feel good • live simply • laugh more
Westchester/Putnam/Dutchess NY
2017 Natural Living Directory
natural awakenings
Westchester/Putnam/Dutchess NY Edition
2017 Natural Living Directory
natural awakenings
Westchester/Putnam/Dutchess NY Edition
2017 Natural Living Directory
contact us Publishers Dana Boulanger & Marilee Burrell Editing Team Marilee Burrell, Allison Gorman, Ariana Rawls Fine, Jacqueline Wright & Dawne Clark Sales Team Dana Boulanger & Jennifer Amuso Design & Production Marilee Burrell & Stephen Blancett Community Street Team Lauren Awerdick, Steven Gottlieb, Wanda Jeanty, Heather Novak, Heidy Pashinin & Karen Shaw Natural Awakenings Westchester/Putnam/Dutchess NY PO Box 313 Lincolndale, NY 10540-0313 Phone: 914.617.8750 WPCEditor@naturalawakeningsmag.com Dana-NA@WakeUpNaturally.com www.WakeUpNaturally.com © 2017 by Natural Awakenings. All rights reserved. Although some parts of this publication may be reproduced and reprinted, we require that prior permission be obtained in writing. Natural Awakenings is a free publication distributed locally and is supported by our advertisers. It is available in selected stores, health and education centers, healing centers, public libraries and wherever free publications are generally seen. Please call to find a location near you or if you would like copies placed at your business. We do not necessarily endorse the views expressed in the articles and advertisements, nor are we responsible for the products and services advertised. We welcome your ideas, articles and feedback.
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e welcome the New Year with open arms and excited anticipation. Everywhere I turn, there seems to be a desire to change. Both my family and friends and my business colleagues are texting, posting and chatting about what’s next in their careers, relationships and lives. In my own family there are two destination wedDana Boulanger Marilee Burrell dings planned in 2017, and several relatives are already making plans for a voyage to Europe. My contacts continue to need updating, as my friends and family keep moving! Personally, I am ready to forge ahead, and I am eager to experience more things that bring me joy. I plan to stay healthy and balanced so I am ready to explore and embrace all that life offers, starting with my 10 minutes of inspired reading and peaceful meditation every morning. This practice allows me to infuse my mind with positive thoughts of appreciation and gratitude, a launch pad from which I spring forward with enthusiasm each day. With all the challenges and changes headed my way, I am eager to go beyond my present limitations and celebrate new successes and more joy! I am thrilled to present to you the 2017 Natural Living Directory edition of Natural Awakenings. This go-to resource is a keeper: inside you will find information on products and services to help you throughout the year. I challenge you to try one new service, class or event every month. Mix it up and step out of your comfort zone, for it is when we are challenged to change that we grow. Per my intuition, this is going to be a year of growth—I can feel it. For this directory, we’ve compiled a fabulous lineup of local experts who can help you become the master of your own health and wellness, talented healers and wellness professionals who can help you discover natural ways to support your unique body and stay healthy. Included are a variety of integrative wellness practitioners and holistic centers that can guide you to discover your own mindbody-spirit balance. We also list services to help you with day-to-day tasks, like learning to master your computer and today’s technology. If you are not as healthy as you would like to be, please make this the year that you personally connect with the Natural Awakenings health and wellness community. “Feel good, live simply and laugh more” is our motto, and that’s what motivates us to keep bringing you monthly articles that inspire you to discover a healthier, more balanced life. Get social with us: connect via Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest, and remember to visit our website and sign up for our email list. We love sharing news about upcoming events so you can get involved. We would love to hear from you, so as you move through 2017, drop us a note or email and tell us about your successes and what wellness professional helped you reach your goals this year. Joyfully,
Natural Awakenings is printed on recycled paper with soy-based ink.
natural awakenings
Westchester/Putnam/Dutchess NY Edition
2017 Natural Living Directory
natural awakenings
Westchester/Putnam/Dutchess NY Edition
contents 10
10 healthbriefs
14 globalbriefs 17 ecotip 18 wellnessprofiles 40 healingways 44 healthykids 14 46 consciouseating 52 greenliving 54 wisewords 56 inspiration 58 naturalpet 17 60 fitbody 62 calendar 68 classifieds 70 planetwatch 72 resourceguide
advertising & submissions HOW TO ADVERTISE To advertise with Natural Awakenings or request a media kit, please contact us at 914.617.8750 or email Dana-NA@ WakeUpNaturally.com. Deadline for ads: the 12th of the month. Visit our website at WakeUpNaturally.com.
Natural Awakenings is your guide to a healthier, more balanced life. In each issue readers find cutting-edge information on natural health, nutrition, fitness, personal growth, green living, creative expression and the products and services that support a healthy lifestyle.
18 WELLNESS PROFILES Find the Ideal Local Wellness Professionals for Your Healing Journey
COMPLEMENTARY CARE Alternatives to Insurance Cost Less
by Meredith Montgomery
Most People Benefit from Gluten by Judith Fertig
48 WEIGHT-LOSS SABOTEURS Tackling Obesity’s 58 Hidden Causes by Lisa Marshall
52 HOLISTIC DERMATOLOGY Inner Health, Radiant Skin by Linda Sechrist
Why the Best Vets Use It
CALENDAR SUBMISSIONS Email Calendar Events to: WPCcalendar@NaturalAwakeningsMag.com. Deadline for calendar: the 12th of the month.
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by Shawn Messonnier
60 BODY SCULPT Workouts Burn Fat and Tone Muscle by Taylor Geiger
The Natural Living Resource Directory & Natural Living Glossary 2017 Natural Living Directory
pixelheadphoto digitalskillet/Shutterstock.com
study published in the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease in July confirms that physical activity in midlife can help reduce the chances of developing cognitive impairment in old age. Scientists studied data on the physical activity levels from 3,050 twins in Finland given questionnaires in 1975 and 1981. A phone interview more than 25 years later served as a follow-up cognitive evaluation, and the subjects were divided into three categories: cognitively impaired, suffering mild cognitive impairment or cognitively healthy. Individuals that participated in vigorous physical activity when they were middle-aged displayed lower levels of cognitive impairment compared to those that did less vigorous exercise.
When you are in vibrational harmony, your body produces whatever it needs to remain in perfect balance. ~Abraham-Hicks 10
natural awakenings
clinical trial from the University of California-San Diego School of Medicine found that participants in a six-day, ayurvedic-based, well-being program showed metabolic improvements in blood tests for inflammation, cardiovascular disease risk (CDR) and cholesterol levels. Study participants consisted of 119 healthy men and women between the ages of 30 and 80. Sixty-five experienced a panchakarma program, a detox and rejuvenation protocol involving a vegetarian diet, meditation, yoga, massage, herbal therapy and other healing therapies. The other 54 served as a control group. Blood was analyzed before and after the test period. The researchers, led by Dr. Deepak Chopra, found measurable decreases in 12 phosphatidycholines (cell-membrane chemicals) associated with cholesterol, inflammation, CDR and Type 2 diabetes risk. They acknowledge that due to the short duration of the trial, the immediate changes were likely attributable to the vegetarian diet; more research is needed to determine the complementary role of the other therapies. “It appears that a one-week panchakarma program can significantly alter the metabolic profile of the person undergoing it,” remarks Chopra.
Autism Risk Linked to Banned Chemicals
study from Drexel University, in Philadelphia, has linked autism spectrum disorder with prenatal exposure to organochlorine chemicals. The researchers examined 1,144 children born in southern California between 2000 and 2003 with mothers that had enrolled in a state-sponsored prenatal screening program. Blood tests were taken during their second trimester of pregnancy, a critical time for neurodevelopment, to measure exposure to organochlorine chemicals, including polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB) and pesticides such as DDT. These compounds were banned from production in the U.S. in 1977, but remain in the environment. It’s well known that they can cross the placental barrier, impacting neurodevelopment in fetuses. The researchers selected participants based on previous health diagnoses: 545 children with autism spectrum disorder and 181 with intellectual disabilities, plus 418 free of both issues as a control group. They found a 50 to 82 percent increased autism risk in children with the highest levels of four identified PCB compounds in utero, based on which ones were present. “The results suggest that prenatal exposure to these chemicals above a certain level may influence neurodevelopment in adverse ways,” says Kristen Lyall, Sc.D., assistant professor in the university’s A.J. Drexel Autism Institute, promising further related studies.
Westchester/Putnam/Dutchess NY Edition
Billion Photos/Shutterstock.com
Ayurvedic Program Improves Blood Chemistry
Exercise in Midlife Helps Preserve Mental Sharpness
2017 Natural Living Directory
Teens Hooked on Ear Buds Prone to Tinnitus
Claudia Paulussen/Shutterstock.com
esearchers from the University of São Paulo Medical School, in Brazil, have found high levels of tinnitus, a ringing or buzzing in the ear, and hearing loss in adolescents that use ear bud speakers. They examined the hearing of 170 students between the ages of 11 and 17 and asked them about their experiences with tinnitus in the previous year. More than half of the respondents had experienced the condition. The principal investigator for the study, Tanit Ganz Sanchez, an associate professor of otolaryngology at the medical school, notes that the prevalence of tinnitus among adolescents should be viewed as an early warning of a serious hearing loss risk. She says, “If this teenage generation continues to expose themselves to very high noise levels, they’ll probably suffer from hearing loss by the time they’re 30 or 40.”
Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship. ~Buddha
Fracking Linked to Asthma Attacks
esearchers from the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health have found that individuals living close to a natural gas hydraulic fracking site have a significantly higher occurrence of asthma attacks. The study examined health records from the Geisinger Health System, a healthcare provider in Pennsylvania, where the fracking industry has experienced incredible growth of more than 9.000 natural gas wells in the past decade. The records of more than 35,000 Geisinger asthma patients between the ages of 5 and 90 were studied between 2005 and 2012. Patients that reported attacks were mapped and studied in relation to the fracking well locations, and the results compared with other patients not reporting attacks in the same year. The researchers discovered that those that lived in close proximity to multiple or larger active natural gas wells were 1.5 to four times more likely to experience asthma attacks. Brian S. Schwartz, a medical doctor and a professor in the Department of Environmental Health Services at the Bloomberg School, in Baltimore, Maryland, was the senior author of the study. He states, “We are concerned with the growing number of studies that have observed health effects associated with this industry. We believe it’s time to take a more cautious approach to [fracking] well development with an eye on environmental and public health impacts.”
natural awakenings
Westchester/Putnam/Dutchess NY Edition
Early Job Satisfaction Supports LongTerm Health
esearchers from Ohio State University, in Columbus, started with data from 6,432 participants in the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth, conducted in 1979, to study the impact that early job satisfaction has upon health as we age. The new study examined reports of job satisfaction on a scale of one (dislike very much) to four (like very much) for participants between the ages of 25 and 39. Then they compared the responses to mental and physical health reports measured after the participants turned 40. Those that reported low job satisfaction throughout their 20s and 30s exhibited higher levels of emotional problems, depression, sleep problems and excessive worry. Individuals that started out satisfied with their jobs but became less satisfied over time also faced sleep and anxiety difficulties, but exhibited less depression. The participants that reported increasing job satisfaction in their 20s and 30s reported fewer mental health problems. The correlation between physical health after 40 and early job satisfaction was not as strong, but university associate professor of sociology Hui Zheng notes, “Increased anxiety and depression could lead to cardiovascular or other health problems that won’t show up until they are older.”
2017 Natural Living Directory
globalbriefs News and resources to inspire concerned citizens to work together in building a healthier, stronger society that benefits all.
Reforesting India
Massive Tree-Planting Against Climate Change
Indian officials report that volunteers planted more than 49 million trees on a single day in 2016, surpassing the 2013 world record of 850,000 in Pakistan. An estimated 800,000 volunteers worked for 24 hours planting 80 species of saplings raised in local nurseries along roads, railways and other public land. The effort is part of the commitment India made at the Paris Climate Conference in December 2015. The country agreed to spend $6 billion to reforest 12 percent of its land and bring the total forest cover to 235 million acres by 2030, or about 29 percent of its territory. Trees sequester carbon dioxide from the air and reduce greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. India has experienced substantial loss of its forest cover in recent centuries as people cut down trees for firewood, pasture and development. Still, saplings need water and care and are susceptible to disease. Mortality rates can reach 40 percent after such massive tree plantings. Other countries are also replanting trees. Last December, African nations pledged to reforest 100 million hectares (386 square miles). A wide range of stakeholders from countries to companies also signed on to the non-binding New York Declaration of Forests that month, with the goal of halving deforestation by 2020 and ending it by 2030. Source: National Geographic
Protecting Pollinators
Maryland is the first state in the nation to pass strict restrictions on pesticides thought to be responsible for significant reductions in bee populations with enactment of its Pollinator Protection Act. Maryland lost more than 60 percent of its hives in 2015, each containing up to 20,000 honeybees, making it one of the states with the highest recorded declines. The national average is about 42 percent, yet across the country, farmers and gardeners are still using pesticides linked to colony collapse disorder. Globally, more than one-third of the world’s food supply could be at risk if these and other pollinators are lost. Neonicotinoids are one potent class of systemic pesticides introduced to agriculture in the 1990s that have been linked to bees’ demise. In recent years, pesticides such as Knockout Ready-to-Use Grub Killer, Ortho Bug B Gon, and AllIn-One Rose & Flower Care have been made available to consumers and beekeepers have noticed a corresponding increase in bee deaths. The Maryland law bans the use of neonicotinoids by everyday consumers that have been spraying home gardens and trees with these deadly pesticides. Farmers and professional gardeners are exempt from the law. A similar law is awaiting the governor’s signature in Connecticut. Although the U.S. Department of Agriculture has not officially recognized the well-researched link, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is reviewing it. Source: BeyondPesticides.org 14
natural awakenings
Westchester/Putnam/Dutchess NY Edition
Maryland Bans Bee-Killing Pesticides
Eat Well and Be Well Natural Awakenings
Local honey at Harvest Moon Farm
Scratch-made Cakes, Cupcakes & Cookies 163 Grand St, Croton on Hudson, NY 914.862.0874; BakedBySusan.com
45 Market St., Rhinebeck, NY 845.876.3108 BreadAlone.com/Rhinebeck-cafe
Artisan Juice Bar/Cafe 8 East Market St. Red Hook,NY 845.835.8402 GetJuicedAmerica.com
1 Bloomer Rd North Salem, NY HayfieldsMarket.com 914.669.8275
100% Organic & Non-GMO Food 1 Court St, Bedford, NY 914.205.3900; FB: The Outpost
THE FREIGHT HOUSE CAFE Natural. Local. Good 609 Route 6, Mahopac, NY Behind music store 845.628.1872 TheFreightHouseCafe.com
Juices.Smoothies.Healthy Fare 1807 Commerce St. Yorktown, NY 914.302.7331; Trailside-Cafe.com
COFFEE & TEA BIG BANG COFFEE ROASTERS 1008 Main St. Peekskill, NY 10566 914.402.1280 BBCRoasters.com
FARMERS’ MARKETS CONGREGATION SONS OF ISRAEL ORGANIC MARKET 1666 Pleasantville Rd Briarcliff, NY Sundays 914.762.2700; CSIBriarcliff.org info@csibriarcliff.org
From our Farms to Your Kitchen 914.923.4837 DowntoEarthMarkets.com
& Gossett Brothers Nursery 1202 Rt.35, South Salem, NY 914.763.3001; Gossettnursery.com
at NewYork-Presbyterian/ Hudson Valley Hospital 1980 Crompond Rd, Cortlandt Manor, NY nyp.org/hudsonvalley 1st & 3rd Tuesday (May-Nov) 11-4pm.
Greig Farm, 223 Pitcher Lane, Red Hook, NY 914.474.2404 Facebook.com/ HudsonValleyFarmersMarket.
Visit our Foodie Blog for local food info: NAfoodie.wordpress.com
HUDSON VALLEY REGIONAL FARMERS MARKET Sundays, 10am-2pm 15 Mount Ebo Road South Brewster, NY 845.878.9078 x 4115
Outdoor June-November 21 Bank Street, Peekskill, NY PeekskillFarmersMarket.com
WHOLE FOODS MARKET 575 Boston Post Rd. Port Chester, NY 914.708.1985 WholeFoodsMarket.com
WHOLE FOODS MARKET 1 Ridge Hill Rd., Yonkers, NY 914.378.8090 WholeFoodsMarket.com
130 Hardscrabble Rd North Salem, NY 914.485.1210 HarvestMoonFarmAndOrchard.com
HILLTOP HANOVER FARM & ENVIRONMENTAL CENTER 1271 Hanover St, Yorktown Heights, NY 914.962.2368 HilltopHanoverFarm.org
Local. Sustainable. Organic 512 Clock Tower Dr., Brewster 845.582.0574; ClockTowergrill.com
Nepal, Tibet, Indian Cusine 34 Triangle Ctr., Yorktown Hts. 914.302.2886
Premium Extra Virgin Olive Oil 914.834.1525 KontoulisFamily.com
7(1/2) servings of organic vegetables in one serving of green juice to go. 914.763.6320; o2living.com
MARKETS BEWIES HOLISTIC MARKET Organic Juice & Smoothie Bar 430 Bedford Rd., Armonk NY 914.273.9437; Bewies.com
275 S. Central Park Ave. Hartsdale, NY 914.437.5802 2017 Natural Living Directory
globalbriefs Lobster Liberation
Monks Free Creatures from Certain Doom Matej Kastelic/Shutterstock.com
A handful of monks from the Great Enlightenment Buddhist Institute Society living on Canada’s Prince Edward Island spent a day buying up all the live lobsters they could find at the local fish market, and then chartered a boat. Once out to sea, they recited a brief prayer over their writhing cargo and set them loose in the Atlantic. “The whole purpose for us is to cultivate this compassion toward others,” says one of the monks. “It doesn’t have to be lobsters, it can be worms, flies, any animals; it can also be driving slower, so we don’t run over little critters on the street.” One participant, Victoria Fan, says, “It’s rethinking the way you normally see these creatures. Their happiness is as important as your happiness, their suffering is as important as your suffering.” Source: TheDodo.com
Airline Air
Recirculating Jet Air Linked to Illness
Smog Begone
California Aims Even Higher on Emission Controls
Eat Safer
Website Screens Packaging for Toxin Although food manufacturers have pledged to voluntarily eliminate bisphenol A (BPA)—an endocrine disruptor linked to developmental problems in fetuses, infants and children—in their packaging materials, it’s still found in the lining of many canned goods. Recent testing by an advocacy group found BPA in 70 percent of nearly 200 samples, including products from Campbell and Kroger, which have joined the pledge. “It’s in beer, coffee, tea, energy drinks and aerosol cans for whipped cream... it’s everywhere,” says Samara Geller, a database and research analyst with the Environmental Working Group (EWG). According to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, BPA is safe at the levels people are exposed to via canned foods, but many consumers would rather not take the risk. Consequently, EWG created a new tool to help consumers avoid the 16,000 products that may have BPA in their packaging. The numbers listed on package UPC codes can be compared against the database at Tinyurl.com/EWG-BPA-Lookup. “Our main goal was to get this out quickly to as many people as possible,” says Geller. “The UPC code is really your best defense to finding out what they’re talking about,” because product names can change. 16
natural awakenings
Westchester/Putnam/Dutchess NY Edition
California lawmakers have enacted a bill that aims to reduce the state’s greenhouse gas emissions to 40 percent below 1990 levels by 2030. It extends previous efforts such as the California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006 instituted to reduce emissions by 2020, along with another piece of legislation that vows to boost legislative oversight of climate change programs organized by the California Air Resources Board. Supporters say that emissions rules have created new jobs and led to billions of dollars of investment in California’s clean energy sector. Opponents argue that the strict targets have caused some job losses, particularly in oil manufacturing. The state, having the world’s eighth-largest economy, has further announced a goal of fighting climate change and improving air quality by putting 1.5 million zero-emission state cars on the road by 2025. Source: MSN.com
Aerotoxic syndrome is the medical term for the illness caused by exposure to contaminated air in jet aircraft, and it’s causing that ailment, plus the permanent disability and even death of airline employees and passengers. Whistleblowers have been met with ridicule and termination. The problem has been called the “asbestos of the airline industry” by critics. French scientist Jean-Cristophe Balouet, Ph.D., who discovered the syndrome in 1999, thinks it may have already affected 250,000 pilots, cabin crew and passengers worldwide. In 1963, aircraft moved from drawing fresh air into the cabin to “bleeding” part of it from the engines. The synthetic oil used by jets contains organophosphates used in pesticides and nerve gas, and was banned by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency for residential use in 2001 because of known toxicity. The byproducts of these carcinogenic organophosphates can also include aldehydes and carbon monoxide. Airplane seals wear out and there are no chemical sensors onboard aircraft to detect fumes— only noses to detect the “dirty sock” odor. The Aerotoxic Association continues to push for air quality detectors on all planes and the Cabin Air Quality Act sponsored by California Senator Dianne Feinstein. For more information, visit Aerotoxic.org. WakeUpNaturally.com
ecotip Bird Buffet
Feeding wild birds helps fuel them and provides viewing pleasure, yet a communal feeder may hold hidden risks, reports a recent study in Ecology Letters. In reviewing 20 published research papers on host/pathogen interactions in humanfed wild populations, researchers at the University of Georgia’s Odum School of Ecology, in Athens, found that intentional feeding changed their behavior and diet enough to foster potentially harmful growth of parasites and viruses. “Feeders can bring unexpected species and more birds together more frequently than normal, facilitating conditions for parasites and other contaminates,” says lead researcher Daniel Becker. Birds crowding into tight spaces to reach tasty morsels also makes it easier for pathogens like house finch eye disease and respiratory ailments to be passed among them. Maintain cleanliness. Stephen Kress, director of the National Audubon Society’s Project Puffin, advises that safe bird feeding includes completely scrubbing out feeders with a 10 percent non-chlorinated bleach solution at least a few times a year, and certainly between seasons. Be food-specific. While using bird seed mixtures to attract a wide range of species is cheaper, such food usually includes fillers like milo that most birds quickly pass through, making a mess under the feeder that can make birds sick. Kress suggests, “Buy specific seeds for specific feeders—like cracked corn and millet in one and only sunflowers in another. This decreases interactions between species that eat the different seeds and dramatically cuts waste.” Creative option. Try some peanut butter and other healthful ingredients, suggests Julie Craves, supervisor of avian research at the Rogue River Bird Observatory at the University of Michigan-Dearborn, in a recent edition of BirdWatching magazine. “It’s high in fat, protein and calories.” Avoid nut butter made with the artificial sweetener xylitol, as it can kill birds. She recommends mixing one part organic peanut butter with four or five parts plain, non-GMO (genetically modified) cornmeal and add oats and raisins. Plain or chunky works. “The dough can then be shaped into portions that will fit in suet feeders or logs, or just placed in feeding trays.”
Making Feeders Safe for Wild Birds
2017 Natural Living Directory
Create Your Own Wellness Dream Team Take Your Health to the Next Level
Find the Ideal Local Wellness Professionals for Your Healing Journey
Kurt Beil, ND, LAc, MPH
Bambini Pediatrics
Hudson Valley Natural Health @ the Center for Health and Healing 4 Smith Ave, 2nd Fl., Mount Kisco, NY 914.362.8315 • DrKurt@earthlink.net • HudsonValleyNaturalHealth.com
207 Washington St., Ste. 103 Poughkeepsie, NY 845.249.2510 • MS@Bambini-Peds.com Bambini-Peds.com
ambini (meaning “children” in Italian) offers families the resources of a typical pediatric office—checkups, urgent visits and prescriptions with expanded hours—but they try to go a little further by recommending options such as herbs and homeopathic remedies, as circumstances and interest suggest. Services offered: Integrative pediatric care. Areas of specialty: Lyme disease, ADHD, PANDAS, children on the autistic spectrum. Philosophical approach: The medical staff at Bambini Pediatrics say that the integration of traditional/allopathic pediatric care with complementary/holistic options puts Bambini Pediatrics on the cutting edge of a growing trend, and may give children a better chance of coping with the health challenges of the 21st century. 18
natural awakenings
r. Kurt Beil uses a holistic, integrative approach to increase health and address illness. He merges the science of modern health care with the art of traditional healing to naturally optimize health and well-being. Services offered: Naturopathic and Chinese Medicine, including botanicals, nutrition, homeopathy, mind-body medicine, ecotherapy, acupuncture, Moxa, cupping, qigong, stress reduction. Areas of specialty: Acute infections, allergies, anxiety, autoimmune disorders, chronic disease, depression, digestive complaints, endocrine/ hormone imbalance, environmental toxicity, fatigue, headaches, heart disease, high blood pressure, immune support, inflammation management, insomnia, musculoskeletal pain, men’s health, obesity, stress, tobacco dependence. Philosophical approach: “There is an inherent healing force within each person that needs to be supported,” Beil says. “When the barriers to health and root causes of illness are addressed, optimal health and wellness can flourish.” See ad, page 54.
Westchester/Putnam/Dutchess NY Edition
Deirdre Breen, The Dosha Coach
Katonah, NY 914.486.6480 • SerenityBreathXO@gmail.com • DeirdreBreen.info
osha coaching is an integrated approach to wellness that combines the twin sciences of Ayurveda and yoga with the modern science of lifestyle medicine. “Individuals regain and maintain health by learning to balance their constitutional nature with their lifestyle,” says “the Dosha Coach,” Deirdre Breen. Services offered: Dosha coaching includes personalized health planning, yoga, meditation, pranayama, and nutritional and seasonal guidelines and practices with a Duke-certified integrated health coach. Areas of specialty: Dosha coaching addresses chronic illnesses associated with kapha, pitta and vata imbalances. Philosophical approach: “Balance is a dynamic condition that demands selfawareness and physical, mental and spiritual resilience to maintain,” Breen says. “The coaching process cultivates balance in the elements of life that are reflected in the causal energy centers known as chakras, and influence all aspects of well-being.”
Center for Aligned Healing
Bernadette Bloom, Medical Intuitive Teacher, Facilitator, PT 175 King St., Chappaqua, NY 914.861.2105 • 239.289.3744 (c) CenterForAlignedHealing.com • TheEsotericBloom.com
enter for Aligned Healing is a soulbased group of practitioners offering bioenergy medicine for body, mind and spirit. It offers classes, private appointments and wellness programs. Services offered: Energy medicine, energetic osteopathy, children’s programs, meditation services, massage, holistic classes on self-healing and others. National and international long-distance sessions.
Areas of specialty: Stress management; post-traumatic stress; cancer; anxiety; children’s, women’s and men’s health; chronic pain; diabetes; chronic illness; fertility; migraines; autism; seizures; fibromyalgia. Philosophical approach: “We ask for the highest and best good to happen for our clients at all times, and we bring that vibration through the mental, emotional and physical bodies to create peace, harmony and bliss,” says owner Bernadette Bloom. See ad, page 55.
The Center for Health and Healing
Holistic Health and Learning Center 4 Smith Ave., 2nd floor, Mount Kisco, NY 914.864.0462 • Center4Healing.net
he Center for Health and Healing is a family-owned, boutique-style holistic health and learning center. Its mission is to integrate ancient healing with modern medicine, shifting the approach from symptom management to healing. It offers a multidisciplinary team of skilled professionals trained to work with the whole being, the interconnected states of the mental, emotional, physical and energy systems. Services offered: Bodywork: acupuncture, body massage, positional release therapy, craniosacral therapy. Natural medicine: naturopathic medicine, Chinese herbs, classical homeopathy. Mental/emotional services: addiction therapy, CBT, couples counseling, EMDR, empowerment coaching, psychotherapy, spiritual counseling, hypnotherapy, health coaching, mindfulness meditation. Energy system services: Reiki energy healing, shamanic healing, intuitive counseling. Holistic learning: community healing circles, classes, workshops, retreats and professional trainings with international authors and speakers. Areas of specialty: Holistic health, workshops, retreats and professional trainings. Philosophical approach: “Like our ancestors and indigenous cultures, we believe in the human’s innate power to heal naturally,” says the center’s owner and cofounder, Melanie Ryan. “People heal when they are educated about health, connected to trust and faith in their abilities to heal, and provided personalized support and care.” See ad, page 21.
2017 Natural Living Directory
David Connell, DC
15 Davis Ave., Poughkeepsie, NY 777 Ulster Ave., Kingston, NY 845.485.8582 • 845.338.3320 • DrConnell1986@gmail.com • DrDConnell.com
D Nina Chaifetz, LCSW, CHHC
Psychotherapy & Wellness Counseling White Plains, NY • NYC 917.553.0091 • info@ninachaifetz.com NinaChaifetz.com
ommitted to helping people find greater happiness, balance and fulfillment, Nina Chaifetz works with adults who are in crisis or life transitions or who are seeking personal growth. She offers support and guidance to help create positive change and improve their quality of life. “I work holistically, treating each client as a whole person, working with the emotions, mind, body and spirit,” she says. Services offered: Tailored sessions using insight-oriented psychotherapy, Gestalt psychotherapy, art therapy, mindfulness techniques and nutrition and lifestyle coaching. Areas of specialty: Anxiety, relationships, depression, self-esteem, body image, parenting, loss, career changes, health challenges, life transitions, identity and purpose, spirituality, women’s issues. Philosophical approach: “I believe that people have the inherent ability to transform their lives, especially with positive support and guidance,” Chaifetz says. “I create collaborative relationships that focus on strengths and awareness in order to shift thoughts, feelings and actions.”
r. David Connell uses homeopathic and whole-food supplements in giving relief to people suffering from Lyme disease, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, digestive disorders, candida, stress, lack of energy and severe fatigue, as well as many chronic illnesses that have not responded to conventional medicine. Services offered: Nutrition Response Testing, homeopathy, chiropractic, muscle therapy. Areas of specialty: Lyme disease, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, stress, nutritional support and advice, food allergy testing, chronic illnesses, chronic headaches, back pain, muscle spasms. Philosophical approach: “Most people are living an unhealthy, stressful life due to lack of energy,” Connell says. “This is often due to conditions that are not diagnosable with traditional tests. Examining people with the use of homeopathic products and applied kinesiology reveals underlying problems.”
Cortlandt Wellness
Marianne Messina, DC / Ferdinand Esser, DC 2241 Crompond Rd., Cortlandt Manor, NY 914.930.8800 • MMessinaDC@gmail.com • CortlandtWellness.com
t Cortlandt Wellness, we strive to make a connection with each patient,” says Dr. Marianne Messina, a chiropractor and wellness practitioner. “We create a working plan to optimize musculoskeletal health as well as overall wellness, integrating various chiropractic techniques, many of which are low- to non-force, as well as craniosacral therapy, nutrition and functional medicine.” Services offered: Chiropractic evaluation and treatment (adjustments), orthotic evaluation and casting, craniosacral therapy, nutritional evaluation and coaching, detoxification and anti-inflammatory dietary approaches, therapeutic massage (licensed massage therapist).
Areas of specialty: Postural asymmetries associated with acute or chronic pain, headaches, immune support, work-life balance (stress-related issues that manifest in the body). Philosophical approach: “The Cortlandt Wellness philosophy of healing is marked by the body being self-regulating,” Messina says. “Chiropractic and other natural means act as a conduit or vessel of healing from above, down and inside out.”
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Westchester/Putnam/Dutchess NY Edition
Leigh Damkohler, DC, PC Sports Chiropractor & Licensed Massage Therapist Yonkers/Scarsdale border 914.523.7947 Leigh.Damkohler@gmail.com Chiropractor-WestchesterNY.com
ur patients benefit from receiving individualized care from Westchester’s only dually licensed practicing sports chiropractor and massage therapist,” says Dr. Leigh Damkohler. “For 20 years I have been helping people move, perform and feel better.” Services offered: Chiropractic adjustments; therapeutic massage (medical, sports, deep-tissue, relaxation); Graston Technique; craniosacral therapy; postural corrections; therapeutic exercise; nutrition. Areas of specialty: Sports injuries; strains/sprains; disc herniations; back, neck, arm, leg and foot pain or numbness; carpal tunnel syndrome; thoracic outlet syndrome; tennis or golf elbow; sciatica. Philosophical approach: “Each person heals at their body’s own pace,” Damkohler says. “How we move, what we put into and onto our bodies, our emotions—all those factors affect healing.”
2017 Natural Living Directory
Alan M. Dattner, MD
Integrative Medicine and Dermatology 17 Rodman Oval, New Rochelle, NY 914.637.0908 HolisticDermatology.com r. Alan Dattner sees skin conditions as symptoms of a deeper imbalance and treats them naturally by addressing the underlying digestive and inflammatory issues to create optimum health. “By rebalancing the function of the body, my patients experience so many positive side effects, including improved overall mood, metabolism and vitality,” he says. Services offered: Board-certified dermatology, organic skin-care treatments, biochemical nutrition, herbal medicine, functional medicine, neuromuscular therapy, applied kinesiology, Ayurveda, anti-aging medicine, skin surgery, Asyra analysis, Scenar treatments, craniosacral adjustments. Areas of specialty: Chronic and challenging skin diseases; all conditions of skin, hair and nails; acne; eczema; seborrhea; psoriasis; rosacea; pityriasis; contact dermatitis: digestive and metabolic issues; environmental sensitivities; food allergies; candida; chronic fatigue; Epstein-Barr virus; cytomegalovirus; lymphomatoid papulosis; aging; hidradenitis; alopecia; hair loss; perioral dermatitis. Philosophical approach: “We help people from around the world who have not found natural, drug-free solutions to their skin and other inflammatory disorders,” Dattner says. “We treat you as unique and whole, peeling back the layers of disease so that your essence re-emerges, your beauty shines through and you feel great again.” See ad, page 53.
natural awakenings
Lawrence Edwards, PhD, BCN, LMHC, Founder & Director
OPTIMAL MIND® and the Anam Cara Meditation Foundation 2 Byram Brook Pl. Ste. 2, Armonk, NY 914.219.8600 • info@optimalmind.net • OptimalMind.net • TheSoulsJourney.com
r. Lawrence Edwards offers therapies designed to empower people to live the lives they are truly capable of living. “You can free your mind and body of patterns of dysregulation and reactivity that lead to stress, pain and suffering,” he says. Edwards is a licensed psychotherapist, board-certified neurofeedback provider and master meditation teacher. Services offered: Psychotherapy, neurofeedback, biofeedback, meditation, mindfulness, peak performance training, Jungian dreamwork, hypnotherapy, non-dual Buddhist/yogic teachings, spiritual counseling, Kundalini awakening and spiritual emergence guidance. Areas of specialty: Personal and spiritual growth, stress, anxiety, depression, migraines, chronic pain, hypertension, insomnia, focusing, ADHD, death and dying, trauma, addictions and emotional eating. Philosophy of healing: Edwards’ trademarked motto is “Transform your mind, transform your life.” “Everything we experience is shaped by the state of our mind-body,” he says. “You can empower your optimal mind through advanced technologies like neurofeedback and ancient methods like meditation, dream work and spiritual awakening to heal and expand your capabilities to realize your full potential.”
Jason Elias, LAc, DiplOM
Integral Health Associates New Paltz, NY / Croton on Hudson, NY / NYC 845.255.2255 • 914.271.2966 • FiveElementHealing.net ocally, Jason Elias has been in private practice as an acupuncturist and herbal medical practitioner for more than three decades. People are also familiar with him through his four books and his Integral Health Apothecary line of herbal formulations.
Services offered: Acupuncture and herbalism informed by Elias’s certification and experience in psychology, the Alexander Technique and medical massage therapy. Areas of specialty: Lyme disease, women’s health, autoimmune disease, depression and anxiety, fertility and immune support. Philosophical approach: “My new book, Kissing Joy as It Flies, reflects my healing journey across the globe to study healing modalities and study with many master teachers,” Elias says. “What I brought home was the integration of these various modalities to support the whole person—body, mind and spirit—to help them connect to their true potential.” Westchester/Putnam/Dutchess NY Edition
Dr. Aileen B. Epstein Family Chiropractor
2025 Crompond Rd., Yorktown Heights, NY 914.302.2760 (o) • 917.693.8990 (c) draileenepstein@optimum.net YorktownChiropractor.com
ur mission is to provide a warm, caring, un-rushed environment that empowers the individual by providing a combination of holistic services, such as chiropractic care, nutrition and exercise, that promote physical, nutritional and emotional well-being,” says Dr. Aileen Epstein. Services offered: Gentle chiropractic care; extremity adjustments (arms, legs, hands, feet); posture/foot balance analysis (orthotics); soft-tissue therapy; strengthening/stabilizing exercises; nutrition/supplementation; overall wellness. Areas of specialty: Prescriptionfree pain relief from all musculoskeletal conditions (pain affecting the back, neck, joints, hand/wrist, foot, shoulder, etc.); headaches; posture; exercise; weight loss; senior and pediatric care.
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Philosophical approach: “Chiropractic offers a safe, natural, drug-free approach that gets to the root of your problem,” Epstein says. “I am here to help you get out of pain fast and explore a new level of health, wellness and function.”
2017 Natural Living Directory
Expert Body Wellness
Natural Awakenings'
Michelle Vitner, LMT, LPN Putnam, Westchester & Dutchess PutnamHealingArtsMassage.com 914.672.1916 or 914.873.1376
Integrity Chiropractic Dr. Jodi Kennedy, DC 11 Miller Rd, 845.628.7233 LiveBetterNaturally.info
CROSS RIVER Stern Wellness Center Where wellness awaits! 20 North Salem Rd, SternWellnessCenter.com 914.763.8000
LARCHMONT Optimal Health Chiropractic Dr. Seth Pearl, DC 2179 Boston Post Rd 914.777.3200; drsethpearl.com
YONKERS Leigh Damkohler, CCSP, LMT Neuromuscular/ Massage Therapy Scarsdale area, off Central Ave 914.523.7947 ChirossageDOC@gmail.com
Mitchell C. Schulman, PhD, LMT Licensed Massage Therapist Kailo Center For The Healing Arts 845.440.7013; kailocenter.com
MAMARONECK Susan Adler, LMT Massage Therapy with a Nurturing Touch Studios in Riverdale & Mamaroneck on-site visits in Westchester, Bronx, Manhattan 914.320.4063; SusanAdlerLMT.com
Bon Accord Massage Linda May Thomas, MA, LMT 43 Locust Ave 914.960.8808; BonAccordMassage.com
CRANIOSACRAL THERAPY WHITE PLAINS Well On The Way, LLC Elizabeth Pasquale, LMT, CST 914.762.4693; wellontheway.com White Plains & Ossining
Massage Envy Spa 158 South Ridge St, Rye Ridge South Shopping Center 914.417.6940; MassageEnvy.com
SCARSDALE Massage Envy Spa-Scarsdale 777 White Plains Rd (Rt 22) Shoppes@Eastchester 914.902.9200; MassageEnvy.com
WellSpring Holistic Health Center 1415 Boston Post Rd 914.341.1246 wellspringhhc@aol.com
Massage Envy Spa 365 Central Park Ave Near California Pizza Kitchen MassageEnvy.com 914.422.3689
Donna Costa, LMT House calls or Office in Yonkers coyoteqn@aol.com; 914.907.4485 DreamDancerHealingMassage.com
Finger Lakes School of Massage 272 N. Bedford Rd 914.241.7363; flsm.com
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Old Post Physical Therapy 43 Old Post Rd South 914.271.2426; oldpostpt.com
Liz Ingalls, Physiotherapist, Exercise Physiologist, Certified Craniosacral Therapist 1392 Albany Post Rd., Ste. 1B-3 Croton on Hudson, NY 914.261.1060 • Liz@ExpertBodyWellness.com ExpertBodyWellness.com y mission is to optimize your well-being,” says Liz Ingalls, owner of Expert Body Wellness. “My craniosacral therapy sessions combine the most innovative complementary and alternative manipulative mind-body techniques and Pilates reformer exercise to promote strength and balance in all your body systems, prevent pain and help you achieve lifelong wellness.” Services offered: Orthopedic and osteopathic manipulation, neural mobilization, myofascial release, craniosacral therapy, organ manipulation, energy medicine, manual thermal diagnosis, emotional integration/release, lymphatic drainage, pediatrics, massage, joint manipulation, zero balancing, Pilates reformer training, ergonomics, more. Areas of specialty: Neck/back/shoulder/hip/knee/foot pain, muscle strain, migraines/headaches, arthritis, pelvic pain syndromes, chronic pain, Lyme disease, fibromyalgia, lymphedema, ADHD, sensory dysfunction, more. Philosophical approach: “My clients’ health is my highest priority,” Ingalls says. “They’ll get back to enjoying their lives and learn habits to maintain lifelong wellness with my whole-body approach, flexible scheduling and consistent care. Come see me and your body will thank you!”
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Westchester/Putnam/Dutchess NY Edition
Flowing Rivers Acupuncture
Pam Todd Battle LAc, DiplOM (NCCAOM) 603 Warburton Ave. #3, Hastings on Hudson, NY 914.572.1559 • flowingrivers@optonline.net FlowingRivers.net t Flowing Rivers Acupuncture, Pam Todd Battle offers relief, comfort, balance and overall well-being with Oriental Medicine. She personalizes her treatment approach to the concerns of the individual patient by establishing a foundation of trust, listening to and collaborating with him or her. Most insurance plans qualified for acupuncture treatment are accepted. Call for a free 20-minute consultation. Services offered: Oriental Medicine (acupuncture and Chinese herbal formulas), functional medicine assessment, stress reduction, cupping, auricular therapy, detox and dietary support. Areas of specialty: Headaches and body pain (back, shoulder, knee, elbow, etc.); reactions to stress, such as anxiety, depression and insomnia; women’s health concerns, such as painful or irregular periods, infertility and menopausal symptoms; other chronic health issues including addiction and digestive, sinus, respiratory and skin complaints. “In addition to treating these complaints, acupuncture provides a relaxing, restorative and refreshing time-out from daily routine and stress,” Battle says. Philosophical approach: Acupuncture’s effects have been compared to rebooting a computer, Battle says. “Acupuncture advances comfort and healing by tapping the body’s own internal ‘pharmacy’ to rebalance the action of neurotransmitters, endorphins and other biochemical agents to promote better blood flow, a reduction in pain and stress, hormonal balance, improved immunity and metabolism and more.”
Claudia Gukeisen, MA, AHC
Certified Ayurvedic Health & Nutrition Counselor Center for Health & Healing 4 Smith Ave., Mt. Kisco, NY Izlind Integrative Wellness Center & Institute 6369 Mill St., Suite 101, Rhinebeck, NY 914.673.3313 • claudiagukeisen@aol.com Center4Healing.net • Izlind.com
am committed to teaching clients how the ancient science of Ayurveda applies beautifully and easily in our busy modern world,” says Claudia Gukeisen. “Gentle and simple shifts can create deep healing and permanent changes.” In addition to being a certified Ayurvedic health and nutrition counselor, Gukeisen is an Ayurvedic culinary educator and a practitioner of Reiki and Divine Sleep yoga nidra. Services offered: Ayurvedic health counseling sessions plus follow-ups; Ayurveda Immersion package; safe, simple seasonal cleanses; Ayurveda workshops and daylong retreats; Divine Sleep yoga nidra classes; private Reiki sessions with yoga nidra; MBSR mindfulness sessions for ages 6 through 18. Areas of specialty: General health and well-being, stress, low energy/fatigue, sleep issues/insomnia, chronic pain, digestive problems, autoimmune issues, migraines. Philosophical approach: “We are connected to the rhythms of nature on a daily, seasonal and stage-of-life basis,” Gukeisen says. “Applying this to food and exercise choices, stress management, sleep and relationships helps create lasting change and healing.”
2017 Natural Living Directory
Holistic Wellness Alternatives
Dan Court, CN, CBCP, CECP, CTFTP, Qigong Healer 2013 Crompond Rd., Yorktown Heights, NY 914.962.1155 • info@hwahealthy.com • HWAHealthy.com
linical nutritionist Dan Court specializes in identifying the underlying root cause of obstacles to good health. “Our methods include the use of high-quality, whole-food nutritional supplements, herbal complexes and customized holistic modalities, thus enabling the body to heal naturally from within,” he says.
Services offered: Family wellness and preventive care, clinical nutrition, detoxification and weight management, allergy elimination, sports nutrition, emotional balancing using the Emotion Code, energetic balancing using the Body Code and qigong, Tuning Fork Therapy, EMF protection, distance sessions, thermography. Areas of specialty: Effective, natural solutions for autoimmune conditions, asthma, autism, ADHD, allergies, chronic fatigue, depression, sleep disorders, thyroid problems, hormonal imbalances, headaches, migraines, chronic pain, digestive disorders, infertility, skin disorders, weight management and more. Philosophical approach: “Balance is the key,” Court says. “The whole body must be balanced nutritionally, energetically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually in order to attain optimal health and wellness. Holistic Wellness Alternatives specializes in finding that perfect balance for each individual and then guiding them to unprecedented new levels of wellness and vitality.” See ad, page 17.
Lorraine Hughes, Registered Herbalist (AHG)
Empowered By Nature 1129 Main St., 2nd Floor, Fishkill, NY 845.416.4598 • lorrainehughes54@gmail.com • EmpoweredByNature.net
s the sole proprietor of Empowered By Nature, Lorraine Hughes practices planetary herbalism, offering several wellness modalities at her private office on Main Street in Fishkill. Office hours are by appointment only. Services offered: Wellness consultations (a full clinical intake and interview in order to assess energetic imbalances and provide a protocol unique to each individual); reflexology sessions (a therapeutic hour of rest and relaxation); Reiki; qigong; and aromatherapy. Areas of specialty: Preventive health approaches, aging well, gastrointestinal issues, chronic fatigue, insomnia, fertility, weight loss, adrenal insufficiency, low energy, blood-sugar regulation, support for cancer survivors, pre- and post-surgical support, autoimmune issues, stress, PTSD. Philosophical approach: “I firmly believe that by supporting our life force by giving our bodies the appropriate nourishment—foods, herbs, self-love, movement and compassion—that suits our individual constitutional profile, vital health can be attained,” Hughes says.
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Westchester/Putnam/Dutchess NY Edition
natural awakenings'
Conscious Parenting Guide SUPPORT GROUPS
Parents Use Complementary Health Care for Kids
Africa Studio/Shutterstock.com
he 2012 National Health Interview Survey, published in 2015, included a survey on the use of complementary medicine practices. Nearly 45,000 Americans were questioned, including more than 10,000 children between the ages of 4 and 17. The survey found that nearly 12 percent of children had used complementary medicine, either in a practice or product, during the year studied. The most common form of alternative medicine among children was natural supplements, such as fish oil, probiotics and melatonin. Chiropractic care and yoga were also popular choices. Researchers found that parents sought complementary approaches most often for children due to back or neck pain, musculoskeletal conditions, colds, anxiety, attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder or insomnia.
Holistic Moms Network Westchester County Chapter Shira Adler & Deb Fontana, Chapter Leaders FB: HMNWestchester / The1ShiraAdler Monthly Meetings (in Rye) & Special Events (in Katonah) Shira@ShiraAdler.com DebFontana@optonline.net HolisticMoms.org
Hudson Valley Birth Network
30 Tomahawk St., Mahopac 845.494.8118; PutnamYoga.com
AROMATHERAPY CBD Aromatherapy Synergy Sprays™
CBD + EOs = healthy kids & planet Shira@t3cSynergy.com 888.392.5242; t3cSynergy.com
453 White Plains Rd. #201 Eastchester, NY; 914.793.2600 TheTemperanceCenter.com
495 Central Park Ave., Ste. 301, Scarsdale 914.874.1177; DrSlotnick.com
CLASSES Clay Art Center
40 Beech St. Port Chester 914.937.2047; ClayArtCenter.org
CHILD PSYCHOLOGIST Dr. Kristy Vancore, PSY.D. 334 Underhill Ave. Building 3 Yorktown Heights, NY 914.497.8006: kmvgroup.org
CONSCIOUS PARENT COACHING Hygeia Integrated Health LLC 3505 Hill Blvd Suite K, Yorktown Heights; 914.352.6116 Hyinhealth@gmail.com
FAMILY THERAPY Hygeia Integrated Health LLC 3505 Hill Blvd Suite K, Yorktown Heights; 914.352.6116 Hyinhealth@gmail.com
Shira Adler, CPLR, MFA Spiritual Counselor & Cert. PLR Indigos/Crystals & their families ShiraAdler.com; 914.861.5186
11.13 East Main St., Mount Kisco, NY 2nd FL 914.241.YOGA; QuestYogaArts.com
Zen Garden Health
Coaching & Yoga Edit J Babboni, 200.RYT 61 Lakeview Dr., Yorktown Hts. 917.721.2529; ZenGardenYoga.net
Whole Health Fertility Heather Novak, M.S., WHE 914.420.3674 WholeHealthFertility.com
YOGA THERAPY/ SPECIAL NEEDS Vitalah Simon, M.Ed., BC-DMT, RYT-500, LCAT 7-11 Legion Drive , Valhalla, NY YogaShine.com, 914.769.8745
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2017 Natural Living Directory
Integrated Nutrition of Mount Kisco, LLC
Integrity Chiropractic
Michael Wald, MD, DC, PhD, Director of Longevity 86 Smith Ave., Mount Kisco, NY 914.242.8844 • info@integratednutritionny.com integratedNutritionNY.com • BloodDetective.com
ntegrated Nutrition of Mount Kisco is the home of Dr. Michael Wald, “the Blood Detective,” who is also a double board-certified nutritionist. He provides personalized lifestyle and nutritional advice focused on the individual patient. Author of 10 books, including Frankenfoods and The Anti-Aging Encyclopedia, Wald also hosts Ask The Blood Detective Saturdays on PRNFM.com. He works as, and in partnership with, a health coach, as well as with Mark Leder, DC, a nutritionist who provides non-force chiropractic, and Sunny Seward, a certified clinical nutritionist. The center offers hyperbaric therapy, transdermal nutrition (bypassing the gut) and Wald’s original Blood Detective Technology for interpreting blood work and other tests. Services offered: Nutrition, laboratory, hyperbaric (ambient air) therapy, transdermal nutrition, non-force chiropractic, ultraviolet light, low-temperature sauna and more. Areas of specialty: Cardiovascular disease, diabetes, overweight/obesity, intestinal issues, neurologic problems, musculoskeletal issues, hormonal issues, toxicity, headaches, skin problems, cancer, malabsorption syndromes. Philosophical approach: “You are unique,” Wald says. “Healing is a process, and with a focused, natural approach, most health issues can respond. Personalizing natural therapies is the key to improving one’s current health, maintaining health and managing disease—with the help of my team of natural healers.” See ad, page 4.
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Jodi Kennedy, DC, PAK, Owner 11 Miller Rd., Mahopac, NY 845.628.7233 • dr.jodikennedy@gmail.com LiveBetterNaturally.info
r. Jodi Kennedy, a chiropractor and applied kinesiologist, says she’s committed to helping her patients restore and maintain a healthy, active, pain-free lifestyle naturally. “I combine the best of Eastern and Western medicine to address your health needs,” she says. “I practice a holistic approach that looks beyond the spine and chiropractic adjustment to get my patients well. My natural solution for pain is both unique and effective—a total-body approach that is customized to effectively treat each person’s specific problem.” Services offered: Applied kinesiology; chiropractic adjustments (with safe, low-force alternatives for the young, pregnant, elderly and post-surgical patient); Nutritional Response Testing; craniosacral therapy; acupressure; massage; reflexology; physical therapy; home exercise instructions on selfmassage, acupressure and joint mobilization techniques. Areas of specialty: Back and neck injuries, disc herniations, sciatica, migraines, TMJ, scoliosis, tendonitis/bursitis, rotator cuff injuries, carpal tunnel syndrome, plantar fasciitis, respiratory complaints, digestive complaints, allergies, migraines, menopause, chronic fatigue. Philosophical approach: “We believe in the ‘triad of health,’” Kennedy says. “If you give the body the nutritional building blocks it needs to heal and remove the chemical, emotional and structural roadblocks to healing, then you can effectively restore and maintain a state of health and well-being.” See ad, page 42.
Westchester/Putnam/Dutchess NY Edition
Thelma Jones, MD, Fellow, ACP; Fellow, AIM; Fellow, FNCCH APA (Hypnosis, Psychotherapy)
Options For Wellness 397 Grand Blvd., Scarsdale, NY 914.713.0789 • docthel@gmail.com • OptionsForWellness.com
t Options For Wellness, Dr. Thelma Jones practices integrative medicine, oncology and hematology, combining 36-plus years of experience (48 years in practice) with complementary and holistic healing approaches, including nutritional counseling and energy psychology for physical and emotional issues.
Services offered: Medical and nutritional counseling; energy psychology (EFT), hypnosis and brief psychotherapy; stress management; Bemer therapy to enhance the body’s oxygen supply and strengthen cardiac function, concentration, mental acuity, strength and energy; stress reduction; relaxation; sleep management. Areas of specialty: Cancer, autoimmune disease, thyroid dysfunction, heart disease, diabetes, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, stress and mental/emotional health, depression, anxiety, brain injuries, trauma (PTSD), aging, women’s health, irritable bowel syndrome, gut health, chronic illness, immune dysfunction and primary prevention. Philosophical approach: “Patients should have an individual, personalized program to improve their well-being; the right to be treated as a person, not just a test result; and encouraged to play an active role in their wellness,” Jones says.
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Dr. Kaushik’s Ayurvedic and Naturopathic Clinic
Dr. Somesh Kaushik, ND, BAMS, MPH, E-RYT 500 Ayurvedic and Naturopathic Physician Yellow Monkey Village, 792 Rte. 35, Cross River, NY 914.875.9088 (o) • 646.670.6725 (c) drkaushik@drkaushik.com • DrKaushik.com
r. Kaushik’s Ayurvedic and Naturopathic Clinic is a practice that combines the ancient art of Ayurvedic healing with the modern science-based principles of naturopathy to create a holistic path to wellness. “We treat the whole body, not just the disease,” Kaushik says. The clinic is open Monday through Wednesday. Services offered: Panchakarma therapy, hydrotherapy, vitamins, herbal supplements, homeopathy, diet and nutritional counseling, lifestyle management, emotional well-being, detoxification, food sensitivity, parasite elimination, heavy metal detox, therapeutic yoga, anti-aging programs, pediatrics, pain management, women’s health. Areas of specialty: ADD/ADHD, addictions, allergies, arthritis, asthma, blood pressure, breathing/lung issues, cholesterol, chronic fatigue, colds, cough, flu, depression/anxiety, diabetes, digestion/intestinal problems, eating disorders, fibromyalgia, headaches/migraines, heart conditions/diseases, HIV/AIDS, immune disorders, infertility, kidney problems, sexual dysfunction, skin problems, sleep/insomnia, smoking, stress, urology, weight management, yeast/fungus. Philosophical approach: “Healing takes place when the body is brought back into balance,” Kaushik says. “A body out of balance promotes disease. Bringing the body back into balance includes an individual, customized plan of diet, supplements and lifestyle changes.” See ad, page 11.
2017 Natural Living Directory
David L. Lerner, DDS
The Center for Holistic Dentistry 2649 Strang Blvd., Ste. 201, Yorktown Heights, NY 914.214.9678 • HolisticDentist.com
Kelly J. Keesey, MPT, CSCS, cert. MDT, YT
Old Post Physical Therapy 43 Old Post Rd. S., Croton-on-Hudson, NY 914.271.2426 • oldpostpt@icloud.com OldPostPT.com
ld Post Physical Therapy is a unique, results-focused clinic,” says Kelly Keesey, one of two physical therapists on staff. “We offer private, one-on-one sessions customized to each client, incorporating various manual therapy techniques designed to reduce pain and restore function.” Services offered: A diverse range of wellness services including private, one-on-one physical therapy, personal training, yoga and manual therapy techniques such as joint, soft-tissue and spinal mobilization, myofascial release, craniosacral therapy and visceral manipulation. Areas of specialty: Sports and orthopedic injuries, spine pain and dysfunction, headaches, scoliosis, chronic pain, women’s health issues, incontinence, nerve pain. Philosophical approach: “We provide the most benefit to our clients by allowing sufficient time for us to work with the client to complete the specific manual techniques and exercises that will eliminate pain and improve function,” Keesey says.
natural awakenings
rom offering mercury-free fillings to tackling the most complex dental problems, the team at the Center for Holistic Dentistry provides an innovative approach to the health care of the mouth, integrating the knowledge of natural healing with that of contemporary dental science and technology. The practice’s soothing amenities complement its approach to dentistry, says Dr. David Lerner. “We practice in a beautiful and spacious office environment designed to be relaxing and tranquil,” he says.
Services offered: Holistic/biological dentistry, cosmetic/bio-esthetic dentistry, dental implants and restoration. Areas of specialty: Complex dental problems, advanced TMJ care, sleep apnea, safe mercury removal, periodontal wellness. Philosophical approach: “Our philosophy is based on the natural laws that govern health and healing,” Lerner says. “When disease is present, it may be viewed as evidence of a disruption in our life force.” The Center for Holistic Dentistry, with 37 years of experience in biological dentistry, seeks to bridge the gap between modern dental technology and the ageless traditions of natural healing, he says. “This innovative approach to holistic dental care tends to the health of the mouth in relation to the whole person.” See ad page 3.
Fred Lisanti, ND
Attending Doctor at Integrative Med Solutions 281 White Plains Rd., Eastchester, NY 914.337.2980 • info@intmedsolutions.com • IntMedSolutions.com
ntegrative Med Solutions is an advanced natural medicine clinic focused on restoring health, vitality and wholeness to its patients. IMS provides modern health care customized for each patient based on a synthesis of ancient healing arts and cutting-edge natural medicine. “Central to our technique are acupuncture and naturopathic medicine,” says Dr. Fred Lisanti. “These proven systems are transforming health care with empirically tested treatments for a wide range of health conditions.” Services offered: Acupuncture, massage therapy, naturopathic medicine, nutritional counseling, clinical hypnosis, yoga. Areas of specialty: Pain management; stress management; anxiety/depression; general, acute and chronic concerns; infertility; weight loss; smoking cessation; allergies.
Westchester/Putnam/Dutchess NY Edition
Philosophical approach: “At IMS, we know you are unique and require tailor-made therapies,” Lisanti says. “We also know that the most valuable things we can offer you are time to listen to your concerns, compassion for the impact this issue has on your life, and expertise in designing a personalized plan for your condition. It’s through our deep commitment to understanding your unique set of health concerns that we create integrative solutions that are custom-fit, realistic and effective. Underneath it all, our work stems from a philosophy that heart-centered compassion is the source of all forms of healing. And we ensure that all our clients feel this gentle, nonjudgmental acceptance as soon as they enter our sacred space.” See ad, page 28.
Laurie R. Mallis, MD, LAc
SearchLight Medical 2424 Rte. 52 Ste. 1A, Hopewell Junction, NY 845.592.4310 • searchlightmed@optimum.net SearchLightMedical.com
fter more than 25 years in traditional Western medicine, Dr. Laurie R. Mallis formed SearchLight Medical to provide a better way to deliver care to her patients. “SearchLight Medical is a private practice that focuses on holistic healing to help my patients overcome acute and chronic medical conditions without relying on pharmaceutical treatments,” she says. “I work very closely with my patients to plan treatments that are individualized to help them achieve a better state of health. The energy treatments I utilize in my practice tap into the body’s natural ability to heal itself.” Services offered: Medical acupuncture, cupping, gua sha, AcuGraph Qi Analysis, ONDAMED Biofeedback Therapy, Mei Zen Cosmetic Acupuncture System for face and neck, Mei Zen abdominal acupuncture for fertility or weight loss, and Reiki. Areas of specialty: Acute and chronic medical conditions, neurological diseases, sports injuries, pain management, allergies, stress/anxiety disorders, depression, insomnia, women’s health issues, weight loss, fertility, facial rejuvenation. Philosophical approach: “I treat the entire patient—physical, mental, emotional and spiritual—as all these areas are interconnected and must be balanced in order for the body to achieve a healthy state,” Mallis says. “It is important not to focus only on the presenting symptoms, but to look for the root cause of any condition. When this is accomplished, the body is able to heal on a deeper and longer-lasting level.” See ad page 32. 2017 Natural Living Directory
NuSpecies Corporation
427 Main St., Beacon, NY 866.261.8886 • info@nuspecies.com • NuSpecies.com
Eileen O’Hare
Current Shamanism Practitioner and Teacher 845.831.5790 • xoeolovemore@gmail.com • EileenOHare.com
uSpecies Health Centers provide free health consultations and custom recommendations of its raw, organic, liquid, whole-food nutritional formulas. “We have integrated medical staff with our nutritional staff, all providing nutritional consultations,” says Aston Farquharson, president of NuSpecies Corporation and NuSpecies Foundation. “Our experienced NPs and RNs also provide counseling on medication, medical reports and diagnosis, as well as guidance to our clients’ medical practitioners. We work with our clients until they achieve their health goals.”
piritual healer Eileen O’Hare tracks places of pain that keep people trapped in selfdestructive, self-defeating patterns. “My process is ‘Reveal it, feel it, heal it,’” she says. “I help people find, face and free up energy stuck in wounds from the past. Together we rewire the brain for resiliency in response to whatever life brings.”
Services offered: Ongoing guidance and support from nutritionists and medical practitioners, powerful nutritional formulas, detoxifying and weight-loss programs.
Services offered: O’Hare offers “a safe and powerfully loving sacred space in which to heal the hurt.” Services include soul retrieval; power retrieval; transmissions from saints and angels, stars and ancestors; entity extraction; cleansing, clearing, balancing and illuminating the energetic field; traumatic stress release; recharging the meridian system. Her yearlong shamanic intensive, beginning every September, involves “teachings and transmissions (that) pull students out of cultural malaise and into a life worth living.”
Areas of specialty: More than 15 years’ experience supporting the health of clients with hypertension, diabetes, high cholesterol, cancer, autoimmune diseases, fibroids/cysts, menstrual problems, fertility, prostate enlargement, constipation, sickle cell, and many other health issues resulting from toxins, hormonal imbalance and insufficient nutrition.
Areas of specialty: Soul loss (“that ‘something’s missing’ feeling”); depression; confusion; anxiety; sexual dysfunction; chronic fatigue; family and financial issues; spiritual crises; sleep disturbances; relationship issues; self-loathing; low selfesteem; anger; feeling stuck; loss of vitality; freeing creative blocks.
Philosophical approach: “The body rebuilds itself using the nucleotides that compose genes,” Farquharson says. “Phytonutrients and chemicals existing in nature in their complete structures with enzymes furnish the tools for the body to rebuild or replenish damaged cells. Our formulas are designed to provide these tools. Our client health management services build the ongoing relationship to support the rebuilding process.” See ad page 8.
Philosophical approach: “Life is like a game of hide-andseek,” O’Hare says. “Things happen that frighten us, so we hide who we truly are as a well-learned defense, and that saps our vital energy. Healing is finding and reclaiming those lost or hidden parts, which empowers us, creating health and happiness.” See ad page 35.
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Westchester/Putnam/Dutchess NY Edition
Osteopathic Wellness Center, LLC
David Johnston, DO 158 Danbury Rd, Ste 8, Ridgefield, CT 203.438.9915 Info@OsteopathicWellness.net OsteopathicWellness.net
r. David Johnston provides gentle, intuitive, hands-on osteopathic and craniosacral treatment to release restrictions in fascia, muscles and joints and restore circulation and balance of the nervous system. He is board certified in neuromusculoskeletal medicine and osteopathic manipulative medicine, a diplomate of the American Board of Integrative Holistic Medicine and Nutrition, and an associate faculty member for the Sutherland Cranial Teaching Foundation and Osteopathic Cranial Academy. Services offered: Hands-on osteopathic and craniosacral treatment; detoxification, nutrition and specialized blood work; complementary wellness consultations for newborns, children and adults. Areas of specialty: Osteopathy is effective for inflammation and pain caused by any disease condition, concussions, birth trauma, sports injuries, stress/anxiety, headaches and fibromyalgia. Philosophical approach: Health and wellness is not just about the absence of disease and treating the patient’s symptoms. To experience true health and wholeness, a person must be empowered on their life journey to care for and nurture their body, mind and spirit.
Coming in our February Edition...
Conscious Dying plus: Children’s Dental Health Want to connect with our readers? Join us! Call 914.617.8750
2017 Natural Living Directory
Scarsdale Dental Spa & Wellness
700 White Plains Road, Ste. 20, Scarsdale, NY 914.260.9166 • info@scarsdaledentalspa.com • ScarsdaleDentalSpa.com
carsdale Dental Spa & Wellness offers dental care in a spa-like environment. The practice was designed to enable patients to experience dentistry in a whole new way, combining compassion with careful attention to any special needs.
Susanne Saltzman, MD 250 E. Hartsdale Ave. St. 22 Hartsdale, NY 914.472.0666 HartsdaleHomeopathy.com
Areas of specialty: Toothache; gum disease; missing, loose or broken teeth; cavities; abscesses. TMJ, crooked teeth, snoring.
r. Susanne Saltzman has 24 years of clinical family practice experience treating acute and chronic illness in children and adults. “My emphasis is on homeopathic and functional medicine to decrease dependency on pharmaceutical drugs,” she says. Saltzman has successfully treated thousands of patients for a wide variety of diseases and conditions. Services offered: Classical homeopathy and functional medicine. Areas of specialty: ADD and ADHD; autism; allergies; anxiety disorders; asthma; depression; diabetes; migraines; chronic fatigue syndrome; fibromyalgia; Crohn’s disease; ulcerative colitis; high cholesterol; interstitial cystitis; Lyme disease; menopause; polycystic ovarian disease; multiple sclerosis; premenstrual syndrome (PMS); thyroid disorders; autoimmune disorders such as lupus, rheumatoid arthritis and scleroderma; weight loss. Philosophical approach: “The human body is innately brilliant,” Saltzman says. “We all have the capacity to heal. Functional and homeopathic medicine provide that catalyst by treating the whole person and recognizing that someone’s mental and emotional states are just as important as the physical symptoms in facilitating the healing process.” See ad page 13.
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Services offered: General and cosmetic dentistry, 24-hour emergency dentistry, implants, pediatric dentistry, endodontistry, periodontistry and orthodontistry, as well as energy medicine such as Reiki and the BEMER.
Philosophy of healing: “We believe that supporting the whole patient is essential to overall health. Our unique approach to dental health begins with patient wellness and prevention first, in a comfortable, spa-like setting.” See ad page 29.
Tina Sferra, MSPT
Elite Performance Physical Therapy of Westchester PC Manual PT Practice & Pilates Studio 41 Main St. @ Katonah Yoga, Bedford Hills, NY 917.476.2164 • eliteperformancept@gmail.com • ElitePTandPilates.com
s an integrative MSPT/Pilates instructor, Tina Sferra uses a functional manual, hands-on approach to source problems and create effective solutions. “To treat locally,” she says, “one must look globally to the weakest links in the human kinetic chain and reengineer the body with a highly filtered lens.”
Services offered: Physical therapy: one patient, one therapist, one hour; dance medicine PT; sports medicine PT; functional manual therapy; general orthopedics; Pilates privates: Reformer, Tower, Chair, Physioball and Tye4 apparatus; Pilates mat class; Pilates w/a PT (accessible to all levels). Areas of specialty: Neck, back, spine, SI joint pain, spondylolisthesis, hips, knees, shoulders, dance medicine PT and more. Philosophical approach: “You are only as strong as the weakest link in the chain,” Sferra says. “A hands-on approach reduces musculoskeletal restrictions, allowing for a neuromuscular reeducation of a new, precise skeletal alignment to educate efficient movement patterns by making deeper connections in the core.”
Westchester/Putnam/Dutchess NY Edition
Samantha Slotnick, OD, FAAO, FCOVD Dr. Lawrence G. Stern, DC Behavioral Optometrist 495 Central Park Ave., Ste. 301, Scarsdale, NY 914.874.1177 • DrSlotnick.com
s a behavioral optometrist, Dr. Samantha Slotnick takes a holistic approach to vision care, for all ages. She specializes in vision therapy and rehabilitation for vision problems that interfere with reading, learning, attention, performance and efficiency. Services offered: Holistic vision care for children and adults; behavioral optometry; vision development; comprehensive eye/vision evaluation; vision therapy and rehabilitation; infant vision (InfantSEE provider); and educational workshops and seminars on vision, learning and attention (check website for events). Areas of specialty: Learning-related vision problems, strabismus (eye turns), amblyopia (lazy eye), focusing, eye-teaming, eye-tracking, convergence insufficiency and visual problems that interfere with attention (mimic ADD/ADHD and dyslexia). Children and adults, all ages. Philosophy of healing: “Vision is our means of touching what lies beyond our grasp,” Slotnick says. “Who we are shapes our view of the world, our use of our vision and our outlook for the future. Behavioral optometry provides each individual with a personalized opportunity for self-evaluation, growth and change, with impacts extending far beyond the visual process. You can indeed envision your world!” See ad page 45.
Stern Wellness Center 20 North Salem Rd., Cross River, NY 914.763.8000 • drlarry@sternwellnesscenter.com SternWellnesscenter.com
ocused on the healing of body, mind and soul, Dr. Lawrence Stern is trained in chiropractic, sports medicine, Network Spinal Analysis, personal development and leadership skills and training. “My training offers a unique integration of abilities, which are embodied in the foundation of Stern Wellness Center,” he says. “Our goal is to facilitate your journey to unlock the healing potential within you.” Services offered: Wellness chiropractic, Network Spinal Analysis, transformational coaching, nutritional coaching, massage therapy, Reiki healing. Areas of specialty: Chronic migraines, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), Lyme disease, chronic stress, chronic musculoskeletal aches and pains, addictions. Philosophical approach: “Optimal wellness requires a healthy, flexible and adaptable nervous system,” Stern says. “Humans have a unique and innate ability to selfheal and reorganize at higher levels of complexity than commonly known utilizing Network Spinal Analysis care.” See ad page 37.
2017 Natural Living Directory
SunRaven: The Home of Slow Medicine 501 Guard Hill Rd., Bedford, NY 914.218.3113 • info@slowmedicine.org SlowMedicine.org
unRaven: The Home of Slow Medicine, a center for integrative medicine and wellness, is owned by life partners Robin Queen Finkelstein and Dr. Michael Finkelstein. It houses their private consultative practices and holds workshops, special events and talks. The center is dedicated to teaching people about holistic living as a lifestyle, and nurturing their health on the emotional, spiritual, mental and physical levels. Services offered: Integrative medicine, counseling for individuals and couples, family lifestyle counseling, cooking workshops and classes, financial abundance coaching, astrology readings and coaching, Jungian-oriented dream work, Garden Co-Op CSA, addiction counseling (12-step support), community building, grief counseling, trauma healing, yoga and other movement classes. Areas of specialty: Autoimmune and inflammatory conditions, cancer, heart and gastrointestinal disorders, anxiety, stress, depression, eating disorders, PTSD, chronic fatigue, migraines and neurological conditions, infertility, nutrition, addiction. Philosophical approach: Dr. Michael Finkelstein founded Slow Medicine and its philosophy, which teaches us that in this fast-paced world which promotes a constant “fight or flight” reaction, we must learn to slow down and rebalance, connecting with ourselves, nature and other people. “The Slow Medicine principles of Reflect, Honor and Love teach us how to live in the present instead of reacting to the past, how to own feelings instead of projecting them, how to attain a healthy balance between I and we, and how to communicate lovingly,” he says. See ad, page 23. 36
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The Temperance Center
Merrill Black, Founder/Owner, LCSW, Reiki Master, Hypnotherapist 453 White Plains Rd., Ste. 201/203, Eastchester, NY 914.793.2600 • merrill@healyourlife2day.com TheTemperanceCenter.com he Temperance Center is a team of practitioners offering services for children, teens and adults in a nurturing and calming environment. They offer an array of modalities to help heal the mind, body and soul. Services offered: Psychotherapy, Reiki, hypnosis, cognitive behavior therapy, mindfulness, systematic desensitization, exposure and response-prevention therapy, massage, acupuncture, intuitive healings/readings, intuitive health and wellness coaching, bimonthly adult guided channeling meditation group, monthly BFRB (Body-Focused Repetitive Behaviors) support group and yoga classes. Areas of specialty: Panic disorder, fears and phobias, generalized anxiety disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, trichotillomania, skin picking, relationship issues, stress management/reduction, past-life regression, weight loss, insomnia, smoking cessation, sports injuries, pain management, irritable bowel syndrome, supporting IVF treatment. Philosophical approach: “It is our goal to treat the whole person in very individualized ways,” says founder and owner Merrill Black. “The various modalities that we offer can enable the person to reach optimal health.” See ad page 31.
Tomorrow Medicine 1133 Westchester Ave., White Plains, NY 37 Moore Ave., Mt. Kisco, NY 914.615.9004 info@tomorrowmedicine.com TomorrowMedicine.com
omorrow medicine is an integrative medical practice combining traditional medicine with holistic means of healing. Services offered: Holistic medicine, cutting-edge testing, weight loss, bio-identical hormone therapy and IV therapy. Areas of specialty: Weight loss, thyroid issues, hormonal imbalances, menopause and andropause symptoms, fatigue, hair loss, generalized anti-aging therapy. Philosophical approach: “The body has an ability to heal itself, given the opportunity,” says Dr. Timothy Morley, owner of Tomorrow Medi-
Westchester/Putnam/Dutchess NY Edition
cine. “We offer the most advanced testing to detect any deficiencies that are barriers to optimal health, and we remove those barriers.” See ad, page 31 & 49.
The Weiss Institute
Addiction-Free Naturally Briarcliff, NY, and Midtown Manhattan 914.705.1805 • info@weiss-method.com Weiss-Method.com
he Weiss Method helps people lose weight and overcome sugar addiction, nicotine addiction, alcohol addiction, overeating and other unwanted habits. It is simple and painless, with a success rate of over 80 percent. Services offered: The Weiss Method calms down the stimulus of the particular addiction so that afterward a person feels indifferent to or repulsed by the addictive substance. Generally a one-time treatment is sufficient, apart from treatment for alcohol or overweight. Areas of specialty: Weight loss through quitting sugar and white flour, quitting alcohol, quitting smoking, quitting drugs and overcoming obesity. The Weiss Institute has an 80 percent success rate and more than 30 years of experience. Treatment is painless, with no medication, hypnosis, needles or negative side effects. Philosophical approach: The Weiss Institute’s healing approach is to produce tangible, sustainable results without the usual struggle. After treatment, people report feeling “less stressed, with far more vitality and well-being and a wonderful new freedom from their previous situation.” See ad page 51
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2017 Natural Living Directory
Willow Wisp Wellness
Yorktown Animal Hospital
Lauren Awerdick, Owner 100 S. Highland Ave., Ossining, NY 200 S. Broadway, Tarrytown, NY 914.534.1294 • WillowWispWellness.org auren Awerdick—a massage therapist, healing artist and practitioner of Woman Rising Flower Essence—is the owner and lead practitioner at Willow Wisp Wellness, a boutique studio/apothecary. “Willow Wisp is a space to unfold, reconnect and begin to innately heal your whole self,” she says. Awerdick also offers in-home or on-site sessions upon request. Services offered: Flower essence sessions; therapeutic massage (prenatal, jade hot stone, deep-tissue, sports, neuromuscular therapy, connective tissue therapy, hydrotherapy, reflexology, more); energy healing; ear candling; northern lights aromassage; meditation; breath work; intuitive readings; sacred space (Munay-Ki rites). Areas of specialty: Chronic pain management, frozen shoulder, plantar fasciitis, sports injuries, stress reduction, chakra balancing, vertigo relief, headache/migraine relief, PMS/cramp relief. Experience with clients who have Harrington rods, kidney failure, diabetes, ������������������������� neuropathy, Alzheimer’s, dropped head syndrome, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, depression, more. Philosophical approach: “Each body is its own universe, with its own ecology,” Awerdick says. “It is our responsibility to maintain its balance, nurture its growth and give it unconditional love.”
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271 Veterans Rd., Yorktown Heights, NY 914.962.3111 • drk@vetsnyc.com • drr@vetsnyc.com YorktownAnimalHospital.vet
he staff of Yorktown Animal Hospital is committed to caring for people’s pets as they would their own. They offer preventive health care and treat the sick and the chronically ill (e.g., renal disease, arthritis). They take an integrative approach, practicing both conventional and holistic medicine and often combining them to achieve the best results. They also provide boarding in a caring environment. Services offered: Preventive health care, nutritional counseling, comprehensive physical exams, acupuncture, Chinese herbs, dentistry, digital radiology, surgery, laboratory diagnostics, euthanasia (when necessary), ultrasound, endoscopy, and cardiology and orthopedic surgery (by visiting specialists). Also full-service boarding and grooming. Areas of specialty: Arthritis, dental disease, gastrointestinal problems, skin and allergy diseases, kidney disease, urinary tract disorders, endocrine conditions (including diabetes, thyroid problems and adrenal gland disease), obesity, Lyme and other tick-borne diseases, infectious diseases. Philosophical approach: “We take a compassionate and holistic approach, using multiple modalities from both Eastern and Western medicine to provide the best possible care for the healthy and the best outcome for the sick and chronically ill that we can provide.” See ad, page 59.
Westchester/Putnam/Dutchess NY Edition
Omega Institute for Holistic Studies
150 Lake Dr., Rhinebeck, NY 800.944.1001 • registration@eomega.org eOmega.org
mega is a premiere travel destination and leading nonprofit organization in NY’s Hudson Valley. It is an internationally recognized leader in health and wellness and lifelong learning—offering workshops, professional training, retreats and online learning. Services offered: In addition to taking workshops, guests have the option to book appointments at the Omega Wellness Center. From acupuncture to life coaching, and facials to massage, they have more than 45 services to choose from. Coming up in 2017: Among the highlights are Yoga Service Conference, May 19-21; Super Qi Summit, May 26-29; Sufi Chant Festival, June 2-4; Ecological Literacy Immersion Program (4-week permaculture certification), July 2-28; Women & Power, October 6-8; Being Fearless, October 13-15. Philosophy: Omega was founded in 1977, on the holistic worldview that the well-being of each of us is deeply connected to the well-being of all living things. See ad, page 40.
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Food Sensitivities plus: Holistic Eye Care
Our Readers are Seeking Providers & Services for Addressing Dietary Concerns & Natural Vision Care
2017 Natural Living Directory
Africa Studio/Shutterstock.com
Complementary Care Alternatives to Insurance Cost Less by Meredith Montgomery
he latest National Health Interview Survey available, from 2012, shows an annual expenditure of $30.2 billion in out-of-pocket costs for complementary health approaches, benefiting 33 percent of adults and 12 percent of children, and representing about 10 percent of out-of-pocket U.S. healthcare costs. Insurance rarely covers complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) in full. As provider networks shrink, premiums rise and the future of healthcare reform remains uncertain, health-conscious consumers yearn for innovative ways to afford this kind of care.
Membership-Based Care
When Dr. Chad Krisel worked at an urgent care center, he saw up to 55 patients a day. Since opening Integrative Family Medicine of Asheville (IntegrativeAsheville.org), in North Carolina, with Dr. Brian Lewis, he averages 12 patients a day. His team provides a membership-based practice in a payment model known as direct primary care (DPC). Endorsed by the American Academy of Family Physicians, DPC is broadly accessible. By applying simplicity, sustainability, quality and collaboration, their integrative practice provides comprehensive care for less than what many pay for phone service. “DPC removes traditional financial incentives and conflicts of interest because membership fees fund us. Our only incentive is to help and heal patients,� Krisel explains. Paying for memberships out-of-pocket (often electing high-deductible plans) or via a health-sharing plan, clients value coverage that includes annual wellness exams, phone or virtual appointments and educational classes, plus followups and urgent care at minimal costs. The U.S. mainstream fee-for-service approach, whether paid by insurance or cash, has been criticized for encouraging unnecessary tests and procedures because doctors 40
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Westchester/Putnam/Dutchess NY Edition
are paid for services performed. To maintain income, they typically shorten appointments to increase the number of patients they see. Lewis emphasizes, “Time is the valuable factor in DPC—healthy lifestyle changes, which can prevent or reverse 70 percent of health concerns, cannot be communicated in 10 minutes.”
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World of Coaching RESOURCES
Medical Cost-Sharing
For generations, Christian communities have operated health care sharing ministries (HCSM) to collectively share the cost of each other’s medical bills as an alternative to outside insurance. Members are exempt from current Affordable Healthcare Act (ACA) mandates. Liberty HealthShare, a nonprofit HCSM chartered by the Mennonite church, believes that everyone has the right to practice religion as they see fit. Their members share a commitment to personal health and sharing in the burden of health expenses with others that have these values. “Many in the functional and integrative medical arenas also believe in these principles,” says Tom Blue, of Richmond, Virginia, a director with The Institute for Functional Medicine. “Cost sharing feels very familiar; you present your card to your provider, but there’s no set network of providers, which is favorable for those seeking more progressive forms of care.” Expanding upon this model, Blue worked with the company to create its Liberty Direct program (LibertyDirect. org). Individuals pay an annual membership fee plus a monthly share amount. After fulfilling their annual unshared amount of out-of-pocket expenses (similar to a deductible), participants’ healthcare costs—including approved naturopathic and alternative treatments—can be submitted as expenses to be shared by the group. Liberty Direct provides financial advantages to DPC practitioners and patients by subsidizing membership fees; it favors nutrition over chronic prescription dependence by reimbursing physician-prescribed nutritional supplement and pharmaceutical expenses under the same terms. Members must be in good health with a lifestyle that helps sustain wellness, including good nutrition, exercise and abstinence from tobacco use and drug and alcohol abuse. The program also accepts approximately 7 percent of applicants on provisional terms when pre-existing conditions such as hypertension, obesity and diabetes can be improved through lifestyle changes. They pay an extra fee per month to cover the cost of a health coach; when they achieve their goals, they become full members paying regular rates. “The economics are staggering,” says Blue, who used to pay $760 a month for insurance with a $12,400 deductible and now pays a monthly share of $449 with a family unshared amount of $1,500. HCSMs are affordable because of restricted overhead budgets. Plus, they appeal to naturalhealth conscious clients and can decline unsuitable applicants. “This concept of communal cost sharing works— Liberty’s share amounts decreased in 2013 and have not changed since,” comments Blue.
Find a knowledgeable professional to help you reach your goals. ABUNDANCE COACH Elsa Arce
Raise Your Vibration! Briarcliff Manor, NY 914.330.5328; ReleaseOverwhelm.com
Certified ADHD Coach/Organizer 914.373.4787; SusanLasky.com
Coaching, Healing & Channeling Cold Spring, NY 845.424.6219; AwakenYourTrueEssence.com
FERTILITY COACH Whole Health Fertility
Heather Novak 914.420.3674; WholeHealthFertility.com
LIFE COACH Laura Elmore Life, CPC Coaching & Ecotherapy Phone or Skype, 914.523.7478 LauraElmore.com
Leah Wilson Watts
Master Life Coach Phone or Skype, 718.812.5166 4200wattsofpower.com
Mindful is the New Skinny 4 Smith Ave, Mt.Kisco, NY 917.974.9446; Jodibaretz.com.
PARENT COACHING Kristy Vanacore, PSY.D 334 Underhill Ave., 3C Yorktown Heights, NY 914.497.8006; Kmvgroup.org
Wanda Jeanty, MD
Empower Your True Self
Poughkeepsie, NY 917.868.1769; notanotherdietwanda.com
Ayurveda & Yoga Lifestyle Duke Integrative Health Coach 914.486.6480; deirdrebreen.info
Steven Gottlieb 25 Franklin Ave. #4B, White Plains 914.997.7873; EmpowerYourTrueSelf.com
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2017 Natural Living Directory
Getting to ‘Yes’ with an Insurer C
Know What a Policy Covers
Before using a complementary or integrative service, inquire about specifics: Sometimes preapproval or a referral is required to qualify; coverage may be limited to a certain network of practitioners; verify visit limits or the number required; and get details of out-of-pocket costs. Keep insurance-related communications records, including notes on calls and copies of bills, claims and letters, to help with any claim disputes.
Explore Available Options
Ask the insurance provider about coverage of CAM approaches, including whether a rider or supplement to the standard plan is required to cover them. Inquire about discount programs, such as when members pay for fees and out-of-pocket costs, but at a lower rate. State insurance departments and professional associations for
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complementary health specialties may know which insurance companies cover specific CAM approaches.
Ask Practitioners About Payments
When seeing a complementary or integrative practitioner, clarify payment and insurance details before the first visit. Learn the cost of initial and follow-up appointments; how many appointments are needed; additional costs such as for tests, supplements or equipment; and if they offer an income-based sliding scale. Also confirm which insurance plans are accepted and if the patient or provider files claims. When insurance doesn’t cover a service, inquire about installment plans and discounts for cash payments. Jeanette Dietl/Shutterstock.com
onventional insurance rules adversely affect Americans’ consideration of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM). According to the 2012 National Health Interview Survey, acupuncture, chiropractic and massage therapy use increased over the prior decade, but only among those without insurance. For those with progressive policies, coverage for CAM approaches is usually only partial.
Save with Tax-Exempt Accounts
Flexible spending accounts offered by some employers allow participants to set aside pretax dollars for health-related expenses. Health savings accounts can be established by individuals with high-deductible health plans to save for medical expenses. Contributions are tax-deductible and interest is tax-free. Source: National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health
Westchester/Putnam/Dutchess NY Edition
Told she was past medical hope, Kari Gray, of Kahului, Hawaii, sought to heal from cancer using natural medicine. “When thousands of dollars spent for natural protocols were denied reimbursement by my insurance company, I saw that the system needs to change,” Gray recalls. CAM therapies still deemed “unproven” by traditional insurance companies gave Gray a second chance at life. Following remission, she began a 20-year search for alternative medicine insurance. Finding none, in 2014, she created GreenSurance (MyGreenSurance.com). Serving people that proactively care for their health and prefer natural medicine as primary care, GreenSurance developed an evidence-based and science-backed list of 40-plus covered CAM modalities, including thermography, energy therapy, biofeedback, essential oils and homeopathy. It also covers conventional medical and emergency care. Enrollees of the member-owned organization are supplied third-party payer information for provider direct billing once the member’s out-of-pocket amount is met. They use any statelicensed provider and the program is often more affordable than traditional insurance. GreenSurance is currently investing resources to broaden consumer access to the tax advantages of a health spending account (HSA). H.R. 1752 would allow enrollees in any healthcaresharing program to open an HSA. “Simply, we’re a co-op whose members empower us to create an exempt program that protects members from ACA penalties and traditional health insurance,” says Gray. “More, we’re a grassroots movement for change.” Krisel notes, “Doctors too, are livid about the current status of America’s healthcare system. Be vocal about what’s important to you. The more voices heard in Washington, the more change we’ll see.” Meredith Montgomery publishes Natural Awakenings of Gulf Coast Alabama/Mississippi (HealthyLivingHealthyPlanet.com). 2017 Natural Living Directory
The Wild and Wooly
What Kids Need from Us to Grow Wise by April Thompson
eer pressure and body consciousness are universal challenges facing teens and their parents. Experts find that by modeling healthy habits and maintaining open lines of communication, adults can help foster healthy independent thinking and responses to inevitable situations.
Respect Developing Capacities
Some teen struggles are literally all in their heads, according to Dr. Frances Jensen, a professor at the University of Pennsylvania’s Perelman School of Medicine, in Philadelphia. “The brain is the last organ to mature, and isn’t fully complete until young people reach their late 20s. This allows the brain to adapt to its environment, which can be both good and bad,” says Jensen, author of The Teenage Brain: A Neuroscientist’s Survival Guide to Raising Adolescents and Young Adults. 44
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Compounding the challenge, the frontal lobes, responsible for higher functions like insight, judgment, impulse control and empathy, fully mature last; it’s no coincidence that teens struggle in these areas, according to Jensen. The plasticity of the teenage brain is optimal for learning and adaption, but without the frontal lobe feedback, it’s a challenge for them to moderate the heightened emotions, novelty seeking and sexual impulses adolescents are also experiencing. “We expect teenagers to act rationally, but there are many reasons why their brains aren’t taking them there,” says Jensen. “Acknowledging this can lower frustration levels for everyone.”
Create a Safe Haven
Teens learn more from experience than lectures, so parents should facilitate positive experiences and influences at home, advises Carla Atherton, director Westchester/Putnam/Dutchess NY Edition
of The Healthy Family Formula, in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada, which fosters family well-being by holistically addressing root causes of poor health. Such activities can include regularly preparing meals together and going for family walks, rather than eating dinner in front of the TV. “Doing everything you can to connect with kids while they are in an environment you can control gives them a good foundation they can take into the world,” says Atherton, the mother of three teens. Parents have to give trust to gain kids’ trust stresses educator Naomi Katz, of Galilee, Israel, author of Beautiful: Being an Empowered Young Woman. “Create an environment where kids feel like they don’t have to hide or lie about anything,” Katz says. She also encourages parents to empower adolescents in decision making: Rather than telling them not to try drugs or alcohol “because I said so,” provide them real facts to help them draw their own conclusions.
Support Quiet Respites
In today’s hyper-connected world, Katz observes, “Social dynamics can get really confusing and painful and impact kids in far-reaching ways. We used to come home from school and be away from those issues until the next day; now that break doesn’t come because of social media and smartphones.” Katz recommends encouraging journaling or other forms of selfexpression to help teens unplug and reflect. Breathing exercises can help calm nerves and allow them to think more clearly in tough social situations before they react. Katz also suggests teens set aside time each week for a feel-good activity like playing sports or music, to give them a reliable source of pleasure and accomplishment, no matter what else is going on in their lives.
Stay Alert to Signs
Despite a parent’s best efforts, kids can
Talking to teens about images in the media can help them gain a more balanced and positive self-perspective. and will make unhealthy choices, and parents need to be prepared to manage the consequences. If a child is suspected or found to be engaging in dangerous or addictive behaviors like self-harming or an eating disorder, it’s important to address these immediately, seeking professional help if needed, counsels Katz. Jensen remarks that it’s easier to learn unhealthy patterns when the brain is malleable, and addictive behaviors are harder to eliminate than if they are acquired as an adult. The signs of unhealthy behaviors can be subtle, so it’s important to recognize cues without making flash judgments or placing blame, says Atherton, For example, a parent that notices her teen eating differently or obsessed with working out should consider initiating a conversation with him or her about body image. Talking to teens about images in the media can help them gain a more balanced and positive self-perspective. “You can tell your kids, ‘These advertising images are trying to sell you someone’s idea of a perfect look, but it’s not reality,’” says Atherton. For whatever issues teens are trying to cope with, parents need to cultivate their own sense of inner calm; to be the rock that they can cling to. “Caring adults need to give teens a periodic frontal lobe assist,” says Jensen. “It helps when we share more details and insights about how we organize our lives and make decisions. Modeling the rationality and empathy that teenagers may lack can be an effective counterbalance.” Connect with freelance writer April Thompson, of Washington, D.C., at AprilWrites.com.
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Eco Yards
plus: Medical Massage Want to connect with our readers? Join us! Call 914.617.8750
2017 Natural Living Directory
Africa Studio/Shutterstock.com
Recharge Your Body
THE DARK SIDE OF GLUTEN-FREE LIVING Most People Benefit from Gluten by Judith Fertig
ales of gluten-free products reached $973 million in 2014 and are projected to grow to $2.34 billion in 2019, according to Packaged Facts, a market research publisher. Many such products cost more than their gluten-based counterparts.
Gluten Sufferers
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The latest study, published in the American Medical Association publication JAMA Internal Medicine, found that the number of Americans with celiac disease remained relatively stable from 2009 through 2014 at about 2.7 million. Meanwhile, marketers for gluten-free products report about 40 million consumers. Celiac disease is a serious autoimmune disorder in which ingesting gluten causes issues such as intestinal damage, anemia and fatigue. Those afflicted improve when gluten is removed from their diets and their intestinal tracts heal, according to the Center for Celiac Research and Treatment at Massachusetts General Hospital, in Boston. Those with a non-celiac gluten sensitivity or wheat allergy also experiWestchester/Putnam/Dutchess NY Edition
ence a range of symptoms, including bloating, brain fog and joint pain, when they ingest gluten. According to the Center, as many as 7 percent of Americans, or 18 million people, fall into this vague category, due to a far less understood immune response distinct from what’s linked to celiac disease.
Gluten Beneficiaries
The many Americans unaffected by gluten may want to avoid gluten-free products, says Dr. Michael Greger, a Washington, D.C., physician specializing in clinical nutrition. The bestselling author of How Not to Die, Greger founded the educational nonprofit NutritionFacts.org and is a founding fellow of the American College of Lifestyle Medicine. “Just because some people have a peanut allergy doesn’t mean everyone should avoid peanuts,” says Greger. “Some evidence suggests that a gluten-free diet may adversely affect gut health in people without celiac disease, gluten sensitivity or wheat allergy.” He cites a small study published in Gut Microbes which found that a one-month, gluten-free diet may WakeUpNaturally.com
hurt gut flora and immune function, potentially precipitating an overgrowth of harmful intestinal bacteria for those on gluten-free diets. The gluten components that cause problems for the wheatsensitive may act as prebiotics and feed good bacteria for the rest of us, says Greger. “Wheat bran contains the important wheat-based prebiotic arabino-xylan-oligosaccharide,” explains Case Adams, a Morro Bay, California, naturopath and author of The Gluten Cure: Scientifically Proven Natural Solutions to Celiac Disease and Gluten Sensitivities. “It feeds the probiotics that produce enzymes which help break down gluten and gliadin proteins.” Researchers from Pennsylvania’s University of Reading conducted multiple studies showing that arabino-xylan-oligosaccharide derived from wheat bran increases beneficial bifidobacteria populations in the guts of humans. It is disappointing that a number of highly publicized studies done on celiac patients have been inappropriately applied to the general population, notes Adams. Gluten may also boost immune function. In a study published in the journal Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry, researchers found that after less than a week on a diet with added gluten protein, subjects experienced significantly increased natural killer cell activity, which could improve their ability to fight cancer and viral infections. An earlier study in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition found that high-gluten bread improved triglyceride levels better than regular gluten bread. Plus, Greger says, avoiding gluten means missing out on all the fiber, B vitamins, trace minerals and other nutrients from whole grains like wheat, barley and rye. A whole-grainrich diet has been repeatedly shown to reduce the risk of heart disease, Type 2 diabetes, obesity and some forms of cancer in studies from such institutions as the University of Minnesota and Lund University, in Sweden. “Most gluten-free processed foods are not made with nutrient-rich, health-protecting whole grains,” adds Katherine Tallmadge, a Washington, D.C., registered dietitian, nutrition coach and author of Diet Simple. Ingredients such as potato starch and cornstarch with little nutritional value typically help take the place of wheat flour. “The gluten-free label has little to do with nutritional value.” French fries and many candies, for example, are naturally gluten-free.
Impact of Self-Diagnosis
Self-diagnosing a gluten issue can delay a doctor’s accurate assessment, cautions Greger. “We diagnose celiac by looking for the inflammation caused by gluten in celiac sufferers. If they haven’t been eating a lot of gluten, we might miss diagnosing the disease. Thus, instead of being on a gluten-free diet, we want celiac suspects to be on a gluten-loaded diet, such as four to six slices of gluten-packed bread daily for at least a month before they come in for a diagnostic exam.” Studies are ongoing and information continues to evolve regarding the pluses and minuses of a gluten-free diet. Judith Fertig writes food health articles and cookbooks from Overland Park, KS (JudithFertig.com). 2017 Natural Living Directory
SABOTEURS Tackling Obesity’s Hidden Causes by Lisa Marshall
at less, move more. These words have been the cornerstone of diet advice for decades, leading millions of Americans to greet the new year with vows to cut calories and hit the gym. In all, one in five U.S. adults are dieting at any given time, according to the international market research firm The NPD Group, and 57 percent would like to lose 20 pounds or more. Yet few will reach that goal. One survey of 14,000 dieters published in the International Journal of Obesity found that only one in six had ever been able to lose 10 percent of their body weight and keep it off for a year. Another study, published in the last year in Obesity, followed up with 14 contestants from the 2009 TV reality show The Biggest Loser and found that despite efforts to keep their eating and exercise habits on track, 13 had regained significant weight since the competition. Four are heavier now than before participating on the show. 48
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Diet experts say the battle of the bulge has been exceedingly hard to win for one clear reason: We’re oversimplifying the solution and underestimating the saboteurs. “We’re learning that it’s not as simple as calories-in and calories-out,” says Dr. Pamela Wartian Smith, an Ann Arbor, Michigan, physician specializing in functional and nutritional medicine and author of Why You Can’t Lose Weight. Research reveals that everything from food allergies to hormone imbalances and disruptions in gut bacteria can subtly undermine the best-laid weight management plans. Working out too much or eating too little can also backfire. Even a mean boss or a cold workplace cubicle can factor in. Certainly, diet and exercise are key, experts emphasize. Yet, if we’re doing all the right things and still seeing disappointing numbers on the scale, there’s still more we can do. Here are some common weight-loss saboteurs and what to do about them. Westchester/Putnam/Dutchess NY Edition
Underperforming Thyroid
The thyroid serves as a key metabolism regulator, dictating how efficiently the heart beats and muscles contract, how quickly the body turns nutrients into energy, and how well we burn off stored fat. When thyroid hormone production falls, metabolism can also decrease by as much as 40 percent. WakeUpNaturally.com
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Bite into a food we’re sensitive to and our body switches into “fight-or-flight” mode. It stores fat and water, releases histamines that widen blood vessels and inflame tissue, and cranks out stress hormones like epinephrine and norepinephrine that make us want to eat more of that food. “You literally get a high so that you crave more,” says Smith. She notes that unlike true allergies, which can prompt an immediate reaction, food intolerances often manifest subtly over several days. When we are repeatedly exposed to a food we’re sensitive to, we feel bloated and sluggish, regardless of the calorie count. Allergy medications can also prompt weight gain, in part by boosting appetite. One study by Yale researchers found people that regularly ingested antihistamines like Zyrtec and Allegra were far more likely to be overweight than those not using them. What to do: First, cut out the most-craved foods. “If someone tells me they just cannot live without cheese, I assume they are allergic to it,” says Smith. Or, try an elimination diet. Ban common allergens like milk, eggs, peanuts, tree nuts and gluten (if possible, try sticking to only rice and lamb—two hypoallergenic foods— for four days). Then reintroduce other foods slowly and monitor the results. To combat seasonal allergies naturally, try vitamin C, quercetin and butterbur supplements.
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Food Sensitivity/Allergy
Yet as many as four in 13 women suffer from a thyroid hormone deficiency, says Toronto naturopathic doctor Natasha Turner, author of the new book The Hormone Boost. “You can diet and exercise until you are blue in the face, but if your thyroid is out of balance, you won’t achieve the body you’re looking for,” she says. “It’s a common cause of weight gain.” What to do: Get tested for levels of thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) and, if possible, T4 (thyroxine) and T3 (triiodothyronine) also. TSH signals the thyroid to make more T4, the inactive form of thyroid hormone that is converted into T3, the form the body is able to use. Abnormal blood levels of any of these can impact metabolism adversely, and a TSH test alone may be unable to identify a problem, caution Smith and Turner. In some cases, medication may be required. Otherwise, move to embrace lifestyle habits that reduce stress levels, because the stress hormone cortisol can inhibit thyroid function. Get eight hours of sleep; sleep deprivation also impairs thyroid function. Eat lots of fiber, which helps the body eliminate excess estrogen and other thyroid-damaging metabolic byproducts. Also, stock up on foods containing tyrosine (almonds and avocadoes), and selenium (Brazil nuts). In some cases, if an iodine deficiency is at play, a doctor may suggest iodine supplements or iodine-rich foods like kelp and sea bass.
Imbalanced Gut
The trillions of microorganisms in our gut have a profound impact on our ability to maintain a healthy weight, says Dr. Raphael Kellman, a New York City physician practicing functional medicine and author of The Microbiome Diet. “The gut bacteria are the gatekeepers of the calories that enter our
body,” he explains. Research shows that certain species of bacteria aid in the metabolizing of carbohydrates, while others help break down fats and protein. Some turn on genes that fight inflammation; others influence how well the body responds to insulin. Diversity and balance of helpful bacteria species are keys to health. “If changes in the percentages of certain bacteria occur, the microbiome loses its ability to help us maintain a healthy weight,” says Kellman. In one
landmark 21st-century study by University of Colorado researchers, swapping the gut bacteria of a skinny mouse with that of an obese one made the skinny mouse gain weight. What to do: Go easy on antibiotics, which can wipe out gut bacteria diversity. Load up on fermented foods like kim chi, sauerkraut, kefir and yogurt. Eat lots of inulin-containing plant fiber to give desirable bacteria something to chew on, and consider taking a probiotic supplement until weight loss and health goals are achieved. 2017 Natural Living Directory
Overdoing Diets
Natural Slimming Supplements Ashwaghanda root: While research is scarce, this Indian herb is traditionally believed to reduce levels of the stress hormone cortisol (which can boost belly fat storage). It’s also believed to boost conversion of the thyroid hormone T4 to the more metabolically active thyroid hormone T3. Doctor of Naturopathy Natasha Turner recommends 500 to 1,000 milligrams (mg) twice daily. Chromium: This mineral plays a key role in enhancing insulin’s action in the body. Numerous studies by U.S. Department of Agriculture researchers and others suggest that taking chromium supplements can stabilize blood sugar, potentially reducing the cravings and energy slumps that come with glucose spikes and dips. Research on chromium’s impact on body composition and weight has been mixed. Turner recommends 200 to 400 micrograms (mcg) daily. Curcumin: This golden spice, found in turmeric, curbs painful joint inflammation from over-exercising, and has been shown by Tufts University and Columbia University researchers to improve fat metabolism in mice. L-carnitine: Helps the body use fat for fuel more efficiently and also can be used as an energy booster before cardio or strength training. Dr. Pamela Wartian Smith recommends 500 to 1,000 mg daily. Omega-3 fatty acids: In addition to being potent anti-inflammatory agents, the omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA have been associated with greater weight and fat loss when added to a diet and exercise program, according to studies in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition and the International Journal of Obesity. Prebiotics: These undigested fibers provide food for good gut bacteria to keep the digestive system and metabolism on track. Probiotics: These are generally believed to promote healthy gut bacteria so that the body metabolizes food more efficiently. One recent study in the British Journal of Nutrition followed 125 obese men and women throughout a 12-week diet, followed by a 12-week maintenance period, and found that the women taking probiotics containing the bacterial strain Lactobacillus rhamnosis lost significantly more weight during the diet than women that didn’t; plus, they continued to lose weight during the maintenance period. The men studied did not show similar results. Selenium: Selenium is critical for the conversion of inactive T4 to active T3 that the body can make use of. Smith recommends 100 to 200 mcg daily.
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As The Biggest Loser contestants learned, losing too much weight too fast can bring metabolism to a screeching halt; the body, coaxed into starvation mode, moves to conserve fuel and store fat. “If you try to lose weight by drastically slashing calorie intake and going crazy on the cardio machines, you’ll do more harm than good,” says Turner. Performing intense cardiovascular exercise such as running, cycling or swimming for more than 45 minutes can make cortisol levels surge, accelerating muscle loss and impairing the immune system. That’s counterproductive because muscles burn calories at rest, too. Consistent over-exercise can also prompt the stressed body to respond in a fight-or-flight fashion, storing more belly fat and leading to the “skinny but fat” body composition common among models and marathon runners, she says. Skipping meals can prompt the key thyroid hormone T3 to fall off too, further slowing metabolism. Plus, six weeks into a restrictive weight-loss program, levels of the feel-good hormones dopamine and serotonin also start to decline, killing motivation and fueling cravings. The result is a weight plateau or even weight gain. What to do: Unless walking, limit workouts to 40 minutes, advises Turner. Instead of slogging away at a steady pace on the treadmill, try intervals (short, high-intensity efforts separated by brief rest periods), which have been shown to boost both fat burning and cardiovascular fitness. For example: five-minute warm-up, one-minute run at fast pace, one-minute run at moderate pace, repeat 10 times, five-minute cool-down. Also, incorporate strength training into three workouts each week. Include some fat, protein and carbohydrates with every meal. If insisting on counting calories, shoot for 450 to 500 per meal and 150 per snack for women; 500 to 600 per meal and 200 to 300 per snack for men. Every week to 10 days, enjoy a carb-loaded “cheat meal” such as pancakes or pasta; it supports any languishing thyroid and WakeUpNaturally.com
Try intervals (short, high-intensity efforts separated by brief rest periods), which have been shown to boost both fat burning and cardiovascular fitness. feel-good hormones, gives associated neurotransmitters a jump-start and keeps us from feeling deprived.
Dark, Cold, Stressful Workplaces
Alan Hedge, Ph.D., a workplace design researcher with Cornell University, in New York, says women, who tend to have less muscle and body hair to provide natural warmth, are at particular risk of packing on pounds due to an overly cold environment. “When the body is cold, it adapts by laying down insulation, which is fat,” he says. Even without eating extra calories, if we’re constantly cold at work, as 31 percent of women are according to a recent CareerBuilder survey, we tend to gain about a pound or two per year, says Hedge. Other research, conducted at Northwestern University, in Illinois, shows that workers exposed to more light in the morning weigh about 1.4 pounds less on average than those toiling in windowless cubicles. The suspected reason is that morning light triggers a cascade of hormones that positively impact appetite and metabolism. Another study, by Ohio State University researchers, found women that experienced a stressful event at work or elsewhere and then ate a fat- and calorie-laden meal the next day burned 100 fewer calories from that meal than non-stressed workers. What to do: At work, move the desk toward a window or at least take a walk every morning. Bring a space heater, extra sweater or hot tea fixings. After an ultra-stressful workday, eat especially healthfully that night. Lisa Marshall is a freelance health writer in Boulder, CO. Connect at LisaAnnMarshall.com. 2017 Natural Living Directory
Holistic Dermatology Inner Health, Radiant Skin
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by Linda Sechrist
Holistic skin care practices are simple, healthy and sustainably good for people and the planet because they follow nature’s example.
edical Doctor Alan M. Dattner, a 35-year pioneer in the field of holistic dermatology, faithfully follows nature’s principles in supporting skin health. His book Radiant Skin from the Inside Out: The Holistic Dermatologist’s Guide to Healing Your Skin Naturally maps out how skin reflects the body’s healthy or unhealthy organs and systems. Finding the internal root cause of problems on the skin, the body’s largest organ, takes time to investigate. Dattner, who practices in New York City and New Rochelle, New York, and considers himself a “skin detective”, says that although his forensic work continues to expand, he still begins his sleuthing by compiling a detailed and comprehensive history that yields clues for solving health puzzles and points him in the direction of what’s causing problems. Some patients with acne also have symptoms of bloating, gastrointestinal issues or chronic bowel disease. Others may have traveled to another country where they contracted diarrhea from a parasite or foreign bacteria that upset their intestinal microbiome.
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Skin outbreaks can also be the result of food sensitivities or food allergies. “I make patients aware of the issues underlying their skin problems so that they understand the connection between internal health and skin. Then they can make conscious food choices,” says Dattner. Diet is a critical aspect of healthy skin. Food sensitivities can cause inflammation that can show up on the skin, he explains. Dattner incorporates several diagnostic techniques and remedies from other medical traditions, including herbal, homeopathic and ayurvedic. A tongue diagnosis he uses is taken from Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). He uses Applied Kinesiology to refine his therapeutic choices as the results align with his knowledge of dermatology, immunology and integrative medicine. Janice MacKenzie, acupuncture practitioner, teacher and author of Discovering the Five Elements: One Day at a Time, views the skin as a third lung, because it breathes. “If the organs of elimination aren’t working well—large intestine, liver and kidney—then toxins leave through the WakeUpNaturally.com
skin, another organ of elimination,” says MacKenzie, who practices in Perkasie, Pennsylvania. “When constipation leaves toxins to be reabsorbed into the blood and recirculated through the liver, the body, out of desperation, seeks ways to get rid of toxins through the skin. This can result in eczema, psoriasis, rashes, boils and acne,” notes MacKenzie. In TCM, the facial redness of rosacea originates in a heating of the blood caused by toxicity. An inflammatory condition of excess energy and toxicity in the stomach travels upward through the stomach energy meridian that runs from the eye to the second toe. It’s supposed to flow downward through the mouth, throat and intestines and out. Elina Fedatova, cosmetic chemist, aesthetician, owner of spas in Chicago and Kalamazoo, Michigan, and formulator of Elina Organics, addresses skin as an aspect of a whole healthy body. Her product line is created wholly from organic plant extracts and essential oils, made in batches every two weeks. These purely natural products can be ingested without harmful effects. “Formulas are made using holistic principles and adjusted for each season,” says Fedatova. She agrees with Dattner, “Protecting skin from the inside with a nutritious diet that benefits the entire body is vital, as important as keeping the skin’s surface clean.” In caring for skin from the outside, a gentle exfoliation that can be done at home three times a week using a honey mask is the first step. Skin cells produced in the deepest layer gradually push their way to the epidermis every 30 days and die. Dead cells pile up unevenly and give the skin’s surface a dry, dull appearance. Treatment serums, moisturizing lotions and eye and neck creams are necessary elements of a complete facial skin care regimen, as is a natural sunscreen with zinc oxide or titanium dioxide. “Using skincare practices and products that follow nature’s example are the perfect external complement to good internal health,” says Fedatova.
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Linda Sechrist is a senior staff writer for Natural Awakenings. Connect at ItsAllAboutWe.com. 2017 Natural Living Directory
Julia Schopick on Effective, Affordable Medicine by Randy Kambic
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can Medical Association publication AM News, writes online and print guest columns and shares her journey in media interviews.
photo by Keith Peterson
ollowing up on the success of her bestselling book Honest Medicine: Effective, Time-Tested, Inexpensive Treatments for Life-Threatening Diseases, Julia Schopick plans to spread awareness of the efficacy of low-dose naltrexone (LDN) in treating autoimmune and other ailments later this year with a new book co-authored with professional writer Don Schwartz. Her first book, endorsed by many leading integrative health practitioners, earned the top National Indie Excellence Award for Alternative Medicine. It taps into nearly 200 scientific studies, with her research into innovative treatments driven by a quest that she and her late husband both believed added 15 years to his life after a terminal prognosis at age 40. The former English teacher at Long Island University and Virginia State University, now an Oak Park, Illinois resident, has contributed to the Ameri-
What are some of the most significant natural alternatives you report on in Honest Medicine?
The ketogenic diet is one standout because it was the standard of care for children with epilepsy in the 1920s— until pharmaceutical companies began to produce lucrative anti-seizure medications; then its use diminished through a lack of proponents in the medical field. Its use was revived in the 1990s due to the efforts of Jim Abrahams, a Hollywood writer/director, father of a child with epilepsy and one of my heroes. I found small studies that proved that the ketogenic diet successfully stops children’s seizures nearly 70
Westchester/Putnam/Dutchess NY Edition
percent of the time. This highly effective alternative has none of the negative side effects of anti-seizure drugs. Most doctors aren’t in favor of the diet approach and instead often prescribe affected children up to three or four meds as an easier option. The diet follows Hippocrates’ dictum, “Let food be thy medicine.”
The ketogenic diet is now being studied as a treatment for cancers, especially brain tumors, brain injuries, autism, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). Another standout is intravenous alpha lipoic acid, pioneered since the 1970s by Dr. Burt Berkson, who used it mainly for end-stage liver disease and diabetic neuropathy. He saved many people from needing liver transplants with infusions of this powerful, versatile antioxidant.
Did anything surprise you? I chose to include effective treatments that are non-toxic and inexpensive. I didn’t realize that several of them were effective for many different conditions. For example, LDN has been used since the mid-1980s to treat autoimmune diseases, of which there are more than 100; it also treats some cancers and AIDS. Research shows good results for conditions as varied as multiple sclerosis, lupus, Crohn’s disease,
rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia and Parkinson’s, because all of them have an autoimmune component if they are not directly autoimmune diseases. Similarly, the ketogenic diet is now being studied as a treatment for cancers, especially brain tumors, brain injuries, autism, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). Intravenous alpha lipoic acid is also used to address autoimmune diseases, some cancers and other conditions.
Are you finding that people are increasingly moving away from drugs and, if so, why? Yes. The norm used to be that patients followed their doctors’ orders without question, which routinely entailed prescription drugs. Today, people are realizing that drugs often come with horrendous side effects. Consider, for instance, that ads for some injectible treatments for autoimmune diseases caution against side effects of cancers, including lymphomas. A side effect of some multiple sclerosis drugs is a serious brain infection called progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy, or PML. People are listening closely, reading and researching their health issues, and don’t want risky side effects, especially when safer options are available.
In dealing with chronic illnesses, how crucial is it for caregiver and patient to maintain a positive, optimistic attitude? Multiple studies, like those referenced in Mind Over Medicine, by Dr. Lissa Rankin, and Radical Remission, by Kelly Turner, Ph.D., show that a positive state of mind is crucial to healing. One of the benefits I report in my book is that patients and caregivers will do even more research looking for alternatives when doctors tell them nothing else can be done. And many find healing treatments; there are many such cases reported in my book. I like the African proverb, “When you pray, move your feet.” Randy Kambic is a freelance writer and editor in Estero, FL, and regular contributor to Natural Awakenings magazine. 2017 Natural Living Directory
SKY HIGH A Simple Gaze Invokes the Infinite by Sandy C. Newbigging
magine being outited and infinite. It Attaining a consistent side on a sunny day, reflects who we really inner calm is possible looking at a clear, are as opposed to blue sky. It’s natural to by learning to be more who we think we are. feel calm and wonThrough practice, it interested in and attenderful while contembecomes our natural plating this expansive way of being and we tive to the conscious view. to an excellent awareness that is calmly awake Then a solitary way of living observing what’s going bird flies across our To experience field of vision. Noticthis, try the Gently on in our thinking, emoing it takes our attenAlert Attention Wide tions, bodily sensations tion away from the Open (GAAWO) stillness of the sky to technique. Look and life. instead track its moveat something that’s ment as it flies by. Then we start thinkstraight ahead while simultaneously ing about the bird: “I wonder where letting the gaze gently open up wider, it’s coming from and going? Why is looking neither left nor right, using it alone? Has it lost its mate?” At that passive peripheral vision. Now do the point, we are no longer feeling calm, same with up and down, so gentle but concerned. alertness encompasses an even greater Inside of each of us, right now, scope. As we do this, we will likely nothere is a “big blue sky” of awareness tice that our thoughts are stilled and we with all kinds of “birds” flying around, feel more present, calm and quiet than including thoughts, emotions, physical a moment earlier. sensations and anything in the external This simple technique works for world that catches our attention. everyone. By playing with it regularly, Attaining a consistent inner calm is we can discover that a sense of peace possible by learning to be more internever leaves us; rather, we leave our ested in and attentive to the conscious innate, peaceful center when we focus awareness that is calmly observing on and feel the to and fro movements what’s going on in our thinking, emoof our mind. Exchanging typical thinktions, bodily sensations and life. We ing for staying in a conscious state of can live permanently engaged with awareness helps us to unchain our this awareness and the inner dominion being from limiting views and perspecit contains instead of being helplessly tives, so that we live more freely. caught up in the content of our own or others’ thinking or emotion, which are Sandy C. Newbigging is the creator of often conditioned by the world to be Calmology principles and techniques, more negative than positive. including the transformative GAAWO. As we mature in this skill, we He offers a 12-week Calmology discover that such awareness is always foundation course at CalmClan.com. still, silent, peaceful, powerful, unlimConnect at SandyNewbigging.com.
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Intuitive & Healing Arts ASTROLOGY Pam Cucinell Phone, online & in person 917.796.6026; InsightOasis.com Colin McPhillamy Pleasantville, NYC 213.840.1187 McPhillamyTarot.com
EMOTIONAL FREEDOM TECHNIQUES (EFT) Steven Gottlieb 25 Franklin Ave #4B White Plains 914.997.7873 EmpowerYourTrueSelf.com
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ENERGY MEDICINE Bernadette Bloom, PT Esoteric Healer & Teacher 239.289.3744 CenterForAlignedHealing.com Betty S. Feldman, LLC, HTCP Healing Touch Program 53 Maple Ave. Fishkill, NY 845.896.6405 Btatfeldman@aol.com One Light Healing Touch Certified Energy Practitioners & Training Schools • OLHT1.com pennylavin@gmail.com
Tina M. Aurora, CPC, CRP Energy Healing, Coaching, Organizing Services Peekskill, NY 914.473.1032 tina.aurora@verizon.net
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FLOW Feng Shui Christine Persche 914.671.7523 flowfengshui.com
Reflections of Nature Mystic, Magical Gardens 845.489.7250 LandscapingWithNature.com
Jennifer Ching Lopez Healer: Heart.Mind.Body.Soul In Person or Distance Healing 845.702.1334 Jenniferchinglopez.com
Guided Channeling Group The Temperance Center Merrill Black, LCSW 914.793.2600 thetemperancecenter.com
NEW AGE STORE Dreaming Goddess Energy healers/Tarot Readers 44 Raymond Ave. Poughkeepsie 845.473.2206 DreamingGoddess.com Hands of Serenity Healing 1129 Main St., Fishkill NY 845.896.1915 handsofserenityhealing.com Synchronicity 1511 Rt. 22, Brewster, NY 845.363.1765 SynchronicityNY.com
Anne H. Bentzen, RMT, JRP Reiki Master Teacher & Energetic Counseling 914.588.4079; balancing4life.com
Hands of Serenity Healing Jody Cleveland, RN 1129 Main St., Fishkill 845.896.1915 handsofserenityhealing.com The Temperance Center Merrill Black, LCSW Reiki Master 914.793.2600, Eastchester thetemperancecenter.com
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PAST LIFE REGRESSION Shira Adler, Intuitive Healer Certified Past Life Regressionist 914.861.5186; ShiraAdler.com
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Functional Medicine for Pets Why the Best Vets Use It by Shawn Messonnier
M Melanie Ryan & Andy Steigmeier The Center for Health and Healing 4 Smith Ave., 2nd fl Mount Kisco, NY Center4Healing.net See ad page 21.
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any pet owners have chosen functional medicine for their own care, so they logically turn to it for their four-legged family members, as well. Most veterinarians are still unfamiliar with this approach to pet health care and may even discourage its use because they see it as being out of synch with conventional ideology. Functional medicine addresses the underlying causes of disease, using a systems-oriented approach and engaging patients and doctors in a partnership designed to improve health. This evolved practice better addresses individual needs than a traditional approach that focuses on illness and treating disease rather than restoring overall health. By shifting from an allopathic platform to a more holistic, patient-centered one, functional medicine addresses the whole pet, not just a set of symptoms.
Why Functional Medicine
The system of medicine practiced by most vets is geared toward acute care of a severe trauma or a climax in illness that necessitates urgent diagnosis and treatment. They typically apply specific, prescribed treatments such as drugs or
perform surgery to treat the immediate problem or symptom. This approach works well for pets experiencing a crisis, but isn’t appropriate for restoring health when animals have chronic disorders. It also doesn’t help them to at least live comfortably with incurable problems without the side effects often caused by extensive administration of medications. Conventional veterinary science lacks the proper tools for preventing and treating complex, chronic disease. In most cases, it doesn’t take into account an individual’s unique genetic makeup or exposure to toxins such as too many vaccines, drugs or environmental chemicals. Functional medicine always focuses on the unique nature of the patient; there is no “one treatment fits all” mentality. Functional medicine vets are specifically trained to assess the underlying causes of complex, chronic disease and to apply strategies such as nutrition, diet and naturopathic remedies to both treat and prevent these illnesses. They can ably help the increasing number of pets suffering from complex, chronic health
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Referral to a qualified practitioner is needed to help a pet benefit from functional medicine. issues such as diabetes, heart disease, cancer, allergies, arthritis, seizures, bowel and bladder problems and immune system disorders. Functional medicine best addresses these concerns because it involves understanding the origins, prevention and treatment of ailments and emphasizes customized care. The goal is to promote health as a positive force well beyond the absence of disease. It’s possible for many pets to appear to be healthy while specialized, noninvasive testing shows underlying issues that must be addressed if illness is to be prevented. Conventional medicine either doesn’t offer such testing or ignores minor abnormalities, placing the pet at risk for developing serious and potentially irreversible problems.
Integrative Approach
An integrative, science-based healthcare approach considers interactions in the pet’s history, physiology and lifestyle that might lead to problems. All of the diagnostic and treatment modalities are based upon proven scientific principles and follow evidence-based medicine to yield the best results in terms of total function. Functional medicine integrates traditional Western medical practices with what are sometimes considered “holistic” or “complementary” healing methods. The focus is on prevention through nutrition, diet and exercise; use of the latest laboratory testing and other diagnostic techniques; and prescribed combinations of botanical medicines, supplements, therapeutic diets and detoxification programs, using drugs only when necessary as a last, rather than a first, resort. This whole-pet approach allows doctors to choose whichever therapies are best for each patient. Holistic vets see many patients for which conventional medicine has proven ineffective. Sometimes conventional doctors back away from offering treatment, either because the pet is “too old,” the treatment is “too expensive” or the results are unlikely to be “satisfactory.” Functional medicine can help many of these so-called hopeless cases, return pets to health and often heal disease after principles of functional medicine have been consistently applied to the pet’s everyday lifestyle. Finding a functional medicine vet is challenging, but worth the effort. Focusing on the individual needs of a pet ensures the optimum chance for achieving and sustaining proper health. Shawn Messonnier, a doctor of veterinary medicine practicing in Plano, TX, is the author of The Natural Health Bible for Dogs & Cats and Unexpected Miracles: Hope and Holistic Healing for Pets. For more info, visit PetCareNaturally.com. 2017 Natural Living Directory
Body Sculpt with Kettlebells
Workouts Burn Fat and Tone Muscle by Taylor Geiger
Kettlebell training promotes fat loss, toning of major muscle groups and greater functional strength, while requiring less time than its dumbbell counterpart.
ettlebells can replace almost all other exercise equipment in providing an all-in-one workout, combining strength and cardio benefits,” explains Shelly Bumpus, an Athletics and Fitness Association of America-certified personal trainer and owner of the Studio Women’s Fitness Center, in Scott, Louisiana. Bumpus often uses kettlebells in strength and conditioning exercise classes to afford a balanced full-body workout that’s fun and engaging. “Consistent kettlebell training imitates and strengthens movements we use to function in daily life,” explains Athena Concannon, an American College of Sports Medicine-certified personal trainer and healthy lifestyle blogger at AchieveWithAthena.com, in Boston. For example, actions like lifting grocery bags and standing up from a sitting position become easier.
natural awakenings
Westchester/Putnam/Dutchess NY Edition
She notes that the growing popularity of different kinds of functional training in the past decade has bolstered recognition of kettlebell benefits as people seek ways to move away from assisted weight machines toward natural body movements. Kettlebells now show up in circuit training, CrossFit and both functional fitness and step classes. People see results because, “It takes multiple small and large muscle groups to redirect movement while maintaining control with a kettlebell, requiring more muscle recruitment than with a traditional dumbbell; it’s because its shape provides unbalanced weight resistance that strengthens a multitude of different muscles,” explains Julie Joffrion, owner of All-Inclusive Health, in New Orleans. A kettlebell’s configuration requires exercisers to pay close attention to WakeUpNaturally.com
maintaining a neutral spinal posture and avoid locking knees and wrists to avoid pain or injury. By starting with a smaller weight and focusing on form first, exercisers build a foundation that allows them to more fully enjoy the benefits. Momentum training with kettlebells also compares favorably to traditional dumbbells or weighted bars. “The distinctive shape and weight distribution allows for a variety of exercises and grip positions that are not as comfortable and effective or even possible with a dumbbell,” says Joffrion. Although kettlebells have been popular with Russian athletes since the 1700s, they are a relatively new addition to U.S. fitness clubs. “I first learned about kettlebell fitness in 2005 when some gyms were purchasing them. However, because trainers didn’t yet know how to use or instruct on proper movement of the bells, they sat dormant for awhile. I started using them and fell in love. After a few months, I knew this would be something I’d stick with for a long time,” recalls Lorna Kleidman, an accomplished
Learn more at Tinyurl.com/ KettlebellsFitnessStudy. kettlebell champion who has earned gold awards in 17 national and international competitions. Now the founder of KettleX, a business focused on making kettlebell fitness available to everyone through DVDs, private sessions, online coaching and seminars, Kleidman says, “The beauty is that the bells keep you strong and looking great, no matter what your age or fitness experience. I’ve rarely met a person that didn’t get hooked after working out with the appropriate bells, be it a child or an 80-year-young client. “They are excellent for power, cardiovascular enhancement, endurance and physical symmetry, which is important for the health of the tissues and joints. At the same time, they create a healthful-looking physique, including toned arms, flat abs and a round, lifted butt,” she adds. Participants completing 20 minutes of a high-intensity kettlebell workout
burned an average of 20 calories per minute in a study sponsored by the American Council of Exercise. The researchers compared this level to running a six-minute mile and credited the more intensive calorie burn as a result of challenging the total body, which quickly raises the heart rate when performed with speed. The study concluded that kettlebell training is especially beneficial for those that want to fit in a time-efficient, total body workout. Proponents go a step further, claiming that kettlebells can deliver increased benefits in half the time of traditional workouts. Bumpus advises, “If you’re solely interested in building strength and muscle power, stick with free weights, but if you’re looking for a way to burn fat while increasing muscular and cardiovascular endurance, kettlebells are a valuable option to incorporate into your training.” Taylor Geiger is a freelance writer in Phoenix, Arizona. Connect at TaylorGeiger.wordpress.com.
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calendarofevents Please call ahead to confirm times and dates. Pre-register early to insure events will have a minimum number to take place. To place a calendar listing, email us before January 12 (for February issue) and adhere to our guidelines. Email WPCcalendar@naturalawakeningsmag.com for guidelines on how to submit listings. No phone calls or faxes, please. Thank you!
markyourcalendar Young Living Essential Oil New Year Workshop “New Beginnings to a Healthier You in 2017” Tuesday, January 10, 2017 6-8pm Katonah, NY Make your New Year’s resolution to achieve a healthier lifestyle. Join us to learn how these natural oils support your physical, mental, emotional spiritual you. Register by Friday, January 6 $10.00 (Includes light refreshments) O: 914.556.8258 C: 914.494.2266 rhodessence@yahoo.com (address given at registration)
SUNDAY, JANUARY 1 New Year’s Fire Ceremony – 11am. Help us send the intentions collected on the yule wreath to the universe. Event takes place at another location; call for directions. Hands of Serenity Healing, Fishkill. 845.896.1915. HandsOfSerenityHealing.com.
WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 4 Michael Zeilnhofer Presents Ice Giants: Uranus and Neptune – 6:30-7:30pm. Crucial in the evolution of our solar system. Program intended for those ages 10 and up. Kent Library, 17 Sybil’s Crossing, Kent Lakes. Registration required: 845.225.8585. KentLibrary.org.
THURSDAY, JANUARY 5 Belly Dance Series – 6-7pm/intermediate; 7-8pm/ beginner. With Ayleeza. Four-class series. $48 per series. DG Sanctuary. 2 Lagrange Ave, Poughkeepsie. 845.473.2206. DreamingGoddess.com.
markyourcalendar Saturday, January 21 Connecting to Source
with Jeffrey Migdow, MD Hosted by Yoga Teachers Association 1:30-4:30 p.m. Explore meditation, postures, pranayama, and mantra/sound vibration for healing, joy, rejuvenation, and expanded consciousness.
The Yoga Studio, Club Fit Briarcliff Manor, NY $45 members/$65 nonmembers in advance Register at YTAYoga.com 914.582.7816 / ytapresident@gmail.com 62
natural awakenings
FRIDAY, JANUARY, 6 Yogic New Year – 2017 – 7-8:30pm. O2 Livings Annual, Yogic New Year chakra balancing, intention setting practice, with registered yoga teachers Deirdre Breen and Renee Simon. O2 Living Wellness Center, located in Yellow Monkey Village, 792 Route 35, Cross River. Info: Info/register: 914.763.6320.
SATURDAY, JANUARY 7 Reiki Master Class – Jan 7-8. 11am-4pm. With Reiki Master Marcus Feighery. $675. Synchronicity, 1511 Rte 22 Brewster. RSVP: 845.363.1765. Info: SynchronicityNY.com. Yoga for Women with Cancer – Noon-1:30pm, Open to women living with breast, ovarian or gynecological cancer. Free. Club Fit, 600 Bank Rd, Jefferson Valley. Support Connection/must preregister: 914.962.6402. SupportConnection.org. The Science behind Weight Loss – 12:30-1:30pm. With Dr. Timothy Morley, Medical Director of Tomorrow Medicine. Learn proper way to lose weight and keep it off. Free. Saw Mill East, 333 N Bedford Rd, Mt Kisco. RSVP: 914.615.9004. Info: TomorrowMedicine.com. A New Beginning: Living What Matters In 2017 – 1pm. With Diane Ingram, a Personal Certified Coach. Explore what really matters and learn how to develop personal growth. Free. Patterson Library, 1167 Rte 311, Patterson. Info: 845.878.6121 x10. PattersonLibrary.org. Sweat, Samadhi & Sankalpa – 4-6pm. With Deirdre Breen and Dr. Kaushik. Kick off 2017: yoga class incorporating a vinyasa practice and yoga nidra meditation. $40. Quest Yoga Arts, 11 E Main St, Mt Kisco. Register: 914.241.9642. QuestYogaArts.com. Monthly Shamanic Reiki Hearth Healing Circle – 5:30-7pm. With Melanie Ryan, SRMT. Proceeds go to EOMEC.org, a non-profit to preserve worldwide indigenous shamanic healing practices. $20 suggested. Drop in. Mt Kisco. 914.864.0462. Center4Healing.net. Free Intro to Ayurveda & Yoga Study Group – 6:30pm. Find out about our six-part lifestyle study group. Learn more about these ancient practices. Free. Quest Yoga Arts, 11 E Main St, Mt Kisco. Register: 914.241.9642. QuestYogaArts.com.
SUNDAY, JANUARY 8 Creating the New Year with Intention – 3-5pm. Look at the challenges and triumphs of 2016, discover what worked and what didn’t and more. Craft one’s own intention candle. $35. DG Sanctuary. 2 Lagrange Ave, Poughkeepsie. 845.473.2206. DreamingGoddess.com.
Westchester/Putnam/Dutchess NY Edition
markyourcalendar Saturday, January 28 1pm-6pm
Trauma Informed Training for
Healing Practitioners with Elisha Simpson. An inspiring and heart-felt experiential training to learn and adapt new tools from the growing field of trauma research. For yoga teachers, social workers, clinicians, hospital workers, school teachers, juvenile and justice personnel, healing practitioners working with children and adults of all ages. Cost: $150. Sacred Spirit Yoga and Healing Arts Center, Dobbs Ferry. sacredspirityogacenter.org
Yin Yoga & Meditation – 5-7pm. Mind/body practice using longer (supported) holds in poses focusing on connective tissues in body not usually targeted. $35. Quest Yoga Arts, 11 E Main St, Mt Kisco. Register: 914.241.9642. QuestYogaArts.com.
MONDAY, JANUARY 9 Men’s Group Open House – 7-8:30pm. Celebrate full spectrum of our authentic beings, as we reflect on and develop the true meaning and purpose of our lives. SunRaven, 501 Guard Hill Rd, Bedford. 914.218.3113. SlowMedicine.org. Adult Guided Channeling/Meditation Group – 7:15-8:15pm. With Merrill Black, LCSW/Reiki Master. Unique theme, meditation, group discussion. $15. The Temperance Center, 453 White Plains Rd, Ste 203, Eastchester. 914.793.2600. TheTemperanceCenter.com.
TUESDAY, JANUARY 10 Young Living Essential Oil New Year Workshop: New Beginning to a Healthier You in 2017 – 6-8pm, Katonah. Learn how natural oils support physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well-being. Create a business with these oils. Register: 914.556.8258.
WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 11 Weight Loss Made Simple: Weiss Method Info/ Lecture – 7-8pm. Learn about this amazing method for overcoming everyday addictions and easy, natural weight loss. Free. Briarcliff location. Reserve space: 914.705.1805. Weiss-Method.com. Parents of Teen and Adult Special Needs Students Support Group – 7-9pm. 2nd Wed. New group focuses on how to prepare them to become responsible, self-sufficient, confident young adults. 89 Main St, Brewster. Info, Emily Sussman: 845.363.8220. Vision & Success in School – 7-9pm. Discover tools to identify children having trouble learning. Vision problems keep children from reaching their potential. Free. Dr. Samantha Slotnick, 495 Central Park Ave, Ste 301, Scarsdale. RSVP, Jane: 914.874.1177. DrSlotnick.com.
THURSDAY, JANUARY 12 Chivalry and Martial Arts – Six-week series begins. Pay what is affordable. SkyBaby Yoga & Pilate’s Studio, 75 Main St, Cold Spg. Must preregister/info: 845.265.4444. SkyBabyYoga.com.
FRIDAY, JANUARY 13 Girls Yoga – Six-week series begins. Pay what is affordable. SkyBaby Yoga & Pilate’s Studio, 75 Main St, Cold Spg. Must preregister/info: 845.265.4444. SkyBabyYoga.com. Space Clearing & Protection – 6:30-8:30pm. With Alexandra Le Clere. $40. Synchronicity, 1511 Rte 22 Brewster. RSVP: 845.363.1765. Info: SynchronicityNY.com. Adult Guided Channeling/Meditation Group – 7:15-8:15pm. With Merrill Black, LCSW/Reiki Master. Unique theme, meditation, group discussion. $15. The Temperance Center, 453 White Plains Rd, Ste 203, Eastchester. Info: 914.793.2600. TheTemperanceCenter.com.
SATURDAY, JANUARY 14 Reiki II Training – 10:30am-2:30pm. With international Master Teacher and Author, Brett Bevell. Be initiated into the powerful, life-changing experience of Reiki, the world’s most popular form of energy healing. $250. Mt Kisco. 914.864.0462. Center4Healing.net. True Essence Connecting Circle – Jan 14, 28, Feb 11 and 25. 2-4pm. Two-month program. Shift vibration and awaken one’s true essence. Four-group meetings and four individual coaching sessions. Lighthouse Retreat and Wellness Center, Croton-On-Hudson. 845.424.6219. AwakenYourTrueEssence.com. Holistic Kids: Mystery Key Event – 3-4:30pm. Ages 4-7. Games, stories and crafts. Discover secrets to achieving optimal health. Snacks, face painting and more. Free. Quest Yoga Arts, 11 E Main St, Mt Kisco. Register: 914.241.9642. QuestYogaArts.com. Ayurveda: Depression and Anxiety: Cultivating a Chemistry of Joy – 3-5pm. Light refreshments served. Free. Dr. Kaushik’s Ayurvedic and Naturopathic Clinic, Yellow Monkey Village, 792 Rte 35, Cross River. Info: 914.875.9088. DrKaushik.com.
SUNDAY, JANUARY 15 Girls Pilates – Six-week series begins. Pay what is affordable. SkyBaby Yoga & Pilate’s Studio, 75 Main St, Cold Spg. Must preregister/info: 845.265.4444. SkyBabyYoga.com. 200hr Yoga Teacher Training Open House – 12:30-1:45pm. Next part-time teacher training begins Feb 19-May 7, 2016. Bring a friend. $3,000. Early bird special will still apply $2,800. Nueva Alma Yoga and Wellness, 799 McLean Ave, Yonkers. NuevaAlma.com. Restorative/Yin/Yoga Nidra Workshop – 2-4:30pm. Designed to manifest the best year of one’s life. $40. Nueva Alma Yoga and Wellness, 799 McLean Ave, Yonkers. NuevaAlma.com. Holistic Kids: Mystery Key Event – 3-4:30pm. Ages 8-10. Games, stories and crafts. Discover secrets to achieving optimal health. Snacks, face painting and more. Free. Quest Yoga Arts, 11 E Main St, Mt Kisco. Register: 914.241.9642. QuestYogaArts.com. Restorative/Yin/Yoga Nidra Workshop – 5-7:30pm. Designed to manifest the best year of one’s life. $40. Nueva Alma Yoga and Wellness, 799 McLean Ave, Yonkers. NuevaAlma.com.
WHN Monthly Meeting – 9:30-11am. CBD: The Miracle Cure Big Pharma Wants to Control. With guest presenters, Andy Kadison and Shira Adler. Westchester County HMN Special Event: Katonah United Methodist Church. 5 Bedford Rd, Katonah. Info: WestchesterHolisticnetWork.org.
All about Metabolism – 7:30pm. Dr. Timothy Morley, functional medicine physician, will speak about how balancing hormones and insulin levels optimizes health and sustains weight loss. Rye Free Reading Room, 1061 Boston Post Rd, Rye. HolisticMoms.org.
Weiss Method Treatment Day Westchester – 1-7pm. Free oneself of daily habits and addictions with the revolutionary help of the Weiss Method. Addiction Free Naturally. Reserve space: 914.705.1805. Weiss-Method.com.
Monthly Reiki Circle – 7-8:30pm. Relax and receive the healing of universal life force energy in a loving, supportive healing environment with caring, professional Reiki practitioners. $20 suggested. Mt Kisco. 914.864.0462. Center4Healing.net.
Setting Your Intention & Clearing Space for the New Year – 6:30-8pm. With Lisa Rieckermann. Make room for a joyful and peaceful New Year. $20. Walk a Sacred Path Healing Center, 2279 Rte 22, Dover Plains. Info: 914.329.3325.
Shamanic Journey Circle – 7-9pm. Through rhythmic drumming in guided meditation, transcend conscious state and journey to meet the many helping spirits around us. No experience necessary. $20. DG Sanctuary. 2 Lagrange Ave, Poughkeepsie. 845.473.2206. DreamingGoddess.com.
Katonah Study Group: Intro to Dosha Coaching – 7-9pm. Elements and actions of personalized health with Deirdre Breen. Participants will discover their Dosha and its constitutional (prakriti) and lifestyle (vrikriti) expressions. Location: Northern Westchester Hospital. Info: bonnie@katonahstudygroup.org.
The 72 Archangel of the Kabbalah: Discover Your Birth Angel Workshop – 7-9pm.With Shaman Elka Boren. $35. Synchronicity, 1511 Rte 22 Brewster. RSVP: 845.363.1765. Info: SynchronicityNY.com.
2017 Natural Living Directory
markyourcalendar Awaken Wellness Fair …Awaken to Your Best Self…
Sunday, January 29, 2017 10am to 5pm
Hotel Pennsylvania Penntop Ballroom 401 Seventh Ave, New York, NY 10001 Speakers, Healers, Vendors and Readers Over 100 exhibitors, 1000 guests! AwakenFairs.com Exhibitor spots available
SATURDAY, JANUARY 21 A Slow Medicine Approach to Abundance Workshop – 10:30am-4pm. Learn skills to understand how one could be blocking oneself and more. $225 couples. $150 individuals. SunRaven, 501 Guard Hill Rd, Bedford. 914.218.3113. SlowMedicine.org. 13 Moons Women’s Intensive Medicine Circles – 11am-5pm. Teaching circle reflecting accumulation of over 30 years of conscious learning, exploring and experiencing. First class Sat, following months Sun. $1100. DG Sanctuary. 2 Lagrange Ave, Poughkeepsie. 845.473.2206. DreamingGoddess.com. Connecting to Source – 1:30-4:30pm. With Jeffrey Migdow. Meditation, postures, mantra and sound to facilitate healing and more. $45 members. $65 nonmembers advance. The Yoga Studio, Club Fit, 584 N State Rd, Briarcliff Manor. Info: Audrey Brooks: 914.582.7816. YTAyoga.com. Donation Based Community Yoga Class – 3-4:15pm. Open level. All welcome. Bring a friend. Nueva Alma Yoga and Wellness, 799 McLean Ave, Yonkers. NuevaAlma.com. Free Dosha Analysis: Pulse and Tongue – 3-5pm. With Dr. Somesh Kaushik at the grand opening of the new Katonah Pharmacy. Where Mrs. Green’s used to be, across from Awakenings, 202 Katonah Ave. 914.232.2300. DrKaushik.com. Awakening to Mediumship & Open Channeling – 5-6:30pm.With Elka Boren. $35. Synchronicity, 1511 Rte 22 Brewster. RSVP: 845.363.1765. Info: SynchronicityNY.com.
SUNDAY, JANUARY 22 Finding Peace in Chaos – 10:30am-4:30pm. With Melanie Ryan, LCSWR. Day of silent meditation. No experience necessary. Sitting and walking meditation instruction. BYO lunch. 50 percent of proceeds go to SomethingGoodInTheWorld.org. Mt Kisco. Register: 914.864.0462. Center4Healing.net. Addiction Free Naturally: Weiss Method Infolecture NYC – 1-2pm. Learn about this amazing method for overcoming everyday addictions. Free. NYC location, E 37th, btw Park and Lex. Reserve space: 914.705.1805. Weiss-Method.com.
Crystal Workshop – 5-6:30pm. With Elka Boren. $35. Synchronicity, 1511 Rte 22 Brewster. RSVP: 845.363.1765. Info: SynchronicityNY.com. Restorative Yoga – 5-7pm. With Karla Booth Diamond. Relax and letting go of the “have to’s” and the “shoulds” is essential to health and well-being. Quest Yoga Arts, 11 E Main St, Mt Kisco. Register/ cost: 914.241.9642. QuestYogaArts.com.
MONDAY, JANUARY 23 Balance Your Hormones, Balance Your Life – 6:30-7:30pm. With Dr. Timothy Morley, medical director of Tomorrow Medicine and hormone balancing expert. Free. Saw Mill East, 333 N Bedford Rd, Mt Kisco. RSVP: 914.615.9004. Info: TomorrowMedicine.com. Men’s Group Open House – 7-8:30pm. Celebrate full spectrum of our authentic beings, as we reflect on and develop the true meaning and purpose of our lives. SunRaven, 501 Guard Hill Rd, Bedford. 914.218.3113. SlowMedicine.org. Adult Guided Channeling/Meditation Group – 7:15-8:15pm. With Merrill Black, LCSW/Reiki Master. Unique theme, meditation, group discussion. $15. The Temperance Center, 453 White Plains Rd, Ste 203, Eastchester. Info: 914.793.2600. TheTemperanceCenter.com.
WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 25 Weiss Method Treatment Day Westchester – 1-7pm. Free oneself of daily habits and addictions with the revolutionary help of the Weiss Method. Addiction Free Naturally. Reserve space: 914.705.1805. Weiss-Method.com. Strengthening Your Immune System with Whole Foods and Herbs – 6:30-8pm. Use whole foods to obtain powerful nutrients, revitalize cells, cleanse toxins and more. $20. Walk a Sacred Path Healing Center, 2279 Rte 22, Dover Plains. Info: 914.329.3325.
THURSDAY JANUARY 26 Ayurveda and Yoga Lifestyle Study Group – 1-2:30pm. 1/26, 2/9, 2/23, 3/9, 3/23 & 4/6. With Deirdre Breen. Six-session study group combining Ayurveda and yoga. $300 includes private consult with Dr. Kaushik. Yellow Monkey Village, 792 Rt 35, Cross River. Info: 914.486.6480.
FRIDAY, JANUARY 27 Mediumship Circle – 7-8:30pm.With Carla Blaha. $40. Synchronicity, 1511 Rte 22 Brewster. RSVP: 845.363.1765. Info: SynchronicityNY.com. New Year Journey Dance – 7-8:30pm. With Claudia Gukeisen. Discover healing power of journey dance. Tell one’s story to the dance floor and end with 20-min of guided divine sleep yoga nidra. $25. Mt Kisco. Claudia: 914.673.3314. Center4Healing.net. Adult Guided Channeling/Meditation Group – 7:15-8:15pm. With Merrill Black, LCSW/Reiki Master. Unique theme, meditation, group discussion. $15. The Temperance Center, 453 White Plains Rd, Ste 203, Eastchester. Info: 914.793.2600. TheTemperanceCenter.com.
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SATURDAY, JANUARY 28 Introduction to Reiki Healing Energy – 10:30am12pm.With Lia and Lisa, Reiki Masters. Learn how Reiki is used with children and animals. Helps develop intuition. Bring questions. Walk a Sacred Path Healing Center, 2279 Rte 22, Dover Plains. Info: 914.329.3325. Reiki I & II – 11am-4pm. With Reiki Master Marcus Feighery. $275. Synchronicity, 1511 Rte 22 Brewster. RSVP: 845.363.1765. Info: SynchronicityNY.com. Releasing Ceremony – 1-3pm. With Lia a Shamanic Reiki Master/Instructor. Transformation often follows conscious releasing. It’s empowering and freeing. $30. Walk a Sacred Path Healing Center, 2279 Rte 22, Dover Plains. Info: 914.329.3325. Trauma Informed Training for Healing Practitioners – 1-6pm. With Elisha Simpson. Training to learn new tools from field of trauma research. For those working with children or adults. $150. Sacred Spirit Yoga and Healing Arts Center, Dobbs Ferry. SacredSpiritYogaCenter.org. Exploring Self-Care – 5-7pm. With Danielle Guillet. Discuss and participate in several effective and easy self-care activities to relieve and manage stress. $35 preregistered. $40 door. Quest Yoga Arts, 11 E Main St, Mt Kisco. Register: 914.241.9642. QuestYogaArts.com.
SUNDAY, JANUARY 29 Awaken Wellness Fair: NYC – 10am-5pm. Speakers, healers, vendors, readers, over 100 exhibitors and 1000 guests. Hotel Pennsylvania Penntop Ballroom, 401 Seventh Ave. Info/tickets: AwakenFairs.com Monthly Manifesting – Noon-1:30pm.With Carla Blaha. $25. Synchronicity, 1511 Rte 22 Brewster. RSVP: 845.363.1765. Info: SynchronicityNY.com. Weiss Method Treatment Day NYC – 1-5pm. Free oneself of daily habits and addictions with the revolutionary help of the Weiss Method. Addiction Free Naturally, E 37th, btw Park and Lex. Reserve space: 914.705.1805. Weiss-Method.com. Reiki Master Program – 2-5pm. Opening session on energy development. 33 hour training for Reiki II students includes student teacher training, attunement training and master attunement in Armonk. $700 advance. Registration, Anne Bentzen, Reiki Master: 914.588.4079. Balancing4Life.com.
MONDAY, JANUARY 30 StarVisions Healing Circle – 7-9pm. With Anne Bentzen, Reiki Master. Stress reduction and health enhancement achieved through deep relaxation with Reiki. Max 18. $20. Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, 236 S Bedford Rd, Mt Kisco. Must preregister: 914.588.4079.
WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 1 ADD Just Doesn’t Add Up – 7-9pm. Is it really a short attention span? Learn to distinguish visual problems that mimic or complicate AD(H)D. Free. Dr. Samantha Slotnick, 495 Central Park Ave, Ste 301, Scarsdale. RSVP, Jane: 914.874.1177. DrSlotnick.com.
Email for pricing: WPCcalendar@NaturalAwakeningsMag.com 64
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Westchester/Putnam/Dutchess NY Edition
natural awakenings
Yamuna Body Rolling (YBR) A complement to Yoga YamunaBodyrolling.com 212.533.5256
Yoga Teachers Association Workshops 2nd Sat. 1:30pm The Yoga Studio, Club Fit Briarcliff Manor info@ytayoga.com; ytayoga.com
Golden Temple Yoga 223 Katonah Ave. 914.232.3473 GoldenTempleYoga.com
YogaShine 711 Legion Dr. YogaShine.com; 914.769.8745
Pilates Fitness Plus 495 Main Street 914.469.6030 pilatesfitnessplus.com
BEDFORD HILLS Elite Performance PT of Westchester, PC 41 Main St. @ Katonah Yoga ElitePTandPilates.com 917.476.2164
PATTERSON Inner Balance Studio 1072 Route 311 845.878.7800; InnerBalanceStudio.org
POUND RIDGE Pilates Pound Ridge Classical Pilates Studio Old Mill River Road 917.841.1218; PilatesPoundRidge.com
Katonah Yoga 39 Main Street 914.241.2661; katonahyoga.com
CROSS RIVER o2living 6 Yellow Monkey Village, Rt. 35 914.763.6320; o2living.com
Sacred Spirit Yoga and Healing Arts Center located at South Presbyterian Church 343 Broadway sacredspirityogacenter.org
EASTCHESTER The Temperance Center 453 White Plains Road 914.793.2600 TheTemperanceCenter.com
Putnam Yoga 30 Tomahawk St, Baldwin Place 845.494.8118; PutnamYoga.com
Integrated Peace Arts Still Mind Yoga 305 Central Ave Suite 2 914.648.0493 integrated-peace-arts.org
Tovami Yoga 112 W. Boston Post Rd 914.618.4887; tovamiyoga.com
Nueva Alma Yoga & Wellness 799 McLean Avenue 914.294.0606; NuevaAlma.com
Quest Yoga 11-13 East Main St, 2nd floor 914.241.YOGA QuestYogaArts.com
Zen Garden Health Coaching and Yoga Edit J. Babboni, 200-RYT 61 Lakeview Drive 917.721.2529 zengardenyoga.net
NEW ROCHELLE Westchester Yoga Arts 49 Lawton Street, 2nd Floor 914.632.1101 WestchesterYogaArts.com
PATTERSON Inner Balance Studio 1072 Route 311 845.878.7800; InnerBalanceStudio.org
YOGA TEACHER BodySculpt by Karen Karen M. Shaw Private Individual & Group Sessions Westchester /Putnam Area 914.522.1297 Bodysculptbykaren.com
Rhinebeck Pilates 6400 Montgomery St. 845.876.5686 RhinebeckPilates.com
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914.617.8750 2017 Natural Living Directory
ongoingevents NOTE: All calendar events must be received via email by the 12th of the month and adhere to our guidelines. Email WPCcalendar@naturalawakeningsmag.com for guidelines and to submit entries. No phone calls or faxes, please. Ongoing Calendar listings must be resent quarterly for our January, April, July & October editions. Thank you!
sunday Kacey, On The Radio – 6:30am. The Health and Happiness Show. Interviews with therapists, healers, doctors, actors and dreamers. Tune into 100.7 WHUD. Kaceyontheradio.com. Pre-Natal Yoga – 9-10:15am. Strengthen and open, cultivating breath awareness and mind-body unity through yoga poses modified for the pregnant body. $100 four weeks. Quest Yoga Arts, Mt Kisco. RSVP before first class: 914.241.9642. Organic Market at Congregation Sons of Israel – 11:30-2pm. 1666 Pleasantville Rd, Briarcliff Manor. csibriarcliff.org. Hudson Valley Regional Farmers Market – 10am2pm. 15 Mt. Ebo Road S, off Rt. 22, Brewster.����� ���� Hudson Valley Cerebral Palsy Association building. Celebration of Life Service – 11-12:15am. Inspirational music, affirmative prayer, meditation, lessons in the Science of Mind. Children’s programs 1st & 3rd Sun. Free. Center for Spiritual Living White Plains, 262 Martine Ave, Masonic Temple. 914.261.9119. cslwp.org. Teen Yoga, Meditation and Empowerment Class – 1-2:30pm. With Elisha Simpson of Crossover Yoga Project. Children ages 12-18 learn mindful techniques to help lower stress and more. PranaMoon Yoga, 1000 N Division St, Ste 2H, Peekskill. Info/ cost: 914.319.4010..
monday Healing Qigong – 8-9am. With Certified Instructor Dr. Kurt Beil. Ancient, gentle techniques of coordinated movement, breath and intention to build energy and more. Class-card or $22 drop-in. Quest Yoga Arts, 11-13 Main St, Mt Kisco. 914.241.9642. QuestYogaArts.com. Free Morning Meditation – 8:45-9:15am. SkyBaby Yoga & Pilate’s Studio, 75 Main St, Cold Spg. 845.265.4444. SkyBabyYoga.com. Putnam Yoga Level 1 to Level 2 Classes (w/ modifications) – 9:30am. For those familiar yoga, power yoga poses and techniques are incorporated for indepth strength training, improvements in breathing, posture and mobility.30 Tomahawk St, Baldwin Place. $15. Info: Christine Dodge 845.494.8118; putnamyoga.com. Vinyasa Flow Yoga – 10-11:15am. Find inner peace and energy at Zen Garden. Movement using the breath. Focus on alignment and strong individual attention. All levels. $15 drop-in. Reserve a spot: Edit 917.721.2529; zengardenyoga.net.
natural awakenings
Women’s Healing Circle – 7-9 pm. Chanting, meditation, sharing and channeling the saints, angels, stars and ancestors by Eileen O’Hare. $20. The Healing House, 11 N Cedar St, Beacon. Info: Facebook.com/TheHealingHouseBeacon. All Levels Yoga – 7-8:30pm. With Christine Tergis. Focus on alignment, sensations, mindfulness and breath. Students may modify poses according to needs and ability. Beginners welcome. $20. Sacred Spirit Yoga and Healing Arts Center, Dobbs Ferry. SacredSpiritYogaCenter.org.
tuesday Free Morning Meditation – 8:45-9:15am. SkyBaby Yoga & Pilate’s Studio, 75 Main St, Cold Spg. 845.265.4444. SkyBabyYoga.com. Therapeutic Yoga Flow – 10-11:30am. With Diane Graziosa, RYT 500. All levels. Floor Flow: breathing, strengthening, stretching and restoring. All levels. $20 drop-in. Eastchester. Info: 914.793.2600. TheTemperanceCenter.com. Gentle Yoga for Wellness – 5:45-7pm. With Ann Cassapini, RYT 500. Gentle level. Using chairs, props, deep relaxation/meditation to build stability, strength and flexibility. $18 drop-in. Eastchester. Ann: 917.882.0921. TheTemperanceCenter.com. Still Mind Tai Chi – 6-7pm. Yang Style Tai Chi for health and self-defense. $25/2 weeks. Still Mind Yoga, 305 Central Ave, Suite 2, White Plains. 914.648.0492. scarsdaleaikido.com. Integral Gentle Yoga with Matt – 7:15-8:15pm. Beginners welcome. A relaxing class. $10/ 2 classes. Still Mind Yoga, 305 Central Ave, Suite 2, White Plains. Info: 914.648.0492. yogawestchesterny.com. Vinyasa Restorative Flow – 7:30-8:45pm. With Jo-Anne. All levels. Vinyasa flow class that incorporates restorative yoga. $18 drop-in. Eastchester. JoAnne: 917.364.1871. TheTemperanceCenter.com.
wednesday Free Morning Meditation – 8:45-9:15am. Singing bowls included. SkyBaby Yoga & Pilate’s Studio, 75 Main St, Cold Spg. 845.265.4444. SkyBabyYoga.com. Vinyasa Flow Yoga – 10-11:15am. Find inner peace and energy at Zen Garden. Movement using the breath. Focus on alignment and strong individual attention. All levels. $15 drop-in. Reserve a spot: Edit 917.721.2529; zengardenyoga.net.
Westchester/Putnam/Dutchess NY Edition
Women’s Wisdom Group – 10:30am-12:30pm. Women support each other through the process of recognizing and embracing one’s full authenticbeing and nurturing their highest potential. $30. SunRaven, 501 Guard Hill Road Bedford. 914.218.3113. SlowMedicine.org. Gentle Vinaya and Yoga Nidra – 7:30-8:45pm. With Deirdre Breen. Reduce anxiety, lift depression, ease pain and improve sleep. $22 drop-in class. O2living, Yellow Monkey Village, Cross River. Info/register: 914.763.6320.
thursday Low Cost Spay/Neuter Day for Cats – 3rd Thurs. Sponsored by Stray HELP Inc Services by TARA, Inc mobile clinic. $70 includes: spay/neuter, rabies, ears cleaned and nails trimmed. Other services available during surgery. Info, Althea: 845.705.5020. Yogalates – 9:15-10:30am. With Marianne Petitbon. Yoga postures increasing flexibility and mat Pilates exercises strengthening core. Classes begin with brief meditation and end with savasana. $20. Sacred Spirit Yoga and Healing Arts Center, Dobbs Ferry. SacredSpiritYogaCenter.org. Pilates Mat class with Magic Circle – 11:3012:30pm. Pilates with physical therapist Tina Sferra. Focus on form, function and fitness to re-engineer the body. $20. Elite Performance at Katonah Yoga, 39 Main St., Bedford Hills. ElitePTandPilates.com. Healing Qigong – 12:30-1:30pm. With Certified Instructor Dr. Kurt Beil. Ancient, gentle techniques of coordinated movement, breath and intention to build energy and more. Class-card or $22 drop-in. Quest Yoga Arts, 11-13 Main St, Mt Kisco. 914.241.9642. QuestYogaArts.com. Open Level Yoga – 6:30-7:30 pm. Slow Vinyasa, beginners welcome. $10/2 classes. Still Mind Yoga, 305 Central Ave, Suite 2, White Plains. Info: 914.648.0492. yogawestchesterny.com. Breath & Flow – 6:30-7:45pm. With Patty Meehan, RYT 500. Vinyasa flow class using breath, movement, balance, stretch, closing with meditation. All levels. $18 drop-in. Eastchester. 914.793.2600. TheTemperanceCenter.com. Rotating Special Evenings – 7-8:30pm. 2nd Thurs/Restorative Yoga with Patricia Castimore; 3rd Thurs/Meditation with Tracy Cochran and 4th Thurs/Reiki Circle with Marianne Petitbon. $20 drop-in or purchase class pkg. Sacred Spirit Yoga and Healing Arts Center, Dobbs Ferry. Info: SacredSpiritYogaCenter.org. Pre-Natal Yoga – 7-8pm. Strengthen and open, cultivating breath awareness and mind-body unity through yoga poses modified for the pregnant body. $100 four weeks. Quest Yoga Arts, Mt Kisco. RSVP before first class. 914.241.9642. QuestYogaArts.com. Free Meditation Session – 2nd and 4th Thursdays. 7:15 p.m. The Anam Cara Meditation Foundation, 2 Byram Brook Place in Armonk. Info: AnamCaraFoundation.org.
2017 Natural Living Directory
friday Women’s Wisdom Group – 10:30am-12:30pm. Women support each other through the process of recognizing and embracing one’s full authenticbeing and nurturing their highest potential. $30. SunRaven, 501 Guard Hill Road Bedford. 914.218.3113. SlowMedicine.org.
classifieds Fee for classifieds is $1 per word per month, 20 word minimum. To place listing, email content to DanaB@naturalawakeningsmag.com. Deadline is the 12th of the month. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY
Mindful Restorative Yoga – 9:30-10:45am. With Reyna. Movement through breath, props, self assists to release, calm and restore. Gentle level. $18 drop-in. Eastchester. Info: 914.793.2600. TheTemperanceCenter.com.
BE YOUR OWN BOSS – Attention: Moms, Teachers, Fitness Trainers, Health Enthusiasts! Looking for health oriented partner, who wants extra income. Get healthy and work from your own location. Comprehensive, personalized training, support ongoing. Contact: Kathy Tafur, Independent Shaklee Distributor, ktafur825@gmail.com; 914.714.2253.
Vinyasa Flow Yoga – 10-11:15am. Find inner peace and energy at Zen Garden. Movement using the breath. Focus on alignment and strong individual attention. All levels. $15 drop-in. Reserve a spot: Edit 917.721.2529; zengardenyoga.net.
COLONIC BUSINESS FOR SALE – Turnkey. Have been in business for 24 years. Lots of regular clientele. It’s time to move on. Please send all inquiries to greatcolonics2@gmail.com.
Gentle Yoga for Wellness – 11am-12:15pm. With Ann Cassapini, RYT 500. Yoga using chairs, props, deep relaxation/meditation to build stability, strength and flexibility. Gentle level. Drop-in $18 drop-in. Eastchester. Ann: 917.882.0921. TheTemperanceCenter.com.
saturday Peekskill Farmers Market – 8am-2pm. Year-round market offering fresh food and family fun. “Market Stage Live,” features live music, author readings, and demos with fitness and health practitioners. FMNP and SNAP accepted. Rain or Shine. Free parking. Bank St, between Park and Main. Info: peekskillfarmersmarket.com. Gossett Brothers Farmer’s Market – 9am–1pm. Vendors include Bee Guy Apiaries, Do-Re-Mi Farms, Johnny Cake Farms, Wave Hill Bread, Honore’s Table, Du Soleil, Bongo Pasta, also fresh fish, homemade ice cream and crafts. 1202 Rte. 35, South Salem. Info: Gossett Brothers Nursery on Facebook. Mindful Slow Flow – 9:30-10:45pm. With Reyna. A mindful slow-flow class that focuses on alignment within the flows ending with restorative yoga. All levels. $18 drop-in. Eastchester. Info: 914.793.2600. TheTemperanceCenter.com. Hudson Valley Farmers Market – 10am-3pm. Year-round. A one stop shop farmers market with fresh Hudson Valley products. Greig Farm, 223 Pitcher Lane, Red Hook. Info: Facebook.com/ HudsonValleyFarmersMarket.
DO YOU LOVE NATURAL AWAKENINGS? We are looking for Community Ambassadors who would love to connect with our wellness community. In addition, we are also seeking Re-stocking Angels who are team players and have some extra time to help us. In return we can help you promote your healthy lifestyle business. Must have own transportation. Please e-mail us where you are located and what kind of business you have. Please be sure to note in email subject line "Ambassador" or "Re-stocking Angel" and email to Dana-na@wakeupnaturally.com. Thank you!
FOR RENT CROTON: 1 or 2 rooms (with sinks) in lovely, homey, peaceful office available 3 days weekly. Includes use of office space, waiting room, bathroom, massage tables. Referral possibilities. View photos on Facebook, Eastmountainacupuncture PLLC. Call 914.271.3684. MOUNT KISCO Professional Office Space available with shared waiting area, in town, near shopping, restaurants, parking and train. Rents include A/C, heating, wifi and 24/7 access. Join other health/healing professionals and other small businesses in this beautifully maintained building with great visibility. Call Barry for availability at 914.760.8510 or Mike at 914.907.7867.
NURSE OR NURSE PRACTITIONER - NuSpecies Health Consultant PT/FT - Provide client health management at NuSpecies to those with disease conditions seeking rebuilding their health naturally. Manage client’s NuSpecies regimen, medication, medical treatments and analyze blood work. Email resume and cover letter to jillian@ nuspecies.com or call 845.440.7458. NYS LICENSED MASSAGE THERAPIST – Massage Envy Spa now hiring at four locations in Westchester: day, evening and weekend schedules. Contact: 914.902.9200 or email resume clinic0807@massageenvy.com for Rt. 22/Scarsdale; call 914.422.3689 or email clinic0906@massageenv. com for 365 Central Park Ave., Scarsdale location; 914.244.3689 or email clinic0918@massageenvy. com for Bedford Hills; 914.417.6940 or email clinic0919@massageenvy.com for Rye Brook. Quickly develop a strong following. VIBRANT SALES PERSON DESIRED – Natural Awakenings of Westchester-Putnam-Dutchess is seeking a self-motivated experienced sales person who enjoys a healthy lifestyle. This commissionbased position offers flexibility and opportunity to create abundance. The right person will have their own car, computer and phone. Please e-mail Danana@wakeupnaturally.com if interested.
PET ADOPTION SPCA OF WESTCHESTER – Open 7 Days a Week: Mon-Sat 10-4 & Sun 1-4. No appointment necessary. Come find a new best friend. 590 North State Road, Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510. spca914.org.
RETREAT YOUR RETREAT. OUR PLACE. Wainwright House is an idyllic site, set on 5 acres with magnificent water views. For info call 914.967.6080 or visit wainwright.org.
Joyful Mindful Yoga – 11:15am-12.30pm. With Ann, RYT 500. Well balanced asana sequences that focus on alignment, mindfulness, clear intention and joy. Intermediate level. $18 drop-in. Eastchester. Ann: 917.882.0921. TheTemperanceCenter.com.
C O L O N T H E R A P I S T WA N T E D / PT – for Westchester colonic office. Experience preferred. Must live the holistic lifestyle and have some knowledge of good nutrition. Send your info to greatcolonics2@gmail.com
RYE: VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: Join the team! Help with marketing, promotion, events, and more, for wellness, the arts and the environment. Wainwright House, Rye. 914.967.6080.
Yoga Teachers Association Workshops – 1:304:30pm. 2nd Sat. Open to teachers and students, members and nonmembers. The Yoga Studio, Club Fit, Briarcliff Manor. Info: YTAyoga.com.
HEALTH CENTER RECEPTIONIST/ADMIN ASSISTANT PT/FT - NuSpecies is a natural health company helping clients rebuild from disease conditions. Provides all front end client services. Email resume and cover letter to jillian@nuspecies. com or call 845.440.7458.
Open Level Yoga – 2-3pm. Slow Vinyasa, beginners welcome. $10/2 classes. Still Mind Yoga, 305 Central Ave, Suite 2, White Plains. Info: 914.648.0492. yogawestchesterny.com.
VOLUNTEER LEADERSHIP POSITIONS available with non-profit StarVisions, Inc. Mt. Kisco. Help create diversified spiritual enriching programs for the community. Call 914.588.4079.
List your classifieds with Natural Awakenings! Email DanaB@naturalawakeningsmag.com
natural awakenings
Westchester/Putnam/Dutchess NY Edition
2017 Natural Living Directory
Natural Awakenings is
to the local businesses that display Natural Awakenings Magazines! Thanks to them, you can pick up your next free copy of Natural Awakenings in Westchester, Putnam or Dutchess County, at coffee shops, fitness centers, yoga and Pilates studios, healing centers, vitamin shops and more, as well as at the following food markets: Acme Markets (Brewster, Briarcliff Manor, Golden’s Bridge, Greenburgh, Hopewell Junction, Mahopac, Mohegan Lake, New Rochelle, Pleasant Valley, Rye Brook, Scarsdale, Thornwood & Yorktown Heights) • Adams Fairacre Farms • B e a c o n N a t u ra l Market • Bread Alone (Rhinebeck) • BEWIES Holistic Market • DeCicco’s (Armonk, Brewster, Cross River, Jefferson Valley, Scarsdale) • Farmers Markets: Congregation Sons of Israel, Briarcliff, Hudson Valley at Greig Farm/Redhook, Hudson Valley Regional/ Brewster, Gossett Brothers/Cross River, Yonkers • Fresh Town (Amenia) • Fishkill Farm • Food Emporium (Bedford Village) • Foodtown (Cold Spring) • Freshtown (Amenia) • Gourmet Express • Green Organic Market (Hartsdale) • Greenwich Produce • Hannafords • Harvest Moon Farm & Orchard • Hayfield’s Market • Key Food (Mahopac, Peekskill) • Kobacker’s Market • Mahopac Diner • Mother’s Earth Storehouse • Nature’s Pantry • Odyssey Diner • Pathmark (Scarsdale & Yonkers) • Putnam Diner • Rhinebeck Health Foods • Sadhana Tea House • Scotts Corner Market • ShopRite (Carmel, New Rochelle) • Stop & Shop (Eastchester, Mamaroneck, Mount Kisco, Ossining, Peekskill, Somers, White Plains, Yonkers) • SuperFoodTown (Crotonon-Hudson) • TOPPS (Carmel, Rhinebeck) • Village Natural Market (Bronxville) and Whole Foods Market (Port Chester, Yonkers)
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No Turning Back in 2017 Astrology with Pam Cucinell
n action year, 2017 Venus turns Jupiter retrograde in highlights movement. early February encourages retrograde Resistance to change caution in freewheeling has tipped to breaking point. March 4 to al- enterprise over the next Anxiety and apprehension several months. Two eclipses give way to a clear vision of low for reevalu- in February further dictate what future is desired. Deteration of rela- the months to come. The mine with courage where you lunar eclipse on February 10 tionships and promotes fairness and strong want to go, and seek allies for that path. leadership, but the February finances. The year begins with 26 solar eclipse suggests a Mercury retrograde: take care potential eruption or rash with communications. 2017 is a “1” year show of power. in numerology, to kick off new beginnings Venus turns retrograde March 4 to aland strengthen leadership ability. Leaders low for reevaluation of relationships and must learn the graceful art of supporting finances. A more pragmatic approach by their followers; otherwise they’ll find the spring equinox can help right the ship. themselves alone. The Chinese New Year Venus direct on April 15 signals a return of the Fire Rooster begins January 28. This to lightness as signs of spring increase. emphasizes that we face a new dawn, Strength in conviction and purpose which requires hard work, application fires up in May. Jupiter direct on June and a keen eye for accountability. 9 signals that unfettered opportunity In January, any adversaries or chal- returns. The summer solstice seeds your lenges to new ventures are apparent; win intentions for this year; check in with them over through intelligent compro- yourself at this halfway mark and make mise to set the tone for mutual respect. a vow to revitalize your goals in July. The To ignore this opportunity is folly. August 7 lunar eclipse brings power de-
Westchester/Putnam/Dutchess NY Edition
Mercury is retrograde four times in 2017: January 1-8; April 9-May 3; August 12September 5; and December 3-22. mands to front and center on the world stage. This plays out financially by the August 21 solar eclipse. The autumn equinox emphasizes the importance of global and interpersonal communication. Jupiter moves into Scorpio in October and increases the importance of transparency in investment. Research reaps rewards in November. The winter solstice promises valuable friendships and a renewed need for financial integrity.
Stellar Events: Jupiter Libra to Scorpio We call Jupiter the Great Benefic, as it expands benefits. However, it also expands negative energy if that’s what it touches. Through early October, Jupiter is in Libra, encouraging relationships for business, knowledge and romance, as well as promoting an overall sense of justice. Since it makes geometric pictures with Uranus and Pluto in March, August and September, these can be big periods of action, especially on the world stage. Jupiter moves into Scorpio October 10, emphasizing intrigue in business and financial dealings.
Retrogrades in 2017 The Value in Backtracks: Retrogrades
When a planet appears to move backward from Earth’s perspective, it indicates a time for reflection. Delays often occur in the areas of life symbolized by the planet. This can be highly productive when you maximize the value of going over something, or it can frustrate or even derail an effort.
Mercury is retrograde four times in 2017: January 1-8; April 9-May 3; August 12-September 5; and December 3-22. The planet symbolizes the messenger, communications and transit. As we often multitask with rote digital responses, our business or personal lives can depend on electronics. When Mercury is retrograde, do not assume that messages are received, or that directions and appointments are absolute; double-check and back up. Venus goes retrograde in the sign of Aries on March 4 to slip back into Pisces in April. Venus symbolizes how one shows love and appreciation. This retrograde indicates a need for self-assertion, which can trigger impulsive behavior. The value of a purchase can be off; avoid expensive purchases or design decisions. Unless you check with your astrologer, weddings or new financial undertakings are not recommended. When Venus goes
direct on April 15, you could benefit from a tax refund if you did due diligence on the tax forms when it was retrograde. When Jupiter is retrograde, it challenges businesses involved in speculation, higher education, investment, global enterprise, law, travel or publishing. Avoid a product launch and don’t open a new business during Jupiter retrograde. In the sign of Libra, partnerships deepen, undergo challenges or are up for reevaluation. The retrograde begins February 6 and runs through June 9. Pamela Cucinell writes in-depth forecasts at InsightOasis.com. In a private session, she can provide guidance or help chart a course or gain insight for more effective relationships. For consultations or online subscriptions, contact pamela@ insightoasis.com or call 917.796.6026. See ad page 56.
ONLINE CALENDAR – Now you can find, and post last minute event listings, on our website: WakeUpNaturally.com. It's FREE! 2017 Natural Living Directory
ACUPUNCTURE FLOWING RIVERS ACUPUNCTURE Pam Todd Battle, L.Ac.,Dipl. OM 603 Warburton Ave. #3 Hastings on Hudson, 10706 914.572.1559; FlowingRivers.net Acupuncture’s effects have been compared to rebooting a computer, optimizing the body’s systems, thereby advancing overall well-being. Acupuncture can help with Pain, Stress, PMS, Infertility, Menopause, Insomnia, Addictions, GI or Respiratory Conditions. Most insurance plans including Acupuncture benefits are accepted.
HUDSON VALLEY NATURAL HEALTH Kurt Beil, ND, LAc, MPH The Center for Health & Healing 4 Smith Ave, 2nd Fl; Mount Kisco, NY 914.362.8315; drkurt@earthlink.net hudsonvalleynaturalhealth.com Chinese medicine for relieving muscle/joint pain and headaches; treating chronic disease including autoimmune disease, digestive disorders, and mental health conditions; boosting immune function; balancing hormones; helping tobacco/substance addiction; and reducing stress. Includes acupuncture, herbs, cupping, moxibustion, qigong, and TENS electro-stimulation. Insurance reimbursement available for some services. See ad pg 54.
Dr. Fred Lisanti, ND,LAC.,RH, CHT 266 White Plains Rd, B-1, Eastchester, NY 914.337.2980; intmedsolutions.com Therapeutic solutions for acute and chronic health conditions. Acupuncture is an intelligent medicine, gentle enough for pregnant women, and powerful enough to treat serious conditions like chronic pain, stress, anxiety and depression. It can restore harmony and balance to mind, body and spirit. See ad pg 28.
hroughout the year Natural Awakenings strives to bring you the latest information and resources available for natural health, nutrition, personal growth, green living, fitness, and creative expression. We are pleased to offer this special edition, including local Practitioner Profiles, the Natural Living Glossary, and our extensive Westchester/Putnam/Dutchess NY Natural Living Directory to support you in leading a healthy, happy and balanced lifestyle.
natural awakenings
Westchester/Putnam/Dutchess NY Edition
SearchLight Medical 2424 Route 52, Hopewell Junction, NY 845.592.4310; SearchLightMedical.com Frustrated with not feeling or looking your best? Get on the path to better health. Utilizing Medical Acupuncture, ONDAMED, Biofeedback Therapy and Reiki to achieve a better state of health and well being. Only minutes from Taconic and I-84. See ad pg 32.
25 North Division St. Peekskill, NY Margaret.steele@gmail.com 914.772.4589; SteeleNeedlesAcupuncture.com Offering Classical Chinese Acupuncture and Aromatherapy. Activate your body’s own healing potential with highly targeted treatments. Specializing in fertility and women’s health, acute and chronic pain, and acute and chronic health issues, including auto-immune disorders.
ADD/ADHD COACH SUSAN LASKY MA, BCC, SCAC Certified ADHD Coach/ Organizer 914.373.4787; SusanLasky.com Susan@SusanLasky.com
Learn strategies that work with the way YOU think. ADD/ADHD or executive functioning challenges can affect every aspect of your life. Maximize your strengths and become more productive. First-hand understanding and compassion. Live the life you love! See ad pg 23.
Fishkill, New York Call Now Why Wait. 914.772.4284; Janet.sacco@verizon.net Helping those struggling with active addiction of Alcohol, Opioid, Cannabis, Cocaine Dependence. Over 20 years of caring spiritual experience. I’m here to facilitate sobriety and helping you reach your goals in a safe environment. Successfully helping with life changes, learning to love yourself again and developing tools needed to stay sober.
THE WEISS INSTITUTE Addiction Free Naturally Briarcliff and Midtown Manhattan info@weiss-method.com 914.705.1805 The Weiss Method helps people overcome daily addictions and unwanted habits ranging from sugar, smoking, alcohol, weight loss, to overeating and other compulsive habits. All natural, painless, no medications, needles, or hypnosis. 80% success rate. See ad pg 51.
Natural Living Directory Index Wellness Profiles Natural Living Directory Healthy Living Glossary Acupuncture 72 ADD/ADHD Coach 73 Addiction Cessation 73 Alexander Technique 74 Alzheimer’s Disease 75 Apothecary Practitioner 75 Aromatherapy 75 Astrology 75 Ayurveda 75 Beauty & Wellness 76 Behavioral Optometry 76 Biofeedback 76 Boarding – Dog & Cat 77 Bone Density 77 Bowen Therapy 77 Candles 77 Cancer Support 77 Carpet Cleaning 77 Cat Rescue 77 Chiropractor 77 Classes & Workshops 78 Coaching 78 Coaching - Business 78 Coaching - Mind-Body 78 Colonics 78 Compounding Pharmacy 79 Computer Assistance 79 Craniosacral Therapy 79 Cryotherapy 79 Dentist 79 Dementia 80 Dermatology 80 Detoxification 80 Dowser 81 Educational Retreat Ctr 81 EFT 81 Emotional Healing 81 Energy Healing 81 Energy Medicine 81 Events 81 Family Health 81 Family Psychologist 82 Farm 82 Farmers Market 82 Female Sexual Health 82 Feng Shui 82 Fertility 82 Foot Fitness 83 Functional Medicine 83 Graphic Design 83 Green & Natural Building 83 Hand Analysis 83 Hair Salon 83 Healing Center 84 Healing Gardens 84 Health Coach 84 Herbal Medicine 84
18-39 72-98 74-97
Holistic Business Train. 85 Holistic Dentist 85 Holistic Healing 85 Holistic Health Center 85 Holistic Health Coach 85 Homeopathy 85 Integrative Medicine 85 Integrative Wellness 85 Intuitive 86 Intuitive Body Reading 86 Intuitive Dance/Move. 86 Intuitive Spiritual 86 Juicing Café 86 Lyme Disease 86 Landscape Design 86 Life Coach 87 Massage & Bodywork 87 Massage School 88 Meditation 88 MELT 88 Naturopathic Doctor 88 Networking 89 Nutrition 89 Nurse Practitioner 89 Organic Gardens 90 Pain Relief 90 Parent Coaching 91 Past-Life Regression 91 Physical Therapy 91 Pilates 91 Podiatry 91 Psycho-Spiritual Cons. 92 Psychotherapy 92 PTSD/Trauma 92 Real Estate 92 Reflexology 92 Reiki 93 Relationship Coach 93 Retreats 94 Rolfing 94 Shamanism 94 Shamanic Teachings 94 Shamanic Reiki 94 Senior Care 94 Sleep Disorder 95 Spa 95 Spiritual Center 95 Spiritual Mentoring 95 Spiritual Programs 95 Support Group 96 Thermography 96 TMJ Disorder 96 Veterinary Hospital 96 Weddings 97 Weight Loss 97 Wellness Center 97 Women’s Wellness 98 Yoga 98
2017 Natural Living Directory
A group of Nationally Certified Teachers of the Alexander Technique with private practices in Westchester and Putnam County. ATA Westchester also does community outreach offering lectures, education sessions, corporate workshops and group classes.
Alexander Technique Bronxville I serve lower Westchester 914.779.9515; waldsing@gmail.com AlexanderTechniqueBronxville.com Change harmful habits that may cause stress and fatigue into healthy, easeful ways of moving through everyday activities. Alexander Technique, a naturally easeful way to live.
MELT/THE ALEXANDER TECHNIQUE Joy Jacobson, MAmSAT Mamaroneck, NY 914.200.3732; JoyJacobson.com
The Alexander Technique and the MELT Method are two simple self-care techniques that help to eliminate chronic pain, decrease stress, and bring your body into better balance. Individual and group classes taught.
KARLA BOOTH DIAMOND, MAMSAT 153 Main St, Suite J Mount Kisco, NY 10549 914.649.9565 Awareness-in-Action.com
The Alexander Technique is a practical educational method for un-learning habits of tension that may be causing you stress, pain compression of the spine and joints. Learn to move with ease.
Natural Living Directory Glossary Active Release Techniques (ART): A patented, state of the art soft tissue system/movement based massage technique that treats problems with muscles, tendons, ligaments, fascia and nerves. Headaches, back pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, shin splints, shoulder pain, sciatica, plantar fasciitis, knee problems, and tennis elbow are just a few of the many conditions that can be resolved quickly and permanently with ART. These conditions all have one important thing in common: they are often a result of overused muscles. Acupuncture: An ancient Oriental technique that stimulates the body’s ability to sustain and balance itself, based on the theory that an electromagnetic life-force (qi or chi, pronounced “chee”) is channeled in a continuous flow throughout the body via a network of ‘meridians.’ Disease is understood as an imbalance in the meridian system. Diagnosis of an imbalance is made by “reading” the pulse, face, tongue and body energy. To correct it, a practitioner inserts acupuncture needles at specific points along the meridians to stimulate or disperse the flow of life force. Acupuncture principles include the yin and yang polarities and the associations of the five elements of fire, earth, metal, water and wood with bodily organs. Alexander Technique: A system of re-educating the body and mind to support and facilitate proper posture and ease of movement. Through gentle manual guidance, accompanied by verbal directions, the Alexander teacher coaches the student to become aware of unnecessary tension and to unlearn longstanding patterns of movement. The Alexander Technique is an established method for helping to improve chronic conditions such as back, shoulder or neck pain, nervous tension, poor coordination, breathing problems and vocal strain. Athletes and performing artists frequently use it to improve performance level. Ananda (Yoga): A form of gentle Hatha yoga with an emphasis on meditation. Ananda combines classic yoga postures with breathing and silent affirmations to attune with higher levels of body sense, energy and silent inner awareness. As an inner-directed practice, it has less appeal to those desiring a more athletic or aerobic experience.
natural awakenings
Westchester/Putnam/Dutchess NY Edition
Anusara (Yoga): Anusara means, “Go with the flow,” and blends spirituality with inner/ outer alignment and balanced energetic actions. Developed by John Friend in 1997, this style urges students to think of poses as artistic expressions of the heart. Individual abilities and limitations are deeply respected and honored, so Anusara yoga can be helpful for everyone and is good for beginners. Apothecary Practitioner: Once an archaic term for a person who made and sold medicine, the term is used today to refer to specialists in a range of modalities—including spiritual practices, herbal remedies and energy and vibrational medicine—that facilitate natural healing and support spiritual growth. Aromatherapy: An ancient healing art that uses the essential oils of herbs and flowers to treat emotional disorders such as stress and anxiety and a wide range of other ailments. Oils are massaged into the skin, inhaled or added to a water bath. Often used in conjunction with massage therapy, acupuncture, reflexology, herbology and chiropractic or other holistic treatments. Art Therapy: Uses the creative process of making art to improve and enhance physical, mental and emotional well-being and to deepen self-awareness. The therapist makes a diagnosis and determines treatment plans by encouraging a client to express his or her feelings and unconscious thoughts through the nonverbal creative process and by observing the forms and content created. Ashtanga (Yoga): A physically demanding style that is light on meditation, Ashtanga yoga employs a fast-paced series of flowing poses to build strength, flexibility and stamina. Developed by Indian yoga master Sri K. Pattabhi Jois, Ashtanga’s progressively difficult postures are synchronized with a loud breath (called Ujyaii breath in Sanskrit) and are designed to produce intense internal heat and purifying sweat in order to detoxify muscles and organs. The room is usually heated to warm muscles and increase flexibility. Preferred by many athletes, this style is too intense and demanding for most beginners.
Astrology: A system of traditions and beliefs that holds that the relative positions of celestial bodies either directly influence life on Earth or correspond to events experienced on a human scale. Modern astrologers define astrology as a symbolic language, art form and type of divination that can provide information about personality and human affairs, aid in the interpretation of past and present events, and predict the future. Ayurveda: The oldest medical system known to man and a comprehensive spiritual teaching practiced in India for 4,000 years. It focuses on achieving and maintaining perfect health via the balance of the elements air, fire and water (illness is considered an excess of any element). A patient’s body type, determined according to Ayurveda principles, is the basis for individualized dietary regimens and other preventive therapeutic interventions. Ayurveda prescriptions might include purification procedures for the restoration of biological rhythms; experience of expanded consciousness through meditation; nutritional counseling; stress reduction; enhancing neuromuscular conditions; and behavioral modification. Ayurvedic massage: One part of Pancha Karma, a traditional detoxification and rejuvenation program of India, in which the entire body is vigorously massaged with large amounts of warm oil and herbs to remove toxins. With the client’s permission, oil is also poured into the ears, between the eyebrows and applied to specific chakras, or body energy centers, in techniques known respectively as karna purana, shirodhara and marma chikitsa. These treatments, which have been modified to meet the needs of the West, powerfully affect the mind and nervous system—calming, balancing and bringing a heightened sense of awareness and deep inner peace. Ayurvedic massage techniques are grounded on a thorough understanding of the primordial energies of the Five Elements—ether, air, fire, water and earth—and of the three basic types of energies, or constitutions, that are present in everyone and everything—vata, pitta and kapha. A knowledgeable therapist selects and customizes various ayurvedic massage techniques by selecting the rate and pressure of massage strokes and the proper oils and herbs to use in order to maximize the benefits for each client. Bee Venom Therapy (BVT): The therapeutic application of honeybee venom, through live bee stings, to bring relief and healing for various spinal, neural, joint or musculoskeletal ailments.
ALZHEIMER’S DISEASE SHARP AGAIN NATURALLY—501(C)3 Research-based information to save your brain 914.997.9611; SharpAgain.org
A breakthrough a p p r o a c h to treating A l z h e i m e r ’s / dementia developed at UCLA is working with human patients—nearly 100 turnarounds documented so far. Want to learn more, host a presentation, donate, help make Alzheimer’s only a memory? Please contact us. See ad pg 43.
Pamela Cucinell NCGR PAA Phone, Online & In-person 917.796.6026; InsightOasis.com Why leave your business to chance? Perfect timing ensures follow-through and success. When you know the projected outcome it becomes easier to prioritize your day and choose the right partners. Westchester, NYC, Skype and phone. See ad pg 56.
Lauren Awerdick, LMT Ossining & Tarrytown offices. On-Site & In-Home 914.534.1294; WillowWispWellness.org Willow Wisp Wellness is an expanding private practice that provides consciously crafted therapeutic and integrative massage and energy work sessions that support your body's innate healing process. All sessions are by appointment only. Check website for more info and events.
AROMATHERAPY CBD AROMATHERAPY SYNERGY SPRAYS™ The Synergy of Ancient Wellness + Modern Science Shira@t3cSynergy.com 888.392.5242; FB/Twitter/ Instagram: @t3cSynergy
“Go Beyond” expectation and limitation with Beyond-theSpectrum Synergy Sprays™! CBD, an all-natural, NO side effect, NO THC “cannabinoid” from hemp + vibrationally high pure EO custom blends for us, our children and our planet.
Astrology & Tarot Skype and in-person 213 840 1187 mcphillamytarot.com Choice lives between pre-destiny and free will. Know your stars, control your life. A reading designed to encourage, support and empower. Call now. See ad pg 38.
AYURVEDA CLAUDIA GUKEISEN, MA, AHC The Center for Health and Healing 4 Smith Avenue, Mt. Kisco, NY 914.673.3313; center4healing.com Izlind Integrative Wellness Center 6369 Mill Street, suite 101 Rhinebeck, NY; izlind.com
Balance your daily and seasonal health challenges using the principles of Ayurveda. Learn how food, routines, environment and beliefs affect your health and receive a custom tailored program for your unique circumstances.
6 Yellow Monkey Village 792 Rt. 35 Cross River, NY, and NYC 646.670.6725; DrKaushik.com Combination of Ayurveda and Naturopathy is used to create a unique treatment plan to regain and maintain your health. Supplements, Dietary recommendations and life style plan is suggested base on your body-type or constitution. See ad pg 11.
2017 Natural Living Directory
Santhigram Wellness 446 5th Ave. Pelham, NY 10803 914.250.1417 Provides traditional Ayurveda and Panchakarma therapies which focuses on the removal of toxins from the body. Ayurveda is a traditional, holistic practice which offers methods and treatments aimed at preventing disease and living a pain-free balanced life.
25 Studio Hill RD Briarcliff Manor NY thebriarcliffmanor.com; 914.944.1524 The Briarcliff Manor offers an oasis of your total wellbeing from helping you create lifetime memories to enhancing your inner beauty. Our Pampered Boutique boasts enhanced health & beauty treatments inside and out, featuring the Asea redox cellular health supplement, along with Renu advanced skincare line for anti.aging to ensure your skin’s ideal health.
495 Central Park Ave, Suite 301, Scarsdale 914.874.1177; DrSlotnick.com A whole-person, holistic approach to vision care, for all ages. Specializing in vision therapy and rehabilitation for vision problems which interfere with reading, learning, attention, performance and efficiency. See ad pg 45.
Lawrence Edwards, PhD, BCN, LMHC 2 Byram Brook Pl., Armonk, NY 10504 optimalmind.net; 914.219.8600 Biofeedback/neurofeedback for ADHD, enhanced focus, peak performance, test stress, anxiety, chronic pain, headaches, insomnia, anger, meditation, mindfulness training and more. Dr. Edwards is board certified and NYS licensed. Physician and self-referrals welcome.
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Bikram (Yoga): A strenuous style, designed to make students sweat, taught in rooms heated to a minimum of 105º Fahrenheit, with about 40 percent humidity. The superheated rooms facilitate stretching and allow the body to release toxins through perspiration. Former national India yoga champion Bikram Choudhury developed the style, whose 26 demanding poses are performed in a specific order, to promote optimal health and proper function of every bodily system. Bikram yoga is a good choice for highly fit individuals and seasoned students seeking a challenge. Bioenergetics: A psychotherapy that works through the body to engage the emotions. Performing specified postures and exercises causes the release of layers of chronic muscular tension and defensiveness, termed “body armor.” The unlocking of feelings creates the opportunity for understanding and integrating them. Biofeedback: A relaxation technique that monitors internal body states and is used especially for stress-related conditions such as asthma, migraines, insomnia and high blood pressure. During biofeedback, patients monitor minute metabolic changes (e.g., temperature, heart rate and muscle tension), with the aid of sensitive machines. By consciously thinking, visualizing, moving, relaxing, etc., they learn which activities produce desirable changes in the internal processes being monitored. Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement (BHRT): The treatment of the symptoms of menopause (and its male equivalent, andropause) through the use of hormones that have the same chemical structure as those naturally produced by the body. Many compounding pharmacies have staff trained in Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT), which is thought by its proponents to have fewer risks and side effects than traditional methods of hormone replacement. Birth Networks: Birth Networks all over the world are promoting, supporting and protecting mother-friendly births. By making informed choices and having confidence in the process, families can experience safe and satisfying childbirth. BodyTalk: Developed by chiropractor/acupuncturist Dr. John Veltheim, BodyTalk is based upon bio-energetic psychology, dynamic systems theory, Chinese medicine and applied kinesiology. By integrating a series of tapping, breathing and focusing techniques, BodyTalk helps the body synchronize and balance its
Westchester/Putnam/Dutchess Westchester/Putnam/Dutchess NY NY Edition Edition
systems and strengthens the body’s innate knowledge of self-repair. BodyTalk is used to address a range of health challenges, including fibromyalgia, infections, parasites, chronic fatigue, allergies, addictions and cellular damage. Practitioners are usually licensed massage therapists (LMT) or bodyworkers. Bodywork: Massage and the physical practices of yoga are perhaps the best-known types of bodywork; both have proven successful in relieving tension and stress, promoting blood flow, loosening stiff muscles and stimulating the organs. Massage therapies encompass countless techniques, including Swedish massage, shiatsu and Rolfing. The same is true for yoga. Other types of bodywork include martial arts practices like aikido, ki aikido and Tai chi chuan. Some others are the Alexander technique, Aston patterning, Bowen, Breema bodywork, Feldenkrais method, Hellerwork, polarity therapy, Rosen method, Rubenfeld synergy and Trager. Finding bodywork that improves mental and physical health is a highly individual process. Several types may be combined for the greatest benefit. Bowen Therapy: A holistic remedial body technique that works on the soft connective tissue (fascia) of the body. Bowen therapy can be used to treat musculoskeletal or related neurological problems including acute sports injuries and chronic or organic conditions. It is gentle and relaxing and does not use forceful manipulation. Chelation Therapy: A safe, painless, nonsurgical medical procedure that improves metabolic and circulatory function by removing undesirable heavy metals such as lead, mercury, cadmium and copper from the body. A series of intravenous injections of the synthetic amino acid EDTA are administered, usually in an osteopathic or medical doctor’s office. The EDTA blocks excess free radical production, protecting tissues and organs from further damage. Over time, injections may halt the progress of the underlying condition that triggers the development of various degenerative conditions such as diabetes, arthritis, Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s diseases, and cancer. More recently, chelation therapy also has been used to reverse symptoms of atherosclerosis or arteriosclerosis (hardening of the arteries) by removing obstructive plaque built up in the circulatory system.
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271 Veterans Road Yorktown Heights, NY 10598 YorktownAnimalHospital.vet; 914.962.3111 We offer a full boarding facility with outdoor runs and indoor kennels. Being an animal hospital for the most part, we take pride in our capability to kennel pets with medical problems or special needs. See ad pg 59.
BONE DENSITY YAMUNA® BODY ROLLING (YBR) Ideal for all fitness levels & ages. Westchester, New York City & beyond 212.533.5256; YamunaUSA.com
STIMULATE BONE GROWTH, promote healing of injuries, enhance blood flow & tone muscles. Eliminate stress/tension, breathe & create a calm/balanced you. Safe and gentle. Feel positive results within eight minutes. Ideal practice for everyone. Privates, small groups and workshops for fitness and yoga centers. See ad pg 60.
CANCER SUPPORT HOLISTIC CANCER COACHING Bailey O’Brien, 917.426.2845; baileyobrien.com contact@baileyobrien.com
In 2011 I overcame stage 4 melanoma holistically. Now I equip people to become empowered patients and face their cancer with confidence! If you’d like to use natural methods to help prevent or heal from cancer, I can help.
Serving Westchester.Putnam.Dutchess 845.418.6012 info@healthyindoorscleaning.com Carpet is your home’s largest air filter. Healthy Indoors carpet cleaning uses plantb ased en v ir o n men tally friendly cleaning products and methods to help you breathe easier and keep your home healthy. Let our family-owned company bring Healthy Indoors to you.
BLUE DRAGONFLY BODYWORK Danielle Molella, LMT, PBP Danielle@1BlueDragonfly.com 845.554.5699; 1BlueDragonfly.com
Bowen Therapy is often called the “homeopathy of bodywork.” It is a holistic, soft-tissue technique that addresses the cause of problem, rather than the symptom. Bowen affects all systems within the body and assists in restoring homeostasis. It is effective in treating physical pain as well as emotional.
483 Cherry St., Bedford Hills NY Open: M-Sat. 10-6pm 914.241.1010; customcandleco.com Hundreds of candles in stock or create your own custom candle. Choose your favorite scent, wax c o l o r, w i c k t y p e a n d container. All natural soy candles, handcrafted & nontoxic with long-lasting aroma. Shop in store or on-line. See ad pg 39.
2025 Crompond Rd, Yorktown Heights, NY 914.302.2760 yorktownchiropractor.com Prescription-Free pain relief promoting physical, nutritional and emotional well-being. Experience chiropractic’s safe, natural, drug-free approach that gets to the root of your problem. I am here to help you get out of pain fast and explore a new level of health, wellness and function.
INTEGRITY CHIROPRACTIC Dr. Jodi Kennedy 11 Miller Rd Mahopac, NY 845.628.7233 (SAFE) LiveBetterNaturally.info
How would you like to wake up each day with less aches and more energy? Call today for your free consultation and find-out what is standing between you and your health goals. See ad pg 42.
PO Box 245 Fishkill, NY 12524 845.489.2378; strayhelp.org Stray HELP is a registered not-for-profit organization, managed entirely by volunteers. Our mission is to rescue and care for stray and homeless animals, namely cats, while providing humane education to the community. We work with property owners to conduct trap/neuter/return and with pet owners to make spay/neuter affordable. In 2015, we facilitated the spay/neuter, and medical care where needed, for over 850 cats. Help us reach 1000 in 2016!
CHIROPRACTIC DR. LEIGH DAMKOHLER, CCSP, LMT 8 Bacon Place, Yonkers, NY 10710 914.523.7947 Chiropractor-WestchesterNY.com
2241 Crompond Rd. Cortlandt Manor NY cortlandtwellness.com 914.930.8800
Optimize your body’s ability to heal and transform. Our focus is individualized and outcome based health care though functional nutrition, chiropractic a n d c r a n i o s a c r a l t h e r a p y. Cleanse, restore and repair your body, with whole food cleanses and whole food supplementation. We aim to find the root cause.
Darkness cannot drive
out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that. ~Martin Luther King, Jr.
PERSONALIZED treatments designed for YOU by Westchester’s only dually licensed practicing Sports Chiropractor and Massage Therapist. Receive a unique combination of muscle work and adjustments not provided elsewhere. Dr. Leigh can help you move and feel better. Get back to the life you love!
2017 2017 Natural Natural Living Living Directory Directory
Life Coach in Positive Psychology 51 Bedford Road, Katonah, NY 10536 914.263.7080; janesilvermanlifecoach.com
1132 Main Street Peekskill, NY 10566 917.279.9577
Feeling stuck? Gain clarity, investigate your strengths and navigate transitions with proven tools and guidance. Free phone consultation to explore how working together can help you make the positive changes you seek. Appointments in person or by phone.
Monthly Reiki Classes. If you are looking for someone who maintains the integrity of this ancient art of hands on healing, to learn or to receive a healing. Please call for appointment.
Coaching, Energy Healing, Organizing Services Peekskill, NY 914.473.1032; tina.aurora@verizon.net Tina’s coaching style allows her clients to rewrite the script of negative thoughts to create the lives they dream for themselves. During her healing sessions, Tina channels divine healing energy, promoting profound positive changes in the body, mind and spirit.
Tell by Hand 914.924.3366 tellbyhand@gmail.com; tellbyhand.com Discover your unique life path to success based on your personal hand analysis. Hand Analysis is the system to decode your DNA to reveal your life School, life Purpose and life lesson. As a coach, I can help you shift your life in a direction you want.
Kathy D’Agostino, Founder kathy@winatbusinesscoaching.com 914.266.0807; winatbusinesscoaching.com Working with solo-preneurs and small biz owners to help them create winning strategies in their business: to attract more clients, earn more money and make their highest and greatest contribution to their clients. If you would like to learn more about working smart, not harder, contact me for a 30 minute FREE strategy session
NASM & AFAA Certified Personal Trainer, Psychic and Reiki Master Office; Sherman CT, Skype, Phone, House Calls FB: Mindbody Maven. Instagram/Twitter@nfdmbm; 646.739.7879 Unlock secret knowledge of your mind/body/spirit to successfully reach your health and Weight-loss goals. Use your body wisdom to lead you on your journey as each reading and personal training session reveals more of your personal power.
Coaching, Healing & Channeling Cold Spring, NY 845.424.6219; AwakenYourtrueEssence.com Mary Ellen O’Brien uses a combination of her intuitive and coaching skills to help individuals change limiting beliefs and awaken their true essence. Her clients experience more joy, fulfillment and balance in their lives.
914.921.LIFE (5433) LifelineHygienics.com Experience and personalized service you can trust. The finest in colonic irrigation and personal care. Serving the tri-state area since 1993.
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Westchester/Putnam/Dutchess Westchester/Putnam/Dutchess NY NY Edition Edition
Childbirth Preparation: Childbirth classes for expectant families help them be better prepared for natural childbirth, breastfeeding and parenting. They cover relaxation techniques, exercise, nutrition, anatomy, stages of the birthing process, birth positions, postpartum recovery, caring for and feeding the newborn, and consumer issues. Childbirth educators are certified by one or more organizations, having studied that organization’s specific birthing philosophy. Some focus on relaxation and paincoping techniques. Some encourage women to recognize and use their innate abilities and intuition to birth. Hypnosis for childbirth is a method of childbirth preparation that uses hypnotic techniques, imagery and positive affirmations to create a calm, comfortable birth experience. Chinese Medicine: Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is one of the world’s oldest and most complete systems of holistic health care. It combines the use of medicinal herbs, acupuncture, food therapy, massage and therapeutic exercise, along with the recognition that wellness in mind, body and emotions depends on the harmonious flow of life-force energy (qi or chi, pronounced “chee”). Chiropractic: Based on the premise that proper structural alignment permits free flow of nerve activity in the body. When spinal vertebrae are out of alignment, they put pressure on the spinal cord and the nerves radiating from it, potentially leading to diminished function and illness. Misalignment can be caused by physical trauma, poor posture and stress. The chiropractor seeks to analyze and correct these misalignments through spinal manipulation or adjustment. Colon therapy: An internal bath that washes away old toxic waste accumulated along the walls of the colon. It is administered with pressurized water by professional using special equipment. A colonic irrigation is the equivalent of approximately four to six enemas and cleans out matter that collects in the pockets and kinks of the colon. The treatment is used as both a corrective process and for prevention of disease. Colonics are used for ailments such as constipation, psoriasis, acne, allergies, headaches and the common cold. Conscious Living: As we become increasingly aware of the interdependence of humans, animals and the planet, progressive businesses are concerning themselves with far more than the bottom line. They know that today’s consumers are willing to invest in what they believe in, from fair-trade goods to animal-friendly and environmentally sound products and services.
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Counseling / Psychotherapy: These terms encompass a broad range of practitioners, from career counselors, who offer advice and information, to psychotherapists, who treat depression, stress, addiction and emotional issues. Formats can vary from individual counseling to group therapy. In addition to verbal counseling techniques, some holistic therapists may use bodywork, ritual, energy healing and other alternative modalities as part of their practice. Craniosacral Therapy (CST): A manual therapeutic procedure to remedy distortions in the structure and function of the craniosacral mechanism—the brain and spinal cord, the bones of the skull, the sacrum and interconnected membranes. Craniosacral work is based upon two major premises: that the bones of the skull can be manipulated, because they never completely fuse; and that the pulse of the cerebrospinal fluid can be balanced by a practitioner trained to detect variations in that pulse. CST is used to treat chronic pain, migraine headaches, temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ), ear and eye problems, balance problems, learning difficulties, dyslexia and hyperactivity. Crystal & Gem Therapy: Practitioners use quartz crystals and gemstones for therapeutic and healing purposes, asserting that the substances have recognizable energy frequencies and the capacity to amplify other frequencies in the body. They also absorb and store frequencies and can essentially be programmed to help effect healing. In the ancient art of ‘laying-on of stones,’ practitioners place crystals and gemstones on various parts of the body, corresponding to its chakra points (energy centers), in order to balance energy flow. Dance / Movement Therapy: A method of expressing thoughts and feelings through movement, developed during the 1940s. Participants, guided by trained therapists, are encouraged to move freely, sometimes to music. Dance/movement therapy can be practiced by people of all ages to promote self-esteem and gain insight into their own emotional problems, but is also used to help those with serious mental and physical disabilities. In wide use in the United States, this modality is becoming established around the world. Decluttering: Based on the theory that clutter drains both physical and mental energy. Decluttering involves two components. The first focuses on releasing things (clothing, papers, furniture, objects and ideas) that no longer serve a good purpose in one’s life. The second focuses on creating a simple system of personal organization that is easy to maintain and guards against accumulating things that are neither necessary nor nourishing.
COMPOUNDING PHARMACY LAKE MAHOPAC PHARMACY/ SURGICAL Nagi Wissa, R.Ph., IP, CEO 559 Rt, 6, Mahopac, NY 10541 lakemahopacpharmacy.com T: 845.208.0424; F: 845.208.0425
We are your neighborhood holistic compounding pharmacy, ready to support y o u r h e a l t h . We o ff e r compounding prescriptions, on-line prescription renewals, supplements, homeopathic remedies, personal care products, fair trade gifts and more. We deliver and we are happy to answer your questions.
Practitioner: The Center for Health + Healing 4 Smith Ave 2nd Fl; Mount Kisco, NY 914.519.8138; jmatalon@optonline.net Center4healing.net Craniosacral therapy with Somato Emotional Release allows chronic physical, emotional and spiritual issues to be intimately explored, bringing relief from pain and activating a healing process which continues after the session is over.
CRYOTHERAPY NORDIC CRYOTHERAPY 31 Mill Road, Eastchester, NY 914.775.9596 NordicCryotherapy.com
Aliza Freedman, Owner & Chief Technologist 203.554.5975; thecomputerfairy.com Is your home computer slow? Have a virus? Are your files in chaos or you fear “downloads” and “software updates?” Wifi trouble? Are your kids cyber protected? Personalized instruction at your level, in your home. Training and troubleshooting by a reliable, capable, caring person you can trust. We work with people just like you. Call today and save time, money and frustration. Serving Southern Westchester Only. See ad pg 38.
Elizabeth Pasquale, LMT, CST, Director White Plains & Ossining offices 914.762.4693; WellOnTheWay.Com Curious about energy medicine? Know there is something to it, from all you’ve r e a d a n d h e a r d ? A r e y o u tingling with excitement right now, knowing you’re about to experience something life changing? Free get-acquainted phone call! See ad pg 21.
We s t c h e s t e r C o u n t y ’s first and only Cryotherapy Wellness Center. A new approach towards pain management, performance enhancement and aesthetic struggles. We can help you achieve your wellness goals. Cool air stimulates your body and molecules begin the healing and repair process. See ad pg 53.
Experience Dentistry in a Whole New Way Clinical Excellence in a Calming Environment ScarsdaleDentalSpa.com 914.713.2424 At Scarsdale Dental Spa we combine clinical excellence with comforting treatment. From the moment you enter you'll be made to feel welcomed, relaxed and comfortable. Kids and Adults love going to the Dentist again! See ad pg 29.
How people treat
you is their karma; how you react is yours. ~Wayne Dyer
Dr. Jodi Kennedy 11 Miller Rd Mahopac, NY 845.628.7233 (SAFE) LiveBetterNaturally.info
Do you struggle with stress, pain and muscle tightness? If so, call today for your free consultation and learn how to finally address these issues and experience ideal health naturally. See ad pg 42.
2017 2017 Natural Natural Living Living Directory Directory
DEMENTIA SHARP AGAIN NATURALLY—501(C)3 Research-based information to save your brain 914.997.9611; SharpAgain.org
A breakthrough a p p r o a c h to treating A l z h e i m e r ’s / dementia developed at UCLA is working with human patients—nearly 100 turnarounds documented so far. Want to learn more, host a presentation, donate, help make Alzheimer’s only a memory? Please contact us. See ad pg 43.
Integrative Medicine and Dermatology 17 Rodman Oval, New Rochelle, NY 914.637.0908; HolisticDermatology.com We clear your Skin naturally, by correcting the underlying digestive and inflammatory issues using nutrition, supplements, and energetic techniques, for diagnosis and treatment. Caring Board Certified Dermatologist and World pioneer in Holistic Dermatology. See ad pg 53.
DETOXIFICATION HOLISTIC WELLNESS ALTERNATIVES Dan Court, CN, CBCP, CECP, Qigong 2013 Crompond Rd., Yorktown Heights, NY 914.962.1155; HWAHealthy.com
Start each day feeling energized and vibrant! Our gentle, fullysupported 21 day program leaves you feeling cleansed inside and out without going hungry. Jump start your body to living a healthier, more active life! See ad pg 17.
LIFE CHANGING PSYCHOLOGICAL SERVICES, PLLC Dr. Penni Waldman, Clinical and Health Psychologist drpenniwaldman.com White Plains, NY; 914.961.8412
Do you understand how toxic as a nation we are? Are you aware that you are toxic at this moment? We are here to educate and detoxify your body. Allow us to enhance your health and life. I did it; you can too!
Decompression Therapy is a nonsurgical means of relieving pain to the lower back and neck and is often referred to as spinal decompression therapy. Decompression therapy is a spinal disc rehabilitation program that slowly and gently stretches the area of the spine while decompressing the discs. Deep Tissue Work: A technique of stretching and moving the connective tissue that envelops the muscles (fascia) in order to lengthen and balance the body along its natural, vertical axis. Distortions of the connective tissue may be caused by internal reactions and compensations due to accidents, emotional tension or past-unreleased traumas. Deep tissue massage works to detoxify tissue by helping to remove accumulated lactic acid and other waste products from the muscles. The therapy is used to ease or eliminate chronic muscular pain, help with injury rehabilitation and reduce inflammatory pain caused by ailments such as arthritis and tendonitis. Dentistry (Holistic): Regards the mouth as a microcosm of the entire body. The oral structures and the whole body are seen as a unit. Holistic dentistry often incorporates such methods as homeopathy, biocompatibility testing and nutritional counseling. Most holistic dentists emphasize wellness and preventive care, while avoiding (and often recommending the removal of silver-mercury fillings. Detoxification: The practice of resting, cleansing and nourishing the body from the inside out. According to some holistic practitioners, accumulated toxins can drain the body of energy and make it more susceptible to disease. Detoxification techniques may include fasts, special diets, sauna sweats, body wrapping, ionized foot baths and colon cleansing. Doula: A woman who supports an expectant mother through pregnancy, labor, birth and the postpartum period. Studies indicate that support in labor has profound benefits, including shorter labor, less desire for pain medication, lower rate of Caesarian delivery and more ease in initiation of breast-feeding. Fathers have reported that they were more relaxed with a doula present because they felt reassured, and therefore freer to support their mates.
Dowsing: A type of divination originally intended to locate ground water, minerals or other underground objects, through the use of a forked stick or “divining rod.” Modern advocates, who may or may not use a divining rod, believe that dowsing also can be used for much broader purposes. Those may include finding missing persons or lost objects, spiritual or distance healing, or gaining insight into money or relationship issues. Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT): A self-help procedure founded by Gary Craig that combines fingertip tapping of key acupuncture meridian points while focusing on an emotional issue or health challenge. Unresolved, or ‘stuck,’ negative emotions, caused by a disruption in the body’s energy system, are seen as major contributors to most physical pains and diseases. These can remain stagnant and trapped until released by the tapping. EFT is easy to memorize and portable, so it can be done anywhere. Energy Field Work: The art and practice of realigning and re-attuning the body between the physical and the etheric and auric fields to assist in natural healing processes. Working directly with the energy field in and around the body, the practitioner channels and directs energy into the cells, tissues and organs of the patient’s body to effect healing on physical and nonphysical levels simultaneously. Sessions may or may not involve the physical laying on of hands. Energy Healing: The art and practice of realigning and re-attuning the body between the physical and the etheric and auric fields to assist in natural healing processes. Working directly with the energy field in and around the body, the practitioner is thought to channel and direct energy into the cells, tissues and organs of the patient’s body to effect healing on physical and nonphysical levels simultaneously. Sessions may or may not involve the physical laying on of hands. Environmental Medicine: Explores the role of dietary and environmental allergens in health and illness. Factors such as dust, mold, chemicals and certain foods may cause allergic reactions that can dramatically influence diseases, ranging from asthma and hay fever to headaches and depression.
ONLINE CALENDAR – Now you can find, and post last minute event listings, on our website: WakeUpNaturally.com. It's FREE!
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Member: Westchester Holistic Network 845.709.5245 Facebook: House Harmony HouseHarmony.org Wouldn't you like to know if negative energy disturbances are affecting your home or office? These disturbances can impact our bodies, relationships, joy, and our lives. Call me today!
Mag Treanor RN, Reiki, Emotion Code NLP, Kinesiology, EFT-Adv, Hypnotist PutnamHealingArts.com/IntuitionHealing Carmel, NY; 845.228.8132 Realign mind body spirit, find core issues. Clear trauma, anxieties, negative Karma, Ancestral, Inherited, trapped emotions, limiting beliefs, Release Restore Realign Balance and Heal with intuition, intention, energy techniques. Tapping, Light, Sound, Magnets, Aromas, Spirit. See ad pg 55.
150 Lake Drive Rhinebeck, NY 12572 1.800.944.1001; eOmega.org Omega is a premiere travel destination and leading nonprofit organization in NY’s Hudson Valley. It is an internationally recognized leader in health and wellness and lifelong learning—offering workshops, professional training, retreats, and online learning. See ad pg 40.
Steven Gottlieb Personal Empowerment Coach 25 Franklin Ave #4B White Plains, NY 914.997.7873; stevegotts@earthlink.net EmpowerYourTrueSelf.com Create more Emotional Freedom in your life. Learn EFT, a powerful yet simple to use self healing technique to help you resolve virtually any important life issue. On-going groups meet regularly. Private Empowerment Sessions available.
Millbrook + Online Studio/Sanctuary 845.677.3517; whitelotusgrace@gmail.com whitelotusgrace.com As an intuitive/empathic spiritual healer, coach, and dancer, Gigi compassionately supports healing of anxiety, grief, depression, self-limiting emotional patterns, and interpersonal relationships through intuitive movement, dance, energy healing, sacred sound, meditation, and spiritual nurturing.
Healing Touch Program 53 Maple Avenue, Fishkill, NY 12524 845.896.6405; Btatfeldman@aol.com Complementary energy therapy. Heals illness and enhances wellness, physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. Balances the chakras to allow for self healing and wholeness. May be learned as a self-care practice. Call for a session today.
Abundance Coach, Level EFT-2 Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510 914.330.5328; releaseoverwhelm.com Learn to choose what works for you now! Healing methods to raise your vibration. By Appointment; In-Person, SKYPE & Phone. Se habla español. See ad pg 21.
ANNE H. BENTZEN, MSOT, RMT, JRP Usui/Karuna® Reiki Master Teacher, Jikiden Reiki; Energetic Counseling, OT Armonk & Eastchester Offices 914.588.4079; balancing4life.com
Energetic healing complements medical care. Experience relief from stress, trauma, pain, anxiety, depression, insomnia, grief and more. Restore energy flow, improve immunity and balance all 7 major chakra systems. Monthly healing circles; Reiki certificate classes. See ad pg 56.
Healer of Heart, Mind, Body & Soul 845.702.1334; Jenniferchinglopez.com Healing through loving touch and guidance. Empath Intuitive, Shaman, Reiki Master, Medical Intuitive, Angel/Adult/Child/ Animal Whisperer. In Person or Distance Healing.
Reiki Master/Teacher Essential Reiki-Patterson, NY 845.494.0090; Reiki4wellness@aol.com Reiki heals at all levels, spiritual, mental, emotional and physical. This "life force" energy works synergistically with any and all treatments and medications you may be receiving to enhance their effects and reduce side effects.
PPC Group, LLC Paula Caracappa, Founder & CEO 914.422.1784; AwakenFairs.com AwakenUSA@aol.com Best loved body, mind, spirit, green expos since 2002! 2017 fairs: January 29 in NYC; March 26 in Tarrytown; November 19 in Tarrytown. Exhibitors sign up at AwakenFairs.com. See ad pg 63.
Dr. Jodi Kennedy 11 Miller Rd Mahopac, NY 845.628.7233 (SAFE); LiveBetterNaturally.info Are you between the ages of 2-92 and want to experience each day with less aches and more energy? Call today for your free consultation. Our unique total body approach is beneficial with proven results. See ad pg 42.
2017 2017 Natural Natural Living Living Directory Directory
DR. KRISTY M. VANACORE, PSY.D. 334 Underhill Avenue, Building 3, Yorktown Heights, NY 10598 914.497.8006; kmvgroup.org
1053 Saw Mill River Rd. Ardsley, NY 10502 914.231.7666; drlmiller.com
An experienced and caring Psychologist devoted to child, teen, & family wellness utilizing an integrative approach to testing, advocacy, therapy, and parent coaching. Individuals become confident, strong, prepared for life’s challenges, and resilient enough to soar.
Improve your sexual health and intimate relationships. Vaginal dryness and changes due to pregnancy, childbirth and hormonal changes or aging can diminish female pleasure. The O-Shot and Femilift are unique procedures that rejuvenate vaginal tissue and improve urinary incontinence. Visit our website to learn more or call for consultation. See ad pg 43.
130 Hardscrabble Rd. North Salem, NY 914.485.1210 HarvestMoonFarmAndOrchard.com Family owned and operated. We raise grass fed beef, free range eggs, pastured pork and turkey. Fruits/veggies from our farm and other local farms for Summer CSA. Local honey, milk and cheese. Spring/summer/ fall annuals. Store open daily 8am-6pm.
Christine Persche, MLIS, LEED AP PO Box 386, Waccabuc, NY 914.671.7523; flowfengshui.com Does your home speak to your dreams? Do you have the life you want? Our living spaces profoundly affect the quality of our lives. Feng shui energizes your design choices to vitalize your health, wealth and well-being. On-site or online consultations offered.
15 Mount Ebo Rd. South, Brewster, NY Sundays 10am-2pm hudsonvalleyfarmersmarket.org
The Hudson Valley Regional Farmers Market is a year round market, open Sundays from 10am.2pm, offering the community access to quality, sustainable and handmade food and goods. We pride ourselves in bringing employment opportunities to those in our community who experience disabilities.
Heather Novak, M.S., WHE Education and Fertility Transformation Coaching in Westchester County, NY 914.420.3674; WholeHealthFertility.com Heather@WholeHealthFertility.com Are you determined to get pregnant and give your baby the healthiest start possible in life? At Whole Health Fertility we look deeply into the Five Aspects of Whole Health (Physical, Nutritional, Emotional, Environmental, Spiritual) to uncover and transform fertility blockages and make sure you are as healthy as possible for your future baby.
Coming June 2017
PILATES EDITION Deadline to participate is May 12.
Join us! Call 914.617.8750 or email DanaB@NaturalAwakeningsMag.com 82 82
natural natural awakenings awakenings
Westchester/Putnam/Dutchess Westchester/Putnam/Dutchess NY NY Edition Edition
Enzyme Therapy: Can be an important first step in restoring health and well-being by helping to remedy digestive problems. Plant and pancreatic enzymes are used in complementary ways to improve digestion and absorption of essential nutrients. Treatment includes enzyme supplements, coupled with a healthy diet that features whole foods. Feldenkrais® Method: Helps students straighten out what founder Moshe Feldenkrais calls, “kinks in the brain.” Kinks are learned movement patterns that no longer serve a constructive purpose. They may have been adopted to compensate for a physical injury or to accommodate individuality in the social world. Students unlearn unworkable movements and discover better, personalized ways to move, using mind-body principles of slowed action, breathing, awareness and thinking about their feelings. Feldenkrais takes two forms: In individual hands-on sessions (Functional Integration), the practitioner’s touch is used to address the student’s breathing and body alignment. In a series of classes of slow, non-aerobic motion (Awareness Through Movement), students “relearn” improved ways their bodies can move. Feng Shui: The ancient Chinese system of arranging manmade spaces and elements to create or facilitate harmonious qi or chi (pronounced “chee”), or energy flow, by tempering or enhancing the energy where necessary. Feng Shui consultants can be an asset to both personal and business spaces, either before or after the spaces are created. Flower Remedies: Flower essences are recognized for their ability to improve well-being by eliminating negative emotions. In the 1930s, English physician Edward Bach concluded that negative emotions could lead to physical illness. His research also convinced him that flowers possessed healing properties that could be used to treat emotional problems. In the 1970s, Richard Katz completed Bach’s work and established the Flower Essence Society, which has registered some 100 essences from flowers in more than 50 countries. Functional Medicine: A personalized medicine that focuses on primary prevention and deals with underlying causes, instead of symptoms, for serious chronic diseases. Treatments are grounded in nutrition and improved lifestyle habits and may make use of medications. The discipline uses a holistic approach to analyze and treat interdependent systems of the body and to create the dynamic balance integral to good health.
WakeUpNaturally.com WakeUpNaturally.com
Guided Imagery & Creative Visualization: Uses positive thoughts, images and symbols to focus the mind on the workings of the body to accomplish a particular goal, desired outcome or physiological change, such as pain relief or healing of disease. This flow of thought can take many forms and involve, through the imagination, all the physical senses. Imagination is an important element of the visualization process; it helps create a mental picture of what is desired in order to transform life circumstances. Hatha (Yoga): Hatha yoga is the foundational discipline on which nearly all other styles are based. In Sanskrit, ha represents the sun and tha, the moon—hence, the practice is designed to bring the yin and yang, light and dark, masculine and feminine aspects and polarities into balance. Essentially, Hatha yoga brings all aspects of life together. A class described as hatha will likely include slow-paced stretching, asanas, or postures, that are not too difficult, simple breathing exercises and perhaps, seated meditation. Hatha yoga classes provide a good starting point for beginners, who can learn basic poses and relaxation techniques. Healing Touch: A non-invasive, relaxing and nurturing energy therapy that helps to restore physical, emotional, mental and spiritual balance and support self-healing. A gentle touch is used on or near the fully clothed client to influence the body’s inner energy centers and exterior energy fields. Healing touch is used to ease acute and chronic conditions, assist with pain management, encourage deep relaxation and accelerate wound healing. Herbal Medicine: This oldest form of medicine uses natural plants in a wide variety of forms for their therapeutic value. Herbs produce and contain various chemical substances that act upon the body to strengthen its natural functions without the negative side effects of synthetic drugs. They may be taken internally or applied externally via teas, tinctures, extracts, oils, ointments, compresses and poultices. Holotropic Breathwork: A self-exploration technique that combines breathing, evocative music and a specific form of bodywork to integrate one’s physical, psychological and spiritual dimensions. At workshops run by facilitators, participants try to access the four “levels” of experience that are available during breathing: sensory, biographical, perinatal and transpersonal. By accessing buried memories, individuals can relive their birth experience or traumatic life events, free up ‘stuck’ emotional viewpoints or experience a mystical state of awareness, such as connecting with the Universe.
ELIMINATE FOOT PAIN w/ Foot Fitness. Retrain the feet and restore full foot function. Improve total body posture, alignment, gait, flexibility, strength and circulation. Taking care of your feet is the ultimate anti-aging treatment. Privates, small groups and workshops for fitness and yoga centers. See ad pg 60.
Builder and General Contractor of fine custom alterations, restorations, architectural additions, and new construction. Offering a high level of management and craftsmanship. Specializing in a 95% dust-free living environment. PHIUS Energy Efficient and non-toxic building applications.Bau-Biologist, the holistic approach to Natural Building,passive and active solar installations and retrofits, as well as conventional construction. Building design services and consultation available. 44 years experience.
Ideal for all fitness levels & ages Westchester, New York City & beyond 212.533.5256; YamunaUSA.com
Carmel, NY 914.804,2120 loulevyconstruction.com
FUNCTIONAL MEDICINE LISA G. GOLD, FAMILY HEALTH NP 2.4 Austin Court, Poughkeepsie, NY gentleintegrativecare.com lisagoldfnp@gmail.com
Are you tired of feeling sick and exhausted? Functional medicine is a gentle and effective way to help women with autoimmune symptoms. This is compassionate, individualized care focused on your unique needs. Member of the Institute for Functional Medicine.
250 E. Hartsdale Ave. St. 22, Hartsdale, NY 400 Rella Blvd. St. 165, Montebello, NY 914.472.0666; HartsdaleHomeopathy.com Looking for a physician with 24 years of clinical practice using natural remedies? Expertise in treating acute and chronic illness in children and adults. Emphasis on homeopathic and functional medicine to decrease dependency on pharmaceutical drugs. If you want experienced, competent, compassionate, and exceptional care. See ad pg 13.
Irina Kravtsov 914.924.3366 tellbyhand@gmail.com; tellbyhand.com Discover your unique life path to success based on your personal hand analysis. Hand Analysis is the system to decode your DNA to reveal your life School, life Purpose and life lesson. As a coach, I can help you shift your life in a direction you want.
HAIR SALON FRESH ORGANIC SALON SOLUTIONS Hair care, Skincare & Make up 190 Rt 117 By Pass, Bedford, NY 914.242.1928; FreshOrganicSalon.com
A healthy approach to beauty and wellness led by Maureen Toohey, Regional Educator for Organic Salon Systems. The fresh team is committed to making your experience fully complete and satisfying, organically. Receive a gift valued at $75 with your 1st color appointment, when you mention Natural Awakenings. See ad pg 33.
GRAPHIC DESIGN KATHLEEN FELLOWS, GRAPHIC DESIGNER kbfellows@gmail.com KBFellowsDesign.com 203.512.5000
Extensive experience in all phases of print design. Logo design, brochures, business cards, stationery, marketing materials, ads, invitations, announcements, CD/DVD covers, banners, vintage custom wood signs, menus, greeting cards. Thought provoking, beautiful design backed by a clear purpose.
Tell them you saw it in Natural Awakenings!
2017 2017 Natural Natural Living Living Directory Directory
83 83
64 Gleneida Ave., Carmel, NY 845.878.4325 (HEAL) office@theartofhealing.com TheArtOfHealing4All.com Yoga Studio, M a s s a g e Therapy, Cold Laser Therapy, Nutritional Counseling/Supplements, Bio-Tracker Technologies, Ionic Footbaths, Energy Healing and Intuitive Readings. Founded in response to client’s frustrations with today’s traditional medical practices. This center is based on the principal that given the proper circumstances, the body innately heals itself. “Physicians don’t heal diseases, your body does!”
175 King St., Chappaqua NY 914.861.2712; 239.289.3744 bernadettebloom8@gmail.com CenterForAlignedHealing.com A soul-based group of practitioners offering bio-energy medicine for body, mind and spirit. Including classes, private appointments, kids programs and wellness experiences for planetary healing. See ad pg 55.
Merrill Black, LCSW, Reiki Master & Instructor, Hypnotherapist Founder 453 White Plains Rd. #201, Eastchester 914.793.2600; thetemperancecenter.com Nurture your mind, body, and soul. Thru a variety of healing modalities and services that include, psychotherapy, reiki, hypnosis, craniosacral, massage, intuitive healing, yoga, and guided meditation classes. Rediscover your control and balance your life. See ad pg 31.
HEALING GARDENS REFLECTIONS OF NATURE The Landscape Artists LandscapingWithNature.com 845.489.7250
We create gardens that promote healing for our clients. These sanctuaries combine beautiful sounds of chimes with flowers scents, the dancing of light off waterfalls and reflective surfaces. See ad pg 13.
Poughkeepsie, NY 12601 notanotherdietwanda.com; 917.868.1769
HYGEIA INTEGRATED HEALTH, LLC 3505 Hill Blvd, Suite K Yorktown Heights, NY 914.352.6116; hygeiaintegratedhealth.com
Putting wellness back into healthcare with a specialized focus on emotional health and wellness. Our team of professionals offers acupuncture, biofeedback, massage, nutritional counseling, parent coaching, psychotherapy, and psychiatry to help support clients on a customized path to wellness.
Health coaching, with an integrative approach for corporations and families. Supportive, personalized and interactive wellness programs. Offering corporate lunch sessions and webinars increasing productivity and decreasing absenteeism. Wanda educates you on your favorite health topics and more.
NATURAL CARE OF WESTCHESTER 20 North Ave 2nd Flr Larchmont, NY 10538 Dr. Marizelle J. Arce
A boutique naturopathic wellness center that focuses on customized visits. Offering Acupuncture, Applied Kinesiology, Naturopathic medicine, massage therapy, nutrition, facial acupuncture, Infrared sauna, Acoustic cardiograms, Regulation Thermography, hydrotherapy, homeopathy, herbal medicine, Reiki, and pain management.
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Registered Herbalist (AHG) 1129 Main St, 2nd Fl., Fishkill, NY email: lorrainehughes54@gmail.com EmpoweredbyNature.net; 845.416.4598 Lorraine offers Individual Wellness Consultations based on the Traditional Chinese Herbal Medicine Paradigm which offers a preventative and individual approach to balanced health. Each “unique” individual protocol will include Chinese, Western, Ayurvedic Herbal remedies and Nutritional planning.
Westchester/Putnam/Dutchess Westchester/Putnam/Dutchess NY NY Edition Edition
Homeopathy: A therapy that uses small doses of specially prepared plants and minerals to stimulate the body’s defense mechanisms and healing processes in order to cure illness. Homeopathy, taken from the Greek words homeos, meaning “similar,” and pathos, meaning “suffering,” employs the concept that “like cures like.” A remedy is individually chosen for a person based on its capacity to cause, if given in an overdose, physical and psychological symptoms similar to those the patient is experiencing. Hydrotherapy: The use of water, ice, steam and hot and cold temperatures to maintain and restore health. Treatments include full-body immersion, steam baths, saunas, sitz baths, colonic irrigation and the application of hot and/or cold compresses. Hydrotherapy is effective for treating a wide range of conditions and can easily be used at home as part of a self-care program. Hypnotherapy: A range of hypnosis techniques that allow practitioners to bypass the conscious mind and access the subconscious. The altered state that occurs under hypnosis has been compared to a state of deep meditation or transcendence, in which the innate recuperative abilities of the psyche are allowed to flow more freely. The subject can achieve greater clarity regarding his or her own wants and needs, explore other events or periods of life that require resolution, or generally develop a more positive attitude. Often used to help people lose weight or stop smoking, it is also used in the treatment of phobias, stress and as an adjunct to the treatment of illnesses. Integrative Manual Therapy (IMT): A combination of diagnostic and treatment methodologies that assess and treat pain, dysfunction, disease and disability. Developed by Sharon Giammatteo over 30-pluss years, IMT is intended to address the complex needs of patients. IMT practitioners identify and address the underlying causes of dysfunction using a comprehensive and holistic approach. While IMT diagnostics and treatment modalities are predominately hands-on, IMT also integrates a wide range of diagnostic and treatment technologies, nutritional programs (i.e. natural supplements, diet and herbs), and IMT bodybased psychotherapeutic approaches to develop a customized solution for a patient’s needs. Integrative Medicine: This holistic approach combines conventional Western medicine with complementary alternative treatments, in order to simultaneously treat mind, body and spirit. Geared to the promotion of health and the prevention of illness, it neither rejects conventional medicine nor accepts alternative therapies, without serious evaluation.
WakeUpNaturally.com WakeUpNaturally.com
HOLISTIC BUSINESS TRAINING AWAKEN YOUR HOLISTIC BUSINESS Paula Caracappa & Kathy D’Agostino AwakenYourHolisticBusiness.com awakenyourholisticbusiness@gmail.com 914.266.0807
Online business program for heart-centered holistic entrepreneurs interested in growing their non-traditional business, increasing profits, getting more clients and reaching a new level of income and personal fulfillment. Online program.
HOLISTIC DENTIST DAVID L LERNER, DDS, CAC, FIND Yorktown Heights, NY 10598 914.214.9678 holisticdentist.com
We offer a unique approach to the health care of the mouth based on a holistic understanding of the whole body. I invite you to explore our web site to learn how we can serve your needs. See ad pg 3.
HOLISTIC HEALTH CENTER THE CENTER FOR HEALTH AND HEALING 4 Smith Avenue, 2nd floor Mount Kisco, NY 10549 Center4Healing.net 914.864.0462
In a beautiful retreat-like setting, we offer holistic psychotherapy, body therapies, acupuncture, shamanic reiki, intuitive guidance, spiritual counseling, homeopathy, naturopathic and herbal medicine, healing circles, workshops and professional trainings. See ad pg 21.
Mindful is the New Skinny The Center for Health and Healing 4 Smith Ave, Mt. Kisco, NY 10549 917.974.9446; Jodibaretz.com Mindfulness and holistic health based psychotherapy helping women decrease stress, improve relationships, become less reactive and lose weight without restrictive dieting. Mindful is the New Skinny transformational program is designed to help you lighten up inside and out. Individual, groups, skype.
KARA BOHACK, NRT PRACTITIONER Holistic Healing & Nutrition Poughkeepsie Office holistichealingandnutrition.com 845.471.6400
Support your innate ability to heal. Using this noninvasive, precise and scientific technique we determine the perfect plan for your body and start you on the road to optimal wellness. Nutritionally based practice using the Nutrition Response Testing technique.
HOLISTIC CANCER COACHING Bailey O’Brien, 917.426.2845; baileyobrien.com contact@baileyobrien.com
In 2011 I overcame stage 4 melanoma holistically. Now I equip people to become empowered patients and face their cancer with confidence! If you’d like to use natural methods to help prevent or heal from cancer, I can help
Classical Homeopathy The Center for Health and Healing 4 Smith Ave., Mount Kisco, NY 914.864.0462; aquamarinahomeopathy.com Homeopathy for the whole family has been an interest for many years. One family can benefit greatly from homeopathic care from baby to old age. A holistic and individual approach is the key to homeopathy. Cease therapy is used mostly in autism.
777 Ulster Ave., Kingston 15 Davis Ave., Poughkeepsie 845.338.3320; 845.485.8582 Helping people relieve symptoms o f c h r o n i c Ly m e d i s e a s e , fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome as well as many other chronic illnesses. Dramatically improve your energy levels.
250 E. Hartsdale Ave. St. 22, Hartsdale, NY 400 Rella Blvd. St. 165, Montebello, NY 914.472.0666; HartsdaleHomeopathy.com Looking for a physician with 24 years of clinical practice using natural remedies? Expertise in treating acute and chronic illness in children and adults. Emphasis on homeopathic and functional medicine to decrease dependency on pharmaceutical drugs. If you want experienced, competent, compassionate, and exceptional care. See ad pg 13.
Michael Finkelstein MD FACP ABIHM SunRaven: The Home of Slow Medicine 501 Guard Hill Rd. Bedford, NY 914.218.3113; slowmedicinedoctor.com You can attain enhanced health and wellness on every level. I will guide you and together we will transform you into your own best doctor, friend and selfadvocate. You will learn how to bring yourself back into balance. My intention is to be the best healer and teacher I can be. I offer insightful health evaluations with customized medical guidance. Uniquely qualified to offer medical advice and attention from a holistic perspective. See ad pg 23.
Dr. Timothy Morley 914.241.7030; Mt. Kisco 914.615.9004; White Plains Tomorrowmedicine.com Dr. Morley is a functional medicine specialist and is board certified in anti-aging. We offer the most extensive testing in the Tristate area which allows us to discover the root causes of imbalances in your body. Balance your body and balance your life. See ads pgs 31 & 49.
Edit J. Babboni, RYT- 200, Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, 61 Lakeview Dr., Yorktown Heights, NY 917.721.2529; yoga.zengarden@gmail.com zengardenyoga.net Drained from toxic relationships? Overwhelmed by stress at work? Fed up with those nagging cravings? Want to feel great in your body? Call for your first free consult to start changing your life!
2017 2017 Natural Natural Living Living Directory Directory
85 85
Understand blocks in your life or re-connect with loved ones that have passed. Joan can guide you with gentle intuitive advice; card reading, numerology, palmistry and after life communications. She has 20 years of experience and is available via telephone or in person.
We offer delicious healthy fare including juices, smoothies, salads, wraps, panini and fresh baked goods! Our menu has many GF, vegetarian and organic options. Indoor seating available as well as our backyard patio.
Practitioner; Wainwright House 203.531.6387; PsychicJoanCarra.net Facebook.com/PsychicJoan.Carra
Rosemary Serluca Foster Certified Energy Healing Facilitator 212.989.2033; RoseDoveHealing.com Rosemary@RoseDoveHealing.com Rosemary offers interactive, dynamic healing sessions. She lays hands and intuits information suppressed in your body to alleviate emotional and physical issues. This deep, energy work will spark your intuition so you become your own healer. Nyack, NYC and phone.See ad pg 54.
Spiritual Healing Arts & Dance Millbrook + Online Studio/Sanctuary 845.677.3517; whitelotusgrace@gmail.com whitelotusgrace.com Intuitive healing applied through an innovative variety of intentional organic movement and dance is the specialty of White Lotus Grace. Compassionate service is offered one-on-one, to couples, and classes, online or in person.
1807 Commerce St. Yorktown Heights, NY 914.302.7331; trailside-cafe.com
20+ yrs successfully addressing Lyme AndreaCandee.com; 914.763.8889 Antibiotic.resistant viruses cause chronic Lyme (brain fog, nerve disorders, headaches, joint/muscle pain, fatigue). Neurological Strep affects children/adults causing tics, anxiety, OCD and more. Quantum Physics, 21st century science targets/ cancels pathogenic frequencies from body. Protocols are three pronged: vibrational frequencies + herbs + food guidance.
LANDSCAPE DESIGN DIVINE GARDEN DESIGN Lia Russ 914.329.3325 divinegardendesign.com
Beautiful, energetically balanced environments. Surround yourself in the visual and vibrational environment that you crave. Creative solutions. 25 years experience. Full service - Design; I n s t a l l a t i o n ; M a i n t e n a n c e . Organic.
Rebeca@rebecaspirit.com rebecaspirit.com I use a holistic approach and the tools in your toolbox, to help you understand spiritual blocks, clear old patterns and create new pathways of thought/action. Let’s connect to Spirit in more ways than one.
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LandscapingWithNature.com 845.489.7250
Our Landscape Artists take ideas, concepts and feelings from your heads, put them in a design that makes you feel like you created it. Design in Winter - Build in Spring. See ad pg 13.
Westchester/Putnam/Dutchess Westchester/Putnam/Dutchess NY NY Edition Edition
Intuitive Arts: A general term for various methods of divination, such as numerology, psychic reading, and tarot reading. Individuals may consult practitioners to seek information about the future or insights into personal concerns or their personality. Numerology emphasizes the significance of numbers derived from the spelling of names, birth dates and other significant references; psychics may claim various abilities, from finding lost objects and persons to communicating with the spirits of the dead; tarot readers interpret a deck of cards containing archetypal symbols. Ionic Foot Detox: This machine is a modern energy therapy device that balances the body’s natural energy system. By introducing a high level of negative ions into the water of a foot bath, the feet, utilizing principles of reflexology and the science of ionization and osmosis, create a positive cellular environment and enable the body’s natural detoxification processes to function at their peak. Iridology: Analysis of the delicate structure of the iris, the colored portion of the eye, to reveal information about conditions within the body. More than 90 specific zones on each iris, for a combined total of 180-plus zones, correspond to specific areas of the body. Because body weaknesses are often noticeable in the iris long before they are discernible through blood work or other laboratory analysis, iridology can be a useful tool for preventive self-care. Iyengar (Yoga): Noted for precise alignment and symmetry of postures, the development of balance, and the use of props such as blocks, balls and belts. Based on an exceptional understanding of how the body works, the Iyengar style of yoga was developed by B.K.S. Iyengar. Poses are held longer than usual. Iyengar is a good style for beginners, but can challenge seasoned practitioners, as well. Jin Shin (or Jin Shin Jyutsu): A gentle, noninvasive energy-balancing art and philosophy that embodies a life of simplicity, calmness, patience and self-containment. Practitioners employ simple acupressure techniques, using their fingers and hands on a fully clothed client to help eliminate stress, create emotional equilibrium, relieve pain and alleviate acute or chronic conditions. Kinesiology / Applied Kinesiology: The study of muscles and their movement. Applied kinesiology tests the relative strength and weakness of selected muscles to identify decreased function in body organs and systems, as well as imbalances and restrictions in the body’s energy flow. Some tests use acupuncture meridians and others analyze interrelation-
WakeUpNaturally.com WakeUpNaturally.com
ships among muscles, organs, the brain and the body’s energy field. Applied kinesiology is also used to check the body’s response to treatments that are being considered. Kripalu (Yoga): An integrated practice that emphasizes breathing and alignment and coordinates the breath with movement. Amrit Desai, a long-time student of Kundalini yoga master Swami Kripaluvananda, developed Kripalu, also called the yoga of consciousness. This style incorporates three stages of development, beginning with postural alignment and progressing to meditation, with longer posture holding, finally creating a meditation in motion, where the movement from one posture to another happens unconsciously and spontaneously. Students are encouraged to honor “the wisdom of the body” and to work according to the limits of their flexibility and strength. Kripalu is suitable for everyone, from beginners to advanced students. Kundalini (Yoga): A powerful, enlightening style that incorporates mantras (chanting), meditation, visualization, breathing and guided relaxation, with precise postures. According to Hindu philosophy, kundalini is a concentrated form of prana, or life force, represented by a coiled, sleeping serpent said to reside at the base of the spine. When breath and movement awaken the serpent (energy), it moves up the spine through each of the seven chakras (energy centers) of the body, bringing energy and bliss. Once a closely guarded secret in India, kundalini yoga was first brought to the West in 1969 and has been known to help with addictions and releasing endorphins in the body. Kundalini will not appeal to everyone and should be practiced under the supervision of an experienced teacher. Learning Therapy: An interactive, non-drug treatment for learning challenges (like ADD/ ADHD or classroom behavioral issues) or for enhancing learning, often through patterns of movement thought to stimulate neural pathways. Types of learning therapy include programs/curricula designed by Brain Gym and the Seattle-based HANDLE Institute. Life Coach: A professional who helps clients identify their personal and/or professional goals and design a plan or institute techniques for achieving them. The life coach works with clients to recognize and overcome any obstacles that may interfere with achievement of those goals. Locavore: A person who eats only locally grown and raised food in order to support local economies, sustainable agriculture and independent farms.
LIFE COACH LEAH WILSON WATTS Master Life Coach 4200WattsofPower.com 718.812.5166
Do you ever imagine living the life of your dreams? Are you at a standstill? The best way to allow yourself to blossom is to become the master of your own destiny! Schedule a consultation today.
Massage Therapy with a Nurturing Touch 914.320.4063; susanadlerLMT@gmail.com SusanAdlerLMT.com Therapeutic massage to address specific issues or promote wellness. Works with generally healthy to very ill clients. Experience with geriatric, cancer, Parkinson’s, hospice massage. Studios in Riverdale and Mamaroneck; onsite visits in Westchester, Bronx, Manhattan. See ad pg 21.
Linda May Thomas, MA, LMT” 43 Locust Ave., Rye NY 914.960.8808; BonAccordMassage.com Integrated therapeutic massage in serene studio in downtown Rye. Linda allocates at least 90 minutes for each 60 minute session, ensuring plenty of time to customize the ideal massage to relieve your pain and stress and to maximize your healing.
Westchester & NYC justin.dibenedetto@gmail.com 914.494.7468; PinpointMassage.com Traveling massage service for everyone from stay-at-home moms to CrossFit athletes. Promotes healing, stress reduction and recovery of muscle injury. Specialties: sports massage, trigger point therapy and myofascial release. $20 dollars off first in-home massage for new clients.
777 White Plains Rd., Scarsdale, NY 10583: 914.902.9200 365 Central Park Ave. Scarsdale, NY 10583; 914.422.3689 737 Bedford Rd., Bedford Hills, NY 10507: 914.244.3689 158 South Ridge St., Rye Brook, NY 10573; 914.417.6940 Massage therapy can be a powerful ally in your wellness program. Visit one of the four locations in Westchester to take advantage of our introductory offer. Open 7 days a week, extended hours, late evenings. See ads pgs 12 & back cover.
Laura Giacovas,LMT, MS Ed., 4th Dan Master Instructor Taekwondo Briarcliff NY 914.941.2400, soulauras.com Our mission is to enhance wellness and quality of life through Therapeutic Massage and Integrated Holistic Healing. We are committed to providing an inspired, nurturing environment from which wellness and harmony can be realized. See ad pg 52.
House calls or Office in Yonkers coyoteqn@aol.com; 914.907.4485 DreamDancerHealingMassage.com Combining medical and holistic massage modalities I help you reach a state of relaxation and balance. Re-educating the muscles to relax and return to their natural state incorporating energy work and massage. Specializing in sciatica, arthritis, fibromyalgia whiplash, tendinitis anxiety, headaches and chronic pain. Each Massage is tailored to your needs, guiding your body to heal itself naturally.
MICHELLE VITNER, LMT, LPN A Healing Massage with Intuition PutnamHealingArtsMassage.com 914.672.1916 or 914.873.1376
Holding sacred space through Relaxation, Therapeutic and Medical Massage Putnam, We s t c h e s t e r , D u t c h e s s . "Michelle's healing ability is more than the touch from her hands; she heals the soul. She brings serenity to people." ~Maureen S., Carmel. See ad pg 55.
2017 2017 Natural Natural Living Living Directory Directory
272 N. Bedford Road, Mount Kisco, NY 914.241.7363; flsm.com Join us for a transformative experience as you develop your intuitive and scientific abilities to heal through therapeutic touch. Classes taught to auditory, visual and kinesthetic learners. Financial aid available for full and part-time programs. See ad pg 37.
Kurt Beil, ND, LAc, MPH The Center for Health & Healing 4 Smith Ave, 2nd Fl; Mount Kisco, NY 914.362.8315; drkurt@earthlink.net hudsonvalleynaturalhealth.com
Utilize an integrative healing approach from a doctor trained in holistic medicine. Working with your current medical treatments & labwork, as well as botanical medicine, dietary & lifestyle counselling, nutritional supplements, acupuncture and Chinese medicine, homeopathy, hydrotherapy, stress reduction and ecotherapy. Insurance reimbursement available for some services. See ad pg 54.
WESTCHESTER BUDDHIST CENTER Eileen Fisher Headquarters 2 Bridge Street, Irvington, NY 10530 westchesterbuddhistcenter.org
WBC focuses upon Buddhist teachings and practices received from Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche. Weekly gatherings consist of meditation instruction, group practice and dharma talks at three locations: Eileen Fisher Headquarters; Aligned Center, Irvington; The Center for Health and Healing, Mt. Kisco.
Dr. Fred Lisanti, ND, LAC., RH, CHT 266 White Plains Rd, B-1, Eastchester, NY 914.337.2980; intmedsolutions.com Blending the best of traditional and cutting edge natural medicine, Dr. Lisanti offers natural therapeutic solutions for acute and chronic conditions. He combines naturopathic care, clinical nutrition, acupuncture, detoxification, hypnosis, movement, yoga and lifestyle counseling allowing him to customize your program individually. See ad pg 28.
MELT MELT/THE ALEXANDER TECHNIQUE Joy Jacobson, MAmSAT Mamaroneck, NY 914.200.3732; JoyJacobson.com
The Alexander Technique and the MELT Method are two simple self-care techniques that help to eliminate chronic pain, decrease stress, and bring your body into better balance. Individual and group classes taught.
Naturopathic Clinic 6 Yellow Monkey Village 792 Rt. 35 Cross River, NY, and NYC 646.670.6725; DrKaushik.com Combination of Naturopathy and Ayurveda is used to create a unique treatment plan to regain and maintain your health. Supplements, Dietary recommendations and life style plan is suggested base on your body-type or constitution. See ad pg 11.
Coming September 2017
Deadline to participate is August 12.
Join us! Call 914.617.8750 or email DanaB@NaturalAwakeningsMag.com 88 88
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88 Westchester/Putnam/Dutchess Westchester/Putnam/Dutchess NY NY Edition Edition
Macrobiotics: An Eastern philosophy best known in the West for its dietary principles. Macrobiotic theory posits that there is a natural order to all things. By synchronizing our eating habits with the cycles of nature, we can achieve a fuller sense of balance within ourselves and with the world around us. Although not a specific diet, it emphasizes low-fat and high-fiber foods, whole grains, vegetables, sea vegetables and seeds, all cooked in accordance with macrobiotic principles. Magnetic Field Therapy: Electromagnetic energy and the human body have a vital and valid interrelationship, making it possible to use magnetic field therapy as an aid in diagnosing and treating physical and emotional disorders. This process is reported to relieve symptoms and may, in some cases, retard the cycle of new diseases. Magnets and electromagnetic therapy devices are now being used to eliminate pain, facilitate the healing of broken bones and counter the effects of stress. Manual lymphatic drainage (MLD): A gentle, non-invasive, rhythmical whole-body massage, aimed at stimulating the lymphatic system to carry away excess fluid in the loose connective tissue, which helps remove toxins. Blockage or damage within the system may lead to conditions like edema, acne, inflammation, arthritis and sinusitis. The therapy stimulates one of the body’s natural cleansing systems to help bring tissues to a healthier state. Martial Arts: Systems of codified practices and traditions originally designed primarily for self-defense or combat. Now more often practiced as a sport, the martial arts have a strong emphasis on honor and self-discipline. The best-known martial arts originated in Asia and include aikido, karate, judo and tae kwon do. Massage Therapy: A general term for the manipulation of soft tissue for therapeutic purposes. Massage therapy incorporates various disciplines and involves kneading, rubbing, brushing and tapping the muscles and connective tissues by hand or using mechanical devices. Its goal is to increase circulation and detoxification, in order to reduce physical and emotional stress and increase overall wellness. Meditation: The intentional directing of attention to one’s inner self. Methods and practices to achieve a meditative state are based upon various principles using the body or mind and may employ control or letting-go mechanisms. Techniques include the use of imagery, mantras and observation, and the control of breathing. Research has shown that regular meditation can contribute to psychological and physiological well-being. As a spiritual practice, meditation is used to facilitate a mystical sense of oneness with a higher power or the Universe. It can also WakeUpNaturally.com WakeUpNaturally.com
help reduce stress and alleviate stress-related ailments, such as anxiety and high blood pressure. Mediumship: A medium professes to mentally see, hear and/or sense persons or entities in a spiritual dimension, and convey messages from them to people in the physical world. Readings focus on evidential messages from recognizable personalities in the spirit world. The messages are delivered as guidance for one’s “highest good.” MELT: The MELT Method is a simple selfcare technique designed to eliminate chronic pain and decrease accumulated stress caused by the repetitive postures and movements of everyday living. Small balls and soft foam rollers are used to rehydrate the connective tissue system, bringing the body back to a more ideal state by enhancing body awareness, improving balance and performance and reducing the signs of aging. Midwife: A birth attendant who assists a woman through the prenatal, labor, birth and postpartum stages of pregnancy. The mother is encouraged to be involved and to feel in control of her birthing experience. Midwives are knowledgeable about normal pregnancy, labor, birth and pain relief options. They respect the process of birth as an innate and familiar process. Certified nurse-midwives are registered nurses who have received advanced training and passed a national certification exam. Nurse-midwives collaborate with physicians, as needed, especially when problems arise during pregnancy. (Also see Doula.) Myofascial Release Technique: A safe and very effective hands-on technique that involves applying gentle sustained pressure into the myofascial connective tissue restrictions to eliminate pain and restore motion. The use of Myofascial Release allows the practitioner to look at each patient as a unique individual. Myofascial Release is a type of soft tissue massage, which incorporates stretching and massage of the connective tissues, or fascia. It operates on the principal that many people hold stress in their muscles, which causes the muscles to seize or lock. This is exacerbated by muscle injury and scarring. Myofascial Release aims to access these areas of blockage and tension to release them, thereby freeing up the muscle and allowing it to move more easily and effectively. This whole-body, hands-on technique seeks to free the body from the grip of tight fascia, or connective tissue, thus restoring normal alignment and function and reducing pain. Therapists use their hands to apply mild, sustained pressure, in order to gently stretch and soften fascia. Myofascial release is used to treat neck and back pain, headaches, recurring sports injuries and scoliosis.
professionalwomenofputnam.com info@professionalwomenofputnam.com 347.387.3163
777 Ulster Ave., Kingston 15 Davis Ave., Poughkeepsie 845.338.3320; 845.485.8582 Helping people relieve symptoms o f c h r o n i c Ly m e d i s e a s e , fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome as well as many other chronic illnesses. Dramatically improve your energy levels.
The Professional Wo m e n o f P u t n a m encourages women from a variety of professions and trades to connect and support each other in a noncompetitive environment. The PWP doesn’t exclude anyone from any business.
Dr. Michael Wald, DC, MD* 86 Smith Avenue, Mount Kisco, NY 914.242.8844; intmedny.com
The Professional Women of Westchester encourages women from a variety of professions and trades to connect and support each other in a non-competitive environment. The PWW doesn’t exclude anyone from any business.
Dr. Michael Wald, DC, MD*, Board Certified Nutritionist, aka The Blood Detective, works in close partnership with you to develop your natural healing plan. Starting with a personalized review of your health goals and concerns. A metabolic map and testing your body holistically, then interpreting the findings - The Blood Detective Way! (*unlicensed) See ad pg 4.
professionalwomenofwestchester.com info@professionalwomenofwestchester.com 347.387.3163
Meetings at Ixchel Center 23 Wilson St, Hartsdale,NY 10530 WestchesterHolisticNetwork.org info@westchesterholisticnetwork.org
HN offers spirited networking W and collaboration for its practitioner members. We p rovide introductions to the general public about all things holistic. Meetings often held on t he third Tuesday of each month. Join our mailing list for current calendar . FREE to members; $10 for non-members, first meeting free.
Dr. Penni Waldman, Clinical and Health Psychologist drpenniwaldman.com White Plains, NY, 914.961.8412
Do you know what type of healthy foods you need to eat? What about the sensitivities you may have to them? In fact, there are different pH levels in water. Ask yourself, which is healthy? Let us educate you.
NURSE PRACTITIONER ASCEND HEALTH AND WELLNESS Sarah F. B. Kent, R.N., N.P. Katonah & NYC By Appointment: 914.462.7633 AscendHealthandWellness@gmx.com
Overwhelmed? Learn coping skills; ADD, ADHD, Anxiety, Depression, Frustration and more. As a Board-Certified Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner, Pediatric Nurse Practitioner and a Registered Nurse, I offer integrative therapies. I work with individuals of all ages and families. See ad pg 25.
Nuspecies.com 866.624.4117 HQ: 427 Main St. Beacon, NY 12508 NuSpecies Health Centers provide free health consultations with certified nutritionists/life coaches. We make custom recommendations of our Raw, Organic, Liquid, Natural nutritional formulas and then work with our clients until they achieve their health goals. See ad pg 8.
2017 2017 Natural Natural Living Living Directory Directory
89 89
914.329.3325 Turn-key organic gardens built at your site. Be involved as little or as much as you like. We’ll harvest and deliver your fresh organic produce to your door, babysit your gardens while your away, or just guide you as you do it yourself. Guided herb walks on your site, learn about what’s growing near you, and what it might mean to you.
PAIN RELIEF BLUE DRAGONFLY BODYWORK Danielle Molella, LMT, PBP Danielle@1BlueDragonfly.com 845.554.5699; 1BlueDragonfly.com
Bowen Therapy is a holistic, softtissue therapy that addresses the cause of pain, rather than the symptoms. It can be used to treat musculoskeletal or related neurological problems including acute injuries and chronic or organic conditions. Bowen is appropriate for all ages and safe for everyone.
Liz Ingalls, Physiotherapist, Exercise Physiologist, Certified Craniosacral Therapist 1392 Albany Post Road, STE 1B.3 Croton on Hudson, NY 10520 914.261.1060; liz@expertbodywellness.com expertbodywellness.com Craniosacral therapy sessions are combined with the most innovative complementary and alternative manipulative and mind-body techniques and Pilates reformer exercise to promote strength and balance in all of your body systems, prevent pain, and achieve lifelong wellness. Call for appointment your body will thank you
Laurie R. Mallis, MD, LAc 2424 Route 52, Hopewell Junction, NY 845.592.4310; SearchLightMedical.com Frustrated with not feeling or looking your best? Get on the path to better health. Utilizing Medical Acupuncture, ONDAMED, Biofeedback Therapy and Reiki to achieve a better state of health and well being. Only minutes from Taconic and I-84. See ad pg 32.
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Nambudripad’s Allergy Elimination Techniques (NAET): A non-invasive, drug free, natural modality that tests for and eliminate allergies. NAET uses a blend of selective energy balancing, testing and treatment procedures from acupuncture, acupressure, allopathy, chiropractic, kinesiology and nutritional medicine. One allergen is treated at a time. Naturopathy: A comprehensive and eclectic system whose philosophy is based upon working in harmony with the body’s natural healing abilities. Naturopathy incorporates a broad range of natural methods and substances aimed to promote health. Training may include the study of specific approaches, including massage, manipulation, acupuncture, acupressure, counseling, applied nutrition, herbal medicine, homeopathy and minor surgery plus basic obstetrics for assistance with natural childbirth. Network chiropractic: Uses Network Spinal Analysis (NSA), a system of assessing and contributing to spinal and neural integrity, as well as health and wellness. Founded and developed by Donald Epstein. Practitioners employ gentle force to the spine to help the body eliminate mechanical tension in the neurological system. The body naturally develops strategies to dissipate stored tension/energy, thus enhancing self-regulation of tension and spinal interference. (Also see Chiropractic.) Neuro Emotional Technique (NET): practitioners use muscle testing to locate unresolved, negatively charged emotional responses that are stored in your body. When located and identified the practitioner helps correct and eliminate disharmonious body response, allowing you to release and heal the “Neuro Emotional Complex (NEC)”. It’s fast, and it can dramatically improve your health. Finding “trapped” or conditioned memory loops with simple muscle testing procedures helps determine if your body is in harmony with a particular concept or idea, which is linked to an unresolved emotional event. NET is safe and effective, and is a natural way to instantly resolve long-standing health problems by resolving the emotional components that accompany the physical symptoms. Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP): A systematic approach to changing the limiting patterns of thought, behavior and language. Through conversation, practitioners observe the client’s language, eye movements, posture, breathing and gestures, in order to detect and help change unconscious patterns linked to the client’s emotional state.
Westchester/Putnam/Dutchess Westchester/Putnam/Dutchess NY NY Edition Edition
Neuro Muscular Kinesiology: A diagnostic system using muscle testing as a functional neurological evaluation. The methodology is concerned primarily with neuromuscular function as it relates to the structural, chemical and mental physiologic regulatory mechanisms. Kinesiology, which originated within the chiropractic profession, is an approach to clinical practice, with multidisciplinary applications. Kinesiology is a form of diagnosis that uses muscle testing as a feedback mechanism to examine how a person’s body is functioning. Since Kinesiology draws together elements from many diverse therapies, it provides a unified, interdisciplinary approach to health care. Neuro Muscular Therapy (NMT): Emphasizes the interwoven roles of the brain, spine and nerves in causing muscular pain. NMT employs specific massage therapy and flexibility stretching to help balance the musculoskeletal and nervous systems. One goal is to relieve tender, congested spots in muscle tissue and compressed nerves that may radiate pain to other areas of the body. (Also see Trigger Point/Myotherapy.) Nutritional Analysis: Identifying nutrient challenges are critical because they can affect all body functions as well as organ, joint and bone stability. Proper nutrition, supported with whole food supplements, promotes overall health and provides the human body the building blocks for tissue repair, helping re-establish proper function throughout the body and aiding in all the bodies healing processes. To further support your health, whole food and herbal supplements may be added to your health care plan to maximize the benefits of your chiropractic treatments. Given the proper nutrition, your body has the amazing capability of keeping itself healthy. Nutrition should be individualized to meet each person’s needs. Whole food supplements along with herbal products are an important key to overall health and well-being. Nutritional Counseling: Embracing a wide range of approaches, nutrition-based, complementary therapies and counseling seek to alleviate physical and psychological disorders through special diets and food supplements. These will be either macronutrients (carbohydrates, fats, proteins and fiber) or micronutrients (vitamins, minerals and trace elements that cannot be manufactured in the body). Nutritional therapy/counseling often uses dietary or food supplements, which can include tablets, capsules, powders or liquids. Organic: In the United States, a product that has been produced in accordance with the Department of Agriculture’s National Organic Program, which sets national standards for the production, handling, and processing of organiWakeUpNaturally.com WakeUpNaturally.com
cally grown agricultural products. Organic growing methods and inputs serve to enhance the ecological balance of natural systems. For example organic producers conserve soil and water, use renewable resources and grow food without the use of toxic and persistent pesticides and fertilizers. (See ams.usda.gov/NOP) Orthomolecular Medicine: Employs vitamins, minerals and amino acids to create nutritional content and balance in the body. Orthomolecular medicine targets a wide range of conditions, including depression, hypertension, cancer, schizophrenia and other mental and physiological disorders. Orthotics: The profession of designing, manufacturing and/or selling devices that support or help correct musculoskeletal problems, either congenital or caused by illness or injury. Examples include back braces for scoliosis and shoe inserts for fallen arches. Osteopathy / Osteopathic Physicians: Osteopathy uses generally accepted physical, pharmacological and surgical methods of diagnosis and therapy, with a strong emphasis on body mechanics and manipulative methods to detect and correct faulty structure and function, in order to restore the body’s natural healing capacities. Doctors of Osteopathy (D.O.) are fully trained and licensed according to the same standards as medical doctors (M.D.) and receive additional extensive training in the body’s structure and functions. Oxygen Therapies: Alters the body’s chemistry to help overcome disease, promote repair and improve overall function. Properly applied, oxygen may be used to treat a wide variety of conditions, including infections, circulatory problems, chronic fatigue syndrome, arthritis, allergies, cancer and multiple sclerosis. The major types of oxygen therapy used to treat illness are hyperbaric oxygen and ozone. Hydrogen peroxide therapy (oral or intravenous) can be dangerous and should be avoided. Past Life Regression: Past life and regression therapies operate on the assumption that many physical, mental and emotional challenges are extensions of unresolved problems from the past, either childhood traumas or experiences in previous lifetimes. The practitioner uses hypnosis or other altered states of consciousness and relaxation techniques to access the source of this “unfinished business,” and helps clients to analyze, integrate and release past traumas that are interfering with their current lives.
YAMUNA® BODY ROLLING (YBR) Ideal for all fitness levels & ages. Westchester, New York City & beyond 212.533.5256; YamunaUSA.com
ELIMINATE PAIN/STRESS/ TENSION. Breathe and create a calm/balanced you. Promote healing of injuries, stimulate bone growth, enhance blood flow & tone muscles. Safe and gentle. Feel positive results within eight minutes. Ideal practice for everyone. Privates, small groups and workshops for fitness and yoga centers. See ad pg 60.
PARENT COACHING DR. KRISTY M. VANACORE, PSY.D, PC 334 Underhill Avenue, 3C Yorktown Heights, NY 10598 914.497.8006; Kmvgroup.org
Empowered Parent Coaching: A journey towards rediscovering your intuition and power as a joyful peaceful parent. Take control of your life and your home. For parents of tots to teens In-person, phone, and Skype options available.
PAST LIFE REGRESSION CANTOR/REV. SHIRA ADLER, CPLR Certified Past Life Regressionist Holistic Healer, Speaker & Host Shira@ShiraAdler.com, 914.861.5186, FB: The1ShiraAdler
Answer the deep “WHYs” of your life. Soothing. Powerful. Transformative sessions to quickly clear trauma, phobias, illness, relationship issues and more. Specializing in Indigos/ Crystals, “beyond-the-spectrum” kids and parents. S. Salem office with Tri-State and Westchester workshops. 20% off initial session.
OLD POST PHYSICAL THERAPY 43 Old Post Road South Croton-on-Hudson, NY 10520 914.271.2426; oldpostpt.com
Private Physical Therapy focusing on the individual needs of each client and utilizing various manual therapy techniques to restore homeostasis in the joints, muscles, ligaments, and nerves. We also provide 1-on-1 Personal Training and Yoga. $20 discount for new clients.
241 Harrison Ave, Harrison, NY 10528 914.630.4594; pilatesglowandyoga.com
Private and semi-private classes offered on Pilates machines. Everyone’s welcome in our Pilates and Yoga classes regardless of flexibility or strength. Intimate and challenging atmosphere. Try an Extra Gentle Yoga class or a Pilates Mat class. Get your glow on! See ad pg 61.
PILATES UNLEASHED STUDIO 274 White Plains Road, Suite 7 Eastchester, New York, 10709 pilatesunleashedstudio.com 914.361.1399
We are a boutique Stott Pilates studio, offering a personalized, integrated approach to Pilates and yoga. Classes are small and customized. We offer privates, small reformer/ tower classes, yoga, workshops, yoga for kids and more. Ask about our new client orientation special.
Manual PT Practice and Pilates Studio. One patient, one therapist, one hour. Integrative practice with a functional, manual approach to musculoskeletal restrictions. Specialties: Dance/Sports Medicine PT. Pilates Apparatus sessions also available. Infinite results.
Pamela Hoffman, DPM Glenn B. Weiss, DPM 200 Katonah Ave., Katonah, NY 914.232.8880; Katonahpodiatry.com Foot care for people of all ages. Board certified holistic podiatrists who use a comprehensive, integrative approach. Customized treatments utilizing the best of today’s technology combined with nutrition and 30 years of experience.
2017 2017 Natural Natural Living Living Directory Directory
SunRaven: The Home of Slow Medicine 501 Guard Hill Rd. Bedford, NY 914.218.3113; slowmedicinetherapist.com Offering a whole-being, integrative approach to wellness, nurturing clients into health on the emotional, spiritual, mental, and physical levels. Following one’s heart to Re-envision life in order to flourish. See ad pg 23.
51 Bedford Road Katonah, New York 10536 914.232.7272; LauraOKeefe.com I am a licensed clinical social worker with over twenty years experience working in the mental health field. I specialize in providing healing individual psychotherapy for adults and elders. See LauraOKeefe.com for further information.
NINA CHAIFETZ LCSW, CHHC Offices in White Plains NY & NYC ninachaifetz.com; 917.553.0091
My professional guidance will support and enable you to move through the challenges you are facing with more ease. I’ll assist you in finding clarity, healing and direction as you navigate from transition to transformation.
Thelma Jones, MD 397 Grand Boulevard Scarsdale NY 10583 914.713.0789; docthel@gmail.com optionsforwellness.com Integrative physician with over 40 years in Internal Medicine, Hematology and Oncology offers powerful help for PTSD through medical, holistic, and nutritional treatments. Also treats cancer, thyroid, autoimmune disease, heart disease and diabetes. Can provide EFT and Bemer.
Lawrence Edwards, PhD, BCN, LMHC 2 Byram Brook Pl., Armonk, NY 10504 optimalmind.net; 914.219.8600 Integrative psychotherapy: depression, anxiety, addictions, relationships, and more. Dr. Edwards is a NY lic. psychotherapist with 40 years of experience compassionately working with adults to realize their goals. Meditation and mindfulness training are also offered.
The Center for Health and Healing 4 Smith Ave., 2nd fl Mount Kisco, NY 914.260.1696; MelanieRyanLCSW@gmail.com MelanieRyanLCSW.com; Center4Healing.net Integrating modern psychology with ancient healing. Melanie is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Fordham University graduate with a clinical and research background. She integrates modern methods with Eastern Buddhist philosophy and indigenous shamanic healing. See ad pg 21.
natural natural awakenings awakenings
Associate Real Estate Broker William Raveis Real Estate 341 Rte. 202, Somers, NY 10589 914.844.7199 cell 914.276.0900 office Judy.Johnson@Raveis.com Let me help you in buying, selling, renting or relocating in a supportive and stress-free manner. After 40 + years in business, my experience and success will be beneficial to you.
ARCB Certified Reflexologist 1129 Main Street, 2nd fl., Fishkill, NY email: lorrainehughes54@gmail.com EmpoweredbyNature.net; 845.416.4598 Foot and/or Hand Reflexology sessions are offered with the use of Essential Oils applied to acupuncture points based upon each individual’s presenting pattern. Please refer to Services page on web site for the many benefits of this ancient modality.
Westchester/Putnam/Dutchess Westchester/Putnam/Dutchess NY NY Edition Edition
Personal Fitness Trainer: A certified fitness professional who designs fitness programs for individuals desiring one-on-one training. The goal is to provide optimal fitness results in the privacy of one’s home or at another location, such as a club or office. Phoenix Rising yoga therapy (Yoga): This style helps release physical and emotional tension through assisted postures, breathing techniques and ongoing student/teacher dialogue. A deeper connection to the self is encouraged by incorporating traditional yoga techniques with contemporary psychology, which ultimately results in the healing of mind, body and spirit. Physical therapy: Evaluates difficulties with mobility or function to focus on rehabilitation, through a restorative treatment program and instruction on how to make efficient use of the body in daily activities. Physical therapists use massage, exercise, electrical stimulation, ultrasound and other means to help the patient regain functional movement. Pilates: A structured system of small isolated movements that demands powerful focus on feeling every nuance of muscle action while working out on floor mats or machines. Emphasizes development of the torso’s abdominal power center, or core. Gentler than conventional exercises, Pilates, like yoga, yields long, lean, flexible muscles whose gracefully balanced movements readily translate into everyday activities like walking, sitting and bending. Can help in overcoming injuries. Polarity therapy: Polarity therapy asserts that energy fields exist everywhere in nature and that the free flow and balance of this universal energy in the human body is the underlying foundation of good health. Practitioners use gentle touch and guidance to help clients balance their energy flow, thus supporting a return to health. The practitioner’s hands do not impart energy, but redirect the flow of the receiver’s own energy. The receiver then recharges himself with his own freed energy. Power (Yoga): An intense style that creates heat and energy, while developing strength and flexibility. Power yoga evolved from ashtanga yoga and was developed by American Beryl Bender Birch in the early 1990s. Its flowing style requires the strength and stamina of Ashtanga, but doesn’t always follow the same sequence of postures, making it similar to Vinyasa style. Power yoga is usually performed in a heated room. Although Baron Baptiste is
WakeUpNaturally.com WakeUpNaturally.com
a name often associated with power yoga, he has developed his own method, called Baptiste Power Vinyasa yoga, which is taught only by teachers he certifies. Students who enjoy aerobics will probably favor power yoga. Prolotherapy: A rejuvenating therapy that uses injections of natural substances to stimulate collagen growth, in order to strengthen weak or damaged joints, tendons, ligaments or muscles. Often used as a natural alternative to drugs and/ or surgery to treat pain syndromes, including degenerative arthritis, lower back, neck and joint pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, migraine headaches, and torn ligaments and cartilage. Qigong & Tai chi: Qigong and Tai chi combine movement, meditation and breath regulation to enhance the flow of vital energy (qi or chi, pronounced “chee”) in the body, improve circulation and enhance immune function. Qigong traces its roots to traditional Chinese medicine. Tai chi was originally a self-defense martial art descended from qigong and employed to promote inner peace and calm. Real Time EEG Neurofeedback: Involves direct training of brain function. Using computer processing to capture electrical activity in the brain, an individual can reward the brain with positive feedback, changing its activity to desired, more appropriate patterns. Gradually, the brain learns and remembers how to exhibit only the good patterns. Rebirthing Breathwork: Also known as conscious connected breathing, or vivation. Rebirthing is a means to access and release unresolved emotions. The technique uses conscious, steady, rhythmic breathing, without pausing between inhaling and exhaling. Guided by a professional rebirther, clients re-experience past memories, including birth, and let go of emotional tension stored in the body. Reconnective Healing™: Uses light and dimensional frequencies that work on all levels of the body/mind to reduce stress, foster relaxation and raise the body’s healing vibration. The idea of Reconnective Healing is to reconnect the meridian or acupuncture lines on the body that have become disconnected from the larger, universal grid of meridian lines.
Reflexology: A natural healing art based upon the principle that there are reflexes in the feet and hands that correspond to every part of the body. Correctly stimulating and applying pressure to the feet or hands increases circulation and promotes specifically designated bodily and muscular functions. Regression Therapies: Operate on the assumption that many physical, mental and emotional problems are extensions of unresolved problems from the past, such as childhood traumas. The practitioner uses hypnosis, or other altered states of consciousness, and relaxation techniques to access the source of “unfinished business,” and helps clients to analyze, integrate and release past traumas that are interfering with their current lives. Reiki: Means “universal life-force energy.” Reiki is a method of activating and balancing the life force (qi or chi, pronounced “chee”). Practitioners use light hand placements to channel healing energies to organs and glands or to align the body’s chakras (energy centers). Various techniques can ease emotional and mental distress, heal chronic and acute physical problems and achieve spiritual focus and clarity. Reiki can be a valuable addition to the work of chiropractors, massage therapists, nurses and others for whom the use of touch is essential and appropriate. A healing practice that originated in Japan as a method of activating and balancing the life-force present in all living things. Reiki literally means “universal life-force energy.” Practitioners use light hand placements to channel healing energies to organs and glands or to align the body’s energy centers, or chakras. Various techniques are applied for emotional and mental distress, chronic and acute physical problems, and for achieving spiritual focus and clarity. Reiki is a valuable addition to the work of chiropractors; massage therapists, nurses and others for whom the use of touch is appropriate or essential. The Results System: A non-intrusive system using kinesiology (biofeedback via muscle testing) to identify and release body stressors at a cellular level, allowing the body to operate at the highest levels of efficiency possible. It may have a positive affect on conditions such as chemical imbalance, learning disorders, Attention Deficit Disorders and alcoholism.
For Local Food news visit NAFoodie.wordpress.com
Usui and Karuna Reiki Master . Katonah 914.924.2486; Amys3js@aol.com Facebook; Amy Axelrod Kaufman Reiki is a Japanese technique used to release blocks causing both emotional and physical pain. Sessions are designed to promote stress reduction and healing. One hour sessions take place in my home. See what’s holding you back from living your dream.
UNIVERSAL REIKI HEALING ARTS CONNECTION 1132 Main Street Peekskill, NY 10566 917.279.9577
Feel the stress melt away along with anything else that may be blocking your energy and preventing you from being the best person you can be. Daily Reiki healings scheduled for 15 minutes to 1 hour. By Appointment.
Edit J. Babboni, 200.RYT 61 Lakeview Drive, Yorktown Heights, NY 917.721.2529; zengardenyoga.net Headaches, Chronic and acute pain? Run down physically and emotionally? Reiki energy healing may be the answer. This gentle technique releases energy blockages in the body which are the root causes of pain and problems.
The Center for Health and Healing 4 Smith Avenue, Mt. Kisco, New York 845.542.6057; SheilaPearl.com Center4Healing.net Is your intimate relationship falling apart? Are you disconnected from your family? Do you wonder what life is about? Schedule your discovery session. Let’s discuss possible coaching options for establishing and maintaining loving connections with yourself, your partner and family.
2017 2017 Natural Natural Living Living Directory Directory
2 Coulter Road, Bakers Mills, NY 12811 518.251.3015; 914.556.8258 yogaintheadirondacks.com Yoga in the Adirondacks is nestled in the valley of the beautiful Adirondack Mountains, where yoga embraces nature. Connect your mind, body and spirit and explore your retreat with like-minded people to build a happier and healthier life. Studio available for your yoga/ wellness private group as well. See ad pg 60.
Shamanic Healer, Teacher Sessions/classes Beacon, NY or phone/skype 845.831.5790, xoeolovemore@gmail.com eileenohare.com “Reveal it. Feel it. Heal it.” Soul Retrieval and Power Retrieval. Invoking a powerfully sacred and loving space fueled by the Saints and Angels, Stars and Ancestors; Eileen tracks deep wounds, defense mechanisms and past lives that block the soul’s song. Using multiple shamanic techniques, the heart and soul is rewired for well-being. See ad pg 35.
Yoni Hormadaly, LMT 109 Danbury Rd. Ridgefield, CT 203.550.6888 StructuralTransformations.com Yo n i h a s b e e n p r a c t i c i n g Structural Integration since 2002. Specializing in improving the relationship between the human body and gravity. Flat feet, chronic pain and discomfort, improvement in athletic pursuits, general selfimprovement, are some of the reasons clients of all ages have sought out this work. Free phone consultation.
The Center for Health and Healing 4 Smith Ave., 2nd fl Mount Kisco, NY 914.260.1696, MelanieRyanLCSW@gmail.com MelanieRyanLCSW.com; Center4Healing.net Melanie is on faculty of Shamanic Reiki Worldwide. A shamanic reiki master practitioner and teacher, Buddhist meditation teacher, and holistic psychotherapist. She offers private healing sessions, workshops, and retreats. See ad pg 21.
Creative Healing Center 2279 rt 22 Dover Plains, NY 12522 914.329.3325; walkasacredpath.com Shamanic Reiki, self-discovery thru nature and the arts. Are you drawn to experiencing more joy, energy and health in all your relationships? Discover how energy medicine, nature and restoring your freedom to play and be creative, connects you powerfully to your own innate wisdom and transformational healing.
SENIOR CARE ELDER CARE CONNECTION Servicing the Lower Hudson Valley & Southern CT 914.669.5200 Elderlymanagement.com
Need guidance in caring for a parent? Let us help you, help them. We are R.N.’s with over 40 years of experience in home care. With our holistic approach you can keep your parent comfortably at home. See ad pg 25.
An Organized Reference Guide to Caring for a Loved One at Home NoPlaceLikeHomeBook.com 914.713.5354 When an elderly loved one requires special care within the home, caregivers face overwhelming challenges with no idea who to turn to for answers. Joyce Greene shares concise, step-by-step guidance to help you through.
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Westchester/Putnam/Dutchess Westchester/Putnam/Dutchess NY NY Edition Edition
Rolfing Structural Integration (Rolfing): A hands-on technique for deep tissue manipulation of the myofascial system, which is composed of the muscles and the connective tissue, or fascia, in order to restore the body’s natural alignment and sense of integration. As the body is released from old patterns and postures, the range and freedom of physical and emotional expression increases. Rolfing can help ease pain and chronic stress, enhance neurological functioning, improve posture and restore flexibility. Rubenfeld Synergy Method: Combines touch, talk and compassionate listening in a dynamic system for the integration of body, mind, emotions and spirit. Through gentle touch and verbal sharing, each of these four levels can be accessed simultaneously, releasing pain and fears held in the body/mind. This method facilitates pain management, increased ease of movement, improved body image and self-esteem, and recovery from physical and emotional trauma. Sivananda (Yoga): Cultivates awareness of mind and body by incorporating five main principles of proper exercise, breathing, relaxation and diet, as well as positive thinking and meditation. Based on the philosophy of Swami Sivananda, of India, the practice uses chanting, breathing techniques and meditation to help unblock energy and release stress. Sivananda focuses on 12 basic yoga postures to increase strength and spinal flexibility. It is an excellent practice for beginners, those recovering from injury or anyone interested in spiritual aspects of yoga. Svaroopa (Yoga): A style that helps students discover their bliss. The Sanskrit word svaroopa means “the true nature of Being,” and Svaroopa yoga is sometimes called the yoga of alignment and compassion. Attention to alignment in specifically chosen poses helps to soften the body’s connective tissues and ease spinal tension. Blocks and bolsters may be used to allow for deeper muscle release. The style is suitable for beginners and useful for those recovering from injury. Shamanism: An ancient healing tradition, which believes that loss of power is the real source of illness and that all healing includes the spiritual dimension. Shamanic healing usually involves induction into an altered state of consciousness and journeying into the spirit world to regain personal power and to access the powers of nature and of teachers. Shamanic healing may be taken literally or employed symbolically, but in or out of its cultural context, the tradition can be both self-empowering and self-healing.
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Shiatsu: The most widely known form of acupressure, Shiatsu is a Japanese word meaning finger pressure. The technique applies varying degrees of pressure to balance the life energy that flows through specific pathways, or meridians, in the body. Used to release tension and strengthen weak areas in order to facilitate even circulation, cleanse cells and improve the function of vital organs. Shiatsu may be used to help diagnose, prevent and relieve many chronic and acute conditions that manifest on both physical and emotional levels. Slow Medicine: Developed by local physician Dr. Michael Finkelstein, Slow Medicine describes an integrative approach to health that connects the dots between our physical bodies and the rest of our lives—particularly our mental/emotional state and relationships. The fundamental principle of Slow Medicine is that the frenzied pace of modern life contributes to many of the ailments we experience, and it is through learning to live in balance that the natural healing process is most effectively activated. It is a broad look at a person’s health, wellness and life from every angle. Sound Healing: Employs vocal and instrumental tones, generated internally or externally. When sounds are produced with healing intent, they can create sympathetic resonance in the physical and energy bodies. Sound healing also is used to bring discordant energy into balance and harmony. Spiritual Healing / Counseling: Practiced in two forms. In one, the healer uses thought or touch to align his or her spiritual essence with that of the client. The healer works to either balance the spiritual field or shift the perceptual base of the client to create harmony between mind and body and draw the client into the active presence of Divine Spirit. In the other, the healer transforms healing energy into a vibrational frequency that the client can receive and comfortably assimilate, reminding the person’s intuitive core of its inherent healing ability. Sports massage: A specialized field of massage, employed to minimize the risk of injury, tend to sports injuries that do occur, and assist in achieving optimum performance. Swedish massage: The most commonly practiced form of massage in Western countries. Swedish massage integrates ancient Oriental techniques with principles of anatomy and physiology. Practitioners rub, knead, pummel, brush and tap the client’s muscles. Swedish massage is widely practiced; thus, practitioners vary widely in training, techniques and session lengths.
SLEEP DISORDER DAVID L LERNER, DDS, CAC, FIND Yorktown Heights, NY 10598 914.214.9678 holisticdentist.com
We offer a unique approach to the health care of the mouth based on a holistic understanding of the whole body. I invite you to explore our web site to learn how we can serve your needs. See ad pg 3.
Rev. Deborah Moldow, Interfaith Minister 609 Rt. 22, Croton Falls, NY chapelatcrotonfalls.org FB: chapelatcrotonfalls Join a unique Interfaith Sunday on the 3rd Sunday of each month at the Chapel at Croton Falls at 10:30am. Enjoy chanting, prayer, movement and sharing, plus inspiring guest speakers. Check our FB page for information on upcoming programs or email Rev. Deborah at revdeb1@comcast.net.
SPA GANESHA SPA Peekskill, NY 914.906.7238 GaneshaSpa.com
Find your beauty in Ganesha Spa where traditional spa modalities are combined with procedures such as Microblading (3D Brows) and Microneedling, as well as Ayurvedic Treatments, Energy work, Anti-Aging skin care and Meditations. Complete true Spa experience with IR Sauna and a Steam Room!
Body Divinity Center for Health & Healing 4 Smith Ave, Mt. Kisco, NY 914.419.2238; DanaCanneto.com Transformational Guide, Embodiment Coach, Energy Healer and Spiritual Mentor helping women reconnect to their body on physical, emotional and spiritual levels so they can step into their power and have the freedom to be their most authentic self.
SPAVIA DAY SPA WHITE PLAINS 250 Main St. White Plains NY 10601 914.368.2525 spaviadayspa.com
High quality, yet affordable spa services in a beautiful, relaxing atmosphere. Highly-trained and licensed therapists and estheticians perform massage and skincare treatments that provide a nurturing and healing experience with a focus on natural products. Visit our website for information about our spa, products and services. See ad pg 7.
Joan Forlow, NYS License 3021 Route 9, Cold Spring NY 845.559.3326;jmforlow@optonline.net Feel lighter and look brighter from a healing facial with a Dermalogica Expert. Enter into a spa like environment where the technology of skincare meets the art of well-being. Relax-ReleaseRenew. Blissful!
PO Box 294, Armonk, NY Programs held at Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, Rt. 172 Mt. Kisco and surrounding locations. 914.236.4503; starvisionscommunity.org Our spiritual community provides opportunities for personal growth through programs with regional and internationally renowned practitioners. Seasonal celebrations along with energy healing and drumming circles build community connections. Check our website for monthly events to nurture your body, mind and spirit.
feel good, live simply & laugh more
2017 2017 Natural Natural Living Living Directory Directory
Breast and Ovarian Cancer Support Services 914.962.6402, 800.532.4290 Supportconnection.org Support Connection offers free, confidential breast and ovarian cancer support services including individual peer counseling, support groups, wellness programs and educational forums. Counselors are cancer survivors.
THERMOGRAPHY PATRICIA BOWDEN-LUCCARDI LMT, CTT, CNMT Certified Thermographic Technician Certified Whole Health Educator 518.929.7579; btiscan.com
Prevention is the Cure. RadiationFree Breast and Full Body medical thermal imaging available in Westchester & Dutchess County. By appointment. Offices in Mount Kisco, White Plains and Poughkeepsie. See ad pg 12.
TMJ DISORDER DAVID L LERNER, DDS, CAC, FIND Yorktown Heights, NY 10598 914.214.9678 holisticdentist.com
We offer a unique approach to the health care of the mouth based on a holistic understanding of the whole body. I invite you to explore our web site to learn how we can serve your needs. See ad pg 3.
271 Veterans Road Yorktown Heights, NY 10598 YorktownAnimalHospital.vet; 914.962.3111 Integrative Care including Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Herbal Medicine, along with many other types of Alternative and Complementary Veterinary Medicinal services are offered. We also offer a full range of high tech, cutting edge, medical, surgical and dental services. See ad pg 59.
natural natural awakenings awakenings
Tantra: Has emerged as a modern spiritual path of embodied consciousness, with roots in ancient Hindu and Buddhist traditions. Tantra views the ‘spiritual’ as being directly present within the ‘physical’ and respects sensory experience as a vehicle for accessing higher states of awareness. Tantric practices balance the chakras (energy centers) and can contribute to a sense of presence, intimacy and fulfillment in all aspects of living. Tantra Tai chi: This Tai chi/qigong-style body movement is a recently developed practice that you perform with a partner. It can enhance intimacy by sequentially and simultaneously focusing attention on the root, or sexual center, near the base of the spine, the heart or love center in the mid-chest region and the upper spiritual center in the head. The cycling of energy through these chakra centers encourages a blended experience of intimate presence with one’s own internal being and one’s partner. Thai Massage: A form of body therapy that incorporates gentle rocking motions, rhythmic compression along the body’s energy lines and passive stretching to stimulate the free flow of energy, break up blockages and help restore general wellbeing. One of the branches of Traditional Thai Medicine (TTM), Thai massage is performed on a floor mat, with the client dressed in lightweight, comfortable clothes. No oils are used. Thai massage aids flexibility, inner organ massage, blood oxygenation and quieting of the mind. Therapeutic Touch (TT): A contemporary healing modality developed by natural healer Dora Kunz and nursing professor Dolores Krieger in the 1970s. Therapeutic Touch is drawn from ancient practices and is used to balance and promote the flow of energy. The practitioner “accesses” the area where the body’s energy field is weak or congested, and then uses his or her hands to direct energy into the field to balance it. Nurses and other healthcare practitioners to relieve pain, stress, anxiety and to promote wound healing, practice Therapeutic Touch. Thermal-Acupressure Massage: The term generally applies to an automated bed or table in which the recipient lies down on their back. Beneath them a series of Far-Infrared rollers move up and down the spinal column providing a spinal alignment while emitting healthy light energy rays that penetrate approximately 2 inches into the body stimulating cell activity & improving circulation to peripheral areas of the body, while activating the lymphatic system (detoxification).
Westchester/Putnam/Dutchess Westchester/Putnam/Dutchess NY NY Edition Edition
Thermography (Thermal Imaging): A diagnostic technique that uses an infrared camera to measure temperature variations on the surface of the body, producing images that reveal sites of inflammation and abnormal tissue growth. Inflammation is recognized as the earliest stage of nearly all major health challenges. Thought Field Therapy (TFT): Promoted as a highly effective, non-invasive, healthy alternative to long-term or drug-related psychotherapy. Used for stress management and stress relief, as well as the reduction or elimination of anxiety and anxiety-related problems. TFT is designed to address the fundamental causes of specific problems, balancing the body’s energy system and eliminating most negative emotions within minutes, while promoting the body’s own healing ability. Total Body Modification- TBM: This very sophisticated system of kinesiological testing (muscle testing) enables the practitioner to discover imbalances or blockages related to reflex points on the body impairing optimum health and function. TBM is able to evaluate, reset and rebalance body reflex points associated with organs, muscles and systems. By stimulating these reflex points located along the spine the practitioner is assisting the body in its desire to obtain healthy functional physiology. Trager Approach (psychophysical integration): A system of movement re-education that seeks to address the mental roots of muscle tension. By gently rocking, cradling and moving the client’s fully clothed body, the practitioner encourages him or her to see that physically restrictive patterns can be changed. The Trager approach includes “mentastics,” simple, active, self-induced movements that can be done by the client during regular daily activities. Trager work has been successfully applied to a variety of neuromuscular disorders, and to the stresses and discomforts of everyday living. Trigger point/Myotherapy: A massage technique used to relieve pain, similar to Neuro Muscular Therapy (NMT). Practitioners apply pressure to specific ‘trigger points’ on the body—tender, congested spots of muscle tissue that may radiate pain to other areas—in order to release tension and spasms. Treatment decreases the swelling and stiffness associated with muscular pain and increases range of motion. Tui na: A manipulative therapy that is an integral part of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). Tui na (“tui” means to push and “na” is a squeezing, lifting technique) employs Taoist and martial art principles to bring the body back into balance. Practitioners profess more than 365 hand techniques, most of which are variations of pressing, rubbing, waving, WakeUpNaturally.com WakeUpNaturally.com
shaking, percussive or manipulating movements. Tui na is used to relieve arthritic joint pain; sciatica; muscle spasms; and other pains in the back, neck and shoulders. It may also help ease chronic conditions such as insomnia, constipation, headaches, and stress associated with tension. Vinyasa (Yoga): A challenging style that matches breath to movement. Vinyasa yoga poses incorporate alignment principles and are woven together in a flowing practice that is both intense and dance-like. Translated from Sanskrit, vinyasa means “without obstacle.” This style is best suited for energetic, physically fit students. Viniyoga (Yoga): A transformative, slower and more individualized form of yoga that emphasizes gentle flow and coordinated breath with movement. Viniyoga yoga is holistic in its approach and teaches the student how to apply the yoga tools of poses, chanting, breathing and meditation. Function is stressed over form in this style. Viniyoga is recommended for beginners and seniors, as well as those who are in chronic pain or healing from injury or disease. Yoga: Practical application of the ancient Indian Vedic teachings. The word yoga is derived from the Sanskrit root yuj which means “union” or “to join,” and refers to the joining of a person’s physical, mental and spiritual elements. The goal of good health is accomplished through a combination of techniques, including physical exercises called asanas (or postures), controlled breathing, relaxation, meditation and diet and nutrition. Although yoga is not meant to cure specific diseases or ailments directly, it has been found effective in treating many physical ailments. Individuals of every age and physical condition can benefit from the regular practice of yoga, which has been proved to enhance flexibility, strength, stamina and concentration. Using a combination of asanas, or postures, and breathing techniques, yoga works to induce deep relaxation and reduce stress, tone the body and organs, increase vitality and improve circulation and energy flow. Uplifting and meditative, yoga can be applied as a spiritual practice, as well. Please note: The contents of this Health & Wellness Glossary are for informational purposes only. The information is not intended to be used in place of a visit or consultation with a healthcare professional. Always seek out a practitioner who is licensed, certified or otherwise professionally qualified to conduct a selected treatment, as appropriate.
25 Studio Hill RD Briarcliff Manor NY thebriarcliffmanor.com; 914.944.1524 The Briarcliff Manor offers an oasis of your total wellbeing from helping you create lifetime memories to enhancing your inner beauty. Our professional and caring staff will walk you through all of the planning stages making sure that every detail is absolutely perfect for your Wedding Day.
WEIGHT LOSS INFINITE POSSIBILITIES INC. 1132 Main Street Peekskill, New York 10566 914.788.9355; iploseweight.com
Guaranteed rapid, safe and sustainable weight-loss; this is a body cleanse that as a result women lose 30 lbs in 30 days and men much more. Call for a free, no obligation orientation. See ad pg 2.
Dr. Timothy Morley 914.241.7030; Mt. Kisco 914.615.9004; White Plains Tomorrowmedicine.com We know the science behind weight loss. Slow metabolism, hormone imbalance, thyroid dysfunction, metal toxicity, vitamin deficiency and lifestyle choices are a few reasons why many people don’t lose. Your personalized, physiciansupervised, real food plan will be designed for your success.See ads pgs 31 & 49.
Addiction Free Naturally Briarcliff and Midtown Manhattan info@weiss-method.com 914.705.1805 The Weiss Method helps people lose weight by overcoming addiction to sugar and white flour, and compulsive overeating. After treatment, most people experience indifference towards refined sugar, sweets and treats, leading to easy weight loss. See ad pg 51.
Shaklee Independent Distributor ktafur825@gmail.com 914.714.2253 Weight loss that lasts, starts with the right food and the right tools. Shaklee 180 can help you achieve a leaner, healthier you! This clinically tested weight loss program works. Call today and take your shape in a whole new direction.
Penni Waldman, Ph.D. B.D., C.Ht. 75 South Broadway, White Plains, NY 914.961.8412; drpenniwaldman.com
Holistic approach of weight loss through a comprehensive detoxification and conscious choices (nutritional, emotional, spiritual support). Guaranteed to provide results. Who knows, Dr. Waldman lost over 100 pounds. Let me help you empower your life. Teleconferences available.
20 North Salem Rd, Cross River, NY SternWellnessCenter.com 914.763.8000 When there is an interference, the body loses its ability to heal. Our goal is to unlock the healing potential within you through holistic approaches, wellness chiropractic and network spinal analysis, massage therapy, integrative nutrition, transformational coaching and reiki healing. Call today for a complimentary wellness consultation. See ad pg 37.
501 Guard Hill Rd. Bedford, NY 914.218.3113; slowmedicine.org Promoting and supporting health and wellness; facilitating communitycentered experiential and reflective learning for individuals, families, and groups, by offering educational programs, events, and resources designed to build integrative skills and understanding for those looking to holistically care for themselves, others, and the world in which we live. Transformative Programs, holistic medicine, psycho-spiritual counseling; Women’s, Men’s and Couples Groups, Garden Co-Op, Cleansing Program; Special 12-week “immersion.” See ad pg 23.
2017 2017 Natural Natural Living Living Directory Directory
editorial calendar
1053 Saw Mill River Rd. Ardsley, NY 10502 914.231.7666; drlmiller.com
health & wellness
plus: affordable complementary care FEBRUARY
conscious dying
plus: children’s dental health MARCH
Improve your sexual health and intimate relationships. Vaginal dryness and changes due to pregnancy, childbirth and hormonal changes or aging can diminish female pleasure. The O-Shot and Femilift are unique procedures that rejuvenate vaginal tissue and improve urinary incontinence. Visit our website to learn more or call for consultation. See ad pg 43.
plus: medical massage MAY
natural pregnancy & childbirth plus: women rising JUNE
chronic pain remedies
plus: hybrid vehicles update JULY
natural detox options plus: true prosperity AUGUST
rethinking cancer
plus: reframing autism SEPTEMBER
graceful aging plus: yoga OCTOBER
transformative travel plus: chiropractic NOVEMBER
located at South Presbyterian Church 343 Broadway, Dobbs Ferry, NY 10522 sacredspirityogacenter.org Offering contemplative, Kripalu style yoga, focusing on compassionate self-observation. Warm, welcoming to all, spacious and Sacred. Also offering: weekly Yogalates, monthly Restorative Yoga, Meditation and Reiki Circles; Kirtan Chanting and Sound Bath Healing special events.
food sensitivities
plus: holistic eye health APRIL
WOMEN’S HEALTH ON THE GO Lori Fauquier, WHNP/ 845.397.2433 womenshealtheonthego.com lori@womenshealthonthego.com
A Wo m e n ’s H e a l t h N u r s e Practitioner offering TELEMEDICINE FOR WOMEN, a medical visit via video stream. I am a Certified Aromatherapist and Women’s Health Herbal Educator able to offer an array of ways to heal ourselves.
112 W. Boston Post Rd, Mamaroneck NY 914.618.4887; tovamiyoga.com We are a classic yoga studio infused with the most fundamental forms of yoga. We uphold the authentic practice of this beautiful art form while respecting its ancient roots. Our classes nurture genuine internal inspiration through an integrated mind-body-breath experience.
YTAYoga.com; 914.582.7816 Monthly workshops in Briarcliff Manor, NY YTA is a nonprofit providing affordable continuing education to yoga teachers and students. Monthly three-hour workshops are led by nationally known and locally accomplished instructors on a variety of topics. $45 members/$65 nonmembers. CEUs are available.
Certified Yoga Instructor Reiki Master/Teacher Northern Westchester 914.522.1297; bodysculptbykaren.com Karen integrates different teaching styles based on the mental, emotional, spiritual and physical aspects of each individual person. Private & Group Sessions. All Ages: Beginners to Advanced. “Energy is Limitless, Optimum Health is Timeless.”
diabetes prevention & reversal plus: silent retreats DECEMBER
Edit J. Babboni, 200.RYT 61 Lakeview Drive, Yorktown Heights, NY 917.721.2529; zengardenyoga.net Find your energy, flexibility and calm in this serene, and positive space that is Zen Garden. Surrounded by meditative Buddhas and water features, Edit guides you through your vinyasa class with much attention to each individual.
uplifting humanity plus: holidays
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