532.4290 Supportconnection.org Support Connection provides free support services to people affected by breast and ovarian cancer. Services include: One-onone counseling (counselors are also cancer survivors); Support groups; Educational and wellness programs; Webinars; Social gatherings; Referrals; A national toll-free information and support hotline.


We offer a unique approach to the health care of the mouth based on a holistic understanding of the whole body. I invite you to explore our web site to learn how we can serve your needs. See ad pg 7.



SLEEP DISORDER Yorktown Heights, NY 10598 914.214.9678 holisticdentist.com


TMJ DISORDER DAVID L LERNER, DDS, CAC, FIND Yorktown Heights, NY 10598 914.214.9678 holisticdentist.com

Westchester/Putnam/Dutchess NY Edition

We offer a unique approach to the health care of the mouth based on a holistic understanding of the whole body. I invite you to explore our web site to learn how we can serve your needs. See ad pg 7.



The practitioners of Soulauras are committed to providing an inspired, nurturing environment from which wellness and harmony can be realized. Services: Therapeutic Massage, Bodywork, Auricular Acupressure and Integrated Holistic Healing Services, Yoga, Reiki, Reflexology and Chakra Balancing.

January 2022



Westchester/Putnam/Dutchess NY Edition


January 2022



Westchester/Putnam/Dutchess NY Edition


January 2022



Westchester/Putnam/Dutchess NY Edition


January 2022



Westchester/Putnam/Dutchess NY Edition


January 2022




Westchester/Putnam/Dutchess NY Edition




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