planet watch
2022 is a “6” year = equilibrium, commitment and relationship adjustments; we seek stability and take responsibility for goals. 25 solar eclipse ignites desire. Mixed signals and confusion haunt November; expect high drama on Election Day, with its lunar eclipse. In spite of a rocky start to December, the winter solstice offers opportunities to clear the air. Overall the holiday season inspires and heals.
Stellar Events
2022: Change Is Upon Us Astrology with Pam Cucinell
routine. In March, n 2022, those ready A continual drive exercise counteract emotional to embrace the “new” toward unprec- volatility with strategic withwork harder because there are those resistant to edented collabo- drawal from toxic situations and strengthen trusted allichange. A continual drive ration and innovaances. Aim toward aspiratoward unprecedented tion is the future tions at the spring equinox. collaboration and innovaIn April, inspiration and ention is the future, regardless lightened perspective gathof fears or concerns of the ers momentum at the April 30 solar eclipse; unknown. choose the right partners. Go all in on the In numerology, 2022 is a “6” year = dream in May. The May 16 lunar eclipse equilibrium, commitment and relationship adjustments; we seek stability and take ensures a release from old energy for those ready to tap into a more fluid existence. responsibility for goals. Build with purpose in June; followJanuary opens with optimistic promise, through and tenacity are key. The summer but soon disruptions and detours occur. solstice rewards those willing to show up Venus is retrograde, which tempers investand fight for their beliefs. Direct action is ments and moderates resources through required in July when power struggles and January 29. The Chinese New Year of conflicts attempt to overwhelm. Enjoy in the Water Tiger roars in on February 1: mid-August, when fun is the best antidote. Focus on common ground instead of the September brings an exuberance that reinforcement of divisions. It’s easy to get benefits from trust evaluations by the derailed or retreat to a separate camp, but autumn equinox. Heavy energy drags until that will not realize greater visions. mid-October; pace yourself and anticipate Dreams and confidence grow in Febfresh attitude when it passes. The October ruary; reinforce them every day, like an 52
Westchester/Putnam/Dutchess NY Edition
In 2022, we integrate the effects of the Saturn Uranus square. Saturn symbolizes structure and responsibility, Uranus change and revolution. The lessons and restrictions of the pandemic morph into new paradigms as people work with new realities. Institutions and systems that are up for change—governmental, financial and societal—all start to shapeshift into routines that now fit. The United States experiences its Pluto return (which happens approximately every 250 years). We have felt this inevitable transformation for the last few years. We can anticipate big shifts in the nation’s financial power, societal values and global reach, as well as a probable reconsideration of how government operates.
Retrogrades in 2022 When retrograde, a planet appears to move backward from Earth’s perspective. The symbolism of that planet indicates what internal processes are at play to thwart direct paths. This can be highly productive when you maximize the value of reflection, or it can frustrate and even delay action. The planet Mercury symbolizes the messenger, communications and transit, as well as humor, social media and news. People whose business or personal life depends on electronics feel the retrograde acutely. Messages misfire and directions or appointments go awry. Double-check and back up. Mercury goes retrograde four times in